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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1896)
rT5?fggwg; .--r -,-jre. -- 'sV ?.V - - ..- -."' Jv - -- jomrol 9 . V fn . a, 1JT r4 X' r f VOLUME XXVIL-NtJMBBR 6. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. MAY 20, 1896. WHOLE NUMBER 1,358. . ni States llfrf ', r, .: t - " i L . r? - K laW I HIS FIRST OFFENSE, sriO Kt ILLY MEEKINS never drank. He didn't make a j principle of it and (in all other re- y spects he was like any other male human being, but for some reason or other he simply hadn't learned to drink. His wife, who was religious, put It on high moral . grounds. She said Ehe didn't know what she would do if Will came home drunk which was true; she didn't, as the following narrative will show. The first winter they were married company X arranged for a big military ball and invited the governor. As an extra inducement they got an appro priation from somewhere or other and bought a carload of champagne. The evening of the dance the governor was present with his entire suite and they converted one of the ante-rooms into a sort of champagne shower bath. But after the governor, who was a very tall and thin man of good old Puritan stock, had led the grand marcn with the wife of tho captain, who was a very short, fat and red-faced woman of middle-age and unmistakable Irish descent, to the admiration of all, and the fat prompter had barked all the skin off the back o'f his throat and nearly gone into apoplexy and every body had gone home, it was discovered that the company in its extreme gener osity had overestimated the capacity of the invited guests. So, as a last resort and a sort of gentle bid for the golden opinions of the press, the newspaper men were invited in. And after the first edition had gone flown as many men as possible ad journed to the city hall and sat down at a long table in the ante-ioom, with the governor at the head. Of course, the governor could not under the circum stances refrain from le'ting his full bcart run over in a speech. In it he said he never could adequately express his great appreciation of the honor of sitting at the table with the repre sentatives of that glorious and power ful instrument of civilization the press. He himself had always had the most profound confidence in newspaper men and he was proud to say they had almost unanimously shown confidence In him. Hi- was also proud to say a great many nice things about the press and its influence for good. A few minutes after these remarks the gov ernor left for his hotel, having a press ing appointment at 6:30 the next morn ing and hax-ing felt during the evening unmistakable symptoms cf the return of the diphtheria or spinal meningitis or fcomething of the sort he had con tracted during the arduous labors of the last campaign, so he left the adjutant generar to represent him. The adjutant general, who was a fat and red-faced man. having represented govnors at champagne nippers for a great many jears. was a ery able representative indeed, and when the governor went awjv much of the cere mony of the occasion went with him and it became quite informal, every inducement to informality being offered by the management. Whenever you began to talk to jour neighbor your slag was filled up by the colored waiter at your elbow with such natural ness that not even the most accom plished could get an approximate idea of how- much he had drunk until he retrained consciousness. One of the chief diversions of the oc casion was arranged to be furnished by Billy Meekins. He had been induced to attend under more or less false pre tenses, and when once in the hall was placed by special arrangement next to the adjutant-general. The adjutant general was to do the rest. Billy wasn't inclined to drink at first, till the , Ahei jgfe 5"l x n ni u w i w J4t) especially devised for gubernatorial representation at state dinners. Well; after ali the champagne had gone bff the crowd followed suit and Billy Meekins walked home through the gray early morning and tumbled Into bed Tery soon before Mb wife who was a very conscientious house keepergot up, and fell into a sound Bleep, About 9 o'clock he woke up with a very strange, confused'fecling, such as bad never fallen to his lot before, and which alarmed him considerably, and started out immediately to discover his present approximate position In time and space. In the course of his voyage of exploration around the room he ran aground on the washBtand and cap sized, taking with him the water pitcher. When his wife appeared she found her husband in a truly alarming condition. He was lying among the ruins of the water pitcher breathing heavily, deathly pale, and so far gone that he could not even articulate. It was something she had never seen be fore. With great presence of mind she hauled him on the bed, dispatched three boys for the doctor and sent out a gen eral alarm among the neighbors, who turned out in great force. When the first doctor arrived he found her on the verge of collapse, but strenuous to be told the truth. Unfortunately he was an old-school practitioner, who prided himself on his ability to do just that thing. "Madam," he Bald, "your hus band is drunk." When he came out of the room the neighbors knew the worst. Of course Billy Meekins didn't know the seriousness of the catastrophe at the time, but it was promptly brought to his attention when he once regained consciousness. Under the circum stances there would naturally be a certain amount of tribute due to out raged womanhood in any family, but Billy's wife was actually vindictive. She said it was bad enough to be a newspaper man's wife anyway, with out having married a drunkard, and she started for home on the next train; it was a full two months before Ehe was coaxed back again. When she finally relented she re turned with preparations for a whole sale reform. She instituted family prayers at once and broke up half of Billy's sleep to drag him to church. She also proposed him for special attention to her minister, which he received. She slid it should not be her fault if he did not have good companions in the future, incidentally making remarks about the other men in the office which have forever precluded further rela tions of friendship and amity between her and the other man's wife, and she filled the house with temperance en thusiasts and missionary workers, who come often to dinner and sing psalm tunes a long time after in the evening. All of which Billy takes cheerfully for the sake of harmony and as the price of his sin's having found him out. Of course as time has gone on he has gone into the good work himself as a guaranty of good faith; he is really quite an ardent temperance man; it is fascinating to hear his little addresses to the loyal children's league. But he tells me privately he is afraid this sort of thing is going to drive him to strong drink. LAND OF THE BLACKS. NATIVE TRIBES OF AFRICA DYING BY SWORb. The Good Christian Nations of Europe Haktag Qelck Work of Exterminating Sod's Creatures A Disgrace to Century Congress Still. r J-ja "pi ,hlP "111 ftarhBsBBVer it lisK&aBBHiaaai ri - i -; FRICA HAS LONG been picturesquely named the "Dark Continent," bat It might now- be more appropriately call ed the "Bloody Continent." A few years ago it was dark in the sense that Euro peans knew little about it. Since they have shed their light upon its remotest places it has been turned Into a land of bloody strife and turmoil from end to end. A number of bloody outbreaks, of such a character as to interest even Americans unconcerned with European policy, help to call attention at this moment to the perpetual condition of Africa. It is hardly to be doubted that this condition will continue until all the warlike races of Africa are exter minated or reduced to the condition of hopeless subjection. There are three great regions of Africa which are of supreme interest at this moment. They arc the Egyp tian Soudan, Abyssinia and South Africa. To the first two places belong the distinction that Europeans have suffered there about as much as the natives. A strong Egyptian expedition, under British officers, has started to attempt to reclaim the Soudan from the Mahdi, Heved. is prepared to resist by force this advance of the British. To the north of Portuguese East Af rica is German East Afric-t: Dr. Peters, the late administrator of that territory i now being tried in Berlin for cruel tics to the natives. He hanged men and women for petty thefts. In the Indian Ocean, off the east coast of Africa Is the great is land of Madagascar, which the French have just conquered after a cam paign very deadly to themselves. Lately the natives revolted and burned a religious mission house and killed several of its occupants. A punitive military expedition has just done its work near Mombasa in British East Africa. The British are now occupying Ash anti, in the interior of Africa, behind the Gold Coast Colony, and hold King Prempeh a prisoner. The French have occupied Timbuctu, the capital of Eastern. Soudan, a nrys terious city hitherto known to us chief ly on account cf its comic-opera name. The Sultan of Morocco is slaughter ing his subjects. This is but a glimpse of the bloody work that is going on in Africa. it looks Behind Aluminum Co flint. Aluminum coffins are the latest and the New- York. Pittsburg and St. Louis undertakers carry them in stock. They are made of uniform width, square ends and vertical sides and ends, such being the accepted shape of the modern bur ial casket. They are finished with a heavy molding around the bottom and at the upper edge, and with pilasters at the corners and with a round molded top. They are provided with extension bar handles. Aluminum caskets are not covered, but finished with a metal surface burnished. They are lined in the same manner. Tho non-corrosive qualities of aluminum as well as the A Telescope Which la Sale! t tXMttt the t'seralaesa of Oralaary Glass. Mankind once had an extra eye in th back at hig head, Scientists say that they em Mill find traces Of tbii eye in a certain irfegdlar formation of the skull at the poirit where' tie an cient eye-socket used to be, says the New York World. These irregular places are called rudimentary eyes, but they are not to be found in all peopl& In fact, a man who can boast of a rudimentary eye is quite a superior person. Of course, these rudimentary eyes are of no real Use to anybody, not even to the ownor of them, but they serve to show us that at a. certain stage in our career nature thought it wad a wise thing to enable us to keep a watch in the rear. A foreign firm of opticians have very considerately en deavored to supply, as far as may be done-fey aechaaical ai"aos. the loss of this rear-view eye. Thy have con structed a telescope which enables the user to look around a corner. By its means you may see and remain unseen, a circumstance which possesses obvious advantages. They call tne intention j the stereo-telescope. Stereo comes from a Greek word meaning solid, and in this connection it is Used as indi cating that the image, as seen through the stereo-telescope seems an exact counterpart of the object and not a mero picture of it. The two tubes that extend horizontally carry an object glass at either end. The eye pieces are placed on an axis at right angles td that of the objecting or oblong tubes. When the observer looks through the small peep-holes he sees a different field with each eye. The rays 6f l.gHt from the objects that lie in the field of vision ar reflected by means of prisms, so that they turn the corner of the right angle. Thus you may leisurely study an ob- WORSHIPERS OF FIR& SOME PACTS COLLECTED ON A QUEER SUBJECT. They Adore the GeO of Fire A EisWH at tha Katlooal Xaseaas Who Casl Hah lfe by Kahhtas; Sticks To gather: rrtCACY OF TWO BtO TOES. A Teraseatt ataa Cataa Sarataa la? aa aJBLL aaw I'Ss aave&saa The Dancer of New York. "We are thankful every day that we live in the country. We have long wanted to visit New York, but we are afraid to. A man from Iowa, a har nessmaker of good reputation, went to New York lately to see th sights. la buying a piece of plugtobacco he care lessly showed a ?5 bill. A strange woman who saw the money immediate ly fell on his neck and said: "Oh. 'William. William, why did you desert me?" The barnessmaker from Iowa had never seen the woman before but she had him arrested saying she was mar ried to him in 1S69. He was finally compelled to give her the 5 bill to get rid of her. Atchison Globe. LYING AMONG THE RUINS. iajulant-gcncral soothed him. The "great officer was very soothing, he as sured him that champagne as a bever age was as harmless as milk in fact, just what he needed as a tonic that time of night. Of course, Billy couldn't be rude enough to refuse the courtesies of so great an official. After that things grew still more informal. The adjutant told a story, and the city editor told a story, and the night editor told a story all of which it is not necessary to reproduce here, partly because they weren't really so funny as taey wer considered at the time. Then the telegraph editor, who didn't have on a dress suit, tore off the tails from the one the city editor were, and one of the new reporters jumped through the ground-glass door of the ante-room like a hurdle. It eut his face somewhat, but be said a man who had to shave himself didn't mind a little thing like that. He was con cideraVe of a blood in college, they s?.id. and he took to the Iiscomforts of earning a living rather bard. Finally they suggested, that the adjutant general, who had made himself so com panionable, really ought to be put in the fruit basket and make a speech, for the general reason that he would look so cute there, but as the general weighed 225 pounds and their center of gravitj- was not very low at the time, this part of the programme was not carried ouL In the meantime the light divertise ment which Billy Meekins was sched uled to furnish did not materialize, as for some reason or othr Billy devel oped remarkable staying powers. In fact, he and the general were about the only persons left in an apparently normal condition, and to all appear ances he was as normal as the general, which is saying a good deal of a be ginner, for the general had an inter state reputation for his steady head. His enemies, in fact, said he was a walking jog a sort ot eflcial jag with a silently inlassed alate U tie meek, To Make Shoes Waterproof. Most persons, says the Boston Ecn j ing Transcript, are dependent upon -ub- ber overshoes to keep their feet dry in wet weather. But one who has prac ticed it for a number of years knows that leather boots can be made water proof in the following way: Melt to gether equal parts of castor oil, kero sene and lard and while it is still warm rub the mixture all over a pair of new boots, both uppers and soles. As it -lries in repeat the operation about five times and you can then put the boots on and walk in melting snow with impunity. Give another dressing with this mix ture about once in three or four months. Leather is not only made waternjoof in this way, but becomes very soft and pliable. i ! . I -JBP' " : ?-.-.-aK -- I3eki5rt? fi ,t.c ,c! cAi-5i3S;,-l!l cast , . !(' "T VMn2r True. True. "Apparently there is no use for horses in these days of tlcctric cars, bi cycles and horseless carriages," re marked McSwilligen. "Oh. that's not so." replied Squildig. "Since they commenced to slaughter horses and can them for food we can still have them in our midst." Pitts burg Chronicle-Telegraph. HUMOROUS. Teacher Now. George Washington Hackensack, you may describe the bat tle of Princeton. G. W. Hackensack Twenty t' ten faver uv Yale. Judge. "Don't you think, Harry you could in duce one or two boys to come to Sun day school?" "I could bring one," he said, "De udder fellers ip. our alley kin lick me." Life. "Jones and Grymes are threatening to kill Ukerdek. and then murder each other." "What's all the trouble about?" "Ukerdek met Grymes and called him Jones." Truth. "What are you crying for, child?" "Lolo hurt me." How, pray?" "I was going to hit him with my fist, when he ducked his head and" my fist hit the wall." Boston Transcript. Bizmog Zibley, your face is a sight. Did you cut yourself shaving? Zibley Not exactly. Perhaps it woeJd be better to say that I shaved myself while cutting. Roxbury Gazette. Hoax I stood on one foot all the way home in a crowded car last night. Joax What was the matter with your other foot? JJoax Another man was taMdlag en that Philadelphia Re-oori. who rules in absolute despotism at Khartoum. The dervishes and Ma hometan Desert tribes who maintain the Mahdi's power, believe that he is the direct representative of Mahomet, and in fighting for him lies their only hope of heaven. While a British expedition is going to the Soudan, a Belgian expedition from the Congro Free State, which has an outlet on the West Coast of Africa, has started for the same region. This expedition has been rc-in forced by Houssas. native troops, fronl the British colony of Sagos, also on the west coast. The Belgians are probably now fighting in the heart of Africa. The brutalizing occupation of the Europeans in Africa does not tend to make them humane and generous in their treatment of one mother. The whole world has lately been reading about one illustration of this fact. A body of Englishmen, supposed to be the pick of the pioneers of their race in Africa, being chiefly officers and men of the military police of the Brit ish South Africa company, has made a murderous raid into ne Transvaal, one of the few colonies in Africa that have any claim to respectability. It is said that the Boers are pretty high handed with the natives, but the fact that there are so many of the latter left in the Transvaal arer so long a period of colonization is in itself a tribute to their masters. These Englishmen started out cheer fullv with machine guns and other arms to enter the territory of a foreign and friendly state and slaughter the peaceful and unoffending people. Even the severe defeat they received did not make them realize that they had done wrong. Their African experience had destroyed their moral sense. It must not be supposed that the de feat of Jameson's raiders and their shipment to England hi3 ended the trouble in the more civilized parts of South Africa. There is intense and warlike hostility between the English and the Dutch elements in Cape Col only, the Orange Free State, and the Transvaal. Cable reports say tlm both sides are preparing to fight. There is always an abundance of armed men in those places. The reports also say that German officers are helping the Boers and that Germany has prom ised them "material aid in a possible struggle with the British. Besides this possibility of a general conflagation in South Africa, there is some hard actual fighting there. The Matabeles have risen again in the British South Africa Company's terri tory. They killed seven white men near Buluwayo, and since then a much larger number of the natives have been killed. The Matabeles are a brave, strong and fierce race, allied to tae Zulus. who fought so nard before the devasta ting British influence swept over and beyond their country. The Matabeles were mowed down in thousands by Dr. Jameson and his troopers and ma chine guns before their land was finally conquered for the British South Africa Company. The remnant of them will possibly make a hard fight now. Another element of trouble lies in the Delagoa Bay situation. Under a treaty England has the first .right to purchase this portion of Portuguese East Africa, if it should be offered for sale. It lies between the Transvaal and the ocean, and its possession would enable the British to surround the J Boers. The German Kmoeror. it Is be- MAP SHOWING THE DISTURBANCES IN AFRICA. lightness of the caskets recommend them. A six-foot aluminum coffin weighs but 100 pounds, an oak casket of the same size 150 pounds, a cloth cas ket with metal lining about 175 pounds. Other metallic caskets weigh from 430 to 500 pounds. Aluminum coffins are not likely to become popular among the poor, as their cost ranges from $400 to $750. New York World. Kxonerated by a Chimney. A Liverpool chimney sweep recently found a bag containing coins worth $200 in a flue which he was cleaning in a house. When the lady who had employed him learned of the discov ery she burst into tears. The money had been saved by her hard work and self-denial. Some time ago her son, who was not a steady youth, left her house, vowing never to return. Hav ing forgotten where she had hidden the Konoy she had accused him of stealing it. As time went by she had grown con stantly more certain that the charge she had made against her boy was well founded. The sudden discovery" that she had done him a horrible injustice filled her with bitter remorse. She is now living in the hope that he will hear of his vindication ad return to her. New York World. ject While under cover, the head being in such a position as not to admit of its being seen. When the tubes are thus extended, the observer may stand behind a tree or a wall and reconnoiter from his concealed position. There are also open points in favor of the in strument. The field of viion is enor mously extended. Yoa may study Ob jects at opposite points of the compass with no more trouble than the winking of your eye. The stereo-telescope may be folded up, in which position, being held with the tubes upward, it enables the observer to look above an object ob structing his view, such as a hedge, wall or crowd of people. Cop nml Cup-Hearer. The cups of t!ic Assyrians closely re semble our saucers. Every nobleman and gentleman bad his own cup and cup-bearer, the latter of whom always accompanied him to a feast, carrying before him the cup of gold, silver, crys tal or marble, which his master used only on state occasions. Saucers for cups were introduced in the latter part of the eighteenth century, and at first greatly ridiculed, the person who em ployed them being said not to be able to drink without having two cups. She Was Accomplished. Mother I can't see how it happened that the Kechem girl out of all your Chafing-Dish club managed to get that attractive Mr. Merriman. All the rest of you girls are so much brighter and prettier. Didn't you tell me she scarce ly ever spoke a word? Maud Yes, mother, but she did the cookinr Harper's Bazar. THIS, THAT AND THE OTHER. "Papa, If we were living at the center of the earth, wouldn't we be all funny?" "What makes you think so, my son?" "'Cause this geography says everything there loses its gravity." No Harm Intended. Pastor It would surprise you to know how much coun terfeit money we receive in the contri bution box in the" course of a year. Thoughtless Friend I suppose so. How do you manage to get rid of it all? The philosopher who says there is nothing sweeter to look upon than a rme bride, finds many who will agree with him; but to the man who marries in July, a July bride is aby no means unpleasant spectacle, which the philos opher will do wrll to remember. A small boy had taken the prize for an exceptionally well-drawn map. After the examination the teacher, a little doubtful, asked the lad: "Who helped ou with this map, James?" "Nobody, sir." "Come, now, tell the truth. Didn't your laother help yoa?" "No, sir; he did it all." "Tommie, spell Popocatepetl," said the teacher. "P-a-p-a," said Tommie. "c-a-t-e-p-e-t-a-1." "You have got it all wrong," cried the teacher impa tiently. "Well, I'm sorry," said Tom mie. "But I know that p-a-p-a spells papa, and that c-a-t spells cat. I s'pose it's petal that I've slipped up on. I never cared much about flowers any way." Trilby may be used as a trade mark in England. The court of appeals has said so after the lower court had said no. r HE ffattoaal Mus eum has just cured a remarkable collection illustrat ing the p?atice of fire worship on thia continent. It ap pears that most of the America- ab original tribes have fcd mere of lew f this sort f feligio in the past, and to the present slay they have ceremonials associated with the making of new fire at stated inter vals, For this purpose they always em ploy the most primitive method that is to say, the rubbing of two sticks to gether. For example, the Zunl nse an agave stick with sand to help the fric tion. The sand is wet, because this renders the fire-making more difficult, and. therefore, more meritorious In the sight of the gods. One of the objects In the collection referred to Is a so-called fire pump, utilized by the Onandagas at the feast of the White Dog. ftt which a white dog is sacrificed. This tool oil' lizeft the mechanism of the pump drill for making the point of a stick revolve rapidly in another piece of wood, thus finally dbtaining Ignition. The Hin doos, by the way, hav a similar sacred fire drill, by means of which they make fire hin times each day for nine day at a periodical feSt!pl. The Hupa Indians, of California, are rsmarkably expert fire makers. WitM a couple of Simple aticks of soft mes- quite wood, which the"? keep very dry. they can produce fire In ten seconds. This method of fire making requires such" expert manipulation that few civilized men have ever been able to acquire the art. Mr. Waiter Hough, one of the ethnologists of the National museunl; knows how to do it. The writer has seu him make fire in a couple of minutes by revolving between the palms of his hands a slick, the point of which was inserted in a hole in another piece of wood. Presently srr.oke would begin to come from the hole,- and soon a spark would catch some tinder at which a pinch was sup plied for the purpose. T6t such tinder American savages use some very odd things. The Eskimo of Point Barrow empiby itft th? purpose willow catkins; those of Cumberland gulf use the white fibre of arctic cotton, while in some parts of Alaska shredded cfdaf bark Is made to sePve. The aborigines of E5- from the nests of a certain species of antSi while In Mexico a substitute is found in a kind of fungus which is soaked in saltpeter, dried, cut in sheets and sold in small packet. In Japan the flowers of a species of ariemmia are dried for tinder. The most remarkable ceremonial of fire worship that survives in this coun try is practiced by the Navajos. They believe in purification by fire, and to this end thy literally wash themselves in it. the featfc they perform .with it far exceed the most wonderful acts of fire-eating and fire-handling accom plished by civilized jugglers. In pre paration for the festival a gigantic heap of dry wood is gataCred from the desert. At the appointed moment til great pile of inflammable brush is light ed and in a few moments the whole of it is In on blazo. A storm of sparks fly one hundred feet or fiicrC Into tb air, and ashes fall about like a light shower of snow. The ceremony always takes place at night and the effect of it is both weird and impressive. Just when the" fire is raging at its hottest a whistle is heard from the outer darkness, and a dozen warriors. lithe and lean, dressed in narrow white breech-cloths and moccasins simply and daubed with white earth so as to look like so many living statues, come bounding tbroHgh the entrance of the corral that encloses th? flaming heap. Yelping like wolves they move sl6w"ly toward the fire, bearing aloft slender wands tipped with balls of eagle down. Running around the fire, always to the left, they begin thrusting their wands toward the fire, trying to burn off the down from tho tips. Owing to the in tensity of the heat this is difficult to accomplish. One warrior dashe wildly toward the fire and retreats; another lies as close to the ground as a fright ened lizard, endeavoring to wriggle himself up to the fire; others seek to catch on their wands the sparks that fly in the air. At last one by one they all succeed in burning the downy balls from the wands. The test of endurance is very severe, the heat of the fire being so great. Having burned off the balls of down the warriors next et about re storing them again. On the end of each wand, one after another, appears presently a fresh ball of eagle down. It is supposed to be the one that was burned, re-created, but in fact this is only a juggling trick. Each man holds in his hand a ring that is covered with down. When the proper time arrives he permits this ring to slide along the wand to its extremity. The performers in this ceremony sometimes wear immense false moustaches and huge spectacles, in imitation of the white mn. Sprataa reawllarlr. The little town of Jacksonville. Vt., Is receiving a great deal of attention at present hecate of the wonderful keallag powers which ae of its inhabi tatfl to Mid to possess, bat if the testi mony f well known and reliable people is worth 2ytking at all, Jacksonville will not be allowed to enjoy this fame aajr longer without rival, says the gprtagfeld Union. Wllllsmstown has also a ssaa who claims to have been given a gift ef healing, but he docs not ask any one to take his word for it. He refers to many people, whom he say he has cured, for sabstantUtion of what he claims be can do.' He dees not pretend to accomplish so many dif ferent, wonderful cares as the Jackson ville Newell, but confines his powers to healing sprains in human being3 and hones. He dees assert, however, that few stand unrivaled In curing these things, and he is backed up by several people in town whose testimonials can not be disregarded. The name of this man is Alfred Seney, and he resides at Williamstown Sta tion, that part of the village in which the depot of the Fitchburg railroad company is located. He uses no in struments in effecting his cures, gives no medicine add asks no questions, farther than the pointing out of the afflicted part. The secrets ot his suc cess are his two big toes and three words which he utters in prayer, and which he refuses to make public, since his power would be taken away if he did so. He rUba these toes on the af flicted spot, repeat? the short prayer and the cure is accomplished. He uoes not claim the power of making the blind see. the deaf hear and everybedy that is afflicted well but he does make the assertion that he can affect within a day or two a cure upon all sprains, no matter in what part of the body thty may be. His two wonderful big toes appear to have strange powers. Should he meet with a railroad accident and lose both of his feet, or even one of them, he would be compelled u with draw his assertion, for without these big toes he could do nothing. This power, Mr. Seney says, has been evident for a long time, but he did not put it to use for several years after he became aware that he was endowed with It. He is a Frenchman by birth, having been born in Canada, thirtj six miles east of Montreal, fifty-nine years ago. He lived there until twenty-seven years ago. when he camo to North Adams, where he lived nine years. He then came to this town, where he has resided ever since, liv ing at present on Elm street, or in what is better known as "French row." While in North Adams he effected a cure up on a prominent merchant there of the name of Smith, who had sustained a bad sprain by falling, while returning I i rum nisBTOrr- nr cmr,r i.wv - bis customers at the time and the mer chant happened to hear of the great powers which the toes of his cus tomers' foot contained, so ne sent ror him and asked him to manifest what he could do. The merchant sat in a bair at the time, with bis sprained ankle on another chair, suffering great pain, and though he had no faith in the cure, he knew it could do no harm to allow the Frenchman to go through with the treatment. Great was his surprise to find a decided relief when the big toe of Seney touched his ankle. The next day he put on his boots and walked to the store, a distance of a quarter of a mile. (ldmlmi-SUti.Bik) L. finURt a flu Dfttm l-SLaBabi&tft, aaawaBWniaUlll aakyiygWTwi i t I mif i affiAaTiiiff : noun. BUYS GOOD NOTES OVFKESS AKD Dr&ECTOKtt Ls-KDes GEmaAKD, Prea't, B. H. Hkkkt, Vice Prest, M . BncGGE, Cashier. Jonx Stauiter. Wm. Ruches. COMMERCIAL BUNK COLUMBUS, NEB., HAS AX AitMzi. Capital iff - $500,080 PaM is Capital, 90,000 orricu. O. H. SHjTLDOU. Pres't. H. P. H. OEIILRIcn. Vice Prea. DANIEL SCniJAM. Cashier. FKAMv UOKEi:. Ass'tCasfercf. DIRECTOBS. r. II. SnrLDo.T, H. I II OcnLRtcn. Jojcs Welch. W. a. McAllister. Carl Kiexke, . c. Okat, Frame Koher. STOCKHOLDERS. Gerhard Loseke. J. He.nrt Wcrdemak. Clark, IliLNnr Losrur, Daxiel Schrax. Gto.W. Galley. A. F. II. Oeiilrich J. I. Bkcker Estate, Rebecca Becker, II. M. Wis slow. roeaovt: Hate rest allowast em tlmm iepaalts; bay and sell exchange on Ualte4 Btatea and fcurope. and buy and sell all able securities. We shall bo pleased to re eel re your business. We solicit your sat-raasfa. A PATENT COAT. Ctinntins; a Novel. A writer lets out a secret regarding the way in which younk women read novels. It was in the tram-car, that place in which the experiences are varied enough to make a man cosmopolitan if he will study them. Two girls are talking of what they read. "Oh. I choose a novel easily enough," one said. "I go to the circulating li brary and look at the last chapters. If I find the rain softly and sadly droop ing over one or two lonely graves, I 'don't take it, but if the morning sun is glimmering over bridal robes of white satin. I know it is all right, and take it. and start to bny sweets to eat while I read it." London Standard. Boa to SecMi iaeletles Whs Haweit't riaea tor a Real "Billy." A patented "goat" is the latest pa tea4 curiosity. The inventors are Edward an4 Ulysses S. De Moalon of Greenville. 111. The Invention will be hailed by all secret society members, who are sometimes at a loss as to how to glva the candidate a sufficiently ex citing equestrian experience on the lodge "William G." The device is pa; ented under the name of "initiatioa apparatus for secret societies." In general appearance it is a simple, harmless littla carpet covered and fringed platform about three feet square. The possibilities that lurk in that little box are but dimly set forth in the description given by the in ventors. The platform Is so arranged that when the candidate steps upon it he may be suddenly precipitated to the bottom by the falling away of the flooring. As he will be blindfolded, the effect upon him will be sufficiently ter rifying for the purpose. An alarm is set off by the falling of the platform, and this is intended further to add to bis general unhappy condition. There are other devices for ringing bells, dis charging cartridges, and "tipping" or "precipitating" the candidate. Ex. Columbus Journal! A weekly newspaper de voted the beatintcreataof lallilelltT. Infidelity is not distinguished for its modesty. Stone throwing is its pas time. Its occupation is the undermin ing and overthrowing of cherished be liefs and institutions. Its stock in trade is epithet and ridicule, it reveres no sanctity; it blushes at no vice; it follows virtue afar off; it engages itself unhesitatingly to destroy what has re quired years for construction. Rev. A. Z. Conrad. Bard to Please. Some people are never satisfied. An umbrella maker in Paris has been in terviewed on the subject of a sudden change in the weather. "Well." re marked the interlocutor, "things are looking well for you. I suppose you are selling enormous numbers of um brellas?" "Very likely." was the trader'i surly reply; "but what about my sunshades?" COLUMBUS mCOMOTOFPUTTE, The State of Nebraska THE UNITED STATES AID THE REST OF MANKIND Tkamaltaf i as is with 1.50 A YEAR. IV PAID OT ADTi Batawlla-Haf la aot -raaarlbe by fellaxs aad eeata. namy it zraa to aay i HENRY GASS, JMh !, bL iflCfclBMa'fl UNDERTAKER ! Cb1m : -ai : Metallic : Cases ! tr&patoi9of all kinds of Uphol gteijGoodM. UX GOLTJMBTJeHKBsU8XA. GoiumDus Journal Patting a crown on the head, pats aotkiag kingly la the heart. Abeat na. When a pen has beea used it appears to be spoiled place it over a flame (a gaslight, for instance) for a quarter of a minute, then dip it into water, and it will be again fit for use. A new pen which is found too hard to write with will become softer by being heated. Gee re Ellet'a Xeaaarial. George Eliot's memorial at Nun eaton, her native place, is a steam fire engine named after her. Her admirers, who do not like the association with a Ire extinguisher, wish to substitute a free public library in her name. a d to nnunsa aanaua KEQ.CIBED Or A PRINTING IFFICE. COUNTRY. V . 3L'&. ,i - . j"i . J 5- -