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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1900)
II I r t ft r i TUESDAY TOPICS J J McCarthy was a city visitor yes tcrday from Poncn Mr nntl Mrs 1 S Hancock were- hero yesterday from Stanton Geo A Gray of Coloridgo was a vis itor to Norfolk yesterday Mrs J Phillips is threatened with typhoid fover at the Pacific Wm Znlnuf of Pierce waB transact ing business in tho city yesterday Twelve young converts were baptized last night nt tho Baptist church ExJudgo II E Evans of Dakota City was a Norfolk visitor yestorday Henry Torpiu nnd J P Boyd of Onk dalo were visitors in Norfolk yesterday Rev Mrs Hill Bookers subject for tonight is A Wonderful Photography Tho Wednesday club will meet tomor row afternoon at 2 l0 with Mrs Mori is Mayer G T Sprccher was a passenger to Humphrey this morning on telephone business Chos Kico leaves tomorrow for LouiB ville Ky whero ho will visit three or four weeks Dr C B Little of Bloomfield was in the city ovor night a guest at tho homo of Asa K Leonard James 11 Carv editor of tho Neligh Yeoman is transacting business in the city this afternoon Prof W G Hirons superintendent of the Pierce schools is in the city today visiting the city schools W H Blakeman iB improving his newly acquired residence property with a freshcoat of paint C B Holahan and E J Schorregge are improving their business properties with fresh coatsof paint J N Bnndick will occupy the lies house recently vacated by Chas Hard ing about the first of April Miss Pearl Reese will not be able to teach this weok owing to the fact that she is undor the weather Misses Martha and Vie Tracy who have bcon visiting friends here have re turned to their home in Red Oak Iowa Mrs S Fischer and children and Miss Ella Braasch departed for Bloomfield yesterday where they will visit for a week Mrs H M Pollock departed yester day morniugfor Omaha where she will join her husband and make her futuro home The Dnrland sisters millinery store is being painted and thoroughly renovated inside preparatory to the annual spring opening The infant child of Mr and Mrs Ferdinand Gaul who live south of the city was buried Sunday Rev J P Mueller officiating When David Baum moves into the house lately vacated by F Wietzer Frank Davenport will move into the house now occupied by Mr Baum A J Rosiubaum expects to move his family to Omaha about April 1st Mr Rosinbaum is mail agent on the P E M V with a run between here and Omaha Yesterday was the birthday of Mrs Aug Deering who lives on Madison avenue and last evening she was paid a surprise visit by a number of friends and the occasion resulted in a large amount of enjoyment Aug Koehn was taken up Saturday evening on tho charge or disorderly conduct and was released on liis own recognizance He appeared before polico court yesterday afternoon and paid the usual fine and costs Campbell the man who was in the city jail over Sunday on the charge of disturbing tho peace was released yes terday on tho payment of a portion of the sum assessed against him and undor promise to remit the remainder Mr and Mrs Adam Marquardt who live south of the city celebrated tho 20th anniversary of their wedding Sun day a large number of friends from tho city participating Games music and refreshments constituted tho chief amusements Wayne Herald Knox Tippo of Norfolk has purchased the lease and furniture of the Boyd hotel of J W Turner and will take possession tho 15th iust Mr Tipple is un experienced hotel mun having been proprietor of tho Pacifio at Norfolk for a number of years and that he will make tho Boyd a first class establishment there is no doubt Mr Turner has about decided to locate in tho west part of tho state but has not definately sottled on tho location Chas II Johnson yesterdoy began reploviu proceedings against the F 15 M V railway company the purpose of which is to secure possession of goods shipped to John Friday and assigned to Mr Johnson These are goods which wero shipped to various points in the stato for the purpose of testing tho freight rates and then reshipped to Nor folk tho delivery of which it is claimed has been refused except npon preseuta i tion of tho original bill of lading Tho case is set for hearing on March 28 Tho report of the democratic county convention held in this city yesterday afternoon dosed before the county central committee had been formed The members are as follows Norfolk First word I G WeBtervelt Second ward G W Box Third word D J Koonigstoin Fourth ward P W Kocrber precinct F D Krnnt M ull sou Geo W Losoy Schoolcraft S J Finnegan Fairview O A Miller Valley Owen ONeill Deer Crock J J Hughes Jefferson A J Dnnlevy Highland P F Zimmerman War nervillo B E Rood Green Garden John Doiter Emorick James OBrien Grove Win Roikofsky Kalamazoo Theo Beltz Battle Crock Thos Wado Shell Creek Frank OShca Union John Malouo Fred H Davis was elected chairman and A P Ghilds socrctary The congressional comuiltteo at its meeting held at tho Oxnard hotel last ovenlng decided to call tho convention at Norfolk on Wednesday April 2fi at 2 oclock p m for tho purposo of nomi nating a caudidato for congressman and to elect two delegates and two alternates to tho national republican convention Tho basis of representation was fixed upon tho voto cast for Hon M B Rocso at tho last election and gives each county tho samo number of dolo gates ns it is entitlod to in tho stato convention Tho meeting of tho com mittee was harmonious throughout and tho reports from tho various sections of tho district scorned to indieato a repub lican victory at tho coming election A cordial voto of thanks was given to tho chairman C W Colliding of Tokamah and to the secretary Jake Koonightein of Norrolk for their eillcleut services during tho last campaign O F Butlor aged 2 years died at his rooms at tho Pacific hotel last even ing at 70 of pneumonia The deceased had been sick only Binco Friday night or about threo days Ho ropro sentod the clothing house of Wyinau Partridgo Co of Minneapolis Minn and had for some time mado this city his headquarters sIIjs family consists of a wife and child who woro at his bedside when ho passed away His father was also present when tho end came The remains wero shipped on tho 1 oclock train over the C St P M O road to Morning Side Iowa the home of the father of the deceased whero interment will take place The deceased was a member of the Knights of Pythias lodge and the local member ship took charge of the body and escorted it to tho depot Ho was also n member of the Union Commercial Travolers the members of which con tributed a very handsome floral offering to his memory Tho deceased was highly respected by all with whom ho came in contact and tho bereaved wife nnd child have the sincere sympathy of all acquaintances Mrs Butler and child and Mr Butler sr accompanied the remains to Morning Side Cemetery Aflniclutlon The Prospect Hill Cemotery associa tion held its annual meeting nt the office of Sessions Bell yesterday af ternoon The treasurers annual statement was received which summarized would be as follows Cash balance from last year 100 JiO Snles of lots 51 80 For care of lots 100 44 Ladies Auxiliary 25 00 Monument foundations 37 00 Sundries 2 50 Total 785 10 By care of grounds 285 80 Paid old note at bank 184 517 Other expenses 101 48 By cash balance by druggists In cent and one dollar sizes You may have a samnle bottle bv mall -61 15 213 95 Totnl 785 10 L Sessions Treasurer It was decided to set aside 200 of this money ns a perpetual care fund which should be placed on interest for use when there are no more lots to be sold Tho old board of trustees and the sec retary were re elected consisting of L M Gaylord secretary S S Cotton I Powers Mrs I Powers Mrs N A Rainbolt C B Dnrlaud L Sessions and W J Gow trustees Tho new board of trustees will hold a meeting at the home of Col Cotton on Thursday night of this week Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble Kidney trouble preys upon the mind dis courages and lessens ambition beauty vigor ana cneenuiness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It Is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys If the child flfM inn nftn If Um w wwt Mil nrlnft stains fhe flesh or If uihn ik liu reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage It is yet afflicted with bed wetting depend upon It the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose Women as well as men are made mis erable with kldnev and hlarinW imnki and both need the same great remedy inc mna ana ine immediate elfect of Swamp Root Is soon realized it Is sold Iree also pamphlet tell- noma or swaamiioot ingcan aoout H including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured In wrltlnc Dr tCllmrr 8c Co Blnghamton N Y be sure and mention this paper THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 1f MOO WEDNESDAY WRINKLES Kid Hall is in tho city from Piercu Miss Mario Miller went to Piorco yes torday P D Corell of Plniuviuw is n city visitor today Sol Mayor was a passenger for Omnha this afternoon W E Alexaudcr ifl transacting busi ness in Oiunlia W D Soaman of Columbus was a oity visitor yestorday Thos M Huntington was a visitor yestorday from Gordon W G Moler was a Norfolk visitor yestorday from Ostnoud A II Bohnuou was n visitor in Nor folk from Madison yet terday Minnio Liughton of Kearney was registered in tho city yesterday Mr and Mrs A M Averill of Win side woro city visitors yestorday 11 B Stocking is in tho city buying oggs for C 11 Poison of New York J O Stitt returned yesterdny noon from his trip to Sheridan Wyoming W B Hight has returned from his trip to Denver and other points in Colo rado E M Norton has returned from Creighton whero ho wns installing an acetylouo gas plant Miss Jpsio llageywho tins been teach ing school at Savannah Georgia returned last evening Mrs C Allon loft this morning for Sioux Falls S D whore sho will visit her sistor about u month Geo P McCormick returned last night from n visit of eight weeks to relatives and friends in Indinnn and Illinois Mr and Mrs II L Whitney of Omnha came up last evening Mr Whitnoy returned at noon today but Mrs Whitnoy will remain visiting relatives and friends until tomorrow Rnth Birchard is outertniniug a com pany of little folks this aftornoon in honor of tho Harding children who will soon leave for their new homo in Omaha S A McKay of Meadow Grove has a process for preventing the growth of horns on calves which ho thinks is tho best safest and most humane method yet conceived of It seems that The N ivs wns mistaken yestorday in tho statement that Piank Davenport had rented tho house belong ing to G W Box now occupied by David Baum as such is not the caso Tho subject for discussion by Mrs Hill Booker nt tho Baptist church to night is Hands Tomorrow night she will give a talk directed especially to railroad men Everybody invited to tho meetings Tho store room recently vacated by Seth Kethledge east of Thompsons grocery is being renovated and put in bupo for business It is reported that t will bo occupied by a new millinery Btoro about April 1st Sam McFarland was taken very Bick shortly after reaching Hardys coal office this morning Dr Salter was summoned and a hack was called to take Mr McFarland home whero he was made as comfortable as possible The members of the Early Hour club wero guests of Dr and Mrs Keiper last evening The bright moonlight drivo out to tho hospital the smooth floor of the dancing hal the fine music of tho orchestra and the dainty refreshments all conspired to put tho crowd in a humor to havo a good time Secretary Puller of tho Business Mens association has replied at a considerable length to the communication recently received from the stato board of trans portation The communication is largely indicative of the fact that Nor folk people are about us tired of certain features in reference to the Norfolk caso as tho secretaries themselves Tho reply of tho board is anxiously awaited to learn what now evasion the honor ablo board has to offer It is generally believed in Norfolk and with circumstances supporting tho belief that O J Younger who adver tised as My Tailor has left for parts unknown Mr Younger has long been a resident of Norfolk and conducting business here nnd it is with considerable surprise to his friends that his suspi cious actions havo been learned Ho told a number of people that ho was going away telling some ho wns going to Stanton nnd others that his destina tion was Omnha He left Saturday and has not been heard of since His fam ily didnt know of his intoutious It is reported that he is considerably iu debt hero but iuquiry that has been made does uot show that ho left a largo num ber of creditors He left the bills owing him at tho shop to bo delivered to his wife nud labeled the clothing on hand with he names of the owner His tailors report that for some time past ho has evaded the booking of new orders and when he left the stook of goods was all used His wife and family will en deavor to get along until ho is heard from and the friends of the family hopo that the suspicious appearances aro not au indication of his intentions and that he will return and set things right The Durland Trust company is having a large order of envelopes printed on whioh iu block letters is the sentence Double your money by buying Ne brnskn land nnd the following quota tion from J Sterling Mortonsconservn tlvo Any man who can bring into Nebraska 1 000000 Tor investment in 18111 will havo 2000000 in 1101 if ho buys only raw prairie at present prices This is a method of advertising the re sources of Nebraska that other men would do well to follow If every busi ness man had something on his envel opes or othor stationery calling atten tion to Norfolk or Nebraska tho influ ence would bo excellent In other localities and other states such liiothods aro employed and the results aro now manifest Soinu of thu merchants of cities havo cards printed which they slip into every letter and which calls attention to some advantage or advan tages possessed by their locality In Iowa and South Dakota especially such a method has been omployod for the past year or more and tho result is im migrants uro coming iu by tho train load and every family coming adds so niuuh to thu business of tho merchants Some enterprising business man has estimated that a merchant can well afford to set aside at least 50 cents per month for tho purposo of advertising his locality or statu Tho idea is cer tainly worth a trial Wurniirlll Oho of Wm Lovclls children is down with tho lung fover Nate Rowlett purchased eighty acres of land last week for Mrs Duroy Mr Speelinan and family of Norfolk moved onto tho Johnsoii farm last weok Mrs O M Mooro went to Vordigres Tuesday whore shu will open a millin ery storo Mrs Fred Pettitt returned Friday from a protracted visit with friends at Roborts 111 Miss Loltio Johnson who has been seriously ill with pneumonia is reported on the mend Tho sociable given by tho M B A lodge last Saturday evening woh a de cided success ono hundred being pres ent Refreshments woro Borved and each and all votod it a jolly good time During tho evening Deputy Wolfe wrote 1 applications for mouiborbhip to tho lodge To Cum Iik Crlpiit In Tiki Dmjh Tuko Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggihts refund tho money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature on every box 25c For Hiilo acres one block southwest of tho Grant school nood six room Iiouho barn etc All new At a very reason able prico Calvin Buhss Cure And Treatment Of The Melt Dr Humphreys Spocilic manual on the treatment and cure of tho sick mailed free on request Adress Humph reys Medicine Co Now York Wanted Honest man or woman to travel for large house salary 05 monthly and expenses with increase position permanent enclose self-addressed stamped envolopo Manaoeii Ii0 Caxtou bldg Ohicngo i sS y As Aa A it cls t HON A U WYMAN Kx Trmifciirur of tlio Initod Slntou mid now Irrp o tliu Omnlm Loan nnil Trutt Co tliu liirKiet ami inot t prominent iifKotlntorB of city 11111I farm I01111H In tho scbt ib a man wlio line won wisnlth anil proiiilnnncii hocmitO of imioni itablo will nnil initlrinc vitnrn rY wm A 5 I J W lwi r r Wv My v - x v i m A tasteful appearance in dress often comes as much from good laundering as from the quality of the clothing Good laundering requires good soap and Ivory Soap is the best The fading of delicate shades is frequently the ruination of an expensive garment Any color that will stand the free application of water can be washed with Ivory Soap corrniOMt itoa oy tut rnociin oimdii co oincinnmi This is the last weok the Variety store stays open Tables full of bargains to close out Sturgeon is tho ptnno man Notice Harriet Torronco and Albert W Torronco non resident defendants will taku notice that on thu I2th day of No vember 1808 Ferdinand Verges plain tiff liorein lied his petition in the district court of Madison county No hrasknngiiiiiBt Herman C5erockeSaruhE Gereckoand oMiers thu object and prayer of which aro to foreclose a curtain contract executed by the defendant Herman Gorecku and the plaintiir for the sale of following describe promises situated iu the said county from the pliiintitT to the defendant Herman Joreoke viz Commencing at a ioint fifty five rods east and two rods north of the tout Invest corner of the northeast quarter of the sout h west quarter of sect Ion twenty wo in township twenty four north ot range one west of the sixth principal merid ian and measuring from thence north fifteen rods thonco west fifteen rods thence noith throe rods thence west nine rods thonco north twelve rods thence east ono rod and twenty two links thence north nine rods and thir teen links thence east five rods and twenty links thence south twenty eight dogrees and eight minutes east fourteen rods and two links thenco east seven teen rods and nine and one half links to tho right of way of the Fremont Elk horn Missouri Valley railroad thence along said right of way south fifteen degrees and fifty minutes oast twenty eight rods and two links thenc west fifteen rodB and ten links to tho place of beginning containing four acres and thirty live and one half square rods moro or less which pteperly was usod as a brlok yard for Hie inainifnoturing of brick mid contract being dated March l0ih 1H1W and providing that the said defendant Herman Geivoko Hhould pay the plaintiir as purchase price therefor tho sum of 1000 00 as fol lows 1 10000 Dooeinbor II I SOU fPo 00 July I 1811 liao 00 DeMmiborll 1801 18000 July I 1805 fl0H000 December ill 1815 1000 July I 18110 1010 00 December ill IHIHI with inteiest at tho rate of eight per cent milium from date pajablo Heniiiiimunlly and in default thereof said contract should bo null and void and plaintiir would be entitled to the poHMMuou of said property that default has been made iu payment of said sums of money and there is now due upon said contract lie mini of 01175 with nittrcHt from this date at the rate of eight per cent pur annum for which hiiiii with inteiest pltiutltl pruyH for a decree that the defendants be required to pay same or that said preni WeH may be hold to mtisry the amount found due On the 2M day of April 18 plain tiir filed a surpplem ntnl petition substi tuting Harriet Torroncc and Albert W Ton ewe us n pntlicH defendants instead of Victor K Torronco the said Victor K Torriiicii having died and mid parties being his only heirs at law which facts at said time who unknown to plaintiir and havo since come to his knowledge tho siid Victor K Torrenco having obtained a judgment against the defend ant Herman Gorccko of record iu said court and still iu force You arc required 1 1 answer said peti tion 011 or belore tho 2nd day of April 1000 Dated February 15 J 000 Keiidinand Vkiuiks Plaintiir y Y tTCr xx Y Y Y 4 t r Y - x Y X v - y 1 A i Y Y f r x f 1 1 4 MK HON A U WYMAN ExTreasurer of the United States Heartily Endorses Americas Greatest Remedies Dr Kays Renovator and Dr Kays Lung Balm Pew men are better or more favorably known in both Commercial nud Political circles throughout tho United States than this shrewd financier of Omaha Neb and it is with his characteristic strength of cxprecHion ho writes t i LI A VING known of some remarkable cures of Omaha peoplo ef IT fected by Dr Kays Renovator and Dr Kays Lung Balm 1 bo Hove that these great remedies are worthy of tho confidence of tho pub lic Dr Kays Renovator cured Geo W Hervey who succeeded Win J Bryan as editor of tho World Herald of an uggravnted caso of stomuch trouble after ho had suffered untold ngoiiy and all other rem edies and threo of the best physicians in Nebraska had failed to help him He now says montliB afterwords that ho never felt better and that ho owes Ills life to this great remedy Dr Kays Renovator Cures Constipation Dyspasia Liver Complaint Spring Ills and all organic diseases because it rennvatos nud invigorates tho entire system stimulates tho liver cleans and tones up thu stomach kidneys and bowels fills your body with rich red blood builds up strong healthy flesh and restores to weak and jaded men and women the dear skin bright oyo and buoyant step which mark sound health As a SPRING MEDICINE and Blood Purifier Dr Kays Renovator has no equal r 0 DR KAYS LUNG BALM rinrpa Pfifuimnnin Plnnrisv La Grinno Bronchitis TonsiJitls nud all Throat and l nidnnRPH Prnf Krtw H Wftrmon of Ghicauo tho noted educator whose articles 1 Fivn Minute Tysons iu Good Health aro now nimeariiiK in tho Ladies Homo Lung entitled Journal writes Dr Kays Lung Halm is the mildost and most efficacious remedy tunt i nave ever used 4 For La Grippe Dr Kays Lung Balm has no equal REFUSE SUBSTITUTES Remedies actually Just as good as Dr JiuyB ueuovaior ana Dr Kays Luug Balm aro not made ob eow my anyone avywakiir If not at druggists we will send them by mail postaga paid on receipt of prico Dr Kuys Renovator 25q und 1 six for 5 Dr Kays Lung Balm 10 and 25 cts Write us for fkee medical advice sample and hook DE B J KAY MEDICAL CO Saratoga Springs N Y Sold by Koenigstoius Pharmacy und Kiesnu Drug Co YV - K YV yv A r 4 X