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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1897)
Fri&mr?7 swpf JUPfHUfflWI iHJ)NliJiJU - : "- V - P IK, o o o o o O o i- E Ef ! MERIT MEANS MOXET MADE. You cnnnot advertise money oat of p r"os pockets all tlio timo:youniaydo it uow nnd then, but if you don't give them some thiugof abfoluto merit in return, advertis ing will nercr prove succeigf uL The kind of advertising that pays is advertising a Kod thing. .As it lias the merit people will ue it again and tigaia. Never lias it been letter illustrated than 'n the great success of Cabarets, candy cathartic, that we have been lately advertising in this taper. All Drnjrpi-ts call Cascarets repeaters, that is, ;.eoile buy them, like them, and buy them ugaiu and recommend them to their friends. C'a&carets are guaranteed to care constipa tion or money refunded, and are a delight ful Inxativo and liver Miinnlant; the best medicine ever made. We recommend all tur readers to try them. Gold In the Ocean. Prof. Livcrsidge of the Sydney (Aus tralia) university has made chemical experiments which, he says, show that there are over 100.000,000 tons of gold dissolved in the ocean vater of tho world, if the rate of one grain per ton, which he found on the Australian coast, holds everywhere New York Tribune, SIOO Reward, SIOS. The readers of this paier will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been ODle to cure in all its stages and that is Ca tarth. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical iraternity. Catarrh l.chis a constltutlon jI !:sease. rvjuln-s a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of tho disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and s s :Mjnji i.ature in doing its work. The proprietors have t-o much faith In its curative powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars tor any caso that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. Address F. J. CIHSXEi' & Co., Toledo, O. Sold bv druggists 75c. Hall's Family Tills are the best. Ihrrj tiling H;trinoiiiona. De Witte "How in the world did you happen to get married?" .Mis. Ulack-Joncs "By a phenomenal combination of circumstances. He and J. and his family anil my family, were willing." Truth. Clie.i Ticket Via the Omaha & St. Louis R. It. and Yrabash It. K. St. Louis, one way, SO. 13, l'tund trip, Sl.VSr.. On sale every Tues days ami Thursdays. St. Louib: Ito'tud trip October 3d to Stli. f 11..10. Hoine .seJhers" Lxcnrsioxis. South: Septem !ir ,'!. October .". and l'.. One fare the round trip, plus S'J. Springfield, 111.: Kound trip. Si:'..-.1; n sab- September . !'., 20. 1'or tichet-and further in formation call at 111. I ariiamSt. (I'ax t on J Intel Klnckj. Omnlia. or write O. K. Clayton, Oiii:iha. Neb. 1,1'aii- Ni Truer. In the dominions of the British em pire tilone, some S.O0O individuals van ish every year without leaving any trace. Ittigi M:ulf Friini Vour OM Carpet. l.alet i:i:iroAeu.rRt new m-thod of making rMTMM ms-jlro'ii our olil I in vis or In t'rin Miiiet-.. uith 1 order all around "-end lor circular .ml luff's so . Kroh C;IlWnt wortli Ae., J'lucaro 111. Kwuillg I . Barber This is a bad quarter, sir. Customer That's all right. I had a bad shave -Yale Record. FITS lVriiMnriitlr,urc!. rnfltflmrrioiiuertei !iit U.i y. u )t 1I. Kiltie n rrat uv H"torcr. l-cml lor Kltl'.R Vl.OU trial dottle and treatise. Iil II. II. Kmmu l.tJ..H3l Arcii St.. I'lnljiielptii, I'a. lie is very unfortunate that has no trouble TO CUKi: A COI.I IN ONK DAT. Tav Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All Drusists refund tue money if it fails to cure. 2ac Knowledge will grow until the last scholar is dead. EMervou Weak Tired. Thousands arc in a this condition. They arc despondent and gloomy, cannot Elecp, have no appetite, no energy, no ambition. Hood's Sarsaparillasoon brings help to such people. It gives them pure, rich blood, cares nervousness, creates an appetite, tones and strengthens the Gtomach and imparts new life and in creased vigor to all lheorgansof the body. HOOCJ'S parilla I the One True I Stood l'urilier. Alldniggists.$l. Hood's Pills cure all Liver Ills, 15 cents. 5s"3 SUCKER WILL KEEP YOU DRY. Don't be fon'ca ih a mackintosh or ruthrr coat. If ou. mtacoat that ui'l kei'p ou Sty sntiieliarJ pst stcim t'uy the !"isli UranJ Slicker. If not for saV in jour town, write for cataloctie to A. J. TOVf-. B toa. Mass. '"" ' '"" IIII'II.I.IIIIIIIIM HALLS Vegetable Sicilian HA1RRENEWER does for the hair just what its name says it does it renews it. Fading, falling, thin locks are stimulated to look fresh and nev by its use ; nature does the rc ''"""--' GALES IT'S DANGEROUS To buv M'ALCN. Buarantet-il "AH GOOBAN' '-KI5AK'. for lt money: they can't b inajo. llon't ba.r. unlers jou pet the bct. A chrnp Scnlr is the mo-t exren-lve lnrment u can make; it Is unreliable, and means that MMmr or later jou must bav aitsin. Bnr onlv n s'cnln. latent lniirovra FAlKBTliHM v.hlc!i -a III !a-t you a lifetime, and prove the r lirnrt In tht nid. Xo ne ean then dlf rule ourwcihls. BEUAHEOF IXITATIOaiMt FAIRBANKS, MORSE it CO., 1102 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. (01 Scales Repaired.) C0RE YOUKELF! V'w Bir for ocnatural dt'cbargev, inQammationa, irritation or ulcerations of mucous membranes. 3 1 aiaies. ana not i oyaiEnH5 CHni:stCa. p-nt or roisonon. i ojme9. ana not aatrin bUkT or Pent in plain wrarfer. i .. or 3 rattle, 12.75. Circular sent on teqcesL T-,-iTTn, preiaia. lot WILL IT BE BOY OR GIRL "W e can teil. S-nd ; Jtimix for fjnestjon blank, id IVb-consin Medical Institute. Bwtiactaa. Wl. DPflPQY W DISCOVERY: tb. aai; a I qnickrelierand curta worst raos. send for book or te? ' menial and IS dan treatment Iree. Sr.H.H iliTS BOSS. Itlaaia. fit. nriCHT Bin V? " u'ers of 3X) sq. ft. ol r"KICIII P"J Hoolin? or trail and Celling Manilla IV. te for samples and prices. Tfce T"j Maul 1I Wlamz :oapaiy. Vtumtrm. .J. OPIUM SJ?5S!!E,"b4 whisky habits. HOME CURE. Book KREE. . i. C MonxtV ItakvllaBlis., CHIC1SO, 111. m HL -m- hhh H rArATvi E i TTaaM flu 1 to 5 5. I oSjPasEMHS CHniiai r icucivMTi.D.r-- j tl UUtttS WHtHt AIL tlSEfUlS. ' T Ljri Best Couch Symp. 'J'atea Good. Use PBJ Fjj lutltce. Sold by druggists. HI CSts7a9pSarnrSfnvspQKafaaBaBBTMBjK. A PJROTEST IS FILED. OBJECTION TO THE USE OF SILVER REPUBLICAN. Hon. J. It. Webster of JLlaeoIa Make tae Complaint on the Grooad that It U thetNofaoOld Party aae Silver Rtpablicaaa bot aa OfTahOot of the Party. A 8iu!t!!ran FHea 1'rotest. John K. Webster of Lincoln filed a protest last week njrjinst the use of tlie partv name ".Mlver republican"' ou tlie official ballot. The protest was filed with .ScTetary of ?tat 1'orter VJio will ii. a date for a heariu after he has consultud the attorney-general in relation to a method of procedure. The protest is filed by Mr. Webster as an elector. He objects to the use of the name "silver republican"' because it is the adoption of an old party name; because it is calculated to confuse voters, and because the party attempt ing to use it is but a faction of the re publican partv and by the statutes of the state is prohibited from usinj? the name 'republican. The protest in full follows: "Whereas. A political party desig nating' itself as the "silver republican party' has filed a certificate of its nom inations by its said convention in the office of the secretary of state, certify ing that said party did at said conven tion nominate John J. Sullivan for the office of judge of the .supreme court for the state of Nebraska, and George V. Ivenower and K. von Forrell for the office of regents of the university of Nebraska, now . therefore, I. Joseph K. Webster, an elector and member of the republican party, and a resident and citizen of I.iucolu. Lancaster county, Nebraska, hereby protest and objeei against the ust of the term 're publican by said party and hereby protest and object to the use of the term 'silver republican party' as a party name, and protest and object against designating the nominations of said party on the ticket as '.silver republicans and protest and object against the placing on said ticket of the words 'silver republicans and pro test and object to the secretary of state certifying to the several county clerks of the state of Nebraska said nominations under the name and style of 'silver republican." 'Said Joseph K. Webster objects to the use and designation of the name 'silver republican on the said ticket for tlie reasons: "First: That it is the adoption anfi use of an old party name, to wit, 'the republican party' which party is known as a national political organization, which has leen in existence for more than forty years and which is a party organization in the state of Nebraska, and throughout the 1'nited States and has a place in history under the name of the 'republican "party." That tlie use of the name 'silver republican on the said ticket over tlie said nomina tions is calculated to mislead and con fute the voters and electors of the state and is in violation of the letter, snirit and intent of the statute. -Second: That said Joseph ft. Web ster further objecting and protesting says that the "republican part3- of the state of Nebraska met in convention on the 'JCth day of August. ISftT. and adopted a party emblem and made nominations for the said offices and a certificate of the party device and emblem, ami of the said nominations made by the said republican party of the state of Nebraska at said conven tion have been duly filed by the prop er officers with the secretary of state of Nebraska, and no objection to the same ha- been tiled and the said party name and emblem of the republican parly" are entitled to a place, and will be plaeed upon the ticket by the sec re:r; of state. 'Third: Said Joseph 1. Webster protests and objects for the further reason that the said party styling itself as 'silver republican" is but a faction and off-shoot of the said 'republican party and by the statutes of Nebraska is prohibited from using or adopting the old party name 'repub lican of which the said 'silver repub lican" is a faction and off-shoot, the member and organization of which arc not in accord with the principles of and do not and did not "at the late general national or state election sup port the platform of principles adopt ed by the 'republican party or support tlie nominees thereof, but opposed and endeavored to defeat the same, and aided their adversaries in so doing. Mexican PrU-e for "tVlient. Detroit Journal: Misfortunes never come singly. Mr. ilryan has hardly had time to tloundcr through an ex planatioti of the simultaneous rise of wheat and fall of silver when another perplexing situation has arisen to an noy him. When the Nebraskan was making his memorable campaign for cheap money last fall, it will be re niemlit.'11'il that one of his stock argu ments was the assertion that the low prices of farm products was directly traceable to the gold standard. I'aseil upon inK assertion, he drew the con clusion that the free coinage of silver, by largely increasing the amount of iuone in circulation, would effect a corresponding increase in whatever tlie farmer had to sell. In proof of this contention he was accustomed to point to Mexico, as tangible evidence of the value of cheap money to the pro ducing elasMjs. It may be unkind of the Mexicans to strike a man when he is down, but the facts appear to indicate that they have dealt the boy orator a body blow when he was hardly in condition to receive such a shock. Jn a dispatch from the City of Mexico yesterday, it is said that wheat is selling in some parts of the republic at prices equal to .(' or 00 cents in gold. American farmers who arc receiving from Ji. cents to SI a bushel for their wheat will nrobablv find it difficult to reconcile .Bryan's flimsy argument with the cold facts. Wild (iueKSwork of Fopoeratu Kansas City Star: There seems to be a serious disagreement among the silver men as to what the price of wheat ought to be. IMand savs. "under a good government wheat would be worth Sl.7. instead of a dol lar." Kx-Congrcssman Towne savs wheat ought to be selling for S2.50. and Altgeld declares that 51.50 would be the pi ice if this country had free silver coinage. They merely" made an oit-hand guess, whereas there is some loirie underlvinjr TYm-ne" Hmi. With silver and gold at the present ! commercial ratio dollar wheat, meas ured by the gold standard, is equiva lent to S-'.SO in free coinage dollars, and that is the price, plus freight charges and import duty, for whieft wheat sells today in Mexico. So the logical slogan for Mr. Itryan's follow ers today is "free silver and S2.50 wheat. Th Fused Triplets Chicago Inter Ocean: The demo cratic party in Nebraska hardly knows whether it is standing on its head or on its feet. It is triplets, and there is much noise in the land. Globe. Democrat: A change OTf 7.000 Totes in Nebraska will pive the state to the republicans. There should be mot-e than that number of voters wh are tired of exploded fallacies. Buffalo Express: As Mr. Brvan is preparing to make the fight in Ne braska this year on tlie silver issue, his challenge should be accepted bv the republicans and the best oratorical tal ent of the party in the countrv should be employed to beat him on Lis own ground. Two months of hard cam paigning would probably end forever tbe career of the late national candi date in Nebraska. New York Mail and Express: The republican party, supported by the sound money democrats, should be able to defeat this combination of -?-ocratic forces in Nebraska. Busi. as conditions and political events have discredited the issue upon which Mr. Bryan carried the state last fall and his fight this year is inspired not by any vital public 'question, but by a des perate realization that his defeat now will render him an impossible candi date for the presidency in 11)00. Springfield (Mass.) Republican: The Nebraska populist convention adopted one resolution expressing thankfulness to Providence "rather than to any man for the measure of prosperity with which our state has been blessed, and we attribute the rise iu wheat to foreign scarcity rather than suppose it to be the result of dear sugar or an in creased tariff on straw.' It is some thing for nopulistst to admit the ex istence of a measure of prosperity from any cause whatever outside of populist government. Altogether, then, the resolution exhibits populist platform improvement, both in temper and wit. NoDO So Bliad. Wallace Tug: If there is a man in the country who will not admit that prosperity has returned, he is a hope less case. If he lives a hundred years he will always be found damning the government and the plutocrats and registering a demand for the initiative and referendum. Prosperity has come to us as a nation, but many an honest and hard working man does not share in it. Sickness, drouth, storms, grass hoppers, cutworms, etc., will always find victims; others will never prosper, because they're not built, that way. But as a nation we're all right again, and the man who cannot see it is hope lessly or wilfully blind. Repent and lie Saved. Lousville Courier-Journal: As a dem ocrat, we appeal to democrats to come out from the body of death which en velops them in the camp of Bryanism and to march with us upon the broad open highway of democracy. As a democrat, we appeal once again to summon to mind and heart the cour age of conviction and to stand as of old a wall of conservative democracy against the follies and passions of those extreme and unsound men who wear the mask of democracy only the butter to serve the purpose of fanaticism and self. Blow Hot and Cold. Ord Times: The withont-the-aid-or-consent people claim now that prices arc getting too high for the poor labor ing people. Last fall prices were too low for the poor farmer. When prices are low they arc anxious to die for the farmer and put the price up, and the next week when the price has come up, they begin to be friends with the city consumer and want the price down. Now if they will explain how to have high prices for one and low prices for the other at the same time, there would le some sense in their talk. ot a Democrat. Ijonisville Courier-Journal: Mr. Bry an deplores the fact that the New York popoerats refuse to say anything about silver in the present campaign. In this Mr. Bryan and his national committee chairman, Mr. Jones, are at loggerheads, Mr. Jones having advis ed the course which Mr. Bryan depre cates. This, however, is only one of the differences between Mr. Bryan and Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones was long a good democrat: Mr. Bryan has always been more of a populist than a democrat, and more of a I "ry anile than anything. Time to Cut Loose. Weeping Water Republican: Judge Sullivan said the next day after he had received the nomination for supreme judge that he thought the high prices for farm products would injure him to some extent in the campaign, but not enough to prevent his election. May the good Lord deliver us from a party that tL rives on the adversity of the people. Is it not about time for honest men to cut loose from parties holding theories that require calamity to the people in order to secure party success? If It Should Kain. South Sioux City Record: Our free silver friends hate to admit that time? sire nicking up under a republican ad ministiation, but it keeps them busy getting out of the way of prosperity. No matter how unwilling they are it is bonnd to be thrust upon these, antl the Bveord advises every one of them to hold fust to us much as he can. If the unexpected should happen and the democrats secure control three years hence, they will need ull they can get A Dire Extremity, lloston Those who are in clined to cast harsh reflections upon Mr. Bryan because he traveled on passes which implies that he repre sented papers with which he had no connection, should pause a niomcntnnd consider his means of support. He is an office-seeker without an office, and a lawyer without clients. The lectur ing business has been ruined b3' the wheat crop, and the misguided, over advertised man has a family. What if he did stretch a point in get a pass? A Smooth Scheme. Elk Creek Herald: The populists did not do a thing but sell their body, and souls to W. .1. Bryan and the crip pled wing of the democratic party at the triangular state convention at Lincoln. It was another one of Bryan's smooth schemes and the pops are now black and blue from kicking them selves over being duped so easily by their idol. After all the scheming it took exactly twenty seven hours to se lect a candidate. Hitter Pill for Pops. South Omaha Sun: The fact is daily becoming more apparent to the popu lists that they were buncoed in the re cent three-cornered state convention deal. They went there to have one of their kind put up for them to vote for. but they have got to swallow the pill of voting for one who in no way repre sents them. They are to furnish most of the votes and the other fellows are to get what there is in it The Con Man A muni; Farmers. Springfield Republican: The silver republican Charles A. Towne of Minne sota is telling his democratic audi ences in Iowa that nnder silver remon itization the American farmers would today be getting S2..V) instead of less than 81. This would mean flour at over 815 a barrel. How that would draw the wage laliorer of the country to the radical party. Why She Kept tc Oalet. Husband Say, you didn't say any thing to any one about what I wa? telling you night before last That's a secret - Wife A secret? Husband Yes, a secret Wife I didn't know it was a se cret Husband Have you told anybody? Wife No. of course not I didn't know it was a secret Texas Sitt ings. Wealth of Nntinns. The richest civilized people are the Fnglish, with 1.'J6S per capita. France follows with $1.H?, while the United Mates have $1,029. while by the sale of their lands to the govern ment some of tne Indian tribes are worth from, $c,0Jl) to $10,000 per capita. Her Standing Unimpaired. Lillie Why did you speak to that horrid fellow in the street car? eren t you afraid it would affect you i r standing j not get the f ull benefit of their crops of Millie ot a bit. he never offered fruit, vines and cIotctf. if they do nc: a cirl a seer in. his lifcKate Field j jp bees upon their own fields. Es Washington. j FARM AND GARDEN. MATTBRS OF INTEREST TO AGRICULTURISTS. Vp-te-Dat Htats Abemt CmlUvs- ttoa of the Soil aad melds Thereof Hortlcaltare, Vlticaltare aad lect ealtare. BaralatT Over Old Strawberry Beds, NOTICE in your issue of July Mr. Brinkley's inquiry in relation to the burning off of old strawberry beds, writes J. H. Hale in Strawberry Cul turist. I am not much of a believer In old strawberry beds, still I know that under certain conditions they are fairly profitable, for on old beds the fruit ripens a week or so earlier than the same varieties in new beds. In years past I had a considerable experi ence in burning over old beds, but it has nearly always been within two or three weeks after the fruiting season, when I hare a mowing machine go over and cut down berry plants, weeds, grass, and everything quite close to the ground and then in a few days af ter all were thoroughly dried and there was a good fair wind blowing I have started fires on the windward side and burned the field over rapidly; this kill ed all fungus diseases, insects, weed seeds, etc.. and injures but few o! the plants, although occasionally where the roughage is a little heavy it may make too hot a fire and hurt a few clowns. If this burning over can be tone Just before a rain storm I have found the plants start new leaves very rapidly. I have some times after the burning run a smoothing harrow over th entire field to loosen up the ground a little; this tears out a few plants, but dos no harm to matted beds; it is soD'etimea advisable after the harrow ing to run a cultivator over between the rows and loosen up the ground, whh helps to stimulate a new growth mqj8 rapidly. What effect mowing oft tht tops and burning the field later in tho season would do I am not sure, but th fruit crowns will be forming late in ugust and early in September, and I -v.uld tot think that burning over at tula, season would be safe or advisable. I a rather of the opinion now that as far fouth as Norfolk, where fruitage A-a nded in May, that it would be bet ter jt deter burning until very early aex spring, sometime in late Febru ary t early March, when the ground was 4ry enough, a quick fire over the field jiight do some good, some years tgo i aad an accidental fire get into an old si.-awt.erry field early In spring and jurnt off the tops and a lot of old hay uul&t axyl where this burning over yas, tfie fruit was earlier and better wan vbeve left undisturbed; still one accidental success of this kind would not bv a guarantee that like results wouloifcl'-ow every such burning. Uutakea oa tbe Far-o. 1. i mtde a mistake when I bought svaeu laud in thick Umber, black ash, elw, iainore and black alder, cat swaraj cay lands. 2. Vritd to farm it with open shal low dishes. S. Li-id it with tile too shallow. 4. i.vd it with tile too small to carry c the water soon enough to &ve thJ crop. . i'-lowed up wet meadow land to raise ccrn on. e. Tried to raise the third crop of corn in rotation on one piece of grounjl. 7. Did not select my seed corn In September and take proper care of same. 8. Planted In hills instead of drill ing It 9. Did not cut up corn early enough to make good feed of the stalks. 10. Did not tie fodder in bundles to stack or mow away. 11. Did not reclean and grade seed wheat before sowing. 12. Not plowing oats ground in fall so as to sow tarjy in spring. 13. Sowing and planting all kinds of grain too thick. 14. Going in debt for farm machin ery. 15. Allowing agents of every de scription to persuade me to buy or take stock in companies for public Im provements. Agents are a curse to the farmer aud a public nuisance, and oufc'bt not to be tolerated. 16. With that lawyer when I coun seled with him. Your case is all right when there is money in it. 17. When I sold that good brood marc and bred a common one. 13. When I bought a grade bull 920 cheaper than 1 could a good one. i9. When I hired a lively, spirited boar when a lazy one is better. 20. Letting the young pigs lay In a wet nest 21. Feeding too much corn and not enough clover and slop. 22. Selling young calves for veal and steers as stockers. 23. Selling corn, oats and rye in stead of feeding it on the farm. 24. Farming tjo much land and planning too much work. 25. Not confining ourselves strictly .o the farm in all its branches. 26. Not having an education thor oughly in all tranches. D. C. W., in muiana Farmer. Farm Koada. A writer in an exchange says: The .oad of wheat or hay that can be drawn to the barn is measured by the worst lace in the farm road leading to the r.i. This may seem a small matter, .:u it is not so on thousands of farms. t cannot aConl to have a bad piece in itie road, because time and wages of neii are going on wnile the team is .ailed or taking only tnree-fourths of jl icad to escape stalling. A day's work or man and team filling gullies and chuck-holes, and doing a little grading of steep bluffs, would be worth twenty dollars on a few farms with which I am acquainted. It would save wear of wagon, team and driver's temper, and make it possible to increase the size of loads without danger of overload ing. This work should be done thor oughly and on time. I prefer having it done a mor th before harvest, so that some wear may make it smooth. These are "details," but details count. A man will spend half a dollar to go to a circus and be happy two hours, while that half a dollar expended in perma- nently getting rid of some nuisance would save him from being mad a ! month, if ail the little vexatious times j could be shoved together and be thus measured. ' Bees anil Horticulture. I have lately had my attention called to the fact that there was a great dif ference In the yield of honey from colonies located only from one to two miles apart, writes Mrs. L. Harrison in Rural Wrorld. Judging from this, -.icta famprs and ranionorc ;;; pedally is this true, II the weather should be foggy and damp during the blooming season. Specialists in bee culture know that a good place to lo cate an apiary is near large orchards. seed farms, alfalfa or alslke clover fields, pickle farms, etc Those who raise cucumbers under glass, find they must have bees In their green house or their cucumbers will not set. Those who are engaged in these pursuits, un less there are large apiaries near them, should cultivate bees as well as fields. "He who would live at ease, should cul tivate both fruit and bees." It would be better for the welfare of our country it bees were more equally distributed. Very large apiaries are not as desirable as that every orchard and farm should have sufficient workers to gather the nectar, and fertilize the bloom. It Is not necessary that every farmer should be a skillful apiarist, and secure large crops of honey, but he should keep bees in large hives, well protected from the intrusion of stock. Where horses and other animals "pave been Injured by being stung It was usually the re sult of carelessness. Hives should be well protected, and not placed near hitching posts, nor drinking places. Plant for Bees. Bee-keepers who have experimented along this line claim that it does not pay to plant for honey alone; but there are many crops and trees that can be grown, that have a dual value, such as the clovers, al slke and white. What is more beauti ful upon a lawn than the linden or bass wood? Sweet clover, Mellltotus al ba and Mellitotus officinalis, are yearly gaining in favor, as food for stock and bees, and are fast rooting out dog-fennel and other noxious weeds, from roadsides and waste places. They thrive on gravelly knolls, railroad embank ments and rocky hillsides. Digestive Fewer of AalmmU. The digestive and assimilative pow ers of animals are much more vigorous when they are young than when they have grown old, and in selecting cattle for feeding purposes this should be borne in mind. This difference is plainly shown in the tests that have been made from time to time, the gain being much more rapid during the first two years than it is afterwards, and the profits from feeding correspondingly greater. It is frequently the case, to be sure, that old cattle grow very fat, but it must be borne in mind that this has come about from long-continued feeding, and the question is to be con sidered whether, when the value of the food consumed Is taken Into account, there is any profit left Iu the selection of animate it should not be taken for granted that a large beast will neces sarily eat more than a suall one, for this Is not always the case. Much de pends on the powers of assimilation. It has ofen been noticed that one lot of cattle will thrive and make rapid gain on much less food than another. Careful watching of the stock while be ing fattened, and keeping an accurate account of the cost of food consumed, will soon enable a man to nuke such selections as may be depended on to show good returns. Ex. IllversifTinc Asrlcfltiiral redacts. The first thing that suggests itself to my mind is diversification of our agricultural products. We are now importing from foreign countries agri cultural products of an average value of 1369.651,012, which is a HU'e more than one-half of all our importations of all kinds. Some of these importa tions cannot be profitably -oduced here; a huge share of them (fin and ought to ba produced hete by Ameri can farmers. This would give em ployment to labor in this country and ought to be produced heve by Ameri can farmeig. This would giva em ployment to labor in this country aud keep at home tbe millions th&t 'go abroad to pay for foreign labor. Such diversification would also reduce the production of the cereals which have been produced in late years at a loss. It Is folly for us to try to force upon consumers more of any product than their wants demand. We must learn to supply them with what they want and then make them pay fair prices for the same. In this way we may exercise some control over our busi ness and realize some profit on our labor and investment. J. H. Brighaxn. Cabbages in Winter. The old plan of burying, or putting cabbage in trenches during winter, or for winter use, has become obsolete, and a more simple and easy plan has been adopted. Where cabbage is grown on a large scale for shipping purposes, the best plan is to lift tbe cabbage and stack them two tiers deep and as close ly as they can be placed in an orchard, or wood if convenient, and cover with leaves to the depth of two or three inches, the leaves to be kept in place by a slight covering of earth, says Amer ican Gardening. In this way the heads will keep perfectly sound all winter, and they can be easily taken up as wanted for ship ping. For family use cabbages can be kept in the' same way, only it will not be necessary to make the second layer. It Is quite important to keep them a little below the freezing point. It has been suggested to keep them in some convenient building, but this plan has always resulted in failure, as the dry atmosphere is fatal; cabbage must be kept moist and cool, the slight est wilting rende it unfit for the table. Keeping; tirapee. Concerning methods of keeping grapes, Consul-General Jones writes from Rome, Italy: "A recent bulletin of the School of Agriculture of Scan dicci, Italy, describes experiments made by Professor Marchi for the keeping of grapes fresh during the win. ter. A certain quantity of grapes (com prising different qualities) were hung up in a cool and dry place, all damaged berries having been previously remov ed; a second lot was packed in dry, pul verized peat in wooden boxes. At the end ef four months the grapes that had been hung up had become decayed and had dropped off; on the other band, those that had been packed in the boxes were found to be in hne eon- I dition. This is, therefore, a simple and j economical method. Another one con sists in gathering the bunches with a good bit of stem attached and immers ing their tips in bortles contain'ng wa ter and puivenzed cnarcoal. Fat Hens Preferred. With all th abuse that may be heai.ed upon ue rat hen because she does not Jay she brinpi more in martet than any other kind of poultry except the turkey. ai.d . i tirnt-i the difference in favor of the tiA'key ; very little. As the consumer ace v.ui- i iag to pay good pr.ces for fat hens it :a best to sell them as soon a.-, 'he; ttM t laying if in a very fat condr.ioi:, a:; ;.-.? Lime reiiiiueu iu jjci. Etui. iivi: in Z!:f proijci tuuuuiuu . m;i tc::i mny be vrecks or "ven mo.ifhs. Vhc bc&i time to sell is r.-hec yen have ;ijr- ar.icl; the consumer requires, ad at t.. pres ent time the f' nn '- ii: derr.'snd.- h'x. Air the cellar during tae warm riaya. throwing open all windows ana cuurs. Selling butterine for cutter is get ting money undpr faise pretensfe. THE SERPENT SYMBOL. WMely Bleyecl to All Farta et eta America Ceatuteat. An Interesting paper was read re cently before a convention of anthro pologists in session at Detroit. Mich by the Rev. Stephen D. Peet, entitled "The Serpent Symbol in Nicaragua and Yucatan." He said in brief: "The serpent symbol is prevalent all over this continent. It appears In effigies in Canada, Ohio, Illinois and Minnesota. There are many serpent myths among the Iroquois and Algonquins. These represent the serpent as coming out of the water and fascinating men and turning them into serpents, taking them below the water, thus reminding us of the temptation. The serpent, al so, is a water god, who antagonizes (he chief god, and produces a great Hood. The story of the flood Is al ways associated with the serpent as the cause. The serpent. In fact, is the source of evil. "In Nicaragua and Central America the serpent is, on the other hand, a source of good. He is in reality the symbol of the raincloud, and the crops and the seasons are dependent upon his appearance. Instead of antagoniz ing the chief divinity, he seems to be sailing through the air bearing the chief divinity on his back. Sometimes there are vases held in the folds of the serpent that are emptying water or rain upon the fields. In Nicaragua the serpent appears in the architecture highly wrought and sculptured with great force. There are serpents guard ing the balustrades to the pyramids, and other serpents covered with feath ers which form the piers by the side of the doorways to the temples. The Idea is that they are coming down from the clouds, along the fronts of the temple, to the ground, symbolizing rain clouds. The sacred book of the Mayas have many serpents coiled up. with coils on the oases and heaps of corn in the latter. Even the hiero glyphs of the Mayas have serpents up on them, the serpent forming one part of the glyph, suggesting that a pho netic alphabet grew out of the picture graphs and the symbols. The serpent itself gives one of the elements. Among the Pueblos the serpent figured in a very Interesting way. When the chil dren were initiated, and were to re ceive the breath of the divinity through the sacred plumes, they were prepared to enter the sacred city, which is un der the water of tbe sacred lake. But the serpent must also be carried to the upper door of the place of worship where the children are, and its mouth placed near the entrance. Water and seed were poured through the serpent effigy. The priests below caught the water in a sacred vessel and the seed in sacred baskets, and presented them to the children, teaching them that both water and seed came from the serpent, which was the symbol of the raincloud." At Home One Dav. "An' sure, Dennis," said Mrs. Flan nigan to her husband, "that Mrs. Top notch must gad about ivery day in th wake but wan." "An why so?" asked Dennis. "I've just bin afther reading in th paper," replied Mrs. Flannigan, "that she's 'at home ivery Wednes day." Ohio State Journal. A Broken Spirit. Fuddy "What a pusillanimous chap Togler is! He's the worst henpecked man In town, and to see how even his children ride rough-shod over him Ls really disgraceful." Duddy "Togler? Oh, yes, the base ball umpire; yes, he is a little easy when he's off duty." lloston Transcript. HINTS TO HOUSEKEEPERS. A soft cloth wet with milk aud rubbed over boots and shoes three or four times a month will improve the appearauce of the leather and help to keep it soft, and thus make it last lenger. Now is the time to pickle cucumbers. Put the little cucumbers in vinegar, adding some horseradish root in order to retain the strength of the vinegar and to prevent its moulding. Horse radish leaves are good to put on top. To remove paint from window glass, take some strong vinegar and heat it very hot. Wet a cloth in the hot liquid and wish the git; with it and the paint will come off quite readily. A strong solution of oxalic acid will also remove dry paiut. The white of a law egg is the most satisfactory of pastes, and is better than any prepared mucilage or paste one can buy. Papers intended to be lm ocr tumblers ' jellv an 1 jam v. ill hold very seeurely and be air tight if dipped in the white of an egg. A wash that will remove the oily ap pearance of tbe skin consists of a tea opoonful of tincture of benzoin added to fifteen teaspoonfuls of soft water shaking thoroughly. Put this on the face with a small sponge or bit of old linen rag and let it dry on. It leaves a dainty fragrance much resembling mignonette or heliotrope. In making meringues for a pie, never use less than the whites of two eggs. Take or.e tablespoonful of pulverized sugar to one egg. Allow the pie to cool, then spread the meringue, which has been beaten as light as possible, over it. Be careful to spread the mer ingue over the crust. Place in a cool oven until a delicate fawn color. NEW WRINKLES. Of late the Duchess of York has been wearing a very neat tailor gown of dark blue with a short eton jacket bound in white moire, which also forms the revers, edged with black braiding. The same style trimming is also intro duced at the foot of the skirt. There is a revolution In veils this year. Those of black net lined with pink did not meet favor, though lined veils on another principle are now the swellest things out. The veil of the ! day hails from Paris, and is called the peisane. It is of white silk tulle. A short white eton in pique or drill is very smart for bicycling. With a dark gray skirt, vest and belt of rose glace silk and a sailor hat bound with pink ribbon, the effect Is charming. At least, so says an English fashion journal, but the American mind shrinks from such a combination. A new idea in handkerchiefs is to embroider them on one side with tiny flowers, which look as though acci dentally dropped there. With a pink gotrn the morsel of cambric Is em broidered with rose petals and per- I fumed with rose; with a heliotrope gown It is embroidered and scented , with lilacs or violets. 1 The Princess of Wales has set the fashion of wearing ruffs of tulle silk and flowers, and for a long reck the mode is becoming. F3tber boas are being worn with the ends pinned down to the waist at either slue, leav ing the threat free Pretty boas for evening are m3d -' "- f chiffon, the edges sewn vritli irinje, 1 OW TO KEir EVBKOIDEftED "Ulf E"58 BKIGUT AUD FRESH. That hand work oa wash materials is far aaore desirable than oa silk and velvet, so popular a few years ago, cannot be doubt ed, yet many women complain that the colors fado and dinge so soon that the work is labor thrown away. But this is an error, for it properly laundried, wash silks may be kept fresh and bright uatil tbe articles they adorn aro past usefulness. The doing of tho embroidery is no daintier work than that of keeping it iu good order, and only by doing it hen-olf cau the tasty woman have her fancy liuens kept bright and pretty. When ready to do tho work, select a bright day, till a small tub nearly (ull of warm water and add a littlo Ivory soap to make uds, put each piece, in and wash carefully. After each article is clean, riuse iu flightlv bluo water, to which a littlo tbiu starch is added, wring aud hang iu tho shade. When dry, sprinkle, fold, and let stand half an hour. Iron on the wrong side, pressiug down heavilv to throw out the stitches of tbe embroidery, tbas restoring their original beauty. Eliza R. Parkbk. rrofeMioaal Instinct. She was engaged in conducting; a department for a magazine, and her mind was very much with her work. Did you not receive my lotter?" ho asked. "Yes." "Tho one asking you to bo mino?" Yes." Then.' ho said almost fiercely. "why uiu you not answor it?" Why, William." and there was both surpriso and reproach in her voice, "you know yo.t forgot to send 6tanips for a reply." The ttlnc. This is a synonym for that gloomy, har nscd condition of the tulnd which has its origin in t)ypejia. All of the ucly spirits that, under the name of the "bliie." "'blue ilevllV "nuj;rlinV and 'muUljcroW tor mcnt.s tho dyspeptic almost ceasclilY. van ih when attacked ly llo.itetter's Stomach Hitters, that, moreover, annihilates blllotis ness. constipation, chili- and fever, kidney ctmIaiutb and nervousness. Crazy or Covraaeoaa? "Here's a queer thing." said Mrs. Bickers, looking up from the paper. "An Indiana clergyman, who has mar ried 1,500 couples, has invited them all to a grand reunion." -Try Grala-O. Ask your grocer today to show yoi a package of GRAIN-O. the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without injury as well as the adult. All who try it like it. GRAIN-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but It is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it without distress. l the price of coffee. 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Sold by all grocers. Tastes like cof fee. Looks like coffee. Covetousness is cussed ness nick named. When you visit Omaha you should call at C. S. Raymond Co.'s jewelry store, corner Fifteenth and Douglas streets, and ex amine their jewelry and art goods for wedding, birthday and Christmas presents, also steel engraved wedding stationery, in vitations and visiting cards. It in the only first class, up-to-dato jewelry, art and cut clas store we-t of Chicago and St. Louis. Engraving and printing 100 visiting cards 1.50 by mail. He that is always calm is always brave I'KI'K, IMPORTANT INFORMATION T-j men (plain enveloie.) How, after ten years' fruitless doctoring, I was fully re stored to full vigor mid robust manhood. ' Xo C.O.D. fraud. No money accepted. No connection with medical concerns. Sent absolutely free. Address. Lock Box 'JS8, ' Chicago, 111. Send U-ccnt stump if con venient, i Nature is the .supernatural partially unveiled. Cne'a Coazk Bultnm Is tl.t ol lot nml Lest It will lirrak HI" a Colt quicker I than nut tiling cIm. It Ualirajrrllablr. Trj it. ' The man robs others who does not ' make tbe best of himself. 3tr. WIwlown Stoothlne Myrap Forcliiiilr-ii tirtlilnoftni the Ki.Ti-,reou?e intlnm DMtinn. ul nyi ji.ii.'i, tuivs whii mlu- -iio.itt u luttle. Tlie ass might sing better if he didn't pitch his tunc so high. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OP THE WORD "CASTCRIA AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS our ikade .mark. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Byannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," tlie same that has borne and does now sf tt't's' "" on cverlf hear the facsimile sigiuiturc of lu&ty 7cctc4&K wrapper. TJdsis the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the motliers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the ivrappcr and see that it is the kind- yntc have alioays bought yr vyy , ? ol1, ie and has the shgit,o,tuvc of&4mytJ,&cJUA wrap per Jfo one Juts authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. II. Fletcher i President. ; March 8, 1897. Q&. .&. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap Mi'ustitote which some druggist may offer yot: (because he ! : Lcs s. few more pennies on it), the ingredients of which even he ilccs not know. a The Kind You Have Always Bought BEARS THE FAC-SiMILE SIGNATURE OF ma&STJ-tM w Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed YoiC iMcccNTaun eoVN. -i Mun.a aTitccr. hew vour -.t. """"" f Wonderful improvements such as 5 per cent. Nfckel Steel Tubing, patent improved crank shaft mechanism, proof bearings are what help to make mi olmtiuia$ STANDARD OF THE WORLD. $Jg to si! alike. frrtford Bkycto, A good deal better than any except Columbian, $$9, $45, $49. 9 POPE MFG. CO.. Hartford. Conk. If Cda.-r.bias are r.ct prcp-rfy represented O m.UG,W3LJS- kJ?iPE and THMW ThOuTLtS SPEEDILY TlHtEaT jL X t ,M5.sTXel '' Pcnoyer. lo5 bo. Tcati St.. Omaha. Neb., writes: 'Have used your Dr V 45vay s I.tidk Br. m tor a severe case ot I Grippe. Two doses pave relief. My tun wwtk vwry sjie-ml In afelai: the I)r Kay's Lues Halm I found thatltjitopped liny "ln ffoV Acouzh at one'-. The soreness on my 1ud83 and in my head soon djamare& i" IsVeryW V easnnt ami sy 10 take, and white It docs r.ot cause alcktfess at the sumach! liW manv coagh remedies. It cures, quicker than any I have ever tried. ""umac. ""e Dr. Kay's Lung BalmS It cures ewsry kind ol conga. Sold by druggists or sent by mail for 25 cts.4aV .A. J1 ,s rcncstJy safe for all ages aod a surf ctrre tor all lunz troubles. Send address f X r ta-paRe booklet, it has 52 valuatle icips and elves symptoms and treauceat rornear- Alyalldfiras s nad many bavesa-fi 'r.v r-.-iji- not taUe BOO for It If they couMn't zetX ""JFano"-r Adc.-ers ( i ev.rn otfc o rr 1. J Kat MEMcjtLCo . Omaha b etlreamt of Lord Lord Rosebery, who lias beea the leader of the liberal party In England since the retirement of Mr. Gladstone, has resigned that position. His reason is that he disagrees with other liberal leaders, and especially with Mr. Glad stone, as to the proper course for Eng land to take with reference to the Ar menian question. He views the Ar menian atrocities with as-much abhor rence as Mr. Gladstone, but differs from him on the question of separate action by England. Lord Rosebery re gards such action as out of the ques tion, and certain to precipitate a war whose results would be more shocking that the massacres which occasioned it. Shale Into Yoar Shop.. Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart ing feet and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It Is the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes light-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot. tired, aching feet. Try It to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted. La Roy, N. Y. We may stand on the highest hill if wo aro only willing to take steps enough. Two bottles of Hsos Cure for Consump tion cured mo Of a bad lun? trouble. Mrs. J. Nichols, Irinceton, Ind. March "26, 1S'J.". If only good men could marry, the world would be full of old maids". rAama-Li.ft BtAKise rowKM ta The bot. t half tbe price: all grocer win re fund your money if you are not tltfled. Call a little man great and other lit tle people will throw up their hats. There is a Class of People Who are injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has been placed ia all the grocery stores a new pre paration called GRAIN O, made of pare grains, that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it without distress, and bat few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over H as much. Children may drink it with greatbeneflt. 15 cents and "3 cents per, package. Try it. Ask for GRAIN-O. f Try Grain-O! aCCUTeWAHTEl TO (SELL CB5EKAL HOBACK POUTLK'sj SKW M9X, CAMPAIGNING WITH GRANT, A SlTI'l'I.KSEIT to f'KX.ilKtXni MOIBHT S,.t. il'ilmt. I A ilrt- Li luk. 1IAST T SKf.t.. l.iiiirfTrtnrr. l.iU-nl li--i!in!. A1lrrii3 Till: Ct-VTL'ltY CO. 31 K-ut Kth Street. S York. GRAIN: Top of the murVct. (JnUU rrturn. II. m .n.uniin o., Kuntaa City. .Ho. it Cornp ""'" !,1r" "' about Va laml by I llgl'ilfl rdi!:it irmtin.- Virginia Ktu ter.SnI ' for I !.?. M;Lrri'i:i H KAIMIKIJ CO. Knipoila. V. (;' nml mirk Feathrr I'lllnivt, I:!, Itulpttrvamt Cushion!. Write for ric. H'an-a-City Kiatlier Co.. ltt Walnut St. W. N. O. OMAHA. No. 4-I.-I897. Whea writing to advertiser, kladly ma tlon this paper. t m flusn joints and dust 4 4 at In your vfefnit. let us .r.ow. xtfbsmttL J J 1:r-nUU2hrrV k xyaaK' X sawl X A a a " t