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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1900)
a iii I ft III ft Thcflottfolkflcis It 1h pitlinntitl llml JlMOOOOOOO napl tnl in invoitciltu l ho liquor tmlllo in this country it Jh oliiiiiiitl lint Si Louis U tho lnrgoM liorso iimrkot in tho world Tlio roioipts last your woro I U IHft land Tho ltinm lounriil antiouiifoa that T 1 McUnrthy of thut jiluoo will ho ounditluto lntforo tho mjinhllcaii con vontion of thin tllstrlot for tho nomina tion of eongiosMiimii Slnoo O H Novin has titkon olmrKO of tho Ijiuirol Advo uto that paper linn boon vory tnnoli tinprovudln appoarunco mi indication of tho fuot that Mr Novin is thoroiiKhly at homo in a print shop Somo of tho opposition papors claim 11 T Oxnard framod tho lorto llioan tarilV hill passed by tho house Mr Oxnard should fool Mattered with tho prospect of boromlnjr as big a bogio as Mnrlc lluiiua Kromont Trihuno Hopublieans should roinomher tho oiuousos which an to bo hold Monday ovoniiiK If those who aro interested in tho city campaign do not attend tins caucuses and primaries they will have noono to blamo but theniHulvcs if tho result does not suit them Tho yliui output of southwestern Missouri for 18f increased 110700 tons Over 1001X1000 was invested in tho milling district during tho year just closed making tho present capitalization fJJIO00 Hoth lead mid vsiuo woro higher during tho past year than in 1S8 Tho Washington Star asks the ques tion What is tho ditVerenco botwoon tho state of Massachusetts and Ken tucky1 Tho Hastings Record replies Massachusetts produces boots and rthoos and Kuutucky produces shoots and booo Hon John A Khrhardt of Stanton is being urged by friends as tho proper person to represent Nebraska as to the national convention Mr Ehrhardt is highly respected iu this section of the Mate and can undoubtedly count on the united suppoit of north Nebraska Wo note with pleasure tho improve ment iu tho print of tho Norfolk Times Tribune Nearly one half of tho last copy that readied us was readable Stanton Picket Aud if it keeps on improving Hiothor Enos it will soon bo as typographically mid orthographically correct as your own Stanton Register Russia claims a groat navy aud it has boon stated that theirs was uoarly equal to that of Groat Britain but facts do not warrant tho statement According to statistics Great Britain has 483 war vessels most of whioh have been built Biuco the early eighties and many of whioh aro fully improved aud up to date llussia has JIOll vessels but tho majority aro old fashioned Thoy have howovor made vast appropriations and will soon rank high as a naval power The Danville Illinois Press says tho domocrats mean businoss iu their an tagonism to tho trusts Is that so Then why was it that some action bas not been taken whan they woro in pawer when Mr Olovelaud was presi dent for instance that would do those trusts up Tho domocrats aro long on wind ntid promises but remarkably short on action aud achiovomonts If thoy have recontly sot a precedent as a friond of tho peoplo they should not bo slow to produco it If those Norfolk peoplo do not quit protty soon and allow tho secretaries of tho state board of transportation to got thoir usual amount of eloop residents of that town may oxpoot n cold reception whon thoy visit tho state house They actually havo tho importinouco to ox poet tho secretaries to answer letters aud inform them of tho time whon tho rato caso iu which thoy aro interested will come up for hearing Norfolk men should not bo so oxaoting whon they hnvo caused tho board trouble onouiih nlrendy Omaha Boo Coiu Harveys now work has not boon giveu tho cordiul recoptiou ac corded his first book In 18911 his Fiuauoial School was doomed n household noco9sity by many who were Buffering from tho misrule of it demo cratic administration It was nu ex ceedingly interesting work iu that it presonted a view of a paradise on earth that was most desirable Now tho people realize that it was but a story after all Its desidoration bus beeii at tained without following and contrary to its teachings uud tho author is no longer esteomod its a man capable of leading his countrymen through a path that ends iu a glory aud liappiuoBs indescribable The eleventh session of tho Trans Mississippi commercial cougresa moots in Houston Texas on April 17 to 31 inclusive As delegates to this congress the governor of each stato aud territory west of the Mississippi river is to ap point ten representatives the mayor of each city one delegato aud oue addi tioual for each 5000 inhabitants j each county may havo oue delegute and each business organization one delegato Tho object of tho mooting is to dlfcuss matters of interest to tho western states and forinulnto plans whioh will bring about the desired results Tho people of Houston are arranging to show tho visitors tho best of everything in tho south whioh is said to bo purtioulnily beautiful at this time of tho year Tho populist party at its organization was almost solely a farmers parly and the members woro especially averse to alllliatltig with professional and busi noss men esporlally lawyers and politi cians But times havo changed or at least tho populist party lias aud the backbone of tho fusion populists aro the olllco seekers their representatives aro lawyers aud thoir leaders nro tho politi cians This fact was ovidonced by tho Madison county convention Iu tho county there nro seven or eight precincts devoted almost exclusively to farming threo of those woro not roprosonted in the convention Tho delegates chosen to ropresont tho county at tho stato convention consisted of seven farmers threo lawyers aud tho balance wore business men or politicians It is very clear that tho farmer is no longer tho controlling force in tho fusion populist parly J Sterling Morton a domocrat of tho old school sizes up tho preBont political situation in this stato iu tho following trenchant Inuguago For alleged silver domocrats to com bine fuse and amalgamate with alleged sllvor republicans notwithstanding the latter boliovo in protection und tho former in free trndo for tho purpose avowedly of electing a populist to ofllco is all right salth tho advocates and organs of Brynnarohy But If alleged gold standard domocrats fuso weld and iniseognnto with allogod gold standard republicans tho llrst being free traders and the second pro tectionists for tho purposu of ulccting u man to olllco who is in favor of honest money it is all wrong saith the saintly politician of tho Hat faith If gold democrats and gold republi cans should fuso and form tickots county stato or national tho anguished howl of the conscientious devotees to principles who Fook nominations from threo distinct and in many respects antagonistic political parties would rond tho skies Thoy would bo so shocked so terribly consoiouco strickon by suoh a wickod ballot trust that thoy would ovon invoko the uso of tho writ of injuctiou to prevont its consum mation Tho peoplo of Omaha sooni to under stand tho World Herald and its motives inoro thoroughly than thoso of tho bal ance of tho stato Thoro is no question ing tho fact that that paper did much to aid tho fusion cause last fall by its mud slinging tactics directed ngainst Tudgo Roeso Not only woro peoplo of tho stato but of Omaha as well turned against Mr Reese bocauso ho was not ns well known not boing a resident of thut city In this springs municipal cam paign howovor tho policy of tho paper was not a success Although it directed column upon column of vituperative comments at Mayor Mooros aud hatched all kinds of stories concerning him and his associates it was without offoot and ho was elect ed by a largoly increased majority Tho reason is npparout Tho pooplo of tho motropolis woro ac quainted with tho candidates and all tho trumped up charges conceivable couldnt chaugo tho opinion thoy had formod of them in ovory day inter course It was a bitter but dosorved robnko to a paper tho main depondonco of which Is vituperation and abuso It is to bo hoped that tho people of tho stato will ns urgontly insist on cleaner and inoro decont newspaper warfaro as did tho oitizous of Omaha Mr Laws statomont that tho Norfolk caso makes him tired is a rovelution that places tho caso iu a 6tatus of quid pro quo that is tho Norfolk caso makes Mr Laws tirod and Norfolk reoiprocatos with tho soutimont that Mr Laws and his associates mako tho peoplo of Nor folk tired exceedingly There is somo talk of calliug a publio meeting and oxpressing tho hearty sympathy of tho peoplo of Norfolk for Mr Lws He certainly dosorves somo consideration and it would afford neodod relief to tho pooplo of this city to lot him kuow thoy wore in tho samo boat Mr Laws duties are probably arduous porhaps exceedingly so Hero ho has hold ofllco for soveral years past and has assisted ill trying pooplo beliovo bo was trying soveral cases Thoro aro only threo deorotnrios and u stenographer at a sal ary of 1500 per year to porform nil thoso arduous taskfc and thou for people to waut replios to their letters and information iu regard to meetings It is too much too much If tho people of Norfolk and other liko igno ramuses drivo Mr Laws into nu early grave by overwork they havo only ouo course open to retrieve tho great wroug they havo done and that is to erect a mouumout of limestone to his memory on whioh shall be iusoribed a suitable epitaph iu glittering letters of asbestos lloro lies tlio body of L Laws Worlod to death in u noble cause Hi Biliary was paid by tlio peoplo dour Who thought lie should earn it moot otery yoar The parity between Bilver and wheat was a fruitful topio of discourse during the oveutful campaign of 1893 This year it is not moutioued but thoro is a parity between men aud gold that might bo of interest to the peoplo and especially those who are endeavoring by demagogic taotics to make the workman THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MARCH lf 1900 boliovo that gold is a eurso aud his worst enemy In tho first place gold was iu great domand iu 1 8111 at a good rato of interost and then not to bo ob tained oxcopt through ilrst class security while workmen woro not iu domand aud woro exceedingly fortunate If thoy could got two or threo days work a weok and earn enough to koop tho necessities of life in tho house Iu IftillMOOO tho conditions nro reversed Labor is In such demand that oven dur ing the winter months thoro nro fow iiion out of employment and all nro re ceiving fair wngos On tho contrary money is not iu demand on good secur ity and tho rato of interost is low Iu making this comparison a wido rango is given not definitely becnuso doflnlto figures nro not obtainable Iu 18l it is agreed for tho sake of comparison that a laboring man on an nvorago was earn ing 7fi cents to 100 por day which is undoubtedly high while it was an oasy matter to loan gold at 10 por cent A man was thou earning counting ovory dny ns a tiny of labor from 270 to 1110 per yoar while at 10 por cent 2700 to 1100 was earning as much monoy A mans oarningvuluo at that timo maybe said to bo ns much as 2700 or 11 XX iu monoy which was his valuo In tho markets Iu 181 11100 a man was easily making from 100 tolfi0 por day whilo monoy is not in demand at from 0 to 8 per cont A mail was therefore making from i0 to 500 u yonr whilo nt mi averngo of 7 por cont it required from 5000 to 7K0 to mako n liko amount in interest A mans earning capacity or valuo has thoroforo rison from betweon 1000 and 5000 to about 5100 to 7000 This mny bo nn odious comparison as placing man on an equal ity with money ns nn earning power but it is u fact that cnuuot bo ovnded and is freely suggested to tho Brynnitcs ns a parity to tuko tho placo of wheat and silver Row Charles M Sheldon now tic couuted tho foromost religious nuthor of tho time who on Moudny nssumos charge of the Topoka Oapitol which ho will conduct for one weok as Josus would do was rnisod ns n western boy Ho was born in Wellsvillo N Y in 1857 but whilo n very small boy his parents moved to South Dakota his fathor locating on n farm near Yankton where ho farmed on week days nud pronched on Sunday to a sninll congre gation iu a little couutry church It was horo that thouow famous pronchor spoilt his boyhood dovolopiug his niusclo on tho farm nud his mind n pnrt of each year in tho Yankton publio schools Whilo yet n young boy ho gavo ovidonco of tho literary ability which bus siuco mndo him famous ns tho author of In His Stops Tho Crucifixion of Philip Stioug etc by writing stories which woro frequently published in n local paper As his father was anxious to havo him become a miuistor tho youug man wont to Phillips academy nt Audover Mass after that to tho Brown uuuivorsity nnd later took a courso at tho Audover Theological seminary After spending a sunimor iu Europo his first charge was at Watorbury Vormont but whon ho received a call from tho Coutrnl Coiigregntioual church at Topoka Kansas iu 1SSS ho acceptod nnd enmo west again Ho camo to a congregation numbering only about 00 owning no church nud holding its services in n small hall Ho wont to work and in n short time had erected a neat stouo church building and his congregation uow contains about iiOO mombers It is not today a fashionable congregation but ovory member is said to bo very much alivo nnd interested in tho work Knrly in his pastorato ho bogtin to em ploy original methods iu his work Ho felt that to be of service to thorn ho must know tho peoplo and for that purpose ho dovoted threo months to visiting railroad men whon thoy woro on duty dressod as n lnboriug mnu aud afterward ho spent a timo with physi cians studying them nud their patients whom ho often had nn opportunity to visit Thou ho dovoted about tho samo time to tho lawyers in thoir ofllces nnd in court Ho was learning to kuow huuiau nature iu its various phases nnd acquiring a kuowlodgo that was to prove useful to him in futuro During tho hard times of 18 lie desired to kuow whether lnbor could bo obtained aud for that purpos0 drossod himself as a common laborer aud mndo personal application for a position to ovory mnn aud firm known to employ help in ovory iustauce being turuod away with tho information that no laborers wore wauted On tho next Sunday ho ro tated his experience from tho pulpit About this timo ho commenced to givo his congregation chapters of bis btories from tho pulpit whioh he read instead of a sermon at stated intervals Ho has written a number of books but is best known ns tho author of In His Stops whioh has had a remarkablo sale aud has been translated into many foroigu tongues His latest venture in learning peoplo and their lives will bo through editorial management of the To poka Capital next weekin whioh ho pro poses to exemplify his idea of how Christ would run a paper were He still on earth Since 1801 the United States govern meut has paid out iu pensions tho sum of nearly 2470000000 Ho cauuot work well who works only for the wages he receives Wants to Itn Klcotctl IMIoCmii Doo Bixby of tho Stuto Journal hns nn eye on tho Third congressional district and appears to boliovo that tho law and olllco trust of Madison is iu dnugor of having its octopus liko strength broken by Secretary of Stato Portor who has n congressional bee buzzing iu his bonnet nud whoso hold is dealing with railroads uud ollior liko corporations This is the way ho views tho sltuntion Oucn nioro Willi tliu trumpet vileo of Iortnr can ho lionnl Allows tlm mpiawk of goiso nml roar of gun Hu is culling to his people In tlio dark nud liloody Third To look out for him NobrnskasJ favored noli Ho wants lo turn tin plctliru of1 John S toward tho wall Ami HiilHtltuto thorofor n hotter man lb yaiiU to go to congress If nloctoil In tlio fnll Auil wantH lo bo elected If ho can I havo searched this pliinotllnror I hao crossed tlio orimnH fomn I have boon where moons urohright nml hWIoh aro dim ltnko tlio plains of purgatory with u patent llno tnnth conili Anil jouil scnrcoly tlml it hottor mtitij llinn him Misery In his profession roformntlon his boat hold Anil ho ad vocalic tho modern Vision plan Ho hiiH had his oyixm congress ninny jours ho I inn told Aud ho wantH to ho oloctod If ho can In tho Hold of agriculture ho wasoncon shining mnrlc Doing ofton two or thioo days work iu ouo Ho would hoo nnd bun potutoos 6 n m till nflor dark Thinking not of llaltimoro or Washington Then ii wicked iliouth foil on htm uud ho seemed to loso his hold Thut was vtlion tho pop roform nt first hi Kim sluci boon after olllce liko u wolf thut hooks tho fold And ho wants to hu oloctod If ho can Thoro nro saloon cranks and thoro nro nnti snloou cranks tho radicals lining up on this question liko thoy do on many others Tho saloon crank would run wido opon Ho would havo no rostrictious on his business whatever Ho would soil to inon women aud children without regard to sizo ngo or condition Ho would run day nud night and Sundays Ho would run gambling aud coufldeuco gnuies galoro He would prostituto womou nud debauch mon Ho would havo a literal hell on earth Then there is tho nnti saloou crnuk who wouldnt couuteuauco liquor uudor any restriction or any price Ho would eliminate it from medicino cookery and tho sciences Ho wouldnt tolerate a social gamo of cards or even dominoes Ho would prevent you from whistling ou Sunday or weariug any thing more gaudy than snckcloth ou that day Ho would tnboo tobacco in nil its forms Ho would mako it a ponalty to swear or get mnd Ho would stop dunces drivo out circuses theaters aud all othor amusements Loft to the government of ono or tho other class tho town and community would bo dead Tbo former would kill tho peoplo off with vice and sin The latter would have it a Eombro gravo yard uo frolics no fun no pleasures But neither control nor are likely to control Tho govorumout of most towns and cities rests largoly with tho fair minded man tlio ouo who is able to discern between the wholly bad nud tho wholly good It is ho that will say to either class this far aud no farther He has influouco with either class ho is the golden moan nnd ou his wisdom nnd sagacity will depend justice nud fair play to one aud all Coxey of commonweal army fauio is roputod to bo a friond not only of labor but of that class of individuals com monly known astrnmp s Ho now owns a stone quarry at Massillou Ohio and offers opportunities to all to earn their bed aud board At times however he is compelled to omploy trust corporation or militarism tactics in order to preserve his rights Ono Saturday afternoon two men applied for work for the pur poso of securing good board aud lodging over Sunday and Monday morning thoy disappeared Coxoys son brought them back at the point of tho rovolver nnd mado thorn work out the price of tho comforts they had received Dr Humphreys Specifics euro by acting directly upon tho disease without GZciting disorder in any othor part of tho systom DO CUUKS I BICES 1 lcieri Conations Inflammations iS i Worms Worm Fevtvr Worm Colic 25 3 Teething Collo Crying Wakefulness 25 1 Dlnrrhe of Children or Adults 25 7 Couchs Colds Bronchitis 25 8 Neuralgia Toothache Faccacho 25 9 Headache Sick Hcadacho Vertigo 25 10 Dyspepsia IndlgestIonWeakStomacb25 1 1 Huppressed or 1aluful Ierlods 25 12 VhlteH Too Profuso Periods 25 13 roup Laryngitis Hoarseness 25 1 1 Sail Ilheum Erysipelas Eruptions 25 13 Illieiiiiiatlmii Khoumatlc Pains 25 16 Malnrlu Chills Fever and Ague 25 19 atarrli Influenza Cold in the Head 25 UO Wliooulng Cough 25 27 Kldney lllseiises 25 2 ervous Debility 100 30 lrlnury Weakness WetUng Bed 23 77 lrlp Hoy Fever 25 Dr Humphreys Manual of all Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Free Hold by druggists or sent on receipt of price Humphreys Med Co Cor William John Sts New York TREES AND PLANTS kHiB of Best Varieties at hard Times Prices Small fruit in largo tuily Millions of titrawborry lilauts very thrifty and well rooted lottlie HCdT near home ami save freight or express Bond for prioolUt to North Bend Nurseries North Ucad ridge County Nel Li v Pfe rfA V Y l n VVi iff mvwibyt mm Fws TTPil gf - miiMr jrawiA wm m z ii i ft wlWnv trJ t l f7LWtXmM HYNXmxMk MWt Jfil jomsmMm mi zvr W NKSg t u N -V IUmY J Y K kmlM r i Bitwitm iAtnB iaKa - rrii i l -1 mwMVXk msaaMiak PM I si i wi if ivMia in n mi i uitiinwKHi mjXmihva j a il RW mWSiMfflHia i mi I liffltt 1 ivlV ill I ralVvY4AiiHVvvl YArf4S - W IWIW T isrV S V -mm SHE WAS BLIND A blindness conies to mc now and then I have it now It is queer I can sec your eyes but not your nose I cant read because some of the letters arc blurred dark spots cover them it is very uncomfortable I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one of these it will cure you in ten minutes What is it A Ripans Tabule IT A caso of bad health that will not benefit They banish pain and prolong Ufa WAN kU es roller Nolo tho wont KTPANS ou the packngu and accept no substitute KTPAN 3 10 for S cuius or twclvn packets for 48 cents may tie had lit any drug store Ten samples and one thou ninil testimonials III bu mailed to any address for S csnts forwsxdsd to tha lUpans Uhtmlcol Co No i 10 Spruce St New York - Edisons Phonograph Better than a Piano Organ or Music Box for it sings and talks as well as playsTand dontcostns much It reproduces the music of any instrument band or orchestra tells stories and sings the old familiar hymns as well as tho popular songs it is always ready Prices 750 to 10000 Sco that Mr Edisons signaturo is on every machine Cata logues of all dealers or NATIONAL PHONOQRAlH CO 135 Fifth Ave New York sessT OUR BEST FRIENDS Cr Ol -V 17 SSC5 Hf19SsiSt xk ONLY S275 SEND NO MONEY Cucthls ad out and Bend to u stute your wt Ight sud htlghl nlio num ber of Inches around body it bat and ntrk and we wilt send this EAUTIfUl FURTRIMMED IFiVm CtOTH CAPE to you by eipress cu subject to examination You cat examine and try It on at our nearest exnmnit nf ya1i f tr M fir 5 it W lice and If found pci fcttlr Wf IBS MgaaiEgarji ij24zl ft Jli rFiffV E tsUiTictory ciaelly tt rrwuifu aou llteniott wooderful Talue you titr or burd of ray the express ayent our npcclal etfcrprIpvS275 and ciprrfei cbargrt Kxpress oharices will average to to CO cents for each 1000 miles THIS CAPE IS LA TEST STYLE FOR FALLond WINTER made from an extra floe aad beaty all wool blatLorblne venulne llurlton Ilea vcrcloth 87 Inches lonir very full sweep 13 Inch upper cal extra full tpperrine and large atom collar beautl fully trliniiiod wltli black DalUc ral fan upper cape trlmuiwl with threo rows and collar Tilth two ro sot flue uobalr braldt cloth button oniamentsTMi cape la Dae lallor made tbroiiabout and equal to capes that sellat mm i than doutile the price Write for free Cloak ritalorce SEARS ROEBUCK CO CHICAGO Stan ttotbuck k Cu aro aoronibly reliable Kdller very Month there are thousands of wo men who nearly suffer death from irregular menses Some times the period comes too often sometimes not often enough sometimes the flow is too scant and again it is too profuse Each symptom shows that Nature needs help and that there is trouble in the or gans concerned Be careful when in any of the above con ditions Dont take any and every nostrum advertised to cure female troubles BRADFIELDS FEMALE REGULATOR is the one safe and sure medicine for irregular or pain ful menstruation It cures all the ailments that are caused by irregularity such as leucor rhcea falling of the womb nervousness pains in the head back breasts shoulders sides hips and limbs By regulating the menses so that they occur every twenty eighth day all those aches disappear together Just before your time comes get a bottle and see how much good it will do you Druggists sell it at 1 Send for our free book Perfect Health for Women THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR ATLAI1TA CA r are the long time users of Smith Premiers The more hard work turned out the more apparent is Smith Premier durability Repair bills reduced to a minimum Smith Premier capacity for good work all the time is onequaled Catalogue Free Ask for it The Smith Premier Typewriter Co r8 Illinois Gentral R B ANNOUNCEMENT FOR WINTER TOURISTS Tlio Illinois Coutrnl ilosiros to cull attention to tlio iinoxcolloil sorrico thut is olio roil by its lines to tho fcouth for tho soibon of lbjy 1900 c ALIFORNI VIA NEW ORLEANS FROM CHICAGO THROUGH SERVICE FROM ST LOUIS A Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars lorsonnlly conduct ed Huns tlimtigh to Ioa AiikoIos nml San Frnucirco viu Now Orleans in ronnnntioii EVERY with tlioSoutliorn Pit WEDNESDAY cc loiiviwj tliicno MnDuiMP 011 tliu Coiitrals fiit MORNING xow orloans Simi ciiil connection iilso mailo by this train with daily trains out of Now Orloans for tlio Pacific Coast Tho Limitoil from Chicago ovory otcn lim connects on Mondays and Thursdays at Now Orleans after December 18 1MI9 with tlio SUNSET LIMITED of tho Southorn Pacific giving special through sorvico to San Francisco F LQRI D VIA NASHVILLE AND ATLANTA A Double dally sorv ico is maintaiuiMl out of St Louis ia tlio Illinois Central and ronnrctitig linos to Nnsln illoChatluiioo gu and Atlanta tliro blooninir cur to bonvillo Florida boing carried 011 tho DIXIE FLYER lcaiug St Louis nveiy moiling This train as well as the Day Express letting St Louis iu tho morning aro Ixith solid trains to Nashvillo having through coaches and sleeping curs run ning through Martin Tuun and tho N C A St L Hy Coiiuoction via this liuu for nil priuci pal jioiuth iu tho Southeast Mich as Charleston Wilmington Aikln und Savannah aud for all pointb in Florida TWO SOLID FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS Daily from Chicago to Memphis and New Or leans HOMESKEKEHS EXCURSIONS to certain points in tho South on tho lines of tho Illinois Central and Y ic M V railroads will bo run on tho llrst aud third Tuesday of ouch mouth dur ing tho winter season Full particuluis coucorning all of tho abcnn can bo hud of agents of tho Illinois Central or by addressing A II Hanson J P A Chicago 2 I mm CO T J W c 75 BOX RAES8 COAT AUrliluilt 500 Aliin 7C 1ltOOK MAKlNllls fall 0 SEND NO MONEY Cu i t una ttiij to ua Itale jour brijlil aaj HrULI ilaio aumbtruf larura vruunu uvij ai brral lakra otrr 11 at uiidrr roil rloe uu uodrr aria an 1 i 111 ernil ou thlcoiit liy eilJiej I II II aulijrcl Iu eiaoiUalloa Kx inliie and tr It ouut journearet IMfM ulfloe aud If tounj rurll aa rrprrkialtd aad ILe iaot wouderful aloe jou ritr or beard of aoJ rqual la oaf roat oa can bu fur BIMUL limit IUlll 273 aua exprea icliarirea Tlllh llAtKINTIIhll IIII tin stjlv vary tttthig made Iruiu btai natrriiroor tan color froulac 11x1 Uirrl lloibi full IviiKtli douulB t agtrislict collar fane plaid lining vuUrirool eotUnaai bultaulo fur lioih lUIn or Oirrroat and cuaraatrrd tllr ATrST Wilt nrr olTfrrd b us or un otlic r hoiio I or I rrr HulU Simi or Jlrns Maiklutonlii s up to 5 0U and Made to MeuureHiiltaiid Over roatsatfrumtsiiQ tollOia urite for lllrt gAVITK lllMlk A UIV A 111 EARS ROEBUCK Co Unci CHICACO Scan Uoctiack to arc IhurvujUj riUtkit t JlWr T i i i