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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1901)
2 mk 15 cent V ThcMorrfolkHcuus W N UUSE TubllBUor DAILY KMiUillthod 1KS1 iMrept Sunday Hy carrier lljmnllipr jwrWW YitljtkiftiB Killlnrlnl lift Ilunlntn Olllcft mul Job Room No S22 jcr tVKKKIY NKWS IOUItNAI The Newt MtnWhhml ISM Tlio Journal cMnlilUlicd Krerj Friday llj mull per jonr U0 enteral nl the PoMnnicc nl Norfolk Nob n cmul clnii matter M Whon n person 1h Into nowadays It Ib tvalto proper to ask if ho hoops UkIb1ii tivo time ThU limy bo Good Friday from i re ligloiiB standpoint but tnlting n meteor ological point of viow it 1h very bad It is said thnt thu sultan him nfrnlu agreed to settle tho clnltnsot long stand ing Tho American peoplo aro not nil Missonrians but they will linvo to bo shown in thin inntanco Anothor attompt httB boon rondo to Mil tho czar of llnssin according to a Vionna report A porBon of ordinary discretion should profrr a job hh dlhh washer in n second class reHtnurant to proaidliiR as rnlor of tho MuBcovitoH Tho PortHinouth Nowh ono of tho loading provincial pnpors of lSuglnnd Ih now conducted just as it was 5 years go and yet Mr HnrniBWorth charac terizes Amorioan nowspaporn as Blow Ho Bhonld havo a look around In his own country Fusion odltorB havo censed their iIIh mission of tho high prlco of barbed wire nails lumber etc in tho interest of thu farmer Perhaps MiogH corn 25 cont oats and other prices of farm products may havo contributed toward their forgotfuluess of tho farmers in terests A student of Morning Sido college of Sioux City was compollcd to publicly apologlzo boforo his classmates for phi gairisiug somo IHK wordB used in an oration dolivorod In a recent Btnto ora torical contest It should bo a pro nounced function of a collogotopromoto originality and if tho debating societies do something toward attaining this rnU thoy aro ontitled to muoh credit Mr Bryan can extrnct groat comfort Jroin tho fact that Mr Gladstono ouco mado tho prediction that America would nover really progress connuor dully until tho protootivo tariff systom was repealod It shows that tho judg ment of groat mon is somotimes at fault Mr Bryan hiuiBolf at ono timo in sisted that tho country should havo a froo trado government and his desire was realized but with disastrous results to commorco Tho present prosperity of tho country under a protective tariff is a inoro telling argument than nil tho nicely constructed theories regarding f reo trado KalrlJeyoiHlllelief It is boiug continually proven just as tho republicans havo ulways contouded that tho Filipinos were not informed as to tho policy or intentions of this govern meut regarding them Aguiualdos ex clamation I nover behoved tho Amer icaus would bo so fair and liberal whon ho henrd a description of tho American system of government is the keynoto of all tho trouble They had becomo so used to tho grinding grasp ing non progreseivu inothods of tho Spaniards that to them they represented all modern governments and their treat ment of dependencies Their ono hopo of anything like liberty was in an inde pendent government and thus regard ing the situation there can be but little blamo attaohed to them because they fought Thoy had never conceived of an existence with a powerful just liberty loviug government bohiud them enjoying greater liberty more rapid development and greater power than could ever be hoped for under a separate government They had not learned that with American ideas American push and American justico behind them they could attain a position Jhat might well bo the envy and the ideal of independent governments lack ing similar backing That tho Ameri cans told them the truth when they ex plained these facts to them was incon ceivable when they remembered tho times they had been deceived with false prom ises by their Spanish oppressors In Agaidaldos caso and perhaps a greater influence than these opinions unwitt ingly formed was hiB great desire for per sonal power When American ideas were described to him and he beheld their results in his own country it would not have been surprising con sidering bis ambition if he had still de sired a continuance of the warfare but it would have been disappointing His willingness however to take the oath of allegiance would indicate that he iB more of a patriot than au ambitions seeker after power If as rumored he may visit this country ho will un doubtedly be surprised aud delighted with what he sees and will then per haps realize what wonderful possibili ties are in store for his people He will then be convinced thut this government is not as bad as has been painted even nnder republican control and when tho description has been given by a member cf the opposition party e i n flfcf t Testimony of Jones Not Conclu sive Enough to Hold Patrick VALET AGAIN ON THE STAND Tritlinnny nnfliiut to HIiomIiir Up Wit tirii n n Sinn Who Cmilil Not He Kinnilii tlou llrln Noth ing Nv New York n Thore were nt least two IneldentH during yesterdays erosH cxnnilnntlon of Charles F Jones thu valet secretary of Millionaire It Ice which rose above tho ordinary One was a remark made by Justice Jerome who presides at the hearing and which probably shows why Lawyer Patrick accused with Jones of tho murder of the former Texan has nil along taken the neeiisatloiiH of Jones ngaliiNl him with n demeanor almost bordering on contempt Attorney Mooro for the defenno hml risked tliat when the hearing closed for the day It bo not resumed until Tuesday Justice Jcromo seemed will liiir and then added It Is necessary thnt Jones testimony as to this murder should bo corroborated He being a self confessed accomplice Ills testi mony alone In not enough upon which to hold Patrick Thoso who are watching tho ense closely are wondering what corrobora tive testimony the state will Introduce to sustain the statements of Jones Tho other Incident brought out Jn the clearest Unlit the Indomitable nervo of Inwyer Patrick In the face or the reiterated story of Jones that Patrick hnd Instigated tho forgeries and the actual murder tho latter took his place In the court proceedings with the utmost nonchalance At ono point It became necessary that a statement mnde by Jones be read and It was given Into the hands of ono or coun sel for the defense for that purpose This was the statement In which the valet claimed Patrick killed Itlee and which he has since denied The reader hesitated and stumjilod over the writ ten words Suddenly Patrick spoke up exclaiming Here 1 guess I can make It out Ill read It which he did In n loud clear voice At this point In the proceedings Jus tice Jerome gave his estimate of Jones with characteristic terseness Attor ney Moore had been raking the wit ness with questions all tending to bring out tho vnlets lying propensi ties lie showed that Jones lied to and deceived his own ralher when the lat ter called on him In the hospital nrter he had attempted suicide thnt he had told untruths to Assistant District At torney Osborne and that ho had lied to his own counsel Here Justico Je rome Ntuek In with the remark This witness Is a weak wicked and unfortunate mnn Ho Is a self con fessed murderer find deserves con tempt but 1 wont allow you to Insult him ItaillculH Confer With Wood Havana April The so called rad ical element In tho Cuban constitu tional convention Including Senors Juan Gomez Portuondo Aleinnu and Mauduley held a conference with Gov ernor CJeueral Wood regarding the Piatt amendment Wood said the Unit ed States intcded to deal Justly and honestly by the Cubans and had no desire to retain possession of the Isl and lie pointed out that the Piatt amendment was drawn up primarily with the view to protecting n weaK na tion against outsiders as well as against Internal strife and would not Interfere with Cuban Independence Woman ltcucum Vln From Anpliyxlutlon Chicago April 5 Five persons were overcome by gas In a resilience at IU0 North State street last night and ex cept for a womans efforts would have met death from asphyxiation The rescuer Mrs Mary Kearney who also was affected by the gas although slightly managed to carry the live un conscious women and children into the yard A physician was summoned and after several hours of hard work he said all would recover although two were still In a serious condition FrotrnW Agaliut Serving of Wine Columbus O April 5 Mrs Annie W Clark of this city president of the Ohio Womnns Christian Temperance union has addressed a formal note to the women of her society of California protesting against tho serving of wine nt tho banquet which the society Is to give In honor of the presidential pnrty nt the luunehlug of the battleship Ohio The society Is about evenly di vided on the question Stole Lliiior From Jail Coffey vllle Kan April 5 Un known persons broke Into the city Jail last night and stole several gal lons of whisky and other liquors that had been enptured In a Joint Mon day It was to have been used as evi dence against the jointlst and now thnt it is gone his conviction Is doubtful Tho liquor was In an Inner coll and two locks had to be broken to get to It Anti Saloon league Meeting WnshlnKton April 5 The board of directors of the American Anti Saloon league has Hxed Dec a as the date of holding a national conference The meeting will be a congregation of the various anti saloon leagues of the country nnd a large representation is expected Storm In Houth Dakota Aberdeen S D April 5 A driving northeast snowstorm prevailed here yesterday Several Inches of snow fell Stock will suffer to some extent but farm nnd grass lunds are freely ltcnelltetl Tho storm Is general lu the northern purt of the state THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY APRIL Ti 1001 BATTLE CREEK HufuB Thomas of Hot Springs S 1 la visiting hero this week with relatives and frionds Guy Donnl nnd lots of other boys of Meadow Grovo wore celebrating with us horo Saturdny J A Mooro returned Friday from a two weokB Btny In an Omahn hospital Ho Is greatly improved Tho Lutheran teachers conference of notthenftt Nebraska convened hero Tuesday nnd Wednesday Carl Korth of Norfolk was horo tho latter pnrt of last week and wns very succcpsful in Boiling tomb Atones Louis HniiBon nnd his sinter Miss Hertlm of Tlldcn woro vlBitlng hero Saturday and Sunday with tho Mans family Miss Mnggio Wright who bns been working for somo timo in tho Ilopubli can olllco loft Tuesday for her homo In Grayson county Vn I G WoBtcrvolt camo up from Nor folk Saturday and sold 7l acroB of farm land toLoo Brauu located fl miles west of town in Highland precinct DoughiB Prooce who hnB boon visit ing hero for nbont ono month with his sons left ngnln Tuesday for hiB homo in Oklahoma Paul Nonow wont with him to boo thnt country Ohas Young of Madison just finished a now dwelling for Gottlieb Schilling near Meadow Grove last week and could not stand tho prosperity when ho camo to Hnttlo Creek so had to stay in the brick hotel Ho left for Norfolk soon after 0 II Browning of Mntoon 111 was horo last week nnd bought cousidornblo land Ho claimed to havo 8000 lying Idle and wanted to Invest in Nebraska land Ho disappeared suddenly and laid down boiiio of tho shrowdest men wo havo in town F J Halo hnB bought W A Barnes corner on Main Btroct nnd wo under stand that a now bank will go in that building iu tho uear futnro That is juBt what wo want bocauso ono bank cant handle nil tho money scattered around iu our locality ltenl KHtnte Traimfem Tho following aro tho transfers of realostateiu Mndison county for tho wcok eudiug March 10 1001 as re ported by D J Koenigstein official ah stactor Pionoer Town Site Co to N A HngeuBtein wd lot 13 block SO It It udd to Nowman Grovo Charles Evans toA G Moyors wd bo ia28 l C 13 Crum to II F Froohlich wd bwJ4 lot 7 block 5 Pasewalks 1st add to Norfolk 700 Ida B Julvor to Samuel L Gnrdner wd lot i block 8 Riverside Park add toNoifolk P y Lowis to Jenetto Saltz wd lots i and 8 block 1 Lewis add to Meadow Grove 00 Sarah Long to O Hildreth qcd nw U block 12 Mandamus add to Madison correction deed 1 S S 1 HnFsou to William Riggert Wd part of no - of no V 20-24-1 f00 John Dora et nl to T T MoDounld wd w 211 foot of lots 4 and 5 block 1 Burnett 2230 G W Shippce to W S Harlow wd lot a block 4 Burnett 400 W S4Harlow to G W Shippeo wd lot 2 block 1 McOombs sub lots to Bnruott 1400 Richard Berues to John Meenor wd no J 4 block 7 Dittmnrs add to Madi son 10 Omaha Rep Valley R R Co to Union Pacifio R R Co qcd part sw 14 of so yA 22-24-1 II K Wood to Benjamin O Getter wd w lots 0 and 7 block SiO F W Barnes Urd add to Madison and part sw i of se Jjj 0-21-1 500 Henry W Yates to George H Hay don wd sw 0 24 3 lf00 Otto T Bannard qcd wis of Qw of 12 and e of uo J4 11 31 1 George Ed ward Shaw to Otto Ban nard qcd same as above 91 Fidelity Laud Co to T O Richards wd saino aB above 000 State of Nebraska to Henry BorcherB deed u of no J 4 and ue 4 of nw J 4 a0 28il Frauk Hough to A E Kull wd no CO feet lot 10 block 19 R R odd to Neumau Grove 875 Stors Browing Co to W Farnam Smith wd center Ji of s j lots 1 and 2 block 0 Madison 1000 Jamos Olark to Delia Miles wd part no J4 of 60128 3 7 W Ransom to Charles Evans wd e j of n slot 1 block a Pasowalks add to Norfolk 430 Siugleton B Cain to W G Bulllnger wd lots 5 and G block 1 A O John sons add to Neuman Grove 200 John Simonson to John L Johnson n of no H 34-21-4 2500 Perfect womanhood depends on per fect health Natures rarest gift of physical beauty comes toull who use Rocky Mountain Ten this month 35o G B OiiitisTorii A Uiohk Love AlUilr Receives a setback if she has offen sive breath through constipation bil iousness or stomach trouble but Dr Kings Now Lifo Pills always cure those troubles clean the system sweeten tho breath banish headache j best in the world tor liver kidneys and bowels Only 25 cents at the Klesau Drug Co EYE TALKS NO 5 lljr O V W Mnritmnlt Onlitlinlmnloeiit Evoryono knows how a convex lens focuses sunlight and that with a very strong ono a fire may bo lighted nnd nil Bhonld know that tho crystalline Ions of tho oyo combined with tho cornea forms a combination of such power thnt It will foens nt a point insldo of an inch honco to look nt tho sun with the naked oyo is very dnugcrous bccauBO tho Inten sity of tho boat nt tho focus is llablo to destroy tho nervo by burning it just ns tho sun glass will burn a hole in n hat Even using smoked glasses to watch eclipses is 110110 too safe lmngluo n ploco of glnsB formed llko a spoon which has a shnrpor curvaturo tho short way than it has tho long wny Anyone knows thnt ns curvaturo is what docs tho focusing It would bo im post i bio for nil rays to focus atono place and thero would bo llttlo dnngor of even sunlight doing any burning under suoh conditions Nor wonld n glass so mnde bo worth anything to n photographer bocauso ho could not got a picture through it In this fnct wo havo ono of tho greatest proofs that tho brain is tho real Bight centur beoauso a great many peoplo havo eyes tho cornens of which aro formed in percisoly this manner nnd yot thoy boo well enough to get around aud often do duo work and thousands of pooplo aro struggling along with such a deformity suffering many nervous ills in consequence whon a pair of glassos ground to fit tho defects would reliovo them entirely Tho fnct that thoy boo well enough to do their work proves that it is simply by educating tho optic nervo aud tho brain to understand tho moaning of tho impression on tho retina oven though it bo dim Tho out shows n representative of tho cornea of such an oyo The enrvnturo A tnkes tho linos I I nnd focuses them nt point I after which it will bo observed thoy diverge having crossed Tho curvaturo B takes tho lines 2 2 and focuses them nt 2 Now regard A as tho vertical meridian of the cornea and B as tho horizontal affects tho mothers prido to see her llt tlo daughter wcnriiiR glosses No hon est practitioner would put them on her unless ho wns nbsolntely suro of their need nnd dishonest doctors should not bo pntronized Anyono who knows enough to mcasuro tho defects knows enough to explain to his patients why thoy should follow hlfi Instructions At flrBt tho corrootlon nenrly Always increnBOH tho trouble for a few days aud may oven dovelop inflammation This is only ovidouco that natnio Is adapting herself to tho now conditions and thfBo features will pass away to gether with tho old ones in a few days To bo contlmifwl Jhonomriinl Every Tnesday in March nnd April tho Union Pacific will sell tickets from Nobrnskn aud KauBns points at tho fol lowing greatly reduced rat9B To California Snn Francisco Los Angeles SnnDiego includingall main lino points north California State lino to Coltou San Bernaudiuo nnd San Diego 2500 To Utah Idaho Oregon Montnnn WnBhtngton Ogden nnd Salt Lake City Utah Butte and Helena Montana 2a0O Portland Ore Spokane Wash Tn coma and Seattle Wash 2500 Full information cheerfully furnished on application by FW Junemau Agent IOO Itowaril 100 Tho renders of this paper will be pleased to learn thnt thero is at lenst ono dreaded disease that science has been ablo to euro lu nil its stages nnd that is catarrh HuIIb Catarrh Cure iB tho only positive euro now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a con Btitutionnl treatment Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system thereby destroying tho fonndatiou of the disease nnd giving tho patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they off ono hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for list then regard point 1 as the location of tho retina and it will bo soen that the divergent rays from point 1 would form a circio of diffused light around point 2 thus causing a confusion Tho person with such eyes never sees perfectly This is called nstigmatism signifying without a point When it is prosout iu n high degree it makes vision so poor that peoplo think tho child was born blind or partly so or they think it is disease Thero aro a number of alleged oculists who under take to trent such eyes medicinally Some know bettor but do it for tho money there is in it and others do it bocauso thoy aro ignornut Around tho crystalliuo lenB which is situated just behind tho pupil there is a sot of muscles which by contraction from tho npplicatiou of nerve force cause tho lens to increase in convexity when occasion domands in all eyes In suoh cases as this there is a constant effort of these muscles wnich causes a lot of trouble and the only result is to deplete the nerve supply nnd set up a feverish condition in those muscles nud the tissue which connect them with tho outer layers then when the patient goes out in the cold nir tho sudden chill to tho feverish membrane which lines tho lids and covers the front of tho eyo causes its nerves to contract suddenly and the eyes becomo blood shot Repeated exposures aggravate this con dition more and more until it finally becomes graulated lids Permitting this to run along without proper care may develop ulcers of the cornea these ulcers leave scars and you might as well try to see through a frosted window as through such a cornea It is muoh easier to prevont than to enre any disease hence all suoh conditions should be responded to by rest the application of cold salt water with an atomizer a cold salt water com press laid over the eyes for fifteen min utes after retiring at night then as soon as possible havo the eyes examined by a competent ophthalmologist and wear tho correcting glasses The doctor who treats suoh simple cases as disease does not know the first principle of ophthalmology because they are not diseases but merely symptoms of an error in the formation of the eye the only correction for which is glasses Tho eye attainB its full growth at about tho age of ten and if the eye is defective ever the defect is there then The reason tho full effects do not de velop themselves always until later is because nature -has given tho child a larce tank full of nerve energy when it was born and it is ablo to get along without great inconvenience until its efforts have exhausted the supply when trouble begins The reason it comes to some earlier than others is because the defect is greater or its work is moro trying but whenever it comes it should be nttended to promptly no matter how muoh it aJL of testimonials Address J Cheney Co To ledo O Sold by druggist 75c Halls Family Pills are the best Application for Drugglsti Liquor License Matter of application of A H Kiesau for a liquor liconse Notice is hereby given that A II Kie sau did on the 5th day of April 1001 file his application to tho mayor and city council of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska for liceure to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors for medicinal mechnn icnl nnd chemical purposes at Norfolk Nebraska from the 1st day of May 1001 to tho 80th day of April 102 nt east of lot 0 block 1 Muthowsous addition in First ward of said city If there is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the 5th day of April 1901 the said licence will be granted S It McFahland City Clerk Application forNiloun Liquor License Mutter of application ot Scott Hal brook for a liquor license Notice is hereby given thnt Scott Hnl brook did on the 4th day of April 1901 file his application to tho mayor and city council of the city of Norfolk Ne braska for license to sell malt spiritu ous nnd vinous liquors at Norfolk Ne braska from tho 1st day of May 1901 to the 30th dav of April 1902 at lot 14 block 4 original town of Norfolk in First ward of said city If there is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from tho 4th day of April 1901 the said license will be granted S R McFabland City Clerk Application for Saloon Liquor Llcenne Matter of application of Harry Loder for a liquor license Notice is hereby given that Harry Loder did on the 4th day of April 1901 file his application to tho mayor and city council of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska for license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Nebraska from the 1st day of May 1901 to the 80th day of April 1902 at east h of lot 4 block 1 Koeuigsteiusadditiou to the city of Norfolk in First ward of said city lr tnero ib no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the 4th day of April 1901 the said license will be granted S R McFaulaxd City Clerk Apiilecntlon for Suloou Liquor Matter of application of L Ilconite izzie Vlazny for a linuor license Notice is hereby given that Lizzie Vlazny did on the 3rd day of April 1901 file her application to the mayor and city council of the city of Norfolk Nebraska for license to sell malt spirit uous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Ne braska from tho let day of May 1901 to the 10th day of April 1902 nt west room of Oxnard hotel in First ward of said city If there is nq objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from tho 3rd duy of April 1901 the said license will bo urnnted S It McFaklasd City Clerk J3ARNES TYLER Attorneys nt Law Norfolk J3RO s Parker Must Block DENTIST OSTEOPATH1ST ItohcrUon Block E J COLE J B Burner M DTyler Nobrask Norfolk Nob J3R II T IIOLDEN Homeopathic Physician nndSnrgeoa Olllco CitlteriR Kntlonnl Bank Bulletins Tolopliono 101 8nnltBrlnm nnd Itmluonco Mnln and 13th St Telophouo 9 Norfolk Nebraska DR I E SCOBEE Norfolk Ncumeln DENTIST Ofllce over CltlzonV Notional Bnnk Beeldenc one block north ot Coiigregutiotinl church Norfolk Nebraska yAPES HAZEN Oflico over Leonards Drug Storo Norfolk - - - Nebraska jyjlSS MARY SHELLEY Fashionnhlo Dressmaker Dp etaire In Cotton block ovor Bnnme ftori Flrst claes work guaranteed Norfolk Nebraska POWERS HAYS Attorneys at Law RooniB 10 11 and 12 Mastblock Norfolk - - - Nebraska ROBERTSON ROBERTSON Attorneys-at-Law Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Block Norfolk Nebr gESSIONS BELL Undertakers and Enihalmers Seeeions Blk Norfolk Avol Norfolk - - - Nebraska James Richards M D seK OCULIST And Expert tlonist of tho oyo FitEn to pntionts nnd customers Olllco 1IM Fnrmun St Omahn opposite Pnxton Hotel B W JONAS FINE TAILORING SuitB mndo to order nnd in the lntest style Ro pniriuR noiitly done Shop on South Fourth St eonthnf Biium Broh For Plumbing Steam Filling Pumps Tanks Wind Mills And all work in this line cntl on W H RISH SbtiefnctiouGunrantoed First doorSoutu of The Dailt News Office CRSEILER Sale and - Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold Commission Braasch Avenue and Third St on PHONE 44 Norfolk Auditorium GEO H SPEAR MANAGER FRIDAY APRIL 5 The Young Chnrnctor Comedian JCLEWIS nnd his Big Comedy Company In the Burn Farco Comedy SI PLUNKARD Entirely lie written Xew Dialogue New Situations New Novelties New Scouic nnd Mechanical Effects Fnrco Comedy I A Strong and Efficient Comedy Company SEE THE GREAT R R SCENE Threshing Machine Scene COUNTY FAIR SCENE LOOK OUT Eor AsUnn ib Ilind Purnilo tor the Fuiiuitot Street Iuradu eer teen Reserved Seats Drug Store now on tale at Leonards s t