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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1889)
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(Munch. ryBnnkof depo-it; intivt allowed on time lepoit; buy ami 11 exchange on United States anil Kurope. and bay nnd sell nvnilablepccnritie. We shall bo pleaned to receiirc jour bnainess. We solicit yonr patronagn. , 2SdecS7 FORTHE WESTERN COTTAGE OB&AD CALL ON A. & M.TURNER r O. W. UIBLEK, TrmrellMC ttmleasnmm. Syrbeas organs are first-lass in oery par tirnfaur. and so guaranteed. SdlFFROTI & PUTI, PEALEmS IS CHASsUELtaK WIND MILLS, AND PUMPS, Buckeye Mower, combined, Self - Binder, wire or twine. Pups Krpairei on start notice -One door wt of Hcintz'o Drnir Store. 11th street. Columbus. Neb. l.novSWI I CURE FITS! t rrac I da not mean merely to tar them for a ttme. aad : h w Mi again. rxCAS A IIADICAL CUKE. 1 hara made the disease of UTS, EP1KEPSY or . niv i vmctvT iTiemedrto TZZZFam. cum. Recanae others have mSSSXuSSSSSMSSmVS& trial, and K will cure yon. Addrcns H.O.ROOT,M., Wfoiiw" HENRY GASS. UNDERTAKER ! C0FFW8AKB METALLIC OASES of alt kinds of Uphol- .r QiTi. CUffiBffi LmmmmmlmmmLmtmLmmm flmmmmmmmmmmmmEmmmRmmmmmmW mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV "m MHD mtmSTr JoBlmWWjmm. (!4mmmmlmmmfjLV1n Ml Iff LOVELY ANDALUSIA. IMPRESSIONS OF A FAIR CITY ON GIBRALTAR STRAITS. Bcautlfm! Pletares tka A City Fooadsd by tfcw Pbcssdclans. UN B. C The Thre Grades of Society am Shewn In tha PabUe There is a carious little city on the Gibraltar straits. It is called Cadiz. Some 900 years ago a man named Co lumbus sailed from there on a cruise to the westward. Before he returned ho discovered some islands. It would appear that the little city is still celebrating the return of Columbus, for it is ever a gala day in Cadiz. Laugh ter and pleasure are in the very air. No port in Spain is more charming than this pretty little capital of famed Andalusia. Just the place for a man-of-war to make after a hard cruise on the coast of Africa or a week's drill at target practice out at sea. It was a lovely run down the Portu guese coast from Lisbon; a trifle warm; but what was this when offset by the cool evenings so characteristic of the Spanish-Portuguese climes? As we neared. port on the morning of the second day, carrying all sail and a full head of steam, Uie corvette fairly gamboled over the water. The haze which had been envel oping the contour of the coast lino grad ually lifted, presenting to the gaze of of ficers and crew Andalusia in all her beauty, charm and grandeur. Many fishing craft came in view, and as the corvette surged past the boatmen raised their caps in respect to the flag flying from tho peak end. ATTRACTIVE FEATURES. The appearance of the city from the anchorage is beautiful in the extreme. Tho several convent and castle crowned hills are the background of a lovely pic ture. Especially on a moonlit night the harbor is to be seen in all its beauty. From the shores tho strains of music from the military bands in the parks are wafted across tho water, while among the dazzling glimmer of lights tho gay promenaders can bo seen winding in and out along the Alameda. As the night advances the gay scenes close, and save now and then tho black specter of a huge steamer gliding silently by, or the tink ling of a little convent bell away back in the hills, nothing breaks tho silence of the night Cadiz is perhaps not so well known to Americans as many cities of less im portance. Situated apart from the main highway of travel, and having but little direct commerce with tho United States, it is seldom visited by our countrymen on matters of business, except when pas sengers aboard one of tho Royal Mail steamers or en route to some of the col onies are enabled, by a short stop over, to obtain a cursory glance at this quaint and most interesting of Spanish sea ports. The city was founded about 1100 B. C. by thetPhoanicians, who was calkd it Cadir. It successively passed into "tho hands of the Carthagenians and Romans, the latter giving it the name of Gades. Then passing into the power of the Goths It was again taken in 711, this time by theArab3. Tho Spjiurmls got control in 1963, and named the place Cales. It was known by this name when captured and sacked by the English in 1596. The loss of the city and the immense treas ure held there at the time caused almost general bankruptcy in Spain. Time and again the English attacked this beauti ful city, and each time it was success fully defended. It was surrounded by the French during 1810 and 1813, being at that time the seat of the Central Na tional Junta. Wellington's approach raised the siege of Marshal Victor's forces. LIKE ONE LONG HOLIDAY. Cadiz has long been associated with the liberal movements in Spain, and has been conspicuous during more than one crisis in Spanish affairs. In fact, the first movement which overthrew Queen Isabella took place in Cadiz, Sept, 17, 1868. Unlike most European cities, the name of Cadiz is recognized by all coun tries. We get Vienna out of "Wien," Lisbon out of "Lisboa," by what right I do not know. The Spaniards write tho nainoof the Quaker City "Filadelphia' and New York "Nuevo-Ybrko." In an evening stroll upon the lovely Alameda one lias an excellent opportu nity to observe the beauty of theAnda lusian women. Three parallel walks di vide the people in their amusements as rigidly as any mark of caste. In the center is the promenade for tho upper classes and the military. On tho right runs the walk of the middle class, and on the left that of the peasantry and com mon soldierr. The young women were all accompanied by duennas or chape rons. Here and there along the Alameda stood a brilliant cafe. All the women are dressed modestly in Parisian attire, and their beauty is certainly extraordi nary. Cadiz has a clean appearance, due largely to the white stone used in build ing. The streets are narrow but regu larly laid out Around the outskirts of Cadiz runs the Alameda boulevard. I: is very fine. Throughout the city are numerous squares, some large, others small. They offer a refreshing retreat, among the numerous tropical plants, to the heated pedestrian. These squares all connect with the Alameda. The private dwellings are usually sev eral stories in height The ground floor is retained for a store room, and differ ent families occupy the several flats. The fantastic manner in which the houses are built on the hillsides, and tho utter disregard to grading makes the tops of some houses on a level with the first floors of the others. On the exterior the appearance of the dwelling is plain save for tho bright hued tiles of varied colors. Large, heavy iron doors secure tho en trance, and this is usually attended, as in France, by a concierge. The interior fittings are very fine. An exquisite taste, and in most cases lavish expendi ture in furniture, rugs, bric-a-brac, and unique ornaments characterize the ar- nmtrr-ajpnfa 'ew Vrk Time, SAFEGUARDS OF THE WILL. rox to tfc of Df- It from EtU Every nook and corner of Chickering hall was occupied when Felix Adkr rose to deliver his lecture on "The Struggle f Against Temptation.'' The audience listened to Mr. Adkr with rapt attention and at the conclusion of the address ap plauded loudly. After, the usual ainginf y the. choir. Mr, A.lwMidlHitliunsntolrewmiat the bottom of nearly all ti goedaad vflij the world; the dmaos for km) ease rosterea tmvuaiimot desire for the bsautifml had created the arts, and virtue would beuakaownif there was not within man a gropinc; for moral harmony. "There are also within us," he con tinued, "certain gross appetites and cravings, and when these occupy the field of the mind they crowd out the bet ter thoughts and drown the soft, sweet voice of virtue. The voice of duty k been called still and small, and to hear it we must have the faculty of stilling our "Certain natural desires are bast dealt with by satisfying them, particularly in children, whose appetites are only sharp ened for pleasure when it todenledtheaa. Many children, denied what is perfectly legitimate in youth, psxtfcularly the sons of clergyssen, go to stob tin the moment they gain their liberty. "It is the normal rule to weaken de sires by satisfying thesn, but there are certain desires which we rssnnt and others which we must not gratify. No desire is justified because it is nstnaL if it interferes with higher considerations; and all desire must be supprssssd when it does interfere with these considera tions. The object of desire has power over us in proportion as its mental image is sharply definad. Consequently, when such desires do impress themselves upon our mind, we must at once turn our thoughts in another direction. "Human will is free, let doubters say the contrary, notwithstanding. This the ory to the contrary is the outcome of ob scure metaphysics. We must, neverthe less, understand the limits in which we are free. Let no man believe that he can harbor evil thoughts without being the worse for it We are, however, free to throw off these thoughts when they enter, and in making this effort lies our redemption. This throwing off must be complete and immediate, else it only leads to renewed moral degradation. We must force our thoughts into a new channel when evil ones assail us, but by forbidding them we only make the de sire more intense. Jesus illustrates this when he says 'Get thee behind me, Satan.' "By some it is argued that this system is cowardly and that we should boldly face evil It is true that we ought to be able to face it; but it is also true that we aro unable to do so successfully. You hear of the great social sin, the moral filth of which is spread over our city. How can men who have mothers and sisters forget the sanctity of women and profit by this sin? It is de sire tltat curses them and makes their vision narrow, and they apologize for themselves by saying that the desire is natural Weaklings all, ever ready to appeal to nature. Let each man have a task for himself throughout life, and like Ulysses he will sail past the sirens toward the shining goal. "Tho two great helps toward this end are the society of good and true men, and particularly that of cultivated and refined women, and thoideal companion ship of those loved ones who have passed away. "In the first we find tliosethingswhich we have been striving for taken for granted, and in the second we can do nothing wrong in the radiant beauty of those sweet faces which have gone to the life of infinite peace." New York Herald. Time Is Money. Time well employed produces money or an equivalent gain of some kind. Time idled away or wasted away upon some unnecessary or useless labors not only yields no return, but represents a loss of opportunity that cannot be replaced. One may regain any other thing that is squan dered save time. Once gone, it is gone for all eternity. No. more important les son can be given to the young than that on the value of time. It may be passed by unheeded, for on this subject more than any other men seem determined to learn by experience; but warnings should nevertheless be given, that there may be as early an awakening as may be to the irreparable loss of wasted time. Even the best of men arrived at mid dle agere sure to have regrets for lost opportunities, for wasted time, rvflrfng back with the knowledge gained by ex perience, they can see how much better they might have ordered their lives if they had made the best possible use of their time. Such knowledge cannot be expected in younger men. The time will come when they, too, will look back with regret; but they should be given early warning from the experience of others, and be taught as well as maybe that time is money not in the vulgar sense, but in that higher one which represents money as merely a symbol of things that are good to have. Baltimore Sun. "Ureea's Fnaeral Ttta." Tho Listener knows a distinguished musical critic who has a playful side to his character and, who, for instance, had the performance of "Verdi's ReqxMn Mass" down on his budget of memo randa the other day as "Green's funeral tune." At the hall the Listener encoun tered the great critic as he was coming out "How did you like it?" asked the List ener. "It was great; I think I never heard the tune played so well in my life." And he passed on. Just behind the Listener were two good looking girls, who bad been in a state of perfunctory rapture over the performance. One of them whispered to her companion: "Did you hear what that man called the reqmem? A tune! How perfectly shocking! I should think people so ig norant as that would stay away from concerts!" Boston Transcript A rvstal Cactf Wan aTOIa. When some sntfaMri of the future reports that a ciUsau of Belfast wrote on a postal card the whole of one of the annual ansssages of President Cleveland the inference will be that President Cleveland was a man of few words, but the inference will be wrong. The sses sage contained 15,000 words, yet Mr. ROalQtoedgegotitallonthecardwkh a steal pen arid ink, each letter, ss seen through a microscope, being beautifully formed. Moreover, a border three eighths of an inch wide is placed around the card, wrsssiiHii& a string of beads, fifty-two in number, each three-sixteenths of an inch in diameter, and most of them containing the Lord's prayer; 4,000 word3 are, put into this border. Mr. Kittredge is 77 years, old, and says he could get 18.000 words on a postal card. It took him forty-five days to WlitP tliiu nnn. IpviatiM tZZ. Jmi.-nl UTS. deVote their tisae exessaively to. CABLING IN CIPHER.. OUTWITTING THE COMPANIES BY CHEAPENING DEVICES. At Arm K Ey T th Important Part Played by CsmpstMtoas. A man who had received a cable mes sage composed of nothing but names of cities went to an expert maker of cipher codes to see if he could throw any light on the meaning. MHave you made no personal arrange ment with any correspondent by which those names of cities are to stand for cer tain phrases?" asked the expert. "I have not," answered the man. "I came to you because I thought you might have some code containing the ciphers.' "There is no printed code thst con tains proper names as ciphers," said the ex pert. "The reason is tins: The cask companies accepted all kinds of business at first, even combinations of letters which spelled nothing. But they soon found that the ingenuity of their mer chant patrons enabled them to send al- i most any message at the cost of but a few words, by devising codes wherein each letter stood for a phrase, and j wherein even the juxtaposition of letters and numerals, which in themselves had meanings, indicated still other mean- j ings. Of course this reduced the prof its of the cable companies, so they began to make rules. They refused to trans mit any combination of letters unless it spelled an actual word. Then they lim ited the number of languages they would transmit Then they refused to take proper names, unless the context showed ' they were a proper part i "All this, of course, was to make it so hard to get up satisfactory and perma nent cable codes that the merchant would be compelled for safety's sake to resort to straight out and out discourse in fram ing his messages. But as the difficulties increased men began to make specialties of devising ingenious codes, and finally the companies had to como out flat footed and refuse to transmit messages in cipher. Of course this was a severe blow to trade, as a vast quantity of small business could J not inen oe uone, oecause we coot ui cabling about it cut off most of the even tual profit CARRIE WAS VERY ILL. "But even then codes were used, but of a curious sort In one that I know of, for instance, it was arranged that a cer tain large catalogue of common verbs, nouns, adjectives and prepositions should be understood to have no meaning what ever. The cipher words were mado up outside of this catalogue, and the ex empted words were used to fill in, giving the semblance of on actual, straight out sentence. Here was a sentence, for in stance, that I cabled while a clerk in a shipping house: "Carrie very m. TeUTboraas prepare nitrate: Anaalas coins; telegraph Josephine. "That looks innocent: yet this is what it meant: "Carry Market on ere of a sharp rise. "Very Buy for speculation. "IB No meaning Tel No meaning. Thomas-Ship at earliest dbpatch. "Prepare One hundred tons. "Kteato-Nkrateof sods Cssltpeter). "Ananias We can sell at. "Qomf-Ko meaning. "Josephine Kine cents "So you see I really sent this message: "Market ob ere of a sharp rise Buy for specu lation. Ship 100 tons nitrate of soda at earliest dispatch. We can sell at 9 cents. Telegraph. "That is to say, I sent twenty-six words at a cost of eleven words, while I appeared to the cable companyto be mere ly transmitting a communication that poor Carrie was sick, and that Ananias was going to telegraph Josephine about it It must have seemed strange to the operators that we should telegraph Thomas, who was 5,000 miles away, to prepare medicine for Carrie, who was presumably in New York, especially as the rate then was about 8 a word. It must also have seemed strange that Car rie got very ill every time there was a rise in the nitrate market But the mes sage was straight discourse, and of course the companies had nothing to do but accept the message. "NO CIPHERS PERMITTED." "Competition finally came to the mer chant's aid. New cable lines, seeking business, offered more liberal conditions, and gradually the merchant acquired, as bis recognized right, the power of using a cipher code. Still, most of the original petty retrictions were adopted by all competitors. Among these were the reg ulations against proper names. As a matter of fact, in the present state of competition, one is tolerably safe in using proper names and ciphers, for each com pany is afraid of driving custom to a rival by applying the rule. Consequently there are any number of small personal or temporary codes agreed upon between man and man to serve a certain imme diate purpose, in which names of towns or persons figure as ciphers. But we professional code makers, who compfls and print expensive codes for sale to the public, carefully avoid infringing even dead letter rules, because we do not know when some big cable company may swallow up a smaller competitor whom one of our patrons patronizes and screw down the thumbs on some rule, to the disadvantage of our patron and our selves. "Looking over thk catalogue here of the cable lines of the world, you will still find a dozen or more companies, chiefly located in the ends of Asia, Af rica and Polynesia, who boldly adver tise, 'No ciphers permitted.' That means that they have a monopoly of their par ticular fields and are working their dia mond mines for all they're worth. In no line of business is the advantage of good competition shown more strongly than in cabling. Merchants who deal with far off countries wfll tell you that those lands which are reached by only one came line are as yet practically un- J: Mm - . m . oy uaae." new xors: sun. A well known lawyer started for his north side home about dusk one evening Isstweek. He thought be needed exer cise, so he concluded to walk over. He had with him a ladies' work basket, fixed usonahigh standard, and this, be was carrying home to his wife. He struck Dearborn avenue and histnsirl north at a rapid gate. He was looking straight ahead, and after he- had gone a few blocks he noticed a stylishly dressed lady alight from a handsome equipsgs sad ran hurriedly up the steps of a He thought he noticed her drop ...ana wnen Jm reached the in front nf the h'nsma'nhsr s the down sjnf . -t ' oHcoverea a fat purse. Picking it up be tripped up the steps and rang the door bell, the lady having been admitted be fore he came up. His ring was answered in a moment by a neat maid, whom he asked if the lady of the house was in: The lady evidently lieard the question, as she stepped at once to the door. He was about to return the pocketbook she luul dropped, when she noticed the bas ket in his hand and blurted out: "No, we don't want anytldng." Then she slftrtmed thedoor in his face. He wanted to explain, but it wounded his pride to be taken for a peddler, and he tucked the pocketbook in his pocket and proceeded on his way home. Ob lus way down town in the morning the gentleman stopped again at the lady's hot e to return the pocketbook. His wife liadaot been satisfied with the work basket he had brought home with him, and he carried it along to exchange for f Ittbsppsaed that when he rang the t the hou. the number of which iwlM.csrefully noted the day before, the lady herself was in the hall. She hastened to the door and when she saw the man and the basket again she petu lantly exclaimed, "I told you last night, sir, that we wanted nothing," and for the second time she slamniid the door in his countenance. This made him hot. When he reached his office he put the pocketbook in a sealed envelope and tucked it away in his safe. For a whole week afterward the lady advertised in all of the papers for her lost wealth. At last the lawyer addressed her a note, asking her to call at his office. When she came he sat her down, explained all the circumstances to her, and then hand ed over her pocketbook. It contained $351. Now it is a safe ber that when a man who looks like a canvasser rings her door bell she will search her pockets before she turns liini away. Chicago Herald. Hew It Is Done la Mexico. "Like the alcalde of Lagos'," Como el alcalde de Lagos, is an expression cur rent throughout a large part of Mexico to denote any trying or ludicrous posi tion that a man is placed in because both his hands are full. The story runs: Once went an alcalde of Lagos to church. And in his right hand lie car ried his staff of office, and as he entered tho church he lifted off and held in his left hand his hat Then he sought to put the holy water upon his forehead; buttbis he could not do, for both his hands were f ulL Then in a while a bold resolve entered bis heart, and he plunged Ids head into the font Before the plaza that is in the midst of the town of Lagos was set iu order, as it now is, there was in the middle of it a deep and wide hole. And tins hole caused the town council (ayuntamiento) much concern, for they perceived that it was a dangerous place, into which the unwary might fall in the dark and be killed or maimed. So a meeting of the council was called, and it was decided that tho hole should be filled. And to get earth to fill it a hole was dug beside it jna, oenoia, wnen it was run were was a new hole, as deep and as wide as that which was filled! Then in the same way did they set about filling tho new bole, and again was the samo lesult, only now the hole no longer was In the middle of the plaza, but over at the side or. it in me screes iuai goes out towara the north. And again they filled it. and so continued, until at last tho hole was far out in the northern suburb of the town. And there they suffered the hole to remain, for there it did no harm. Scribner's Magazine. at the Play. Most people are aware that Gen. W. T. Sherman is a resident of New York, and that he is one of the most tireless of theatregoers. He is a first nighter, and usually a conspicuous figure on an aisle seat or in a proscenium box. A pecu liarity of the general's is that he seems to forget that any one besides himself is in the theatre. He talks to his companion about the people on the stage in atone of voice easily audible up In the balcony. He coughs, clears his throat, blows his nose with a sound like a steam whistle, and actually bellows out bis remarks without regard of his surroundings. The other night at .one of the fashionable t bouses ne nroxe in upon a perfectly si lent bit of stage action, which was being worked out by a young actress, with the stentorian praise of: "She's going to make an actress." Everybody near him stared and then laughed. The general did not appear to be aware he had been heard, coughed, blew bis nose audibly, and then settled back into his lag collar with a loud grunt j oi utter contentment. At tnat tneatre. where everybody knows the old warrior, I ms rumoiing interruptions are accepted good naturedly. New York Letter to Pittsburg Pos- , 1M Mv o--. itechrietined. j After theenjoyment of aTurkishbatb, and when reclining on one of the couches in the cooling room, a few days since, I asked the attendant, who had given me a niorethan usually good rubbing, what hisnasaewas. He replied, "Jim." "Isn't there but one Jim in the place?' "There couldn't be, sir,'' said he. ' 'But suppose a new man with that name should be employed? Don't such a thing happen oc casionally?' "Yes; but we would baptize lum and give him another name. Anew fellow came on yesterday who said his ! mmawiHJimM. W f-rahhwl him font i him over to the big plunge and com -, i menced swinging him back and forward for a good souse. Ho cried out, 'Don't throw me, for I can't swint' When he came up out of the hole he had made in the water and was relieved to find that he could touch bottom with his head clear ofthesurface,hewasealuted with, 'Your name is John,' and his name is John here. The next John will havo to go through the same process and be baptized some thing else.'' Brooklyn Eagle. Power ec Dfamsr. A distinguished lawyer came out of his private office a few days ago and brusquely told a reporter that he did not cere to discuss the private affairs of his clients. He said it was none of the pub lic's business, and then be bounced back into his private office and slammed the door. It was important that tbe reporter should get the news, and so, on the strength of past experiences, he called at the lawyer's home that night The lawyer had just finished his dinner, and he came into bis parlor, his face beam ing with geniality and a prime cigar in his mouth. He shook the reporter's hand, and then talked to him for half an hour, and gave him more information than be bad any use for. Alight knowl edge of human nature is sometimes very useuu. asw xors; A MAGNIFICENT SIGHT. STARS CF HEAVEN FELL AS IF SHAKEN OF A MIGHTY WIND. The WtMrnJ Meteoric SJrnwer 1SSS. Thssrlss as ta th Canes ami ffShit A Child's WnaJiiminA as th Bessie Sapsr stltloM Aw fCetorsd People. One of the earliest andsoost vivid of my personal recollections is of the grand meteoria shower of Nov. 18. 1833. A aimiJar occurrence is recorded ashappen- I lag in northern Europe near the close of : tne y century. tfut no meteorological display has equaled that or 1833 in ex tent and duration from the beginning of the historic period. vxxkd qtTEsnosa. With reference to the origin of these meteors there nave, been divers conjec tures, saest of which are at east hap riaamapecBhmloas. ft number nf sstrnn omers have regarded them as fragments of sn exploded planet small in size, but of a like sort with the hundred and odd asteroids that have been discovered be tween the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Kepler himself thought that a large planet was needed inrthis vast interplane tary space to perfect the rhythm of Uie n, aabsequent discoveries of Piazzi and 01. "Tf ... MwailurtM h.M ,.. aktoaanil 1Va SfenlAS sntaii yf atvltnsuwi Olbersand their successors have fully justified this opiniou. This old astro nomical fancy of a lost Pleiad likewise finds its vindication, it may be in these asteroids and in the far more numerous meteoroids which have since been seen in all parts of the world. Whether they be, as suggested, the disjecta membra of some errant and wrecked orb doomed and damned for some earlier Adamic transgression, they certainly occupy a definite place in our system. Their periodical occurrence with great er or lesser brilliancy in May and Novem ber and likewise in August and Decern- ber, establish the facts that at these dates our earth in its annual travel comes in , frequent contact with a meteoric zone. It may require another century of inves- , tigatlon with the aid of mightier instrtt- . ments than that of the Link observatory to determine wliether,Aas is probable, these meteoric exhibitions result from a vast volume of nebulous matter revolv ing around the sun, and itself tho nur- sery of embryonic planets. Whatever our conclusion on these vexed questions, it was certainly not only the privilege of a lifetime, but a millennium, to be an eye witness of such a stupendous and resplendent hpectacle. I distinctly remember being aroused about A o'clock in the morning by the weird outcries of the domestic servants. They seemed possessed with the idea that the day of judgment was at band, and I read- ' ily recall the efforts of my father to quiet , the uproar by assuring them that there ', was no cause of alarm, i Of course, I knew nothing of scientific t import My impressions were those of ' elation rather than fright To me the whole scene was about what I have since conceived of the pyrotechnic dis plays of the Vauxhall garden or a full fledged Chinese feast of lanterns. eAboy reader will best understand the aspect of things when I add that asido from the ' fix and the pop it was like a thousand Oiristmases condensed into one. j Scientific observers have since told us ' that these meteoroids all seemed to pro ceed from a point in the constellation Leo. For this reason they liave been since called Leonids. My boyish remem- brance accords with this statement of j the scientists. Usually they issued singly, i but at times they had the appearance of a stream of fire. A few that I observed were very large, one or more not unlike the nucleus of Halley's comet in 1833, when it was receding from the sun. RKADT FOR "A WORD OP PRAYER." They nearly all seemed falling directly to the earth, and it was a matter of child ish wonderment to me that they did not cover the ground as I had seen falling snow flakes do at other times. The splen dor of these celestial fireworks gradually waned as the dawn approached, very much to ay personal regret A great many stories are still current in regard to the general consternation producedbythismarvelous phenomenon. In some instances persons were fright ened into convulsions, and several deaths were reported from different parts of the country. In my boyhood there was a story cur rent of a wealthy slaveholder in western Georgia, who was besides something of a philosopher. He resided in the center of a large negro quarter, and beinjr awakened by the shrieks and yells of nearly one hundred slaves, he hurriedly equipped himself in pants and slippers "j and stepped out on his front piazza. He was soon surrounded with a largo uum- ber of slaves who were frantic with ter- roT. For a time he surveyed the heavens !?? defee4Uof "? W?toa- noticing in we crowd an old negro preacher, in whose piety be bad much confidence, he addressed him in thiswise: "Uncle Joe, do you watch the 'seven stars' and 'the ell and yard,' and when yon see them start come into the -big house and we will ' havo a word of prayer. Of course the Pleiades were immova ble, nor did the empyreal suns that .blaze in the belt of Orion "shoot madly from the,r Hheres. As a consequence the hypothetical "word of prayer" was un- -, , . . -. -,. , spoken. The return of daylight blotted out the meteors and calmed the super stitious fears of master and slave. Most astronomers tell us that another such spectacle will probably never be witnessed again through all the genera tions of men. St John, who was a prisoner in Patmos, says: "I beheld when he had opened tbe sixth seal" that "the 6un became as blood; and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind." Rev. J. W. Scott A SPORTSMAN'S TROPHIES. Mr. Ton der Wettora'a Collection of Deer Borne, Game, Ac. Mr. W. Von der Wettern, Sr., who re sides at No. 413 West Saratoga street, is one of the best posted sportsmen in Bal timore. He was originally a forester in Germany. Tbe rifle is his choice gun, and, while he is fond of small game shooting, large game has been his favor ite sport. That be is a master hand at rifle shooting a case of twenty gold med als attests. Like all ardent sportsmen Mr. Von der Wettern has preserved many trophies of the clues, his collection of deer and' irfliM Imnu halnmr ma f iha m- - - tt not the afesst, la thk -country. Tne uorus numiwr over km pair, aavSare val ued at over $10,000. They were aUeesm tifully mounted by Mr. Von der Wet tern, and, as he keeps them for his own pleasure, the immense smoaut of work which he has spent on them has been a source of pleasure. On reaching the fourth floor of Mr. Von der Wettem's dwelling the visitor finds himself confronted by a passage, tbe walk of which are studded with mounted boms, under which are a lot of cages filled with song birds. The horns are of all kinds and so arranged above and about the cages as to remind the looker on of a rose bush with its thorns guarding tlie roses. In two rooms lead ing from the passage are neatly and sys tematically arranged nearly 300 pairs of horns. The mounting k artistic. Each pair is a true pair, being attached by the frontal bone of the animal to which they belonged. By the means of screws pass ing through thk bone the home are at tached to the shield shaped wooden panels, the, size of the paaek rising in conformity with the horns. The penek are attached to the walk by books, so that they may be easily handled. There are horns tliat would have been the pride of old hunters in tbe days when rifles were loaded from horns and pouches; horns that would adorn the halls of a maneion; horns that the dude would give up his last dollar for. so that hk cane and umbrella liaudle might be the envy of hk fellow chappies; horns, big and little, straight and crooked, of normal and abnormal growth, from for eign shores and different parts of Ameri ca, some with and soino without a his tory; some that would make corkscrews, some that would make gimlets, some that would make boat hooks and others that would make baseball bats and bat tle axes. In fact, it would be hard to find a more varied or beautiful collection. Besides the horns the sanctum contains a collection of pipes and canes of rare designs, gathered from different parts of the world. Mr. Von der Wettern has not as yet catalogued hk collection of horns, but on each pair he has attached a ticket which bears the name of the animal from which the horns were taken. The most striking of the horns are those of the elk. One pair of these came from an Oregon elk, and attached to the horns is a portion of the skull of the animal, neatly fitted into a life sized liead carved from wood. Tho horns aro nearly as tall as a man, and it takes a lengthy pair of arms to bo able to span the distance be tween the top prcugs. One horn contains nine and tlio other seven prongs. Another pair from a Montana elk, though con taining but twelve prongs, weighs thirty six pounds. The lightest pair weighs eighteen pounds. Deer horns from dif ferent species of deer naturally form the larger part of tho collection. The finest specimen k from a black tailed deer killed in Colorado. It lias fifteen prongs. The others range down to one prong. Among tho deer horns those of the Ger man noble deer aro tho most beautiful, the colors ranging from light brown to a seal brown and bkek, tho tips of all being polished white. The largest of the collection has fourteen prongs. Mr. Von der Wetten's firearms are all adapted to the sport to which ho k de voted. Besides a regular target rifle, he has a case of guns of foreign and domes tic patterns, generally of smaller bores, from 13 down to 16. Some of them are combination guns for shot and ball. One fowling pieco has two sets of barrels of different caliber which fit the same stock. A handsome leather case sheathes a col lection of his hunting knives. Baltimore Sun. Tomatoes in England. Americans, accustomed to see tomatoes in some shape on the table nearly every day of the year, will scarcely appreciate how nearly that familiar vegetable comes to being a rare delicacy in England. Ten years ago it was an exception to find thk delightful fruit on the tables of any but the wealthy; but today they ore to be found in most houses during the sea son, their extensive cultivation having brought down the price so as to make them come within the reach of all. Tho tomato, or love apple, as it was formerly called, originally camo from South America, but it was not until the climate of the United States was found to be eminently adapted to their growth that they came into general use, the taste for the same spreading to Europe. It k, in addition to its valuable hy gienic qualities, one of the most profit abk fruits to cultivate, and wo know of one private gentleman who sends no less than one ton to market daily in the early season, the price paid for the same aver aging 6d. per pound, all of them being grown under glass. Few come to per fection in the open air, owing to the short duration of sunshine in England. Like the olive, it was a long time before the people became accustomed to the peculiar and delicate flavor, but euch day they grew in popularity, so much so, indeed, that Cape Town has been requi sitioned for a supply of the same when they are out of season here. London Tattler. A Plumber's Trick. The Sanitary News describes a new plumbers' trick, which has been first dis covered in Milwaukee, but may be known elsewhere, so that architects and inspect ors will do well to be on their guard against it. In Milwaukee, a in many other cities, all soil pipes put up in dwelling houses must be tested by filling them with water. A certain firm, know ing that a defective pipe had been used, contrived to plug it with clay, so that the water applied for testing it did not enter the pipe at all. It is not stated how tho inspector happened to find out thk ingenious deception, but he did, and the offending firm was reported, and pun ished by having its license revoked until the defective pipe should be replaced by a new one. Most persons will eay that the revocation of the license ought to have been made permanent Scientific American. Prefemleoal Advice. Certain physicians are careful not to give advice to people except when they are formally consulted, or in the strict re lation of physician and patient One evening, at a social party, a lady was introduced to the celebrated Dr. "O doctor, I'm so glad to have met you!" exclaimed the lady. "Tell me, what do you do when you have an awful bad cold?' "Cough, ma'am," said the celebrated Dr. B . Youth's Companion. Humorist 1 drsassed last night about esse jokes that I wrote. friend (who has read some of them) Hew I fHy yon. Yankee Blade, ftU 'it' National Bank! -MAB AN AtithwHztw Capital f $250,000, And the largest Pali n l em hen the State. Ur-lVtHMita received sad interest neid on time deposits. eVDrafte oa the prime iral rittrs ia thUconav try and Kurope houaht and sold. tsToUaatfsaa aad all ether Vilam stvanv r mi nsrifiil sites Hue ' - - -TjeiLt- SToczao A. ANDKKSON. Pmst. J. H.GALLKY. YieeFm'l., a T.BOKi, Cashier U.ANDKkSON, P. ANDkntON, ii-iia j.oviouta.1, -. ', einrJIPKIt msintsxMiM. I . Kls.l.a.v URUTCIIKR ADVOKAT, OHic- oter Columbus State lUnk. CoJtunLue. Nebraska. S Ci 1.S.1VA a tts:ncssKts. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office over Hist National Bank. C neorasKa. SS4f T M. .H4t:iAai.A.m, ATrORNKV ,t XOT.4RY PCHLW. . 1M ISlJniKft, COC.STV SCKl'KYOR. OP"PartieH Viriut; Mr-iiu dom. ran so. llV-.TiT4 r",um- XeOHXTniHiSc. iu ( .urt Hon-. 5niaiSL J. CKANKK, lt to. svrr public schools. i ? TUJ ,.3e ? In offitv " Conrt Rones, the ml Hatunlay of u;h xuon.h tufSSS& for thetmaaartion of other school lba;"teae! . :ookij. DRAY a,t EXI'JWSSMAX. T i . - "--"',' . . nrcaerauo. e v.It-H"H-. JS anil .51. raartBl Zteajtwtf r VBLB A BBATJ8BAW. iw.rwm 10 amble r Hitstrlt), BRICK aCAJCERS ! k Pf"(rtrartrs ami builders will fad oar brick ant-rlaiM nnd oSitmI at reaMmahJomsas! We are also prepared t do all kiwis of brisk work- wmayem M. K.TURfElt ss CO.. Proprietors and itihlMrt of the ceimsss jociual u u su. rAiztr nnvAC Hoih, 4kl-pt,id tun vMjv, for S2.SS n sear trutly in ndvanre. ruuL WaSS. WSSi W. A. McALUSTKIL W. M. COKKKUUB M rAI.I.IN I F.St 4'Ost Sell's ATTORXEYs AT LAW. I'olnmun-s Neo. OtWee m. Mtairx over Ernt A HcLwurt's store en Eleteath -troct. lSmmj8S John a. mr.aiss. C. J.GAfOOW. HIGG1K3 OASI0W. ATTORNEYSAT-LAW, Sperialty rihUm i-t t 'ullcctioaa bj :. J. Oariow. RCBOYD, JMNurAcrrnia or Til aid Sheet-Iron Ware! Job-Werk, lUtAif and totter- -isj a specialty . t$hop nu isth Mreet. KraiwM Hn.' old stnnd on llurwnthfttrfvt. saf A STRAY LEAP! DIARY. THE JOURNAL OFFICE ron CARDS. ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEA1XS. CIBCULARH, DODGERS, ETC. SUBSCRIBE NOW .FOB- TIE COUHtWS JSUMaL, AHD THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE. ire OJTrr Uotk for a Year, at ttjto. Tbe JotrjwiX. ia acknowledged to be the beet news sad fjmmUr mwer ia Phrtte coentrad The "' miMmwmtmm w w uo HJawdOSOl 17 magazine oevoceq entirely to Ai inre. American jneanfiC i the onir decided exponent of A: tions. It mas aoori as any of the sines, famishing- ia a year otkc USS concent literature, ntta by the rich with chermins- eontJni So more necreorwte amde than a year's subscription la Ike can smirac. It. will be 18. especially brilliant dart the The nviee of Java!. feSjue. asm la wsass. we aonia- nmm. nam la merieaa. lnasita. Mens oC the assess Amrri liemi and la and short stories. l-r-f- - r i. V-.rr , i Ai f- 5 r zt i- -w? anm. - - 5tfj'fV3rr-jsr -.sq i . -.