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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1896)
? " .J-sr - --. --.' " 'ft i lironim. - i- - v v. 8:.- . i:; ' .. '. S -.. .. 1 . . m y . " ' - S 9 VOLUME XXVII. MERELY THE MAIDEN'S WAY HEN a pair of lov ers quarrel. Anil in pride and anger part. Oft with hasty speech unkind ly Wringing each the other's heart, As with high and ' haughty footstep Trips offended maid away. She will turn her head a moment, Glancing only so she'll say At the glow of dying day! Maiden's way! Maiden's way! "When a pair of lovers weary Of such comedy of strife. Meet again and sue fo'rgicness, Vowing harmony for life, .JU,.w!tUsnft and-tendor.glanccs,. For one little kiss he'll pray. She will turn her head a moment Coyly feigning shy delay, "Lost he think he's won the day! Maiden's way! Maiden's way! St. Paul. THE COLOKEIS WIFE. The rupture wa about a two-acre fioJd. Colonel Kairholme wanted it to fill out a dent in his ring fence, and Sir George Warbiirtun stepped in nnd bought it over his head. "You can consider your engagement at an end. sir," the colonel wrathfully informed his nephew and heir. "No daughter of that sneak shall be mistress of Broadwater just you mind that." Then Evelyn and Dick held a council of war on a neutral stile. "I've had Minilar instructions," said 4be girl. "They are very much incensed at present, but it won't last. Within six veks somebody will be giving a rernrriliatiou dinner party. 1 know the clear old things so well." But befoie the month was out Col onol Fairholmc was on his way to Aus tralia. During the first few weeks after his at rival in Melbourne he comnwni cated regularly cither with Dick or his maiden sister. Then there was a gap for a couple of mails, and Hick was get ting uneasy and meditating a cable of inquiry when the expected letter ar rive.!. "My Dear Hoy I have a piece of nows for you which I daie say will surprise you. After being a confirmed bachelor for nearly sixty years 1 have found my better half at last. I made her ac quaintance at the table d'hote out here, and we were married last Monday. The lady is a great deal younger than myself, and I may say without boasting, as charming in disposition as she is ia person. You cannot fail to like her, and I am sure you will both be the very best of friends. We shall leave in a fortnight by the Ormuz, so you wilJ lcnow when to expect us. Please break ie news as gently as yon can to your mint. HOMAGE KAIUIIOLME." A few days after the letter came a brief note for Dick. ".lust a few lines to catch the mail. There is a tiresome delay in the final ar rangements, and I find that I cannot lcac as soon as I hoped, as the berths are already booked for the Ormuz. Adele will go on alone with her maid. Meet her at Southampton, and I will follow by next Orient boat." Dick wondered at the arrangement, hut did not fail to meet his uncle's wife when the time arrived. She was a tall woman of twenty-eight or thirty, un deniably handsome and delirious of winning the good graces of her hus band's nephew. Nevertheless, Dick did not take a fancy to her. In fact, che rather repelled him. However, t-he quite won Miss Fairholme's simple roul by complimenting her upon her hoiise- M & ? T V .44 J. - A ; . f I .. (X ttT .v-.-Oi..--' S' 1 1 V i . f OTr ... . l i -3 1 . ft? ri ----i .' ; IA U -T "COL. FAIUHOLME." SHE GASPED, keeping and refusing to interfere with such admirable management, also she professed interest in the estate. "I'm so fond of the country," she told them, "and your English scenery is so picturesque and homelike. I promise myself a ramble every morning before breakfast." But one day Dick saw something which gave him the curious notion that, after all. it was not the beauties of na ture that attracted her. He saw Mrs. Fairholme walking briskly down the road to meet the postman there was only one delivery in that part of the world who was about to leave the Broadwater letters at the lodge. She stopped the man and he gave her an envelope, which she opened and read on the spot." "Hum!" he reflected. "So Mrs. Fair holme is so anxious about her corre spondence that she takes the trouble to go out and meet it at half-past seven a. m. That afternoon he was at the village postoffice, and the postmaster, who was also the grocer, happened to be serving himself. "I saw a letter for you with the Mel bourne postmark on it this morning, sir," he said, with the license of an old tenant. "I hope the colonel's well." William confirmed the statement em phatically and furthermore volunteered the information that the new mistress of Broadwater had met him on the high war near the lodge gates, and requested him to hand the letter over to her. "Thanks," said Dick, lightly. "Of eourse Mrs. Fairholme has forgotten to give it to me. Ill ask her about it" Conscious of her duplicity. Dick could scarcely force himself to be civil to her. Bat she appeared not to notice his sno roseness, and in the evening she icse from the piano suddenly, as though on impulse. "By the way," she said, "have you the key of the strong-room, Dick? I meant w &M . isiF'i gzy, r - NtJMBER 7. to ask you before and forgot. I 6houId so much like -to see the family jewels. Your uncle told me that be has some wonderful rubies which he brought from India. Bring them down, there'a a dear boy!" The dear boy brought them down with the best grace in the world. Mrs. Fairholme admired the jewels nnd played with them like a child with a new toy. But the rubles aeemed espe daily to captivate her fancy. "They are magnificent!" she satd. and hfcr eyes were almost a bright with ex citement as the gems themselves. "I never naw anything like them. And the diamonds are fine, too. But those old-fashioned settings are horrible. I shall have them all reset at once. Do you know the address of a good jew eler?" "Linklater of Bond street, is one of the best, I believe. But if-you will ex cuse my saying so, don't you think the matter will keep till the colonel re turn? I'm not sure that he would care to have them altered." "Oh, he won't object if Ills my wish. Bhe said sweetly, "t am going into the town early tomorrow. I shall wire myself to Linklater's to send one of their people to fetch them." He quietly ran up to London in the morning and paid a visit to Mr. Link later, to whom he explained the circum stances and then requested that the stones rhould not be unset until they heard from the colonel himself. "But my dear sir," the jeweler said. "I know nothing of these jewels. No such telegram as you mentioned has been received by us." The September afternoon was waning when he got back to Broadwater, and Mrs. Fairholme, superb in a velvet din ner gown, swept across the hall to meet him. "You tiresome fellow," she said play fuly, "where have you beeh all day? The man from Linklater's has been here since three o'clock waiting for you to come home with the strong-room keys." "Oh, of course, I forgot. He has come for the jewels, hasn't he? I'll fetch them." But when he reappeared his hands were still empty. "I'm awfully sorry, Mrs. Fairholme," he said coolly, "but I've mislaid ray keys. I hope I haven't dropped them out of doois." "I don't think It will be much use searching for them." she replied, with an uhplcasant laugh. "I shall have a locksmith down from London the first thing in the morning. And the jew eler's man shall wait." Dick wrote out a telegram and gave it to a groom with a sovereign. "Send it off at once. Rogers, and keep a still tongue in your head." The mesage ran as follows: "To Colonel Fairholme, on board the Australia mail steamer Oratava at Na ples: "Return overland. Imperative busi ness. Do not fail. Dick." If the colonel obeyed, he would be at home in three days that is to say, four days before he would have arrived un der ordinary circumstances four days before he was expected by Mrs. Fair holme. When the locksmith arrived, Dick had a little private conversation with him. and a bank note changed hands. As result, the man told Mrs. Fairholme that the job was a long one, and that he could not undertake to accomplish it under three days. The mysterious man who was not from Bond street, went away, and on the third afternoon returned, but the strong-room door was not yet oper"d. The workman was awaiting instruc tions. About five o'clock there was a rattle of wheels in the avenue, and somebody rang the door bell. The next moment the colonel, in traveling cap and ulster, stepped into the lamplight. Mrs. Fair holme shrieked and sprang to her feet, overturning the bamboo table with a crash. "Colonel Fairholme" she gasped wild ly. "Home already!" "Mrs. Bellarmine! Bless me, what a remarkable thing! Why, f thought I had left you in Melbourne!" "Then she's not your wife?" ex claimed Dick, aghast. "My wife!" cried his uncle, perplexed to irritability. "You know very well I have no wife, sir! 1 met this lady and her husband in Melbourne, and -hey very kindly nursed me through my bout of influenza. I told j-ou so in my let ters." Of course the "man from Linklater's" was her husband, and the pair of ad venturers, knowing the colonel's plans, had taken advantage of his illness to in tercept his letters, forge substitutes te serve their own ends and make this bold attempt to steal the famous rubies. The colonel beamed upon his nephew. "What shall I do for you. Dick, for saving my rubies?" "You can pay me very easily if you like, sir. Call upon Sir George War burton." The colonel maCe a grimace. But he went. And within two month? Evelyn's prophecy was fulfilled. Southcra War Incident. At one of the engagements in Tennes see a confederate captain was detailed to support a battery. The federal troops make a fierce assault and car ried off one of the guns. The officer was furious over the loss of the" gun and swore that his men should charge and recapture it. One of the privates, who now lives near this place, said:"Look here, captain, if the confederate captain must have a gun, I propose we chip in and buy one." A hungry confederate by the name of Johnston walked into a farmhouse while the family were seated at the sup per table. The farmer had been trou bled so much with soldiers that he con cluded not to invite the man to partake of the meal with him, but to make con versation said to the confederate: "What is your name?" "Take-a-hite," replied the soldier. "What," repeated the farmer, "Take-a-bite?" "Thanks." said the soldier, "as yon insist, I believe I will eat something," and sat down at the table. A slim specimen of a North Carolin ian left the ranks of his regiment while passing through Front Royal and ap proaching a lady standing on her porch made the following comprenhensive re quest: "Miss, will you please give me a drink of water? I am so hungry I don't know whtre I am to sleep tonight." Warrenton Virginian. Active natures are rarely melancholy activity and sadness are incompati ble. Bovee. AFTER MANY YKABS. By H. Luqucer. OW, Miss Jinney, you is alus a want in a story about dem tryin' times In OJe Caroliney, an' I's jes don tolc ye all I knowed ober ober agin." And our own colored cook. 'Tilda Jackson, knocked the ashes out of her pipe on the hearth of the. kitchen range, which to us children was a preliminary sign that old Tilda held In reserve one of her reminis cences of her life on the Old Carter plantation, near the city of Charleston, and of the civil war. Wo children, my sister and I, used to love to steal down to her especial domain In the gloaming, and tease for a story of that enchanted land of Mow ers, and especially of those battles fought near the Carter place, and of which the old negress was an eye wit ness. Refilling her pipe, and settling her self in her easy chair, she continued: "I jes' done recolmember one moah ob dem yarns, but it's erbout how my oie missus kep Decoration Day all by her lone self, an' how she done put poses on one grave fur fifteen long years afore she found out who de poah young fella was." Here old 'Tilda stopped and lighted her pipe, puffed away with a retro spective 'glance at us two girls, as we crept closer to this oracle in ebony, and. having stimulated our curiosity, she continued: "Wal, jes' a couple o' days after dat ere big fight at Charleston my ole man, Lige Jackson, he was down back o' de field a cuttin' bresh. an' all at once I seen him drop the axe. an' start fur de house on a run. An I was dat scart I let de soap boil over, case I was makin' soap out in de yard, an' was bound dat a snake had bit him, or he had got a lick wid de axe fur Lige was de laziest niggah in de whole kentry, an' 1 knowed something had happened when I seen him git such a move on to him. An, shore enough, when lie came up, all out of breff, I knowed it was time to git scart, an' says he: Tildy, te!l de missus dar's a sojier lyin' down dar back ob de fence, by de run, an' I rccon he is powful bad hurt, 'case he's a grownin an' done seem to sense notin.' "Wal, my missus wan't berry ole in dem days, but she was jus done fading lake a putty posey, along ob dat dread ful wah, expecting to heah dat dc cunnel was killed, an all de oder trouble erbout de niggas gittin' free, wid de place half woked an' fust one army takin' rations and den de oder till it 'pears like day wasent much lef. Wall, I jis pulled de stick from under dat soap kittle an run round to de front porch, whar missus was sittin', an tole her what Lige seen. She got right up an' made Lige an' ole Minkey, de coachman, go and brung dat pooh fellah to de house. She an me a Cxin' up a bed fur him while dey is gone. "SO SCART I LET DE SOPE BILE OVER." "Byenby dey toats him in an lays him in it. He was outen his hade lake, an' missus send right off fur a doctor, and he foun he was shot in de side, de ball goin roun by de spine, an' he say dat air pooh boy dun got he death blow, and de doctor recon' he was eider shot while on picket duty or had dropped behind when he dun got hurt, while de army marched on an' lef him. Anyway, dar he was, an' he doant know nobody ner nothing, an' de doctor say he was parlised, so he couldent even move his pooh tounge. t-zStiK i COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. MAY 27, "Wall, missus an' me missed him till we both pretty nigh dun drop in our tracks fur a week. Den at las' he dun went home to glory, as de sun was sttin' lake in a sea of fiah. ' But jis afore he breaved his las' he i kinda comd to his senses, an' kep' a j lookin' at missus an' he try'd so I mighty hard to speak an' was dat dis i tiessed case he couldn't, de big tears i roll outen his handsome black eyes an' roll down his cheeks dat was as white as de sheet, an' de sweat lay so cole an' thick on his hands dat his pretty dark curls looked like dey were don got dipped in de rain water bttrrl. "De Missus take his han' an say: " 'Nebber mine, de lovin' Jesus knows jes what ye want to says' au wouid help him ter make her en'3tan,' anyway she would dun find out who Ins folks j war an write em nil about how he fit an' died duin' his duty, or what he thought war his duty. "Den he kept looking at his pooh ragged clothes, dat was a iiangin' whar he could see 'em. till mhsus takes de hint from his appealin' eyes, and goes and hunts through de pockets. She dun found nothin but a little bible, an when she bring it to him his eyes jes shine, lake de stars in de night, an' missus opened it an' a leetle tintype of a putty young thing a holdin' a little baby er about a year old drapped out, an' then -- :f JUtSsi lMmt "',-".. ji ai . w& - i l . ! - MYZ& M M'l-il y Li. ' ftl :5rr wa f'Mx. ZSfr vrw HOW WONDERFUL ARE THY WAYS, OH LORD. he looked so glad. Missus axed him ef dat war his wife an' baby, an he nodded yas. an' den missus say: I kin find dem by 'vertisin in dc news papers, an' I tink I dun know what ye want me to tell dem,' an den she see dat he was satisfied, an' his poor eyes was loosin' deir light. She dun took his han in hers, an' sang lake an angel dat pretty hymn about: " 'All my trus' on dc is staid.' "Dar was two or three verses, but I riisremember 'em. Anyway while she was singing dc gates ob glory opened and tuk dat poor boy in. "Ef he war flghtin' on de wrong side he dident dun know it. He just did his duty as he had learned it from older hades. So de missus had him laid to res' up in dc grove back of de house, an' ebery Decoration Day she dun put poses on dat lone grabe, rain or shine, sick o- well." "Did she ever advertise?" asked Jennie, wiping the tears out of her eyes. Deed she did! an' fur years she war tryin' to fine dem folks ob hisen. iil it went on fur nigh on ter fifteen years. De wah was dun, de niggars all free, Massah Carter loss an arm a fightin' agin it, an' his only chile, young Massa John, war growed up to be a man, an like his ma, as putty as a picter. and' dat smart dat he run de plantation his own self. He hired de niggahs to work dat war good fur anything, an let de triflin' ones go. Wal, der used to be lots of com pany alius a comin' up from Charles ton, an' one day in May dar war Macsa John's cousin, Miss Liddy Carter, dun come out to de plantation ter make a visit, an' she brung erlong a young school frien', Nellie Munson, an' f-.he was as putty as a picter. with eyes as black as de night when de moon don't shine, an de coler ob her cheeks war like de roses in de gardin. Wal, such time as dem young crit ters had. Day was boatin' an' fishin', an hossback ridin ebery day ob der lives. Wal, one sweet, putty morning my ole missus say, dis is Decoration Day; ef you young ladies want to go wid me to put flowers on my grabe, I would like yer company. Miss Liddy she jes' dun streach herself outen de hammock on de veranda, an' she say: "'Scuse me, aunty. I'm awful tired of '" Miffe3JVM '' 5 !fi dk iy-M.. 7 AY i : 3 ' JLW j ii 'vt i in ii i jmmrr 6SH; dat grabe; eber since I was a baby I recolmember it." But Miss Nellie she dun jump up an' say: "Please let mc go. I've dun hear how good you war to dat poah sojier an' I know some day you will git your re ward." So she an missus walked off in de bright sunshine, de bees war a hummin' and de birds a singin', and do carried a great baskit of poses de hunney suckle an' roses, an' jasamiue, an Miss Nellie de prettiest flower of all in her white frock and Bky blue sash. Misa Liddy she lay dar swingin' in de hammak, and Massa John, after a little, gits tip and starts for dc grove, too. Den Miss Liddy laffa and sals kinder scornful lake: "Ia It Miss Nell or dc grabe that takes you out dar dis hot mornin'?" He jes laugh back at her ah' say: ''Ob corse it's de grabe, dat's my Migeous duty. ; e know, 'specially when dar's a lovely young lady in de bar gain." De ole missus alius like to hal9 us all come up dar, too. so I war dar jes' as Mr. John got dar, an', as usual, my missus opened dat sojier's Bible an' was jus' goin ter read when Miss Nellie saw de leetle tintype, and she gabe a leetie cry lake, an' takin' it from de missus han' she said: "Oh, Mrs. Carter, my ma has got Jes such a picture, an' it hers an' mine when I was a baby." Den she laid her haid down into missus' lap an' began ter cry, an she sohed out dat her pa was in do wah, an' disappeared, an' day dun tried ebery way to fine cut someting erbout him. Misup axe her what was her pas and mas name, an' she tole her dere names war "George an Lucy." An missus opened de Bible, an' dar was writ on de leaf "From Lucy to George." Den she took de r-oah young lady in her arms, an' said: "How wonderful are dy ways, Oh, Lord!" An, my chile, dare under all dem flowers sleeps your father, an' in this peaceful ?nnt Hn has not been like a stranccr. ., . or neglected, so now in de Providence ob de good Lord, de dearest wish ob his heart is fulfilled. I trus' you will be comforted. Massa John walked erway wipin' his eyes, an ole missus read a comfortm' varse or two outen dat little Bible, an' we uns sang a hymn, and de decora tion was ober fur dat day, an' missus said to all ob us: "Let dis yar teach yer a lesson ob faith. Do your duty, no matter how long de way is, or how dark dc cloubds." Wal, chii'en, it is time yc were in ycr beds. Its jes erbout true, di3 yam. Ebery word is as true as de gospil. Yas, 'iss Jinnie. dat are grabe is decorated ebery year when dis day comes aroun', though de ole massa and missus is lyin down beside dat young sojier boy, an it's Miss Nellie's grabe now. for the dun gon' an inarr'd Massa John, an' he jus' lubs de ground she walks on. De o!e missus lubed her, too. and you ought to a seen what care Miss NcIi'C dun took ob de ole missus in her lia' sickness, fur months afore she dun went to her reward, and she sny ober and ober agin: "No kind act is overlooked by de Mas ter; an', honey, I'm gittin" my pay now for honorin dc dead by a few flowers on a lonely grabe upon de day dc na tion set apart to 'memorate dose dat fell. "" TO-DAY. Is not this day enough for all cur powers. If its exactions were but fairly met If not one unpaid debt Were left to haunt the peace cf future hours, And sting us with regret? Unbounded blessing lieth in Today. If we but seek wc find it hidden there; It is the golden stair, Leading, it may be, by an unknown way To all we hope or dare. From sun to sun let us this lesson learn: Upon Today our fairest chances wait. And. whether soon or late, Our destiny upon its hinge may turn Today, sweet frien de, is Fate. Annie L. Muzzey. Dark ages from the sixth to the four teenth century. 1896. "GWINE BACK HOME TO DIE." Xkm Poor Old Man Ner Foaad Man Thomas. They toid me in th dining-car of a train on the Louisville k Nishvillfl road Hat in th smoking-car was ail old COiored mail Whe Wa going south tti see his old plantation home again before death clainled him, ay the De troit Ffee Press. B" and by t Went id to have a talk with' him. lie was wn kled and white-haired and evidently very old. and when I expressed wonder that his friends in Kentucky should have ie't him s6t 6ut on such a long journey he replied: "Dey jest couldn't help deirseives", sah. I tole de chiU'en I was bound tfl cum. an dey jest, had to let me." "And how long since you left the old plantation?" " 'Way back in wah times, sah. I dun went right off wid some Yankee sogers, an dat s: de last I eber did see' of Mars Thomases' folks, i'zc gwine down" td 'sprize ',em." "Where is it?" "Jest a leetle ways out o' Selma. Dey tell mc dar am great changes "bout Selma, but I reckon I can walk right down de road an find dc plantashun in de night. Dress dc Lawd, sah. but I doan reckon I could hcv closed my eyes in death if dey hadn't let me cum. Dar's bin sich a longin to see de ole place agin dat I couldn't stand it." Three or four of us chipped in to get his meals and make him comfortable, but we saw that the journey was tell ittR on his strength. On the morning of the day we were to reach Selma I could see that he was weak and ner vous, and when I sat down beside him he said: "Ize feclin' sort o' skeart 'bout my self dis mawnln. t had rt dream last night dat I was wafkln' long de road an met a funeral, an' wheri I axed who was gwine to lie buried S white mart spoke up and said: "Ton my soul, if dat hain't Mars Thomases ole nigger Job. who runncfl off doorin de wah! Heah, boy. let m6 tole you sutnthin'. Yo' has cum too late to see you'r ole Mars: dat's him in dc coffin, an' he was axin' 'bout yo' jest de day befo' he died." I told him that dreams did not signi fy, and after a bit had him quite chirped up. I got him some tobacco for his pipe, saw that he had breakfast, and as 1 left him he smiled all over with happiness as he said: "Only two hours mo' to Selma! Ize moas dun got dere!" Thirty minutes later the conductor beckoned to three or four of us to come into the smoker. The old man sat in his seat, leaning against the side of the car, and seemed to be sleeping. "He'B been dead ten minutes!" quiet ly observed the conductor, "and he died as peacefully as a child falling to sleep!" So he had. There was a smile on his old black face a smile of anticipation, and the pipe had not fallen from his fingers. Death had come like a soft and fleecy mantle, and its touch had been painless'. A I.rnn In Patlencr. One of the happiest little boys I ever saw is a cripple and he will never walk. His lower limbs are paralyzed and the little fellow is wheeled around in ii chair made for his especial use. tVhen 1 first saw him I thought how awful it must be for a 7-year-old boy not to be able to run and play like other chil dren, and, without thinking, I asked: Isn't it lovely here? Don't you wish you could run and jump?" "Yes." Haid the little fellow, "I might like it. but I'm happy where I am. and perhaps I'd get hurt. Little boys do." Then I felt rebuked, nnd tho little boy, whistling and singing In the chair, playing with whatever is given to him. the minutes of the hours by which the d?ys are told lik sunbeams lighting fnd gladdening life's pathway, has been a lesson to me ever since I first saw him. Washington Star. Interested In Science. Boston Dame My dear, where arc you going? Cuituied Daughter To Professor Drybone's lecture on Bacillus Ijictcr ium Noncstibustibus. Miss Ilaekbay is4 to be there, and I hear she has just got a nice bonnet from Paris. New York Weekly, A Double Meaning. A campaign document was issued the other day bearing the rather ambigu ous title, "To Sound Money Men." Washington Times. TEA TABLE NOVELTIES. The fairy teacups are new and par ticularly dainty bits of china. They are exceedingly small, made of Carlsbad, and are ornamented with frolicking cu pids. Chocolate cups are also seen in many odd shapes. The newest looks .'ike a loving cup ;n miniature. It has three pretty carved handles and is mest graceful The society girl makes use of the rum bottle in brewing her Russian tea, al lowing a well-filled spoonful to every cup. The bottles arc boat-shaped, with a long, slender neck at one end, aDd stand on two short legs. They can't be bought for less than $4. The latest addition to the 5 o'clock tea table is sure to make sad the hearts of the good women connected with the Women's Christian Temperance unir.n. Though made of Bohemian glass and very beautiful to look at, it is nothing more nor less than a rum bottle. Teacups are growing smaller in size. Some of the latest make the after-dinner coffee cup look large in comparison. A noveltj is the teacup which fits in a stand, instead of resting on the saucer. The idea is to prevent the cup from fall ing over. The stand is part of the s?u cer and is generally made of gilt. Bonbon boxes for the 5 o'clock tea table are in Carlsbad china, shaped like a large pansy and tilled like the natu ral blossom. They are not only an ad ditio . to the table, but arc inexpensive, costing but SO cents apiece. The most approved tcacloth is of ptein linen, with a deep Renaissance lace border. The newest tea strainers are of Carls bad china. They are made to fit over the cup and have a rrettily decorated hanJ'e. Some of the daintiest are white, sprinkled with tiny flowers. s:ich as forget ccc-nots or hits of rosebuds, and flecked with geld. Thse fa strainers vary In price from GO cents to S2.25 and are a welcome change trom the conventional silver tea bail. WORTH KNOWING. England's police army numbers 49, 000 men. The population of Liverpool is a lit tle over 116 persons to the acre. Massachusetts Is a large shoe pro ducing state. No less than 60.500 sides of leather are weekly cut up into soles for shoes. If the entire population of the wffijd 13 considered to be 1.400.000.000 the brains 0f this number of human beings would weigh i,$:i2.7i2 ens. or as much as ninety-nine iron-clad of the or dinary size. Tha first discovery of coal is quite Unknown. The ancient Britons seem to hav6 dug for It: but the first offi cial record w6 have l an alleged license of Henry III. to dig at Newcastle-on-Tyne in 1234 The first trolley line in America, it Ib said, was built in 1884. on one of the small plcra at Coney Island. The first practical applcation of the trolley In this-cetintry was at Balttawre. Md August 9, i999. --.-- The Bank at England has 1.160 ofil cals on its pay foils, which amounts to about $2,500,000 a' year, and one thou sand clerks. If a clerk is late three minutes he receives a warning: the fourth time he is discharged at once. In Germany last year ships of 101.102 registered tons were built, against 117. 621 tons in 1894. This is a considerable advance as compared with 1802. with but 48.20S tons, and 1833 with 66,171 registered tons. The report does not include the ships built in the govern ment yards. The regular army of Mexico com prises 27.000 men of all arms, including a police of about 2,000 men and a gendarmerie of 2."0. The navy consists of two small unarmored vessels and three gunboats. The annual expendi ture on account cf the army and navy 13 from $I2.BOO.OOO to $15,000,000. The bishop of Bedford avers that the East London district contains a popu lation of a million and a half, nearly all poor. From this statement some Ilea will be had of the vastness of the work the clerpy are called upon to perform. The difii-'tilty of raising funds for so great a work is very great. A AVAR REMINISCENCE. SCENES AT HATCHER'S CREEK AND PETERSBURG RECALLED. John A. Semtf Speak to a Reporter of Stirring Scenes Emm pert With a Silent Wound. Knt. Mke Olhrr Veterans. Ilia SnftVreri Since A Story that KcaUa Like Fagc from History. s From the Albany (N. T.) Journal. John II. Scace. the widely known contractor and building mover of Al bany. X. Y., has had an unuaually In teresting life, and when seen by a re porter recently at his home. No. 13 Uradford (street, told of hi many ex periences and adventures while serv nj? under the old fluff Jn the late war. AMhoiiyh having endured all the hardships ani! privations of life in the ranks. Air. Scace bear hls more than half a century of years with in elastic utep and a keen mind, taking an aottve Interest in private and public affairs. Mr. Hcace 1 a member of Berkshire Lod, Xo, .:'. I. O. O. F. He onlisted In the anriy In 1862. in Company A. Forty-ninth 3fft8:liUfettii Volunteer Infantry. s"rvinjr under Col. W. F. Uartlett. First Brigade. First Division. Nineteenth Corps, with which he par ticipated In some of the hottest battles of the war, including Port Hudson. Donaldsonville and Plain Store, where he was wounded. His time being, out. he wn discharged, but soon re-enllsted as servant in Company A. Slxty-flrst Regiment. Mnpsaclmsetts Volunteer In fantry. He was in the battle of Hatch er's Run. thp fight about Petersburg, and the battle of Bailor's Creek. After his honorable discharge, June 4. 1863, Mr. Scace returned to Albany and settled down once again to his business and social interests. lie has resided In the city ever since. It would reem that now, of all times, his peav and happiness wouid have been unin terrupted. Buch wan not to be the case, for four years ago, while engaged in superintending the raising of an im mense smokestack of the Albany Elec tric power-house, the lever of a loosened windlass struck him a heavy blow ncrosn the back. The effect of the blow n-n not at first apparent, he beimr able to leave his bed in a few days. Hut the worst was to follow for without warning he was seized with sciatic rheumatism in all its viru lence. Untold agorty followed. Said Mr. Scace: "I could not sleep for the pain. No one will know the tortures the rheumatism gave me. 1 don't know how I lived during thos days. I became little more than skir and bones, and it seemed like lifv didn't have anything but suffering In It. Cures? I tried every so-called rheu matic cure that was ever ln"ented. I gave all of them a good trial before I stopped taking them. My friend? and neighbors recommended remedy after remedy that they heard of. but my rheumatism went on just the same Well, after I had almost had the life tortured out of me, I came across a newspaper account of Dr. Williams' rink Pills, and I thought I might a? well add another name to the list a. not. so I ordered some of my druggist "I tell you, I was glad in those days to hear of anything that could 'give mc any hope at all. Yes, I got them, and before I had taken two boxes that pain began to leave mc. Why. I coukln'l understand It. I couldn't imagine my self being cured. But before I had taken a half-dozen of those boxes I was cured. The suffering which had made my life almost unbearable for sc long had disappeared. I was a new man. "I began to get strong. I picked up In flesh, and I went back to my busi ness with all the vigor and vim of n young man. I think everyone whe knows me will tell you what It did for me. Pink Pills Is the grandest medi cine ever discovered, and If my recom mendation will do It any good I want you to use It. I hope others will hear of it and be benefited as I have been Everyone should hear of it. I can't say too much for them." Mr. Scace ex claimed, enthusiastically. In conclu sion. Mr. Scace is now enjoying the fruits of an unusually large business, man aged solely by himself, and covering almost th entire eastern portion of the State. Mr. Scace Is also an ivory carver of marked ability, which he fol lows solely for his-own pleasure. Many little trinkets, carved by the light of ! the camp-fire, attest his skill in this direction Far from being solicited to recom mend the curative which had taken such a load of misery from his life. In his gratitude his praise for It Is un stinted, and unceasing. And from his own statement one may easily see that when he does cease to sing its virtues It will be to answer the last muster ing in. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain. In a condensed form, all the elements nec essary to give new life and richntss to the blood and restore shattered nerves. Pink Pills are sold in boxes at 50 cnts a box or six boxes. for $2.50. and may be had of ail druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams" Med. Co.. Schenectady, N. Y. WHOLE NUMBER 1,359. OLD KSUAUS Colnmlras - State - Bank 1 Italia. fed Eriafe ! MRMUVnCI Ww Tk Mi ! :X2F T- BUYS GOOD NOTES ial BtaW Mi Caafamws visa H OITICIEM AW DIKECTOMt Lbaitdek Gerhard, Pres't, B. H. Hkiry, Vice Prest, M. Brugger, Cashier. JOHX STAUFFF.R. WM. l'.UCnKR. COLUMBUS, NEB.. -HAS AX- Aitiitfizri Capital ef - $500,060 PaM ii Capital, - 90,000 OFFICERS. O. H. SHELDON. Pres't. H. P. H. OEIILKICH. Vice Pre. 1.MFX SfilKAM. Cashier. FKAN K KOHEK. Ass't Caifcref DIRECTfii:?. C II. Pnri.noN, II. I. II onii.uirn. Jokas Wem-ii. W. A. Mr Allipteii. Oaiii. Kie.nke. s.t. :uav. FllA.NK STOCK IIOLIEKS. Cr.RHAnn Clark Oiiav. Daniel Schrau. a. f. ii. okmi.r1ci1 BKBECCA IlECKEIt, J. llEMtT Wuiiimimax, llEMlY I.OHEKK, (.!. W. IIAM.EV. J. P. Heckkr Estate, II. M. Winslow. Banket deposit; Interest allowed on time iepoalta; buy and sell exchange on United States ead Kurope. and buy and sell avail able securities. We shall be pleased to re C0It your business. We solicit your pat ronage. Columbus Journal! A weekly neirspiper de voted the bestintereataof COLUMBUS IHE COMITY OF PU1TE, The State oi Nebraska THE UNITED STATES AND THE REST OF MANKIND Tk malt of smeanrawltk msie S1.50 A YEAR, IT PAID IK ADTAKCB. Batovrlismltof aaefalaess la not preacribed by dollars aad ceata, 8aaBple copiea aeat free to aay addreea. HENRY GASS, UNDERTAKER ! CtftM : : Metallic : Cases ! OfBepmringof all kinds of Uphol Utry Goods. J4I -COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA- GoiumDus Journal xa FBXPARrn to fttrmsh axttbuio required or a PRINTING OFFICE. -WITH TH COUNTRY. COMMERCIAL M aas vbP a P Apa sl