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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1900)
Established Mat 11, 1870. Columbus f onrttaL Oolambusi 3Volr. Estered mt the Postofflce, ColembM, Nebc, M stead rlsss mail matter. lMMtViMi7t7 K.X.SUUU4C0. tzbxs or scbscbiftioh: Omerear. bj aaail, postage prepaid.. Six moats Tares saoatbs . .75 WEDNESDAY. MABCH 14. U60. , Shariarar THE JOUB. t lMkat tk date ppate tk wiaatrff JOURNAL r fks augla mt JOURNAL. Up to this flat, y lpMr Call far levaalican State Cormmtiaa. The republican electors of the serenl coenties of the state of Nebraska are hereby called to meet ia coBTeation at Lincoln, Nebraska, Hay 2, MOO, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of selecting f oar delegates and four alternate delegates to the National Republican Conrention. which con Team in Philadelphia, June 19, 1900; also to place is nomination candidates for the following offices: Eight presidential electors, gorernor, lieutenant-governor, secretary of state, treasurer, auditor of public accounts, attorney-general, commissioner of public lands and buildings, superintendent of public instruction. The basis of representation is one delegate at large and one delegate for each 100 votes and major fraction thereof cast for Hon. M. B. Beese for judge of the supreme court at the election held in 1899. Platte and near-by counties are entitled to delegates as follows: Boone.. 13 Merridc 11 Batter.. 1 Nance 9 Colfax 8 Platte 12 Dodge. 20 Polk. Madison 17 Stanton 7 There are to lie 1033 delegates, the largest, Douglas, with 96, Lancaster 58, Gags SI, Cass 24, etc. Ed. Jouknal.1 It is recommended that no proxies be allowed. but that the delegates present cast the full vote of the delegation. The county conventions in the several counties held for the purpose of selecting delegates to this convention shall select the county committee and officers thereof. At the state convention the state central committee men from the odd numbered senatorial districts will be selected for the ensuing two years, and the new state committee will hold its meeting at the close of the state convention. OblaxdoTkfft. Chairman. J. T. MALLALiru, Secretary pro tern. CoMrimg Brents. Democratic state convention, Lincoln, March 19. Popnliat state convention, Lincoln, March 19. Republican state convention, Lincoln, May 2. Straight populist national convention, Cincinnati, May 9. Fusion populist national convention, Sionx Falls, May 9. Republican national convention, Phil adelphia, June 19. ' Democratic national convention, Kan sas City, July 4. The south favors expansion. Robert W. Furnas is being talked of for governor. According to Prof. Hicks the latter part of this month will be wet. Moores, republican, was elected mayor of Omaha, after a bitter contest In seven distinct sections of the Afri can continent war is at present being waged. Congressman Neville has introduced a bill for a $75,000 public building at Kearney. Charges have been filed against SnpL Lang of the institution for feeble-minded youth at Beatrice. The city election at Seattle, Washing ton, resulted in a sweeping victory for the republican ticket. The per capita money circulation is now the highest in the history of the United States, being $25.98. E. J. Phelps, former minister to Eng land, died at his home in New Haven, Conn., Friday afternoon, of pneumonia. Evert day of every month demon strates the benefits of the protective tariff our exports continue to increase steadily. Criticism, honest and just, is always proper, and as fair in politics as in any thing else, but unreasonable censure is despicable. Cuba is not only self-supporting under the American administration of affairs, but for the year 1899 has a surplus to her credit of $2G0,000. George Dodge of Omaha has been blind three times in twenty-five years, and has just had his sight restored to him. He is upwards of sixty, and was a soldier in the civil war. James W. Coon, a blacksmith at Ash land, attempted Saturday to murder his divorced wife, shooting at her twice, and endeavoring to do so a third time. Neither shot took effect. It seems that the world's financial center is now to be at New York in the United-States of America. Bussia has recently negotiated a loan of $25,000,000 in New York, which is set down as only oae of many evidences of the fact stated. Frank Dots and his son Emanuel, aged 19, waived preliminary examination before Justice Kroeger of Schuyler, Sat urday on the charge of unlawful cohabi tation with Minnie Divis, aged 16, who is now in a critical condition. Minnie Divis is Frank Divis daughter. Bonds were fixed at $4,000 and $3,000. "The Union you fought for is today atronger, mightier, freer than it ever was before. The standard you fought for is stronger than it ever was before. There has been within the past two years a reunion of all the people, a reunion sanc tified by a common sacrifice. Followers of Grant and Lee have fought with equal valor and have fought in the same cause." President McKinley to his companions of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Washington, D. G, Feb. 22d. Word comes from Cheyenne, Wyo., ' mader date of March 7, that Nate Sate baryof Wild West show fame and Cot Cody will construct a big irrigating caaal along the Shoshone river in the Big Horn Basin, Wyoming, which will irrigate 75,000 acres of land. Men and tataaa are now on the croud ready to eosBsaence work on the big ditch, and jritii the capital and energy of these two the eaterprise must soon come to a termination, although a huge News conies from Birmingham, Alabama, of two immense contracts for coal, to be delivered during the year, amounting to 250,000 tons, against 75,000 tons last year, to supply markets heretofore furnished by Pennsylvania. Nor, the dispatch states, does the latter state suffer, because her mines have orders which will keep them occupied to their limit. The Republicans have called a mass meet ing at the Council Chamber saturaay ev ening, March 17, at 8 o'clock, to nominate candidates for the city offices. Four thousand employes of the Na tional Tube Co. at McKeesport, Pa., have been notified of a ten per cent advance in wages. The increase in cludes all day laborers in the tube mills. The tonnage men will get their advance this week, when the rate is fixed by the Amalgamated Association. This is the second increase of ten per cent that the day men of the National Tube Co. have received within six months, and makes the wages of common labor higher than at any time in the history of the works. The advance will date from April 1. The increase includes all pipe cutters, machinists, laborers and all employed in the tube mills who work by the day. Verily General Prosperity is abroad in the land. WIHWMHIIHllHIWIIIIHMIIHIIIIIIIHMa XbMtional jlocal. 5UJIHIIMIII!IHIIIHIIIIIIlHIHIimi THURSDAY, MABCH 15, 1900. Froerraa of Dedication Exercises of Soldier' Monument. All members of Baker Post, and visit ing comrades will assemble at Post Hall at 1 o'clock. Parade will form at Hall on Eleventh street headed by S. of V. Drum corps, officer of day in command. March on North street to corner of Thirteenth, and halt Committee will escort mayor and city council in column. March will then proceed west on Thir teenth to park. 1. Music by Band, Hail Columbia. 2. Song, America, by quartet of school children. 3. Presentation of monument to Commander of Baker Post by chairman of monument committee. 4. Dedication exercises by Baker Post. 5. Raising of flag. 6. Music by Band, Star Spangled Banner. 7. Presentation to city by chairman monument committee. 8. Acceptance by mayor. 0. Song by school. 10. Address by department com mander. Gov. Poynter and others. 11. Music by Band. 12. Closing exercises by commander of Baker Post No. 9, 0. A. R Columbus papers please copy. TH MKXORIAM. KeslHtls)BN T Respect. Whereas, our neighbor. Km il Polil. formerly Clerk of Columbus Camp. 299 M. V. A., has passed to the Great Camp beyond. And Whereas, his enthusiasm, social quali ties and faithful discharge or his duties in this camp, makes It eminently JUtinj; that we record our appreciation of fcim as a neighbor and citizen, therefore: Itesolved, That the wisdom, encouragement, and ability he exercised in assisting our camp through its day of trial, will ever cause his name to be respected and revered. Resolved. That the sudden removal ol such a life from among us leaves a vacancy, that will be deeply realized by all members and friends ofour camp, and will prove a loss, not only to the family, but to the community and public as well. Resolved, That we extend our sincere sym pathy to his beloved wife and family, and com mend to tbem that consolation, which can be derived only, from a recognition of that Power, whose wisdom, love, and mercy are often mysteriously bidden beneath trouble and affliction; and be it further Uesalved. That our charter be draped in mourning; that these resolutions be spread upon the records of this camp; that copies hereof be transmitted to the bereaved family and local press. CAKI. KltAMKR, I.. H. I.KAVY, G. W. Phillips, Committee. Resolutions of Respect. Whereas, Our neighbor John Seipp, formerly a member of Columbns Camp, 299, M. W. A., has passed to the Great Camp beyond, and Whereas, His fervor, genial disposition and fidelity to every duty in this camp make it becoming that we record our esteem of him as a neighbor and citizen, therefore Resolved, That the judgment, anima tion and ability he exercised in advanc ing the interests and welfare of our camp in the past, will always evoke his name to be regarded and venerated. Resolved, That the untimely removal of such a life from our midst leaves an opening that will be felt by all members and friends of our camp, as a loss, not alone to the family, but to the commu nity and public as well. Resolved, That we tender our candid sympathy to his beloved wife and family, and ask them that solace which springs from a heart that is pure in the recogni tion of that omnipotence from which only pure and loving mercy flows. His wisdom being unfathomable, therefore, abide we thereby; and be it further Resolved, That our charter be draped in mourning; that these resolutions be spread upon the records of this camp; that copies hereof be given to the be reaved family and local press. C E. Eaklt, ) M. M RoTHLErrxER, v Committee. C. A. Welch, ) Mlieri' We are authorized to publish that one and one-third usual rates can be had of all railroads in Nebraska to the unveil ing services of the soldiers monument, Thursday, March 15, 1900, at Frankfort park, in this city. Children often inherit feeble diges tive power and colic of a more or less severe character results, when food is taken which is at all difficult to digest. WHITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE acts as a general and permanent tonic. Price, 25 cents. A. Heintz and Polloek & Co. XXK xsooooe fkrstirel Jsteittitw. 14114? Theo. Friedhof went east Sunday. Frank Baker was in Omaha last week. Miss Leland of Fremont ia in the city. Miss Trainor spent Saturday in Omaha. Mrs. Al. Butler was in Richland Friday. Henry Lucky went to Lincoln Thurs day morning. H. J. Hendryx of Monroe was in the city Saturday. Mrs. Rev. Rogers visited her sister in David City last week. Al. Rieder, of Council Bluffs, is visiting relatives in this vicinity. J. C. Swartsley spent Sunday at home, from his work in Lincoln. Miss Lugean Hala passed through the city Sunday on her way home from Chicago. Mrs. W. H. Winterhotham of Oenoa went home Friday, after a visit with Colnmbns relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis G. Brown of Hum phrey were in the city Sunday, return ing home in the evening. Miss Maggie Zinnecker, after a win ter's visit with relatives in Ohio, returned home Wednesday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Johnson have gone to Fnllerton with the expectation of making that their future home. Mrs. Maria Breed returned home Thursday evening, after an extended visit with friends at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Miss Emma Blasser, accompanied by her brother, Nick, returned last week from The Dalles, Oregon, where Nick has his residence. He looks now about as big as Julius Ernst. Miss Emma had been out visiting. Richland and Vicinity. The fruit tree agent is now calling on our farmers. Wm. Yonkie is doing a good thing treating his house to a new coat of paint. George Drinnin and lady friend from north of Columbus were calling on rela tives here last Tuesday. Miss Fannie Zolad, late of Chicago, will assist Mrs. Maggie Stevenson with the housework the coming year. Dave Kluck and bride (who was for merly Miss Bertha Groteluscben) are now nicely settled on a farm one and a half miles northeast of Richland where they are "at home" to their many friends. Spring, gentle spring. Blackbirds chirp and robins sing. Farmers are hustling and on the wing. Remove that collection of winter rubbish. Brighten up, cheer up, look up and get up. Take The Journal- and it will wake yon up. Jake Smith and family moved down from Ord, Neb., last week and are now located on the farm recently vacated by Jack Carroll. Mr. Smith says the crops aronnd Ord last year were very poor, his corn only going 15 bushels to the acre. We are pleased to note that the India famine fund which some of our citizens recently helped to raise has reached $2653.50. Now from gulf to lakes and from coast to coast let us join in singing "Praise God from whom all blessings flow." We regret to learn our old friend R. L. Payne, owner of the greenhouse at Schuyler, is lying very low with pneu monia and if he recovers his doctor says he must have a change of climate. Many will miss his beautiful flowers as they were always abundant and of the choicest varieties. Card of Thanks. Our thanks are tendered to kind friends and neighbors, and especially to the Maennerchor, Woodmen, A. O. U. W., Firemen and Cornet Band for services rendered in our bereavement. Mrs. E. Poht. and Children. iswniniiuirHiiniiiiMiuiwumumimw I ami wtars - 1 mmiHIUHHIHirniinHlUWHIitUsT Our notes this week begin with The Journal of October 30, 1878, and close with that of March 12, 1879. Joseph Bncher came to town Novem ber 16, 187a Born, Sunday, March 2, to Mrs. C. A. Newman, a sou. G. W. Barnhart was appointed U. P. railroad agent at Jackson. Father John Flood assisted Father Ryan in his ministerial labors. Galbraith Bros, purchased Gns. Lock ner'a stock of farm machinery. Married, Thursday, November 28, W. H. Selsor and Miss Belle Clark. Charles McCoy and John Stnpfel opened a meat market at Rising. Wm. Eimers opened his large new store on Thirteenth street, Nov. 4. Died, March 7, in the 86th year of her age, Mrs. P. Haigbt, mother of A. Haight. Married, March 9, 1879, by Rev. Sher man, Henry Woods and Miss Susan A. Clark. It was the Columbus Moaie Hall asso ciation which built the present opera house. V. U. Loveiand and T. U. Kyan were elected representatives and J. T. Clark son, senator. Died, February 5, 1879, Mrs. Margaret Mahood of Burrows precinct, this county, aged 65 years. Tuesday night December 24, Hon. Cyrus Allen died at his home at Summit, Butler county. Pat Murray had 500 cords of wood for sale, the proceeds of his Reservation land purchase. Died, at Lincoln, November 29, Dana Magoon, late of "Watts ville, in the 28th year of his age. George Wesoott of Marseilles, Illinois, bought the Rtckly farm adjoining Jacob Ernst's on the west, George Barney sold 69 head of fat cat 00. tle for $3700, to be shipped direct to Liverpool, England. Another raid by Spotted Tail's Indians on the North and adjoining ranches,-;, Bratt's and Stearns's. . C E. Morse and Phil. Cain formed a partnership in conducting the Tattersall j as a livery, feed and sale stable. "' ! Died, Nov. 29, James Compton, sr. Same day, at his residence near Scully's'j bridge, John Macken, aged 60 years. The Presbyterian church was opened, for public worship Sabbath morning-. Dec. 15, Rev. R. Christison preaching. - Major Frank North was commissioned' by the governor. Captain of Co. D, Sec ond Regiment Nebraska Mounted In fantry. R. H. Henry and family moved to their new house, corner of Fifteenth and Olive, probably the finest residence in the county. Some farmers satisfactorily solved the fuel problem by burning corn cobs, which were abundant. It has been kept up ever since. Twelve horses were 6tolen from the ranch of the North Brothers on the Loup, supposed to have been the work of a band of Sioux Indians. Thomas McPherson raised on four acres of land, one hundred and forty bushels of Polish wheat. This fact we had from Eli Lantz, the thresher. The residence of James McClain near Postville was burned down, the fire originating nt the chimney. The house was sod and. the roof of slough grass, y Major Frank North while in Chicago received from his old friend, "Buffalo Bill," as n Christmas present, an Esqui maux suit, said to he the only one in the United States. Prairie fires did much damage in Polk county, many farmers losing their entire crops and buildings; three or four per sons were seriously burnod, one of whom, Mrs. Hult, died. Carl Reinke found a live steer fastened close by a rope to a plumb bush. From what he learned afterwards it was reas onably supposed that he had been there twelve days without food or drink. A very lengthy account was given of the murderers of Mitchell and Ketchnm, and how these men were tortured und scorched, baked and burned, one of the blackest pages in the history of the state. The American honse was brought from Seventh street and Washington avenue to the southeast corner of Olive and Pacific avenue (or Tenth street.) Mr. Lehman decided to veneer it with brick. A cold water bath and a narrow escape from drowning was the experience of Chris. Baker, while engaged in securing drift logs from the Loup, but being a good swimmer, he was able to reach the shore safely. J. H. Reed's dwelling honse, stable, etc., had a somewhat narrow escape from total or partial destruction by prairie fire. Miss Coffey with her brigade of pupils served heroically in a short cam paign against the triangular element. George F. Howell, a former clerk at the Pawnee reservation, latterly of Mt. Ephriam, New Jersey,, made a visit among his old friends here. Mr. Howell has been receiving The Journal all these intervening years, and thus keeping in formed of this section of the country. Tho Platte County Agricultural society elected the following officers: John Hammond, president; Joseph Gross, vice president; J. M. Callison, secretary; C. E. Morse, treasurer; directors, John Huber, George Scott, George W. Turner, Jos. Tiffany, S. O. Raymond, Andrew Matthis, Chris. Meedel. A meteoric stone fell February 11, in Newton, Franklin county, Indiana, through the roof of the dwelling of Leo nidas Grover, crushed through upon him as he was sleeping in his bed, killed him, and passing through the bed und floor, buried itself five feet below the founda tion of the house in the earth. It weighed twenty pounds. Henry Leusche's sale of timber Nov. 20 and 21 was a complete success, the growing trees bringing from $1.50 to $22 each. 207 trees brought $1100, an aver age of about five and a third dollars. On the first day there were about a hun dred and fifty men present, and eighty on the second day. The large oak trees brought the highest price, as being suitable for posts, etc. At 1 o'clock on the morning of January 13, the hardware store of G. H. Kranse & Sons, and the grocery store of Wm. Lamb on Nebraska Avenue were des troyed by fire, going down in a few min utes after the alarm. R. H. Henry was chief of the fire department, and received unbounded praise for his management; ably assisted by George Clother, foreman of the Hook and Ladder company, and his first assistant, Herman Oehlrich, the last of whom bad his left shoulder put out of joint The explosions of gun powder were loud enough to be heard at Sparhawk's, three miles away. The Clother hotel was strongly threatened, and a small haystack in the rear of T. C. Ryan's grocery on Eleventh street was set on fire, but immediately put out by Thomas Coffey. - J- FARM FOR SALE. A good 160-acre farm under high cul tivation, good house, 6 rooms and hall on first floor; 5 rooms and hall on second floor; good cellar. Good corrals and outbuildings and sheds for stock, hogs, etc. Good corn cribs, granaries and barn. Two good pumps. Four miles south and one-half mile west of Colum bus. Terms easy, tf Wm. T. Allen. Jack for Sale. My 4-year-old Kentucky mammoth black Jack, "Gold Digger, jr.," for sale or trade. Weight about 1000 pounds. Cash price, $750.00. Four miles north of Osceola. Geoboe Ekgelhabdt, 2t Osceola, Neb. Borlingtea Jtente-Throufh Sleeping Can to San Francisco. No changes no delays no chance of missing connections if yon go to Cali fornia via the Burlington Route. The Burlington runs through sleeping oars Omaha, Lincoln and Hastings, to Salt Lake City and San Francisco, daily. Dining cars all the way. Library cars west of Ogden. Finest scenery in the world. See nearest Burlington ticket agent, or write J. Francis, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb. 7mcb3 Hunters, Take Notice ! The public are strictly forbidden to hunt upon the whole of section 8, in which is located the Irrigation Pond. Any persona' trespassing will be prose cuted to the full limit of the law. 15-nov-y W.T.Ernst. . Nick Adamt. For all pulmonary troubles BAL LARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP, taken in the early stages, proves a certain and sure specific. It is equally effective in croup and whooping cough, and if nsed in season prevents the further develop ment of consumption. Price 25 and 50 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock & Co. $115 for Letters About Nebraska.. The passenger department of the B. & M. R. R. R. offers thirteen cash prizes aggregating $115 for letters about Ne braska. Particulars of the contest, which is open to ali, can be had by ad dressing J. Francis, G. P. A., Omaha, Nebraska. ' 7-mar-3 Some Special Batea ria The Union Pacific R. B. Co. Chicago, 111., Feb. 12-14, fare and one third for the round trip. Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 19-23, one fare for the round trip. Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 21-28, fare and one-fifth for the round trip. For dates of sale, limits, etc., call on W. II. Benham, Agent. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tta KM Yn Han Ahrajs BNglt Bears the Signature of ffl&S&t Do Ton Want a Calendar? The biggest and best calendar ever issued by any American railroad is now being distributed by the Burlington Route. It has twelve sheets, one for each month of the year. On each sheet is a striking illustration of some feature of the Burlington's service or of the terri tory reached by its lines the govern ment fast mail running at full speed; a tourist car on its way to California; engine 1591, the largest passenger engine in the world; a library car; a compart ment sleeper; the Burlington station at Omaha; a dining car; a monster freight train; Estes Park, Colo.; the plnnge bath at Hot Springs, S. D., Yellowstone Falls, etc. ' The drawings from which the pictures were made are by Louis Brannbold, of Chicago,and cost several hnndred dollars. The size of the calendar ib 22x28. The dates are in big type which can be read at a distance of 50 feet. For busi ness offices the Burlington calendar is simply invaluable. Purchased in large quantities, the cal endars cost the Burlington Route 27 cents apiece. With postage, packing, etc., they represent an investment of about 35 cents. Our price is 25 cents 10 cents less than cost. Write for one; stamps will do. If it is not satisfactory, send it back and your money will be promptly refunded. J. Francis. General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. 7t-mar-21 The Kind Yw Haw AlwarsBwgM 7&&u To Chirac and the East. Passengers going east for business, will naturally gravitate to Chicago as the great commercial center. Passengers re-visiting friends or relatives in the eastern states always desire to "take in" Chicago en route. All classes of passen gers will find that the "Short Line" of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way, via Omaha and Council Bluffs, affords excellent facilities to reach their destinations in a manner that will be sure to give the utmost satisfaction. A reference to the time tables will in dicate the route to be chosen, and, by asking any principal agent west of the Missouri river for a ticket over the Chicago, Council Bluffs & Omaha Short Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Railway, you will be cheerfully furnished with the proper passport via Omah'a and Chicago. Please note that all of the "Short Line" trains arrive in Chicago in ample time to connect with the express trains of all the great through car lines to the principal eastern cities. For additional particulars, time tables, maps, etc., please call on or address F. A. Nash. General Agent, Omaha, Neb. TOI Bunt The Kits Yw Haw Ahnp cf Union Soldiers. I will purchase additional rights of all who homesteaded less than 160 acres prior to June 22, 1874, even if they aban doned their claims. Will buy f ractionals if ever so small, also Government Land Warrants. Agents wanted. R. K. Kel ley, Kansas City, Mo. 4t leant J9 Hgaatan j'sW rJ of 10&Z4 &&& Bain ta -Tta Kiri Yw Haw Ahwjs fr Gold at Cape Home. If you want information about the Cape Nome country, how to get there and what it costs, write to J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, B. k M. R. R. R. in Nebraska, Omaha, Neb. 4 CONDITION OF BISMARK CREAM ERY COMPANY. BEXOCBCE8. Creamery building and machinery. t 3950 00 SI 29 820 SO 00 ICO 00 6.-19 42 Merchandise in transit. Nercbandiae on band Accounts collectable JTixturso. ........... Cash on hand. 4819 91 ....S29G0 00 .... 100 00 748 91 20 00 LIABILITIES. Paid up shares Improvements Bills parable Undivided surplus $ 4818 91 Attest: D. G. Bibtels. President. H. B. Reed, Secretary. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Dkpartxzxt of the IirmrnR I Land Office at Lincoln. Neb., Fotmurr'23 10m NOTICE is hereby given that the followic named aetUer ha filed noticn at hU in. teation to make final proof in aappnrtof his elala. and that aald proof will be made before clerk dietrlct court, Platte county, at Colombo. Neb., on April 7th, 1900, Tii: Michael Ucklr. T.C.7atforttieB4Bw!18-lSweet. He Baaws tbefollowinc witaeawa to prore bis coBtiBBoaa resideaee odob aad cnitintfnn I of said laad. Tiz: William Daalan. Bamiiel I Taylor, Math Barry, Bobert A. Taylor, all of Burer creec, neo. . J. W. JOHNSON. 28feb4t Hesister. District M ami Vicinity. The condition of winter wheat on March 12 showed about 65 per cent safe, rye 90; alfalfa 90. R. C. Boyd and son of your city passed this place last Friday. He had been doing some spoating on lower Shell creek. Herman Herring went to Fnllerton last Monday and purchased a pair of bay roadsters. He returned with them over land, j Chickens at- the sale on H. Leusche's j old farm last Tnesday brought as high as $3.15 per dozen, and were pretty well distributed among the farmers. Henry Lusche, who sold out about one year ago, and moved away, returned a few weeks ago and is stopping tempo parily with his mother on Shell creek. A bnggy whip was taken from a farm er's wagon one day last week, while the farmer was delivering produce into Ragatz & Co's. store, from the alley way, when the whip was missed. Inqniry was made of some boys who were playing in the alley, and a clue was had which let! to the recovery of the whip a few minutes later in the possession of two boys, with team and wagon. The owner wiia 60 pleased with the recovery of the whip (as it was a valued one) that ho let the boys oft withont arrest, or even giving their names to the public, through respect for the family. The Way to go to California is in a tourist .sleeper, personally con ducted, via the Burlington Route. You don't change cars. You make fast time. You see the flnest scenery on the globe. Your car is not so expensively furnish ed as a palace sleeper, but it is just as clean, just as comfortable, just as good to rido in and nearly $20.(X) cheaxr. It has wide vestibules; 1'mtsch gas; high backseats; a uniformed Pullman porter; clean bedding; spurious toilet rooms; tables and a heating range. Being strongly and heavily built, it rides smoothly, is warm in winter and cool in summer. In charge of each excursion party is an experienced excursion conductor who accompanies it right through to Los Angeles. Cars leave Omaha, St. Joseph, Lincoln and Hastings every Thursday, arriving San Francisco following Sunday, Los Angeles Monday. Only three days from the Missouri river to the Pacific Coast, including a stop-over of 6 hours at Denver and 2 hours at Salt Lake City two of the most interesting cities on the continent. For folder giving fnll information, call at any Burlington Route ticket office, or write to J. Francis, Gen'!. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. 0.E.STEINBAUGH, Blacksmith ami Wagon-Making Shop. HOKSK 8HOKINO A SPECIALTY. WATKlt TANKS, all kinU ami sizes madtt to order. Yodh Patuoxaqe Solicited. Thirteenth St.. next door eiutt of Commercial Nnt'l bank. 10jan-3in WNENIHIEEDOF Briefs. Dodgers, Sale Hills, Envelope, Catalogues, Hand Bills. Statements, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Meal Tickets. Legal Blanks. Visiting Cards, Milk Checks. Society Invitations, Wedding Invitations, Or, in fact, any kind of JOB PRINTING. Call on or address. The Journal, Columbus, Nebraska. IF YOU ARE GOING TO THE PACIFIC COAST Don't complete arrangements until yon have secured information re garding the personally conducted ex cursions ..VIA.. rotSiv- These excursions leave Omaha every Friday, in elegantly upholstered Ordi nary Sleeping Cars, illuminated by Pintsch Light. Heated by Steam. Baggage checked through to desti nation. Prompt and satisfactory service. Many hours quicker time than any other line. For time tables, folders, illustrated books, pamphlets descriptive of the ter ritory traversed, call on W. H. Benham, 31jan-3m-3eow Agent. C. CASSIN, pBOPBirroR or thk Omaha Meal Met HVesh. and Salt JVfeats.. Game and Fish in Season. JaaHiffheat market Hides and Tallow. prices paid for THIRTEENTH ST., COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA 23aprtf AVtaUeRfpuoniAs- I suimTalirfcfroalottiBrtiUa- tatneSta-adbniilBcMcr EroBsOte3T)igri$ttDixCketiuI- I iKssttdBsLCoitinteadllier OaumMMfNim not ffoeral MOT NAXC OTIC. - .r r ' I JaW 1 1 " I H Aperlert Senary for Coastipa- H tion.Sourj5k)BBach.Diacrhoea, WonnsjConvukions.Fcvcrish- wssoiiLoss OF Sleep. TJrSiaile Signature of H NEW -YDHK. W lACTCOPrOFWKAEKn. -''''yyyftjgyyyyyyyyyyyyyyjfjy The King of Reference Works THE HEW WEMNEK EDITION OF The Encyclopedia Britannica paedia Britannica in a house gives the place an intellectual tone. ! A library of thousands of volumes does not offer such an oppor- ; tunity for successful home study and development as this master- ' piece of literature. There is no more instructive reading on earth ! than that contained in its 30 volumes. To a life whose current ! runs toward the future, this great work is indispensable. Just now you can secure the Encyclopaedia Britannica JFjbr One Dollar Cash paying the balance in small monthly payments. Remember, too, that the entire Thirty Volumes with a Guide and an elegant Oak Book Case, will be delivered when the first payment is made. You will be surprised when you learn the LOW COST. Here it Is: The complete set (Thirty Large Octavo Volumes): No. 1 New Style Buckram Cloth, Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High Machine Finish Book Paper, $4500 First payment, One Dollar ($1.00) and Three Dollars ($3.00) per month thereafter. 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