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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1888)
zzzecszezkb I fcl The Treasure of Fmcliaii By EOBERT LOUIS J3TEVENSON. ()iitill't'.l from lit tr.) CHAPTER VI. A CIU3IIXAL I.VVKSTIGATIOX, IV TWO PARTS. The next morning tlicro was a most un usual outcry Jii the doctor's house. The last tiling before goins to Ikh1, the doctor liad locked up some valuable in the dining room cupboard: and lic'io'd, when ho rose again, a ho did about 4 o'clock, the cupboard had been broken o'ici and the valuables in ques tion had disapieai ed. 3Iadame and Jean Marie were summoned from their rooms, and apiK-arcd m hasty toilets: they found the doctor raving, cullins; the heavens to vv itness and avenge his injury, pacing the room bare footed, with the tails of his night shirt lhrt ing a-j he turnetl. "Oilier' ho said; "the things are gone, the fortune gone' IVo are pautK-rs once more. Boy! what do you know of tin-..' Speak up, bir, speak ir. Do ou know of it' Where ! are the""' He had hint by tiio arm, shaking him like a U-ig, and the Ixjy'.s words, if he had any, were jolted forth in maiticnlato , number-.. The doctor, with a revulsion from I his own violence, set hint down again. He observed Anastasie in tear-.. "Anastasie," he said, in quite an altered voiee, "compose j-onr-elf, command your teeing. 1 would not have yoi: give way to jiatMou like the vulgar. Tu.s this trilling accident nnit be lived down .lean-Mane, bring me im j-niallt-r meil.eine ciiest. A gentle laxative is indicated "' And h disil the family all round, leading the way himself vv ith a double quantity. The ureUSied vih hail ne'er been ill in the whole course of her existence, and who-.- i4ul recoiled lroin remedies, wept llnud of, as she ippcd, ntul -hudileied, and protested, and then vvas bullied and .shouted at until she bip-icd again. As for Jean-Marie, he tisik his jwrtittn down with "I have given him n less amount." ol the doctor, "his outh jirotocting liim again-t emotion. And now that wo have thus tarried any morbid consequences, let U-. teason " "1 am -- coM," vailed Anastatic. 'rol.i n-1 the do -lor. "I give thanks toCol I a:i" of fierier niateiial. U'hy, mad.niic. a blow like thi3 would bet a frog into r, transpiration. If you are cold ynu an lelir- ; ai'd, the i"ay, oa might throw nit .low ii in trou-ers. It is chilly for the legs." "Oh. no'" Anastasie; "I will stay with you. ' "Nay, inadan e, vou -hall not suffer for your devotion.'" said the doctor. "I will 1113--self fetch j u a -haw And he went up stairs and ret 111 mil more fully clad and with an armful of wrap- for th' .-lnvering An astasie 'And now," lie resumed, "to llivvs tigate this crime us proeml by inilue tioii." Ana-ta-ie. do you know nnvthnig that can help u-'" Vita-t.-usie knew no.hing. "Or von, Jean .M.ii 1. '" "Not I," leplliil the bov, steadily. 4(;x-mI. n turned the doctor "We shall now tin 11 our attention 10 the mutcrial evi demvs. il was born to lie a detective. 1 have theevennd thesstemaiic-pirit.i Tirst. vio lence has lnvii cmplnvcil. The door was broken ojien; and it 111:1 v be observed, in pass- ing, that tlie liR'k vva dear indeed at what 1 Ktid lor it. a crow to pluck with Master l.ngu'lat. Second, heieisan instrument cm plovnl, one ot our own table knives, one of our lic-t. nty dear: which beems to indicate no preparation n:i the part of the gang it gang it was. Thirdly, I nb-crve that nothing has lteen removed evept the Kranchard dishes and the casket; our own silver has lieen niinutely lvspeetod. This is wily; it slums intelligence, a knowledge ot the code, a disiietoavoid legal consequences. 1 argue from this fact that the gang numbers pen-on; of rc-cclnhilit outward, of cour-v, and merely outwai d. as the rohliery privis. Hut I nrgue. MiMiid, thnt we must have lieen ob M'l veil at IVanchard itself bv some oeciilt ob beiver, and dogged throughout the day with ut-kill and patience that 1 eiitine to ipiahfy as consummate No ordinary man, irooeca sional criminal, would have shown him-cll caiuble of thiscombinatiou. We have in tit neighlHiihihl. it is far front improbable, a ictiicd bandit of the highest order of mtelli gence" "('o-nl heaven;" crinl the horrified Anns tasie. "Henri, how can you " "My ,hen-hfil one, this is a process of in duetion," said the doctor. "If any of my step, are unsound corr.s-t me. Yon are sj lent' Thn d. not, 1 ln-seoch you. 1 vuluailv lllogiial us t lev nil 1 1 out my con chisi?ii. We have now arrived," ho re miiihiI, "at some idea of the eomjtosition of the gang-for I mchne tn the hyjiothesis .f more than one anil we now leave this loom, which can disclose no more, and turn our at tention to the coiut and garden. (Jtan Mane, 1 trust 3011 arc observantly following my various steps, this is an excellent puve of education for jou.) L'omn w ith me to the dir. No steps on the court; it isimfoitun air our court should I paved. n uiiiill matter- hang the destiny of these deli cate investigations' Hev' What have we licit' I have lul you to the very spot," lie Kii.l, standing grandly Kickward and nidi "at ing the gre 11 gate "An e-calade, as v mi can now see for v ourselves, has taken place.'" Sure enough, the gieen amt was in-everal places scratchul and biokcn. and one ot the l.-mcls pre-crvnl the print of a nailed shi The foot had sJipjKil, however, and it w:s ibtlicult to e-timate tht size of the shoe, and lmpiissibU to distinguish the jiattern of tao nails "The w hole roblwry." concluded thedoetor, "step by step, has lkc reconstituted. Inductive sciencv can no fmther go."1 "It is woudoi ful,"' said his wife. "You should have been a detective. Henri. 1 had no idea of your talent- "' "My dear," said Ie.jre-, coiide-cendingl.v , "a man of cientillc imagination combmos the lesser faculties; he is a iLtctive juntas he is a publici-t or a general, tlivsc are but local applications of his special talent. Hut now," lie continued, "would you have me go further.' Would you havo me lav- my linger on the culprits or rather, for I canuor promi-e quite so much, point out to you the very hon-e w here they consort? It may bo a satisfaction, at least it is all vvcarehkelv to get. since we uie denied the remedy of law. I reach the further stage in this way. In order to fill my outline of the robltery, I require a man likely to be 111 the forest idling. I require a man of education, 1 re quire a man superior to considerations of morality The three lequisites all center in Tentaillon's boarders. The- are painters; therefore they are continually lounging iu tho fore-t. They are .winters, therefore they are not unlikely to have some smatter ing of education. Lastly, because the- nro tainter-, they are probably immoral. And this I prove in two ways. First, painting is an art which inertly uddressej the eye; it docs not in anv particular exercise tho moral ben-e. And second, painting, in coinmoi with all the other arts, implies the dangerous quality of imagination. A man of imagina tion is never moral, he outsours literal de marcations and reviews life under too many shifting lights to rest content with tho in vidious distinctions of the law.' "But you always say at least, so I under stood you1" said madame, "that these lads display no imagination whatever.' "My dear, they displayed imagination, and ofav ery fantastic order, too," returned tho doctor, "when they embraced their beggarly profession. Besides and this is an argu ment exactly suited to your intellectual level many of them are English and American. "Where else should we expect to find a thief I And now you had better get your coffee. Because we liave lost a treasure, there is no reason for starving. For my part, I shall break my fast with whito wine. I feel un accountably heated and thirsty today. I can only attribute it to tho shock of the dis covery. And yet, you will bear me out, I supported the emotion nobly.' The doctor had now talked himself back into an admirable humor; and as ho sat in the arbor and slowly imbibed a large allovv- , ance of white wine and picked a little bread and cheese with no very impetuous appetite, if a tbiru 01 111s meaiiaiions ran upon tao inibsing treasure, the othor two thirds were more pleasingly buried in the retrospect of his detective skill. About 11 Casimir arrived. He had caught an early train to Fontaineblcau and driven over to save time, and now his cab was sta bled at Tentaillon's, and he remarked, study ing his watch, that he could spare an hour and a half. He was much tho man of busi ness, decisively sjioken, given to frowning in an intellectual manner. Anastasie's born brother, he did not waste much sentiment on the lady, gave her an iTngnsu ramtiy Kiss, and demanded a meal without delay. "You can tell mc yourrtor- while wo cat," lie observciL "Anything good toda-, Stasief He was promised something good. The trio sat down to a table in the ai lor, Joan Marie waiting as well as eating, and the doc tor recounted what had hap)ened in his richest narrative manner. Casimir heard it w ith explosions of laughter. "What a streak of luck for you, 1113- goo" brother," he observed, when the tale was over "If you hud gone to Paris you would have played dick -duck-drake with the whole consignment in three months. Your own would have followed, and vou would have come to me in a procession like last time. Bat I give vou warning Stasie 111:13 weep and Hem 1 ratiocinate it will not serve 3011 t ice. Your next collapse will In. fatal. I tlought I had told 30U so, Stasie' 1103-: No sense'" The doctor winced and looked furtive!- at Jean-Mario: but tho boy beenied apathetic. "And then again." broke out Casimir, "what children 'ou art. vicious children, myfaitlr How could you tell the value of this trash' It might have I eeii worth natr. ing. or next dior " "Pardon me," said the doctor. "You havo our usual How of spirits, 1 jeii-elo; b-it , even less than our usual tlelilierat on. lam , not entirely ignorant of these matters.' I "Not entirely ignorant of anything ever 1 hcmil of.'" interrupted Casimir. bowing, and I raising his glass with a sort of p?rt MiIite 1 nesS. "At least," resumed the doctor, "I gave mv mind to the .subject that you may be vv ill -to believe and I estimated that our capit tl would le doubled' And he des'Tibcd the nature of the find. "My word of honor'"' said Casimir, "I Inlf believe 3011' But much would depend on the qualitv of the gold." The quality, my dear Casimir, was'" And the din-tor in default of language, kissed his linger tijis. '1 would not take your word for it. in good friend." retorted the man of hiis.iii "Youaiea man ot very in-y vieis. But this lobbcrv," he continued "this rohliery I is an odd thiiii:. Of course I -kiss over your 1 iionsenM-alxjut gangs ami lundscujie paint , crs For me, that is a dream. Who was iu I the house last night:' j "None but ourselves,' replied the doctor. "And this otiug gentleman.'" asbsl 1 Casimir, jerking a nod in the diiectionof Jean-Marie. I "He too" the doctor Ioweil. "Well, and, if it is a fair question, nh 1 1 her" pursiicil the brother-in law. "Jean-Marie," ausiu-rcd the doctor, "coin bines the functions of a son and stable loy He began as the latter, but h lose rapid to th more honorable rank 111 ouratrn-tions He 1-. 1 may bav , the greatest comfort in our lives." Ha!" said Casimir. "And previous to le ?oming one of v-ou.'"' "Jean-Mane has lived a remarkable exist ence . hi- e.xperiiiice has lccn eminently loimative." replied Desprcj. ' It I had to ' choose an education lor mv son. I should Irtvc clio-en such another Beginning 1'to with mountebanks ami thieve-, jci-sing on ward to the societyand lriendsiiipof philoso phers, he niiiy lie said to have skimmed tii volume of human lite ' Thieves.'"" ie"atd th brotiter-in-Iaw. with a meditative air. ThediK-tor could have bitten his tongiio ' nit. lb foresaw was coming. and pio- I,:'"' eiLlils iniiid lor a v igorous Uoteiiso. , "Did vou ever bteal 3"oui"seIfr" asked ("asi- ' niir. tin ning suddenly on Jean-Marie, and for the first time employing a. single evegl j which hung round his neck. "Ye-, sir," leplicd the lov, with .1 l ' blush. tss j - I j Casimir turned to the others with pur-ed , lip-, and nodded to them meaningly. "Hev- 1 raid he; "how lsthatf"' I "Jean-Mane is a teller of the truth." ic- j turned the doctor, throwing out his bust. i "Helms never told a lie," added inadniue. j "lie I- the lxstof boys." I "Never told a lie. has lie not:" r-f!oc.rd j Cjisimir. ! "Strange, very strange. Give me your a I tent ion, my young friend," he continued. I "You knew about this treasure:' I "He holjxil to bring it home," inierp'ised th' doctor. "Desproz, I ask you nothing but to holt ' v our tongue," returned Casimir "I mean to j question this stable ly of yours and if vou I in c -o certain of his innocence, 3"ou can af I ford to kt him answer for him-elf. Now, sir," lie resumed, minting hi- evlass I straight at Jeun Marie, "vou kneu 11 could !e stolen with itiipmutv You CVllie knew oil lld vou, would not In? prosecuted' or did you not '" "I did," answered Jean Marie, in a iliiser able whisper. He sat thre chauging color itke a revolving pliai os, twisting his fingers iivsteiically, -walloaing air, the jiietuie if guilt "You knew where it was put:"' returned the inquisitor. "Yes," from Jean-Marie. "You say -ou have lieen a thief beforv," continued Casrnir. ''Now how am I tnknow ' that you are not on-i still.' I suppose ou ould cliuil 1 the green gate.'"' Yes." still lower from tho rulprit. Well, th?n, it was you who stole thoo I things. You know it, and you. dare not deny St lok 1110 iu tho facel Raise your sneaks eyes, and answer!" v &' -," s : -WV., "Hatse your flieafc'.i cics." But in placo of anything of that sort Jean Marie broke into a dismal howl and lied frm th" arlwr. Anastasie, as she pursued to ca ture and reassure the victim, found time to send one Parthian arrow "Casimir, you are a brute!" "My brother," said Desprez, with tho greatest dignity, "v-ou take ukii yourself a license" "De-prez," lntcmipted Casimir, "for heaven's sake be a man of the world. You telegraph me to leave my business and come down here on yours. I come, I ask the busi ness, you say 'Find mo this th:i.-f ! Well, I find him; I say 'There he is!' You need not like it. but you have no manner or right to take offen-e." "Well." returned the doctor, "I grant that; I will even thank you for vour mistaken zeal. 1 t your hyiKithesis was so extravagantly monstrous" Ixok here," interrupted Casimir: "was it you or Stasief "Certainly not," answered the doctor. "Very well; then it was the ly. Say no more about it," said tho brother-in-law, and he produced his cigar case. "I will say this much more," returned Des prez: "If that boy came and told me so him self I should not believe him: and it I did le lievehim, so implicit is my trust I should conclude that he had ncted for the best" "Well, well," said Casimir, indulgently. "Have you a light i I must le going. Anil, by the way, I wish you would let me i-ell your Turks for vou. I always told you it meant smash. I tell vou so again. Indeed, it was jiartl that that brought me down. You never acknow ledge my letters a most uuardoiiable habit" "My good brother," replied the doctor blandly, "I have never denied 30111- ability 111 business: but I can erceive 3 our limita tions." "Egad. 1113- friend, 1 can return the compli inent," observed the man of business. "Your limitation is to be downright irrational."' "Observe tha relative jositicn,"' rctuiueJ the doctor with a smile. "It is your attitude to believe through thick and thin in one man's judgment your own. I follow the same opinion, but critically and with oei) e3-es. Which is the mors irrational? I leav t it to yourself." "Oh, my dear fellow," cried Casimir, "stick ti vour Turks, stick to 3-our stable Ixn-, go ti the devil in general iu your own way and be done with it But don't ratiocinate with me I cannot bear it And so, ta ta. 1 might as well have stayed away for any good I've done. Say good-by from me to Stasie aad. to the sullen hang doj of a stable boy, it . V .. Af X- , J S r hiuriiil into the blai J )V V-!'-" "-?' U.C' ft-'- ! As it was, the whole .. .- y 1 A2'',S. 1 V '-S-' ",,,,r "as llL'v'-'r ''- ';iC V'VVfV-t'-rc.?7tes 1 he narrattil its ?rCc AwShSf I tlw character of its ' yl y. Ar'nJrS. 1 ! tl.e Hebrew merchant who its AV - v. Xt f T?M iO. t Hi'f W;,,K u,,,'r '"' "'v of l,R" ,uw " l,a",t tho t,,-jTv4-l f f ySfV- ( K.y myster: .us engraver of the runes, down to l' rKv?!-,fi:t2S w.rl "!8 the long headed, duty handed lmor from k. .. r 1 v v .--. jm.,i.- -.-, Af B I U"A tof Jf' ' Jk "o -l:"' 4 l' yAa? kU!M I ."mfnV"!:Pait, I'll! Oil. j And Casimir dearied. The doctor that night dissected his character before Anasta sie. "One thing, 1113- lieautiful," he said, "he has learned one thing from his live long acquaintance with your husband: the word ratiocinate. It shines in his vocabulary like a jewel in a muck heap. And, even so, he continualh- misapplies it For you must hav e observed he uses it as a sort of taunt, in the case of to ergotise, implying, as it were the oor, dear fellow! a vein of sophistry-A-i to Ins cruelty to Jean Mario, it must be forgiven hint it is not his nature, it is tho nature of hi- life. A man who deals with moiiev , my dear, is a man lost" With Jean-Marie the process of reconcilia tion hail lieeu somewhat slow. At first he was inconsolable, insisted on leaving the family, went fiom laroxysm to paroxysm of tears; and it was only after Anastasie had lieen clo-eted for an hour with him, alone, that she came forth, sought out the doctor, and, w ith tears iu her e-es, acquainted that gentleman with what had passed. "At fin-t my husband, he would hear of nothing, she said. "Imagine! if he had left us' what would the treasure be to that.' Horrible treasure, it has brought all this about! At last, after he has bobbed his very lieai t out, he agrees to stay on a condition we ar not to mention this matter, this infa mous su-picioii, not even to mention the rob Iterv On that agreement only, the poor, cruel liy will consent-to remain among his friend-." "But this inhibition," said the doctor, "this emlkargo it cannot possibly apply to me."' "To all of us, Anastasie assured him. ".My cherished one," Desprez protested, "you must have misunderstood. It cannot npply to me. He would naturally come to me." "Henri," she said, "it does; I swear to you it tllK-s." "This is a painful, a very painful circum stance," the doctor said, looking a little black. "I cannot affect, Anastasie, to be anything but justly wounded. I feel this, I feel it. my wife, acutely." "I knew you -would," she said. "But if you had seen his distress! We must make allowances, we must sacrifice our feelings." 1 'I trust, my dear, you have never found me nv er-e to sacrifices,"' returned the doctor very stitily. "And you will let me go and tell him that 1 you ha.-e agreed? It will le liko your noble ' nature," sho cried. ; So it would, he perceived it would le liko his noble nature! Up jumped his spirits, triumphant at the thought. "Go darling," he said nobly, "reassure him. The subject is buried; more I make an effort, I have accustomed my will to these exertions and it is forgotten." A little after, but still with swollen eyes and looking mortally sheepkh, Jean-Mario reappeared and went ostentatiously about his business. He was tho only unhappy mem ber of the party that sat down that night to siqqier. As for tho doctor, he was radiant. He thus sang the requiem of the treasure: ' "This has been, on the whole, a most amus ing episode." lie said. "We are not a penny the worse nay, we are immensely gainers. Our philosophy has leen exercised; some of the turtle is still left the most wholesome of delicacies: I have iny staff; Anastasie has her new dress; Jean-Marie is the proud K)s-s-s or of a fashionable kepi. Besides, wo had a glass of Hermitage last night: tho glow ' still suffuses my memory. I was growing ixitively niggardly with that Hermitage , Kisitively niggardly. Let me take the hint 1 We had one bottle to celebrate the nppear- ance of our visionary fortune; let us have a second to con-ole us for its occultation. The third I hereby dedicate to Jean-Marie'b wed ding breakfast CHAPTER VII. THE FALL OF TIIK HOUbE OF I)l"SrREZ. The doctor's house lias not "et received tho compliment of a description, and it is novr high time that the omission were supplied, for the liouse is itself an actor iu the storv-, and one w hose art is nearly at an end. Two stories in height, walls of a warm 3-elIow, tiles of an ancient ruddy with moss and lichen, it stood with one wall to the street in the angle of the doctor's propcrt3". It was roomy, draughty and in conveiiieut. The large ratters were here and theie engraven with rude minks and pat terns; the handrail of the stair was carved in countrified arabesque; a stout timlier pil lar, which did duty to support the dining room roof, Imre mysterious characters on its darker side, runes, according to the doctor; nor did he fail, when lie ran over tho legendary historv of the house and its os-se-sors, to dwell ujion the Scandinavian scholar who had left them. Floors, doors and rafters had made a great variety of angles; every room had a particular inclina tion; the gable had tilted toward the garden, after the manner of a leaning tower, and one of the form r proprietors had buttressed the building trom the side with a great strut of wood, like the derrick of a crane. Alto gether, it had many marks of ruin; it was a house for the rats to de-ert; und nothing but its excellent brightness the window glass polished and sinning, the paint Well scoured, the brasses radiant, the very prop I all wreathed about with climbing (lowers nothing, but its air of a well tended, smil ing veteran, sitting, crutch and all, iu the sunn corner of a garden, marked it as a house for comfortable. eoile to inhabit. In poor or uile management 11 wouiii soon nnve kguard stages of decay, family loved it, and the better inspired than when imaginary story and drew successive masters, from whom he had himself acquired it ata ruinous expense. As forauv alarm aliout its securitv , the idea had never presented itself. What had for ci'iituiies might well endure a little longer Indeed, ill this .articular winter, after the finding and losing of the treasure, the had an anxiety of a very ditrereiit order, and one which lay nearer their hearts. Jean-Mane was plainly not himself. He had fits ol hectic activity, when he made unusual exertions to please, soke more and luster, and redoubled his attention to his le-sons. But these were interrupted by spells of melancholia and brooding sie'iice, w lien tht bo was little better than unbearable. "Silence," the 1ik tor inoralicd "you see, Ana-tasie, w hat comes of silence. Had the lmy prop-rly unbo-oced him-elf, the little disapjMjiiitment almut the trea-ure. the little annoyance about Casimir's incivility, would long ago have I ecu foi gotten. As it is. they pie iihiii hun like a ui-ca-e. He lo-e- lle-li, his appetite Is variable, and, on the whole, impaired. I keep him on the strictest regi men, I exhibit the most powerful tonics; both in vain." "Don't vou think "on drug him to: muchf asked madame, with an irrepressible shudder. "Drug'" cried the doctor; "I drug: Ana stasie. 3-ou are mad!"' Time went on, and tho boy's health still slowl3" declined. The doctor blamed tho weather, which was cold and boisterous. Ho J called in his confrere from Bourron, took a fancy for him, magnified his capacity, and was prett3" soon under treatment himself it fccarcely nppeared for what complaint. He and Jean-Marie had eacli to take medicine at different eriods of the day. Tho doctor used to lie in wait for the exact moment, watch in hand. "There is nothing like regu larity,"' he would say, fill out tho doses, and dilate on the virtues of the draught; and if the boy seemed none the better, the doctor was not at all the worse. Gunpowder day the boy was particularly low. It was scowling, squally weather. Huge broken companies of clouds sailed swiftly overhead; raking gleams of sunlight swept the village, and were followed by in tervals of darkness and white, flying rain. At times tho wind lifted up its voice and bel lowed. The trees were all scourging them selves along the meadows, the last leaves fly ing like dust. The doctor, between the boy and the weather, was in his element; he had a theory to prove. He sat with his watch out and a barometer in front of him, waiting for the squalls and noting their effect upon -the human pulse. "For the true philosopher,' ho remarked delightedly, "every fact in na ture is a toy." A letter came to him, but as its arrival coincided with the approach of another gust he merely crammed it into his pocket, gave the time to Jean-Marie, and the next moment they were both counting their pulses as if for a wager. At nightfall tho wind rose into a tempest It besieged tho hamlet, apparently from every side, as if with batteries of cannon; tho houses shook and groaned; live coals were blown upon the floor. The uproar and terror of the night kept people long awake, sitting with pallid faces giving ear. It was 12 beore tne Desprez family retired. By 1:30, when the storm was already somo what past its height, the doctor was awak ened from a troubled slumber, and sat up. A noise still rang iu his cars, but whether of this world or the world of dreams he was not certain. Another clap of wind followed. It was accompanied by a sickening movement of the whole house, and in the subsequent lull Desprez could hear the tiles pouring like a cataract into the loft abovt. his head. He plucked Anastasie bodily out of bed. "Run!" he cried, thrusting some wearing apparel into her hands; "the house is falling! To the garden!" She did not pause to bo twice bidden; she was down tho stair in an instant. Sue had never before suspected herself of such activ ity. The doctor meanwhile, with the speed of a piece of pantomime business, and uude teri ed b- broken shins, proceeded to rout out Jean-Marie, tore Aline from her virgin slum !ers, seized her by the hand and tumbled down stairs and into the garden, with the girl tumbling liehind him, still not half uwake. The fugitives rendezvoused in the arlior by some common instinct Then came a bull's eye Hash of struggling moonshine, which disclosed their four figures standing huddled from the wind iu a ralllo of flying draper, and not without a considerable need for more. At the humiliating spectacle Anastasie clutched her night dre-s desperately about her and burst loudly into tears. Tho doctor flew to console her; but she elbowed him uway. Sho suspected everybody of being the general public, and thought tho darkness was alive with eyes. Another gleam and another violent gust arrived together; the house was seen to rock on its foundation, and, just as tihe light was once more ecnjisea. a crasii wiucii triumpbeil over the shouting of tho wind announced its fall, and for a moment the w hole garden was alive with skipping tiles and brickbats. Oue such missile grazed the doctor's ear; an other descended on the bare foot of Aline, who instantly made night hideous vv ith her shrieks. By this time the hamlet was alarmed, lights flashed from the windows, hails reached tho party, and tho doctor answered, nobly contending against Aline and the tempest But this prospect of help only awakened Anastasie to a more active stage of terror. "Henri, jveople will bo coming," she screamed in her husliand's ear. "1 trust so," he replied. "They cannot I would rather die," she wailed. "My dear,' said the doctor reprovingly, "you are excited. I gave -ou some clothes, What have you done with theinf "Oh, I don't know I must have thrown them away! Where are they.'"' she sohlxil. Desprez groped aliout in the darkm-s. "Admirable!" he remarked: "my gray vel veteen trousers! This w ill exactly meet your necessities." "Give them to me!" she cried fiercely; but as soon as she had them in her hands her mood apeared to alter she stood silent for a moment, and then pressed the garment back upon the doctor. "Give it to Aline," she said "loor girl." "Nonsense!" sa id the doctor. "Alino does not know what she is about Aline is be-n!o herslf with terror; and, at any rate, she is a peasant. Now I nut really concerned nt this exj-ui e for a erson of your housekeeping habits: my solicitude and your fantastic modesty both mint to the same remedy the pantnlo in--."' He held them ready. "It is inqiossible. You do not understand,' she said with dignity. By this time rescue was at hand. It had lieen found impracticable to enter by the sti eet, for the gate was blocked with masonry, and the nodding niin still threatened further avalanches. But between the doctor's gar den and the one on the right hand there was that very picturesque contrivance a com mon well; the door on tho Desprez' side had chanced to be unbolted; and now, through the arched ajierture, a man's bearded lace ami an arm stiporting a lantern were intro duced into the world of windy darkness, where Anastasie concealed her woes. Tho light struck hero and there among tho tossing apple bouglis, it glinted ofi tho grass; but the lantern and the glowing face became the center of the world. Anastasie crouched back from the intrusion. "This w a-!' shouted the man. "Are you nil sater Aline, still sci earning, tan to the new comer, and was presently hauled head fore most through the wall. "Now, Anastasie, come on, it'-our tuin,"' slid the hu-band. "I cannot," she replied. "Are we all to die of exposure, madame:' thundered l)r Desprez. "You can go!" she cried "Oh, go. go awa ' 1 can slay here; I tun quite waim." The doctor tool, her b the shoulders with an oath. "Slop!"' sin- screa111.1l. "I will j.ut them She took the detested leadings iu her hand once more, but her rcpul'iou was stronger than s;uiie. "Never!" &Le cried, shudder ing, and tiling them far aw a into the night Next moment the doctor had whirled bet to the well. The man was there and tho lan tern; Anastisie closed her eyes and apjieared to herself to lie about to die. How she was transKi ted through the arch she knew not; but once on the other side she vvas received by the neighbor's wife, and enveloped in a friendly blanket. Beds were made ready for the two women, clothes of very various sizes for the doctor and Jean-Marie; and for tho remainder of the night, while madame dozed in and out on tho borderland of hysterics, her husband sat be-ide the fire and held forth to the admiring neighbors. He showed them, at length, the causes of the accident; for yeais, he ex plained, the fall had been impending; one sign had followed another, the joints had ojiened, the plaster had erackled, the old walls bowed inward; last, not three weeks ago, tbe cellar door had begun to work with difficulty iu its grooves. "Tho cellar!" ho said, gravely shaking his head over a glassof mulled wine. "That reminds me of my poor vintages. By a manifest Providence tho Hermitage was nearly at an end. One bot tle 1 lose hut 0110 bottle of that incompara ble wine. It had been set apart against Jean Marie's wedding. "Well, I must lay down some more; it will be nn interest m life. I am, however, a man somewhat advanced in years. My great work is now buried in tho fall of my humble roof; it will never be com pletedmy namo will havo been writ in water. And -et 3-011 find me calm I would say cheerful. Can 3-our priest do more;' By the first glimjse of tho day the party sallied forth from the fireside into the street. The wind had fallen, but still charioted a world of troubled clouds; the air bit like frot; and tho party, as they stood about tho ruins in the rainy twilight of tho morning. beat upon their breasts and blew into their hands lor warmth. Tho house had entirely fallen, the walls outward, the roof in; it vvas a mere heap of rubbish, with hero and there a forlorn qicar of broken rafter. A sentinel was placed over tap ruins to protect tho property, and tho party adjourned to Ten taillon's to break their fast at the doctor's expense. The bottle circulated somewhat freely; and before they left the table it had begun to snow. For three days the snow ctntinued to fall, and the ruins, coveted with tarpaulin and watched by sentries, were left undisturlied. The Desprez' meanwhile had taken up their abode at Tentaillon's. Madame spent her time in the kitchen, concocting little delica cies, with tho admiring aid of Mine. Tentail lon, or sitting b the fire in thoughtful ab straction. The fall of the house affected her wonderfully little; that blow had been par ried by another; and in her mind sho was continually lighting over again tho battle of the trousers. Had sho done right! Had sho done wrong And now sho would applaud her determination; and anon, with a horrid flush of unavailing penitence, she would re gret the trousers. No juncture in her life had so much exercised her judgment In the meantime the doctor had become vastry pleased with the situation. Two of tho sum mer boarders still lingered behind tho re-t, prisoners for lack of a remittance; they vv ei o both English, but one of them spoke French pretty fluently, and was, besides, a humor ous, agile minded fellow, with w horn the doc tor could leasou by the hour, securo of com prehension. Many were tho glasses they emptied, many the topics they discussed. "Anastasie," the doctor said on the third morning, "take an example from your bus band, from Jean-Marie. The excitement has done more for the boy than all my tonics, he takes his turn as sentry with positive gu-to. As for me, you behold me. I have made friends with tbe Eg-ptianj; and my Pharaoh is, I swear it, a most agreeable companion. You alone are hipped. About a house a few dresses? What are theT in. comDarison to tno fimrmacopoeia' tho labor ot years tying buried below stones and sticks in this depressing hamlet J The snow falls; I shake it from ury cloak! Imitate me. Our income will be impaired, I grant it, since we must re build; but moderation, patience and philoso phy v.'ll gather about tho hearth. In the meanwhile, the Tcntaillons are obliging; the tablo, with your additions, will pass; only the wine is oxecrable well, I shall send for some to-day. My Pharaoh will be gratified to drink a decent glass; aha! and I shall see if lie possesses the acme of organization a, ialate. If he has a palate, hois perfect" "Henri," she said, shaking her head, "you are a man; you cannot understand my feel ings; no woman could shake off the memory of so public a humiliation." The doctor could not restrain a titter. "Pardon me, darling," he said; "but really, to the philosophical intelligence, the incident ujqiears so small a trifle. You looked ex tremel well" "Henri !' she cried. "Well, wll, I will say no more." he re plied, Though, to be sure, if -ou had con sented to indue A proHs," he broke off, "and 1113- u.iiisers' They are lying iu the siiow 1113- favorite tiousersf" And he dashed iu quest of Jean-Marie. Two hours afterward the loy returned to tiie inn with a spad under one arm and a cm ious sop of clothing under tbe other. The doctor ruefully took it iu his hands. "The3- have been!" ho said. "Their tense is past. Excellent pantaloons, you are no morel Sta ! bomething 111 the pocket," and he pro duced a piece ot paper. "A letter! a', now I mind me; it wus received on the morning of the gale, when I was absorlied indelicate investigations. It is still legible. From jioor. dear Casimir! It is as weH," he chuckled, "that I have educated him to wtience. Poor Casimir and his eon espondence his infini tesimal, tiinoio;:.., idiotic correspondence!" He had b this time cautiously unfolded the wet letter; but, as he bent himself to de cipher the writing, a cloud descended on his brow. "Bigref he cried, w ith a galvanic start. And then the letter vvas whipped into tho fire, and the doctor's cap was 011 his head iu the turn of a hand. "Ten minutes! I can catch it, if I run," he cried. "It is ulwuys late. I go to Paris. 1 shall telegraph." "Henri! what is wrong?" cried his wife. "Ottoman bonds!'' came from the disap--icaring doctor; and Anastasie and Jean Marie were left face to face with the wet trousers. Desprez hail gone to Paris, for the second time in seven 3 ears, he had gone to Paris with a air of wooden shoes, a knitted spencer, a black blouse, a country nightcap, and tvwiitv Irani-, in his pocket The fall of the house was but a secondary marvel; the whole world might havo fallen and scarce left his family more petrified. CHAPTER VIII. THE WAGES OK PHILOSOPHY. On the morning of tho next day the doc tor, a mere specter of himself, was brought back in the eiistody of Casimir. They found Anastasie and the boy sitting together by tho fire; and Despici, who had exchanged his toilet for a ready made rig out of oor mate rials, waved his hand as he entered and sunk rHcfhIes on the nearest chair. Madame turned iliicet to Casimir. "What is vviimg J" sho cried. Well,' replied Casimir, "what have I told you all along It has come. It is u clean shave this time; so you may as well bear up and make tho liest of it. House dow u, too, aif Bail luck, uon iny soul." "Are we are we ruinedf she gasped. The doctor stretched out his arms to her. "Ruined. he replied, "you are ruined by your sinister husband." Casimir observed the consequent embrace through his eveglass; then he turned to Jean Mari. "You hear!'' he said. "They are ruined; no more pickings, no more house, no more fat cutlets. It strikes me, my friend, that you had best be packing; the present speculation is about worked out" And he nodded to him meaningly. "Never!" cried Desprez, springing up. "Jam-Marie, if -ou prefer to leave me, now that I am poor, you can go; you shall receive your bundled francs, if so much remains to me. But if you will consent to stay" tho doctor wept "Casimir offers me a place as clerk," he resumed. "Tho emoluments are slender, but they will be enough for three. It is too much all eady to have lost my for tune; must I lose my son!" Jean-Marie sobbed bitterly, but without a word. "1 don't like boys who cry," observed Casi mir. "This 0110 is always crying. Here! -ou clear out of this for a little; 1 have business with "our master and mistress, and theso domestic feelings may be settled ufter 1 am gone. March''' and he held the door open. Jean-Mai ie slunk out, like a detected thief. By V2 they were all at the table but Jcan Marie. "Hey:"' said Casimir. "Gone, you see. look the hint at once " "I do not, I confess," said Desprez, "I do not seek to excuse his absence. It speaks of want of heart that disappoints 1110 sorely." "Want of manners'," corrected Casimir. "Heait. ho never had. Why, Desprez, for a clever fellow, you are the most gullible mortal iu creation. Your lgnoranco of human na ture and human business is beyond belief. You are swindled by heathen Turks, swindled by vagabond children, swindled right and left, up stairs and down stairs. I think it must be your imagination, I thank my stars I have none." "Pardon me," replied Desprez, still hum bly, but with a return of spirit at sight of a distinction to bo drawn; "pardon me, Casi mir. You possess, even to an eminent de gree, the commercial imagination. It was the lack of that in me it nppeais it is my weak jRjint that lias led to these rejieated shocks. By the commercial imagination the financier forecasts the destiny of bis invest ments, marks the falling house" "Kgad," interrupted Casimir; "our friend tho stablo boy appears to have his share of it." The doctor was silenced; and tho meal was continued and finished principally to the tune of the brother-in-law's not very consolatory eonversntion. He entirely ignored the two young English painters, turning a blind eye glass to their salutations, and continuing his remarks as if he were alone in tho bosom of his family; and with every second word ho ripjied another stitch out of the air balloon of Desprez' vanity. By the timo coffee was over tho poor doctor vvas as limp as a napkin. "Let us go and see the niins," said Casimir. They strolled forth into the street Tho fall of the house, like the loss of a front tooth, had quite transformed the village. Through the gap the eye commanded a great stretch of open snowy country, and the placo shrunk in comparison. It was like a room with an ox?n door. Tho sentinel stood by tho green gate, looking very red and cold, but he had a pleasant word for the doctor and his wealthy kinsman. Casimir looked at the mound of ruins, he tried the quality of tho taqwulin. "H'm," he said, "I hope the cellar arch lias stood. If it has, my good brother, I will give you a good price for the wines.' "We shall start digging to-morrow," said the sentry. "There is no more fear of snow." "My friend," returned Casimir senten tiously, "you had better wait till you get paid." Tho doctor winced, and began dragging his offensive brother-in-law toward Tentail lon's. Iu the house there would be fewer auditors, and these alread' in the secret of his fall. "Halloo," cried Casimir, "there goes tbo stadle boy with his luggage; no, egad, he is taking it into the inn."' And sure enough, Jean-Marie was seen to cross the snowy street and enter Tentaillon's, staggering under a large hamper. The doctor stopped with a sudden, wild hope. "What can he havel" he said. "Let us go and see." And he hurried on. "His luggage, to be sure," answered Casimir. "He is on tho move thanks to the commercial imagination." "I have not seen that hamper for forever so long," remarked the doctor. "Nor will 'ou see it much longer," chuckled Casimir, "unless, indeed, we interfere. And, b3r the vva3, I insist on an examination." "You vvHl not require," said Desprez, pos itively, with a sob; and, casting a moist, tri umphant glance at Casimir, he began to run. "What the devil is up with him, I won der!' Casimir leflected; and then, curiosity taking the upper hand, he followed the doc tor's example and took to his heels. The hamper was so heavy and large, and Jean-Marie himself so little and so weary, that it had taken him a great while to bundle it up stairs to tho Desprea' private room, and he had just set it down on the floor in front of Anastasie when the doctor arrived, and was closely fallowed bs the man of busi Don't Wait Until your hair becomes dry, thin, and gray before giving the attention needed to preserve its beaut and vitality. Keep on your toilet-table a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor the only dressing you require for the hair and use a little, daily, to preserve the natural color and prevent baldness. Thomas Mtinday, Sharon Grove, Ky., writes: "Several months ago my hair commenced falling out, and in a few weeks my head was almost bald. I tried many remedies, but they did no good. I finally bought a bottle of Ayer'a Hair Vigor, and, after using only a part of the contents, my head was covered with a heavy growth of hair. I recom mend your preparation as the hair restorer in the world. " My hair vvas faded and dry," writes Mabel C. Hardy, of Delavan. III.; "but after using a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor it became black and glossy." Ayer's Hair Vigor, Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. Pimples and Blotches, So disfiguring to the face, forehead, and neck, may be entirely removed by the use of Ayer's Sursaparlllu, the best and safest Alterative and Blood-Purifier ever discovered. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by O.ugiHt-. $1. nit bottle) for $i. ness. Voy ana namper were both in a most sorry plight, for the one had passed four months underground in a certain cave on the way to Acheres, and tbe other had run about five miles as hard as his legs would carry him, half that distance under a staggering weight "Jean-Marie," cried the doctor, in a voice that was only too seraphic to be .idled hys terical, "Is it: It is!"' he cried. "Oh, my son, my son!" And he sat down uou the hamper and sobbed like a little child. "You will not go to Paris, now," said Jean Marie, sheepishly. "Casimir," said Desprez, raising his wet face, "do you see that boy, that angel boy.' He is the thief; he took the treasure from a man unfit to be intrusted with its use; he brings it back to me when I am sobered and humbled. These, Casimir, are the Fruits of my Teaching, and this moment is the Re ward of my Life." "Tiens," said Casimir. THK KND. Saah "Weight from Tin Caus. Tbero is no secret about the process. Tho only thing is to haro a proper sized furnace and to get up a sufficient heat. The business has developed of late, but manufacturers say the margin of profit is bmall It costs more to melt the 6craps than common iron. Chips ready for tho furnace cost r"7 a ton. The sash weights Croduced are of a superior quality Tho usiness is. like the case of old rubber, an illustration of tho use of wasto material. The tin can companies and other manu facturers of tin goods formerly dumped hundreds of tons into space, but now these scraps aro utilized, and the irrespon sible small boy works tho ash fields to his profit in companionship with tho blithe some goat. Commercial Bulletin. For Recording an Earthquake. The model of an earthquake is a unique piece of apparatus that has been con structed by a Tokio seismologist. Pa tiently and laboriously following out the accurate records of a modern seismo graph. Piofessor Sekiya has succeeded in shaping a long coil of copper wire bo as to represent, with the utmost precision, the intricate path described by a shaken spot of tho earth's surface. The model magnifies fifty times the ground's ab solute motion during seventy-two sec onds, and lesembles a ball of twin un wound and thrown down in a confused heap Numbered tags show the progress of the shock for each second of time. New Orleans Picayune. Rack leu's Al-nii-a Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price A") cents per box. For sale 1 Dowty A Becher. jul117 (iood and ijtiiokl seldom meet. The Commercial Travelers Protective Association of the United States, has a membership or over sixteen thousand and is probably the strongest association of the kind iu the world. Mr. John It. Stone, their national secretary and treas urer, 7D Dearlione street, Chicago, in a letter states that ho has lieen severely troubled al times, for the past twenty years, witli cramp and bilious colic which would compel him to take to his bed from three to six da.s while in M. Louis at their last annual meeting he procured a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhaa Remedy and lias since used it with the best results. It is the only remedy he ever found that ef fected a rapid and complete cure. No one can safely travel without it. Sold by Dowty V- Becher. It is better to be the head of a lizard than tho tail of a lion. An Ah-nlute ,'nre. Tho ORIGINAL ABIETIXK OINT MENT is only put up in large two-ounce tin boxes, and is an absolute cure for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands and all kinds of skin eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Aak for the ORIGINAL ABITINE OINTMENT Sold by Dowty .t Becher at 2o cents per lovby mail 30 cents. niarTv A feather in hand is better than a bird in the air. The Iaciiger Department Of tho Union Pacific, '-The Overland Route," has gotten out a fly-bill design ed to call attention to tho Hummer re sorts along the lino of this railway. It is a good bill and tourists, pleasure seekers, sportsmen and fishermen should apply at once to J. S. Tebbets, General Passenger agent, Omaha, Neb., for in formation in regard to the points of in terest along the line, before deciding where they will spend the summer sea son, or vacation holidays. 3tf The royal crown cures not the head ache. a Ciiidit iii.i ii .ti AiivIki '. i.u. eatel a ! this kind of v.-(,.;li -r "'- advt.-e on;- readers to pur cll.'ife of l-;tv .V l).-'ijer a bottle of SA.NTA M'di:. Ur fibrillin Ming of Consumption. Asiu'tn. lirfinchiti". Coughs nr.l On .tip l "tires, ami keep it hand. Ti pleiMi'g to the taste .ml death to the aie-iCi,iint.-. Sold ill Sl.'e) a lw'tle or i for '-'.:!. CALIF l Nl OVi" !. ('UK', gives re .ef. 'the cnt.urit virus l- .-o.n displaced by its healing ami penetrating uatuie. tine it a trial. Six months treatment t'1.00, sent by mail SLID. A flatterer's throat is an open sepulchre. The Importing LINCOLN, IMItHCTKI. OK Pure-bred French Draft (Percheron or Norman) AND ENGLISH SHIRE HORSES. tMti- uttt4 AtrUtmn 1 all all A uir lirtw ur -vrivl forrtkIufUt? RICHLY REWARDED auo r.-ud thin and are tin -re I then -i.-l. the Vbjll had limiorulile t'l plowneut tlmt will nut take tliem trom their lioui.-t itml fiimilier.. The profit, are luree and sure for evvrj industrious l-rs!i, uma have innile Mini are now milking revenil hundred ilolhirr. a uiontli. Itineasj tin". on.ti make $. and upwuril i-r il.iv. who is uillini; to work. Kitliersex, 01:111: or old: cat -t a I not needed, we otart ou. Kvertliiti ne. No fial Hbilitv required; ou, reader, ean ! it um well ns any oue. Write to iim at once t.i full pnrtirul.irs. which we free. Addm. Stiusou A Co.. Portland, "lie. dec'Js. Kiifdinh Spavin Liniment removo.i till hard, oft or callottsetl lumps ami Idetn i.shos from horses; Moml spavin, curbs, splints, swecney, riii-bone, stifles, sprains, all swolen throats, coiiyhs. etc. Save ?TI Mi use of one hot tie. Warranted. Sold by V. U. Stillman. ilrujist. (' tinibtis. (' lv He is a fool that makes a wedge of his fist. Daily excursions have been arranged for over the Union Pacific I'ailwti. ti San Francisco, San Diejro, C'olton. Lns Angeles. Sail Benin nl inn ami S:ui Jose, j California, also to Portland. Oregon, at j .-hmiw tor 1 ne round trip. neKets are good ft) days for the oing passage and good for the return trip for six months from clato of bale, with the usual sto-i-over privileges 111 both directions within j these limits. These tickets are also good i by way of Denver and Stilt Lake City in ' each direction. The Agent, Mr. J. 11. Meagher, tells us quite a number are' thinking of making the trip soon, and it would lie well for those intending to go, in select parties to see him ami arrange for their accommodations. Mr. J. I. Frawley. Traveling Agent. Union Pacific, at Omaha, is arranging for these select parties, and will be glad to give any fur , tlier information in regard to these ex cursions. Parties who prefer can cor res IMind with Mr. J. P. . T. A.. Omaha, Nob. If the statT be crooked the .slmiluw cannot be straight. On and after April LI'th. the da coaches on the Union Pacific's No. :.. known as the "Overland Flyer," will be taken off, to better enable it to make time. This will adil largelv tothepopu larity that has already been gained b.v this fast, train. Aftor that date it will carry only passengers holding first-class tickets, tit points where I he train makes regular stops, between ('..iim-il Bluffs and Ogden. Such passengers must pur chase tickets for seats or berths 111 Pull man sleepers, before entering the cars, tr Happier are the hands compassed vith iron than a heart with tliou-'ht:). liartlelil I'.ianrli. On the (treat Salt Lake near Salt Luke City, on the Union Pacific. "Tin? Over land Route," will be formally opened lo the public on Decoration day. May .'Oth. Ample accommodations have been pro vided, and the Pacific hotel compaii will hare charge of the hotel accommo dations at this famous resort under the 1 supervision of the Union Pacific raihvuv No pains or expense have been spared lo I make this . summer resort of the west. It is only eighteen miles from Salt Lake City on the Utah.V Nevada branch oF the . Union Pacific. Trains will be run at rreijitent intervals dailv between Salt LakeCitvand the Beach. Cheap trams. good baths, and excellent meals will be among the attractions. "'If Folly grows without watering. Worth Know in;. Mr. W. II. Morgan, merchant. Lake City, Fla., was taken with a severe cold, attended with a distressing cough and running into consumption in its first btnges. He tried many so-called popit lar cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was reduced in flesh, diffi culty iu bieatlung and was unabl to Bleep. Finally tried Dr. King's Xew Uiscovery for consumption ami found immediate r lief, and after using about a half dozen bottle found himself well and has had no return of the di&c.t-e. No other remedy can show -o grand a record of cures, as Dr. King's New- Dis covery for consumptu.u guaranteed to do jiibt what is claimed for it, Tn.d bottle free at Dowty ,fc PeeherV. drug store. Thursday come, and the week is gone. Habitual Constipation And kidney ttnd liver ills, depending on a weak and inactive condition of the kid neys, liver or bowels, are successfully and permanently cured only by the use of the gentle yet effective laxative and ( diuretic, Syrup of Figs. Its advantages aro evident; it is eas taken, pleasing to the taste, acceptable to the stomach, harmless to tho most delicate system, and truly beneficial in effect. For sale onlv bv Dowtv k Becher. There is a grettt sweet command. force hidden in a I"e:ic.v- Iter Youth. .Mrs. i'hu-be 'hesley. IVlern.m. ('!: .'oiuitv. Iowa, tells the following lem irk abh stor. tin truth of which i- von. -I: ed for bv tin residents o: th tov. a I'll! 7"' .! old. have be.-tl tro:tle-.l with kidne . ompkiitit .Old lameueib for m.itiv ve.:rs- i..n!.l i.i it dre.-s ii. .-elt without help. Now I am fie. from all p.nn ami t-oicm s. ami am iible to do .ill in own housework. I owe mv th.nks ii, ! I. tit. IJitters for having leiiewed m vomit, .iiin' icmoved com plolelv al! disease and pain." Tr .1 Lottie, 5() cents ami SI at Down .V liecher's drugstore. Valor that parleys ia never yielding. Draft Horse Co. NEBRASKA. NKBRA9KA FAMILY : JOURNAL A Weekly Newspaper issued" every Weilne.silav. .'2 ('t'luiiiii.s of re:ulhi matter, ron- siliiiol' Nebraska State News Items, Selected Stories and Miscellany. '.iuiile ropies Mut fur to mi) sJ.tre-.-. Subscription price. $1 a year, in Advance. Address M. K. Tr iiNi: .V ('., Columbus, te C.i.. Nehr LOUIS SCHKKIBKK. Ill All kinds of Kepairin done Was on Short Notice. Bii-r-r Kii'T'rie.s. ons, etc., made to and all work anteed. order, (in. ir Also sell the world-famous Walter A. Wood Mowers. Reapers, Combin ed Machines, Harvesters, and Self-binders the best made. tSTShop opposite the 4Tatter3all," on iillve St.. COLUMBUS. 'Xi-m Health is Wealth ! Oh. K. I. West's Nfhvk m Hkvim 1'hfvi ion r, h K'UHrrintet-il Knerifie for lljr.lerm, Oizzi liect.. Convilltious, FUb, "SiTMHln NuimlKln. Ileuilaelie. Nervoim I'rimtratione-uii-tsI hv then? I of iileohol or tolmcco, Vnkftiluetra Mental V"" j .re-.nioii, Softenuik; of the Hmin reiultinx 111 111 Kimt) ami leiuhni; to miMry, tlei-H. nuil ilwitli. I I'reiimtiire OM An. Barrenm-Mi. Lose of over . 111 .illn-r r-.-a. Involuntary Losmi-m ami Si.eriiimt orrhn 1 cnif.e.1 lij over-exertion of t!. Ijnun.-t.-lt nl.ii!-.- or mcr iiululeuce. karri lxx ron'mii. ou month'r. treatment. Jt.OOa bo, orxn !. f.r$r..U),Mnt lj mail prepani on receipt of prn-o , WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES 1 o rnre anj ease. W ith each order reeeiixl t w Tor nix Ixixerf. accompanied with 3"i.t"). ue will rend the piirelinMT our written KiiRrunt.-e tore fund the money if tht treatment duet not efli-ct a cure. Hiinmnttfrt ihited onlv !, Ilontv , livelier. ilnimciVtH, bo! iiKentn, ( oluniliiiri, .Nel il.i,V7j DSHENDERSON .09 & lit W. Ninth St.. KANSAS CITY. MO The only Specialist in the City who is a Regular Graduate in Medicine Over I'O years' I'ractie. 12 years in Chicago. THE OLDEST IN AGE, AND LONGEST LOCATED. Authorized by the State to treat Cliroiiic.Nervotiaand "Jspecinl Ins eases." Seminal Weakness miht toiwj .Sexual Debility !' mmil prer), Nerv-ou iH-billty. PoiMineil moocl.tIcersamlS".elIluic'f'vrry kluil. Urinary InseaMe!. anil iu fm t. all troubles or diseases in cither mate or female. Cures i:iiaruue-l 1 nr money refunded. Charges low. Thousands ol cases cured, "experience is important. Allmedi 1 cints are guaranteed to be pure and etHi-aciou. ibeiiiK compounded in my perfectly apioiutsl laboratory, and are furnished ready for um. No running to drug stores to have uncertain pie Hcriptions tilled. No mercury or injurious uiwti I lines used. Nodetentinn from business, l'atieuti 1 at 11 distance treated by letter and express, mrdi I cities (tent everywhere free from gaze or break 1 age. State your case unit send for terms ton sultation free and contidential, personally or by letter A M page DfYl"r For Both Sexeu. sent Illustrated iJUvllk s.-alrd in plain cm elope ion.e in slumps, i-.very male, irom tho ue n 11 to-T., should read this book. RHEUM AT IS THE GflUT TURKISH RHEUMATIC CURE. A POSITIVE CntK wr RHhl'MATP-'M 0 $50 fur any r.- thW tr-ftiu.Qt fail to I cure or b-Ip. frtnti ducorrrf ia a&aN I f EwJiciiir' One tlo-M? Rite rflif . & JVw I ilovi remove- prer anil ro m joiit Curr corarjlrtr-l in . to 7 d S-td-I stare I rTit of caK- tth itun for ''ircularj. i an. or fcllreM Dr.HEN0ERSON,l09W.9thSt..KtntatCity.Mo. bs'sr'i'.Co'i5. Wr-B run chit s.- s"v- L. I 1 IM LrO C3old n VU Se-V-lJor Ce.i-culjr.s5l trkHlt3 far 9,. ABlErlNEMCfficoloOTJLLiCAL ; y- T7 - 1 m SMTUBIE CIT-R CURE tORHAM-'IiY rOW3?r 4fc I1ECHER. Trade aprliJ by the H. T. Clabk Detjo Co., Lincoln, Nab. .caiiS-ly. BlacKsiiiitn iiud WaaouMaKer -J-T'ol 717. i aiiAtri I P"l":l8iBTRiTME! 1T 1 Avi a r K 1 HQP! I-1M - 7rrHiKft U TM-1 1 mm I 1 -:6 mo j. vrr thcon ly- Tl 12 Br tiyuV CAy cure qwcitcuLA ATARRH MqiNEfOCaVQK0VlLLE CAL I s