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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1900)
5ST . ?"S v-;- -"", 3-T-V " V- -l?7 it -""- 'a , r; rr - ' vrx -ST 3t' -J&&5L' SUPPLEMENT TO Columbus Journal Columbus, Neb. PROBLEWOFTHEPHILIPPINES The Question of the Hour. Conclusions Arrived at After Extended Personal Investigation Sea. DeTer- edge's Great Speech Delivered la the Senate January 9, 1900. The secretary read the joint resolu tion (S. R. r:i)defining the poliey of the United States relative to the Philip pine Islands, as follows: Be It resolved bv the Senate and House or Representatives of the United States of Ameri ca in Congress assembled. Thai the Philippine Islands are territory of the United States; that it is the intention or the United States to retain them as such and to establish and maintain such governmental control throughout the archipel ago as the situation may demand. Mr. 1IEVERIDGE. Mr. President. I address the Senate at this time because Senators and Members of the House on both sides have asked that I give to Congress and the country my observa tions in the Philippines and the far East, and the conclusions which those observations compel; and because of hurtful resolutions introduced and ut terances made in the Senate, every word of which will cost and is costing the lives of American soldiers. Mr. President, the times call for can dor. The Philippines are ours forever, "territory belonging' to the United States,"' as the Constitution calls them. And just bej-ond the Philippines are China's illimitable markets. We will not retreat from cither. We will not repudiate our duty in the archipelago. We will not abandon our opportunity in the Orient. We will not renounce our part in the mission of our race, trustee, under God. of the civilization of the world. And we will move for ward to our work, uot howling out re grets like slaves whipped to their bur dens, but with gratitude for a task worthy of our strength, and thanks giAing to Almighty God that He has marked us as his chosen people, hence forth to lead in the regeneration of the world. PHILIPPINES COMMAND TIIK PACIFIC. This island empire is the last ladn left in all the oceans. If it should prove a mistake to abandon it, the blunder once made would be irrretricvablc. If it proves a mistake to hold it, the error can be corrected when we will. Every other progressive nation stands ready to relieve us. Rut to hold it will be no mistake, our largest trade henceforth must be with Asia. The Pacific is our ocean. More and more Europe will manufac ture the most it needs, secure from its colonies the most it consumes. Where shall we turn for consumers 01 our sur plus? Geography answers the ques tion. China is our natural customer. She is nearer to us than to England. Germany or Russia, the commercial powers of the present and the future. They have moved nearer to China by securing permanent bases on her bor ders. The Philippines give us a base at the door of all the East. Lines of navigation from our ports to the Orient and Australia; from Ihe isthmian canal to Asia; from all Ori ental ports to Australia, converge at and separate from the Philippines. They are a self-supporting, dividend paying lleet. permanently anchored at a spot selected by the strategy of Prov idence, commanding the Pacific. And the Paciiie is the ocean of the com merce of the future. Most future wars will be conllicts for commerce. The power that rules the Pacific, therefore, is the power that rules the world. And, with the Philippines, that power is and will forever be the American Re public vai.ui: of china's trade. China's trade is the mightiest com mercial fact in our future. Her for eign commerce was S23.".738,300 in 1807, of which we. her neighbor, had less than 9 per cent, of which only a little more than half was merchandise sold to China by us. We ought to have .10 percent, and we will. And China's foreign commerce is only beginning. Her resources, her possibilities, her wants, all are undeveloped. She has only '.U0 miles of railway. I nave seen trains loaded with natives and all the activities of modern life already ap pearing along the line. Rut she needs, and in fifty years will have, 20,OJJ miles of railway. Who can estimate her commerce then'.' The statesman commits a crime against American trade against the American grower of cotton and wheat and tobacco, the American manufac turer of machinery and clothing who fails to put America where she may command that 1 rade. Germany's Chi nese trade is increasing like magic. She has established ship lines and se cured a tangible foothold on China's very soil. Russia's Chinese trade is growing beyond belief. She is spend ing the revenues of the Empire to fin ish her railroad into Pekin itself, and she is in physical possession of the im perial province of Manchuria. Japan's Chinese trade is multiplying in volume and value. She is bending her energy to her merchant marine, and is located along China's very coast; but Manila is nearer China than Yokohama is. The Philippines command the commercial situation of the entire East. Can America best trade with China from Saa Francisco or New York? From San Francisco, of course. Rut if San Fran::seo were closer to China than New York is to Pittsburg, what then? And Manila is nearer Hongkong than Habana is to Washington. And yet American statesmen plan to surrender this commercial throne of the Orient where Providence and our soldiers" lives have placed us. When history comes to write the story of. that sug gested treason to American supremacy and therefore to the spread of Ameri can civilization, let her in mercy write that those who so proposed were merely blind and nothing more. RESOURCES AND IMMENSE SIZE OF THE ISLANDS. ' 'But if they did not command China. India, the Orient, the whole Pacific for purposes of offense, defense, and trade, the Philippines are so valuable in them selves that we should hold them. I hare cruised more than 2,000 miles through the archipelago, every moment a surprise at its loveliness and wealth. I have ridden hundreds of miles on the islands, every foot of the way a revela tion of vegetable arid mineral riches. No land in America surpasses in fer tility the plains and valleys of Luzon. Rice and coffc, sugar and cocoanuts, hemp and tobacco, and many products of the Temperate as well as the Tropic zone prow in various sections of the archipelago. I have seen hundreds of bushels of Indian corn lying in a road fringed with banana trees. The for ests of Negros, Mindanao, Mindora, Paluan, and parts of Luzon arc invalu able and intact. The wood of the Philippines can supply the furniture of the world for a century to come. At Cebu the best informed man in the island told me that 40 miles of Cebu's mountain chain are practical moun tains of coal. Pablo Majia. one of the most reliable men on the islands, con firmed the statement. Some declare that the coal is only lignite; but ship captains who have used it told me that it is better steamer fuel than the best coal of Japan. I have a nugget of pure gold picked up in its present form on the banks of a Philippine creek. I have gold dust washed out by crude processes of care less ratives from the sands of a Philip pine stream. Roth indicate great de posits at the source from which they come. In one of the islands great de posits of copper exist untouched. Ths mineral wealth of this empire of the oce?u will one day surprise the world. I base this statement partly on per sonal observation, but chiefly on the testimony of foreign merchants in the Philippines, who have practically in vestigated the subject, and upon the unanimous opinion of natives and priests. And the mineral wealth is but a small fraction of the agricultural wealth of these islands. And the wood. hemp, copra, and other products of the Philippines sup ply what we need and cannot ourselves produce. And the markets they will themselves afford will be immense. Spain's export and import trade, with the islands undeveloped, was Sll,!i34, 731 annually. Our trade with the islands developed will be S1-'.".000,000 annually, for who believes that we can not do ten times as well as Spain? Consider their imperial dimensions. Luzon is larger and richer than New York. Pennsylvania, Illinois, or Ohio. Mindanao is larger and richer than all New England, exclusive of Maine. Manila, as a port of call and exchange, will, in the time of men now living, far surpass Liverpool. Rchold the ex haustless markets they command. It is as If a half dozen of our States were set down between Occanica and the Orient, and those states themselves un developed and unspoiled of their primi tive wealth and resources. Nothing is so natural as trade with one's neighbors. The Philippines make nr. the nearest neighbors of all the East. Nothing is more natural than to trade with those you know. This is the Philosophy of all advertising. The Philippines bring us permanently face to face with the moit sought-for cus tomers of the world. National pres tige, national propinquity, these and commercial activity at e the elements of commercial success. The Philippines give the first; the character of the American people supply the last. It is a providential conjunction of all the ulements of trade, of duty, and of power. If we are willing to go to war rather than let England have a few feet of frozen Alaska, which affords no market and commands none, what should we not do rather than let Eng land, Germany. Russia, or Japan have all the Philippines? And no man on the spot can fail to see that this would be their fate if we retired. Philippine climate. The climate is the best Tropic climate in the world. This is the belief of those who have lived in many Tropic countries, with scores of whom I have talked on this point. My own experi--nee with tropical conditions has not been exhaustive: yet. speaking from that experience. I testify that the cli mate of lloilo. Sulu, Cebu, and even of Manila, greatly surpasses that of Hongkong. And yet on the bare and burning rock of Hongkong our con structing race has baildcd one of the noblest cities of all the world, and made the harbor it commands the focus of the commerce of the East. And the glory of that achievement illumines with a rarer splendor than that of Waterloo the flag that floats above it, for from Hongkong's heights civiliz ation is irradiating all the Orient. If this be imperialism, its final end will ,c the empire of the Son of Man. Yet fifty years ago this English out post of empire was a smooth and tree less mountain, blazing like a ball of lire beneath the tropic suns. The Philippines are beautiful and rich, with the healing scjis pouring round and through them and fanned by a thousand winds. Even in the hottest season, under severest conditions, I found the weather tolerable and often delightful; and in Luzon, Pa nay, Cebu. Negios. and Sulu I have been in the sun and rain without protection from eitiier for hours at a time, traveling from place to place oil horseback, on foot, or in a boat, rising at dawn, re tiring at midnight, week after week, without injury to health. General MacArthur. commanding a force which had been fighting continu ously for three months and which was under fire practically every hour, was in excellent health every time I saw him at San Fernando, our extreme front. General Lawton, that perfect soldier, whom I have seen ride, order, plan, and execute all day. and then ride, order, plau. and execute all night, until the Tagals named him "the soldier of the night."' told me that his health was perfect. General Otis, that devoted servant of the Republic, who toils ceaselessly, does not fall ill. nor grow weary, nor complain. I could give the names of scores of our oSicers and de scribe their feats of endurance wit nessed by me that would have taxed their strength even in America. Yet they do not succumb. I have seen cor respondents exert themselves in all kinds of weather without food or sleep in a way that would prostrate them in the hottest days of our summer in Chi cago or New York. Major Hoyt, chief medical officer with MacArthur. told me that San Fernando is as healthy as the average American town. The Eu ropean business men of Cebu, lloilo, and Manila work as hard and as many hours a day as those of New York, and a finer body of physical manhood can not be gathered at random in America. This proves that this garden of the seas is not the sweltering, steaming, miasmatic swamp that it has been de scribed. CHARACTER OF TOE rEOPE AGUINALDO. It will be hard for Americans who have not studied them to understand the people. They are a barbarous race, modified by three centuries of contact with a decadent race. The Filipino is the South Sea Malay, put through a process of three hundred years of su perstition in religion, dishonesty in dealing, disorder in habits 'of industry, and cruelty, caprice, and corruption in government. It is barely possible that 1,000 men in all the archipelago are capable of self-government in the Anglo-Saxon sense. My own belief is that there are not 100 men among them who comprehend what Anglo-Saxon self-government even means, and there are over 5,000,- 000 people to be governed. I know many clever and highly educated men among them, but there are only thice commanding intellects and characters Arellani. Mabini. and Aguinaldo. Arellano, the chief justice of our su preme court, is a profound lawyer and a brave and incorruptible man. Ma bini, who. before his capture, was the literary and diplomatic associate of Aguinaldo. is the highest type of sub tlety and the most constructive mind that race has yet prcd .iced. Aguinaldo is a clever, popular leader, able, brave, resourceful, cunning, ambitious, un scrupulous, and masterful. He is full of decision, initiative, and authority, and had the confidence of the masses. He is a natural dictator. His ideas of government are absolute orders, im plicit obedience, or immediate death. He understands the character of his countrymen. He is a Malay Sylla; not a Filipino Washington. These conclusions were forced upon me by observing the people in all walks of life in the different islands, and by conversations witli foreign merchants, priests, mestizos, pure Filipinos, and every variety of mind, character, and opinion from San Fernando, in Luzon, on down through the entire archipelago to the interior of Sulu. These conver sations were had informally at dinner tables, on journeys, and the like, and always under conditions favorable to entire frankness and unreserve. Their chief value is that they are the real opinions of their authors and not pre pared and guarded statements. I will read to the Senate salients points from a few of my notes of these conversa tions, reserving the names of the per sons interviewed, except that of Pablo Majia. of Cebu. who was assassinated a week after I met him, and whose fate 1 will not risk bringing down on oth ers. Their names and residences are here in this book, and will be gladly given to any Senator or to the Senate in executive session. The conversa tions themselves, of course, are many of them quite extended. I give here only the brief extracts, which may be helpful to a correct understanding of the subject immediately in hand. One of the principal merchants of the Philippines and the far East said, among many other things: The whole country 1 incalculably rich. With cniy ordinary good government commerce would be 'immense. Spanish rule was corrupt, but commerce accustomed itself to the conditions and flourished in spite of them. So rich is the country that commerce will survive uny situu utiou, however bad. if it is only lixed and cer tain. The people are incapable of self-government. The few exceptions are no examples of the masses. For years to come a very strong government will be necessary. The climate is very good. I have lived here eighteen years, and my health was never better. One of the principal business men of the Philippines and the far East said: I have no fault to tind with the climate. My health is very line. Business here, large as it is, is only a hint of what will be under a good government. I think it folly to talk of giving the natives any p irt iu the government. They are incapable. Of course there ere, possibly, half u dozen who might be capable, but I doubt the result of such an experiment, even with the best. Anything but a strong government at lirst will result in di.sastor. Do not put courts into their hands at all. except the minor and village courts, of course. You might give them municipal self-government in the smaller mu nicipalities, but even then only undr careful supervision. The most eminent educator in the Philippines, of very wide information about the people and the country, said: It is a most marvelous country. The climate is the ideal tropical climate of the world. Also, St presents every variety of climate. Only a moderate distance from Manila, in the province of Benguct. there are oaks, pines, frost, and you must use blankets at night. It is the richest and most variegated iortion of the earth's sur face. My health lias always been good. You must introduce a strong, decisive, and pure gov ernment. Tne natives might possibly be per mitted to take a practical part in municipal af fairs. Self-government is out oMhe question. I fear the insurrection will last for months. The na tives arc like buffalo bulls -they get mad and then want to light, no matter whether right or wrong. You cannot successfully deal .vith them by gentle means; they absolutely misun derstand such treatment, while in arms they must be fought, fought ceaselessly and remorse lessly. Otherwise they will keep it up forever. The most eminent scientist of the far East, better informed on the Phil ippines and their people and more ex perienced in the whole situation than any man now living, said: The climate is the best tropical climate in the world. My health is excellent and has been for years. Nearly everything can be raised in the islands. Also nearly all climates can be had in the various altitudes practically accessible. It will take a long time to prepare the people for self-government. Certainly they are not so now. I think everything 'must "for years be lirmly controlled by the American. One of the large planters and busi ness men of the interior of Luzon, a pure Filipino, with intimate relations with the insurgents: It is hard to say how long the contest will last. The very common people care little about the matter, but have been told and believe many bad things about the Americans. What Filipinos want is to govern themselves. Xo, of course, they do not know anything about gov ernment except that Spaiu gave them, which was most corrupt. If you gave those islands a government where justice would be adminis tered freclv and without price, property prot, tected. and free speech secured, you ask me if the common people would be satisfied. I do not know. The common people do not know what they want. Are they capable of self-government of voting intelligently? What difference does that make': They would vote just exactly as the better classes say. I employ several hun dred men. Well. I expect and would see to it that they have the same opinions I have. Humph : it would be impossible otherwise. What the Filipino leaders talk about and insist upon is a guaranty, lly this they mean Filipinos to have exclusnc government in the islands, the United States to kaep a fleet here to protect that gov ernment and the islands generally iu every pos sible situation, and this agreement witnessed by a third nation, strong enough to compel the United Suites to carry out its contract. The people aw not capable of self-government, but the leaders are, or will be after some practice; so it is just the same thing. A pure Filipino, a physician, a man of wealth, in the interior of Luzon one of the most intelligent men of the many I met and talked to: It is hard to say how long this struggle will continue. The leaders say they want indepen dence: the common people probably want so cialism. To be definite and particular, they probably do not know what they want. No. they are not capable of self-government. If you give them pure government, free speech and all that, they would not understanp and appreciate it at first; would not believe it, as it were. But when, after a while, three or four years, say. they come to understand your good inten tions and actually experience good govern ment, there will be no trouble. Oh, yes; the islands arc marvelously rich. After good gov ernment is once in operation, they will pay their way many times over- My people arc not a bad people; they don't understand; they are children yet. The principal British merchant of lloilo said: The climate is simply splendid, even acre on the sea. A very short distance inland you must have Are every night. I have been here more than twenty years, und my health is and al ways has been most excellent. The only time I ever felt heat badly was in New York last Sep tember. It goes without saying that the coun try is enormously rich. Its resources have not yet even begun to be developed. Vast as com merce is or was. it is only u suggestion to what maybe. The natives arc a kind, affectionate people when properly treated. They are suspi cious, though, and once nrouscd. very obstinate. Surely they are capable of self-government in municipal matters. Further than that I think it not safe to go at present. The common peo ple probably do not understand the meaning of self-government as we do. There is no doubt that they would be com pletely dominated by their leaders. I should think it a very risky business to put the courts in the hands of the natives, even if you allow them a large measure of self-government other wise. You sec: thev do not understand the just and pure administration of law through courts. How should they? The whole secret or your success will be to adopt some definite plan, stick to it. govern justly und firmly, be patient, do not expect everything in a day, and very gradually and wisely introduce them into the government. But all will fail if you send any but pure and incorruptible men here. A highly educated and bright Span ish mestizo, claiming to be pure Fili pino, eniploj-ed in lloilo, said: No one can tell when the lighting will cease. It all depends upon what Aguinaldo says. The common people have ubsolutc faith in him. His order.among those now in rebellion in this isl and would be promptly obeyed. The common people say they are lighting for theii- independ ence. They mean by this the right to manage their own government; make and execute their own laws. Their ideas of a proper relation be tween the Philippine Islands and people cftho United States is that of a protectorate. Tht leaders absolutely control the people. A man of property expects his working people to have the same opinion as he has. I do myself. It is. perhaps, true that the masses do not un derstand what self-government means. I think that that there arc enough capable und educated men among our people to control government, but I do not believe that the great mass of the people arc at all fltteJ fcr self-governmant now and will not be for a long time. You should have uniform laws over the entire archipelago. If vou have one thing at one place and another at 'another place, each will think and say that the other is better treated, and you will have constant and serious disturbance. Already the people of this island are very angry because Ne gros is given a United States constitution. That is a profound mistake. Don't experiment. Se lect your plan and execute it. Euglish ought to be myde the one langugc of the island. A rich planter of Panay, pure Fili pino, but moderate in views, saiS: The common people have no opinions aud arc not capable of voting. If the Filipinos estab lished a government, of course the property and educated class would, beyond doubt, run such government. Not more than i" per cent of the people arc llttcd to take part in the selection of public officers. The -people are ut present in capable of self-government, though they might be intrusted with purely municipal affairs. Es tablish precisely the same laws through the archipelago. English should be uuivcrsajly taught. The common people know and care nothing about self-government or any other government. They are princip illy intcrestei in simply living. Self-government can only mean government by the upper classes. A prominent but very conservative business man of Panay: You may be a long time subduing this insur rection. The people are not yet capable of self government in the archipelago. It is well, though, to trust them with municipal adminis tration, provided everything is under your final supervision. The proposition to have the same commercial laws everywhere is to plain for ar gument. - The dim Jt3 is ii3t bid at all. You see that for yourself. It is very cool here, you see. this evening. Mv own health has been ex cellent, and is now. There is very little sick ness among the English here. A leading mestizo of Negros: The island of Negros Is far ahead of any other island in the culture of Its people. Our chief de sire now is to get utterly away from Spanish customs, laws, and traditions. I think we are quite capable cf self-government under American protection. If the Philippine islands are made into a Federal system we would expect to be one of the States. Certainly we can manage the local affairs of the island. Exclusive of the savages of the mountains. I should say that t or 5 per cent of the people are now capable of iu telligenly voting. I think the voting should be by those who own property, can read and write, or are established householders und heads of families, with defi nite, residences. I would Und out who should vote by having a committee in each town make out a list and then notify the ones chosen. Cer tainly I would expect the common icople to rollow the advice of the leaders and vote for whom the leaders said. I should think my own employes would take my view of a situation. If you give us a government where justice is ad ministered without corruption or delay, proper ty protected without a fee. free speech insured, commercial language provided, the people will be satisfied. Spain did none of this, but the reverse. That is, and was, our complaint. English should lie immediately made the language of the whole archipelago. I d6 not think the same political lsvrs should prevail throughout the islands. One place should have laws adapted to it: another, laws adapted to it. The reason for this is that the people of the various islands are of different degrees of culture. Of course, though. I think the whole archipelago a commercial unit. Pure Filipino and large planter of Ne gros: I have working for me about -100 men. They arc good, average examples of the common peo ple of the inland. I should say that not over 3 or 4 per cent of them are capable of self-government or in anv true sense understand the term. .If the ballot were given them, or even if it were restnetcu to tnose a or -i per cent, l snouiti ex pect them to vote as the leaders might indicate. I think the English language should b imme diately adopted throughout the entire archipel ago. It would simplify matters incalculably. No, I do not believe the same laws should prevail evervwherc. We of Negros are more cultivated than in Panay. We deserve better laws. Very large planter and influential man of Negros, claiming to be pure Filipino, but with some Chinese blood: The climata is most excellent. The wealth of these islands is beyond imagination. We have only begun to develop our resources. For ex ample, we have not touched our minerals prac tically. Lands you see yonder are really better for agricultural purposes than this low. Hat coast land. No: it is not yet occupied, and the title to it is still in the government. I have several American plows. They do good work. We do not use more because they are not brought to us. The native plow ha's served our purpose and our inertia makes it in convenient to change, if effort is necessary. Yes: enterprising agency would sell many plows. I have several carriages made in Ameri ca. I have from 1,000 to 1,500 men working for me. Of these practically all arc capable of .self-government. Would they vote as I wished? Most assuredly they would. By all means make English the language of these islands as speed ily as will increase commerce and get us farther away from the old aud hated re gime. I regard these islands as a commercial unit, and think uniform laws should prevail through out the archipelago. Your young men could come here and buy land and soon get enormous ly rich. You need not fear that we leaders would be able to control elections. The government itself would nominate all the officers or candi dates; so you tee. the people would have to vote for good men. What would I do if any m:n spoke against or criticised the government'; Whv. anyone lising against the government would be tried and shot if condemned. Pablo Majia, pure Filipino, rich. able, honest, and moderate. He was stabbed to death in Cebu, and this is why I withhold the names of the others: I do not think anyone could ask for a better climate than this. It is much better than Hongkong. The resources of this island have not begun to be developed. Our coal is very good, much better than Japafi coal. There Is copper too. on this island, not yet worked. I am sorry to say that very few of our population are capable of self-government. Of course the wealthy and educated classes are entirely competent to run the government. I do not expect nor desire any government ex cept one founded on and duected by America. Oh, ves : to such extent as the ballot may be given, there is no doubt that we of the upper classes can control. I employ 100 men now In good times more. All these would vote as I say. An educator of Cebu, who has lived among the Filipinos for twenty-five years, and one of the ablest men 1 ever met: For general health and for all human condi tions 1 consider this climate unexcelled in the world. When I left Europe twenty-five years agr and came here my health was wretched. Here I am never ill. The resources of these isl ands are simply marvelous. Think of the agri cultural richness of Negros! Think of the min eral wealth of Cebu. For 40 miles this chain of mountains back of us is one continuous coal mine. The coal is excellent. It is far better than the Japan coal. And there are very rich copper deposits over yonder: nobody ever worked them yet. There is yold here, too. Here. I will make you a present of this go!d dust; it was scooped up from one cf our streams here. It proves the existence of very heavy de posits at the point from which these fragments were washed down. Iu another Inland there are very rich gold deposits. Let me present you with this nugget It was picked up just as you see it. I have seen nuggets from there as large as your thumb pure, solid gold. Why are they not worker? Oh. we have been so far out of the world, you know, the world has forgotten us. And. then, the strange apathy of the Span ish Government and people. But that is all good luck for you. These people arc not capa ble of self-government That ought to be ap parent to anv thoughtful person. They are strangely childish. They do not themselves understand clearly what they are lighting for. Independence to the common people means an archy, or. rati cr. socialism. To the upper clashes it means rule and domin ion. If the ballot were placed in the hands the of people, they would vote as their leaders said. It would be well to make English the language of nil the islands but. dear me. what a fearful time you will have teaching it Why, my dear friend, wc have been teaching them Spanish for three hundred years working hard, too and yet they speak it very badly even now. They are not bright; really, they are stupid. They rcscmblc very mnch the caribou. They learn with great difilculty. Come into the islands with practical common sense, notscholasticallv. theoretically, or experimentally. The islands can be made a griat blessing to you. and ycu to them, and they also can be made a great curse. A gentleman liviug in Sulu and who has spent his entire life in various tropical countries said: The resources of these islands are not even guessed. This land we staud on grows cocoa, sugar, rice, coffee, and hemp, and all of the fin est quality. As to the health the conditions are perfect. I am thoroughly acquainted with Asiatic and Paclttc Tropics, und I consider this the ideal climate of them all. I hope you are not contemplating such a thing as self-government for the archipelago. It would be a hide ous mistake. They 'are utterly incapable of participating in government. May be in some places municipal government, might, to a limited extent be put in the hands of the more competent natives, but even then. I fear, it would work badly. But government of the archipelago by natives would mean contin uous civil war. I want you people to succeed, but you will Iguominiously and frightfully fail if you put up a weak or a half-hearted govern ment here. I have spent my life here, in Bor neo. Java, Straits Settlements, and other such places, and I know this people thoroughly. You have a glorious opportunity here and you must not ruin it. I will close these few extracts, which are a fair sample af a great number of others, all of which I am willing to submit to the Senate at any time, by reading a few suggestions made to me by the first statesman of the far East, who had had practical experience with similar problems. In the course of a long interview he said. You must establish government over the inl ands, because it is incalculably to your interest iu the future, and because, if "you do not an other power will undoubtedly take them, in volving the world in a war for which you will be responsible. As to the form of government, you should have a governor-general of great ability, lirm ness, and purity; under him suboRlcers" of dis tricts, and nnder them still lower officials for the municipalities, all appointed by their su periors and not chosen by the people. You should employ the ablest natives in the C!ov crnment service in some way so as to culist them on your side. The courts are the most important consideration of all. Don't put the natives in charge of them whatever else you do. In the armed forces, don't give any nathc su perior position for a long time. Won't do too much for them iu the beginning. Do it grad ually, as the years go by. I think your course is clear. Don't treat with them until you de feat them. You must do that. Ycu can not treat and light Make English the language cf the courts, schools, and everything else. Let xne impress on you the necessity of conferring your benefits on them quite gradually. If you give them too much they can not appreciate nor understand nor rightly use it. and it will thus be thrown awav: but if you give them the blessing of free institutions gradually, you furnish a source of constant gratitude. In the other way yon ex haust yourself ut the beginning, and besides fail in your good intentions. WE WILL HOLD IT FAST, AND IIOLI IT FOREVKK. Here, then, Senators,is the situation. Two years ago there was no land in all the world which we could occupy for any purpose. Our commerce was daily turning toward the Orient, and geog raphy and trade developments made necessary our commercial empire over the Pacific. And in that ocean we had no commercial, naval, or military base. To-day we have one ot the three great ocean possession of the globe, located at the most commanding commercial, naval, and military points in the east ern seas, within hail of India, shoulder to shoulder with China, richer in its own resources than any equal body of land on the entire globe, and peopled by a race which civilization demands shall le improved. Shall we abandon it? That man little knows the common people of the Republic, little understands the instincts of our race, who thinks we will not hold it fast and hold it forever, administering just government by simplest methods. We may trick up devices to shift our burden and lessen our opportunity; but "they will avail us nothing but delay. We may tangle conditions by applying academic arrangements of self-government to a crude situation: their failure will drive us to our duty in the end. MILITARY SITUATION OTIS DEFENDED. The military situation, past, present, and prospective, is no reason for aban donmeut. Our campaign has been as per fect as possible with the force at hand. We have been delayed, first, by a fail ure to comprehend the immensity of our acquisition: and second, bv insuf ficient force; and. third, by our efforts for peace. In February, after the treaty of peace. General Otis had only 3.7:12 oftieers and men whom he had a legal right to order into battle. The terms of enlistment of the rest of his troops had expired, and. they fought voluntarily and not on legal military compulsion. It was one of the noblest examples of patriotic devotion to duty in the history of the world. Those who complain do so in igno rance of the real situation. We at tempted a great task with insufficient means; we became impatient that it was not finished before it could fairly be commenced: and I pray we may not add that other element of disaster, pausing in the work before it is thor oughly and forever done. That is the gravest nistake we could possibly innl.-i. anil flint i tfi nnlv l:in,r lu- ....... V ....... ....- ....... -- fore us. Our Indian wars would have , been shortened, the lives of our soldiers and settlers saved, and the Indians themselves benefited had we made con tinuous and decisive war: and any other kind of war is criminal because ineffective. We acted towards the In dians as though we feared them, loved them, hated them a mingling of fool ish sentiment, inaccurate thought, and paralytic purpose. Let us now lie in structed by our own experience. This, too. has been Spain's course in the Philippines. I have studied Spain's painful military history in these isl ands. Never sufficient troop: never vigorous action, prs'ied to conclusive results and a permanent peace: always treating with the rebels while they fcu?htthem; always cruel and corrupt when a spurious peace was arranged. This has been Spain's way for three hundred years, until insurrection has become a Filipino habit. Never since Magellan landed did Spain put enough troops in the islands for complete and final action in war; never did she in telligently, justly, firmly, administer government in peace. At the outbreak.of the last insurrec tion, in August, lS9t, Spain had only 1.S0O Spanish soldiers in all the Philip pines, and 700 of these were in Ma nilla. In November of that year she had only 10,000 men. The generals in command of these were criticised and assailed in Spain. It is characteristic of Spain that the people at home do not support, but criticise theirgenerals in the field. The Spanish method has always been a mixed poliey of peace and war, a contradiction of terms, an impossible combination, rendering war ineffective and peace impossible. This was Compo's plan. It was Rlanco's plan. Those who would make it our plaujwill inherit Rlanco's fate and failure. TRUE MILITARY POLICY. Mr. President, that must not be our plan. This war is like all other wars. It needs to be finished before it is stopped. I am prepared to vote either to make our work thorough or even now to abandon it. A lasting peace can be secured only by overwhelming forces in ceaseless action until univer sal and absolutely final defeat is in flicted on the enemy. To halt before every armed force, every guerrilla band, opposing us is dispersed or extermi nated will prolong hostilities and lcav alive the seeds of perpetual insurrec tion. Even then we should not treat. To treat at all is to admit that we are wrong. And any quiet so secured will be delusive and fleeting. And a falsu peace will betray us: a sham truce will curse us. It is not to serve the pur poses of the hour, it is not to salve a present situation, that peace should be established. It is for the tranquilli of the archipelago forever. It is io an orderly government for the Fili pinos for all the future. It is to give this problem to posterity solved and settled; not vexed and involved. It is to estate lish the supremacy of the American Republic over the Pacific and thiuugh out the East till tneend of time. It has leen charged that our con duct of the war has been cruel. Sen ators, it has been the reverse. I have been in our hospitals and seen the Filipino wounded as carefully, tender ly cared for as our own. Within our lines they may plow and sow and reap and no about the affairs of peace with absolute liberty. And yet all this kind ness was misunderstood, or rather not understood. Senators must remember that we not dealing with Americans or Europeans. We are dealing with Orientals. We are dealing with Orient als who are Malays. We are dealing with Malays instructed in Spanish methods. They mistake kindness for weakness, forbearance for fear. it could not be otherwise unless you could erase hundreds of years of sav agery, other hundreds of years of Orientalism, and still other huiulredH of years of Spanish character ami cus tom. OUIt EFFORTS TO SECTRi: PEACE. Our mistake has not been cruelty: it has been kindness. It has been the application to Spanish Malays of Meth ods appropriate to New England- Ev ery device of mercy, every method of conciliation, has been employed by the peace-loving President of the American Republic, to the amacinent of nations experienced in Oriental revolt, lief ore the outbreak our general in command appointed a commission to make some arrangement with the natives mutual ly agreeable. I know the members of the commission well General Hughes, Colonel Crowder. and General Smith moderate, kindly, tactful men of the world; an ideal body for such negotia tion. It was treated with contempt. We smiled at intolerable insult and insolence until the lip of every native in Manila were curling in ridicule for the cowardly Americans. We re frained from all violence until their armed bravos crossed the lines in viola tion of agreement. Then our sentry shot the offender, and he should have been court-martialed had he failed t shtKit. That shot was the most fortu nate of the war. For there is every reason to believe that Aguinaldo h:ul planned the attack upon us for sonic nights later. Our sentry's shot brought this attack prematurely on. He ar ranged for an uprising iu Manila to massacre all Americans, the plans for which, in a responsible officer's hand writing, are in our possession. This shot and its results made the awful scheme impossible. We did not strike till they attacked us in force, without provocation. This left us no alterna tive but war or evacuation. WORK OF THE COMMISSION. The patience of our peace-loving President was not even then exhausted. A civil commission was sent to Msniki. composed of the president of one of our great universities, a distinguished diplomat ami an eminent college pro fessor who had special knowledge of the country and people and also Gen eral Otis and Admiral Pewey. Th'-i-e men exhaiihed the expedients of poaee. ami always were met with the Malay's ready evasion, the Spaniard's habitual delay. I am p'ronal witness that n effort was neglected by our commission to assure the Filipino people of our good intentions and beneficent pur poses. The commission entertained the mestizos of Manila in a way that would have honored the Senate of t:ie Fnited States: the brown faces of tne common pcop'e sneered. The com mission treated natives, accustomed to blows, with kindest consideration: the agents of Aguinaldo told tales of our pusillanimity to the ignorant rural masses. This remarkable man sent :-o-called commissions, ostensibly to treat, but really to play with ours. It is, commissions were compo.vd of generals iu uniform. The populance gaped in open admiration when they appeared iu Manila. Otr representatives of peace talked to them, argued with them, entertained them: flu people were impressed with their importance. 1'rc.sident Schurman even lode with them through the city. The masses were confirmed in their reverence for their brothers who were thus honored and distinguished. Then the be spangled representatives of the Malay dictator return to their lord, and tins sole effect of these pacific efforts was to make l'.'mi.OO!) natives in Manila think that the only wav to win the respect of the American Republic is to light it. No. Senators, the friendly lmthods of peace have been t ho:-Highly tried only to make peace inot-j ditli'-alt. The Oriental does not under.stand our at tempt to conciliate. Every effort of our commission which did its work at Manila so earnestly, so honestly, so thoroughly, and which, with Ameri cans or Europeans, would have so bril liantly sncccedcd. only delayed the peace it attempted to hasten. There is not now and never was any possible course but ceaseless operations in th field and loyal support of the war at home.