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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1883)
THE JOTKSTAL. -. O VA I ISSUED XVXST WEDNESDAY, M. EI. TT""R"N"13R Sc CO., ProcrietoTJ aad Pablisners. tiitnu K aad-yrafe laaii i ul'daraW of SvTfa cr'Ieaa-pcr annum, -ftre dollaxa. STer tlate adwerewasnta, apply" at this i S OFFICE Eleventh St.. up srws ta Journal Building. S"Xel adveriiseatentsat atataa rates. Sfor tranalent adrertiains, a rate on third page. STAH advertiaeaaasta payabla. ' raoctfaly :zaH: reryear. . Three mouths Single copies voL.4xrMro)&q'-i 1M - till J- v V.V - rr "i clow if-w:. COLUMBTJSj.NEB:, WEDNESDAY HA 16, 1888. WHOLE NO. 679. HE,daaaaaaaaaaai.aBvA- . - g , V;?a 1 am yaaaataV1' - a . v KW WJ v aaai wa a .aaa"" ..aaaSBBaaa7 ri aaaaaaaV . aaaaaaaa I i aaaaaaP aaa ' ' -3lStr. . T-3 B9a7' ! i "ti.aF JIPaa"a"p-L,M ,??' If ; BSB . . 1 . V. S a"f aBBS. . - -$saaBaaaaaBaw ? i. ic x w : : s, : - raast trasa - r s 9 i M" i BTTSUTESS CA2DS. DETTAX PASLOS. On JJartteaA St. end Xebrtaktr Aze-vtk- Fned-Ws store. y-pce soar, to 12 a. a. . 1 to 5 p. in Olla ashsacgh. Dentist. .irroisxr-J. Cp-stairs m Gluck Building, ilth itreet, Aoove the "e bink. yOTAET PUBLIC, 12th atrt.2 4oor wt of KoJ Hoa, Cotamoita. Nfc 491- y D K. M. 1. THCWJO- EESIDE2VT DENTlSt- Oiice ove- rorne- o'TItb and North-it. JL.x operands nrt--i and warranted. IICAGO BABEK 5ismOP: C1 . nr:-Cias s.yie. JLis., eep in uest of cizari 5ltt-y p EER A; KEEDEK. OUce ob Olive i.. vilnmbus. Seorsiii. 2-t' f G. A. HUi-LHuBsT, A. iU M. D-, HOXEOTJ.-LE1- PETSLCIAX. gl Riock -:utn r ourr Housr. TelfphoEtf ominiatcatioti IJ V.A.MACKEK, DKALKK i : next t Bank Ue -tree j- ArcAlXWTEBBROv, j 31 a Txaiurxrs jltljlw. Ofice .up-Jtalrs in fAUisterS build-j HIT IZL2 CU " - a.w. - ii a n 4 irivif: t ub i Pubn. j B a. cowdehy 1 . Vi MAFARIlT' LAW AND C0LLE1TI0X OFFICE OF- MACFAHi.AXI d COV7T32H2" CtotamOJr. Xetra3..u i EO. A. DEBKV. PAlXTFL sST" arriAe. neuse aii -i-" p-uu"a. 4 - j-iBx pap.-nin.riHs: ii-ootiamz. etc dune tu order shop on IJtn si., opposite J iasrinr Hou-.-. .iuaiou. eb W-t , F. IMUSfllE. lltn St.. opposite Lincell H otel. - ii riarn- s-idd.- ollar. Thip. ?;?;,-' f:pf J;i-hioL-eVria I .- mm,T,r, ".; Zl tae .owest ooibie . - kept -- nip Li attenaeu ic I JOH (.TA5KEK. xleal Etaxe -reiit, Genoa Nance Cc Neb w '"LT Lsr- mi improved rartn- I,-- ai- r""epouaent -ohcit- oin ii. u.n ' - ouildinj:. up-stairs. :o-- t " W. CIAKK. iV jyp !XUEAXJE GXT "" I A. ui- u"V'u,T.iJ ;nXn7r. m tn s;heli Creek ailey. ana the nortn-t era portion a. Plstte county. Taxes j paid for non-residents satisfaction sruaranteed . '"1 1 T- in pOLOIBfS PACKING CO- 'a.'ker m . Dealer- : al' kind- of Hoc" tva Bal : fflr u" flr D"d Ho" rrr-cw-r R H H-nrr Pre-it.. Joan i "Wirzias se and Treas L. Gerrard. S. ;s rOXICE TO TKACBLKMS. J. S. Mcncnef. Cc. Sunt., , .. I Wil. oe in ai- ooee at the Court House ot. .c a..,. ..v.-.. w. - . subacribera it a mere nominal price, in month lor the purpose of exammms order t0 do s we offer Ue s:ime for the appUcants for teaoner - certihates. and oaiaace of vear Iram now unll, jann forthe transaction ot any otner nujtie-s , nrv -jt j for ONE DOLLAR. Tbi i pertaining to schools. ..-y i tfae i,-,wssS price ever asked for anv wesi- Tames saltio. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and estimate- supplied rcr either frame or urik Dw.idiny. sood work ruaranteed suoi on IStn -treet, near j -:. Pan. Lumoe- Yard. ' oiiimbus. Ne braska. Aitima. j J . WAG-NEB. j Livery and reed Stable. ' ! I prepared f famish the nublie vrzh sued team- bnme and carriacv for all occasions. epecia..-- I concucts a aie staoie. :r funerala. A1q , 44 D.T.ilAETiN IT D F VCHTC il. D., ' Beuzscher Artz Drs. MASTY5 & SCHITG, Ur, -n o I S. EXaBllIlin2 bnrgeOnS, " o ' I Local surreon. ITnion Paeinc and j v B H.R.R'-. f i BMSHASKi. COX.TJMBUS. it-voi-xiu-T 5.MTJEDOCE: x SON, Carpenters and Contractors. Have had an extended experlenecaad wfll gaaraatee aatxaiaction m work. ; U kxads of repairing- done on short nonce. Our motto is, taocd worx aad.t fair prices tail ana live us an oppcr tmuryxnestimaxe ior you 3 nop cu 12th st. one door west 'of Fnedhof jz Co's. store. Lolumbua. N"ebr 483-v tei: COLiaillS FLAX 15D TOW C0 asms areMred to recMTe.aad-T)avSiiK"-Ber tea-fcr eood clean. rtaT-atraw (free-fraca. p fareigp. susstaneei-j aeuvered on their ujanaitr aear the .Creamery 'inCaliuai MMeteraaka. " - T lc '. COCUaCBTJS. TT.AT TOW CQ SKO,S3nrM2,Atl COLTIIBUS STATE BANK! 3saas! Jsarl li acl 5a 1 lalt CCLTTMHriJTEB. C-45H CPJTli, - $50,000 .DIKECTOSS f --..," Lexxdee Gsshasd, Pratt. Geo. T7. Huit. Fzce Prcs't. Jclicb A. Eeed. Edward A. GraaABD. Absex Txteses, Cashier. ilt, iDijw Clletiais lraaaptly 3tmde 1 all liatM. Tavj Iat eat Tiaae Ie is. T4 JOHN HEITEHilPER, j Eleventfa Street, opposite the Lindell Hotel. C0I-TJ3I:B17S, 1IBRASTA, Hits on hand a mil anrtuin: of CROCERIESlI t CROCKERY V GLASSWARE, , Ji Cupn 84. TtiiZSO Hiznest price paid for-Pountry Proaaee. Gtjoda delivered in city G-IVE AlE A. CA.H3L! J9113I MXHTMJUaC. 3i-v H. XUURS &. no. BLACKSMITHS -ASH- "Wasron JBnildei s, ew brick Shop apftunlte Hrlafz'it Draff tor?. ALL KUIOS Of WOOD AMD IRON WORK ON .WAGONS AMD BUGGIES DQHE ON SHORT NOTICE. Eleventh STreti. Gilumbns, Xebrajica. 5vi V T7D13 QT LTATCTT 11AjXAVXLlJJA.Ja. llUUJli, S.J. aURMOY, Prep'r. 1 Nebraska Ave., South of Depot, COLX'Mm'S. 1KB. new house, newly furniahed. Good accommodation. Board bv dav or - - - weat at reasonable rates. , 22"St a Fir-Cl-. Table. Meals, i" t,ts. Ladines 25 Cts. 3-itf OMAHA WEEKLY BEE. Special Inducements. since the distribution of premium i over and our Premium Lit closed until I next year, we are vet anxious to increase ; -uch a number as to sreatl-r reduce the of paper3nd M faniah it to our . u:c u.( uiauuu Ul IUC T iZEl. 1. U l.iJ iU t i era journal of the ize. and all should ! I avail themselves oi this liberal offer. f THE BEE PUBLISHING CO. -SO-". Oamariaaw Aeb. Restaurant and Saloon! E. D. SHEEHAX, Proprietor. j jrW"aolesale and Retail Dealer xn. For- i eisn Wines, Liquor and Cisarg. Dub- lmstont. scotch and tnlish Ale?. , -&xy & spaum. , OTSTESS in their season, by the case j caa or dish. lit StrMt. Swtk ef Bevet. WISE people are alway on the lookout for chances in fcureaae their earnings. and in time become wealthy- those who nunotiurprore their opportunities remain in poverty. ve want man-v nrec, women, bovs and cirls to work fcf us right in their own localities Any one caa do the wnrk Tjroperiv from the hrst start. The ''usinesa W&I pay more than ten times OTdiaary wages. Ex- pensive ourai lumisaeo. o one wao engazes-fails to make money rapidly. You fcaa devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. "Pull Infor mation and all that is needed sent free. Address sVrxssojf i Co.. Portland. Maine. nOtxrlarre 6ASEK h OlIaasEascribiair CbZc-j &mtimh.l Caru 1B p Alt We.afferths:Zaceat Jfbu- Ju.j i i min PQ a lUlW. Lnu. Qoa and Wheat, and the MesZ CoUeetinn cf VeKCable, TlwerCGrass and Tree L i.vervthinir is tested. Address H6-eew-aa, 'H7C1 Per week to lire aarcats. Somethinrnew. SeUajaisatXKXTaaWKx.eEjLiZEr tare, A. aae ittaefrraaa in tt- rlrgiar Ian aaze lit National Bank it COX. AitkirijS (&it -,- J255.0QO CaskCiDital. - - 50,000; OFFICKB3 XD DiaXCTORd. SAL'l.aSJin'H. F?a?Preaf. " -orrrRocx; cinAfCT. J. W. JdAELY. EOBEETE UHLIG. HEKilAX" OEHLEICn. T7.A.MCALLI5TEE. GAXDBRsOX, 1-.AXDERS02i. Foreizn 3.3d 111 BxfiliAHinu Pie Tickata, Real Estate, Loan.ana aana Inarmace. oi.L.j.y BECKERS WELCH, PROPEIETOEa OF TTKT.T, ffPTTTTr MILLS. itASrFACTUBES ASD WHOLE SALE DEALERS IX FLOUR AJID MEAL. OFFICE. COLUMBUS. XEB.v SPEICE & H0RTH, General Agents for the Sale of REAL ESTATE. Union Paciac, -.aad Xldiaad Pacific B. B. Laad for sale it from $0.00 to J10.00 per acre for cash, or on ftre or ten years tune, in annual ptynienta to suit pur chasers. We have also a large aad choice lot of other Ian da. improved and i unimproved, lor ale at low price and on reasonable term. Also DQines and reaidencb lots Lb the city. We keep a complete abstract at tuleio all real Es tate in Platte county fcil COLI Bli. .EB. LANDS, FAKMS, AND GITY PBOPHBTT FOB SALE, -AT THL- Union Pacfic Land Office, : On La7iq Time and iuvc rate of Interest. Alt wishing to buy Rail Road Lands or Improved Farm- will nnd it to tfleir advantage to call at the t". 1. Land" Oiaee before lookin el-ewhere as I make a specialty of buying and celling land on eommi?cion; all persons wish m to etr -or eii'd land wiL lind it to- their advantage tu leave their lands with me for sale, a. my fa cilitiea for aaectins -ale- are unsur-pa-ed. I ant prepared tu make ana! proof for all parties wishius to get a patent for their homesteads. JSTHenrv Cordea, Clerk, writes and ! sneaks Carman. SAMUEL C. SMITH, Ajrt. 12. P. Land Department. COLUHBUS.SEB. C21-T W1V1. BECKEE, DE-lLEIt DT ALL KLVDS OF- FAMIL-Y GROCEP.IES! i I KEEP CONSTANTLY 05 HAN D VE LL S ELECTE D s I' Oi. li . Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups, Dried and Canned Fruits, and other Staples a Specialty. 6odsi awelixered Free part sf fate City. to amy I .VJt ALSO AGENT FOR THE CEL EBRATED cooirnvLra?.T Farm and Spring Wagons, of which I keep a ron-tant -upply on hand. bat few tnetr equal, in stVic and quality, second to none. CALX AID LEARN PRICES. HI Streets, -near Cor-Thirteenth and f-Ejr. 2?epof. TTKNRY G-ASS, UJN TTrt"R?Tt A K R"R ! , CQFFOS ASD METALLIC CASES AST) DKALXB.IX Furaitaie. Caaira. Bedsteads, Ba- Tarries, Atoasfee. and aCoaldasca. TS'Bspniriaanf all lrrndi of Upholstery Goods, ' ttf COLIDCBUS. .NEB. O-CL STTAlSTlSTQItSr, XAXC7ACTUXXK OF Hi sail Sheet-Iri)i WareJ BaaaaaaaBJP5Ti"-la IBT fi'OJTff O ZST ADVERTISER. isajuiremaer areas: InTattera bold and bis: and rouad -aenrain ioapiraraa Isouant Proapertrrla myascaia.. Tae people coma, Tne people so. fc one eontisoosa. They- tny my goods and corse agaia, ftntf Tm Tin aiprlfT nf nee; Ami this tne reason I relate: I an Taere is aakop acraataewar Where ne'er la heard & tinman tread- Waere trade la paralysed and iaari Win ne'er a caammmrm day. Tke people come. The people go JiVBevectaere Taey da not know There's auca a atep baneati ta Tklw. tiwiww ae does not adTerfise: Wane I wits pleasure contemplate That En an adT:mser grear. Tke aeerec at ay fnrtnae Uea Inoae small fact, wilcn. I may acata, Too-BMay-tradaawan leurn too lac: li Inare gooda. I adTertl;: Tkea people eoBar And people go In eosaeaet streams, Pcr people know Tkat ae who naa good wares to ! Wi2i surely adtertao taenx well. Aad proudly I reiterate I am an advertiser great' Cracrr Tribune. LIYEfG STJ.1TES. XT., . 2 J t an i eYenm-r. or more successiul means of I nakmg-monev for church or charitable r rrJZrZ rJZrr it rZl fhtful pastime, which has been iusttv "' - iuuu4 fcl tIi -T Al - considered very dimcult of execuuon. j The simple processes which have long l been kept secret are now jjiven to the j public for the first time, and if carefulhr followed by persons of taste and jud laeax. thaae piaur directions will eaable . them to almost aval classic maroles. The actors must, of course, be grace- ' fui. and also have a clear conception of ' the sentiment of their parts, as the ex- l f pressioa or lace often snows througn the Dowder which. coTers it. After a long trial of many articles for whitening the face., nothing is found su perior to the velvet chalk which. Dacked in square boxes, has the sire and shape of a ball two inches in diameter, and is soULfor ten. cents by aL. druggists. 2o gelatine or other substance is used upon the face before applying the chalk, which must afterward bo rubbed off dry, and then a coat of cold cream, or any lubricating substance wiL prevent any future roughness. MODET3. The best cast for most performances is four ladies one of them very tall. one short, and two of medium height. oae larze, muscular man. nd one girl about tan years old. These performers can fill all the parts, as thev resemble each other 30 "closeiv when, whitened that little is gained by substituting others for the various groups- The man wears.aauit-of cotton tights with cotton gloves sewed on tne sleeves, a kilted skat of cotton flannei reaching to the knea and a skull-cao of the same material Two cotton slieet will be needed for his orapery;. a hole n ripped in the middle of one. thxousn which Ms head is thrust. The corner of the sheet is brought to the front, and tne sides looped up to the shoulders, thus forming a Roman toga. The child wears. aT plain night-dress the waist being bound by a tape over which the dress is allowed to fan until it takes up enough to only reach the knees. Cotton gloves are "sewed into the sleeves, and a tight cap made of cotton flannel covers the head. The ladies wear tight white cotton waists hfeh in the neck, the sleeves b1 ing made of the lejsof cotton stockings with cotton gloves sewed brmiy into them after they have been tightly fitted to the arms. The cans are made of cotton cloth and braids bands and waves are made of cotton Wadding to change the coijfitre when needful DEAPnfG. in draping the first sheet is tied around the waist over a tape to form a scant skirt of the lower or inner half of the sheet, the hem of which touchesthe floor. The left-hand corner of the tront half of this sneet is tnen fastened to the right shoulder, and the other corner is then also brought up in front, and the end carried tolhe back and fastened at the waist. A large knot is then tied in the corner of the second sheet, which is fastened in front of the left shoulder and the sheet is drawn across the knees m front, and the end fastened m the same way as the first sheet. Beautiful folds will be the result, which can be stroked into such Dosinons as may be desired fw a,-n"r nf nre fmm .nT. J ' , , , alter astnav of drapery trom any good , averaging .ess than a pound in weigh:. models, and wnea the ngures are mace.iUT,ra,ait,o ; ",.' "" . "ou-c-"c Hiaueti in uinerent attitudes the drapery thus ( rOQnt tjiem brthe mfflious-but. never arranged will constantly fall into new theless, I have had brought to me sueci and graceml folds of itself. , men, tixaS WOUId weigh ""three, four and As a variety of good subjects may be I even six pounds. The white-fish of the found in art journals aud photograpns. Youkon River. Afalm. -so say tne oov it will only be needful to add a few" ex- ernment reoorts weigh as' high as amples of different groups. ; forty pounds The sturgeon of the Two tables four feet long are placed ' "Great Lakes" average fifty pounds. ia the ceater of the room with another I but now and then one is taken that table cf the same size npon them; a box weighs 1A, pounds and over. I aaw two and a half feet long nad one foot myself, at the Sault Ste. Marie, one high stands on this table, and another ( taken tha: weighed 125 pounds. The box of about the same size stands on the catfish of our btses are of most surenor floor in. the center of the room in front of the whole. The pedesta is draped with cotton sheets, and a black curtain or shawl is hung behind it. The following are some soecinien groups. THE MOXCSTEXTAI. GKOCP. The maastarais an. the tcp box in an attitude of making arr address, with his right hand extended, his left slightly curved and heavily draped with, a sheet throwa over it ia straight folds. On the top table at his left a iemale figure sits representing History writing oh a tab let, and at nis right.on the lower table. la tall figure- stands at a high cross with ; igff a-, behind h, and her right ' hand holding to the bar. At the other j end of the long table another lady stands , bending forward as if strewing "fiowers, I with her right hand, from a large basket ' whif"! 9h( hnnt irt htti. tat fm. ! lower baxin-froat a. lady bends, above a cnuu waica cungs to ner witn its arms t around her waist. SIMrXE STJrOJT IK THE AST QALLE2T The stage represents an art exhibi tion. On the top table is a n with a huge spear. On tha lower table-at his left, a "lady with hat and rake like a gleaner is seen. whUe at nis right an other lady is placed behind a table which, stands aa end so tft her head aad shoulders alone are visible. Thi table beisg covered with, sheets makes her look like a elassio bast. The two otner ladies stand gear the front of th? ftage one en the right, and the other i opposite her on the left, gh being posed on a small box covered with white. Snncst enters left, meets Pieman rLrhf. asks for Die. in. maUtm. bv uoiht. lajr to hia mouth as if knaggy; Pieman wanrs money, SImoTi noda Hs head. Siezes pie and rs of. Pieman "biir- isbomc. nies uni;, uu. ue ames cemncrstatue at sanaa. comes rtur forward eatinc flejnf taaat plnawrl at sigkt of the taa table; -tafcea taw Thsasmle Btmra'e alowtrakda ttppre acdeaa ii. Sizaao. sej blm. isi ax the las: moment, and ohmbs up to I try ana get totne oie. Us snow fint; Latatue b immovable, bat wbea dunon t mras bis back the dtatoe pashiea kim down, to the. oar. Simon is rerransry, but the statue Li 1 perfectly unccEsciooa. DS!OL KM EST. Simnn, croes forward, take eat sxmS boi and opens it in front of stajje. Statue at ris-nt sneazes: Simon nanseav when statue at left sneezes. Simon ' tbengoerto look at the classic bust. when the man. statue knocks hi hat. oL with hn aDear; n" t?w in rain ta find who, ad the statue is immov able aain. As the statue pays him nc attention. Sanon nicks ut his old hat. ' and places it on the head of the classic bust .-and coaxemplates it with delight; but as soon as his back is turned tha. buss-stoops down info the frame, and" the hat disappears with her. Szmoir goes for hia hat; is aaack jir bl ucd. sot to tiiui it, climbs ud and look? down after it. The man pushes him with his suear ' and he rolls over on to the stae- The I gleaner rakes him with her rakV and he j i iuu&a up, uui sae is again sun. cimon C4,aiAUCi3 niLU" iCAL uuuiciiiauuu LU UIC aHTTfm.vac; ttt-i 4b. mm sw n W -t . i i 1 1 Fi .- . . ' ? T ". , i i T ' . Leii axueaIao advances, puts her arm awr" ? Iiit hm4 - uiwkTT wj-v around his left, and the tremblinfr aimon is led off at the right mid shouts ol ' laughter from the audience, who ran not resist ine curious spectacle oi ine solemn statues thus in motion. Tonifii Covipanion. m Revised faUea. THE HISTAlCgy THA3TP. A Tramu. who had not tasted Food for twenty-seven days, and wno was ' Anxious to reach Bunalo in time to see his Mother die, knocked at a Door, and asked the Woman for Heaven's Sak? tn give him some work wnereby he might I Earn an Honest Quarter Walk right around to the Back Door." she iromptiy reoiied. and a i About four Minutes the Tramp was in-1 troduced to a Pile of Hickory Wood and a Buck-saw Then his Heart glad- ' dened, for he meant to steal the Saw I and Ax, but a-i he made for the- Alley Fence a two nundred-poundDog played , with his Coat-Tails and rolled him ovei the A3h-Dile until the woman came out ' and ChiJed him far ms Impuisivenea i and aaid to the tramp "Now you Climb' and as you Pursue your wearv way through Life's Cold ' Paths, remember that Truth is Mighty ' and Honesty is a Berthing- on Ice," " t IHE FOoUaH GOoSX. A Goose having been, placed m a Pen and fed nnt2"" she could scarcely ' Breathe happened to catch, sight or a ' lean old Hen," on the Fence, ana called , out Ton can now see which of us stands highest hi the estimation of our Master. "Here 1 am provided with a Warm Pen and fed until my Crop is burstinc. while vou. have to Roost anv- where and have not an Oua e of Fat f-usJr- yoa-eliiera- "That's all right, my friend." re plied the Hen. Dut while your Goose will be cooked for Christmas, I shall live to see many Months yet.'- LMAtinfATIOJi. Three or four Doctors who had heard a great deal about the Effects of Imagination in cases of Disease put up a Job on a ioiior. After he had Lodged for the Xight In a certain bed 1 they ( 'onspired to tell hinr that it had Previously been Occupied by a Small- ' Pox Patient. Did thcBoui iar at once begin to shake ami Tremote and Pros tratc himself and Develop a Genuine Case of the Disease3 Not for Joseph' 1 He at Onee iihed hzs Jacket, gave his j pants a hitch to starboard and sailed I in and knocked those Doctors Stiffer than Crowbars, and Taught them a , Lesson in Physics which they "Eemem 1 bered all their Lives. Detroit Fret Press. Fish in Grrat Lakes. The white-ash in Lake Erie average three and a half pounds, but occasion ally one or more are taken weighing ten to eighteen pounds. I speared one in 144, at Copper Harbor. Lake super ior, that weigned twenty-five pounds. On the north shore of Isle Royafe. Lake Superior the white-fish average four teen Dounds. The lako herring are the . . most uniiorm in sue ot alt our nshes. and tms average will hold good it vou quality, bringing in the southern mar ket? a'better price than any of our lake fishes, whether fresh, salted, or smoked. The average size is twelve pounds: bat yet I saw a specimen taken with a hoo&. and line that weighed fifty pounds. In the waters of the Mississippi Tallev it often attains double that weight. i7iertan .incrtr: The Bake aad the Tell-Keeper. When a Scot meets a Scot then comes the tug of war. The late Duke of Bnccleuch. on one occasioa. preferred riding on horse-back and unattended. He came to a toll-gate. " The toll, sir, gin you please," said the gate-keeper. His Grace palled up. and, whik searching for the needfuL he was ac costed by the gate-keeper: Heard ye cny word o the Duke coming this'way the dav, sh"3 "Yes." was the reply, "he will he rhTs way to-day." "Will he be" ia a coach an four, or only in a carriage. and twa. thinir ye3" "la all probability, on horseback." was the rejoinder. "In that case, do vou. think tfrir. he wad be offended. giaT offered h back the change should hegae measizsence or-a shHlmgto nay wi' arhe nassed3" The Duke stretched forth his hand to reeeive the balance, and, with an arch and. knowing look, replied. ""Try "im, friend, try him." and Docketed ha coppers, "nznttering to hiatself; "Not to be done in that way. One cf cnir exchanges recently con tained an elaborate editorial entitled TheBright Side of Jcaaaalism." Tie editor had just heard that a rival had failed! Boston Patt. When rain falls. It ahe .geta the bigger half of tie umbrella, they are xovers; , a. as tjjpsr w maggjnas, ajay Out Toun Eemders. T3E SCSOOL ARMY. ' There's an army that musters Its legions. And marches- to soUrcalL each. day?. And happy and. blear are thereviona Which lie ta tmat aroy brljrht way. They troop over hlHrwfr arid hnlfnw. They scrimr icmw brooklet and pool, Aad aayiy and cheerily follow The summons which bids them to school. By thousands the army Is numbered, is. soldier are fresh. as Eae morn; Not on. is by sorrow encumbered, Koto nets by care o'werbcrne. Atdectmalssometlmea they stumble. And sometimes by verts are perpleved: And tne proudest grows saddened and humbled waen a question is passea to tne neii But forzoc at the briefest vacation Are problems and puzzles and prosa. The znef of the. stern conjuxa mo. That late was a fountain of woesr And th armr goes beclc to Iti duty The- hou- that play-nme t doner BeapLcdHus la love and in beauty. ITnmatchsd"heata'the llahto? ttaaua.- They srarher. this wonderful army. la neld aBd.lcaJovti.nit la an-rec. Their voices are music to charm me. S rlmrtnz' and eager aad sweet. Their cneeits ara as red as a cnt'rrr. Their eyes are as purs as tne day. And tne sound of their marchinx Is merry, Waerever tnev pass on taeir wsy. There are people forever a-sijrilnj And sayiny the world Is all wran: Buisomenow uuilr douses take tu nyuvr At slsht of th s wronderful throng. The world imty be ciuooed and weary. O' trouble and tali may De full. But at leasr there Is hope where the cneery Dear cnildren are jromtf to school- Jfarjcret E. iicmipxcr. tn Harder Yiautg People. m m WHO STOLE DOLLY'S CLOTHES I It was a quiet summer afternoon-, and I was sitting- at my window, lookmg-out upon the lovely View that lay in the lengthening shadows before mu. The hills were deepening from a delicate violet to a deeper purple; the sunlight was fading- tram, ths sky, which was rich, with its crimson softness, anil not a breath stirred to rouse the dowers from their long afternoon nap "Bab 7." now six years old. was busy with her dob, Joaa D'Arc." b mime, so-cailed. because of her mysterious eyes, which. Baby thought, bore a strik ing resemblance to thoe- of that he roine' s picture. Her wardrobe dL tamed her motherij notion o Ld ncs.. and a small tc wash-tub had been brought out from the baby house, with ail the laundry appurtenances and the little maiden, with the sleeves of her gamp roLed up and an important look on hVr baby 'face, was emulating the laundress' skill, with a consummate gift for acting, that nited my mother' s heart with tender pride. At last the little dresa was ready to be whitened, and I watched Baby with a iazy sinue. as. mteriy ignoring the lact that tne sua v aa almost read to aa good-n'ght. shtr stepped out on the little grass-pfbt in front of the cottage, and stretched its small proport ous into a proper piace. and, turning back, re sumed her stand at thi little wash-tub How prettv she was. wirh the long, fair curls caugnt back wiai a tortoise-shell pin sne Had taken from mv cushion, and ner littie apron turned up to ena ble her to realize more vividty her "situation. But ven ivith so enchanting a pict ure before me. mv eyelids lowlv drooped, and I only knew that I had fallen asleep by being aroused oy an ex cited little cry of troubie. "What has happened?'" I asked, starting anxiously up- "Why' Jean D' Arc's dres ha." gone, mamma. ' came tne quiet repiy "" and lco&ng out. 1 saw Babv standing, a very picture of astonishment, with ""the rest of the d-Il's wardrobe wet and crumpled between her I ttle hand, the worx of bie-.icn:ng being summarily and completely brought to an end. "Gout; Oh' that is impossible." I said, cauniv. "of course it is there, dear." 3ut where, mamma3" came the question, so practical, that my vague assertion proved itself at onee valueless. I leaned forward, and looked out of tne window. leeimg round to produce proof of my superior waiiom. Bur. eing no speck of whitp visible on th-- grass plot." I said quietly, with ready ingenui ty "Wny, Baby, the wind must" have blown it awav. ' " She turned her deep blue eyes to wards me; and stood quite still for a moment, and tnen said, siowh "But where is the itruu.. rr-imma '' ' seeing it was the st L. sultry day it was. this logical question, only aug menting the dirSenlty as to the where aoouts of the wind aa well as cf the dress, roused me rroni my romancing to immediate action. I got m trom r ch:lir ami ,oinwl Rabvm the rarden. cnair anu o.ned uaD. in the garuen. immediate action. I got ni trom mv Alter a.-Kin? the usual ouestious in auchcaaes. vi.. "Exactly waere did yon put it0" "Then where did you go3" How long did vou stay3' etc, aii uifimtuvu. I "sat down again, with Baby standing bv my side, and tried to aoive the eunous mystery Perhaps some little child had strayed into the garden, and. coveting Joan s dress, had absconded witn It. whue Baby was busy at tne little tub. and so comforting her with the promise of n otfaer which promise I immediately proceeded to fulfu. I went back to the little cottage parlor. Baby, having spread the remainder of the" doll's garments on the grass. came and. drawing her little chair by my side, waicned me as I beaa my dress- making. I drew from, my scrap-ba.-ket a dainty bit of dotted muslin and some pretty lace, and Joan's rooe was fairlv under way, when Baby, sprmging from her little chair, cried out, between despair and disraay- "Whv, mamma, thei'se gone too"" I followed her gaze to the empty grass piot. in utter Bewilderment. "ome oue must be the thief' I exclaimed, at last: "Here" Baby." as a sudden thought dashed across my mind. "Take thesehttiu scraps cf ltimlm aad Lice, aad darapea them, and lav them out en the-grass, lust as you did the rest, and we will drop the lace curtain aad watch hehiud uv'and discover who it is." And having laid the snare, we sat in breathless stmnes watching for our prey But the mrnnr- came and went, and not a sound disturbed the sereaity cf the dying day Baby had climbed into my lap,and was a picture for aa artist's brushT as she sat -with enrasoa caeela and shining eyes, her tiny fingers laid waraaigiyoaher lips a nurse came ia. to take lier away for her tea. Not a voice, not a step, not a sound. stUJ we watched with persistentrssolntion. The quiet was unbroken, save by a robin, who hopned suspiciously across the lawn, so ignorant" of our dilemma, so innocent ox all such evil, muadaae mat ters as theft or crime. 1 turned to nurse, and. said, ia a low tea, ia response-to Baby's eager whis per In my ear. that her tea might be tadsnnltely postponed to-night, aad. mtag'iay post, found the Rasa agaJ" aarvold of tne decors wehad let. mh heightened interest we ar xtaged them againv aae! thirtmia aeta ta iizsayevsrraan tae Low. axutnv- - -.. - n an ml? 1 1 1 t bmp"i " i r and thavkkajacaj otasSr if It alone. For waat of ajrr other object. I we laarr watched him as he rac- over the grass, now pausing to look, froax side to side, as though tearing sigh: or sound. Nearer and, nearer ha came to ourbits of lace, when- suddenly; after one rapid survey in all directions, with a quick. dari.he caught them. la his beak, and. flew upwards. DronDin'r Babv from tut Ian. I ran hastily out on the lawn. and. tollowing hi night, i called. back. "iurry. Baby! tell John to bring a ladder, quickr With cries of del-gat. Baby executed t my commismoc. and whes at lat X paused beneath a large tree, in which I the bird had fonad a hiding-place. T I was soon jo ned by Baby, nurse. John I and the ladder We all stood in breath iless expectation, while John plunged ' into the upper boughs; and when from the nest-he brought down .all taa nsaa ioec3RBsnrs.'a.weU as tae lace-aaa musLn. which had. proved such, success ful decoys. Baby's delight, knew no bounds. But we nad learnt a lesson, never in. j anv simitar situation to accuse any one j of "theft, and. in the beautiful and in i genuons unsnspiciousnes3 that has taken possession of us. are a most de- Iurhtiut prey for any enterprising pick I pockets. But, as Baby said the next , morning at breakfast, thereby delight ing her laughter-loving papa. Is it tha reason they call it a nth-taf -V. Y. . Observer. Jessie aad the Cat. It was snowing hard when Jennie I went to bed. It began about four j o'clock, just after the sun had tucked j himselr close around with clouds before gomg to sleep. In tne room where Jennie slept a onght nrti was burning. . aad tne flifker upon the wall kept her ' awake till !ocg oast the night time I Bnt by aad by the little girl went last asleep, and "was .Uat creaming of a i sieigh-nde that was almost three weeks long, when she woke up again as w de ' awake as ever. The are was out and ' the tip end of Jennitr'j nose was cold as an :c.cle. - Me-ow" "O, dar. dear, dear." cried Jennie, fitting up iu. bed. aad rubbing her eyes to nikse them aee eerier, "there's Muniny out in the cold as sure as I live." Yes. indeed, poor Mumpsy. with, her four little kittens cown iathe cellar on the shavings almost crying their eyes open was out of doors without a 3ingta doubt. Jennie slipped down rroni the bed and a ent intu the halL The house was very still, and tne lights in the hararv were. out. i ahs jtnew papa was in ued. But the ha ga- was bcrniug as it always did. and what would bt easier than tu run down and open the tront door for old Mumpsy3 " so the bare little feet pattered do .vn the Lroad front stairs aadacross the haL. "What lots ot iocaa and chains. Jennie said to hersek as sne twisted the big key and tne little one. and then pulled out the chain bolt. Then witn both nanus she tugged aad tugged at the knob, aad in another min ute the door new open. "Dmg-aling aiing-aling-aling-oling"' Such a racket you never, never heard. It was the burglar alarm, aad in almost no time papa was standing at the head of" the tairs v'th a real gun in h's hands, while mamma, with a candle, was looking over iits shoulder to see wnat a true burgiar looked Lied- But tney didn't-e-mui-uto beairai! of only a little gir! about as ig? as the second step with ten little oare toes standing in a row. . yea. thev did see seme thing el-e. It wa- a cat that came running in. and scooted down cellar as fast a fbur leg would carry her raca turned "ot? the burgiar alarm. and came down and took hia little girl in hia Arms, carrying her lovingly up stain. -Mumpsy was crying for the nabies. and I let her in." said Jeuaie. "Don't scoid. papa." Da you suppose hi did"" Does any body suppose he did J But I snow a little girl who had a very big and sugarv gum-drop before she reallv went tn sleep that night. X 1'. Tnbtme. Norwegian snow-Shoe, or Skee-Raeinr- One of the most popular winter sports in Norway us skee-racing A ateep hill is selected by tne committee which is to have enarge of tae race aad all the cest skee-runaerj ia the dis trict enter their names eager to en gage in the contest. The track n cleared of all accidental oostrucuons. but If there happens to be a stone or wooden fence crossing it. the snow u dug away on the lower side of it and pued up above it The object is to ob tain wha is caiied a -jump." The skee-runner, of course, coming at full speed down the 3iope will slide out over thm -jump." auooung right out into the air and coming down, either on his feet or any other convenient por tion of his anatomy, as the case may be To keep one s footing, and particularly to prevent the -sees rrom becoming crossed while in tne air. are the most difficult feats connected with skee racing; aad it is no unusual thing to see even an excellent ssee runner plunging headlong into the snow, while nis skees pursue aa tade pendsat race dowa the track aad tell the spectators of his failure. Properiy speaking, a ssee race is act a rate not a test of speed, but a test of kir- for two runners rareiy start saaultaaeously. as. in case one of them should" fan. the otner conld not possibly stop, and might not even have the time to change his course. He would thus be m danger of running into ms competitor, aad could hardly avoid maiming h at seriously. If there wer severai parallel tracks, at a dis tance of twenty or tlurty feet from each other, there would, of coarse, ce less risk lahaviagthe runners start together Usually, a number fa"! in the first run. and those who have not fallen then con tinue the contest until one gams the paim. If. as occasionally happens, the competition is narrowed down to two. who are about evenly matched, a pro noeal to ran without staves is ant to re sult ia a decisive victory for one cr tha other It caa hardly be conceived how ex ' citing taeie contests are. not only to the i skeerunners themselves, but, also, to i the spectators, male aad female, who gather ia groups along the track: aad cheer their fnends as theypass. wavmaj I their handkerchief!, and glee ting wttS i derisive- cries the rauaaos wmrn are in separable from the sport. H. E. sen, ui SL Xichaias. . In m said to ha a fact that : NewYerkaiaalsso abaens-atikl aVtiTTSfrt ttT lQr"t""r"lL!r Xlxf. nenrmocs that he cannot. t fnuelm a card, bill hia am anaadareas. aae peraan. wma now taeaaia man rememsers such, a card can cUubdeaaTcjl .;&e truth, cat tae. TEMS&SAL A3 LTTHAIT. David Dudley Field is iithiasaraar ty-niath. year, and Is the oldest nrtrririBg lawyer intheStaae of "New "fecit The wardrobe of the- Caiaese Mia teter at Washington la valued, accord ing to a correspondent, at JI50,00(X He never appears twice atrecentieasi the same dress, aad taey are all d tan richest flir and satins. Colonel WTHoughbv "WUlfaras, of Nashville, owed about iSOQ.000 at the end of the war. Though then -aeariy seventy years, old, he went to work, and before his death, which occurred recent ly, ae-naal patf every eent of fe debts. The- success of American augazfaea ta England has led. the publishers of the Atlaiinc MimiMy to arrange with, a fkax of London rmblisaeo- to iawte-'asir' moataTy- hxrLaa dan : aieirjakryaiiaUar taaa-ixa" aapearaace is. Rmtoa . . -ITsoreaa's "Wee"k jasLwht 'Caacerii and Merrimack: UrrersTf" Sid aorTieir welL aad his publishers returned 70 copies of an ed'aon of 1.C0C Thoreaa stored them in his attic aad then boast ed that he had a library of nearly 900 volumes, cf which. 700 were books he wrote Mtt.1t Laicxd- Cotcner. Each of tne dairv newspapers of Richmond has lost tnrough " death Its chief editor within about oae year. Alexander A Moseley of the Whxg, Captaia Joaa Hamcden Chamberiayna of "the Stair, and lastly James A. Cowardin of the Dtspaten. A"i; Dickinson has Withdrawn from the stage and is living with her sister and aged mother at Hbnesdale. Pa. "She and her family." aays a friendly writer in the Philadelphia frcsj, "are poor, but proud as ever " Anna 'as been importuned by be? fnends to return ra theroatrniH-butsae will net listen to anything of the kiad. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Jr.. who has been eievared to tne judicial bench, is the author of a treatise on "The Com mon Law," which has been pronounced by the foremost Brinsh. authorities to be the niot origina work of legal specu lation which has appeared in rTrgfish since the pubucation of Sir Henry Maine's 'Ancient La Abdul Kerim Pasha, who Is coming to America to make- arrangements for the emigration of some of ArahlPasha's followers, is oue of the most famous oriental scholars. He ;s a graduate of Cambridge University aad an eloquent lecturer. He has translated " Homer into Arabic, and severa. works into En glish, and hAs oeen decorated by Italy. Russia, France and. Turkey. Rev. Josepn i ook has lectnred round the world, and he did not nad that the vaunted metanhysical acumen of tne Brahmins ot Ind a amounted t much, but socially tne better classea throughout the East delighted him. "Their re-nemear." he says, "-astonished me verv much 1 attended a din ner party given by a Chinese millionaire, at wmch each of us partook of two cups of birds' -nest soup, which I learn ed cost him five dollars a cud." J T. Sun. "Thuriaw Weed.' says the Phila delphia Frtsz "was the last a tha great editor of the old schooL Cross wel". Ritchie and t rentice passed away long before h:m. txreeiev. Raymond aad Bennett came between the old aad the new with much of the personality of the tornier and something of the broad joumaiistte grasp of the iatter ana taey. too. went before the master saint of the earlier dav." UL'X0R0D. !t is a wav " pus up- or shut up " witn tne umbrella. tsaaun Contmcr cm. Buaeizri. "Almost a bad disaster is a head ing in an exchange w e are now ea gaged in a wild search for a good dis aster trL City Ii.iz-tr' Plug hats cause baldness. Bet It is worth something to be a gentleman wh:eh vou caaat convince a n.n in a plug that he is not L w-.'. itizen. "Ah. excuse me." exclaimed aa Arian-aw man as he knocked down a stranger in the street. "I thought that you were a mend of mine. My eye sight is fa.l ng me. o that I II have to wear giasaes. Ancaiua r Tr'zctier. O .e cannot but v.ew with alarm the reported growth of socage culture in Florida, tor any one who has suflered trom the exreneac; knows that the cultured sponr- ia the very worst of the whole soeciea. B-t'ta Tntn.crtpt. Prot TyndaH says there will be a wondernu cn.inge in the aopearance of Niagara rafla in five taousand years. It L- a te likely that there will aiso bt a remaricabie change in. ourseives by tha: time. Any how, we snail see. Xarrututtm Etrtild. It as but a srmul" nia. Pack- says, oc a chair, and the hrue boy dii grin Lke a bear waen tue teacher took a seat aad n manner verv tleet rew a half a hundred fetrt m tue air This the teacher 1 ta annoy, and ne chants, aad no pardon to thtr cov quics: ne grants. But hegrau-5 the mdiscrvet little boy and him doth bat tiH he rather spoils the eat ot na - paata. " hea he had called the meeting to order. Brother Gardner aroao and said Gec'len. if it wasn't for de wheels on a wagon tne tvagon wouldn't move. When" de wheels is oa den whatr' "Grease"' solemnly exciaimed an old man " Kerrect' ' whspered the Pres ident, softly rubbing nj nam's togeth er - . e hez de wjguu an de wheels. V. e wZl now pasa de cat arouH for de grease Drnti Frw P-r-t. A white man not long since- 3ned a black; man n one of our courts, aad waile the tna. was before tne Judgs the litigaata came to an amicable set tlement, and so the counsel staled M the court "A veroa settlement wiJ not anawer." repued the Judge; "H must b in writing " Here i- the agree ment in oiacic and while." responded the counsel, pointing to tue reconciled partiea, -pra what does your hener want more than this3'" 'Tartzga Times. The man who offers to pay his land lady ntty cents a week extra if aae will seetnat a butter piatc u always, beiori him at d.naer. mav oe said to have ua dcrtakea to make aa extradiaoa treaty. We owa up to the oauneas of that pan. bat it isn' t so bod at oae a mead oi ours made when he said the iothes worn bv the University students, and-which seia intended to advertise their wearers as collegias. have a nve cent, thai is. rlafvard Tm" look. Boatun " I wish I was the trapper aad was tied to tne stake, going to be bcraed alive bv the IniLans." said littie Joaa av Fizz'etop wao was reading a dime novel on th- s.'rfa. "Whv do vou wish to be in such a omble pred:cameat? asked his mctner "Because, in the last ehaDter. the trapper scalps Jee whaikias Jna. tee Jumping Jackass oi Juniper Jungle, aad his Indian alliftt, aad carries off White Fawn, the lovely maiden, a: triumph a his mountain fastness." "I think tnere is too rriTh fastness, aavho w. about the bovs of Aus tin. remarked, his mother, thoughtful ly. Tesaj Siftaia. Jji i Tffi nnrrisii Ttmmmgmwmir (iac,ft,-jBfcL - " mmmm - rr 'a "r. sP' it "- '-. i i "-" 1 -'z -3T -vj-Trr" . i.