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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1903)
'II1-J NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 0 , 11)08 ) v < 1 i y I WOMEN'S SHOES ! A Progressive , Growing Department. In no department in our store arc we able to serve you to your own direct interest more than in our Shoe Department. OUR STOCK HAS BEEN DOUBLED , with bright , up-to-date new shoes , manufactured for us-not a jobbed shoe in our stock. The BEST for Spot Cash in every instance. SPECIAL CLOSE MARGIN PRICES arc MADE that will interest every family within the area of Norfolk if you inspect our styles and values. THROW ON THE SEARCHLIGHT ! Look at our shoes. Get our prices. You arc never "drummed to buy" in our store. Your judgment and absolute merit is the power that rules the selling in every department. Arnold's Men's Shoes of Abingdon , Massachusetts , $1.50 , $2.00 , $2.50. $3.00 and $3.50. V Usher's Boys' Shoes. Exclusive makers of boys' shoos. Their name is the highest recommend with posted shoo buyers everywhere. Six months ago \vo Godman's long wearers , in misses' and children's school shoes and women's The Faultless placed in our store as $1.50 and $2.00 shoos. oui- loading line .shoo Blum's warm lined shoes for winter. for women Mio Dorothy Fitting Dodd. Its reception by Chipman & Harwood's men's slippers. A splendid assortment of genteel , bright the trade has pleased NEW styles for your Christmas selections. a Shoe us beyond our expecta tions. The ideas in corporated as special For Women features of this shoo are appreciated by every discriminating woman , and have boon highly commended by { j § , many of our patrons. ' ' ' 1 Style , faultless , grace ful fitting , extreme lightness in weight , the arch supporting ioaturo and flexibility of the Dorothy Dodd are characteristics that have made it the talked of shoo , the most popular shoo among the masses of women in cities everywhere. 1 ! H)0 ) pairs , N15W , just received are now on our Get Our Prices on Rubber Footwear of all Kinds. shelves. Oxfords , $2.50 ; shoes , $3.00. Respectfully , Wo invite every woman to call and look at ! this shoo. The Johnson Dry Goods Co THE SHOE DEPARTMENT. New and Old Faces are Seen in Washington. SPEAKER CANNONTOENTERTAIN Has a Home of His Own and Will be Expected to do the Right Thing by the Other Congressmen Number of Wealthy Members There. "Washington , Nov. C. Members of congress nro gradually drifting Into Washington In anticipation of the op ening of the special session next wool : . The old familiar faces nro Again to ho seen about the hotels and other public places , while hero and there a now member Is pointed out to the old habitues. Though the social session will not get Into full swing until the special session Is over and the regular session begun next month , Indications are al ready abundant that the capital Is to have an unusually gny winter. Con gressman William H. Hearst of Now York and several other members of wealth who are to take their seats at the approaching session are ex pected to entertain on a lavish scale. For the llrst tlmo in a number of years the speaker of the house is not a hotel resident. Congressman Can non , who is to occupy the speaker's chair , Is expected to entertain on a more elaborate scale than his Imme diate predecessors whoso social ac tivities wore somewhat hampered by the fact that they kept up no estab lishment of their own. Sacred to Masonry. Rochester , N. Y. , Nov. C. Members of the Masonic fraternity came from all parts of the state today to attend the dedication of the now Masonic tomplo. The olllcors of the grand lodge , grand chapter , and grand com- monitory were hero , together with lodges from Syracuse and other cities. The visitors were welcomed nt the railway stations upon arrival and es corted to the hotels. The public reception this afternoon was a brilliant affair and largely at tended. The front of the toniplo was decorated with a mammoth cross and on either side were gorgeous Masonic emblems. Past Grand Commander Gcorgo P. Lodor was at the head of the reception committee , and with him wore the grand and past grand offlcors , and officers of local bodies. The reception lasted until late in the afternoon , with music by several or chestras and six pipe organs. The dedicatory exercises proper arc to bo hold this evening , and will bo [ ' 111 under the direction of Grand Master Crandall of Now York city. Follow ing the close of the oxorclsos a grand banquet will ho hold In Gotham hall of the temple. Here for Roxburge Wedding. Now York. Nov. 0. The Duchess of Roxburgo , mother of the Duke of Rox- hurge , and her daughter , Lady Isabel Innos-Kor , were passengers on the Cnnard llnor Camiwnia , which ar rived today from Liverpool. They came to attend the wedding next Tuesday of the duke and Miss Goolet. Safely stowed away In the Campania's strong-box wore emeralds of priceless value which will form a part of the Duchess of Roxburgo's wedding gift to the brjilo. Big Model for the Fair. Washington , Nov. ( ! . The fourteen- million-dollar railroad station which the Ualtlmoro & Ohio and Pennsyl vania railroad companies will build at Washington will ho represented at the St. Louis exposition by a model with a front of SO foot , a depth of10 feet , niul a height of 15 feet from the Hour. It will bo on a scale of proportions tions and effectiveness never before attempted In an architectural model. Convention of Educators. Wahpoton , N. D. , Nov. 0. The Southeastern North Dakota Educa tional association began its semiannual nual meeting hero today with an at tendance that completely filled the largo auditorium of the now high school building. KIvo counties were represented , and In addition there were a number of distinguished ed ucators from various parts of this and neighboring states. The prom inent speakers today Included Super intendent Alfred Logio of Fargo , State Superintendent Stockwell , Dr. J. M. Gillette of Valley City and Dr. B. P. Hobortson of Wahpoton. The convention will continue through to morrow. Ohio Teachers at Cleveland. Cleveland' , Nov. C. More than 1,000 teachers have arrived In Cleveland for the annual convention of the Ohio Central Teachers' association. The visitors represent every county em braced In the territory covered by the association. Today was spent largely In visits of Inspection to the public schools of Cleveland. The formal opening takes place this evening when there will bo addresses of welcome and responses anr several addresses by distinguished educators. Tomorrow will bo occu pied with business sessions and sec tional conferences at which there will bo papers , addresses and discussions covering every branch of educational work from the district school to the higher educational institutions. LABORING MEN IN CONVENTION American Federation Holds Annual Session In Boston Delegates Represent 2,000,000 Workers. Boston , Mass. , Now. G. Headquar- tora were opened today by Secretary Frank Morrison of the American Federation of Labor in anticipation of the twenty-third annual conven tion of the organization which begins Monday In Faneull Hall. Many of the delegates have already arrived and It Is oxpectcd that by tomorrow noon all of the 5,000 delegates , rep resenting among them 2,000,000 or ganized wage earners of the United States , will have put In an appear ance. Seldom If over before In the his tory of the federation has one of its conventions attracted such wide spread attention as will center in the pioccedlngs of the coming week. For the llrst tlmo In nearly a decade there promises to bo a splrlto.l contest - test for the presidency. Samuel Gompors , who has been at the head of the organization for many years , has of late aroused a feeling of some antagonism among a certain element of the members , notably the United Mine Workers , who charge Gompors with having given thorn but half hearted support In the recent great strike In the anthracite region of Pennsylvania. President John Mlt- chclll of the Mlno Workers , while refusing to stand for the presidency of the federation himself , Is under stood to favor the candidacy of James Duncan , secretary of the Granite Cutters' union and first vice president of the federation. Duncan also has the support of D. J. O'Keofo , president of the Longshoremen's union , and other prominent leaders , and from all indications ho will bo able to put up a strong fight against Gompors oven If ho does not accom plish his overthrow. Macedonia at World's Fair. St. Louis , Nov. G. A Macedonian- Albanian concession at the Louisiana purchase exposition is likely to mark a departure from all previous expo sitions. An attache of the consular section of the ministry of foreign nf- fairs at Dolgrado has been In corre spondence with Thomas W. Crldlor , world's fair commissioner for Europe , with the view to obtaining such a con cession. It Is proposed to include In the ex hibit a Macedonian house with its inner arrangements and its homo life ; national and feminine costumes ; na tional customs , especially those of the picturesque character ; homo and house Industry , such as weaving , spinning , needle work and tapestry , and national songs and music together with Turkish , Albanian , Greek , Ser vian , Roumanian nnd Bulgarian dances. Y. M. C. A. Convention. Gloucester , Mass. , Nov. G. A largo number of distinguished speakers are to bo hoard at the thirty-seventh an nual convention o ftho Y. M. C. A. of Massachusetts and Rhode Island , which opened hero today aifd will con tinue through Sunday. Some of those who will address the gathering are Rev. A. C. Dlxon , D. D. of Boston , " 3. M. Bard , state secretary of the Penn sylvania association , and L. W. Mes- ser , general secretary of the Chicago association. The convention will consider every phase of association -work with es pecial emphasis on boys' work , coun ty work and religious work. HolilInK Up n Ilnnlc. Perhaps the llrst Confederate ImnU raided by Union soldiers was one at ClmrloMon , Va. , as Milroy was making his way up the Shonuiuloah valley. "Humming" was in its infancy then , but a dozen of the follows found thorn- H'lvos uhiMul of the army and i evolved lo strike for a big stake. They made a sntldtm attack on the town at day light and then dashed In and made for the bank. They broke In the door with nn ax , obliged the banker to unlock bis safe and something Hue ? 000,000 was carried away as they retreated. A day later they bundled up $100,000 , strapped It on the back of an old lame mule and hi nil a farmer to deliver the "wealth" to General Milroy In inn-son. Accompanying the money was a note , which advised the general to bribe the Confederates to keep ahead of him and do no fighting. As his military maneu vers had been checkmated right along and his reputation was under a cloud , It was a hard shot nt him. The story Rot to Washington and was commented on by President Lincoln , and It has been asserted that the president's lev ity caused the general to tender his resignation. Prcpnrocl For < lic AVorMl. Mr. Brown's enemies say that there Is nothing else In the world he enjoys so much as finding fault and putting other people In the wrong. When en gaged In this pleasing occupation , ho loses all hold on a sense of humor , which Is none too keen at other times. Not long ago.he and his wife were taking a trip through the White moun tains , and at one place they were to bo called at half past 5 In the morning to take an early train. Mr. Brown wak ened first and after a glance ut his watch fell back on his pillow with a groan that frightened his wife out of her slumbers. "Hero It Is on the tick of half past 8 , " grumbled Mr. Brown in response to his wife's troubled questions , "nnd If they don't call us within live min utes wo shan't have time enough to get dressed and cat breakfast But It's no more than I cxnected. " AUTOMOBILES RACE ON COAST Program of Events for Swift Cars to Begin In San Francisco Today. Fast Races Expected. San Francisco , Nov. C. The much- talked-of"automobile " races under the auspices of the Automobile club of California began today. An exten sive program has been prepared and , with Barney Oldfleld and other prom inent drivers among the contestants , it is expected there will bo a smash ing of coast records before the meet Is concluded. Today's program of races is as follows : Two miles * for gasoline cars only , G'/A horsepower and under First prize ? 30 ; second prize , silver cup. Three miles , open , for cars weigh ing 1200 pounds and under First prize , $100 ; second prize , $25. Five-mile handicap for motorcycles First prize , silver cup ; second prize , silver cup. Five miles , for gasoline cars only , 21-horsopower or under First prize , $100 ; second prize , ? 25 ; third prize , silver cup. Five miles , open , for cars 1800 pounds or under First prize , $200 ; second prize , $50. Five miles open event , for cars Ir respective of form or weight , but to bo legitimately owned in California First prize , silver cup ; second prize , silver cup. Ten miles , open event , for cars ir respective of power or weight First prlzo $100 ; second prize , $100. Five miles handicap , for all cars having participated In any of the foregoing races First prlzo , $100 ; second end prlzo , $50third ; prlzo , silver cup. Klrctrlenl Fl lic . The electrical fishes do not belong to any one class or group some arc found In fresh water , while others Inhabit the sea. They possess two distinct types of electrical organs. One closely relates In structure to muscle , as found In the torpedo , gymnotus and skate , while the other presents more of the characters of the structure of a secreting gland , ns Illustrated by the electrical organ of the thunderflsh. Both types are built upon a vast number of micro scopical elements , each of which is supplied with a nerve fiber. These nerve fibers come from largo nerves that originate In the nerve centers , brain or spinal cord , and In these cen ters are found special largo nerve cells , with which the nerve libers of the electric organs are connected and from which they spring. Yet the electricity IB generated In the electric organ Itself. In these animals there arc specialized organs for the production of electricity on an economical basis far surpassing anything yet contrived by man. Amer ican Inventor. RAILROAD TIME TABLES , CIilcitKo nnd Northwestern. NORFOLK CITY STATION. _ East. Arrive. Depart. Omaha Passenger 6:03 : am. 6:03 : ana Vordlffro Way F't 7:10 pm. Bonesteel Freight. 9:00 pm. North Vordlsrro Way F't. 8:10 : am. 8:15 : a on Honesteol Pas'ng'r.12:60 : p m. 12:00pno : NORFOLK JUNCTION STATION. East. Arrive. Depart. Omnha Passenger main line . 6:05 : am Omaha Passenger , Honesteel line . . 0:10 : am. . 6:30 aim Way Freight main line . G:15pm : Stock Freight. main line . 9:30 : pm Way Freight. Bonesteol lino. . . . 7:20 pm Bonesteel Freight , Uonesteol lino. . . . 0lBpm : West Way Freight . mnln line . 7:00 : am VordlKro Freight . . 8:00 : a n > Bonesteel Pass. . . .11:55 : a m. . 12:40 p m Long Pine Puss. . . 12:20 era Way Freight main line . 5:50 pm Black Hills Pass. . 7:30 : pm. . 7:50 : pm Freight trains are liable to bo an- nnleil without notice , they do not come to station platforms and some do not carry bagyage.II. II. C. Matrau , Agent. Union I'nclfle. East. Depart. Columbus Accommodation . . 30pm ! Omaha. Denver and Pacific Coast . . 10 :50 : a m North. Arrive Columbus Accommodation . .11:45 a m Omaha. Denver and Pacino Coast . 9:15 pm Connects at Norfolk with C. & N. IF" olcPerwest nnd north , and with the C. St. P. M. & O. for points north nnd east. J. B. Elsoffor , Agent. Chicago , St. I'nul , MlnucnpolU and Oinnhn. South. Donart. Sloux City and Omaha Pass. 6:30 : am Sioux City Passenger . lZl5p : AVeat. Arrive Sioux City Passenger . 10:50 : a ni Sioux City and Omaha Pass. . 7:37 pm Connects at Norfolk with C. & N W P , olnB , , west nnd north , and with thi ! U. P. for points south. _ J. B. ElsefTer , Agent. Dally except Sunday. BUSINESS DIRECTORY , INSKEEP'S MILLINERY Cheapest nnd Hest. Norfolk'Avenue. J.W.EDWARDS Corner of nrnatcli A vo. nud Fourth d. B. HERMANN , CONTRACTOR and BUILDER No. 117 Fourth Street. MILLARD GREEN. DRAY AND TRANSFER LINE \ PIANO MOVING A SPEOIATY. Ofllco is. Heslilorico. 'PHONE 50. Calls Promptly Aoswered