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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1900)
r u Economical Shoes are never ehonp shots Shoos like Pingrco Smiths mens J womons nud childrens unci Drow Solby Shoo Oos Indies shoes iro truly economical becnuso thoy Will Outwear two pairs of ohonp shoos nud - nro not high priced nt thnt j If you hnvo nover tried them j wo would ndviso you to do so - Davenport I Bros X NORFOLK NEBR SIMPSONS CORNER OlHco Hardys Conl Olllcn Firo iusurnnco Farm nud City Loaus and Ileal Estnto Ciooil lionsu 1irii anil I acres nT lnml in N in fill k fur Bill u chuat J E SIMPSON YOUR EYES SHOULD BE TESTED SCIENTIFICALLY If glasses nro needed I will tell you so nud if glasses will do no good I will nlso inform you No charge for testing You are welcome CFW MARQUARDT Norfolk OPTICIAN Nebraska The Wentlior Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature ISO Minimum temperature 2 Average 15 Snowfall inches 50 Precipitation 00 Total precipitation for month 28 Earometer 2980 Forecast for Nebraska Generally fair and continued cold tonight and Friday THURSDAY TIDINGS George Killen very pleasantly enter tained a small party of young people Tuesday evening S R McFarlaud who was taken so sick yesterday morning is ablo to again attend to his duties at Hardys coal office The guild of Trinity church will meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs Spear at the Oxnard The members are requested to bo prompt and bring thimbles pro pared to do sewing The spring weather took a decided chill yesterday aud last night and yes terday was almost like winter Still the meadow larks and robins remain with the evident intention of spending the summer hero Saturday is St Patricks day and all loyal Irishmen will please bear in mind the fact that tho day is honored by tho republicans of Norfolk who will hold their primaries aud convention ou that dato J AV Gibson yesterday sold to the Johnson Jansen company a white wyandotte cockrell receiving for the bird 15 Proof is constantly acouinu latiug that it payfc to raise poultry or any kind of stock of tho best obtainable blood and quality The people of Columbus have erected n very fine soldiersmonument on one of tho publio squares of that city It was erected at a cost of 3400 besides 9975 freight ou two cannon which were con tributed by tho government and shipped from Fort Bemcia Cnl These cannon are set on pedestals eaoh side of the monument Tho monument proper is 30 feet high the heaviest stone weighB about 10000 pounds and is 9 by 9 feet in dimensions Tho stouo column is sur mounted by a brou eagle with a spread of six feet There are engraved on the monument 183 names of soldier dead Tho stone is of granite aud is a very haudsome memorial Wayne Herald A representative of the Harding Creamery company of Nor folk was here on Saturday with a view of purchasing tho creamery at this placo The companys represeutativo Mr Ornisby will bo hero ngnin noxt Satur day when ho desires to nieot tho milk producers of tho country with a view to ascertaining what tho prospects for business will bo in case of thoir pur chnsing tho plant If tho wentlior is lit ho will hold an open meeting on tho stroots and if tho weather will bo Mich ns to prevent that a room will bo secured and tho meeting hold there Lot every farmer interested in tho milk business bo present nud hear what tho gentloninn has to offer This company has been very successful in tho nianngoniont of this business nud fully nndorstnnds it in all its details Tho firo department hold a regular meeting nt tho city hall last ovoning Tho principal business transacted was that of settling up matters in connection with tho recent session of tho stato as sociation It was reported that tho now hoso hoiiso in tho Third ward had boon completed and tho hoso cart and other traps will probably bo removed to tho building today It is understood that now rules have been adopted in regard to tiro alarms A firo in tho Third ward will bo handled by tho West Side compauy and ono from tho eugino houso unless tlio help of tho other companies is needed when thoy will bo sent for Tho first company out from tho city building will bo tho only ono to go unless tho othors nro needed This provision will bo less expensive to tho city for teams and tho city will have tho protection of leaving a company ready to respond iu caso of u second cnll At Thompsons 1 cnus Corn 20c m ot1 UU1IM lUllllllUll IU Prunes per pound Ho Tho F E M V H R will sell ex cursion tickets to Lincoln Nob ou March 18 aud li at ono faro for tho round trip account state convention of tho democrat populist and silver repub lican partios good to return until March 21 Fresh celery at Glissinans For painting and paper hanging see Clark and Miller or leave orders at Christophs drug store Prices reason able Wanteu housework A good girl Mrs A II for THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 11 1900 general Allinsok For Rest 5 room cottago ou South lth st A J Rosekhaum Farm laud aud city property for Fine lamps at the Bock Store sale by G R Seiler Window shades at tho Book Store Just recoived at Salters Coal yards all varieties of soft coal Also all sizes of hard coal of tho best quality Coal all thoroughly screened Telephone No 54 Fresh halibut nt Glissmaus Just received a barrel of mackerel at Glissmaus choice PERSONAL Judge Cones came in from Pierce last evening O S Evans was a visitor to Battle Creelc yesterday A B Campbell of Genoa was a city visitor yesterday G P Billups was a city visitor yes terday from West Poiut Andreas Schwank was iu Norfolk yesterday from Madison Dr W H Person of Stanton was a Norfolk visitor yesterday Ohas Rice departed yesterday on a trip to Louisville Kentucky The Misses Duel and Zimmerman were down from Battle Creek yester day Rev W R McKim went to Winsido yesterday to perform a marriago cere mony Ray Lobdell nephew of Miss Mason has been sick with tousilltis for about a week Miss Henrietta Stollo was in from Battle Creek yestorday doing some trading Mrs J C Aid and Mrs A II Violo went to Oroighton yesterday to visit friends Miss Annie Herman loft this morning for Omaha whero she has accepted a position Mrs Robort Utter who has beon visiting friends in Wayne returned last evening Dave Owen loft today on a trip to South Dakota after mules for his rail road contract work W II Wigton came up from Omaha last evening to look after matters per taiuiug to tho Auditorium Miss Dolla Ochsuer is visiting Miss Georgia Harvoy while on her way from Sioux City to her home in Madison Mrs Geo D Butterfleld of Creighton aud her mother Mrs A P Doe of Davenport Iowa are guests at tho homo of W II Butterfiold in tills city Dressed turkeys at the Palace Meat Market Typewriting at tho Y MC L rooms Suiders catsups at Boxs We make loaus ou real estate at lowost rates Elkhoru Building and Savings association T E Omorve See Choice veal at tho Palaco Meat M nket Box can suit you on coffee DRllOlHAT fNOM XRKS Result of the City Convention This Afternoon I 0 WESTERVELT TOR MAYOR A il UoMiltrii In Niiiiilniilcil for City Vlnrk lolin Friday fur Tioitftiiritr A I Child for Inllro Incite mill Mulrnu mill Diitu fur MiiiiiIioik of Nilmiil llimtil Tho democratic city convention was held nt tho city hull this nftornoon At li oclock tho convention was culled to order by D J lCoonigstoin chairman of tho central committee Temporary organization wascllected by th elect inn ofCJ A Luikart chuirmun aud J L Daniel secretary On motion n commit tee of throe wus appointed on credentials consisting of D J Koonigstoin K V Komber and II O Matrau Tlio convention took a short recess while tho committee was receiving credentials Tlio committee reported that tho following named delegates were entitled to seats in tho convention First ward C K W Miuqunrdt 1 II Conloy PaulFrinbo L Daniels Fred Dcgner Kred Brumniond I G Westorvelt Ludwig Wetzel J 11 lvrnhu Second ward K Kilnnirry A 1 Brunimund Win Ahlmann M 1 Stouo Al Dcgner H C Matrau Fred Lou Wm G Bonier Carl Wilde M J Stafford Third ward Peter Stafford A P Childs G A Luikart D J lCoonig stoin S G Dean Albert Wilde Dr A BearJA J Koonigstoin A P OBanion and J C Stitt Fourth ward Fred Koerber O A Harshman Stovo Burnett TomSliively L H Breed and A Viergutz Tho temporary organization was made pormnuent and the chair stated that tho nomination of a candidate for mayor was iu order The uamo of I G Westorvelt was proposed by D J Koonigstoin and thero being no other nominations tho nomination of Mr Westorvelt was mndo by acclamation Tho uomiueo in re sponse to calls for i spoech said that if elected ho would do tho best ho can under existing circumstances I cant help existing circumstances John Friday was nominated for city treasurer by acclamation No nomination wns made for tho office of city cngiueor For tho office of polico judgo P O Hirsch nud A P Childs woro placed in nomination Messrs Al Degner and O F W Mar quardt were appointed as tellers Tho ballot being taken resulted P O Hirsch 15 A P Childs 15 Another ballot was taken which gavo Childs 10 Hirsch lit J L Daniel 1 and Mr Childs was declared the nominee For city clerk A J Koenigstein and Alfred Gerecko were placed in nomina tion 1 Tho ballot resulted Koenigstein 20 Gerecko 1 1 Tlio chair declared Koonigstoin the candidate for city clerk For members of tho board of educa tion H C Matrau and S G Dean were nominated by acclamation The central committee was empowered by motion to fill any vacancies that may occur Tho city central committeo was formed as follows KSS First ward C F W Marquardt Second wurd Albert Degner Third word P Stafford Fourth ward F W Koerber D J Koenigstein was elected chair man of the central committeo and C F W Marquardt was chosen secretary This is tho last week tho Variety store stays open Tables full of bargains to closo out Sturgeon is the piano man Improved farm 8 miles from Norfolk house barn windmill 70 acres pasture fenced 1800 S L Gardner Fur Nnle Cheap A dray wagon and n sot of heavy harness Enquire of Henry Miller Wall paper at Christophs DrFrank Salter Diseases of children For Rent Forty acres extra good beet laud near tho factory by Dr F Verges Wall paper at tho Book Store Cholco veal at tho Palaco Moat Market Ileal Ininie Tntunlurx The following transfers of real estate are reported by Chester A Fullor man- agor of the Madisou county abstract office at Norfolk Elbert T McGehoo aud wife to O II R Bonn wd part of 7 Sll 525 00 Smoked white fish at the Palaco Meat Market Farm and city loans The Dukland Trust Oo Thoro is more catarrh in this Bectiou of tho country than all other diseases put together and until the last few years was supposed to bo incurable For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disooso and pre scribed local remedies and by coustnntly failing to cure with local treatmont pronouueed it incurable Science has proven catarrh to bo a constitutional J disease aud therefore requires t onal tieatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by F 1 Cheney Ss Co Toledo Ohio is tho only constitutional euro on the market It is token inter nally in does from 10 drops to a ton spoonful It acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system They oiler ono hundred dollais for nny case it falls to euro Send for circulars and testimonials Address V 1 Cnrsrv oi Co Toledo Sold by druggist i Halls family pills nro the best CAUGHT A SHOP LIFTEK V II WiiimIm tilth lelinlN n Kiillim hi 11m Ail ul iirnii IiiIIiii Smim Mothlx Tliis morning between 7 and s oclock us W 11 Wood worth and 1 F Bed mint clerks iu tho store of A 1 Bohu ertworo sweeping out a follow en tered nud ordered a quarters worth of eggs Mr Woodworth went into the back room to gel the eggs and in tho meantime Itepl an eye on his customer through a peep hole iu tho partition The follow walked along until ho came to tho clothing counter and while there neatly slipped two pairs of pants nud a vest under his coat Mr Woodworth viewing the entire transaction He paid for tho eggs null started out Mr Woodworth then informed Mr Rodman what had occurred and followed the thief out of tho building and ns he started down Fifth street ho was nabbed by Woodworth nud taken to tho store whero he was detained until Chief of Polico Widaman arrived nud escoited him to jail Tho goods wero found on his person and an hour or two after his arrest ho was brought before Polico Judge Hayes and arraigned on tho charge of petty larceny tho vnluo of the goods being placed at botwoon 10 and 12 Tho follow gavo his namo as C W Willis but admitted that it was not his real name lie pleaded guilty to tho charge of stealing the clothes and was sent to tho county jail for a term of i days Ho will bo taken this ovoning by Oliiof Widaman and turned over to the caro of Sheriff Losoy It is suspected that ho is a member of a gang who make such transactions a business but thero appears to bo no way of proving anything against others who aro suspected Goods had been disappearing from the store for some time which was tho causo of closo watch being kept Tho fellow arrested had beon suspected of having a hand iu tho matter nud that ho was neatly caught goes without question It was at first believed thatsomcono hud n skeleton koy in thoir possesion but it is likely that tho goods wore removed in the manner attempted this morning Store room now occupied by F A Huston for rent possession April 1st Inquire of W M Robertson Houses for sale T E Odiornk Agents wanted for tho best typewriter on the market tho Pittsburg Visible writing in sight at nil times exclusive territory given Address Bindley Hard ware company Pittsburg Pa ASK FOR Hi Hi BITTEHS GOOD FOR WHAT AILS YOU For Sale at all First Class Saloons L P LARSON CO FREMONT - NEBRASKA Nebraska Distributors c A I HARDY always keeps in stock nil the best grades of 0 HARD AND SOFT Coal iu all sizes All coal soreencd aud delivered promptly Satisfaction guar anteed Yards east of U P depot TELEPHONE NO 36 Uptown 0fflce4th St L Housekeepers Attention I have returned to Norfolk and open ed my shop in tho Schwertfegor build lug whero I am prepared to Make Hair Mattresses and Renovate Feath er Ueds and Pillows Will bo hero but a short time only aud all partios wishing to hnvo worlc done will pleaso givo mo their ordors early F W PIEPHR I HAVE Several Farms for Rent or for Sale on Crop Payments AT 6 PER CENT INTEREST I also want to buy a good arm or some good land MONEY TO LOAN on Good Farms A J DURLAND OPENING TODAY Of Early Spring Ideas in New Effects Mrs Insknep whiln in number of offerings a clioico very nuicn diuuiroiii irom I yon lo 01110 and see them iiag suleutod from i assortment Thev nro oiMiMM sensoiiH Wt invite- INSKEEPS MILLINERY J G W DEALER IN ASCH C t 1 3 a I AJCTJD v T N7T col Exoluslve agent ior the Celebrated1 SweetwiUor Itoolt Spring Coal tho best in the market Scran ton Uard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE 01 FOR Q00D LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS see The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary Norfolk National W PACIFIC COAST DENVER N A KAINIiOIVT Prmtdont AMSXANIMSIt 1IKAU Vlcn PrsBldaot W H HUCHOLZ Cattlilor 15 W ZUTZ AaaiHtaut Capillar Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS 1N NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sella Exchange Interest Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted DIRBOTOES A- IHIAU F P HANLON F J HALK W H HUUHOLZ WM ZOTX N A RAINBOW JOHN U HAYS F VKKOKU 8 8 COTTON NORFOLK STEAM LAUNDRY CRAVEN ricCOY Proprietors First Class Work Guaranteed I I UK MPMWP II I g11 II T1WIIWW Prompt delivery Work called for and returned Your patronage solicited Telephone 83 SALT LAKE CITY SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND VIA THE Union Pacific Norfolk Nebr Splendid Train Service TO AND FROM nd all to MEALS SERVED A LA CAR l EAM HEAT PINTSCH LIGHT k Two trains daily to and from Douver and Colorado poiuts Two trains daily to and from San Francisco and California poiuts Two traius daily to and from Salt Lake City and Utah points One train dailv to aud from Portland aud North Pacific Coast noiuts with direct connections for Taconia aud Seattle Double Drawing Room Palaco Sleeping Cars liuiTot Smoking and Library Cars Ordinary Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Chair Cars For Time Tables Folders Illustrated Books Pamphlets descriptive of tho territory traversed callon your uearest agent or address e l lomax General Passeugor and Ticket Agout Omaha Neb