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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1897)
-rqp ' rryfr n .a -1- ," ! rj:iiil&: mtrn&t Vi ." '6 aaaei9s COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER t, 1897. WHOLE NUMBER 1,430. VOLUME XXVIII.---NUMBER 0. (JMamtirj iL ' r.-K ? I r ; o. . htiirs JiOitiER; T was a beautiful August morning one of those deli cious summer mornings, when the air is full of melt Insr blue light, and the leaves flutter softly ana the very brown sparrows dart in and out un-j der the eaves In an cc-stacy of tiny delight And the gold en darts of sunshine, peeping through the shabby brown moreen curtains at No. 19 Darrel street, made a little aureole of brightness around Polly Hopkins' brown braids, as she sat with the Recount bonk in her lap and the lo) of the pencil between her teeth. "Thirteen." said Polly, indistinctly, on account of the pencil. "and three are, slxtecu-i-and three are nineteen! Three and three arc six and thirteen are nineteen. That's all I can make of it. do what I will! Oh. dear!" "Polly, what a noise you are mak ing!" said a gently reproachful voice from the adjoining room. "How do you suppose I can get a divine repose into my 'Evangeline's' face if you keep on chattering so?" Polly ro5e up, stowed the pencil be liibil her ear, took the account booK under her arm and went into the other room, where Miss Musidora Hopkins, her elder sister, stood before an easel, with her yellow hair coiled carelessly around her head and her slim, pretty form enshrouded in a brown linen painting blouse. And at one glance it .-is easy to see that in the Hopkins family Musidora represented the ideal :inti Polly the practical. "Musidora." said the little brown cheeked, brown-eyed maiden, "is there any chance of your getting a purchaser for that picture on exhibition at Mon roe's?" "I don't know. I'm sure." said Musi dora. stepping back a pace or two to obtain a better view of "Evangeline's" nose. "Ilerause. if theie isn't." added Pol ly, desperately, "we can't pay the rent that's all." "Polly." said Musidora. in despair, "no one can hope to be a genius with such a sister as you. To conceive a grand idea one's mind must be entire ly at ease. To portray that idea one must be free from every lurking care." "Hut the rent must be paid," per sisted Polly. "Sell something, then." "Hut what?" "The little silver teapot." "I Mild that latt week," sighed1 Pol ly. "The barometer." "That is alteady offered in Schnei der's window." "Aunt Janet's gold beads." "We paid the giocer yesterday with Aunt -Janet's gold bead"." "Well something then anything. 1 don't care what. Didn't that old lady declde to take the furnifched room up stairs?" Poily shook her head dolorously. "There are so many furnished rooms to let." said she. "Well. then, we had better sell tlie furniture," said Musidoia. frowning at her palette. "Hut don't be vexed, Musidora, aft er we've eaten and drank and lived that out." Then." said Musidora, tragically, "we'll starve! At all events, Polly, 5i i .V -t- T r 'mil l f && WY-3N.'3ittrrr.Vl TJw!'!1 vssfcJS "I?" SAID POLLY. leave me in peace now until I've dreamed out 'Evangeline's face." And Polly trudged downstairs, saying to herself: "I wish I was a genius like Musidora. Geniuses don't feel care and debt and poverty like other folks do." Just as this fancy was passing through her head, she found herself face to face with a stout gentleman in gray, with a ruddy face and a clear blue eye. "Hello, little girl." said he, good hu moredly, "don't run over me! Where's the woman of the house?" "I am the woman of the house." said Polly, with dignity. "You?" said the middle-aged gentle man. "Whew-w-w!" Beg pardon. I'm eure; but the sign on the door " "A furnished room to let," said Pol ly, eagerly. "Quite right, sir; would jou like to look at it?" "I don't mind," said the gentleman. "Is the house quiet? Any other lodg ers?" "The house is very quiet, sir." said Polly. "And there's only one old lady who is quite deaf and rather near sighted and only goes out on Sundays Mrs. Jenks. her name is." "That wiH suit me to a T." said the stout gentleman, surveying the neat little room, with its pale green carpet, its suite of cottage furniture and the water color drawings on the wall, "and I like the room. It seems clean and cool, and its windows open to the south. I like a southern aspect. It's as good for people as it is for peaches! How much a week? In advance, of course?" "Five dollars, sir," said Polly, ex pectantly. "It's a bargain," said the stout gen tleman, pulling out a bill. "Here's the first week. My trunks will come this afternoon. Please send up towels and hot water at once." Polly went down stairs, tecretly wondering what she should do. "He wants towels and hot water," paid she to herself, "and I've no maid to send with "em. Very well! Lodg ers don't grow on every buEh. I'll be the maid." And Polly tied a great checked (Ing ham apron abovr ?:er dress, obscured her hesd and fare in a Shaker bonnet, rave th fiid of her nnsc a dab Wttfl mm? . ;i the sldte Slacking nnd went, .upstairs, again with half a dozen cler.a tawebf over .her arm and a pitcher of hot water in her hand. "Please sir." said she, trying to talk through her nose in imitation of the maid servant next door, who was trou bled with catarrh, "here's the things." "Ah!" said the stout gentleman, who stood on the hearth with his hack to the place where the fire would have been, if tlWe had !oen any fire.. "Pat 'em down, my good girl. I say." "Sir?" "What's the name of your mistress?'' "Which, sir?" "Are there two of 'em?" demanded the stout gentleman. "Oh, yes, sir. There's Miss Musidora Hopkins site's a great genius and paints pictures. Aud there's Miss Polly, that ain't a genius and Keep3 lioUse." answered the "sol disant" domestic. "And which of 'em showed me up here?" . - "That was Miss Polly, sir." "Ah! the one that ain't a genius." "Yes, please, sir." "She's a pretty girl, anyhow." said the stout gentleman. "You may go now, Betsy." And Polly scudded out of the room like a mouse from a trap. Musidora was still dreaming in front of the unfinished canvas, when her sis ter darted in,, waving a crumpled bank note in the air. "Polly," said Musidora. "what is all this about?" "We've got a lodger." said Polly, tri umphantly. "The furnished room is let. and here's the first week's pay in advance, and wc can settle our rent now! Three cheers for the new lodg er!" And Polly spun around oft her foot like Fanny Ellslcr. "Perhaps he won't be suited! Per haps he won't stay!" said Musidora, dubiously. "But then again, perhaps he will," chirped Polly. The stout gentleman did stay. He made himself friends with every one. He treated the deaf old lady's sick canary in a manner which filled that ancient personage's venerable head with joy; he suggested new subjects to Musidora. the genius; he told Polly of an excellent way to take the spot of kerosene out of the carpet. He paid his rent at C o'clock precisely every Saturday evening, and never found ou.t that it was Polly who hung the fresh towels over his door knob, and blacked the boots he put out every day, with a ten cent piece beside them. "Somebody must do it." said Polly, when Musidora reproached her with the menial task. "And as long as we can't afford a servant, why not I?" She was a little surprised, though, when Mrs. Jenks, the deaf lodger, told her that she had heard from Mrs. Ste phen Sudbury, who had it from old Miss Pelican, who knew all about the family, that Mr. Dudley Warrener (the stout, middle-aged gentleman) was a rich bachelor, with everything that heart could wish and a spice of eccen tricity thrown in. "And people dc say," added the deaf lady, "that he's in love with one of you girls." "Musidora. of course," said Polly, "lie often goes to sit in the studio of an afternoon. And nobody ccould help falling in love with Musidora." And Polly went up to her own room and cried a little, probably at the idea of losing Musidora. "It would be so lonesome," said she to herself. "Oh, so lonesome, with Mr Warrener gone and Musidora." She was making a custard for tea that afternoon, when Mr. Warrener'a footstep rang on the kitchen thresti hold. "I beg your pardon. Miss Polly." said he, looking somewhat disconcerted. "I I wanted Betsy to post a letter for me." "She isn't in just now," said Polly, turning very red. "Can I come in?" said Mr. Warre ner. "Why, certainly," said Polly. So the stout gentleman came in ami seated himself on a corner of the kit chen table. "Miss Polly," said he. "Sir?" said Polly. "I'm just forty years old." "Are you. sir?" said Polly, thinking within herself. "Now, he's going to tell me about Musidora. "Should you consider that too old to marry?" went on Mr. Warrener, solici tously. "Oh. dear, no," responded Polly. "Should you think any young lady would accept me if I were to propose?" he queried. "Oh. dear, yes!" Polly answered. "Would you?" "I?" said Polly, dropping her Iron custard spoon in astonishment. "Yes, you." "But I thought it was Musidora that you liked." "I do like Musidora." said Mr. War tener, "but I love little Polly." Polly Hopkins never know how It was that she found herself crying on the middle-aged lodger's shoulder, and he was patting her head and soothing her as if she were a child. "And so you really do like me a lit tle," said Mr. Werrener, in a voice that sounded husky. "My gem my dear little pearl of Pollys!" So all the poverty and grinding and pinching came to an end. And Polly never told her husband until after they were married of the little deceit she had practiced on him regarding the question of Betsy. "And you really blacked my boots?" said Mr. "Warrener, reproachfully. "Yes," nodded Polly, "because I did so want you to be suited." "I'm suited now," said Mr. Warrener, "for life." N. Y. Ledger. Rained II U BastneM. "Yes," said the agitator, "I insist that this new tariff bill is the worst thing that ever happened. They say it is going to provide a job for every body, but that's false. I can show you one man right now that it has actually deprived of an opportunity to make a living." "Where is he? What's his name?" "Here he is! I am the man." "How has it hurt you?" "How has it hurt me? Why. I can'! get anybody to listen to me any more Confound it, the people that I used to' harangue are all being forced to work for a living again. It's a shame, so it is!" And h walked away. ClerelajU fcAMPFIRE SEEfftJHtB.- GOOD HORf- STORIES OR THE VETERANS. Where tbe Bravery of Battle I Sar pased As Anecdote of tee Dake of Wellington Maneuvers of Dutch Cavalrr An Ode to American Flag. The Attericatl tlngi itW hrtkAnrri frnni her. rnodntalri , heigh't, , . U.n t u r I'd her standard to tlie air. She tore the azure robe of night. And set the atars of glery there. She mingled with Us gorgeous dyes The milky baldric of ho "kits. And etttped Its pure, celestial white, , xfJLi. With streaklngs of the morning Hgnt. Then from his mansion in the sun She call'd her angel bearer down. And gave into his mighty hanU The symbol of her chosen land. Majestic monarch of the cloud. Who rearst aloft thy regal form. To hear the tempest trumpings loud And see the lightning lances driven. When strive the warriors of the storm. And rolls the thunder-drum of heaven. Child of the sun! to thee 'tis given To guard the banner of the free. To hover in the sulphur smoke. To ward away the battle stroke. And bid its Mendings shine afar. Like rainbows on th cloud of war. The harbingers of victory! Flag of the brave! thy folds shall fly. The sign of hope and triumph high. When speaks the signal trumpet tone. And the long line comes gleaming on. Ere yet the life-blood, warm and wet. Has dimmM the glistening bayonet. Each soldier eye shall brightly turn To where the sky-born glories burn; And as his springing steps advance. Catch war and vengearice from the glance. And when the cannon-mouthings loud Heave In wild wreathes the battle-shroud And gory sabres rise and fall Like shoots of flame on midnight's pall: Then shall thy meteor glances glow. And cowering foes shall sink beneath Each gallant arm that strikes below That lovely messenger of death. Flag of the seas! on ocean wave Thy stars shall glitter o'er the brave; When death, careering on the gale. Sweeps darkly round the bellied sail. And frighted "waves rush wildly back Before the broadside's reeling rack. Each dying wanderer of the sea Shall look at once to heaven and thee. And fmile to sec thy splendors fly In triumph o'er his closing eye. Flag of the free heart's hope and home! By angel hands to valor given: The stars have lit the welkin dome. And all thy hues were born In heaven. Forever float that standard sheet! Where breathes the foe but falls be fore us With Freedom's Foil beneath our feet. And Freedom's banner streaming O'er us! j u -a f t'enoua! Intrepidity. The bravery of battle is surpassed in the quality and fiber of its intrepidity by the courage which faces a conflagra tion or a wreck, because the battle fervor is helped out by patriotism, es prit du corps and other emotions which have a distinct place in the soldier's heart. The great fire at Paris, aud particularly the heroic-death there of the Duchess d'Alencon. recalls a jrave exploit of this lady's uncle. Duke Char les of Bavaria, many years ago. It was in 1823. and some sort of ex ceptional representation at the Resl denz theater at Munich had attracted a large and brilliant audience.. Duke Charles was seated In the royal box. Suddenly an attendant rushed in and whispered excitedly: '"Your highness, the theater is on fire! Make your escape before the panic breaks out." This alarming announcement did not cause a change of expression on the prince's face. First satisfying him self by a word of inquiry that the stage was really on fire, the prince rose, stepped calmly to the front of the box, and said to the audience: "I am informed that a fire has brok en out on the stage. There is time enough for you all to get out before the danger becomes imminent; the only thing that you have to fear is a panic. I urge you, therefore, to quit the hall in the most perfect order, and I give you my word that if yon do so you will all escape. To prove that I mean what I say, I shall sit down, and shall not leave my seat until the last one of the audience is out of the house." Duke Charles then sat down as un moved as if the performance was to proceed. The sight of his calmness re assured the audience, and the people moved deliberately out in an orderly manner; the flames burst through the curtain to the proscenium: the people looked at Dnko Charles, who still sat iinperturbably in his place! no one could make a cowardly rush in the face of such an rxample. In ten minutes the house was en tirely emptied, no occ being hurt; Duke Charles was the last to go out. In another instant the interior was all oa fire, and the house was completely de stroyed. N Kxnrptlon. A few weeks ago the Companion printed an anecdote of the Duke of Wellington, who did not invite his own s?r.. Lord Douro, to dinner because Lord Douro had not gone with the officers of his regiment to pay his re pycts to the duke. It seems that tho duke, so devoted to punctilio, was him eelf on one occasion a victim of it. In the early part of the century, when brilliant entertainments were given at Almack's, in London. Lady Jersey was, one evening, the patroness of a hall. She stood at the height of her popularity as a beauty, a woman of talent and a. social leader, and had very pronounced opinions. A rule had been announced by the patronesses thac no one would be received later than 11 o'clock: this everyone knew, but per sons of indisputable position were not always obedient. On the night in question the Duke of Wellington called upon an old friend. "Are you going to Alraack's?" she asked. "Yes." he said, carelessly. "I think I shall look in by and by." Presently his hostess rose to make her preparations for going, and his mother, who was present, said to him: "Ah. Arthur, you'd better be there in season, for you know Lady Jersey will make no allowance for you." "But Arthur" was in no hurry and etayed on. A short time after his friends had entered the ball room, tbey hear; one of (ht' attfnrtan(B ay: "Lady Jersey,. h'e tttis.6 of Welling ton Ji. at the door and wishes td be admitted: . .. . , , "What o'clock Is It?" sheaaked. - ."Syon -minutes after eleven, yom? ladyship.''" . , . "She paused a momfit. in thought Then she said, with emphasis: "Give my compliments give Lady Jersey's compliments to the Duke of Wellington and say she Is very glad that tbe first enforcement of the role of exclusion is such, that hereafter no one can complain of Its application. He" eahiwt be admitted." Youth's Companion; Qaeretoro and MniinVlifan. Queretaro was a town before fhe Spanish conquest, and was made a city in 1655. A legend of Queretaro is that an Otomite chief, Fernando de Tapia by name, undertook to convert the city to Christianity in a way that seems novel to us, but was common enough-to-his day. -He -came'-frciJ-Tula with a challenge to the people of Queretaro to a fair stand-up fight. If he won, the people surviving were id be baptized. The challenge was ac cepted, but whiI6 the fight was in progress a dark cloud came up and the' Blessed Santiago was seen in the heav ens with a fiery cross, whereupon the people of Queretaro gave up and were baptized. They set up a stone cross to commemorate the event on the site of the present Church of Santa Cruz. There is scarcely a church in Mexico which has not a legend of this kind at tached to it. The town is identified with the history of Mexico'. Here the treaty of peace between the United States and Mexico was ratified in 181S and here Maximilian made his last stand in 1S67, was obliged to sur render, aud was shot. Maximilian was executed on the Cer ro de las Campanas, and with him Gen- , erals Miramou and Mejia. The place Is marked by three little crosses of stone. The two generals were killed at the first volley, but Maximilian, who had requested that he be ehot through the body, that his mother might look upon his face, was only wounded, and a second firing was re quired to kill him. The emperor had been led to believe that Carlotta was dead. She became insane from grief, and was kept in an asylum for many years, but she still lives and still mourns for her dead hus band and the loss of her throne. The United States government pro tested against the execution of Maxi milian, but in vain, Juarex refusing to spare him. There are all kinds of relics of Max imilian in Mexico. The Yturbide The atre, where he was tried and condemn ed, the table on which the death war rant was signed, the wooden stools on which the prisoners sat during the trial and the coffin of Maximilian, whose re mains were subsequently sent to Aus tria and buried at Miramar. Maneuvers of Dutch Cavalry In the Dutch army a man must be able to swim as well as to fight. More over, if he is in the cavalry, he must have a horse which will take a river as easily as a hunter takes a fence. Swim ming maneuvers are part of the regu lar drills nowadays. Collapsible can vas boats, manned by a few oarsmen, lead the horses, so that they do not attempt to land on stone quays and other difficult points. The men swim across with their horses and on them. They do it in swimming costume and in all the accoutrements of war. There are few nautical emergencies for which the Dutch army is not prepared. Some of the officers have even reached tlie degree of proficiency that not only their horses and kits cross the rivers with them, but their pet dogs sit upon their shoulders and are borne over. Buffalo Bill's Press. I'rmidfiit McKlnlry'ft I'oHttiiuu. From the Indianapolis Sentinel: The man who for seven years has delivered the mail to President McKinley's res idence in Canton, Ohio, was in the city yesterday afternoon and received in structions from Postofficc Inspector Fletcher which will enable him to as sume the role of district inspector. He received his appointment to this po sition as a gift from the president on July l. Today he and Mr. Fletcher will make a tour embracing several post offices in the district. Mr. Owens is a firm-looking, solidly built man of perhaps thirty-five years of age. In a conversation he related some interesting facts about the prodi gious amount of campaign mail which the president got last summer. "His mail," said the ex-cirrier, "was larger before his nomination than af ter, but it held up marvellously all the way along. His letters would number tluee thousand a day, although the aerage was somewhat below that. As for papers well, ou never saw the like. They seemed to come from every newspaper publisher in the country, and the amount of letters and papers together was sometimes so prodigicusly large that it seemed that all the mail dropped off at Canton was for Mr. Mc Kinley. These letters often contained tho most laughable superscriptions. The effort of a great many of the writers was to get the candidate's sig nature. AH at once I noticed that the number of registered letters was in creasing largely. This kept up for several clays, until the presidential can didate quit signing the receipts and turned them over to his secretary to sign. That ended the flood of register ed letters. You see a receipt accompan ies every registered letter, to be sent back to the sender, and these letters were merely a dodge to get Mr. Mc Kinley's signature. I carried every piece of mail that the president got during the campaign, and did it with out assistance and on foot, and carried my regular route besides. In order to do this I had to make extra trips to the McKinley home every daybut I liv ed only a block away and it was not much trouble to do it It required Ave and six tripe ji day to deliver th mail," j DEAR OLD TOM'S LITTLE TRICK jt4 ts Ottr Fellow bnt Be Hud id 8tdaX Ii. ? i'm an bid bachelor bow,- have nff re lations except those so distafli teat J resent tneir being, relations at all, liv at a.h'ofel and find little comfort" except in Tom's family, says a writer1 fa thV Detroit Frdc Press"-. He and I grew up together, roomed together in college and did business together for y&??v We swOre eternal friendship, come what might, and ftiftnjr were the pranks we played on each otfvciy going to a length that none but a fast frieftf Mif per mit. t'6 and 1 were both athletes, both given to society and both in favor with the fftfr sex. O'ri a trip tlotm for the Christmas vacation we parlI6ipnted Ik a railroad wreck. Fronr a bornin car I had the good fortune to rescue t beautiful young lady who Would have perished hut for me. She was uncDn- 'iIoUd, I was nearly bo and in lie! fear ful excitement we were separated without either knowing who the other was. But she was always with me in memory and, by Some strange trick of mysticism, I was hopelessly" in love with her. After months of detective work 6n my part I found her and man aged an acquaintance. At every meet ing I wanted to tell her how, next to her, the dearest thing in my life was the fact of having saved her life, bu' it seemed so much like boasting and appealing to her gratitude that I fore bore. One evening when I called she met me with both hands extended and a ra liant look of happiness. She wanted my congratulations on the fact that she was going (0 marry Tom. "Ever since hty horrible experience in lhat wreck," she said, ''I have loved the man who averted such an awful fate. Only the other day I learned it was 3ear old Tom, and now we are to be married." "Dear old Tom be " I began in my desperation, but -he was dear old Tom with all his faults. Hadn't I played him many a trick? So I took her hand and said the conventional words that made her eyes glow with pleasure. Then I went away for weeks to wrestle with myself, but I was back to stend up at the wedding. Tom's children will get all my money, for their mother is the only woman I ever loved and their father has always been my chum. Tlir l'asoport in KuHia. In Russia, a child ten years of age can not go away from home to school without a passport. Nor can common servants and peasants go away from where they live withut one. A gentle man residing in Moscow or St. Peters- Inirtr nnnnnt receive tho visit nf ;i friend who remains many hours with- j out notifying the police. The porters of all houses arc compelled to make returns of the arrival and departure of strangers; and for everyone of the above passports a charge is made of , some kind. HISTORICAL. In former times the nobles of Venice spent such immense sums in decorat ing their gondolas that the government passed a law that all should be alike, and ail have since been painted black. The historic windmill at Nantucket, Mass., was sold yesterday by auction to the Nantucket Historical Associa tion for $885. There were only two bidders, one an agent of the associa tion and the other a private speculator. Among the treasures of the Passama quoddy (Me.) tribe of Indians is a let ter from George Washington written from his army on the banks of the Delaware, Dec. 24, 17T6, in which he expresses his pleasure that the Passa maquoddies had accepted the chain of friendship he sent them the preceding February- Lite and death among our presidents is always an interning subject. Will iam Henry Harrison was the oldest man to become president. He took office at sixty-seven and lasted one month. The military heroes among the presidents were advanced in years, Jackson being sixty-two at tlie timo of inauguration and Taylor sixty-five. One-third of all the presidents hao died in July and half of them in July and June. John Adams, Thomas Jef ferson and James Monroe died on the same date. July 4. and James A. Gar field was shot July 2. Martin Van Buren was the longest lived of the presidents, reaching his eightieth year. The average duration of life of the presidents of the United States has been seventy-two years and eight months. THIS AND THAT. The common house sparrow flies at the rate of seventy-two miles an hour. Canada has given more than $193, 000 for the relief of the plague and famine sufferers of India. Governor Barnes, of Oklahoma, was a telegraph operator at Leavenworth when the war broke out. Persia exports every year about G.OO0 boxes of opium, each containing 130 pounds. About the same amount is consumed at home. There is a fifteen-year-old widow at Covington, Ky. The girl was married a year ago to a nineteen-year-old boy, all tho parents consenting. Her hus band died a few days ago. The latest Maine sea serpent proved to be a pig wading near the shore after dark. A man on shore hit him on the head with a brick, and he rolled out into e'eeper water and fed the sharks. McLubberty (who has picked up part cf a laundry check) Phwat's this quare mark on this pake av paper? Officer O'Haggarty A Chinese char acter, Oi belave. McLubberty Thot's a dum loi. Th' Choinase hov no char acthei3, begorra! Judge. Switzerland, though she spends only half .i million dollars yearly on her amy, can turn out 100,000 trained men in two days in case of need, and has a res rve of 100,000 more and a Land sturm of 270.000. The army maneuvers this year will be held in the moun tains of the Engadine. Larrikin, a famous Australian steeplechaser, fell in the grand na tional hurdle race, near Melbourne, breaking bis neck. As scon as the rice was over the crowd broke in and began to cut up the dead horse for relics. One man took bis tail, another the ears, and others the teeth, an hoofs. WERE TOLD OF DEATH IMPENDING CALAMITY FORE WARNS THE SENSES. Victim at b Pari fire Who Dreamed of Her frlfktfnl Poom PimWeat Ltncrtn' 8w Uh Ottm Jkwnmlnmttmm Llmued While lie Slept. ROM the New York Herald: There s a very interesting papef on presenti ments suggested, of course, by the terrible Paris fire in (hat staid and reliable periodical, the Journal & Debats. It is from the Den of Henri De Parrille.- than whom there Is no greater authority on matters relating to hallucination, second sight, obses sion and hfndred subjects. First the fact I noid that Mme. Julie Garivet, one of the rktims of the fire, had a clear presentiment of her death. When she bade her friend gcod by on the morning of the fatal day Jt was evident that she never expected to see them agairi. She said that during tho night she had suffered from a frightful nightmare, and that she had dreamed of being burned alive. Equal ly singular was the recent experience of a Parisian doctor. This gcstleman was taking a walk one afternoon Whn suddenly the th'otight struck him that his house might catcfr Are during his absence. There was apparently no rea son why any such accident should Itite place; nevertheless, the doctor hurried home, and. sure enough, as he ap proached the dwelling he saw volumes of smoke pouring from one of the chimneys. Rushing in. he found that the fine in the room adjoining his own had caught fir. Thanks to his pre sentiment, he was soon able to quench the flame3. The Annates des Sciences Psye&iques recounts two similar examples of ex ceptional value. President Lincoln, it says, had an unerring presentiment that he would be assassinated. Dur ing the night preceding his death he dreamed that he walked down a flight of stairs which were draped with black cloth. When he asked the cause of this mourning he was told that the president of the Unfted States had been killed at the opera house. He told Mrs. Lincoln of his dream, and she begged him, but in vain, not to go to the theater that evening. He smiled at her fear and went calmly out to meet his doom. The second story recalls the myste rious tragedy of Louis II of Bavaria. This mad monarch threw himself in to Stornberg lake, which surrounded his palace, and dtagged down to death with him his physician, Dr. Von Gud den, who had plunged into the water in the hope of saving him. Now, a few days before his death. Von Gud den had dreamed that he was strug gling in the water while vainly try ing to save another man from drown ing. He told his wife about the dream and after his death she told the story to the Anthropological society of Mu nich. Equally singular are the stories told about Mr. De Lerizolled. This gentle man was recently crossing a mountain at a little distance from his home when he suddenly received, as it were, a se vere shock, which plunged him into the deepest melancholy. Ho felt as though he had been struck by a clinched fist, and for a few minutes his anguish was extreme. His fir3t thought was that some terrible calamity had happened to him or his family, and that he would hear of it on his arrival at home. He was right. Hardly had he crossed th? threshold of his home when he received a dispatch announc ing the death of his father. On another occasion Mr. De Le rizolles was traveling with his wife, and she remarked one murniug that she had not been able to sleep during the night, as she had constantly be fore her eyes her dear friend. Mine. De B., who, according to the vision.seemed to be dying. As Mme. De B. was sup posed to be in excellent health, Mr. De Lerizollcs assured his wife that there was no significance in her waking dream. But his wife would not be con vinced, and. indeed, a letter came in a fen- days telling them of Mme. De B.'s unexpected death. Eight hundred cases, somewhat sim ilar to this last one, are recorded in a book published some time ago in Eng land. In each case some person saw a ghost or apparition of some- living relative or friend at the precise mo ment when this relative ir friend was on the point of dying. If it were not for a presentiment Mo zart would probably never have com posed his immortal "Requiem." One day, while he was sitting alone. lo3t in a melancholy reverie, a stranger en tered the room, and, laying a hand some sum of money on the table, re quested him to compose a "Requiem" in memory of a dear friend who had just died. Mozart agreed to do so, and he began work at once. Night and and day he labored with extraordinary zeal, until, finally, his strength gave way and he became ill. When his wife tried to cheer him he said brusquely, "It's no use. I composed that 'Re quiem for myself and it will be played at my funeral." Nothing could rid his mind of this idea. Nay, he was even convinced that the stranger was a vis itor from the other world, who had come to warn him of his approaching end. So he worked at the "Requiem" until it was finished, but when the strarger came for it Mozart was dead. He Could Vote. Voter I challenge Shamus Macfogar ty. He's no dimmycrat. Chairman Give in yer ividence. Voter His wife borrows butter of Mrs. Robinson, a republican. Chairman But I hear she never pays it back. Yer all right. Mr. Macfogarty. Ye can vote. Boston Transcript. Tlire W. "Is there anything nice in belts for this season?"' inquired the customer. "Yes. sir," replied the pretty sales girl, incidentally blushing. "What sire, please?" Chicago Tribune. One of the highest shot towers In the world Is to be found -at Villach In Corlnthla, where there is a fall of JO feet. SCIENTIFIC EATING. To eat that which tastes good f gsxdleM of Its dietetic value is the oalj guide which too many follow in the selection of their dally food. That then are ingredients in some foods that are much more appropriate than others for tie uses of persons who fol low certain occupations, has probably never occurred to them. The man who eats three meals s day whether he craves them or not, oerely because he has been accus tomed to do so from his youth up, probably does not realize that he is do ing more than his duty by his digestive powers. He has never realized, be cause he has never tried, the benefits of abstinence, and would no more miss a square meal than he would forego any other reasonable pleasure that came in bis way. Whoever eats until there is a feeling of sluggishness and drowsiness suc ceeding the act is, and, very likely, un consciouely, overtaxing his physical nature. The fact Is that almost all persons not only eat too much, but they do not select those foods that will do them the best service. Those who' are Inclined to take on flesh are very often inordinately fond of sweet and starchy articles of diet, and these are, as a matter of course, the very things which they ought to use with the utmost caution. Such persons would be greatly benefited by a diet such as has been prescribed by some of the most eminent medical and scientific experts, and which Is to be tried in some of the argicultural col leges by the students themselves in or der to feat the question practically, and upon those who are intelligent enough to follow out add nee for their own satisfaction what will come from a strict adherence to rules. It has been tested and proven past a shadow of controversy or dispute that to frequently abstain from a regular meal is to give the digestive organs a much needed rest and to allow the system to clear itself of a great amount of waste matter. Those who doubt this might for experiment's sake try the following diet and sec If their bodily and mental condition is not greatly improved by the regimen: i Bread, 16 ounces; potatoes, 16 ounces; milk, 28 ounces; butter, 2 ounces and steak fourteen ounces. Eggs and soup arc to be used as a variety. Very few people realize the fact that j water is one of the most important items In a general diet. Most people consume too little fluid, and the con sequence is a feverish state of the blood and general irritability and un easiness. Attempts at strict dieting often prores a failure because the ap petite leads the subject so far afield. The goodies of life are too tempting to be resisted, and ail efforts come to naught. Even babies and small chil dren cry for candy and cake and tnrts, and because their mothers and nurses are sometimes weak and Indul gent the little ones suiter. EWrtric Power in Africa. Attention was recently called in this column to the proposed use of the cat aracts of the Nile for the generation of electric power. At a meeting of the Institution of Civil Engineers In Lon don a short time ago. Professor Fori;es reported that he had been consulted about another similar enterprise in the "dark continent." This was a proposi tion to employ the Victoria Falls of the Zambesi river in supplying electric power to the gold mines in Matahcle land and the Transvaal.He thought the scheme was not so chimerical as it had at first appeared to him. In hi3 opin ion "the distance ever which power might be profitably transmitted by electricity was not far short of 1,000 miles." A WetMInc Xovlcr. He went to the wedding with pride. In his faultless fine array; To act like the others he trieJ. But he didn't know what lo say; So he wished his charming young bride Many happy returns of the day! Emma C. Down in September La dies' Home Journal. tirrat Srhenir. "By next spring," said the wild-eyed inventor, "I shall be rich beyond the imaginings of paresis. I am going to Klondike" "So are a lot or other people." "That is where ray fine work comes in. I have almost perfected a process for making gold edible." Indianapolis Journal. RAM'S HORNS. The common saint is an uncommon stranger to himself. He is well balanced that will take advice against inclination. Christ taught to teach; not to win admiration or applause. Aggrc?si eness without control, i3 the animal turned loose. The gospel and the long face do not travel well together. The man who Ioe.s hi. neighbor as himself, cannot be a hermit. A dollar has mere power in America, than the Ten Commandments. The careless man wrecks his com fort: the covetous man his destiny. The eagle bathing her plniMis m the clouds, is but one of God's thoughts materialized. If your schooling does not help you to better the world, your time and money are both lost. The man who thinks he knows all J there is to know, is already too dead j to know that he is dying. Scatter sunshine as you pass along. and by and by you may gather bou quets of immortal gladnes-s. We may gain a reputation for piety by looking solemn, but we shall slan der the Lord while doing it. The New York owner of a long haired French poodle, has from time to time clipped from its coat twenty pounds of soft white wool, which will shortly be woven into cloth, from which he will bav a suit cf clothci THE OLD RELIABLE. ColumbusStateBank (Oldest Bank in the State.) Pays literal on Tie Depts A5D lies Lw on Real Ett. ISSUES 6IGUT DRAFTS OX Omaba, Chicago, Now York ami all Foreign Countries. SELLS STEAMSHIP TICKETS. BUYS GOOD NOTES And helps its customers it hcu tuoy need help OFriCKCS AND DIKKUTOKS: LkandkkGeri:aki, Prcs't. E. H. Henuv, Vice Prcs't-. M. Buuggek, Cashier. Joux Stauffkr, V'x. Huciier. OF COLUMBUS. NEB., HAS AN Authorized Capital of Paid in Capital, - $500,000 90,000 orri(:i:: C. n. SflKLDOX. PrKt. II. 1. II.OMIIiUli H. Vice Pre. DAXIKI. -rllKAM. C:iHlilor. 1'KAMv UUKKK. Asst. Cash'r. DIKI.iT US: i If. SiiEi.iio.v, II. P II. Or.iii.nwii. Jonas Welch, V. A. MrAi.i.isri it. Caki. KiESKt. S. C. (Ska v. I'uank Koniti:i:. STOCK II LHKKS: Sahei.da, J. llEMtr Wnn-esiAW, Ciakk tiRAY. Henuv ueke. Daniel Sciikaw. !i:o. . fJ alley. A. F. II. Oeiilkicit, .1. I ItrcKKii K&rATC. Rebecca Ueckek. II. M. Winslow. Bank of Deposit: nterest allowed on tlmo deposits: buv and sell oxchanso on United States and Europe, and huy and soil avail able eciirltlei Wo shall bo pleased to ro ce!v your business. We solicit your pat ronage. Columbus Journal! A weekly newspaper de voted the best interests of COLUMBUS THE COMTY OF PLATTE, The State o? Nebraska THE UNITED STATES AND THE REST OF MANKIND The unit of measure with ns is $1.50 A YEAR, IF PAID IN ADYAXCa. Bat onr limit of usefulness is not prescribed by dollars and cents. Sample copies sent free to say address, HENRY GASS, Collins : and : Metallic : Oases ! ty Repairing of all kinds of Uphal ttery Good. Ut COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA, Columbus Journal ia FKBPAnrD to rcnNisn Amrmiso REQUIRED or A PRINTING OFFICE. -WITH THE- COMMERCIAL BANK ssssbsssssssssssssssssssssssssswbsss,s vmt. bssbssssssssssHbsssssssssssHbsssIssssPbsT'bTsH COUNTRY. i si eo I' - rr-3,---;fcJB rm JljimTM -jflTTl-r- iifffb. '.. i Mfi&-.B j