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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1900)
tT i . ?" . :. ! r? laK. . Ktl.- F -. .... -. . .- - -: " .. .- ...- j ?- - . IK. - iK-. mr 9 lEV" If -1 ". 1 . I" P k mi. ife . I b . i - Blood Humors Are Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla "I always take Hood's Sarsaparilla ia the Spring and it is the best blood purilier I know of." Miss Tea n i.f. G bi ffix, Bald win, Mich. "Eruptions that came on my fare liave all disappeared since!" began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. It cured jnj fatlier of catarrh." Alpha Hamilton, I'loominxton, Ind. "I had scrofula sores all over my back and face. I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and in a few weeks I could not see any sign of the sores." Otho B. Moore, Mount Hope, Wis. It Purifies the Blood. Cures 'V All Eruptions. Eradicates Scrofula. The devil too often gets the bojr by getting his father first. For starching fine linen use Magnetic Starch. Many of the world's best gold mines have not yet been found. I frtaall recommend I'io's euro for Con sumption far and wide. Mrs. Mulligan, l'itunstead, Kent, England. Nov. 8, 18X. A smooth and shiny course makes slippery travel. The higher life is found in the val ley of humility. Magnetic Starch Is tha very beat laundry starch i:t the world. Character is determined by what we say no to. Genuine heart service is always ac ceptable to God, whether rendered in kitchen or cathedral. m Half good wont do! A " may-cure 99 cough medicine won't do. If it will "perhaps" do its work, it's worse than worthless. If it's good, it's worth ten times its price. Do you know where to draw the line between the I good and the bad? This testimonial should help. "I had a bad coagh for six weeks and could not find any re lief whatever. My little girl read about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral be tas such a wonderful remedy for coughs, so I bought a bottle. 1 1 relieved me at once. Before I had taken a quarter of a bottle my cough was entirely cured. I think it is the mon wonderful cough mixture cvei known." 1 II.VttM, Newington, Ont., May 3, 1S99. Tfrtif nortrtr r nrzxaotzt Trill bear os out. Three sizes : $ ; size, cheapest ia the long run: 50c size, jest the thing for a cold that "hangs on": 25c. size, for an ordinary, mean, dis agreeable cell. BlSt.r(. d- -HTfeeWcmfer L,'.." '!'?- b! tbe Age rP uauwm No Boiling No CccKlsa. It Stiffens the Goods It Whitens the Goods It polishes the Goods It makes all garments fresh and crisp U when first bought new. Try a Sample Package You'll like it if you try it. You'll buy it if you try it. You'll use It if you try it. Try it. Sold by all Grocers. BSSS INCTgl s Send your name and address on aS postal and we will send you our 156-g ' page lijastrated catalogue free. () g WIIICHESTEII REPEATING ARMS CO. g 174 Winchester Arcane, New Haven, Conn. MONEY for OLD SOLDIERS TTarinn onljIiiBrwattA vrirfmrsnf n1-tra vtifi ) homestead entries before June 22.XS74 of less than if they hare not sold their additional homestead rights, should address, with full particulars, gm tug district. &c EZ2S7& C3??. Wisfchstes. S. & j IPOTATOESIii w! Isijisl S4 rOTATO Cmrm I Awfrira. Prim sk WfUtt imp. tmm if saf Graas, Crrr at Tm Wt fbtfc Srmt ki wto ul lOe far ratmtec m.4 11 flk VEST CLOVERS W Jwn a. antra sect co.. ia cbok. wis. maHk tlif hest Cash Price Paid for pgrihy, time, Butter, Scad for t and Prices. Kbt. Parv a Omaha. Xcb. Estauiisncd iSiti. nDADCVEW DISCOVERT; Cives MJWJmr9 U quick relief asd cares worst book a ciiiniui' u w -.- ----- - M. H. . 00031 MSS. lit E. Altatt. " N Fdrk !ir 53 PMRI SNAKE BIVER VALLEY RICHEST FARMING COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. A Complete System of Irrigation Re lieves the Anxiety About Rata That l'revalls ta Other Parts or the United States East aad West Compare!. We are permitted to publish an ex tract from a private letter written by a gentleman who has recently been devoting his time to the personal in vestigation of practical farming" by ir rigation in the vest. His vivid por trayal of the advantages of that sys tem will no doubt interest our readers. He says: "There is a vast, an immeasurable difference between farming in the east and farming in tha west. If the farm ers of the east could only be made to understand the advantages enjoyed by their western brethren, I verily believe there would soon be no laud for set tlement in the great irrigation states. The Irrigation farmer lias absolute certainty of crop, and certainty of i's perfect maturity. He never plants that he does not reap, and when I say reap I don't mean the reaping of scat tered stands of half matured grain such as the eastern farmer cuts at the close of a dry season; but the reap ing of fields that frequently average 50 bushels of wheat to the acre every grain of which has reached the perfec tion of development. There is no anxious scanning of the skies for the 'cloud no larger than a man's hand and fervent prayers that it may en velop the heavens and send down wa ter to the thirsty fields. The irriga tion farmer never thinks about rain. He watches his growing crops, and the day and the hour moisture is needed, he is out with his hoe flooding his fields with water from canals that skirt them. "Everything grows in the west that jrrows anywhere else in the United States north of Tennessee. Potatoes frequently yield 500 bushels to the acre, and barley is grown far better than any raised in the east. The fruits are delicious. I never saw any to compare with thoe grown in Idaho, where apples, peaches, plums, cherries, pears, apricots abound, and where there are thousands or acres of Italian and German prunes which I am told have made fortunes for their owners. "To my mind, Idaho is the best wa tered and most inviting arid state in the Union. I made a careful investiga tion of the great Snake River valley in that state, along and tributary to the Oregon Short Line Railroad, and saw there evidences of prosperity such cs I have never seen elsewhere in the United States. This wonderful valle7 is said to contain over 3,000,000 acres of arable land. It is threaded with great Irrigation canals in every direc tion, and there are vast tracts await ing only the touch of the farmer to make them productive. The sun doesn't shine on finer or more fertile land. When I saw the happy homes, the well filled granaries, the sleek, fat stock, and the smile on the face of nature reflected in a smile cf contentment on the faces of the farmeis. my heart went out in pity to the thousands in tha east who are struggling along from year to year, toiling against climatic conditions, and never know ing how soon a drouth will wipe out the profits of prosperous years. "Lands can be had in ibis Snake River valley almost for the asking, but they are going, day by day. The Oregon Short Line is making extra ordinary efforts to bring the advan tages of Idaho to the notice of eastern farmers, and is flooding the country with conservatively written descriptions of the state. Write to the General Pas senger Agent of this Railroad at Salt Lake for printed matter about Idaho, and read it carcfuliy. It will be a revelation to you and I sincerely be lieve will end in your lemoval to tha west." Use Magnetic Starch it lias no equal. C. P. It. Immigration Literature. The Canadian Pacific Railway Com pany has just issued two excellent im-n-igration pamphlPls for IflOO "West ern Canada" and "British Columbia." which contain a great deal of useful and accurate information about the country west of Lake Superior, and are of special interest to those who j contemplate settling either in the Canadian Northwest or British Coluui- bia. Large editions of these pamphlets I are distributed gratuitously in Great , Britain and the United States, as well J as throughout the Dominion, and are j eagerly read by those who are seeking a new home and desire to know some thing cf the best country in the world in which to find one. For pamphlets and further information address J. Francis Lee, Genl. Agt. P.,ss. Dept., 22S So. Clark st., Chicago, 111. Samson was the first actor to bring down a house and he was killed in the fall. NONE SUCH Nothing hobble the muscles and unfits for work like SORENESS and STIFFNESS XothinR relaxes them and makes a speedy perfect care like St Jacobs Oil 0WE POMMEL The Best iSjuiileCoat., Keeps both rider aad staote per- I L UV CIV IT, TTIf RVfA- T -.--;----- "-VB"'rvl,'l 1MiUl ij7 run oraiu rommei sucker B S it is entire) viww.1 i; nmtrit. i your town, write for catalocae ta A. J. TOWER. Boston. Kiss, ' I aliR'TIlr-'ct Cailj.oac vt the tt confection kfuau xvt oc&liu. public Fpeabers&c. Send 10c to Lacsb Mfg. Co., Ottawa, Ca&sd i, for f sjcplc bpj. I '.daVVMi m FARM AND GAEDEN. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO AGRICULTURISTS. Son Cp-to-Date HlaU Aboat Cat tlvatioa or the Sell aad Yields Thereof IlorUcalture. VlUcaltara aad I- lorlealtare. Wisconsin Ilorticaltarat Convention. Condensed from Farmers Review Stenosrapliic Report The Wisconsin State Horticultural Society held its annual meeting In Madison Feb. 5 to S. The attendance was fair. The program was wellfoi owed and much matter of interest was discussed. The session aevored to the nursery business was taken up large ly with brisk discussion on the tree peddlers. There are among paddlers honest men representing reliable nur series, but theie are, on the olbe? hand, many unscrupulous men who do not stop at anything to gain their ends. The tree-peddling business offers many nducements to dishonesty, as a man 4a sell the most worthless of stuff and o for years without being found out ne only way to prevent the frauda complained of seems to be scattering information more fully among the peo e. The English-speaking farmers, or it least the Egglish-reading farmers, aave become so wary that they are no longer easily caught; but the foreign bred farmers are being caught right along, and for them there seems to be no hope of escape they are paying the price of ignorance. One session was devoted to the dis cussion of the culture of small fruit. Papers were read by M. S. Kellogg, J. L. Herbst, Frank Stark, Frederick Cranefield, A. J. Edwards and S. H. Marshall. An extended discussion fol lowed these papers, and this will ap pear later in the Farmers' Review. The forestry session was one of un usual interest The subject was opened by 13. S. Hoxie, president of the State Forestry Association. He reviewed tho attempt to get a bill passed by the state legislature looking to the begin ning of the work for the recovery of our forest domains, and pointed out what other states are doing in this mat ter. He said that New York had pur chased an immense area of land in the Adirondacks at a cost of only ?1 per acre, and that now is the time for Wis consin to take steps to purchase forest lands, since they can now be obtained at a small price; vrhile twenty-five years from now the cost is likely to be nuch greater. S. M. Owens of Minnesota delivered a very instructive address on the for estry of the Old World. He contrasted .vfcat is being done there with what is being done here. He showed how Ger many, France, Austria-Hungary and Switzerland are conserving their for ests with the result that they can cut a large amount annually without de creasing the main source of their sup plies. Switzerland has made immense strides in the matter of the preserva tion of her forests, which are owned very largely by the public. There the public-owned forests are much better .cept and handled than are the forests that are owned by private persons. To oieserve American forests and to re store them it Is but necessary that a sensible system of cutting off be em ployed. Ernest Bruncken, secretary of the Wisconsin State Forestry Association, read an interesting paper on forestry legislation. He said that the greatest obstacle to obtaining forestry legisla tion is the popular misunderstanding of the term "forestry," which is as sumed to include our parks and shade tree systems. Forestry relates ex clusively to the management of trees in great masses. He said that our lands can become reforested by simply cutting off the trees and removing the rubbish to prevent fires; that nature will do the planting; but that where the ground has been eaten up by for est fires it will not be in a condition to bear trees for generations. A session was devoted to orchard trees, and papers were read by E. S. Goff, Martin Penning, A. J. Phillips, G. J. Kellogg and one was sent by O. M. Lord. Three of these papers treat ed of plums. The Japanese plums were condemned as being utterly unlit for use in Wisconsin. It was the belief of the convention that our hope lies in the native plums. G. J. Kellogg's paper was on lop-grafting. It will ap pear later in the Farmers Review. A. L. Hatch spoke on what we can do to make trees bear fruit He be lieves th.1 we must cultivate and feed our trees if we expect results, just as much a3 we have to feed our animals for results. Frank Yahnke spoke on the growing of vegetables for market He said that the man that makes vegetable grow ing his business must grow all kinds and put them on the market in the best shape. He must not try to grow all kinds of vegetables on the same kind of soil, but must give to each vegetable the kind of soil it requires. One session was devoted to the me morial addresses on J. C. Plumb, F. W. Loudon, M. A. Thayer and Peter Gideon. Wm. Toole spoke on what to plant to beautify our school grounds. This address vill appear later in the Farm ers' Review, as will other talks and discussions that enlivened the meet ing. The election of officers resulted in the following choice: President, Franklin Johnson; vice-president, T. E. Loope; secretary, J. L. Herbst; treasurer, R. J. Coe; member of trial orchard committee, L. G. Kellogg. The discussion on place of holding the next annual meeting did not result in definitely fixing the place, but tho expreesions were -strongly in favor or Oshkosh. Yellow Clover Seed. A German professor Menke once made some experiments to ascertain if there is any difference in the germi nating power of the differently colored clover seeds. He picked out the yel low, green, brown, light brown, dark brown and black seeds and planted them by themselves. They were care fully watched and all were treat .! to identical conditions. Very few of the green seeds developed enough to form cotelydons. and they were very weak. Practically all of the yellow seeds de veloped and formed strong plants. The light brown also did well, but did not give so good returns as the yellow seeds. In the first place the number of seeds that germinated was less than with the yellow, and the plants were not so thrifty. The brown and dark brown and black seeds were of value only according as they approached the lighter shade, and the darker ones were practically cf no value. We do not know that any like' experiment has been carried out here, but it is one that is easily carried through. We do not know that the above experiment was repeated enough times, to make it valuable "as an indicator. If it can be used as an index at all, it teaches that .the seed that contains the most yellow grains Is best Langshans were Introduced into England from China in 1872. Italian Ryo Grass. This grass is known scientifically as Lollum Italicum and L. Perenne. A government report says: These are among the oldest cultivated grasses, and are probably grown more widely than any others in Europe. They have been used largely in the Northern states, where they are often satisfac tory, but In the South they have not done well except In a few especially favorable locations. They succsed best on a rich, moist, sandy soil containing a fair amount of lime, and on such soils are fairly permanent, but en dry, thin soils and heavy clays they soon disappear. They will cover ti ground sooner and make a better sward in a few weeks after planting than cost other grasses, and era valuable wlicre quick resuits are wanted auu for cov ering the ground while ctacr anG stare permanent sorts, like reatcp or chard grass, are beco-'.ns establlsusd. When sown alone on ilch sslle t'aal? growth is so rank that ths "3"-l Is scon covered with a dcnD rca. o; otz leaves, which make the best of or hay, but i allowed to brccaa tso dense will die and decay ::ier iisTV rains. While excellent rcr raisins wuh other gras-ses for both pa?t;;rs3 and meadows, thty cannot be recoaundeu for sowing alone. The vcosl common varieties are the Italian, Pacey's und the perennial rye craiaei. 'fiic per- ennial, or English rye grass, is the longer lived and so the best for per manent pastures. The Italian rye grass makes a ranker growth and cov ers the ground more quickly. Seed may be sown in either fall or spring, and from two to three bushels per -acre are required when sown alone, or one bushel when sown with other grasses. Utilize Alt Manure. Of every 1.0C0 bushels of corn fed to stosk 800 goes into the manure pile. That is, only about 20 per cent of the whole is utilized by the digestive sys tem of the animal. The provident farmer will, therefore, see to it that this large per cent of his corn crop is returned to the land. Another fact that should be considered in connec tion with this one is that a very large part of the nutrient is contained In the liquid manure. The practice therefore of hauling out the manure often is to be commended. In the ordinary barnyard there is no possibility of conserving all the ma nure if the pile is allowed to grow un molested from fall till spring. The reason is plain. Every barnyard to be serviceable must be well-drained, and this means that there is provision for carrying off the surplus water or liquid. The manure is frequently drenched and suffers most from the spring rains. Not only is all the liquid manure carried away, but the solid manure has much of its virtue washed out of it Experiments have shown that the loss is often half of the total manure. Let a man consider that this means say 400 bushels of corn for every 800 bushels he should have put back on his land, and he may begin to consider the feasibility and the necessity of taking the best of care of this indi rect wealth. A very few farmers have tanks and reservoirs under their barns for the conservation of both the liquid and solid manure, but by far the great er number of farmers have no such arrangements, and, what is more, never will have such. The only plan that stands any chance of being uni versally adopted is that of hauling out the manure often through the winter ar?I having it dumped in small piles where the rains can wash It into the ground at will, the residue being scat hed over the ground 3S soon as the ireather permits in the spring. We leel certain that if the plan of haul ing out the manure often through the winter were adopted it would mean millions of dollars annually in the pockets of American fanners. Selecting Breeding Turkeys. I have met with best success with pullets of from sixteen to twenty pounds, and old hens from eighteen to twenty-three pounds. They lay eggs that are larger and more fertile than do the bigger hens. They are also more active and healthj-, and make better mothers. The torn, I believe, has more influence on the shape and color of offspring than the female. He should be as near perfection in shape and color of plum age as can be found, and of medium size. Breeders ought net to try to get "the biggest torn, in America." The male should be of medium height, but cf large bone, with big feet and legs and good-sized frame. If the breast is not filled out while he is young, he will be all right when matured. In fact, he will grow into a larger bird than if he is nice and plump at the beginning of the season witho-it the other fea tures. S. B. Johnston, in American luitry Journal. When fowls are to be transported from one place to another, care should be taken that the cages or coops be so protected by cloth or otherwise that the birds will not be exposed to all the icy winds that blow. It is no unusual sight in Chicago to see a coop of fowl3 exposed to weather far be low zero, and that, too, with high wind. Birds so treated are about sure to get bad colds, which make them an easy prey to the roup. We under stand that even show birds are jften exposed to like conditions. This prob ably accounts for the number of birds with colds that arc noticed at winter exhibits of poultry. To Remoye Ink Stains from Marble. Make a paste of chloride of lime and water. Rub this on the stains. Let it remain a few hours; then wash off in scap and water. Brahma fowls are of a gentle dis position, quiet in their habits, and are easily kept within a limited enclosure. An ordinary fence is sufficient to hold them. Berlin has sixty-three public monuments. W, oman's Kidney Troubles Why trifle with hmmiib whom the easiest and surest help is the hmst known medicine In the world 9 I Lydia E. Pinxhant's Vegetable Compound I is known everywhere and (thousands of women have teen cured of serious Md ney derangements by H. Mrs. Plnkham's meth ods have the endorse ment of the mayor, the postmaster and others of her own city. Her medicine has tho endorsement of an un numbered multitude of grateful women whose letters are constantly printed in this paper. Every woman should read these tetters Mrsv Pinkham advises suffering women free of charge. Her address is Lynn, Mass nanning to, Paper This Spring? Tbr It Mrm tSit mill in 101! 1'LLTU.Y Trari. formtourllOMKin flit rr HEALTH rdlAUlVmr SELECT WALL PAPER. fft any Alt. the ltM drMyrs at pn tJftr pUTf.frrm slj 1 ii crrtt ir frl rl!. Oi r larze trail? enables cs to hasdV U- rotrplet Ihi IN CARLOAD lOTS. crnce we tea trice ALL prvlrs inn ri-tallj-LOW. Ainll If i oi ?ample ffrt, all cbft?cl prrrftM, Jr KE ura tust. Oar Spring Catalogue r i,oco rr, nii- tr-illn tonie rf tb L're in SATIHAL (OIOKS will b. atrit ffrt aid even tv ci t of I Jc. "which piTt f it of the x- rill be refunded on receipt of voct Crat oHrr. TrU catalogue qaota wholesale prim on EVER7T1USO voi EAT. WEAR so J CSC Established JOHN M. SMYTH COMPANY, 1S67. Itt to 16 WestMatfMaSU OetebrthUNo. a 11 CHICAGO, IU. ABOUT TEXAS. "The IUoatrator and General Narrator" Sent Free. A handsomely illustrated monthly magazine, published by the I. & G. N. R. R.. giving timely descriptions of tfe matchless resources and opportunities of TEXAS: the special subject matter of each issue to date bains as follows: MARCH, 1899. Texas; APRIL. Houston County; MAY. Montgomery county; JUNE. Cherokee County: JULY. Leon County: AUGUST. Anderson County and Palestine: SEPTEMBER. Rusk County; OCTOBER, Walker County: NOVEMBER. tBexar Co'inty and San Anionic; DECEMBER, Brazoria Coun ty. This magazine Is of great Interest to the investor, sportsman, tourist, health-seeker and home-seeker: and will be sent free to any one paying the postage, which is 2n cts. for one year or 2 cts. for sample copy. Back numbers may be had if desired. Send 7 cts. in stamps for beautiful ART MAP of TEXAS and MEXICO, 52x40 inches. Address, D. J. PRICE, G. P. & T. A.. Palestine. Texas. Ttie IVar !n South Africa. Has demonstrated the great foresight of the Boers, in availing themselves of all the opportunities in times of peace to prepare for war. Similar foresight should lead you to improve-the oppor tunity of securing better farms than theirs in this country. They are on line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul railway in Marinette county, Wis consin, where the crops are of the best, work plenty, fine markets, excellent climate, pure, soft water; land sold cheap and on long time. Why rent a farm when you can buy one for less than you pay for rent? Address C. E. Rollins, Land Agent, 1G1 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Bitter truth is sweeter than flattery. Your clothes will not crack if you use Magnetic Starch. Expired Patents. Amongst the patents that expired lately, were four (4) from which the above mechanical movements were taken, which are now public property. Inventois and others interested in knowing how patent property is se cured, may obtain a free-holder, set ting forth the methods observed by the examiner of patents in using patents. Inventors desiring free information, should address Sues & Company, Pat ent Lawyers, Bee building, Omaha, Neb. FITSrermsnentIjTnTi. Jfofit ornervonsn5after first dav's u of Iir. iCIlre' Oicat Nene Keto-pr. Fend for FREE fJS.OO trial Nttle and treat!". iX. R. H. Klim;, Ltd., 931 Arch St., 1 hila.lelphU, Pa. If you havenot tried MagneticStarch try it now. Yon will then use no other. An earthly angel is a woman that other women never gossip about. t9t t Try Grain0! t Try GrainOI 5 Ask yon Grocer to-day to show yon j a package of GBAIN-O, the new food 4 drink that takes the placo of coffee. J The children nay drink it without injury as well as the adult. All who try it, like it. GBAIN-0 La3 that rich seal brown of Mocha cr Java, bat it is nude from pare grains, and J the most delicate stomach receives it J without distress. the price of coffee. 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Sold by all grocers. Tastes like Coffee Looks like Coffee IjtsisttaatyonrgrocergivvaTOQGitAZB X Accept no Imitation. yyPSSg52iSK3Ma3s!i'J,? rJ'iyTfr jPtrTaiHin-Tii LAv4XaavK3KaaaMrvK:uoi lfff;ag?.ggwaftgBrisRM Oewara of utataieats for Catarrk That Coatala Mereary, Ah mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entnrlni; it through the mucous surface. Such articles should never be used except oa prescriptions from reputable physicla&i, as the cKumixe they will do is tenfold to the (tood you ran possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O., contains no mercury, and' Is taken 'internally, actinic directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the svstem. In buying llaU'sCatarrh Cure beMircvouKCtthe genuine. Jtls taken Internally, and made I u Toledo, Ohio, by P. J. Cheney &Ca Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 73c per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best The busy man never finds the day too long. Mr. fVinlow' SootMaa; Syrap. For children teething, eofteas the cnm, reduces ftr flammatloa.aUayipala.carc wind colic &c about. If you prefer the service of sin you must be prepared to accept the wages of sin. iwi oi uir. wbico oiien nmrs iao prciuesi imco, IMCTenflfi llV PftRV! If At RltUH. JJi.ndhcucxs, the best cure fur corn. ISctt. j Cleveland men who have undergone operations have formed an anDendicitis ! club. TO CU1CK A COLD IN ONE DAT, t Take Laxative Brrmo Quinine Tablets. All i druggists refund the money if it falls to euro. I 25c. . W. Grove's signature oa each box. There were nearly 89,000 deaths in Lpndon last year. Try Magnetic Starch it will longer thar. any other. last Woman, gramatically speaking, is not a part of speech; she's simply the whole oration. Said the cleaver to the beef: but meat that should cut you.' Tis Send for "Choice Recipe. by Walter linker Co. Ltd.. DorcBe.ier, Mass., mailed free. Mention this paper. Nearly every man believes that drug ! store whiskey is betcr than joint whis- Key. Atchison Globe. Liberal religious literature (Uni tarian) will be furnished free, on ap plication to Mrs. H. D. Reed, 132 N. oSth Ave., Omaha, Neb. It takes more piety to bear praise than blame. Russell Sage says that if he lost all his money today he would go to work with the sanio energy and ambition that he had at the start. MAN'S MECHANISM Delicate Machinery That Needs Constant Care. Atsolnte Cleanliness aaa Rcjuiatio- as Neces sary as far Any Other K'ni of Machinery. Haw to Keep it la Workisg Order. There's a screw loose somewhere! One little screw In the ble machine trcts a trifle loose and the whole apparatus clogs, balks and refuses to work properly. A skillful engineer can tell by the "feel" of his engine when there's a screw loose. Occasional constlpaton call It costlve ness or biliousness needs prompt atten tion. It clogs the whole delicate mechan ism of man, and must be removed skill fully without force or shock. Only a vegetable laxative should be used, and Cascarets Candy Cathartic, which you can cat like a piece of candy, are the most agreeable, natural and effective of all laxatives. Cascarets are the only antiseptic cathar tic, and not only make the liver lively, re move obstructions in the bowels, strength en the Intestines, but kill all germs of dis ease In the body. Therefore prevent as well as cure. Buv and trv Cascarets to-day. You'll find that it's what they do. not what we say they'll do, that will please you. Ail druggists. 10c. 23c and 'Ac. or will mall for price. Send for booklet and free sample. Address Sterling Itemedy Co., Chicago: Montreal. Can.: New York. This is the CASCARKT tab let. Every tablet of the only genuine Cascarets bears the magic letters "C C C." Look at the tablet before you buy. and beware of frauds. Imita tions and substitutes. tit 4 Factory to USER. ONE Profit. Oar High Arm MELBA ewlnr Maehbie huall the Up-tc-Date Improve ments. ncessai7 Attach ments and Accmorica. with choice of oak or wal nut cabinet. Isforniuwd with tn latest improved AUTOMATIC BKLF THREADING SHUT- TXE. Br one movement the thnttle is threaded rem! j- for service. The MP LP A hao th malMt TAJCE-CTV Automatic JIOBB1N WlMtt-B, and a COMPLETE set of beat steel attachments, carefully packed in a handsome VELVET lined cae. Weight of the machine, weather wrapped and rratrd. is aboot 11') lbs. Itisshirpedutflnit-cTassrate. The freight will average aboat $1X0 within SQ0 miles of Chicago. The enhinet work is omnmntal. the seven drawers and cov er being HAND 1 RVED nnd high!? finished, havini; the heavy NICKEL-PLATED King Drawer Pulls, etc Each machine ii carefnllv tested before leaving our fnctory. A MELBA scle to ns mesns a new friend and customer for our general lino cf EVERYTHING jou HAT. WEAR nnd USE: therefore ne ran afford to sell it on a rlnro ranrrin and folly GUARANTEE it for TWn.VVV TKVIIH. We will ship thL machine CO. ., with exsminatien privilege, to anv point in the U. 8- on receipt of 2.00 with order. Price of 7-drawer machine, n'l roiuplote. is ai4.&. OIK SPUING CVTAI.OtrEof l.flOf) iUnjtrated pages will bs sent prepaid on receipt of 15 cents, which pays part cf express chnrcss. and will bo refunded on rocaipt of first order. Th is catalogue enotea wholesale prices on EVERYTHING yon EAT. WEAR end USE, Established JOHN X. SMYTH CO, 19G7. ISO-ieaW. MadNewRL. Order by t bis No. A 1 1 CUICACO. IU. Salzer's Rape Saenz givrnuirn, rrren What Is HI Catalog fnJ- r? FARM tell. at i.-avzr- . . . .. ,i- .... i hj Baiztr s awes at n zmnirn is i reuses, iri 'stahloB Lcthrr. K.TriT.Pa..a!tonlbnl ihr vsrlit" bv cruviuc 2Mhuhrl9 i:i: rur Ur: J. Hrrirttr. llisbicotr. W i.. lltbaa. bMtrr: ardll.lxriny. RMITine.Ilinn .tTcrcwinr330bah.!"alir"aer st acre. If ma daunt, write them. w,h ta gala JOO.NO new ruito-nrri. hnrp will seed en u 111 10 OOLLAR3 WORTH FOR 10c. 10 p of rare hrra -.-. Salt Cash, t!ie 3-eartd Csrn pclti.rroijclnsK'biun. - uaiuni nsy , perare aiioteoa'.ana oariey. tirnmus iw.rinw ids ;crraKcsi Rra' oo frrin; acxrr mttm vo. IU,-e, :prin v h.-t. tc, icclaiiag our roan- eib riant. I ru:ia'ii3wii ataiug. irinngau atmit sJier f.reBt.Vllllan Dollar I'otato, all n-.iil-fl for inc. pitae; poi tl-nr -orin sin uixinvi. . Srsd rwitwa 5 1.SO a ktt. and a p. . Pleas 15 pkc rarn-tt Tectta- srudthlv oie Mcda. ii.w. CatalatT adr. TtltB aoae,5c 10c. to Saber. wr.ti: DO HOT SEND US ANY MONEY. A rBLSEVr FOR TOC. LOOK! FREE! SOLID GOLD RING No. 362, 2 Ru'oies and 2 Pearls. Tfc!benUful iiing will a!trn jrirar hand without any cut to jou. Don't cr.d n any limner, jum cr name nnd tddrc? . V. o will s n 1 yiri ro'tnaid 12 of our Lrsc. llandwme I-'o! !e different flclRn. te themtoronr Finl yn-I 1-rlend at 10; -ach. end a ih; l.v0 nnd will send you by return mail the Itlnsr. We oiler race. Steri'nc Sil-r TSmreW. P!'1 Oo'd Plated Rrarele:?. Solid !il XtiEfT1. Nfther MI Bracelets Gold Ten and Handle, for .ellinx our Handviinc Dollfes. WRITE fCBK TO BIT. TOfK SCtrtSS I CXRTalX. F. A. REED & CO.. Jewelry Dcpr. S HrSSOS MTKEFT. SEW TORS. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 &3.SO SHOES ift'E" Wo'rtb $4 to 56 compared. wttn otner manes. IadorFd by oxer ljouojOOO wearers. tteaenuine haveV. L. Douglas' name and price j stamped oa Dottom. iaite no substitute cUuntd to be as cood. our dealer should keeo then if . not. we will send a pair' on rreint cf rwice? and ace. eitra for carriage. State kind of leather. siie, and width, plain or cap toe. Cat. free. out trans W. L DUUbUS SHOE CO., BlCCktCft, mux. DR. SETH ARNOLD'S has stood the test of 50 years 3nd is still the ilt Couch lteiueiy Sold. Cures when other remedies f-i'- TVts cood: children lil:e it. Sold by all Oructrf-its g cents. coysE KiLLEt? ftlFeftRY'S SEEIS W rOTtUjCwi IUie w -.a a-- - 'tic crdP3fr and Horlt-.Tn s m. . TLa awtsPwlaai wat( wa V""1 . an I I J. J. n. ctsoa MSi -WV-A fc THE atoCOS. SCHOOL Tr. BBBBBi . . J a-l ..I..ln1u HtTk i ..-. i- .haffirlaTiPTitnl nr'ncirtlfrnf tfe tfP sHti IIiUC . M.i1.-.w..r. " y --- hv, ad uch branrhc an crax!tnte Caiabcd K lejra. cdic6t!on. Fcrclrcal?rsdure8 J EDW. MCOH. 323 Hiia St.rtllii. Hi. From Hi 99SFfv--tJa flrL-aWefitaHam ! aBSS9 U liffaTaW?aTrn t- " IJ&y,- - MjJT, -'Jbbw Jy Ih rf Tel : V3 WMrb JB. WEmLMnEb I Ka. V I rivr trasT k NOTED JUDGE Had Catarrh Nine Years All Doctors Failed. llfffXUTaTaiMMlli ""L' wP KsTJBDHllvssssWJff'fJWsU VDDDDBkrBlnRHDVyK RON. GEORGE KERSTEN. OF CHICAGO. IToa. Geo. Kcrstcn, a well-known .Justice of the IVace, of Chicago, .says: "f was afflicted with Catarrh for nine years. My catarrh was located chiefly in my head. I tried many remedies .without avail.' I applied to several doctors, but they were not able to cure me. I . learned of the remedy, Peruna, through the daily newspapers. After taking the remedy for 18 weeks I was entirely cured. I consider my cure permanent, as it has been two and a half years since I was cured. " Any man who wishes perfect health must be entirely free from catarrh. Catarrh is well-nigh universal: almost omnipresent. Pcrnna is the only ab solute safeguard known. A cold is the beginning of catarrh. To prevent colds, to cure colds, is to cheat catarrh out of its victims. IVruna not only cures catarrh, but prevents it. Sore fTllaTarSwSjavsavssssStsavsw avsssbavK7avssVaaavsP PPmmmWB3SMKrSimi$JS, Yr7 v I VwB'sBBBVsamr''avBT frK'vssssssssB Red, Rough Hands, Itching, Burning Palms, and Painful Finger Ends. One Night Treatment Soak the hands on retiring in a strong, hot, creamy lather of CUTICURA SOAP. Dry, and anoint freely with CUTICURA, the great skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear, during the night, old, loose kid gloves, with the finger ends cut off and air holes cut in the palms. For red, rough, chapped hands, dry, fissured, itching, feverish palms, with shapeless nails and painful finger ends, this treatment is simply wonderful, and points to a speedy cure of the most distress ing cases when physicians and all else fail. Sore Hands 8 Years Cured. Pain So Intense Would Nearly Twist Fingers From Socket5. Hands Puffed Up Like a Toad. Water Ran Through Bandages to Floor. Had to Walk the Floor Until Would Fall Asleep. Fingers Would Peel Like an Onion. Doctors Could Not Cure. Eight roars ago 1 got aore h.ntid, caintni'iiciiig with a burning sensation on my finger and on top of the hand. When I ruMted them, you could fee little white pimples. I Mt like twisting my finger? out of their socket. I had high fever, and cold chili' ran over me," and ?o f kept it going until I was tired out. Night?, I had to walk th lloor until I fell asleep. M y hands peeled like an onion, the finger naiN got loose, and the water ran out, and wherever there was a little pimple tin-re the hurniug tire was that happened sit leat ten times. I am running a blacksmith shop, horse shoeing, anil 1 would not shut up the shop for anybody, but it u:is haid. My hands puffed tip worse than a toad. When 1 drove horse nails, the water from my hands ran through the bandage, oa to the floor. .My eur tonvr9 refused to look at my hand. I had a friend take me to the doctor; he gav3 a .solution of something to bathe my hands. I went, to another doctor, I think, for a year. I found your advertisement in a I'tica news paper, and I got the frTicriiA remedies. As soon as I ns,.(l them I began to gain, and after using a small quantity of them I was entirely cured. I would not take fifty dollars for a cake of Ct"TiCfi: So p if I could not grt anv more. I would not differ :inr more as I did. for the whole count. Feb. 22. 1S3S. CASPKR DIETSC'IILER, Pembroke, Genesee o., N. V. mticura all-ij- itchin?, inlluimir.tlon, and I.-ikatlon, ana .Mtthrana THO S6t. 91. 25 'a! al ClTlrcaA ItKsnt.vrsT (5Y.). to coot anil r.'snc th lloo-l. A MNOI.E Hkt ! ofln sufficim: to cure the rnotit lrirriirlT,f, liiefisiirini, and hnmlli-itlrijr skin, scalp, an-t Mood hmnoto. nl:h los of hilr. wlirn ail eln.- falls. f-nA throughout the worlt. r.iTrrn Puro axa Cum. Cos:., Soli i'rops., lioi'.on, V. S. A. " All about the Sfclu, Scalp, and Hair," free. Millions of Women Use Cuticura Soap ExcluelTcly for preserving, parifrln?. an! bcautifrlnir the (.kin, for rlean!ni- the fral; of rrat-, sral'eg, and dandruff, and the ;:tOpln:j of fsllln lialr, for go;tcninfr. li'.tenlncr. aid soothing red, roiijrh. and rore Innd-, In the fom of bath? forannutin-; lrr!t-it:on. in:l.i.n ni.itions. and rh-s3as, or too free or oCcn-dvc jienplration. In the form of waeiiea- for ntreratlve ncatneaaCB, and for raanyB.tnativc antiseptie purpoen whieli rrailiir snge't. tl)maiv4 f Torncn, anil cperially mothers, ai.d for all the psruceC3 of Uic toilft. bat!i. una nursery. Xo amount of pcr3uasIon, can Induce tiiose ta-Iio hare onre ucd it to n tny other, especially for preservinjr and prrffylDpr the htin, H-alp, and h.-iir of and children. CtrncCKA Soap combines delicate emollient propcrtlci derived from Timer RA. the jrreat B.In cure, with the purest of cleansing ln-rci!!cnti and the iroet refrcHhlnjc of flower odors. Xo other meillenUd ?oap ever compounded Is to be compircd nlth It for ' prc.serring, purifrin-r. nad lieatitifyinsrtho olin. M-a!p, hair, and hand. No other forelsa or domestic toitn'sonp. however epensire, t to be -on-p.ircd with it for all the purposes of the toilet, nith. and nnrcry. Thus it combines in Sou t One TniCE, lz., TwKSTY-r"!vn "fT., the ees: eUn and complciioa oap, U:e eest toi!ct and B&sz rtabv oat) in the world. EXCURSION SITES to We-tem Canada and partlcaLirs as to how to secure IM) acres of tle lxst wtieal-s row t r.g lard on the continent ran ba secured on arnli- c.'it.r.n toSupt.of Iixirn!-trratiur.Ott:-wa. Cancda, lor tne umle-sl, ziL Spo- ciaily fonuc". excursion- mil l'avf,-i5r. iai!. Minn., on f c tlrst ard third 't'uessiiv in ecci mf-ntli. ard specialtr low r.ttes ,n all llnev. of railway arc quoted for exci:r.ioas leivinit St. Paul on Mirch SB onJ Anr 1 i for Macitib.t. A-s-drslt-oIa. Satka cliew.n and Albrrta. l. V. Bennett. SOI New York LiiC rid,-.. Cmaha. Jeb. $50 for Hdf Dciiar (833 or 1853. Dounle fare valnj f r aay o!a with o. under easle. gead is fur circular. C W. GO E, wiatfM, xl. fflSSEtfftii WSSlfiOSd c4zm SAVED DY PEDUM. All families should provide them selves with a copy of Dr. IIartman'3 free book entitled "Winter Catarrh.' This book consists of seven lectures oa catarrh and la grippe delivered at The Hartman Sanitarium. It contains t'te latest information on the treatment of catarrhal 'diseases. Address Dr. Hart man, Columbus, Ohio. Hands B f 'bsssssK 1H1 GriiTplefe External and Infernal Treatment tor E8r? Huior, con':introf OtmrrRA 8"jr ('c . to cN-nnec tho "kin of eriiats nr.l hcmK-s am! soften Ih thlcfca-f! cuticle, Clticcka Oi:jtiet '50c), WANTED Tfcea1dreesof all Kertorat ohi!en. their wido-v? or heirs, who made a HuMK hTKADr Il.I.Vfi on leiitha-i - SOLDIERS' 10 acres on or before June --. 13T4. no milter whether sINAL Pltoor was made or not. I will hay buna warrants. Address Comrade W. E. MO , Box 1J35. Denver, Colorado. HOMESTEADS W. Jf. V. OMAHA. -lo WsUsMfciffrA Best Cough Svrup. - r M ' . v . ir--!J&'j5