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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1883)
fe 3 i ' THE JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY, MAT 23, 1883. Dduikg the past year 22,255 immi grants landed in Canada. Three hundred Americans are re ported to be studying art in Paris. It is claimed that there are 400,000 opium-eaters in the United States. The balance in the U. S. treasury on the 11th was nearly $180,000,000. Chas. L. Howell has been appoint ed postmaster at Grand Island, Neb. President Arthur has appointed James Fletcher, of Iowa, consul at Genoa. Eight hundred emigrants sailed the other day from Galway, Ireland, for Boston. The issue for standard silver dol lars from mints for la9t week was $165,000. Three thousand four hundred and fifteen emigrants left Queenstown May 11th for America. Thirtv-three national banks have been organized in Nebraska with a capital invested of $2,310,000. TROors and police were ordered last week in haste from Aldershot to the Curragh camp in Ireland. Eleven buildings, including ihe poetoffice at Vienna, Ohio, were con sumed the other night by fire. A man in Fremont, Nebraska, has shipped sixty cars of seed corn into Iowa and Illinois, this spring. A heavy storm was reported last week in the Black Hills, snow falling more than twelve inches deep. Postmaster Burgess of Prince ville, HI., has been arrested for a $1,700 shortage in his accounts. John Dalton has been arrested at Boston for robbing residences, which he entered disguised as a priest. Seven business houses were burned the other day at Hamilton, Out., and S. R. Lennox perished in the flames. A large meeting of Bradlaugh's constituents resolved last week that he should retain his seat in the Com mons. There arrived at New York Satur day of last week 4,301 immigrants, and the number for the week was 15,350. Italy produces moro silk than China, and the iwo nations furnish nearly three-quarters of the world's supply. The Philadelphia musical festival ended amid great enthusiasm one evening last week, the receipts reach ing $25,000. The greatest female land owner in England is Baroness Willoughby d'Evesby, who has an income of $250, 000 from land. The first through train on the new Chicago, St. Louis and Pittsburg railroad (Paubaudle route) was run on the 14th inst. Big fire in EaBt St. Louis the other morning, consuming twenty - two email shops and dwellings, involving a loss of $50,000. R. J. Perigo shot and killed John Hidinger the other day near Prescott, Iowa. He claimed he did the shoot ing in self-defense. The bank of Towseend North, at Vassar, Mich., was burglarized the other night, the safe blown open, and $4,000 in specie taken. The Standard oil works at Jersey City were struck by lightning the other day and a million dollars worth of property destroyed. E. L. Stumm, of Harlan, Iowa, com mitted suicide the other morning by cutting his throat with his pocket knife. No cause given. The stables of Mr. Wilkinson, liv ing not far from St. Louis, were burn ed the other day. Threo children perished in the flames. Four hundred aud fifty thousand miles of thread arc made each day in American mills. Thirty years ago all the thread was imported. Mr. Kuntz, a York Co., Neb., farmer, sold ninety-nine head of cattle the other day which averaged 1,418 pounds and brought $8,500. Amasa Stone, one of the most prominent and wealthy citizens of Cleveland, committed Buicide by shooting himself through the heart. Joseph Mullett was convicted at Dublin last week of complicity in the attempt to murder juror Field, and was sentenced to -penal servitude for life. Bullion decreased in the Bank of England last week 462,000; in the Bank of France, 2,212,000 francs, and in the Bank of Germany 907,000 marks. John Bengamen, of Burt Co., Neb., a very respectable citizen aged about 70 years committed suicide at Golden Springs, one day last week, by taking poison. The Mexican Chamber of Deputies has passed a bill authorizing the Pres ident to negotiate a $20,000,000 loan for the current expenses of the gov ernment. Five hundred gamblers were com pelled last week to leave Nashville, Tenn. In a public square in the city $5,000 worth of sporting paraphernalia was burned. Chas. Seihert, living near Grand Island, was found dead the other afternoon on the prairie near his home. The body was badly burned by prairie Are. Eleven hundred head of cattle, big and little, recently purchased in Mis souri paesea inrougn Aancoin tue other day bound for Butler county's ' green pastures. Ward McConkey, who on the night of Aug. 2d, '81, murdered George A. McClure, in the Dead Man's Hollow, ear McKeesport, Pa., where he had followed McConkey in pursuit of stolen goods, was banged at Pittsburg, 1 Pa.j the other morning. Secretary Lincoln the other day paid over $125,000 to the heirs of Gen. Lee. Congress appropriated $150,000 but Mr. Lincoln retained $25,000 on account of taxes. Persons should not now throw slurs at the state of Pennsylvania. A Pennsylvanian is eating five goose eggs a day, and bets $100 that he can do it for twenty days. The fall Methodist Episcopal church conferences will be held in Nebraska as follows, Bishop Wylie will preside : At Lincoln, Sept 5th. North Nebras ka, at Omaha, Sept. 12th. The town of Rock near Milwaukee was visited by a tornado, moving several buildings from their founda tions and doing great damage to orchards in the vicinity. Major Wasson, U. S. Paymaster, who reported himself robbed of $24, 000 and afterwards confessed to his own guilt, was led to his downfall, it is claimed, by fast living. Sixty-one head of Jersey cattle brought $32,080 at New York the other day. The King of Ashantee sold for the highest figures ever ob tained at auction $6,500. An epidemic has broken out among the horses at Riverton, Neb., which is called the "black tongue." Three horses have died and others are in a condition to soon follow. It is charged by the Yankton press that several members of the Dakota legislature have been indicted by the grand jury for alleged bribery jn the passage of the capital bill. Chas. Lyman, chief of the treasury office, has been selected chief examin er of the civil service commi6sion,vice Keim, whose name was withdrawn at the request of the commissioners. J. Brown, station agent and also agent for the American Express Co at Williams, Iowa, suicided the other afternoon by shooting himself. The supposed cause is trouble with his accounts. A hurricane swept through the Lehigh and Wyoming valleys the other night, mowing down trees and turning over everything in its way. At Stony Creek a freight train was overturned. A heavy vein of gas was struck at the depth of 1,310 feet at the Brilliant well near Wheeling, W. Va., the oth er day. There is another gas well of large flow at Wellsburg, some dis tance north of Wheeling. Rev. Dr. W. W. McLane, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church of Steubenville, Ohio, was last week found guilty of heresy, after a long church trial at Wellsville, and sus pended from the ministry. Bishop Peck, of the M. E. church, is confined to his bouse at Syracuse, N. Y., and much of the time to his bed, but is enjoying in perfect peace the twilight of a happy old age, ex pecting soon to pass away. An old Indian fighter says there is a peculiar condition of Arizona atmos phero, which makes an Indian behind a rock, with a Winchester rifle, look like seven Indians a double-barreled, repeating Indian, as it were. Miss Addie Bennett, of New Al bany, has been appointed telegraph operator and assistant railway agent at Jasper, Ind., and Miss Fannie Fow ler, also a New Albany girl, has been appointed railway agent at Milltown by the same company. Gov. Butler has requested the national government to take steps to prevent the landing by England of Irish paupers on the soil of Massa chusetts. The governor's correspon dence with Secretary Folger has been referred to the secretary of state. Paymaster J. R. Wasson denies his shortage is due to gambling. He claims it was in the nature of a forced loan from the government for sixty days to float his father during a tem porary mercantile embarrassment, and then reimbursed through the con science fund. It is claimed that there are in Ohio 14,000 drinking saloons that have hitherto paid $25 license each year to the United States, but not a cent to the state. By a recently enacted law they will be compelled to pay a state license, the net proceeds of which will be $2,000,000 annually. Jerome J. Getty, an engineer on the Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Paul & Omaha road last week run into a cow on the track near Florence, Neb., which ditched the engine and two other cars over a bank about twenty feet high. Getty remained at his post to the the laat, and was killed in the wreck. Mrs. Lydia Brownell, of Omaha, to hurry up her fire to get supper and bake bread, took a can of coal oil and poured some of the contents on the fire which ignited and an explosion followed, throwing the burning fluid all over the woman and burning her so terribly that she only lived a few hours after the accident Joe Brady was hanged last week at Dublin. Though the people could not witness the execution, at least 10,000 persons gathered outside the prison yard ; at the time of his execu tion the black flag was raised over the jail and at the cry of HatB off," every head was uncovered. The crowd shortly afterwards dispersed quietly. A cyclone visited Racine, Wiscon sin, on the morning of the" 18th, deal ing out death and destruction. Twenty-five or more persons were killed and one hundred wounded. One hnndred and fifty houses were de molished. At 10 p. m. tho storm struck Stanton, III., blowing over and crushing houses and killing the in mates. The same cyclone passed throngh Morgan and Sangamon coun ties, 111., with like results to citizens and property. The same results at Clinton and Litchfield, 111., which is said to be the severest storm that ever visited the state. In its course mil lions of dollars of value in orchards lone have been destroyed. J TkeSt: The cyclones or tornadoes of last week were unusualiy severe and ac complished their destructive work in various parts of the country, visiting portions of Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, O hio and Virginia. The Iobs of property at Kansas City is estimat ed between $250,000 and $300,000. Fifty buildings were blown down and two hundred more badly damaged, killing several persons and wounding a large number, some of them fatally. In the path of the storm through Mis souri, it was very severe, destroying some lives and a vast amount of prop erty. The town of Oronogo was totally destroyed and a number of persons killed. At Liberty, Mo., sev eral houses were destroyed and others badly damaged. Farm houses were blown down, fences destroyed and trees uprooted. Near Balckow, Mo., several farm houses, barns, orchards and other property in the vicinity were destroyed and some persons killed. Some singular freaks of the wind at Kansas City are reported: It blew and literally tore the clothes from the body of one man, stripping him almost to his underclothing; a lady was sitting at a piano in the second story of a house ; the wind lifted the upper part of the house and left her seated in the open air unhurt, and the instrument undisturbed. Where the storm crossed Wyandotte county, the loss is estimated at $40,000. Near Wyandotte, at the Reed family home, Mies Reed and one child were killed. The storm at Sontbport, Indiana, was very severe, destroying property valued at $10,000. At this place the M. E. church was crushed to ruins. Hardly one brick was left upon an other. With a whirl the hurricane crossed the railroad track and struck the Presbyterian church lifting the east half of the roof into the air, and landed it across the street. The wallB were somewhat sprung, and the build ing badly damaged. At Muucie, Ind., the storm did great damage by demolishing barns, unroofing houses, and uprooting val uable timber. Farmers are greatly distressed. At Richmond, the storm was terrific, producing like resnlts in the way of the destruction of prop erty as at other places where it struck. At Cairo, 111., Petersburg, Va., Gal veston, Tex., Norfolk, Va., and Lafay ette, Ind., the storm turned into frozen pebbles and boulders, and did its damage to property all the same. At Lafayette a horse and rider were struck by hail stones as large as hen's eggs and knocked senseless. At Cairo the hail stones measured nine inches in circumference, and weighed 0)4 ounces. At Galveston some of the stones penetrated the roofs, and a stone bronght to town two hours after the storm weighed half a pound. The damage was considerable to early veg etables and fruit at Norfolk, Va., and vicinity. At the dopot of the S. & R. railroad the force of the hail was so great the galvanized iron on the loco motive honse was greatly damaged by the hail perforating it. Some of the crops are utterly ruined. In northern Ohio the storm was very severe, particularly at Cleveland and other localities, but did little damage compared with its ravages in Kansas, Missouri and Indiana. Another storm item nearer home and of a later date closes the reports. This cyclone occurred about 5 o'clock p. m. on the 17th, in Saunders county, Neb. It came from the south going northward, and west of Valley Sta tion on the Union Pacific, and at Val paraiso and vicinity considerable damage was done. Several houses aud barns reported blown down, and an old lady and two children serious ly, and perhaps fatally injured. Thos. Galloway is said to be the oldest professional railroad engineer in the United States, and probably in the world. He commenced his call ing Jan. 23, 1833, and has for fifty years continuously been in the em ployment of the Baltimore & Ohio company, never losing a day. Dur ing that time be had a family of twelve children, one of whom died an infant. One son is a conductor on the Baltimore & Ohio, another is foreman of the machine shops at Garrett, Ind., another is an actor, now with Maggie Mitchell. He has a grand-son, a brakeman on the road. Father, son and grand-Bon in one continuous line on the same road is a notable incident, and the only one of the kind in the world. He is now seventy-four years old and expects to attend the railway exposition at Chicago, at the special request and favor of the Baltimore & Ohio Co. as a specimen of its supe riority over all other roads in the character of its men. AatI - ltlaplV Craffreaatomal Dlntrlct CMMreatlea. Omaha, Neb., April 28, '83. The anti-monopolists of the several counties of each congressional district are hereby requested to hold conven tions in their respective counties on Wednesday, June 13; to elect dele gates to the congressional convention, to be .held as follows : In the First district at Lincoln, June 20; in the Second district at Hastings, June 20 ; in the Third district at Columbus, June 20 ; for the purpose of electing from each district four delegates to the National anti-monopoly conven tion to be held at Chicago, July 4, '83. The ratio of representation may be the same as that at the anti-monopoly state convention at Hastings in Sep tember last. Chairmen of the congressional dis trict committees are requested to make local arrangements for the con vention, and carry ont the recommen dations herewith made in their re spective districts. Thos. Kirtley, Ch'm'n A.-M. State Central Com. Allen Root, Sec'y A.-M. State Central Com. The recent severe storm at Chicago and in the vicinity caused a great deal of minor damage. The Methodist church at South Evanston was blown from its foundation and completely wrecked. The sexton was the only person in the building and miracu lously escaped unhurt. Four other churches and on private residence in Evanston were considerably damaged. Several articles of incorporation have been filed in the office of the secretary of the state of Nebraska, forming companies for the purpose of constructing railroads as follows: Tho Plattsmoutb & Southwestern Railroad Company. This route commences at Plattsmouth, thence in a southwesterly direction through Cass county via Avoca, through Otoe county via Syra cuse, through Johnson county via Sterling, thence touching Fairbury. Another company to build a road from Ft. Scott, Kansas, to Lincoln, Nebraska, by way of Topeka, Kansas. This company is known by the name of Ft. Scott, Topeka & Lincoln R. R. Co. Another to be known by the name of Lincoln & Topeka R. R. Co. This line of road is intended to run through Lancaster, Gage, Johnson and Pawnee counties, in this state. The business place of the company will be at Pawnee City. Later reports from the cyclone which passed through a part of Saun ders county, Neb., show that it did not tear up and crush things so badly as at first reported, though bad enough in its limited track. It appears the storm cloud originated in Lancaster county and over the line, its direction being slightly east of north so that it passed east of Valparaiso about half a mile. Its length was about eight miles and its path from eight to ten rods wide. The damage done by the storm is simply estimated at from $4,000 to $5,000 and the sufferers are Mr. Coon, Mr. Pierson, Mr. Tbroop, Mr. Davidson, Mr. Latton, Mr. Rom inger and two school districts. Eight buildings were demolished, including two school houses. Mrs. Latton had an arm aud leg broken and her infant was seriously hurt on the head by flying Umber. Mrs. Harriet I. Brooks has re turned to Nebraska from Washington, whither she went for the purpose of more extended study, availing herself of the privileges of the Library. She is preparing for authorship aud to lecture. The work she designs pub lishing will be entitled "Woman in Relation to Sociology and Zoology." Mrs. Brooks holds the position of chairman of the committee on Botany in the Nebraska Academy of Sciences. She claims that science will help to settle the woman question. Just be fore leaving Washington, a reception was given Mrs. Brooks by Mrs. N. Sanford, formerly of Iowa, and now correspondent of the Des Moinee llcy iater. Mrs. Brooks was introducers the guest of the evening, and as the "brain and soul" of the work in Ne braska. Womciri Journal. The new civil service rules having been approved by the President, the commissioners will iu a short time leave Washington for tho purpose of putting examining boards in opera tion in all large cities. As the pro visions relative to appointments take effect July 16th, it is esseutial that examinations be had before that date. The work has been divided into dis tricts . Commissioner Eaton takes the principal eastern cities, such as New York, Philadelphia, and Boston; Commissioner Gregory is assigned to Chicago, Milwaukee, Buffalo, Detroit, Toledo and other lake cities, and Commissioner Thomas to St. Louis, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Kansas City, New Orleans and other cities in the south and southwest. The new law in regard to the pay ment of taxes in this state should be understood by our citizens. Taxes now become delinquent four months earlier than under the old system, and will be placed in the collector's hands as soon as delinquent, adding penalty and interest nine months sooner than under the old law. The taxes for 1883 will become delinquent the 1st day of January 1884, and will be due and payable on the 1st of October '83. The change may operate a little hard the present year on our citizens who have recently paid their taxes for '82 but the taxes for '83 paid and the law may work all right. Tie Commissioner of the land office has recently received complaints from Nebraska through the post-office de partment that cattle herders in Ne braska have inclosed with fence, for grazing purposes, a large tract of public land, and cut off an important mail route. It is said the case is being investigated. It iB thought at the in terior department measures had ought to be taken that will break this un lawful practice of fencing public lands, a practice which has lately grown to be a serious matter. Recent newe from Col. Torrip, who had just returned to Hermosillo, Mexico, after pursuing the Apaches for twenty days, says he found them entrenched in a strong hold in the mountains, and attacked them with 300 troops and after a hard fight in which he flanked them in the rear at the point of the bayonet, the Indians fled, feaving eleven dead. Five sol diers were killed and eight seriously wounded. Col. Torris says the Apaches fought savagely. They were armed with repeating rifles. Less than five months of the year 1883 have passed and thus far in the new year its records of accidents, commission of terrible crimes, de struction of property and life on sea and land by fire, water and wind, exceeds anything in the same time in the past ages of the world. It is not out of place for everybody to know "That God moves in a mysterious war, His wonders to perform; He plants His footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm." Mrs. Hannah S. Grant, mother of ex-President Grant, died suddenly at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Corbin, at Jersey City in the afternoon of May 11th, '83. Mrs. Grant was born in Berks county, Pa., November 23d, 1789, and was over 93 years old. Her remains were taken to Spring Grove cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio, for Interment. Coumiissiouers Proceedings. Tuesday, May .1st, 18S3. Board mot us per adjournment. All present at roll call. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Personal property tax of W. B. "Wil liams, $6.24, assessed in Crestou pre cinct for thu year 1876, was cancelled ; said Williams having been assessed in Colfax county for the same, as per receipts produced. The Board granted liquor license to John J. Macken, of Watte Centre, for one year, from May 2d, 1S83. The following orlicial bonds were approved : Peter Schaffroth,,?Road Overseer ; C. S.Webster, Justice of the Peace; J. G. Routson, Deputy County Surveyor. The Board purchased three car loads of coal from Taylor, Scuutie & Co., at $3.50 per ton. Application of Road Overseer Pauly for lumber and spikes was granted. Board took a recess until 1 o'clock, p. M. At 1 o'clock, p. m., all present. Ou motion, the Board allowed the necessary material to make a culvert on county line road south of Shell Creek bridge at Sch warz's. The Clerk to send bill for one-half the cost of same to Colfax county. Petition and satisfactory proof bein presented that a portion or the ol Military road has not been traveled for nine years, the same was declared located. The section line between sections 5 and G of T. 16, R. 1, west, was declared open as a public road; the owners of the land along said line giving the right of way without charge On motion, Commissioner Henry was appointed to have n bridge con structed across Spring creek. The Board ordered that notice be given to ex-Road Overseer P. W. Schmilz to deliver the breaking plow, scrapers, and other tools to his suc cessor in office; the Sheriff to serve said notice. Petition to vacate part of Spcerry road was read and action deferred until next meeting. Communication of H. T. Spoorry iu regard to assessment of S. E. of Sec. 10, T. 19, R. 1, west, for the year 1SS2, was read aud ordered to be placed on file. Application of Road Overseer Eggle ston for lumber was referred to Com missioner Moran. Road Overseers Kumpf and "Wasser berger were allowed lumber as ap plied for. Meridian line from S. 12, T. 17, R. 1, west, to S. 23, T. 18, R. 1, west, was declared open as a public road; and the Clerk instructed to publish same. The matter of the Brugger road was considered and action deferred until Wednesday. Board adjourned until Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock, a. m. Wkdnesday, May 2d, 18(53. Board met at 8 o'clock, a.m. All pres ent. The Board now proceeded to exam ine the road work of P. Griffin ; also, the condition of roads west of Loup bridge. At 1 o'clock the Board met again at the Court House. The County Survej'or was instructed to stake out the county road from the Loup bridge to the Platte bridge; also, to survey and stake out Welch road from Meridian line west. He was fur ther instructed to make a profile and estimate of expenses for grading Me ridian road across Lost Creek slough. Balance of bill of Patrick Griffin as Road Overseer,? 185.50, was allowed and Clerk instructed to draw warrant for same on road fund. Commissioners Rivet and Moran voting "yes ;" Com missioner Henri' voting "no." The matter of the Brugger road was now taken under advisement, and resolution adopted grantingthe prayer oj the petitioners, with conditions as set forth in said resolution as recorded in Commissioners' Record. On motion, the Board agreed to pay St. Mary's Hospital So per week for boarding and nursingsick paupers and $3 per week for others, providing that all parties so paid for have to be accept ed by the County Physician and this Board. Petition of C. E. Morse and others to open and put in condition for travel the ''Platte Valley road," was read and the Road Overseer instructed to open same and to put iu the necessary cul verts. On motion,Commissioner Henry was appointed a committee on the Dale buildiugaud the fixtures thereof, with power to act and to dispose of thesame. Board adjourned until Thursday morning at 8 o'clock, a. m. Thursday, May 3d, 1SS3. Board met at 8 o'clock, A. M. All present. Petition to divide Lost Creek pre cinct into two precincts was read and action thereon deferred. County warrant Xo2C3 for $10.20 was ordered to be canceled, thesame having been erroneously issued. Resignation of D. B. Barnhardt, Jus tice of Peace for Burrows precinct, was accepted; also resignation of G. A. Field Justice of Peace for Lost Creek precinct. John Timothy was thereupon ap pointed Justice of Peace for Lost Creek precinct to fill the vacancy. Application of Road Overseer Bul lock for lumber, nails, and one road scraper was granted. The Chairman and Clerk were in structed to issue a deed to Samuel Bergman for lot 1, block C, in Colum bus souare. city of Columbus. On motion, the Board allowed 55.68 for the relief of Freese, aud ordered the Clerk to draw warrant for said amount. On motion, the Clerk was instructed to draw a warrant for $236.65 in favor of County Treasurer, for redemption of tax sale certificates of government lands (homesteads and timber claims) illegally assessed. Two section line roads petitioned for by Francisco Walker precinct, were declared open ; the same being by consent aud right of wa3' granted free of charge by the owners of the land. The Clerk was instructed to notify the Road Overseer of District No. 12, that certain roads in said district are obstructed by fences. Thefollowing accounts were allowed on road fund : Columbus Lumber & Grain Co., lumber. $209 3C Jno.Maughan, hauling lumber 6 00 Robert Lewis, work on road and bridges 3 65 H. Huehes. lumber 507 84 G. A. Field, lumber Jt ON GENERAL FUND. Mrs. Hanier, boardiug Hamer Guy A. Brown, 2 copies com piled statutes, with appendix Jno. Walker, Uailifl'Dist.Court Jno. Huber, Bailiff Dist. Court 18 00 C 00 14 00 10 00 Benjamin Speilmau, isuiini District Court 22 00 Harry Newman, Bailiff Dis trict Court 22 00 J. J. Maughan, Bailiff District Court Thos. Burke, Bailiff Dist.Court Jas. Flvnn, Bailiff Disk Court G. B.Speice, Bailiff Dist.Court ; oo 4 oo U 00 14 00 C. A. Brindley, Bailiff District Court 14 00 John Stauffer, preparing As sessors' books 100 00 D.CKavanaugh, Sheriffs fees for ser'ing subpoenas hV C John D. Knight, scliool Janu abstract for Treasurer's ofllce Dowty, Weaver & Co., mdse... Friedhof & Co., mdse. Israel Gluck, mdse. State Journal Co.. books, etc... 52 50 4 85 2 58 10 50 m 50 D. C. Kavanaugh, Sheriff's fees serving grand and petit juries 82 80 John Stauffer, cash expended for county 16 55 C. D. Evans. Co. Physician... 83 33 J. E, Moncrief, County Supt... 104 16 O. L. Baker, Road Overseer... 87 25 Pohl & Wermutb, mdse 41 35 1 KRAUSE, LUBKER & CO. NEW GOODS! BEST GOODS! LOWEST PRICES! AT KRAUSE, LIKES & G0.'S, )DKALERS IN( HARDWARE! STOVES, TINWARE, CUTLERY, AND A FULL LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS, Pump aad Wild Mills. 34-tf E. D. Fitzpatriok, mdse 14 00 Mills & Co., mdse.. J 25 Geo. W. Galley, house rent for Sheriff 4'2 00 Joseph Rivet, services County Commissioner . 30 00 Whitmoyer, Gerrard & Post, Attorneys 225 00 W. D. Davis, boarding paupers 20 00 Chas. Brindley, digging grave for Aieiiilja 3 50 II. Oehlrich fc Bro., mdse 10 25 D. C. Kavanaugh, Sheriti", for boarding prisoners, etc. 233 "0 Julius Rasmussen, mdse 3 10 J. E. North & Co., coal 119 75 Fred Gerber, witness State vs. Klentschi 2 SO J. G. Routson, Appraiser Bu- cherroad- 3 00 St. Mary's Hospital, boarding and nursing paupers 200 00 On the accounts of D. C. Kavanaugh for $165.65 and $82.80, a vote was called. Commissioners Rivet and Moran vot ing "yes,' to allow said accounts; Commissioner Henr3- voting "no." The same vote was recorded on the bill for bailiffs. Board adjourned to meet Tuesday, May 15th, 1SS3. JOHN STAUFFER, County Clerk. KiNiMff. Rising Citv, Butler Co., Neb.,J May 11th, 1883. ( Eoitou Jouknal: Our village baa made more substantial progress in permanent improvements the last four month? than at any time during its existence. Rock foundations and nice buildings is now the order of the day, aud the building boom bids fair to continue all summer. Corn, we judge, is two-thirds plant ed, and if we could have a few nice warm days the growing qualities of corn planted would soon be satisfac torily settled. But very little wheat sown, farmers mostly are depending on oats and corn for all crop purpo ses. Gardens are very backward ; so much cold windy weather has made everything very late, even for Ne braska. But then we will probably get our spring and summer weather later in the season. Cherry bloom is just beginning to open ; wild plums are in full bloom, also pears aud crabs; apples just be ginning to open, but how much or little the cold weather will have for culinary purposes we can tell better bye and bye. One thing I am thank ful for my large orchard is in far better couditiou than I expected after the 6cvere storm of last summer. But all of us who had no crops last season are working hard, Providence per mitting, to secure our fair share this coming fall. Flour is higher here than in Chica go ; blessed be the millers, they ought to feel happy. Sugar beets raised here last season analyzed four degrees higher in sugar and less acid than in France or Ger- mauy, according to the analysis of the department at Washington ; and if we could only have a sugar factory con ducted on right principles what a boon it would be for this part of Ne braska ! Check rowers are largely used on corn-planters this spring, and some green drivers who have made crooked rows may find it difficult to plow both ways bye and bye. After a thorough test we like tho honey locust so well as a hedge plant we arc putting out one-half mile more this spring, and will also plant one- half acre to forest. No more box elder will be planted by me, and all praise in its behalf as a tree to be rec ommended for forest planting we consider erroneous; so, so, we are speaking of our upland prairies. Why Not ? Portugal will open her national agricultural exhibition at Lisbon about the 20th inet., which will be continued during May. June and July,wbich will afford an opportunity for American manufacturers in agri cultural implements and machinery to extend their enterprise and establish valuable marketB for their products in that section of Europe, where there is an awakening interest in agncul tural improvements. FINAE. PROOF. Laud Office at Grand Island, Neb.J May 3d 1883. f NOTICE u hereby j;iven that the fol-lowing-nuineil settler ha filed notice of bis Intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before C. A. Newman, Clerk of the District Court, at Columbus, Neb., on June 15th, 1883, viz: Richard C. Hart, Homestead, 10iC0, for the S. W. H, Section 24, T. 20, K. 1 West. ne names iuu lujiowiun witnesses iu prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation or. saia lana, viz: ueorge H. Beyer, John Daily. Martin l'ostlc aud Ia. L. Brown, all of Humphrey Nebr. " 2- C. HOSTETTER. Reenter. FI.-VAL PKOOF. ' Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,) May 4th 1883. J NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler baa filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of District Court, for Platte County, at County seat, on Saturday June 16th, 1883, viz: Miller Wolford Pro. D. S. No. 743 for the N. E. i Section 24, Town 20. North of Range 1 East. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Chas. Heilsman, S.J.Wheeler, of C res ton, P. O., G. W. Kibbler, I. J. Nicholas, all in Platte County Nebraska. .: t 1IOSTKTTER. Kerfster. ESTEAY H0TICE. Came to my premises, Friday, April 20th, 1883, A DARK BAY MARE, Having the appearance of being 7 or fc years old, weighing 800 or 900 pounds, having three feet with white spots; had on leather head-stall, with a rope tied into-it; brand on the left hip has the ap pearance of T Y; seems to have been rode recently with saddle. Owner will please call, pay charges and take bis property. 52-5 Guy C. Barxuji. WE BECKER, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES! PROVISIONS, FBSffl, CiSirEB AXD S&ISO MS, -ALSO,- Ohoicest Varieties in China, Glass and Crockery WARE. THE REVOLUTION Dry Goods and Clothing Store Hat on hand a splendid stock of Ready-made Clothing, Dry Goods, Carpets, Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc., At prices Out were never tart of Mm in Golnmljns. I bay my goods strictly for cash and will give my customers the benefit, of it. Give Me a call and covince yourself of the facts. AREWiSIHff? T9W'S FI8H BBAKD SLICKUg ah tbs Ttsr max WATKB FBOOF COATS. TOWER'S VISE MANS 8LICKSKS WILL N6T STICK v PEEL TOWER'S MSB BBAMD SLlCEKKS xks 50 w lied ar it Lit r HORSEMAN FARMER WHO T OAT TOXX A TSL1Z. .Vaa. (.aula, sltboat Ud trade muk. A. J. TOWER, Sole Mfr, BMtoa, . A" ... T.A V- WA' .ftUUKDiM n m i r-r r & w tm m v - a. r.7.CT -o Vv I nit. u iMM ?L: I (CI J BRjRjRjRjRjRjRjmT Sj II I "SRRJW" I II twi y VAW.A ciirvnc ro vv3"k. aiauiYKna cs? Ml VVflNTI'k - . tsrt ns "& CS- TZy 22-tim DR. FISHBLATT, OF OMAHA MEDICAL DISPENSARY, OX ACCOUNT OF HIS Immense Practice WILL MAKE On FRIDAY, AND WILL REMAIN ONE DAY WHERE HE CAN THE THROAT, and LUNGS, CATARRH, KIDNEY ' AND BLADDER AND FEMALE DISEASES. AS WELL AS ALL CHRONIC AND NERVOUS DISEASES. DR. FISHBLATT Has discovered the greatest cure in the world for weakness of the back and limbs, involuntary discharges, impotency, general debility, nervousness, languor, contus ion of ideas, palpitation ef the heart, timidity, trembling, dimness of sight or giddi ness, diseases of the head, throat. noe or skin, atlections of th Hv.r hm-.j .mm. ach or bowels those terrible disorders arising from solitary habits oi youth, and necret practices more fatal to the victims than the sonxs ot Syrens to the mariners of Ulysses, blighting their mott radiant hopes or anticipations, renderin" marria"e impossible. a Those that are suffering from the evil practices, which destroy their mental and physical systems causing JNERVOUS DEBILITY, the symptoms of which are a dull, distressed mind, which unfits them from perform ing their business and social duties, makes happy marriage impossible, distresses the action of the heart, causing flushes of heat, depression of spirits, evil forebod ings, cowardice, fears, dreams, restless nights, dizziness, forgetfulnes-, unnatural discharges, pain in the back and hips, short breathing, melancholy, tire easily of company and have preference to be alone, feeling as tired in the morning as when retiring, seminal weakness, lost manhood, white bone deposit in the urine, nervout ness, confusion of thought, trembling, watery aud weak eyes, dyspepsia, constipa tion, paleness, pain and weakness in the limbs, etc., should consult me immediately and be restored to perfect health. YOUNG MEN Who haye become victims of solitary vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of exalted talent and brilliant intellect who might otherwise entrance listening senators with the thunders of their eloquence or wake to ecstacy the living Ivre. may call with full confidence. ' MARRIAGE. Married persons or young men contemplating marriage be aware of physical weakness, loss of procreative power, impotency, or any other disqualification tneed. ny reuevcu. lie who places himself under connue in his honor as a gentleman, and physician. ORGANAL Immediately cured and full vigor restored. This distressing affllction-which ren ders life a burden and marriage impossible, is the penalty paid by the victim for improper Indulgence, loung people are ant to commit iYiiai.a fmn, . k:.. aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now who that understand? this subject will deny that procreation is lost sooner by those Tailing into improper habiU than by prudent? Besides being deprived of the pleasure of healthv off. springs, the most serious and destructive symptoms of both mind and bod v arise The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weaken. Loss of procreative powers, nervous irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart indi gestion, constitutional debility, wasting of the frame, cough, consumption and death. A CORE WARRANTED. Persons ruined in health by unlearned pretenders who keep them trilling month after month taking poisonous and iijurious compounds, should apply immediately. DR. FISHBLATT Graduate of one or the most eminent colleges of the United States, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known; manv troubled with rineine in the ears and head when asleep, great nervousness, being a'larmed at certain sounds with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of the mind weri cured immediately. "u were TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. P. addresses all those who have injured themselves by improper indulgence and solitary habits which ruin both mind and body, unfitting them for business study, society or marriaee. uuainesi, These are some of the sad, melancholy effects produced by the earlv hihu-n nr youth, viz: Weakness of the back and lfmbs, pains In the head and dimness oT Private Offices,over Omaha National Bank,0maha, Neb. CONSULTATION FREE. Charges moderate and within the reich of all who need S.Ientifle Medical Treatment. rhose who reside at a distance and cannot Tall wiU receive prompt attention through mall by simply sending their sJmS with' postage. Address Lock Box 34, Omaha, Neb. ' s sympxoms wnn ooming1 CHEAP FUEL! Whitebreast Coal $3.50 Rich Hill " 3.50 Canon City it 7.00 TAYLOR, SCHUTTE& CO. -kvtr JACOB SCHEAM, )DKALKK IN( DRY GOODS ! Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, FDMi:mS GOODS iWD NOK LOW PRICES FOR CASH. S4-tt I. GLUCK. TOWER'S Fish Brand Slickers It Til U1CBZJT 3TOIIV4 WILL KEEP YOU OUf. TOWER'S riSH BRAND SMCKKBS awe the only Coat mde with Wlrc-Fut- eacd Metallic .Button. EVERY COAT WARRANTED. For sale everywhere. At Wholesale by all flrat- claae Jobbers. THE - in Columbus, Nebr.. HIS NEXT VISIT JULY 6, 1883, AT THE Cl.OTIIEK HOIJSK. BE CONSULTED ON the care of Dr. Fishblatt mav reli"loual v contidentlv rplr imnn ,u .i.-s?i as a WEAKNESS 2 1