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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1900)
V. I. ' 1 M Si Henry Ragatz & Co., EELFtWFLWrt22S&9LWWmll "IuuTiOTLw 4n.X O-? csrmj6Tras7 WE ANNOUNCE THAT OUR STOCK OF Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Etc., I- more complete than ever and invite one and all to come in and inspect it. All or the leading STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES are to be fonnd in our store. uuMiuling all of the latest novelties, and we offer, for the first time in Columbus, the fumonB FERNDALE CANNED FRUITS and VEGETABLES which are ab solutely the best. In fine Teas and Coffees, Chase & Sanborn's, as usual, take the lead. We sell t he celebrated Log Cabin Maple Syrup and warrant it to be the best. Voit will find onr Queens ware and Lamp department very complete and can easily find what you want. Persons buying in large quantities will do well to call cm us as we have the right goods and will make the prices right. Careful atten tion and courteous treatment accorded to all. ., Jeltpfcim Ni. 26., mw 'Eleventh Street, - Columbus, Nebraska. Columbus gaurual. WEDNESDAY. MAKCH 14. 1100. B. 4 M. TIME TABLE. fclarula. Omaha. (' (. M. Jo.rpB. lkiii City. St. LohU sad all polats tmX mm 4 noata. Beater. Heleaa, Batte. salt Lake CU7. Portlaa. Saa sad all aalati wnt. Til UN 3 DEPART. No. l'aam.nrer, daily tixcppt Sands' 7:31) a. m Si. X! Accommodation, daily tsxcvpt ffciturda). 4 JO p. m THUSS ABKIVK. N. 21 laiupr. daily except Sunday. H.-00 p. m Nil 31 Accommodation, daily except Suatlay .. 1:30 p. m ftSt" TIME TABLE U. P. R. R. EST BOCND. JtKIS LINE. J (Vilumhas Local lv :W a. m. lie, Fast Mail. :W P- . rt. Atlantic Express 2:10 p. m. 2. Overland Limited 4:44 p m. 4. Chiearo Special :W a. m. 26, Freirfit fiflOa m 22.Frei.tht 10:10p.m. No No N.. No No No No WEST BOCND, 31.UJJ UNX No 1. Overland Limited 10 JO a m No. 101. Fast Mail 112W a. m No 2. Pacific Express . 658 p. m. No S. Colo. Special 1:5 a m. No 7. Columbus Ik-h1 8:20 p. m. Nu 23, Freight. 70 a. m. NORFOLK BRANCH. Depart 7AWp m. 6:00 a. m. Arrive No 68, Passenger.. No 71, Mixed .. No 'M, PaaaenKer 1230 p. m. No 72, Mixed 11:30 p m. ALBION AND CEDVB RAPIDS BBNCH. Depart No 69, Pasaemcer 2:15 p. m No 73, Mixed 6:a m Arrive No. 70. Paitaentter 15 p.m. No 74, Mixed .-00p. m. Norfolk paiener trains run daily. No trains on Albion and Cedar itapids branch Bundaja. Columbus Local daily except Sunday. W. H. Bexhoi. Agent. gorietg Notices. fyAll notices under this heading will be sharged at the rate of f2 a year. A LEBANON LODGE No. 58, A. F. & A. M. n Ileular meetings 2d Wednesday ia each JVavT montli. All brethren invited to attend ' C. J. Gablow, W. M. Oca. G. Becheb. Sec'y. aojaly W1LDEY LODGENo.44,LO.O.F., r meets Tuesday evenings 01 each -week at their hall on Thirteenth street. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. W. A. Wat. N. G. Geo. Faibchild. Sec'y. 27jan91-tf COLUMBIAN CAMP No. 35. WOODMEN OF the World, meets every second and fourth Thursdays of the month, 7 JO p. m., at L O. O. F. Hall. Thirteenth street. Regular attendance is very desirable, and all visiting brethren are cor dially invited to meet with us. jan23-"V5 R EOllGAMZEDCHUBCH OF LATTER-DAY Saints hold regular services every Sunday at 2 p. m.. prayer Keeting on Wednesday evening at their chapel, corner of North street and Pacific Avenue. All are cordially invited. lJiulSO Elder U. J. Hcdsos. President. T.ERMAN REFORMED CHURCH.-Sundaj School at X a. m. Church every Sunday at 110 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 7 JO p. m. .Ladies' Aid Society every first Thursday in the month at the church. 14nov4H COLUMBUS MARKETS. Wheat, "$ bushel -49g Corn, shelled bushel . . . 27 Corn, ear ? bushel 27 Oats, bushel 18 Rye V bushel 40 Barley, f? bushel 27 Hogs- cwt 4 3T 4 50 Fat cattle-Vcwt 3 50 4 25 Potatoes bushel 20 Butter ? lb 1517 Eggs V dozen 10 Markets corrected every Tuesday af ternoon. Enquire of Herrick. Do not forget Myers. tf Mielenz tor best photos. Dr. Hoehen was on the sick list last weak. Dr. Naumann, dentist, Thirteenth street, tf Fine job work done at Thk Journal office. flank farm leases for sale at The Journal office, tf Dr. Baker, physician and surgeon, office Olive street. tf Dr. L. C Vose, Homeopathic physi cian, Columbus, Neb. Dr. R. D. McKean dentist, over Pol lock's, 13th and North streets. "Blooded animals are just as cheap to rapport as the poorest scrub." Dra. Martyn, Evans k Geer, office three doors north of FriedhoTa store, tf For fine watch repairing, call on . Carl Froemel, 11th St, Columbus, Neb. -rEusden's Second Hand- Store forallkimciaot doneatie articles. A fine xUof psrkfuniitmieforsslecAeap. 4 Q9 mam A Careful Groceryman fills your orders with precision and promptness. We not only do that, but we fill them with the choicest and best quality in this line that can be procured. We are expert judges of TEAS AND COFFEES, and our farmed Goods and Table Delicacies we procure from the most reliable and best manufacturers. Watch us. -Watch our new goods. Watch us for cheap goods. Watch us for the Adam Westlake. Watch us for wedding outfits. You should enquire of Herrick. 3 ''The first element of true culture is utility." "It you would be strong conquer yourself." Rev. Rogers preached in Harvard last Sunday. "A hen appreciates variety of food as well as a man." J. C. Lanktree has sold out his res taurant in Genoa. Miss Winnie Young is teaching school near Monroe. The Methodist church is being painted and repaired. Col. Whitmoyer was on the sick list several days last week. What is serving God? Tis doing good to man. Franklin. Editor Wooster of the Silver Creek Times was in the city Tuesday. von Bergen Bros'. 50c shirt and 50c overalls are leaders. Look at them. 2t Fred. Gottachalk's oldest daughter is afflicted with typhoid pneumonia. Do not fail to see our 8-foot galvan ized steel mill for $32.00. A. Dussell & Son. tf D. L. Bruen was in the city Thurs day. He is building a big house on his farm. Rev. and Mrs. Olcott were in Lincoln last week to attend the funeral of a relative. Bring us your orders for job-work. They will receive prompt and careful attention. You can always find good bargains on the 5 and 10c counters at von Bergen Bros1, store. 2t "Science is truth, and religion is love and truth and lovo are the soul of civilization." If you are thinking of getting an aluminum plate, go and see samples at Dr. Naumann'a. tf C. C. Johnson was the first man shaved in W. Brown's new shop in the Speice building. Dr. McKean'8 method of making aluminum plates places them on an equality with gold. George Barnum said Saturday that the ice had gone out of both rivers, Platte and Loup. F. H. Rusche on Thursday last acci dentally fell from his wagon and was laid np several days. Buff Cochin eggs for sale for hatch ing, one block north of new High school W. J. Mitchell. 4t Theo. Fnedhof is going to give a percentage of all his sales on April 1st to the public library fund. Graniteware, the best that is made. You can find now at the Cheap Cash Store of von Bergen Bros'. 2t John Ahrens sold Thursday eight head of 2-year-olds, averaging 1122 pounds at $4.00 a hundred. C. F. Gleason, agent for Kimball Bros., Lincoln. Granite and marble for all kinds of cemetery work. Button Photos "rsT" SaJey's. No Meney in advance. tf Mrs. Elizabeth Schaad, living north of the city, has been seriously sick for some time. She is 74 years old. W. J. Mitchell leaves with us an egg which came from a three-year-old Buff Cochin hen. It weighs 3i ounces. Bring your orders for job-work to this office. Satisfaction guaranteed, and work promptly done, as agreed upon. Company K of this city received their new uniforms Thursday last and the boys look very soldier-like in them. Wm. Schilz makes boots and shoes in the beet styles, and uses only the very best stock that can be procured in the market tf FARMERS, ATTENTION. You can get an 8-foot Freeport Galvanized steel windmill from A. Dussell & Son for only $25.00. tf For a good set of hand-made harness or anything else in the harness line, call on F. H. Rusche. He will make the price to please you. tf Dr. Naumann can serve you in any thing that is known to the dental pro fession. Aluminum plates, gold plates, crown and bridge work, eta, etc A few more of the Failor stock of thoroughbred bolls and heifers left and for sale at C K. Davies' place. Address Silver Creek post-office, or better, call personally. tf Vrtfciif Like Cfckktti A lot of those nice Plymouth Bock cockerels for sale by 4t H. P. Coombge. Fancy the world m hilL lad; Look where the million stop. Yoa'll find the crowd at the base. lads. There a always room at the top. N. D. Howe. Hendryz Jc Co. near Monroe are having a large sale of stock and farm implements today, Tuesday. When you wish good, neat, clean handsome work done in the line of printing, call at Tkx Jockxai. office. Mike Ebel, in town Saturday, said if the weather kept on as it was that day they would sow oats at his place this week. WilL Hensley has returned from Leavenworth, Kas., where he took the examination for cadetship to West Point. Baptist church, J. D. Pulis, pastor. Services March 18, 11 a. m., 7:30 p. m. Morning, "God Helping.'' Evening, "Fools." In the Albion News items of twenty years ago, the markets quoted are those of Columbus, for the benefit of Boone county readers. Stewart Kennedy, teacher of the school at Oconee, rode down to Colum bus Monday after school on his wheel, returning in the cool of the evening. Ivan Perkins of David City is the inventor of a new kind of lister that is said to have been thoroughly tested and to have given the best of satisfaction. Rev. D. K. Tindall, D. D., will de livar a lecture at the Methodist church Friday evening March 16. The public is invited. No admission will be charged. The G. A. R. post of St Edward are making arrangements to erect a monu ment to the memory of Lieutenant Siseon, killed in battle in the Philip pines. Attention is once in a while called to the fact that in Nebraska property should, according to the statute, be assessed at its actual cash value. Is it ever done? John Meyer, the old soldier who has been living south of the river, has con cluded to come into the city, and has purchased the Mike Weber property on Seventh street. The ladies of the Woman's club have steadfastly worked for the advance ment and improvement of the library, which is being more appreciated every day by the public. Among portraits of prominent Masons of the state, the Omaha World -Herald of Sunday gave a pictnre of J. E. North, who is one of the vice presidents of the veteran Masons. Burglars were operating in David City last week, taking from the home of Mrs. Yandoozer a gold watch, and $10 in money and the wedding ring of his wife from the home of G. W. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. H. Oehlrich are planning to make a visit to European countries the coming summer, and of course will view tno fans Exposition while away. They leave here in May. The Messrs. Gray are clearing off the space at the south end of their brick business building, making ready for the erection of an addition to the south to fill out the space to the post-office build ing. Dr. C. D. Evans is strongly talked of as a probable candidate for mayor by the republicans of Columbus, and Charles L. Stillman is mentioned as the man who will oppose him on the democratic ticket When children have earache, satu rate a piece of cotton with BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT, and place it in the ear. It will stop the pain quickly. Price, 25 and 50 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock & Co. J. H. W. Myers has disposed of his book store to L. W. Snow of David City, who took charge on the 4th. Mr. Myers has not yet decided as to what he will do next We hope he may conclude to re main in the city. Those who were at" Platte Center Saturday say that they are buying a large amount of grain there, one set of scales being used for weighing the full loads and another set for the empty wagons, and both were busy. George L. DeGrush of Perry, Iowa, is in the city. He is taking orders for signs, having what seems to be a supe rior thing in that line. Mr. DeGrush was a dweller in Columbus for a few weeks about a dozen years ago. Landlord Mahood has quite a docu ment in his possession, an accumulation of red tape in his endeavor to collect a bill for feeding and lodging certain recruits signatures, all the way from attorney J. G. Reeder to Gen. Otis. The entertainment in the Presby terian church Wednesday evening, given by the Wales concert company, was one of the finest of the kind ever given in the city. The audience were entertained throughout with a superior program. A man named Moor is trapping skunks on Shell creek, near Smith's mill, where there seems to be a multi tude of them on a small compass. Forty traps are in use. The lard of one skunk is worth about $1, and the pelt 50 cents. Through the courtesy of Hagel & Stevenson and Frank Fugard, their but ter maker at Genoa, Tax Journal force enjoyed some fine buttermilk for several days last week. The article was pro nounced extra good by those who sam pled it J. H. Boardman left Monday for Amherst, Buffalo county, where he has purchased a farm and will make his home. He has been a resident of Butler county for six years. Thx Joukxatj will keep him posted on the local history of this section. Rev. Tindall will give a lectors in the Methodist church Friday evening. No admission will be charged but m col lection will be taken. Rev. Tindall has traveled through the holy land and is an eloquent speaker. All 'who attend will be well repaid. There was a time when there was a 40 per cent penalty put as interest on delinquent taxes in Nebraska. Public opinion became so determined on the matter that this outrageous provision was cot in two and for some years now it has been 30 per cent, bat there is a growing belief that the public is entitled to no gouge game upon its debtors, and there will be an effort to have this pro vieioa again lowered. Couldn't help getting a cold never cures it; bat carrying home a bottle of BALLARD'S HOBEHOUND SYRUP, and using it as directed, will core the worst kind of cough or cold. Price, 25 and 50 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock & Co. We can hardly refrain from inform ing our old friends, resident now at Fitzgerald, Ga., that Mrs. W. H. Lewis of this city has crocuses in bloom, and W. H, not to be ontdone by his better half, has radishes up, and all out-of- doors. The annual oratorical contest of the Columbus High school will take place this (Tuesday) evening at the opera house. One delegate will be chosen to represent the schools at the North Ne braska association, which will meet at Wayne. We believe that it is now in place again for the press of Nebraska to say: Plant trees, more or less, every year. Shade trees, fruit trees, forest trees. It is the very best way to invest spare money on an extended loan, bringing large returns. R G. Hurd leaves next Monday for Mt Vernon, Washington, where he will run a stationery engine for a creamery plant. His friends will wish him well in his new home. His daughters, Mrs. Warren and Miss Irene, expect to leave in a few months. No one knows the unbearable tor ture one undergoes from piles unless they are so afflicted. TABLEP.'S BUCK EYE PILE OINTMENT is a quick, 6afe and painless cure. Price, 50 cents in bottles, Tubes, 75 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock & Co. Mildred, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swain, who went from here to Fitzgerald, Georgia, was very severely burned lately while at school her drees catching fire while standing too near the stove. We have not learned further particulars. In Justice Curtis' court Saturday, N. P. Nelson waived examination on a charge of adultery, and was bound over to the district court in the sum of $500. The woman concerned was the wife of his employer, C. C. Peterson, a farmer of f Woodville township. A piece of vandalism was committed on the soldiers' monument Saturday night, some one taking a cold chisel and cutting off one of the four balls at the corners of the die. The ball has since been found, but no clew to the person who disfigured the monument Rev. Dr. Pubs has had a letter from his two sons, Charles and Frank, dated at San Philippi, Jan. 24. They were going to Mindanao, and evidently to stay, as they were to take a year's sup ply. Both were well, but Frank had been through a Beige of the mumps. Frank Klaus, a former Columbus boy thirteen years ago, now of Ashville, Ohio, arrived in the city last week and will remain several days visiting relatives and friends. Since leaving here, Frank has learned the photographer's art and has a fine business in his Buckeye town. The Omaha World-Herald advises that vacant lots in that city be sown to alfalfa, for the good of the place and also for the improved appearance that the alfalfa will bring. Why wouldn't the suggestion be a good one for all cities, towns, villages and by-ways of the state? Mrs. Frank Hall of Lincoln, one of the most active workers in the state for all public enlightenment and one of the brightest speakers in the state, will lec ture in this city for the Woman's club on March 30, afternoon and evening. Her lectures will be illustrated by atere opticon views. John Schmocker has been appointed truant officer, and has issued 78 notices. He has found two cases where parents have no control over their children, and a few where there is insufficiency of clothing. Compulsory attendance is re quired a part of each year between the ages of 8 and 14 years. Herman P. H. Oehlrich recently pur chased two very valuable thoroughbred Short-horn bulls, Captain Oglesby, 145184, and General Miles, 145199. The animals are said to be perfect beauties, by those who have seen them, and will be quite an acquisition to go at the head of Herman's extensive herd. Are you sick? If so, investigate the merits of HERBINE. It is a concen trated medicine, the dose is small, yet it quickly produces the most gratifying results, digestion improves, the lips and cheeks lose their pallor, the eye becomes bright and the step elastic. Price, 50 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock & Co. J. D. Kern has purchased four lots, a half block, on Fourteenth street, near the Catholic cemetery, has taken posses sion, and purposes enjoying life to the best of his ability. His son, W. L., start ed Thursday to carry the U. S. mail be tween Columbus and Boheet, serving out the remainder of Mr. Johnson's year. Gus. B. Speice and Hans Elliott will open a land and loan office in the Meri dian hotel building this week. These gentlemen are well known in the city and county, the former having been clerk of the court a number of years, the latter county treasurer. Both are good busi ness men, and will no doubt have a share of the public patronage. Baker Post No. 9. G. A. R, assisted by the ladies of Columbus will serve meals from 11 a. m. until 6 p. m., at the hall two doors east of the State bank on Thursday. The proceeds to apply on the monument fond which, we understand, is still short some $125. Take your meals there the day of the unveiling of the monument and thus assist a worthy cause. Swan Nelson, a former citizen of Platte county, came in Tuesday evening of but week from his present home near Linne, California, to look after his landed interests here, still owning 280 acres of land on the Looking Glass. He owns 93 acres of wheat bind in California, and has been living there the last eleven years. He and his family like the country very much. Invitations are out for the marriage, Thursday, of L. G. Zinnecker and Miss Laura Burns, at the home of the bride's parents near Osceola. They will be at home to their friends after April 15th, at their residence, corner of Fifteenth and L, which was recently purchased and repaired by Mr. Zinnecker. Mr. Zinnecker and Miss Barns are well and favorably known here, and have the hearty congratulations of their many friends. THE SOLDIERS' MONUMENT. IN THE SUMMER OF 1898, J. R Meagher wrote to the ordnance department of the government for a cannon to be used here on public occasions, a little while afterwards getting answer that the government were not giving away cannon that were fit for use, but that they would donate condemned cannon to corpora tions or societies for monumental purposes, bat not more than two pieces to any one corporation or society; at the same time saying that there were a number such at Fortress Monroe, Va., and at Fort Benicia, California. Mr. Meagher happened to show the letter to H. T. Spoerry, bat supposed that his work had been for naught But something seemed to suddenly strike Mr. Spoerry, and he said "We want two cannon." "What for?" asked Meagher. "For a long time, we have been asked occasionally to send money east for the erection of soldiers' monuments, and why not erect one right here in Columbus to oar own common rank and file?" J. H. Galley was at the time commander of Baker Post No. 9, and to him the two comrades went with their happy thought, and the result was that at the next meeting of the post a monument committee was appointed consisting of J. H Galley, H. T. Spoerry, J. R Meagher, D. N. Miner, E. O. Rector, & L Rosstter and Ed. W. Clark. Designs were advertised for, a subscription paper started, two cannon were brought from Benicia, Calif., one weighing 3575 pounds, the other 3568, and the site of the monument was located finally in the middle of Frankfort square. A contract was made with Kimball Brothers of Lincoln for the erection of the monument, which is 30 feet high. The heaviest stone weighs about 16,000 pounds, and is 9x9 feet; the die is 4 feet square and 4J high, and on it are cut 132 names. The stone column is surmounted by bronze eagle with a spread of 6 feet; the two cannon with the muzzles pointing south, are placed on pedestals, one on the east, the other on the west of the column these pedestals 3 feet square and 4 feet high. There are said to be thirty tons of stone in the foundation and thirty-five tons above ground. The monument is of Barre, Vermont, granite, rough, except the die. The actual cost of the monument is reckoned in round numbers at $2,400, be sides the cannon, which cost the freight, $99.75. The contract with the Kimball Brothers was signed by Commander Galleyt Quartermaster Spoerry and Adjutant Meagher, but in the absence of Mr. Meagher, the main part of the work of looking after the funds, etc., has fallen upon the other two, and the monument is a credit to all concerned in its erection. The names on the monument are: Adams H L Co. H 27 111. C1US E 41 Wise A3Ind Inf. AUen W T Archer OH Arnold Ed Anderson A " Apgar Jos Andrey John " ButIerOD2dLt" Burrell John " Brown J L " Bisson E R Becklam Wm " Burrows Jas " Baird Frank Breed A Borders E W Bean Henry " Brock John R " Biodgett Jared O" Couch Ed J Cady Anthony " Clark A W Clark Ed Clark D J Caffrey Bernard " Cline Henry Cleveland S J " Deneen John " Dodds W F Devany Lackney " Dussell A Early John W " Ellis Jacob Elston Geo W u Fitzpatrick ED" Funk EH Frazier Jas " Farley Patrick " Fleming Frank " Galley James H " Graham E T Gerber Fred " Griffey John A " Graves J J " Gleason C F " G 1st O V 1 2d Neb D 51 111 C 29 Wise G 144 Ind D 45 111 B 105 111 B 103 111 C13US A 20 la A 26 Ind K9US ElOPa G 96 111 Cav. Inf. B10 la K 64 III B93 111 C8Pa Reserves. Arty. Inf. GIllLt C 9 Conn 1 116 N Y 1 153 III E15US DPaRV F9Mo M C9Ia B19 0 E 132 111 G 38 Wise E410 I 200 Pa G4Ia C2US I 31 Wise K2Neb I 42 Wise H 52 111 C 118111 H8I11 F 10 Mass Capt Co H Cav. Inf. Cav. Inf. Cav. Inf. Hammond John 1 Minn Heavy Arty. Henderson John First Inf. Lt Co I 33 la Henry B H Co B 11 Wise Inf. " B9Ky Cav. " I13Tenn " " B 105 N Y Inf. Hensley W N " Hilliard J R " HartBC " Hollingshead Wm" Hopkins Geo N " Heitman C " Hickok C G Howard Thomas " Jenkins Levi " Jones Lewis " Johnson F P " Ives AH " Irwin Wm " Krueger Julius " Keeler John " Kelley P H " Kavanaugh Edw Lehman Geo W " 1 3 Wis H 1 Minn Hv Arty. E 42 111 Inf. C176 0 F630 G 13 Mich A 30 Ind DNC M L4H1 F 96 111 K 2 Wise D28NY K2Cal Cav. Inf. Cav. D 129 O Inf. The monument is dedicated, "In memory of the Union Volunteers of the Civil War, 1861, 1865. CHIPS. The ordinary price of such a monument is reckoned at $3,000. Gibbon has a memorial stone twelve feet high, and costing $1200, with a figure of a soldier on top. This is the first monument of the kind in the state, and without question the best soldiers' monument in Nebraska. F. L. Kimball is the sculptor. Those who worked on the monument here, in one way or other were: W. R and John W. Kimball and Frank Holland of Lin coln; George Bradshaw, A. Breed, D. N.and Charles Miaer, and C. F. Gleason, the local agent of the firm who had the contract. W. N. Hensley's youngest son hurt by the explosion of a cartridge Sunday. The physician thinks his eye sight aaay be saved. LueechenHenryJ" E 3 Wise " Luschen Het'n G " E 3 Wise " LocknerAug " H21NY Cav. Luchsinger Fred " K 2 Wise Inf. LuthA " H2NJ Cav. Lawson John Lawrence Wm " D3IU " Lodwick J C " C 106 lad Inf. Lane Martin " H 12 El Cav. McKinnie Thorn Lt-Col 126 O Inf. Meagher J R " 6 Ky Cav. MoranRobt " 2WVa Inf. McAllister W A Co B 2 Neb Cav. Martyn DT " D 37 Ills Inf. Merrill OF " I 1 R I Cav. ManningtonWW" I 71 Pa Inf. Morrow EC " C 155 Ind " Miner DN " H 150 Maloy David " A 75111 " McFarland Jos'h" C 57 Pa " McQaownWL M A 61 Pa McDnffeeD " G 2 Mich Cav. Mielenz Franz " C 16 Wise Inf. North Frank Major 1st Batt Pawnee Scouts NovalWm Co H 10 N Y heavy Art Nolan John U S. Navy Nolan Jas Co C 118 Ills Inf. North LH " K 2 Neb Cav. Nyhoff C W O' Conner Thos Owen D C Plant Peter ' Pruitt W H H Rector EO Rosstter R L Rollins Geo Rice WW Rightmire W H Spoerry H T Lt Stevenson J V Steenis John StrotherWT Sacrider John A Smith August Sheehan Edward 15 Mich D 2 O Inf. F 10 Kas " G 11 Ver G 20 Ind H 33 Wise " E41 O A 33 Wise - B 10 Mass " K 28 N J " K 2' Wise " E96 0 E 6 Wise D210 D 65 Ills K28Pa US Navy Sturgeon J L Co. A 18 Wise Inf. " B 9 Wise " " C 156 Ills " " G 2 Minn " Schad Peter Tannahill John Tschudy J B Thompson W H Talbitzer C W Turner MK B26NJ C90 K 170 O Whitmoyer M Capt Co E 132 Pa Wagner John Co. K 47 Wise Wenck Theo Wurdeman J H Welch Michael Wise John Wilson Thomas Whitaker A J Wheeler S J Wilken Herman Williams Wm E Woods Henry Watts Jos H Young B W H 45 Wise " D 39 His " D 37 Ills " F 103 Ills " C 102 Ills " C 5 Mich " C 154 NY " G 105111s " 1 1 Wise H Art. C 15 Ind Inf. D 106 His " AlONYLArt. George W. Doty has sold his inter est ia the Platte Coanty Desaocrat to his brother, Charles G. B. P. Duffy of this city staicomtiaaes as editor. M xxsooooooosxsoaoonoooc EEAD ! Twelve Given The merchant who had no faith in onr prosperity got left, and most now pay from 25 to 50 per cent more for his goods. We saw it must come and placed our orders last year for a big supply. They are arriving now, and we intend to double our business by selling at nearly old prices. Better still, we are going to distribute among our customers Twelve Standard Pol ished Oak Drop-head $45.00 SEWING MACHINES, with all the latest im provements, and complete set of best attachments. One to be given away every month to the holder of the lucky number. A ticket given with each $1 purchase. F. H. LAMB & CO. iXXsooQesoooesQaaQQesaoae; ...THE PIONEER... hasn't located all the desirable property we've some choice bits on our books for sale at prices that appeal to the people of common sense. The properties are located in fertile sections, well watered and drain ed, handy to market and shipping points and at onr prices and terms are decided pick-ups. BECHER, JAEGGI & CO., Thirteemth SU COLUMBUS, - - NEBRASKA C. J. Rundell of Wayne was in the city Wednesday night, the guest of J. S. Freeman. He says that the Nebraska & Gulf Railroad company have sold about $50,000 in stock, have made survey of seventy miles from Davenport Nebraska, to north of the Platte, and have secured the greater portion of the right of way for that distance. Several precincts in Polk county have bond propositions now pending, and it is expected that the bonds will carry. It is thought that the road will cross the river near Genoa and go up the Looking Glass. The four-room house occupied by Clyde Ward, the barber, one door east of the Lindell hotel, Eleventh street, and owned by F. H. Rusche, caught fire Friday forenoon about eleven, but it was only a few minutes until the flames were most thoroughly squelched by water, the small house being quickly covered by the subduing flood. The fire originated in the kitchen with an oil stove, and the flame, it was thought, had been subdued by the bucket brigade, but it broke out again at the roof, and the alarm was turned in. There was no insurance on the building. A good part of the furni ture was saved from the water. The populists held their county convention at Platte Center Saturday, at 2 o'clock, J. S. Freeman, chairman; Clarence Gerrard, secretary. A resolu tion was passed, favoring fusion, and as a candidate for vice president, a populist or a free silver republican. The list of delegates chosen for the State conven tion were: Ed. Van Allen, J. C. Byrnes, A. W. Clark, John Clayburn, Thomas Dack, Dan Driscoll, C. L. Gerrard, A. H. Ives, J. W. James, J. P. Johnson, Fred. Jewell, R. Y. Lisco, J. W. Maher, Gns. J. Merek, Thos. P. Mylett, Wm. Shelp, Henry Stevens, E. M.-Vanght, B. M. Walker and W. J. Welch. A. D. White was the guest of Sheriff Patterson from Saturday night until Tuesday forenoon. A raid was made on bis drug store at St Edward Saturday night and considerable liquor was found. A trap door had been cut in th& floor of the building and a place arranged under neath in which to keep bottles contain ing liquor. This place was so ingenious ly covered with office furniture that it would have been difficult to discover, and probably would not have been dis covered had not August Rouecb, one of White's former employes, got on the "outs" with him and told of the Becret chamber. Mr. White gave bonds in the sum of $1,000 Tuesday to appear before the district court, and took the morning train for St. Edward. Albion News. We learn that Mr. White has already ex pended about $2,000 in his endeavor to bid defiance to the law, and to the wishes of the community as expressed in their ordinances. The funeral of E. Pool, whose death was recorded in last weeks Jocbxal, was held Wednesday afternoon, services at the opera house, the body of the hall being occupied by the Maennerchor society. Modern Woodmen, A. O. U. W. and the Firemen; the galleries filled with sympathizing friends of the family. Rev. R. Neamarker of the German Evangelical Protestant church, and Rev. Weed of the Episcopal church delivered the ad dresses; the Maennerchor society and a choir of singers from the Episcopal church rendered music very appropriate to the occasion. The pall-bearers were Henry Ragatz, Louis Held, J. E. Hoff man, John Wiggins, D. Schupbach and A. Boettcher. The funeral cortege from the opera house to the cemetery was led by the Columbus City Band. At the cemetery, the Maennerchor sang a fare well hymn, and Rev. Yost of the Metho dist church, spoke in behalf of the Wood aea and Workmen, who deposited sprigs of evergreen in the grave, as tokens of respect for their departed brother. READ ! Away ! ! 7 inch 4 ;brcr ? DIBD. Slemmons At Columbus, Ohio. Tues day morning. March 6, of heart failure, William W. Slemmons, aged 53 years. Born at Cadiz, Ohio, the first part of his life was there passed. After his mar riage to Miss Lorena Turner, which occurred in this city, September 6, 1872, he located in business at Cadiz, remov ing after five years to Columbus, Ohio, since which time he has resided there, being engaged in business for several years, besides being deputy sheriff of Franklin county. His wife, our sister, died October 9, 1883, since which time he remarried. He had been an invalid for many years, suffering from partial paralysis. We had not seen him since he became an invalid, and remember him as a strong, healthy man, active, bright, very much attached to his friends, and having his manhood's life mainly before him. During the more than half a cen tury of bis career Mr. Slemmons has had much more than the usual experience, but "after life's fitful fever," his mortal remains lie buried in the beautiful ceme tery at Cadiz, Ohio, and his spirit has returned to the God who gave it He leaves two sons, Allen and Mendel. Peace to his memory. Seifp After a protracted illness, of dropsy, Thursday night March 8, John Seipp. He was born in Pennsylvania, Feb. 24, 1855. his parents, Jacob and Margar ite Seipp moving to Wisconsin when their sou was six months old, first to Milwaukee, then to Columbus, Wise. Mr. Seipp came to Columbus, Neb., in April, 1878. When he first came he worked as a shoemaker, theo as a cigar maker, and later as a drayman, in which business be was engaged when his fatal illnasa came. June 3, 1879, he was mar ried to Miss Verena Marti, and besides his widow, leaves six sons and one daughter to mourn his departure. Mr. Seipp was a member of the Maenner chor society, also the Modern Woodmen camp, and a former band organization. The funeral occurred Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, services at the German Evangelical Protestant church, Rev. R. Neamarker preaching the sermon. School Votes- Chas. Bloedorn visited home folks over Sunday. Prof. Williams spoke to the High school Wednesday morning concerning his trip to Chicago and of the various schools which he visited in that city. Miss Ethel Elliott or the Tenth grade withdrew from her class Wednesday to attend the Fremont Normal. She will be greatly missed by her many friends. The lecture "Seeing the Elephant," given by Col. L. F. Copeland at the opera house Friday, was the best given here. Undoubtedly Copeland is the "King of the Platform." The High school Declamatory contest will be held at the opera house this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. The speakers and their subjects are as fol lows: "How we hunted a Mouse," Ralph Wiggins; "Ah-Goo," Ed. Coolidge; "The Polish Boy," Tena Zinnecker; "The Black Horse and His Rider," Madge Cashing; "Pyramid not Egyptian," Fred. Saffron; "The Past Veterans," Wm. Wagner; "To His Monument," Rene Turner; "Roman Sentinel,"PolIy Bucher; "The Alternative," Albert Brugger. Price of admission, 25 cents. Reserved seats, 5 cents extra. TeMy Patrsni F7.t mnr anrintr tnnini?. leave VOUT nrrfara with von Ttanron BraaV. as after April 1, 1 will do no toning in Columbus. 1 P. M. V. XtAOXL. rCwjS saH&JtsiHniP . t N ... te. ' "i.