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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1896)
IpfvfrfJfl RSfSW V-" Ff' VT a v-5- i- ?' sezassrs 'SiSC" 'wfl-? ! olnmbtt s gmtrttaL M. K. TURNER fc OO., GolmamtmaH State. One year, by mail, portage prepaid.. ...$L5S 8iz asoatns Tarasasoaths ... .... 1T lsafna,ea a anwaasatfr asks; latter of mSSSSSSwatmS aad their J?a2JsTa to readily aaajr awnTlaa list, treat which, if tiST8- - - : OC Ivar 4BBWW M MM or ac- r or draft. m. k. mm Co. all I filtiMS tn Mfll Caaocoawavfsaawtavnii naaw oc ua wniw. We teserva the &ht to reject aay ginrript. Platte coaaty. on of cod !!, ,iat re liabla is amy way. Write viejakj, naaa Usm apsrataly. Ghana lasts. WEDNESDAY. MAY 20. IBM. Coving Conventions. National Republican, SLLouis, Tues day, Jane 16. Democratic, Chicago, Tuesday July 7. Populist, SLLouis, Wednesday, July 22. Free SUver, St Louis, Wednesday, Jaly22. Prohibitionist, Pittsburg, Tuesday, May 26. Let each aspiring candidate Content hie anxious aonl; The persimmon ie in eight. Bat McKinley has the pole. L8L Paul News. Skow at Denver Friday. Fkiday a tornado at Sherman, Texas, killed a hundred people. Ik Clearfield county, Penn., there is a line of forest fires a distance of twenty miles. One day last week twenty-two deaths from cholera were reported at Alexan dria, Egypt The best paid prose author in the United States, according to the Chicago Inter Ocean, is General Lew Wallace of Indiana. Indiana also owns the best paid living poet in the person of James Whitoomb Riley. The seat of literature and culture has moved west Nebraska will have fifty-seven dele gates in the national populist conven tion at St Louis. It is expected that Senator Allen and Governor Holcomb will both be on the delegation. Ne braska's number of delegates is only exceeded by Texas and Kansas. We wish to repeat what we have al ready said several times that our posi tion is the free coinage of all American product of gold and silver and a prohi bition of the foreign product either by duty or otherwise. If this is goldbug km then we are a double distilled gold bug. Fullerton Journal. The house of representatives is one of the most expensive bodies of legislators in the world, and by a vote of 190 to 108 rantiv hv decided to increase the expense by the allowance ol 81UU a month throughout the year to each con gressman for clerk hire. This will add $200,000 a year to the high-priced body of legislators. Db. J. S. Devries of Fremont, was arrested Tuesday of last week on a charge of carrying concealed weapons, the complaint being made by City Mar shal Nelson, at the request of Mrs. Devries, who feared that he would kill her and their children. For some time past his friends have noticed a change in the doctor, his mental faculties being impaired by the use of cocaine. He was taken to a sanitarium in Council Bluffs. The doctor had been talked of as a can didate for congress, on the democratic ticket Aocobdino to a correspondent of the Chicago Times -Herald, n citizen of Jackson, Breathitt county, Kentucky, estimates the number of people killed in the main street of the town during the last twelve years at more than 100 persons. "An' not a nary case of bush whaekiny says the narrator, strong in lua local pride, "they was all shot off on the square." The front of the court aoaae is chipped ana scarred by bullets until it looks as if made of rough-faced brick instead of the symmetrical paral lelopipeds used by the masons. Only OB man has been legally hanged in Breathitt He was "Bad Tom Smith," who was borrowed from an adjoining county for execution by way of an ob ject lesson. Nineteen years in the penitentiary at hard labor and a fine of $211,000, to gether with costs of prosecution, is the aeatence imposed- upon Henry Bolln, the ex-city treasurer of Omaha, con ,'victed of the embezzlement of $105,500 of the funds of the city and of the school district of Omaha. He had turned over to his bondsmen everything he had in the world to secure them against loss.. He is now in his 53d year. The county attorney was firm in his conviction that the supreme court would take no action on the matter of the trial and sentence upon the two counts re lating to the items of $2,500 and $3,000, as he said the evidence was so convinc ing on those two items that there would be no grounds for a rehearing. The most the supreme court would do, he thought, would be to grant a rehearing on the matter of the- $100,000, and that would still leave the sentence nine years inprieonment and a fine of $11,000. British free trade is the voice of in- and selfishness, not principle. protection is the voice of in telligent labor and American develop aneat Its benefits must be manifest to casual student of industrial No man will be found who -would declare that our present advanced position of manufactures could or would sen reached without the aid af by a wise system of protection. William McKinley. i imported daring the month $5,S52,10 worth of man- afectared woolens. This is more than the imports of woolen goods : the corresponding month of 1892 taeJacKinleytariaT. tiaa. FEEL STORM'S FURY. KANSAS TOWNS SUFFER GREAT DAM- AGE FROM A CYCLONE. Kansas City, May 19. News of the lorn of life and destruction of property hy yesterday's cyclone in Kansas is alow in coming in, caused by the crip pled condition of telegraph wires. What has bean atoured makes it plain that previous estimates of the damage lone were none too high, and in fact may be added to when communication is completely reopened. Fully half a dosen towns were struck by the twister, and the known dead are seven. The in jured number fully 30, many of whom, it is feared, are fatally hurt. Reserve, a village on the Missouri Pacific, in Brown county, seems to have felt the brunt of the storm. But five houses are said to have been left stand ing. The list of killed and injured at Reserve are as follows: Klllads D. W. Tebhuke, aged Wi Ralph Sweeny, 9 years. Viola Phillips, 4 years. Mbs. John Ryndkb. Iajaredt John -Binder, fatally,. William Melliston, father of Mrs. Doer son, internally injured. Mrs. D. W. Terhune and daughter, In ternally hurt Sherman Phillips, bruised and cut. Jeule Young and wife, cut and hurt. George H. Kennedy, cut and severely bruised. Ed Phillips, arm broken. Harry Thompson and wife. Frank Jones, jaw broken. Mrs. Sweeny and three children, hurts and bruises. Rev. Parker, wife and daughter, inter nally hurt Wm. Margrave, face and head bruised. Hardly a Hoaae Btaadiaa;. A special to The Star from Reserve ays: This town was almost wiped out of existence by yesterday's cyclone. Hardly a house remains standing and wreckage is strewn everywhere. The whole populace is homeless and great confusion prevails. Forty-four build ings in Reserve alone were razed. The barns and sheds of all the farmers liv ing in the track of the storm were de stroyed. The destructor came upon the villagers with scarcely no warning to them. It was shaped like an um brella and came from the southwest. The people fled precipitately to their cyclone cellars, but many never reached them. The confusion was indescrib able. Darkness added to the crash of failing timbers. The cries of the hurt and the almost deafening hiss and roar of the wind struck terror to the hearts of all. After the storm had passed, those fortunate enough to have escaped its ravages set about helping tha vic tims. All night long the people searched for the wounded and missing, and lan terns could be seen darting here and there. The injured are being well cared for. Fifty thousand dollars would not replace the damage at Reserve alone. Eaters Nebraska at FalU City. The cyclone crossed the central branch of the Missouri Pacific at Blue river, two miles west of Irving, then followed the railroad and the river to Frankfort, thence north to Baileyville, Seneca, Sabetha and Reserve, entering Ne braska at Falls City. At Falls City it overturned 26 freight cars, demolished tho B. and M depot and damaged 26 houses. A Mr. and Mrs. Hinton are reported hurt at the Utter place. A apeutoi iu xiw oiar lroin oauetua, Kan., says: At Sabetha there is one dead and 15 injured, and 25 houses were totally aesrroyea ana twice as many wrecked. Northwest of Sabetha three were killed and the desolation is wide spread. Northeast of that town four were killed and many injured. Six are reported killed near Oneida. The iden tified dead in the vicinity of Sabetha are: Mks. Jacob Meisxeb. Hattie BuEnxEi:. Ellen Cabey. The SHEiuti.BD and Conwell Chil dren (number not given.) Mrs. Dan Sayloic Mks. Schuqq. Mb. Ceacuy and an unknown woman. Injured are: W. M. Carey, Mrs. Geo. Carey, William Machomer, S. P. Hay, Artie Hay, Mrs. Carey, two Carey chil dren, Mrs. Dick Murphy, the latter not expected to live. All are more or less seriously hurt. Forty Sabetha families are homeless and all their household effects are gone. A meeting of citizens has been called to render aid. Decided Against the Soathera Fadae. Los Angeles, May 19. Judge Mc Kenna, in the United States circuit court, delivered an opinion adverse to the defendant in the test cases which have been brought to establish the rights of settlers on thousands of acres of land in Southern California, claimed by the Southern Pacific railway. Special At torney J. N. Call has handled the cases for the government. The decision states that the railroad was guilty of gross negligence in not filing its map and five years of such delay has defeated its claims to the land. Twenty Minora Caught la a Santa PH. Richmond, Va., May 19. News reached here from Midlothian, 25 miles from this city, stating that the Midlo thian coal mine is on fire. Fifteen to 30 men are imprisoned in a pit 600 feet deep. raster Iaaaffarated. Baton Rouge, La., May 19. Murphy J. Foster was inaugurated governor of Inwisiana for the second time and Robert H. Snyder for lieutenant gov arnor in the presence of a large crowd. Lvmbcr Dealers Assign. Columbus, May 19. Edward Kelkm Co., lumber dealers, assigned to George L. Converse, Jr. Assets $200,000. The liabilities will not exceed, $160,000. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. River mad Harbor Bill Washington, May 14. The river and harbor appropriation bill was passed by the senate yesterday after an unusually stormy experience,la&ting many days. As finally passed the bill makes direst ap propriations of tl2,200,000, and author ises continuing contracts of $64,000,000, aa aggregate of about $76,000,000. During the debate the statement was made that this was the largest aggregate for a river and harbor bill in the history of the government. Mr. Gorman sought to secure an amendment to the bill limiting the contract expenditures to $10,000,000 annually, but the amend ment was tabled; yeas, 40; nays, 28. Washington, May 14. The house, after one of the hardest fought parlia meatary battles of the session, which con tinued until almost 9 o'clock last night, recommitted the contested election case of Rinaker vs. Downing, from the Six teenth Illinois district, to the committee om elections with instructions to recount the ballots in dispute. The vote stood It to 85, divided aa follows: Yeas, t7 topmWcaas, 99 Democrats am) a Popa, flw aUIled at Bsneaa aad Taw at Oaslaa, lewa at Besorsw Blewa Away Faaa fart Badly Wraafced Tor ie FaUawa aa Old Track Kaaefcaa Xeavaaka Kan; bate; mays, 85 Republicans. M Private Peaalea Bills. Washtnqton, May 15. The hoaae devoted the whole of yesterday to pri vate pension bills. They were disposed of a te rate at oete every five minutes, 18 in aO being; favorably acted on before adjournment While the pansiga hfDs were being consJiered, the 'committee of the whole rose informally aad dis agreed to the senate amendments to the river and harbor bill and sent it to con ference. Washington, May 16. By a vote of tl to 90, the senate determined yester day that Henry A. Dupont was not en titled to a seat in the senate from the atate of Delaware. Alabaaaa Election Case Tarawa Oat. Washington, Msy 19. The senate Monday, by a vote ol 6 yea to 41 nays, defeated a morion by Allen to proceed with the consideration of the resolutions to investigate alleged election irregular ities ia Alabama, occurring at the time Governor Oates was elected over Kolb, Populist. Four Republican senators. Chandler, Frye, GaUiu?er and Morrill and two Populists, Allen and Peffer, voted in the affirmative. Bills Takaa TJaw Washington, May 19. It was ex pected that the house would take up the consideration of the immigration bills on the calendar Monday under a special order, but owing to the pressure of other matters the order was not presented until just prior to adjournment It was then amended so as to give today and Wednesday until 4 o'clock to the con sideration of these bills. There are four of them. Early Adjearau Washington, May 18. The impres sion is growing about the capital that the silver men will soon take a position against a final adjournment before the national conventions. The movement embraces silver advocates in both houses and of all parties. There has been no formal agreement so far, but there has been a general exchange of views and there is no doubt that some of the lead ers hold the opinion that it will be wise to postpone adjournment until there shall be an opportunity to know what positions the conventions will take on the financial question. FLOUR TRADE WITH ECUADOR. It Is Threatened With Dettraettea at the Haads af Chllaaaa. Washington, May 17. The flour trade of the Pacific coast with Ecuador via San Francisco and Guayaquil, which -has been brought up to considerable im portance, is now threatened with de struction at the hands of the Chileans, and already it is suffering very seriously from the competition. The merchants explain that this state of things has been brought about by the high freight charge made by the steamship company since it no longer has to meet competi tion. United States Consul Dillard at Guayaquil, who reports this matter to the state department, says that if the people of Ecuador once become recon ciled to the use of Chilean flour Ameri can exports of flour to the country will almost entirely cease. Jadge Lechrea'e Proasatlaa. Washington.. May 16. Judge Loch ren, who was yesterday nominated for United States district judge of Minne sota, to succeed R. R. Nelson, was ap pointed commissioner of pensions at the beginning of the present admin istration. He was then a district judge in Minnesota. Judge Nelson, whom he succeeds, was appointed in 1858 by President Buchanan, and his was the longest service of anyjudge in the X7..H.J OUm wim Vlaa Crew" Cars Caastltatloaal. Washington, May 19. The supreme court of the United States decided to day in what is known as tho "Jim Crow" car case of Plessy vs. Ferguson, that the statute of the state of Louis iana, requiring railroad companies to supply separate coaches tor white and colored persons is constitutional. Dlvldead for Nerth Platte Creditors. Washington, May 19. The comp troller of the treasury has declared a dividend of 20 per cent in favor of the creditors of the insolvent North Platte National bank of North Platte. Neb. , Lockrea's Ne laetlea Ceali seed. Washington, May 16. The senate confirmed William Lochren as district judge in Minnesota. Tweaty Deaths Fraas Cbalera. Alexandria, May 18. There have been 23 new cases of cholera and 20 deaths from that disease here. Stoax Falls Sioux Falls, May 19. The chants hotel was gutted by fire. $10,000. Insurance, $16,000. Mer--- NO CHOICE OF BISHOPS. likely la the Xethedlst pal Geaaral Caafereaea. . Cleveland, May 19. The impression is becoming prevalent that a deadlock will occur in the Methodist Episcopal general conference over the election of the two new bishops. Five ballots were taken on Monday without a choice and the election is apparently as far away as evit. It is evident that there is a strong element in the conference opposed to the election of more bishops and this element is believed to have been voting in a scattering way for the purpose of precipitating a deadlock. A motion was made without a second to postpone further balloting indefinitely. The features of the balloting were the losses of Mr. Butte and McCabe, two of the strongest candidates in the race, and the surprising gains of Dr. Cranston, Dr. Hamilton and Dr. Neely. It was apparent that a combination has been formed by the friends of Drs. Cranston and Hamilton, while a Urge eastern contingent, which is opposed to the election of either Buttz or McCabe, is supporting Dr. Neely. The 1.1th ballot resulted: Cranston, 245; McCabe, 190; Hamilton, 187; Neely, 172; Buttz, 125;Bowen, 24. OREGON SHOWS GREAT SPEED. Trial Trie) Places Bar Ia the Baakaff Be Class. Santa Barbaka, CaL, May 15. In her official trial trip yesterday the bat tleship Oregon covered 62 knots, the official government course, in 3:40:48, making the magnificent average speed for the time' over the course of 16.78 knots, or 19.45 miles an hour. This speed places her in the very front rank of ships of her class ia the navies of the world, beating the Massachusetts, which had a record of 16.15 knots, and the In diana with a record of 15.61 knots. By her great performance the Oregon has earned for her builders, the Union Iron works, a premium of $175,000. aaath Uakatm Craat Alexandria. S, D., May 17. Rains so far this month have been timely aad grass and crops are far in advance of what they are generally. Stock on the range looks well and is taking on fat rapidly. The season is f ally two weeks in advance of the average year. The wet weather is proving very diecourag Uf to the Russian thistle. NEWS OP NEBRASKA. Bella Beateaeed. On aha, Mey 17. Henry Bolln, the defaulting ex-city treasurer, was sen tenced to 19 years, imprisonment ami a fine of $210,000. Hasttesjs Sari Waats Hastings. Neb., May 17. Miss Jessie Cherry .has filed a claim against the city for $500 for injuries received from being driven into an unprotected cellar while oat sleighing last winter. Pact Oaaaha BUI Is Seta, Washington, May 16. The committee on military affairs ordered a favorable report on the bill to turn over Fort Omaha, with its grounds, build ings, etc., to the state of Nebraska. laedy Gets a Coatraet, Crawford, Neb., May 19. Bids were opened at Fort Robinson for the supply of 60,000 pounds of fresh beef. Much interest was manifested herein the result. A. R. Kennedy's bid was the lowest. Plrailssas Prefor Nartaa. Lincoln, May 16. ...-.o state board of education held its regular meeting to take np matters pertaining to the state normal school at Peru. ,A resolution was presented and adopted dismissing Professor Norton. Baaaers Seeare the Cold Ci Lincoln, May 18. The residence of B. J. Wright, Sixteenth and P streets, was robbed of $m Mrs. Wright, with whom an unmarried sister lives, was the only person at home. She lost $150 and the absent sister $50. aasheldt Baaker Saleldee. Huhboldt, May 15. Winne, aged 59, one of Humboldt's leading bankers aad wealthiest citizens, hung himself this morning. Ill health and despondency on account of the late sudden death of his wife were the causes. Baaker Pataaat la Troaale. Chadron. May 18. Arthur O. Put nam, president of the defunct Chadron Banking company, which closed its doors some few weeks ago, was arrested on a charge of accepting deposits when he knew the institution to be insolvent. Decoaapesed Body la the Klver. Dakota City, Neb., May 16. The body of an unknown man was found in the Missouri river, five miles south of this city. The body is badly decom posed. The man was abont five feet six inches in height and was fairly well dressed. Trenale Ia Seearlae; a Jary. Springvikw, May 14. No jury is in sight yet in the Porter murder trial. There seems to be a question now whether a jury can be had in this coun ty or not. If not the case will perhaps go to some other county, Brown, Boyd, Rock or Cherry. Valaatloa of Nebraska Railroads. Lincoln, May 18. The state board of equalization has .completed its work and adjourned. The total assessed valua tion of the 5,542.59 miles of railroads is $35,425,808, an average valuation per mile of $4,587.26; palace car companies, $52,160.58; telegraph companies. $205, 840.80. Charted With Aidlaa; Cattle Thieves. O'Neill, May 14. The county at torney swore out a warrant against John C. Carberry of Stuart charging him with aiding and abetting Fanton and others in stealing the Cross cattle at Atkinson last December. Carberry was bound over to the district court in the sum of $503. Oaaaha Waterworks to Be Sold. Omaha, May 18. The Omaha water- WUrka are tO DO hold uudci fureoloanv in the United States court May 20. Contending factions among stockhold ers brought about the sale. The com pany is in a prosperous condition. The city council decided to interfere at once and, if possible, to stop the sale. Jadg-ineat For the Joaee Estate Lincoln, May 17. Judge Holmes has rendered a decree in the case of Jacob Bigler, executor of the Lord Jones es tate.against Carlos C. Burr. Tho suit was instituted to foreclose a mortgage of $100,000 on Burr's lands, lying lad jacent to Lincoln. The court finds there is due plaintiir the sum of $76,700. De fendant has given notice of appeal to the supreme court. Secrecary Mortoa Iaterested. Lincoln, May 16. Papers in the old Otoe county case, in which Julius Ster ling Morton and others protest against the levy of taxes to pay interest on bonds voted in Nebraska City precinct to the amount of $40,000 to aid the Missouri Pacific railroad, were filed in the su preme court. The bonds were voted in 1886, and the case has been in the dis trict court since soon after that time. Nebraska Weather Crop Balletla. Lincoln, May 15. The high winds of the past week have whipped the small grain somewhat and retarded its growth and in some localities it was beginning to need rain, but no material injury was done and the showers of Monday have relieved all drouthy conditions and the week closes with small grain in very promising condition. Chinch bugs are rather numerous and are doing some damage. Corn planting is almost com pleted. Bryaa-Beeewater Debate. Oxaha. May 17. The silver debate between E. Rosewater and W. J. Bryan took place at the Creighton theater hut night before such an audience as has been rarely assembled in Omaha. It was a crowd of people who had evident ly thought much on the subject of the evening, as was indicated by the -man-nerin which the points made by the speakers were grasped and applauded. Ia sentiment the listeners were apparent ly very evenly divided and the success ive arguments for and against the free and unlimited coinage of silver were greeted with successive signs of almost equal approval. Seaatar Tharstoa Prefers Leadership. ST. Louis, May 15. A special dis patch to The Globe-Democrat from Washington says: "Senator John M. Thurston will undoubtedly be the per manent chairman of the St. Louis con vention. Senator Thurston has also been spoken of for one of the leading cabinet positions in the event of Gov ernor McKinley'8 election. This specu lation is unreliable. Senator Thurston much prefers to be administration leader on the floor of the senate,- and this he undoubtedly will be if McKinley be comes president." Yaakee Doodle Dews to Date. Wbea peace and pleaty filled oar Isad, We kept our pockets mended. Bat since we followed free trade's band They're empty aad neglected. asnunf, Loom and anvil, forge aad plow Idle are aad rusty. Tals Is how it happens sow Dinner pails are empty. Par rent was paid, oar clothss ?ere good, We worked from morn till eTeaiag; We're now in debt and lacking food BoScieot for oar children. To sam It ap. we prospered when The elephant was monarch. Bat since the donkey has been ia Depression has been chronic -Z.W, iVSh.. FKEE TRADE IDEAS. ANALYSIS SHOWS MUCH BETTER RE SULTS FROM PROTECTION. Vt tlaha Jeha Ball at Kvery The idea ia being spread by the one- aaiaa nf fthA nolicv of raoiectifip that a free trade policy has proved to be an I 1 excellent thing for the United King dom, hence that it must necessarily be , good for the United States. They forgot that there are many different conditions in the two countries. British farmers have had enough experience of free : trade, and so have British manufactur em of cotton goods, iron and steel ware, brooms and brushes, matches, mats, : buttons and other things made on the continent of Europe that are now being , sold largely in the English market. Let us grant, for the sake ox argn ment, that free trade has been a good thing for the United Kingdom. But let us see if protection has not been a better thing for the United States. From 1846 to 1875, with the excep tion of four different years, the balance of trade has been against the United States our imports being larger than our exports. From 1876 to 1895, a period of 20 years, this was the case during only three years, our total ex ports being $2,236,832,480 larger than our imports during the other 17 years, the net- excess of exports for the 20 years being $2,186,861,868. During this same period, 1870 to 1895, British imports exceeded their exports by $17, -816,105,000. We thus have the follow ing comparison: PXRIOD 187a1 to 1805. British Imports exceeded British exports by. 17.81a,106,O United States exports exceeded United States imports by 2.ia6,861.8C8 First let us note the growth of tho foreign trade of the two countries from 1870 to 1895: IMPORTS. British. ..$1,575,773,615 .. 2.081,088,650 United States. WaO.741,180 731.90B.965 OeO J0VW Increase. 1996. . r30B.213.0B5 ta71.238.773 United States. $525,682,217 790,903,600 EXPORTS. British. 1878 $1,003,1'J3.Q20 1886 1.13.b22.370 Increase. 1885. tl27.C26.3S0 $287,810,313 PER CAPITA Or" POPULATION. Imports. . Exports. United United States. $10 29 10 48 British. 1878 SS0 6S 19R5 3 12 British. $30 81 28 81 States. SUM 1187 -$4 64 -!-$01 -83 00 -SO 27 British imports increased during the quarter of a century at the rate of $209, 213,000 a year. Ours increased at the rate of $271,229,000 a year. Therefore upon the free trade theory our larger an nual increase of imports was more ad vantageous to us than the smaller Brit ish increase. In the matter of exports their annual increase was $127,626,000 a year, as against our increase of $267, 810,000 a year. Therefore, according to the policy of protection, our export trade was more advantageous than that of England. But the real test of trade lies in its extent according to population. Al though an excessive import trade is, ac cording to free trade theory, so wonder fully beneficial, yet the British import trade declined $4.54 per capita during the quarter of a century, while ours in creased by 19 cents per capita. The British export trade decreased by $2 per capita, while ours decreased by 27 cents only per oapita. Had our export figures for 1892 been taken there would be an increase, not a decrease, in our per capi ta of exports. British foreign trade has declined $6.54 per capita qx population under free trade since 1870; American foreign trade has practically held its own under protection. Now let us look at some other statistics: POPULATION. British. United States. 88.77V.000 e3.276.000 33,098,430 45.137.000 X9VI,ts 1879 Increase 6.C85.561 23,138.000 NATIONAL DEBT. British. United States. 1870 $8,884,852,720 fl.710.68S.430 1894 3,345.620,120 63S.O41.800 Decrease $53.332,600 $l.O75.643.BS0 UKBT PER CAPITA. British. United States. 18M $8900 $13 17 During the quarter of a century Brit ish population increased by only 5,685, -561 persons. Ours increased by 23,138, 000 persons, or more than four times as much. The British national debt was de creased by $539,332,600; ours by dou ble that amount $1, 075, 643, 560. The British debt in 1894 was $86 per capita; ours was $13. 17 per capita. Next take the statistics of wealth: WEALTH. British. United States. 1Nw,iiii $42,740,000,000 $30,088,518,807 1890. eeaeeeeeeaeeeee 47.000,000,000 65,037,001.197 Increase $4,260,000,000 $34,988,572,608 British wealth has increased by$4, 250,000,000 in the quarter of a century. American wealth increased more than eight times as much by$35, 000, 000, 000. Another oomparison shows that where there was an increase of 177,401 in the total number of hands employed in all British textile industries from 1870 to 1890, the increase was 336,954 in the United States clearly showing the more rapid progress of our textile in dustries under protection, the wages paid here having doubled in 20 yean from $86,565,191 a year in 1870 to $173,547,843 in 1890. Plenty more comparisons could be instituted, but these are sufficient to show that if free trade has been a good policy for the United Kingdom, then protection has been a very much better policy for the United States. In conclu sion we might ask if this had not been the case, why have 2,956.259 British immigrants come to the United States 28.59 per cent of our total immigra tionbetween 1870 and 1895? Charles R. BucXAa "SHUTTING UP" AND "CURSING." aw the Ooraaaa Wool Tariff Has Affactad tha Woolen ladastry. The New York Press, always alive for die protection of American labor and industries, has made some inquiries among New England woolen mills with the idea of showing their condition now is compared with a year ago. The fol lowing is the result ; rbtal mills affected Hills shut down Hills on qaarter tune Mills on eighth time tlills on half time Hills practically closed Operators practically idle Estimated annual wages of these oper ss 14 10 s 1 2 7,500 ators one year ago. t3.000.000 Estimated annual wages of operators today 373.001) Loss to the country in wages....,..,,. t,8,0QD Loss to the country iu satire raw ma serial, say. 6,000,000 I These were all woolen mills that have "shut np with much cursing and execration of free traders." None of the shoddy mills has "shut up. " They are busy making the best possible prod uct they can that will compete with the looms in the British ragsbopa. Free trade in raw wool is closing American woolen mills while it promotes the in dustry of the European ragpicker and of the British shoddy shops. WHY ARTISTS ARE IDLE. af Cheap r lat OUr Karl mFQBm .-Calendar , IBM. CULMS 'aaaaaeaaaaaeeae T30.8B7 Teau.. .aj.Hi.we "Prsa. ISM. TJattad ires, lis 1. 15.381 S8,IS UB.5H 72.113 lM.Qal MM tLMtvasl tnxjN Oenaaay lady aaaaaae aT.M VMJM ibbM turn Other Baropasa tries British North Other TataL st.iU.fl a4aWaB--FTav6GtJ lSSe. TariBT Kerora. Dutiable" Free Fiscal years. imports, imports. 1880. 1.700,8 XEaViWseeeeea Vi'BrJlU JOIN astUtMiXft 1888. 2.366.765 1894. 1.484.184 Calendar years 1894. 730,887 $2,411.03 UaWa sve fjaiAUaVJ Duties. $91,559 287.807 841.613 8S9.26& 163,918 llaJ "Fiscal year. It is mostly the cheap reproductions that are now imported for publication in American magazines. These can be secured at a trifling cost Considering that the imports of foreign art works have so largely increased during the business depression in this country, it is evident that tho quantity of foreign art works must have seriously inter fered with the business of American artists. ART WORKS EXPORTS. Fiscal year. Value. Fiscal year. Value. 1887 $221.S72 1888 271.010 loHP ............. VH.4I3 1890............. 233,082 1891 406,374 1302 $422,238 1803 210.803 1804 391,763 1805 471,104 1895 654,175 Calendar year. This is what the London Builder of Aug. 23, 1894, predicted when the Gor man law was awaiting the president's pleasure: "Painters and sculptors may fairly rejoice, since oil paintings and water color drawings, and statuary, which are at present subject to a duty of 15 per cent, will in future be admitted into the United States free of duty. We can not doubt that the withdrawal of the duty will tend to brighten the prospects of English and Freuch artists in their relations with the States." REED REVIEWS OUR MARKET. As a CeasaaBiac Potentiality Wo Nasaher 175.0O0.eee People. We are nominally 70,000,000 people. That is what we arc in mere numbers. But as a market for manufactures and choice foods we are potentially 175,000, 000 as compared with the next best na tion on the globe. Nor is this difficult to prove. Whenever an Englishman earns $1 an American earns $1.60. I speak within bounds. Both can get tho food that keeps body and soul together and the shelter which the body must have for 60 cents. Take 60 cents from $1 and you have 40 cents left. Take that same 60 cents from $1.60 and you have $1 left, just 22 times as much. That surplus can be spent in choice foods, in house furnishings, in fine clothes and all the comforts of life in a word, in the products of our manufac tures. That makes our population as consumers of products, as compared with the English population, 175,000, 000. Their population is 37,000,000 as consumers of products which one cen tury ago were pure luxuries, while our population is equivalent to 175,000,000. Hon. Thomas & Reed. FrotoeUva Tariff Resalta. The highest honor that can be paid any economic system is that which is paid to the protective system in the fact that after 30 years' experience wo have cheapened every manufactured product and our labor has held its own. The manufactured articles seems to have gone down in price, but the vsge that the workman receives has not been reduced. Match that if you can. Free trade cheapens the article by cheapening the artisan. Protection cheapens the article by elevating the artisan. Hon. William McKinley. . Ci L'aaaBcr Chasten. Let Canadians keep on fooling with their spruce logs and other things. Un cle Sam will one of these days wake them with a reciprocity that will stand them on their heads. They have the run of American markets this year, and they had better make the most of it It will end suddenly next year. Chicago Inter Ocean. Japan's Hoaae Market. But the commercial invasion of the United States by Japan is imminent Her manufacturers are indomitable, and it seems that the Japanese are not dis posed to buy anything abroad which they can make at home. The balance of trade between Japan and the United States seems fixedly against us. The Only Issae. The enthusiasm which McKinley's name everywhere awakens is one of the best answers to those who claim that the tariff will not be an issue in the next campaign Great Falls (Mon.) Weekly Leader. Taa Only Safe Wcy. The country is now running on bor rowed money, and the sooner it is made self supporting the better it will be for every American citizen. Trenton State Maaaaaai JWfT Jgf '41 " f 9 sBsaaaanaaaaaanaaannaam .. , ifi grilisas saalait Msraaafls Bssaavits ntnntTP. ntrtvnw il Madkid, May 18. The Imparcial vigorously protests against the language by Senator Morgan of Alabama in his speech in the senate on Saturday and against his charges of craelty by the qaeen regent, ft also hopes the Span ish -government will make energetic representations against such calumnious Naw Yokk. May 17. Matt Adams of Denver, who was arrested in Eaglaad early in April upon papers alleging that aa clerk of Arapahoe county, Colorado, he had embexaled $40,000. reached this city today on board the steamer Cam pania. He will betaken to Colorado to stand his triaL Sax Francisco, May 17. The San Francisco labor council adopted a reso lation protesting against the passaga of the Pacific railroad funding bill and urging California's representatives to do all in their power to defeat the Slayer ladle ted. Chktknne, Wy., May lb. The Unit ad States grand jury found indictments against William Lamoreax and B. F. Odell for the murder of Jim Washhakie, a sabch'ef of the Shoshones, and grand- of Chief Washhakie of that tribe. Far ladaasalty Punas, S. D.. May 16. The commissioner's office received govern ment patents for 16.0C0 acres of indem nity lands, which were selected ia the eastern part of Hughes county several months ago. SHARP BREAK IN WHEAT. Jaly Oatleai Clasad Kasy WKh i 1 1-Se ess the Day. CaiCAOO. May It. Crop improveaiaata, Russian shipment aad the snsall decrease la the visible sapply caused a sharp decline in wheat today. July closed easy at 61. or 15a below Saturday's do ie. Corn and oata were doll bat steady, and provisions rather heavy la the ead. Closing prices : WHEAT-Jnly. 6U9Xc : September. 63c CORN July. 293,c: September. 3uc. OATS-Jaly. lVXWip: September. 19J'6. PORK July, $7.75: September. $7.8tta7.&ii. LARD-Jolr. $4.6254.65: Septembar.$4.77H. RIBS-Jaly. S.lfiU07i; September. U2J. Cash quotations were aa follows : No. x red wheat, Ste; No. 3. 63i&3e; No. 2 spring, sle; No. 2 com. 2SXc; No. 2 oats. lSJc. Chicago Live Stack. CBICAao.hUjr ISCATTLE-Beceipts. 21.099: JJtdUc lower; common to fancy dressed beef aadshippiagsteeis. tS.75415. HOGS Receipts. &.0UU; heavy. $3.103.49: light. $3.3003-55; mixed aad medium weights, $a, SHKSP Receipts. 10.00J; Uc higher: $2.5JJ 4.00 for common to prime sheep, with westerns selling remarkably well; lambs, $3.2593.90 for Inferior to fair and $4.0Jg4.7i) for fair to choice shorn. City live Stock. KANSAS Citt. May 18. -CATTLE Reclepts. 3.8 xt: shipments, 1.700: Texas steera.liUUsAOU; Texas cows, $1.9Jut3.0i; beef steers. $2.9ftS4l0; native cows. $I.75ia3.2j;stockers aad feeders. $2.753.8J; bulR UX3.3J. HOGS ReceipU,4.6vW; shipments. 800;stroag. So higher; bulks of sales. $3.10(13.20: heavy. t&a09JS.15: packers. $3.1033.20; mixed. $3.lais) 8JB; light. $2.1003.27; yorkers. $3.2ttl327!a: pigs. $8.003.27;i. SHEEP Receipts. 3JXJ0; shipments. 609: steady: lambs. f3JO04.1O muttons. $2.2eVIt5 COLUMBUS MARKETS. IVOurquotations of t be markets are obtained Tuesday afternoon, aad are correct and reliable at thetime. OBAIN.KTO. Wheat Shelled Corn Oats Rye Flour in 500 lb. lots LITCHTOfll. 45 11 llfl2 IS S 4 50A8 00 Fathoga $1 65i2 80 Fat cows $2 (052 TO Aral BlCOfB. a 4y !$ 5U rt3Ol0rS ... .... ... .. ...... .. eHJtyia. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First National Bank, 1 Columbus, in the Slate of Xebraiku, at the clo'e of bminc. May 7, J.. BESOCBCZS. Loans anil discounts a 210,176 02 Ovonlrnf tn, secured and unsecured . . l.K&i HT, U. S. bonds to secure circulation 2T,10 Ul Premiums on U.S. bonds 1.2U0 00 Stocks, securities, etc 1,531 11 HnnkiDB-ltouso, furniture antl fixtures 12,119 48 Othirrealptnt(andmortatcpsowned 4,401 67 Due from National Banks (not Ite- serve Agents) 3,995 04 Due from State Banks and bankers.. 4.W2 00 Due from approved rewnro agents. . 11,34185 Checks and fither rash items 206 43 Notes of other National Banks KO 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels laQll CcIllH,, ... ol U Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Specie. 5.156 55 Legal-tender notes 6,150 00 1 1,306 55 itedeinption fund with U. 8. Treasur er (5 percent of circulation) 1,1.5 00 Total $292.8SS M LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 1 100,000 00 Surplus fund 1,080 00 undivided proms, less expenses and I AX 641 pruu ..... li.iwJ National bank notes outstanding 22,4V? SO individual deposits subject to check. B3.7SI 30 Demand certificates of deposit 8,M01 73 Notes and bills rediticounted 20,!i04 20 Total $202.838 28 State or Nebraska, ) . County of Platte, "" I, O. T. Roen, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. O. T. Roen. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before uie this 12th da- of May, 18i. Gcs G. Bechkr, Notary Public. Correct- Attest: A. ASDEBSOX, 1 J. . Bebhet. Directors. Jacob Gbkisen. ) PROBATE NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of Brunkje Cbben, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administratrix of said estate, before me, county judge of Platte county, rieorasKa, at the county court room in said county, on the 6th day of July, 189. oa the 5th day of October. 1M, and on the ftth day of January, 1897. at 10 o'clock a. m. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for exam ination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for the administratrix tn settle said estate, from the 25th day of April, llstt). Dated April 27th. A. D. WM. J. N. Kilian, 29apr4t County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE. . To whom it may concern: The board of supervisors, in regular session April 24th. Is9tf. oVclared the following half section line opened as a public road, viz: Com mencing at a point 80 rods north of the sooth line of section 25, town 12, range 2. west, and running thence due south one mile and one quarter and terminating at the road running to Duncan from the north and to be known and designated as the Cieiocha road. Now all objections thereto or claims for dam ages hereby must be filed in the county clerk's office by Tuesday, June 18th. 185. or such road may be established without further reference thereto. , uatea Uolumbus, Neb., May 14. 189. . E. POHL, Bhnayl ' CoimtyClerk. LEGAL ROAD NOTICE. To whom it may concern: The board of supervisors in regular session April 24th. 18iM. declared the following section line opened as a public road, viz: Commencing at the southeast corner of section H, Town IS north, of range 2 west and running thence due west oa section line two miles and terminating at the southwest corner of section 7. town ltt, range 2 west of Sixth principal meridian and to db anown anu designated as tne tfenaoa road. Now all objections thereto or claims for dam ages caused nereny mtati m meu j clerk's office.ljr Monday. June 7th meu in tne county 1698. or such road may be established without further refer ence roereio. Dated Columbus, Neb., May 4. 1898. lJmaylt County Clerk. LEGAL ROAD NOTICE, To whom it may concern: .-fJjSF "operTisora in regular session April 21th, 1896, declared the following section line opened as a public road, vis: The south east comer of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 2, town 17 north, of MM 2. west and runnina thene north tn tha right of way of the Omaha, Republican Valley Railroad Company, as located on said section and terminating at said right of way and to be known and designated as tha "Dawson" road. now all objections thereto or claims for dam ages caused hereby must be filed in the county clerk's oOce by Monday. June 7th. 1998, or such road may be established without further rsfer- Datsd Columbus. Neb.. Msr 4. laaa. . E.VGBL. I ISaavSfc fo.hii. a f -t m Vl VKU, Tax State or Nkbsamka. ). County of l'latb. f la the coaaty coett. in and for said coeaty. Ia the matter of the eetate or John Ueary Aacto, deceased, late of said coaaty. At a sesaiea of the coaaty eeart for said coaaty. holdea at the eoaaty jadea'e oaaee ia Cplambes, ia said eoaaty oa the 8th day of Mar. ATp. 19SB. preseat. J. N. Killaa. eoaaty jadee. On; rjadiaf aad filing the daly verMed petitioa of Wuhelm Aacae prayiaf that let ters of adauniatratioBi be iaeaed toUm oa the estate of said decedent. Thenapoa. it ia ordered that the 28th day of May. A. D. kftft. at 1 o'clock, p. m.. he assigned for the hearing of mid petitioa at the coaaty judge's i-SJce ia said coaaty. And it is tanker ordered, that doe leal aotiee be given , ef the peadeBey and bearing of said petitioa by pahlicatioa ia Tax Counava Jocb MAI. for three coasecntive weeks. (A trae copy of the order.) J. N. Kiliax, nana twuww, nea., amy v, i LEGAL ROAD NOTICE. - To whom it amy concern: The board of rapervisoro ia regular sesoioa April Stth. tSBS. declared the following section line opened aa a poblie mad, vis: Coauaeaciag at the northwest corner of section five ia town, ship eighteen north, of range oae east of the stxia principal mermian. aad raaning thence east eighty rods and terminating at the aorta west corner of the northeast qaarter of the northwest qaarter of said section five, towashi; eigmeea oonn. principal meridi eighteea north, range one east, of 'the Sixt! Now all objections thereto or chums for dam. iww caaiuHl hereby moot be filed in the coaaty clerk's office by Monday, Jane 7th. ltS, or sack road amy be established witaoat farther refer ence thtwto. Dated Columbus. Neb.. May . IMS. ,. . K.POHL. - lSmnylt County Clerk. Sale bills printed at this office. Chicago Inter Ocean and Columbus Journal, one year, in advance $2.00. tf Attention, Fanners ! HAY.,.NJl. EPEVHASKD A CAR LOAD OF U.1J lav wwuil na sasL i.iiikt, a . nwcit ivinc rr.nit.i am pre- pnreu 10 rurnisn fence, lawn ami you a Erst-class farm or cemetery feac. and sava ina ...... ? , w . -. .. Bring in your bill and let me aauraoa It. This fence is all fullv wnrrantml uwui-j. i.rituc iu jour mi ana iwi nv ESjOffice and w&rehiuiiiM ufnu tlukiitMi am- of HugheV lumber jard. and south of U. I. irocs. liifebtf C.S.KA8TON. Agent. Tetabllalioa. 16192. THE First National Bank:, COLUMBUS, NEB. Capital Stick Pat. ii $100,000.00 omens &80 omcraia: A. ANDEltSON. Pres't. J. II. GALLEY. Vice Prea't. O.T.KOEN.Casaisr. JACOB ORKISEN. A. K. MILLEK. G.ANDERSON, P.ANDERSON. J. F. BEKNEY. . C. CASS IN, PROPRIKTOR or THE sa . - - m. m i- ., an. iay " " "- . "" -. -. " - . -i -B aa ." . .-i n, , m. amm, n h. BL kkMMb y Fresh and Salt Meats. Game and Fish in Season. faaTHigbest market Hides and Tallow. prices paid for THIRTEENTH ST.. COLUMBUS, - . NEBRASKA. 25aprtf UNDERTAKING ! We Carry Coffins, Caskets an) Metallic Caskets at as low prices as any one. IX) EMBA.LMI2STG HAVE THE BEST HEARSE IN THE COUNTRY. tiled, w. HsmmiCKT Dr. CLARK'S INSTITUTE rok T8E ThEATXUT Of TBS Drink Habit . Also Tobacco, Morphine antl other Narcotic Hahits. VPrivate treatment given if desired. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. 13aprtf W. A. McAluhtku. W. 31. CosNuica aAIXISTEat at COaUflXIUS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA 31jantf B. P. DUFFY. WM. O'BRIEN. TVTFT, LAWYERS. Special attention given Law. to Criminal Office: Corner Eleventh aad North Stm. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. -ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Oftce over First Jfatioaal Bank, COLUMBUS. Mll . tUaatt I A 4 i ' 3 l . 3 .'? . - 4 V . w i i i l 4 r U - flnJgri JT