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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1900)
mJ MjjBMyagjeiw y ?y- - ?Pf - J ..- " I " :" .--:-. v" s i . --: 1 V '.. i-v: . lilt .; i - t .- E "-. :. I p. -. S 9 -. - I - ! " - - 1 1 . '? - " " When the Spanish minister and his " American wife drive out m Wasnlng .to they attract no little attention. They drive in a handsomely appointed -.Victoria, and the men on the box are in light liveries, with brilliant scarlet cockades in their hats. The duke is very fair and the duchess a decided brunette, and they make a handsome . couple. Among applicants for shelter at the -'city lodging house in New York the .other night was one woman over years old, who was clothed entirely m newspapers. In some places the paper was two inches thick. . - A New S Tort. , There is a lusty young city grow ". lng up down in Texas which is attract ing widespread attention. It is La Porte, located at the head of Galves- " ton Bay. It is being made the great seaport of the Gulf of Mexico, the meeting place of rail and water ways for the vast commerce of the west. " The saving to western shippers via . this export outlet will run into mil lions annually. The city has the most magnificent natural port on the south- crn coast of the United States and one ' ,of the best in the world. The U. S. government is completing a deep water channel through the bay "to the gulf, which will soon bring the largest ocean liners to La Porte docks and wharfs. The burden of some people's conver sation is pretty hard for others to bear. Important to Mothers. Exjntoe carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, mTc and sure remedy for infants anil children, and see that it Bear the - fin-nature of " "" W V la Use For Over 30 Tears. Tbo Kind Ton Have Always Bought A church without a scandal would have to be without a choir. Try Magnetic Starch it will last longer than any other. In life's battle one must either be a struggler or a straggler. How ThU? -,We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any T rare of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's i Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHEXEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo, a ' We. the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tions nude by their linn. We.t & Truax. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo O.; Waldlng. Kinnan & Marviu. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces f the i-ystcm. Testimonials sent free. Price !5c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. llalla Family Tills are the best. Sometimes it is very difficult to see through and interview. If you have not tried Magnetic Starch try it now. You will then use no other. Simple life is not unimpaired drawbacks. by AH APPEAL TO HUHAHITT GENERALLY. "We need your assistance in announc ing to the world the greatest remedy that Science has ever produced, and you need our assistance to secure re lief for yourself and friends through Swanson's ,45-DUOPS." A KEHEDV SLTKEMK. As surely as the American Navy has conquered and will conquer all that opposes it, so will "j-DROPS" unfail ingly conquer all disease like Rheu matism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Kidney Troubles, Lumbago, Catarrh of all kinds. Asthma, Dyspepsia, Backache, Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Heart Weakness, Toothache. Earache, Creep ing Numbness, Bronchitis, etc., or any disease for which we recommend it. 5-DROPS" is the name and the dose. Trial bottles 23c. Large bottles, con taining 300 doses, 91.00 prepaid by mail or express. Six bottles for $5.00. Why suffer pain and agony when for such Email amount you can obtain the re lief for which you have becn so long waiting? Don't wait! Write now, and the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., 164 Lake St, Chicago, 111., will imme diately give your order attention. Your clothes will not crack if you use Magnetic Starch. Th Health and Pleasure Resorts Of Texas, Mexico, Arizona and Cali fornia are quickly and comfortably reached via the Southern Pacific Com pany's Sunset Route. Daily through service from New Orleans to San Francisco via Houston, San Antonio, El Paso and Los Angeles. Special semi-weekly service, Sunset Limited from New Orleans Mondays and Thursdays, composed of Buffet Smok ing. Car. containing Bath Room and Barber Shop, Drawing Room Compart ment Car, regular Pullman Sleepers, and Dining Car (meals a la carte), all of the latest design and most luxuri ously appointed. Direct connections made at New Orleans from all points North and East. Detailed informa tion cheerfully furnished by W. G. Neimyer, G. W. A., So. Pac. Co., 238 Clark St, Chicago; W. H. Connor, Com'l Agt, Chamber Commerce Bldg., Cincinnati, O., W. J. Berg. Trav. Pass. Agt. 220 Ellicott Square, Buffalo. N. Y. The purse is a poor place to keep pride. Plao's Care for Consumption is the beat of all cough cures. George W.- Lots, Fabucher, La., August 20. lSlta. The way to scandalize is to tell ' scandal's lies. 44 A Miss is As Good as a Mile9 if yoa are not entirely toett, yoa are 3L Mness does not mean death's door. It is a sense of weariness, a " tired feeling" a life filled faith nameless pains and suffer ing hi 90 of eases the blood is to blame. Hood's SarsaparSla is Nature's corrective for disorders of the blood, member W. X. U. OMAHA. Jfo 31 BOO JsJhAr!'frrj W -WW-VMB P O " Maacv'MutM'aC - IIACAKlD llm. tgtl- "PELTS n ftm .M !. acre. Snataat ajaia n bhbww aB "" "T ittttiiif nt kmii U HllVal BAKLEt.lEiKHXIS, A afTfl7iMiZIkw.taX.T.-4(ifuty n HnXaf Jaw . bate . a Tax I ILBTeTlWl AHI "He. r cattte.ll U"BBa Hl"1' rNtt7.t,uaLU HiaV!!. WaaenaJae-ttUta ! flaVTaTcHtBTaVaHM "" baiS.S. fl LjVfHVI BaaxrsixEUirs U mBHf Vratnt(Taeiaaank. Omml H MMtafti I lua ! aaniln !. H II KH eater vanaaukl II H LM1' w nwrwiF ii H aS I bfH !UaitBJaSar II aVaTaA H W M m mrik- Salaer Mi il U Bml! J7wecfcstl)atfeaBakawilea.U AtJaW Jr tr11 cr T FaCsuaa aat H aWBaaat aW TaniSttaala thawarM. H U HAVnaW TEfiETABLESETBa U ffBrarVlHlMaa,t '" Vl. il AHIV OaiMS.S9c. Ik. ETCT7tkbin IJ.aBH 1 IwmalliBOT. S pka aar M -VI 111 Tfgif iMea. p tpild. fLm. HlB f raxiee. stamps II 3A a mmM Ms nmtltfk waaiall snasantll II LA CROSSE WIS. fl VC:SIBVa.f.C3afa3aTalBaiBaCaV CAMPFIEE SKETCHES. GOOD SHORT STORIES FOR THE VETERANS. AaBerlcaaa Best Soldiers With Us There Is No Qaestlon of Eejceaerate Class Friabteaed the Barky Xot la tbe Tactics Australian 'elaatecrs. vPat Up the Svrord. Ihave sung of the soldier's glory As I never shall sing again; I have gazed on the shambles gory, I have smelled of the slaughter-pen. There Is blood in the Ink-well clotted. There are stains on the laurel-leaf. And the pages of Fame are blotted With tbe tears of a needless grief. The bird is slaughtered for fashion. And the beast Is killed for sport; And never the word compassion Is whispered at Moloch's court For the parent seal In the water Is slain, and her child must die. That some sister or wife or daughter Her beauty may beautify. And the merciful thought we smother For such is the way of man As we murder the useless mother For the "unborn astrakhan." But a season of rest comes navcr For the rarest sport of all; Will His patience endure forever. Who noteth a sparrow's fall? When the volleys of hell are sweeping The sea and the battle plain. Do you think that our God is sleeping. And never to wake again? When hunger and ravenous fever Are slaying the wasted frame. Shall we worship the red deceiver. The devil that men call Fame? We may swing the censor to cover The odor of blood In vain; God asks us. over and over. "Where is thy brother. Cain?" James Jeffrey Itoche, in December Century. Americans Best Soldiers. We know, of course, that the raw recruit is a far different individual from that person after he has gone through tbe ministrations of the drill eergeant, says the Philadelphia Tele graph. The army officer is apt, indeed, to tell us that drill is everything, that the native material and the disciplined soldier have not a single point in com mon. Still, tome vital statistics, as we may call them, are, in spite of the opinions of officers, of practical con cern in this question, such considera tions as height, weight, organic sound ness and freedom from the alcoholic habit. Some significant comment on these and allied matters was made at the United States institution in Lon don recently by Lieut-Col. Douglas, brigade surgeon. He spoke of the re cruit from a depot medical officer's point of view, and his remarks, as re ported in the Times, gives the English people something to think about It has been generally admitted for some time that the British soldier is a much less perfect physical creature than he was in other days, but it has been left for Col. Douglas to indicate clearly how he has retrograded. As a fact, the English private of the pe riod Is deficient in stature and in weight, as compared with the men who fought under Wellington, and even with the fighting men nearer our own day. The British armies of other times contained many blackguards, no doubt, but not so many degenerates. It is a vital consideration. Discipline can make of the blackguard a good many for army use, but it can do little for the degenerate. The men who are driven into the ranks In these days take the step mainly from hunger; they are mostly artisans, undersized and so devitalized by a long course of insufficient food and absolute neglect of sanitary living, that all the drill in the world cannot make them sol diers of the first class. We give the opinion of an Englishman who ought to know. The blackguard was more to be desired than the degenerate. With all this, the English private soldier outclasses his brother of the continent. The French, German and Russian sol diers are even inferior to those of Eng land. Compulsory military service ac counts for this. While there is some pretense of sifting the drawings from the insatiate net, the demand for even greater and greater armies is so press ing that multitudes of men pass the examiners who never should be al lowed to do so. In marked contrast with these various classes of recruits stand the men who make up the American regiments. With us it is no question of a degenerate class. Our soldiers are picked men. They are so because we need fewer of them, and because among those applying for en listment more are rejected than are ac cepted. It is made a kind of favor to get into the army, and only the best men offering get the chance. This is not from any unjust selection, but only through living up to the letter of the strict regulations. This material is re moved from the moral dregs of Eu ropean society, and is very superior physicaliy. Bodily measurements tak en of several thousand young Ameri cans between the ages recognized in recruiting showed an average weight of 156 pounds, a height of 5 feet 8 inches, girth of chest 34 1-3 inches". Average results of British recruits in a great number of examinations were: Weight, 12G pounds; height, 5 feet 5 inches, chest measurement, 33 inches. Col. Douglas said that within his re membrance recruiting sergeants would have "laughed" at the British recruits of today. On the contrary, the Ameri can soldier has never been a more complete figure of a man than he is at present. In all respects he towers above the fighting man of every other country. Xot In the Tactic-. There is much in the strategy of war that is not set down in any book of tactics or evolutions. Gen. N. B. For rest, as his biographer relates, once made good use of a military artifice based solely upon his native shrewd ness. In the West Tennessee expedi tion, in 1862, with a small brigade of new levies, the first thing Forrest did when well in the country occupied by the Federals was to arrest a number of Union sympathizers, and place them under guard within the limits of his cai2p. He had a good number of drums with him, and these he caused to be beaten at all hours of the day and ni-ht; and having dismounted his troopers he made them march on foot in sight of the prisoners, who were giren to understand that it was Cheat ham's division of infantry passing by. When the mea on foot had disappeared behind a dense wood, they were made to return by 'another route, mount their horses, and again file by, as cav alry, over the road along which they had just paraded. The captives were then permitted to escape, and as For rest intended, made their way to the nearest Federal commander and in formed him of the great strength of the Confederate force, the soldiers cf which made no secret of their inten tion permanently to occupy and hold that section of the country. The pres ence of Cheatham's division of infantry is repeatedly mentioned in the official dispatches of the Union commanders at this time, and while Forrest did not have more than three thousand sol diers in his little army of invasion his stratagem caused Gen. Grant to detach twenty-five thousand men to drive him across the Tennessee. CoL Bell Is a Cool Oae.' Col. James Bell, the man who Is just now so much inthe public eye because he is close to the heels of Aguinaldo in northern Luzon, is one of the biggest soldiers in the United States army. He used to be stationed at Fort Meyer, Va., and is known to many Pittsburghers who have been in the habit of taking trips to Washing ton. Because of his height, 6 feet 4 inches, he is known in the service as Little Jamie Bell. He is a broad shouldered fellow without an ounce of spare fleEh on him. He is the coolest man in an emergency that ever wore spurs, and the troopers who have served under him swear by him, and it takes a good man to have the buck soldier as a worshiper. Bell, when he was a captain, used to take great de light in having the men cf his troop good shots. That is another thing which shows the good officer. Teach ing recruits revolver practice Is rather a tedious job. The reason is that the new man has difficulty in training his fingers to obey his will. In revolver shooting, by numbers, "which is the first step in the drill, the young soldier throws the pistol upward until the muzzle points to the sky. Simultane ously he uses his thumb to cock the pistol. On the command "fire" the pis tol is thrown forward toward the ob ject, and the first finger, which is curled around the .trigger, is used to fire with. This is always a hard thing for the new man to learn. The im pulse is, when throwing the pistol to the perpendicular, to press both with the thumb on the hammer and the first finger on the trigger. In Bell's troop of the Sixth cavalry there was a par ticular dolt who could not master this. As often as he threw his pistol into the upright position the bullet would go skyward and it was empty when the command was given to fire. Bell was taking pains with the men, and espe cially with this soldier. He laborious ly showed the man how to do the trick. The fellow fired into the air. At last Bell got behind him and told him to go slow and think as he went through the motions. On the command the sol dier threw his gun muzzle upward, and probably through stage fright at having the captain immediately be hind him, shoved the pistol a little too far and the muzzle was over his shoulder. At the same time he pressed his finger on the trigger as he had been warned not to do, and the big 45 bullet whizzed past Bell's head, taking the button on the side of his cap with it. Everybody thought the captain had been shot That officer stood immov able, and in the calmest voice said to the soldier: "If you da that again I'll have to put you in the guardhouse." Pittsburg News. Frightened the Darkey. Gen. Nicolls of New Orleans sacri ficed an eye, a leg and an arm to the cause which he believed just, and came out of the war, as he declared, "only half a man." But the half that was left enjoyed a joke as keenly as ever. Sci ence replaced the lost members so suc cessfully that nobody who was ignor ant of his misfortunes could detect it. Tbe general often told the following story: Stopping at a hotel in Mobile, a negro boy was detailed to help him prepare for bed. After his bag was un packed, and his coat laid aside, he said: "Now, Sam, take off my leg." Sam started speechless. "Don't know yet how to take off legs, eh? Now, look here!" He unscrewed the leg, and keeping it carefully covered with his long black stocking, laid it aside. "Now, take off this arm." "No, sah: no sah! Neber took off no gentlum's ahm in my life!" gasped Sam, turning gray with terror. "You're a pretty valet Nothing easier." The arm was taken off and laid beside the leg on the table, and the general prepared for sleep and got into bed. "Oh, by the way, we'd better take an eye out!" He took it out Sam backed to the door, afraid to turn his back on the terrible guest, who stretched himself sleepily, and then said: "Now, Sam, take off my head!" Sam rushed out of the room to the office, and could only find strength to gasp out: "It's de debbil heself, sah! He's taken bis self to pieces in room fohty-eight!" Exchange. Aastraliaa Volnateer. At a recent Australian military re view the commanding officer of a large volunteer infantry regiment was un expectedly absent, and the onus of marching the men past fell upon the second in command, a heavy, stolid looking trader, who knew nothing of drill. Ere he had time to hunt up the adjutant for instructions, a general's aid-de-camp galloped up with orders to march. "Urn! Yes, of course," said the amateur warrior, gazing leisurely around. "Beautiful day, isn't it? Have a cigar?" The aid-de-camp replied that he thought the general would be very angry if the regiment didn't move off at once. "Of course of course!" calm ly said the heavy fire-eater; "fine body of men, these" (waving his arm around). "Won't move off for anyone but me, you know er-try 'em." The aid smilingly told the trumpeter to sound the march, and the regiment of course moved off. "Good!" said the volunteer warrior, admiringly. "You can't stop 'em, though." The aid mo tioned to tbe trumpeter, who sounded "halt!" and the men immediately stopped. "My!" said the ponderous of ficer, with genuine admiration. "My, sir, you're a clever man! "San Fran cisco Post. Ah Island of Snlphar. In the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, is one of the most extraordinary is lands in the world. It is called White island, and consists mainly of sul phur mixed with gypsum and a few other minerals. Over the island, which is about three miles in circumference, and which rises between 800 and 900 fee above the sea, floats continually an immense cloud of vapor attaining an elevation of 10,000 feet In the center is a boiling lake of acid-charged water, covering 50 acres, and surrounded with blow-holes from which steam and sul phurous fumes are emitted with great force and noise. With care a boat can be navigated on the lake. The sul phur from White island is very pure, but little effort has yet been made to procure it systematically. Tlaae's Chan-.. From Town Topics: Upson Downes "There was a time when the height of my ambition was to own a diamond to wear in my shirt front" Pupson Downes ''And now?" Upson Downes "I am satisfied to own a shirt" The water buffalo is the Philippines' beast of burden. FAEM AND GARDEN. MATTERS OF INTEREST AGRICULTURISTS. TO Come Vp-te-Dat Ulata Aboat Cnl tlTatlea ef the Soli and Yields Thereof Hortlcaltare, TlUcmttara aa4 Florlcaltare. The Grain Faraaer and Sheep Feeder. A bulletin of the South Dakota Ex periment Station says: It is a de plorable fact, and one that does not speak well for the enterprise or in telligence of either our sheep-raisers or our farmers, that of the small num ber of sheep which are annually raised a large percentage is shipped east in an "unfinished" condition. At the same time hundreds of thousands of bushels of grain are annually sold at a price that entails an actual loss to the producer. In the past, and to a large extent at present, our cheap range sheep and our cheap grains are freighted east at great expense and there fed at a handsome profit We are glad to note, however, that some of the more progressive farmers in this state are availing themselves of these favorable conditions and are thereby realizing handsome profits. We would not be understood as advising all sheep men to go to raising grain, nor that all grain farmers should go into the sheep business. Neither do we believe that all the successful sheep-raisers are fitted by taste, experience, envi ronment or business ability to become successful feeders. But we do believe that many of them are so fitted and that there are a sufficient number of such in every neighborhood .to "feed to a finish" not only as many sheep as are now produced annually, but enough more to consume all of the coarse grains and fodder produced. We believe that all coarse grains and fodder produced should be fed within our state, and that no "feeders" should be shipped out until all such food stuffs are consumed. We believe that the farmers and the sheep men are "too far apart," not only geograph ically, but also in their way of looking at this important problem. Geograph ically they might be brought much closer together if all the rough, stony, hilly or unoccupied lands, of which every country has more or les3, were utilized for sheep ranges. On many farms both grain farming and sheep raising can be profitably conducted, but when this does not seem advisable the two industries can be carried on upon closely adjoining lands, with mutual profit to both the farmer and the sheep man. IS the grain farmer would take into consid eration the value he would derive from having a sheep man for a neighbor, who would buy and consume his sur plus grain product and also render him an even greater service by keep ing the stubble lands, fallow fields and waste places free from weeds; and if the sheep man would appreciate the advantage of being able to buy cheap grain of hi3 neighbor in order to finish his sheep, we believe they would find it mutually beneficial. In order to aid in bringing about this order of things a series of feeding experiments was begun during the past season, and it is hoped that the work may be con tinued for some years to come. Milk Preservatives. The Vermont Experiment Station sends out the following warning: Look out for the man with the patent milk preservative. There are various agents now abroad in the land selling "Freezene," "No-ice-needed Pre servative," "Liquid Milk Sweet," and several such nostrums intended inci dentally to keep milk from souring, and primarily to gather in the farm er's loose change. In all those several cases which have been reported to the Vermont Experiment Station, the chemical basis of the preservative is the same. It is formaldehyde form alin a powerful disinfectant and germicide, but not a desirable article of diet for the human species. It is not strictly and seriously poisonous, but it is held by all the best authorities to be harmful to the digestive system. It is the same material now largely in use in the creameries for preserving samples of milk for testing. It will certainly keep milk from souring; and it thus enables the slovenly dairyman to cover up many of his worst negli gencies. It leaves him free to enjoy the filth of an unclean stable, to save himself the trouble of cleaning his cans, to be as loose and lazy and wicked as he pleases. This is not to say that the man who uses Preserva tive, Freezene and the like is neces sarily that sort of a fellow; but these chemicals do protect him from the re sults of negligence and ignorance, and seem, to the unprejudiced observer, to offer tbe careless milkman an unde served salvation from his sins. A Dcatractlve Birch Tree Borer. In a report of the Division of En tomology of the Department of Agri culture, Prof. F. H. Chittenden, regard- ing the birch tree borer, Agrilus anxius, says it was noticed that the birch trees in Buffalo were being de stroyed, and an investigation showed that the above named borer was tun neling under the bark of the trees. The belief is expressed that unless something is done at once to stop the ravages of this borer, all the birch trees in the city will be destroyed. One of our cuts herewith given shows the work of this borer. The galleries run so closely together and cross and recross in such confusion that-it is impossible 'to trace any in dividual burrow. Injury can be detected in the trunk by a reddish discoloration from one quarter of an inch to one inch in width, this being caused by the ex udation of sap and the ejectment of excrement Another indication of the insect's presence is the dying of the trees at their tops. The insect appears to attack the tree at first among the larger branches at a considerable height, causing the tree to die at the top, while the remaining lower branches keep green. Its presence is also manifested by the uneven, wavy I appearance of the bark, which shows more or less regular spiral ridges on the smaller branches. The larva, as a rule, enters the wood In tbe fall of the year and there con structs a cavity, which probably serves the purpose of a pupal cell, in which it passes its ultimate transformations in late spring or early summer. With in this cell the larva passes the winter. We illustrate the mature and larval form of the Insect The beetle is bronze in color. There are only two methods of control known at pres ent One is to use such clean cultural methods that the insects will find no harboring places. Prof. Chit tenden believes that the trees cannot be saved after being once attacked, and that the only safe thing to do is to cut down and burn infested trees. This work should be done before the beetles emerge in May and June. Unattacked trees may be protected by using va rious mixtures as washes, among them being a mixture of linseed oil and resin. Some have even recommended whitewash poisoned with a small quantity of some arsenite such as ar senite of lead. There is danger in the application of strong arsenites to young trees,"but old trees will not be injured. A measure of utmost value for the protection of trees from the attacks of borers consists in keeping them in the best possible condition, free from fungi, moss, or abnormal growth, from loose bark, and keeping the trunks as wi- . 'Fio. n.Agrflu$ anxt'xitt a, fensale Aeetlej b, first eMominal eegjneots of mate from below ( c. larva from above all ealzrgtd stoat 3) times (original) clean as possible. In some cases the use of a fertilizer might assist the trees to withstand borer attacks. Turkestan Alfalfa. Turkestan alfalfa promises to be come one of our most important plants, as it seems specially adapted to stand great variations of heat and cold. The first importations were brought to this country by a special agent of the Department of Agricul ture, who followed the northward growth of alfalfa in Asia till he reached lands where it was every win ter subject to cold as severe as 40 de grees below zero. As the same coun try is subject to intense drouth, it follows that this plant must have rare staying powers to endure such changes. The variety of alfalfa now being grown in this country (lucerne) came originally from Central Asia, having been first heard of in Media. It was taken to Greece in the times of Darius and was afterward cultivated along the shores of the Mediterranean by the Romans, French and Spanish. Thus for at least 2,000 years before being imported into this country it was grown in warm countries and has largely become a warm country plant Very likely in its origin it occupied a region south of that now called Turke stan alfalfa. This would account for its freezing out so badly last winter in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming. One year's experience with Turkestan alfalfa indicates great hardiness. Last winter was one of the coldest ones we have ever experienced, but Turkestan alfalfa was uinjured in the very states where lucerne froze out badly. At the Wyoming Experiment Station a plat of Turkestan alfalfa was exposed for two weeks without injury to a daily temperature of 35 degrees below zero, and on some of the days the temperature went as low as 45 degrees below. In California it was subjected without damage to a drouth that seriously Injured ordinary alfalfa. Agricultural Notes. With a proper amount of stock on the ranges the grasses would not have been pulled out; for the root systems would have been so deep that the hold of the soil would have been complete. Permitting the top of the grass plant to be kept always short results in evitably in shortening the grass roots. The latter finally become shortened till little more than the base of the plant remains in the soil, and in that condi tion the plant is easily pulled out by any grazing animal that comes along. Not only are these plants pulled out by animals but the frost is constantly heaving them out, which would not be possible with well developed grasses. The American farmer needs to be im pressed with the necessity of protect ing his grass land:. Keep the pas tures in good shape and it will not be necessary to pasture them. The short conditions of the pastures is what too often influences the farmer to turn the stock into his meadows. Under a proper system our pastures would pro duce four time3 the amount of forage they do at the present time. Thus on many of our pastures the feed per acre for the entire feeding season would" not equal half a ton if dried. The full crop obtained from the feeding ground should equal two tons, if dried. It ap pears plain that the grazing problem is one of the most serious of all the problems confronting us. Storing Potatoes. The following plan for preventing them from sprout ing in spring will be found useful when many are placed in the cellar for family use; it destroys the eyes or buds, after which they never start, consequently the tubers do not become shriveled and tough: Before placing them in the cellar leave the tubers for an hour in a solution of sulphuric acid, about one and one-fourth pints to twenty-five gallons of water, the whole being thoroughly mixed; after removing from this bath they should be spread out to dry, then placed in barrels. The solution also prevents decay. Such potatoes will never grow under any circumstances, so those in tended for planting should not be so 'treated. Ex. Iron and alumina (Rcdonda) phos phate in its raw or natural condition, even when finely ground, is generally considered of little agricultural value, and is looked upon in Europe as a dan gerous adulterant 'of other phosphates. Clover hay is the great standard of rough feed for the dairy cow. Sell Sarreya. -A new department is being very gradually added to some of onr experi ment stations, that of soil surveys. We have long felt the need of knowing more about the soils of our farms. For some years the eyes of scientists have been on Maryland, where this work has been carried on more extensively perhaps than in any other state. All the soil of the state has been mapped, showing just what kind of soil Is found in each township. To do good work Jn farming it is absolutely necessary to find out what is already in the soil. Our farmers hitherto have had to take their farms as unknown quantities. They have been limited in their knowledge of the soils, even when the owners have been graduates of agri cultural colleges. It was comparative ly easy to say that such a soil is sandy, or clayey, but that meant but little. Its composition other than the sand or clay could be determined only by experience with numerous crops. This necessary experimentation has proved very costly to the people that have been forced to carry it on. It is a good thing that science has taken it up. The work Is so vast that it will take years to plat the states and ter ritories, but we expect to see the work carried on steadily. In a few years hence it may be easy for a man, in tending to invest in agricultural lands, to sit down and study out from these sol maps the question for himself, ac cording to the crop he desires to raise. Such maps will contain many surprises. They will show some of the now supposedly poor land to be of great value for certain crops, its value simply never before having been learn ed because the crops that would have done best were never planted. Every year much of our area of certain crops has been on land entirely unfitted to growing them. German Millet. This millet is called, also, Southern Millet, American Millet, Golden Millet, Mammoth Millet, Bengal Grass, Da kota Millet. It grows to a height of four or five feet, and has heads that are 6 to 8 inches long and an inch wide. This variety has been in gen eral cultivation in the South since the early seventies, but was Introduced into the United States many years ear lier. Prof. Crozier regards the East Indies as the most probable source of its introduction into the United States, and remarks that the name "Bengal Grass," by which it was first known in this country, suggests such an ori gin. Flint, on the contrary, makes the statement that it was first brought to the United States from Europe. How ever this may be, it seems that the seed used in Tennessee, whare this va riety first came into real prominence, was brought from France in the early sixties, and since that time has been the leading millet sown in the South. German millet makes a heavy yield of forage under favorable conditions, but does not stand drouth as well as the smaller varieties, such as common mil let and Hungarian. The hay is coarser and less highly valued than that from the smaller millets, but when the for age can be fed in the green state this will be found to be an excellent variety to grow, on account of the heavy yield. German millet is the latest of the varieties commonly grown here, and is exceedingly variable in its appearance and habit of growth. It is very sel dom that one seas a field that is uni form in character. Many, perhaps most, of the heads may be typical of the variety, but usually there will be many others scarcely to be distin- s PlO. S3 German Millet: a and I, two views of the pikelet wi:h its cluster of Uvea "beards;" e. "sod." guished from common millet or other standard varieties. A Street Horse Parade. It is sincerely to be hoped that in connection with the National Horso Show which will in all probability be held in conjunction with the great show of breeding and fat cattle, sheep and swine at Chicago in 1900 a street horse parade will be made a leading feature of the event People open their eyes in wonder when they behold the great draft breeding horses and marcs at the horse shows and seem to view them in the light of curiosities rather than from the standpoint of utility. What breed ers want and need in addition to as tonishing the public by the appear ance of their show-fitted stallions and mares is to show the utilitarian, prac tical side of their horse-breeding oper ations, and for this a street parade of working draft horses is absolutely necessary. The Idea is by no means new. as it has long been established in practice abroad and to a small degree here. It contemplates a show of draft, geld ings and mares of the- different breeds and grades by city merchants and others. It would bring out the prac tical results and improvement attained by the use of pedigreed draft sires among the mares of the country. It would show the geldings and mares in harness and a drait horse ot any breed or grade never looks quite so well as he does in harness 2nd at work hitched single, double, three-abreast or four-in-hand. It would also create a wholesome rivalry among the great "consumers" of araft horses to own acd show the best horses in the best condition and harnesses to the most attractive wagons and trucks. If such a show should be arranged there would be little difficulty in pro viding the premium money, and it could be confidently expected that tbe various horse-breeding associations in terested would arrange to provide spe cial premiums or medals for winning lorses of their respective breeds. We hope that breeders will see to it -.hat this idea is not lost sight of, and -.hat a great street horse parade will je the result A correspondent ot the London Times, who claims exceptional oppor tunities for knowing, leaves nothing whatever of virtue or Intelligence to the Boers. He says: "I know the Boers, root and branch, stock, lock and barrel . . . and with all this knowledge of them my estimation is that they are the craftiest, most hypo critical, most dishonest, most untruth ful, cruelest, most ignorant, most over hearing, most immoral and stupidest race of white people in the world." Every woman who Is in love, unless she is enough that way, becomes an amateur detective. Hall Caine has taken a magnificent fiat in Rome and intends passing the winter there. There have been Indi cations for some time past that he Is making a close study of the condition of Roman life, with a view to repro ducing it in a novel. There H a Claaa ef Feepla Who are Injured by the use ot coffee. Recently there has been placed in all the grocery stores a new preparation called GRAIN-O, made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it without distress, and but few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over one-fourth as much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Try it. Ask for GRAIN-O. He Is deaf indeed to whom the grave has not spoken words unforgotten. Half Rates South via Omtiha and st Loals and Waln4h Koute.. On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month the above lines will sell home seekers tickets to southern points for one fare (plus $2.00) round trip. WINTER TOURIoi RATES now on sale to Hot Springs, Ark., and all the winter resorts at greatly RE DUCED RATES. Remember the O. & St. u. and Wa bash, the shortest and quickest route to St. Louis. Remember the O. & St. L. and O., K. C. & E. is the shortest route to Quincy. Unexcelled service to Kansas City and the south. For rates, sleeping car accommoda tion and all information ca 1 at the QUINCY ROUTE OFFICE. 1415 Far nam St. (Paxton Hotel block) or write Harry E. Moores, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. Omaha, Neb. Blasted hones often result from ex ploded theories. Sellable Help Wanted (Either sex.) Tbe Humanitarian Hume and Sanitar ium for Invalid and Health Seeker. Incorporated. Send Vic In stamps for full Information. Aildrc-s J. H. Teltlebaum, Treasurer. Ea Las Vep. X. M. There are at least as many men iii a man as there are ages in his life. Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing: Syrup. Porchlldrea teething, poftens the kuri3, reduces In Batnmitlon. allays pain.curea wind colic 23cabottle- Non-resistance to injustice is noth ing short of complicity. The Lareent In the World. Walter Maker & Co. Ltd.. Dorchester. Man...are the largest Mfr. of Cocoa and Chocolate In the world. A policeman travels his beat and the hobo beats his travel. THE GBIP CUBE THAT DOES CURE. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets removes the cause that produces La Grippe. K. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Magnetic Starch is the very laundry starch ia the world. best New In t nt Ion 4. In order to increase the life of the type in typewriters a Philadelphia in ventor covers the same vith a flexible sheathing. ' - . wi Tn pvnpilitimislv turn the logs as they are being sawn into boards a Min nesota inventor has ar ranged a pivoted serrat- ZJ eu sector which is steam operated and held adjustable adjacent to the log so that the log may be rais ed, lowered or turned so that any thickness of board may be quickly sawn off. To prevent waste of water in flush ing tanks a Massachusetts inventor provides an ordinary cock with a drip return pipe so that the water not ac tually used to operate the float is re turned to the tank. To prevent the explosion of gasoline in ordinary oil cans a Pittsburg in ventor has provided the Fame with a safety attachment so that he now plac es upon the market a non-explosive oil can. In order to facilitate the transmis sion of coins and valuables through the mails a Massachusetts inventor pro vides an ordinary envelope with a de tachable pocket which is removably secured within the envelope and cov ered by the gummed flap thereof. Parties desiring free information as to the best method of procuring pat ents or introducing new inventions should address Sues & Co., Patent Law yers, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. For starching fine linen use Magnetic Starch. Important Inventions. Patents have been allovred upon ap plications prepared and prosecuted by us for interesting subjects as follows: To C. W. Cross, of Grinnell, for an auxiliary air heater adapted to be con nected with a stove in such a manner that it will receive and direct the pro- ducts of combustion and aid in warm ing and circulating air in a room, as I required to maintain a miform tem perature, by admitting cool air at its . botom, heating it and discharging it at us top. An undivided half is assigned . to W. S. More of same place. To J. Morgan, of Atlantic for a plant planting machine adapted to be ad- , .... ..! ............ .. fil.l I... . I tuutcu iinusa ti ncm uj 1'uisva iu out. out cabbage and tobacco plants in rows at regular tHstanc-3 apart. A boy on the machine hands plants iu succession to automatic plant holders on a wheel and as the wheel revolves it places the plants in a furrow in ad vance of the wheel by a furrow opener and furrow closers immediately cover the roots and rollers pac.'i the ground around the roots. An undivided half has" been assigned to E. Whitney, of Chicago. I Printed consultation an'I advice free. 1 THOMAS G. ORWIG & CO.. Registered Patent Attorneys. Des Moines. Iowa. Dec. 27. 1S99. Use Magnetic Starch ii has no equal. Grief and hate at their height are silent. MLRDFROUS MKROBES Breeding and Feeding in Human Intestines. A New Powerful Germ Destroyer Discov ered How Microbes Are Killed While You Sleep. Millions of microbes, bacteria, pto- and breed and feed fn the stomach and J For their propagation it Is only neces sary for the liver and intestines to be come lazy and operate Irregularly. Modern science has been at work to find a means of killing microbes, and the most successful Kerm destroyer of all Is Cas carets Candy Cathartic. They slaughter bacteria wherever they llrid them, are an tiseptic, stop sour stomach, make the liver lively, the blood pure, the bowels regular, everything as it should be. Go buy and try Cascarets to-day. It's what they do. not what we say they'll do. that proves their merit. All druggists. 10c. 25c. or 50c. or mailed for price. Send for booklet and free sample. Address. The Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago; Montreal. Can.; or New YorK. This is the CASCARET tab tit let, livery tablet or the onlv genuine Cascarets bears the magic letters "C C C." Look at the tablet before you buy, and beware of frauds. Imita kc tions ana substitutes. The Laad ef Bread aa BatieA is the title of a new illustrated pamph let just Issued by the Chicago. Mil waukee ft St Paul Railway, relating mws especially to the land along the new line it is now building through Bon Homme and Charles Mix counties In South Dakota. It will be found very interesting reading. A copy will be mailed free on receipt of 2-cent stamp for postage. Address Geo. H. Heafford, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. We 'kill ourselves with either work' or idleness by our vices and pleasure; gorged or starved, our end is nearly always simple suicide. I am Past 80 and Not a Gray Hair "I have used Ayer's Half Vigor for a great many years ana although I am past eighty years of age, yet I have not a gray air in my tcad." Geo Ycl lott.Towson, Mi, Aug. 3, 1899. Have You Lost It? We mean all that rich, dark color your hair used to have. Bat there is no need of mourn ing over it, for yoa c:n ind it again. Ayer's Hair Vigor always re stores color to gray hair. We know exactly what we ire say ing when we use that word " always." It makes the hair grow heavy and long, too: takes out every bit of dandruf, and stops fall ing of the hair. Keep it on your dressing table and use it every day. si.m a bctiie. ah artists. Write the Doctor If yon do notolttalnnll the benefits yon desire from the ue or the Vigor, writo the IfcH-tornlMitit it. He will tell you just thoriht thiii? to do. and will send 3011 bis book on the Hair and Scalu'it you request it. Addref. Dr. J. C. Aver, Lowell, Mass. MAGNETIC The WONDER Of til AGE. STARCH No Boiling No Cooking It Stiffens the Goods It Whitens the Goods It Polishes the Goods , It makes all garments fresh add crisp as when first bctight new. TRY A SAMPLE PACKAGE. You'll like it if you try it. You'll buy it If you try it. You'll use it If you try It. Try it. Sold fiy all Grocers. L.Porte Situated on Gal- veston Kay, is 1 destined to foe the ' riOST PROSPEROUS CITY on theCuU of Mexico I It possesses unexcelled NATURAL, advantages which coupled with the BACK1.NU or wealthy arut lntluentlal men assures a. brilliant future. Thy U. S. Government is now .stiendins; a laivc amount of money in Harbor improvements. La Porte l the natural seaport for the pro ducts of the entire Middle. Northern and V ext ern States and for Houston, the Krcat railroad center of Texas. Kxcursions at reduced rates will be run twicca month. Write for FREE flAPS. DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE and full particular-, to AMERICAN LAND CO., 1S8 Madlsoa St. - CHICAGO MILLIONS of acres of choics agri cultural LANDS now opened for settlement in W stern Canadu Here Is irroun the cel ebrated NO. I UAItD WHEAT, which brings the highest price In the market-; of the world, thousands ol cattle are fattened for market without belw; fe I prain. and without a day's shelter. Send for Inform.i t.on and sccurr a free home in Western Canada. Write the Surerinlvnuent of Immiurtitloi. Ot tawa, oraddrevs the undersigned, who ulll mail vou atlases, pamphlets, etc. free of cost. W. V. lleai.ett MI N. Y. Life Uulldin?. Omaha. Neb. TThT MIlUONDOUARto Sfost talked of potato ourmrtu! Onr. lauuoK i-iis so aio about sel ler's Larl!et Six Weeks' I'otato. Largest rarm ana Trgetable st-cri Crowersin UJ. Potato, fl.SOand i npahbL send tnlsMtlcearjdScI samp Tbr l raxaloc w. UOHNJlSAUERSEED&tACRflS ARTERSIHK Has the endorsement of the L. S. Government and all the Leading Kail roads. DR. ARNOLD'S C0U6H CURES COUGHS MO COLOS. PREVENTS CONSUMPTION. All Druggists. S59. KILLER PFNQMUQ fcf TwPeisioa rUlvlUllO DOUBLE QUICK Write CAPT. O'PARRELL. Peasloa AzmU MC New York Avenue. WASHINGTON. D. G. UStOWS2ZX5Z!g& ESKSM&JSsvniaeiclma. 3 r la civil war. ladiudicatio2 claims, atty aincei DROPSY "PS ""OVERT; give cae. Boole i-t testimonials and 1 DAI v treatment tl. PK. H. K. CUKSS seSS. Bra K, AUaaU, eU6 If afflicted itb fTlMMjistii's Eft Wattr. core ejes. use Kf-fcl IStJi Requires no Cookiiig2JS Watm wunsnaMSMocuTFrACPiuaarmsrucH BMaW sTFafcsr(wncN wucaurAimiipmno HHfl nayr soucht mew tv t mtr cf any anna. H rmmito rraiAUMOpy puRpegsowLY. Hl MANUFACTOIED 0M.V BY Hi SAMTA CLARA MANUFACTURING CO. H j OMAHA. NEB. ITBtnSl ffiRMm ! WZ&ZOBd cJ2im m Ijj laitlae. SoM btiIi aaalstr El l vl 1 M j