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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1901)
SJ IV IV L England Excludes all But the Home 3rcd Product APPLIES ONLY TO THE ARMY Department of Aerlcultnro I Advled by lromlucnt Chlcnen racking Company or tho DMcrlinlimtlon by iremt llrltnln Sequel to New Orleans luclilelit I Washington April 12 The depart mont of agriculture lias received a dispatch from a prominent packing company of Chicago announcing that lit has Just been advised that the En glish government has excluded all Ibeef except home bred from the Hrlt iali army contracts This It la stated Is to be effective June 1 next The Chicago concern has asked the agricultural department for any as sistance It can render It has pointed out that the action of the government Is n severe blow to American beef and cattle exporters and producers and means not alone the loss in govern iinent trade but It Is feared It will serve toward causing a prejudice of the ipcople of Great llrltnln against the beef and cattle of this country No report of this contemplated move hns reached the department ac cording to statements of olllclals Steps have been taken however look ing to acquiring whatever Informa tlon it Is possible to get To demonstrate the Importance of tho move said to bo contemplated It Is pointed out that the value of our exports of live animals to Great Brit ain amounts to 40000000 while the total of animal products exported from the United States to Great Brit ain Is stated to be In round numbers 200000000 It is pointed out here thnt this proposed embargo mny really bo a sequel In greater or less de cree to the proceeding Instituted at New Orleans against shipments of horses and mules from that port for use in the South African campaign jWhlle this Is of course merely con jectural It Is very strongly hinted thnt the New Orleans Incident prob ably Is the directing source of Insplra tion for the step It Is pointed out thnt If the English really decided to take the action reported In the ad vices Just received the British might turn to Australia for their moats It is claimed however that meats can not be cotton there In as good quality noras cheaply as In the United States RIPLEY TO TESTIFY Accused Captain Will Corroborate Brad ley anil Yost I Frankfort Ky April 12 Tho testl mony In the case of Garnett Ripley brought out nothing sensational ye3 terdny Judge Yost testified corrob lorating the evidence given by former iGoYcrnor Bradley It Is said that at the close of the evidence for the prose cutlon the defendant will go on the stnnd himself and still further corrob orate Bradley and Yost nnd make other equally sensational statements Rtiftslan Sugar Tent Case New York April 12 The test case Involving the Imposition of a counter vailing duty on Russian sugar came up before tho board of classification of the United States general appraisers again yesterday B A Bigelow np peared for the protestants while Will Ham J Gibson represented the govern Imerit No oral testimony was offered but the case was submitted to the board after argument upon facts a jBtated In the consular reports and other official documents I One Cent Hate for Votoram I Chlcngo April 12 Rules and regu lations governing the transportation of passengers by the lines In the Cen tral Passenger association during the Grand Army encampment at Cleve land Sept 10 to 14 have been adopted In several respects they are different from the regulation which have gov erned Grand Army encampments In the pnst The lines were unnnlmously In favor of n straight 1 cent fare rnte rom nil association territory Shaw Offered 8320000 for Oil Land Des Moines April 12 Governor Shaw nnd tther Des Moines citizens Interested In tho ownership of 3400 acres of rice land nenr Beaumont Tex received nn offer of 225000 for It N today This Is the land near tho fa mous oil wells Half tho tract belongs to Governor Shaw the balance being owned by M W Walker Isaac Lang and II C Harris It Is not known whether the offer will be accepted or Dot Cannon netting Eaay Monterey Cnl April 12 George Q Cannon slept several hours and Is rest ing easy Dr Cllft stated that Mr Cannons condition was truly per plexing although most critical In view of the extreme age of the pa tient his demise could be hourly ex pected but he did not care to say that Lis condition was absolutely hopeless Adrocatei Income and Franolilie Tar Kansas City April 12 President M B Ingalls of tho Big Four railroad speaking at a dinner of tho Knlfo and Fork club last night advocated the Income tax and the franchise tax Jury Decide Hike Murder Caie Papllllon Neb April 12 The Jury In the case of the state against Hike returned a verdict of murder In the cond degree The date for sentence bas not yet beea get RADICALS jN CONTROL Try to lut Cuban Convention on Ilrrord Acfllixt llatt Amendment Havana April 12 At the secret ses sion of the constitutional convention several delegates offered resolutions that the convention should express Its disapproval of the principles embodied In the llatt amendment Seuor Gl berga moved that tho subject be In definitely postponed but this proposal was supported by only six delegates The effort of the radical element Is to put the convention on record ngalnst the amendment before voting to send a commission to Washington It was evident that the radicals had a ma jority yesterday The mutter will bo further discussed today NO STRIKE IS EXPECTED Opinion Tbnt Orlorauci K of Trainmen on JoraeyCeutral Will lie Amica bly Settled New York April 12 The conferonco between the employes and officials of the Central Railroad of New Jersey at Jersey City on tho wage dispute which exists between them did not lead to definite results and will bo resumed this afternoon Both sides seem to be acting In n spirit of fair ness there Is nn absence of bitterness from their discussions nnd the pros pects for a complete adjustment of their differences nro very bright The meeting yesterday which wai n secret one convened shortly after 1 oclock nnd lasted until the evening Superintendent Clnuson headed the committee of officials nnd Chairman Walte of the Brotherhood of Railway Engineers wns nt the lead of the dele gation of workers His fellow commit teemen were with him nnd mnny of the employes not heretofore attached to any of the committees also attended and took part In the discission Most or the talk was on the wage schedule of the engineers nnd firemen nnd the last proposition submitted by the rail road before the intervention of the brotherhoods chiefs was largely the basis of discussion DELGADOTO BE GOVERNOR rormer IiiHUrgent deader of Inland of Pnuay Appointed by Judge Taft Hollo Apr 12 General Martin Belgado the chief insurgent com mander in the island of Pnnny until his surrender In June has been ap pointed governor of the province of Hollo created by the United States Philippine commission yesterday Judge Tafts announcement was greet ed with shouts of enthusiasm from the delegates and spectators General Delgado was recommended by Gen eral Hughes for his honesty and abil ity Lieutenant Wilson of the Thirty eighth regiment was appointed treas urer The other officials are natives The province contains nearly half the population of Panny estimated at 1000000 persons DEVVET IN FEAR OF HIS LIFE Is Said to Ho Surrounded by Bodyguard Against Ills lenplc London April 12 A news agency publishes a dispatch from Capo Town received by the Frankfurter Zeitnng purporting to be a true picture of the present situation In South Africa The dispatch says that General Dewet Is so distracted by tho hopelessness of his cause that he can truthfully be described as insnne He goes in fear of his life amidst his own troops nnd keeps a bodyguard of chosen ad herents From his own ranks voices are now more frequently heard call ing Imperatively for peace MEN AND RIFLES CAPTURED Nearly 800 InxurgenU Included In Latest Capitulation Reported by MacArthur Washington April 12 The war de partment received the following ca blegram Manila April 11 Adjutant General Washington Colonel Acre surendered at CantolleJo ypsterduy 335 soldiers 12 offi cers and arms This followed tho surren der of Colonel Alvn at Orancapo April 8 with 13 ofllceni 304 men 02 rifles at Frees Butaan Zainbules province MACARTnUR Monument to Harrison Indianapolis April 12 The move ment toward erecting a monument to the memory of General Harrison In this city has been revived by Sepator Fairbanks who will lend tho sub scription list with a contribution of 1000 General John W Foster who was secretary of state during tho Har rison administration will also contrib ute 1000 Tho movement Is looked upon with favor nnd those who liavo the matter In hand say the contribu tions will bo forthcoming from all parts of the United Stntes TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD There havo been three deaths from Epotted fever In Missoula Mon John W Gates and his friends got control of the Colorado Fuel and Iron company and it Is thought they plan to fight the steel trust Governor Dockery Thursday appoint ed William Anderson of St Louis state Inborcommlssloncrfor Missouri for two years to succeed T P Rlxey A resolution was Introduced In Min nesota scante directing the attorney general to prevent the consolidation of properties of tho steel trust in that state Roy Kenner aged 10 years and Jo seph Gentry n butcher while driving a delivery wagon nt Chattanooga Tenn were run Into by an electric car and Kenner was Instantly killed and Gentry futally Injured MBIIWMB Union Pacific Land Depart ments Queer Transactions FORMER ATTACHES STORY Amur Kmployea of the Land Onico With Speculation for Irlvnto lain and Says High OainlaU or the Itoad Aro Iaulve In tho Mutter OmuliH April 12 Serloui charges have been made by V W Lunger n former appraiser of the Union Pacific land department Implicating the olll clals of Hint department In some questionable transactions According to Mr Lunger the present manage ment of tho department tolerates an abuse of privilege by employes which not only results In financial loss to tho company but In keeping farmers from settling In Nebraska Kansas and other western states Ho charges that sev eral of the trusted employes of tho department have for years been specu lating on company lands and during their speculations tho Innds have been kept off the market and away from the bona fide purchasers The plan of operation adopted by tho employes according to Mr Lungers story Is to purchase n tract of good Innd from the company on a ten year contract make the down payment of 10 per cent and no more and then leae the land for a share of the crops raised on it Tho compnny pays the taxes on the land nnd allows It to re innln for seven or eight years In pos session of the delinquent purchaser who receives from his tennnt several hundred dollars rental each year as a return on his Investment which repre sents only the first or down pay ment Mr Lunger has a mass of letters nflldavits and records showing pecul iar transactions of theland department but he declares that It Is Impossible to Interest tho bend officials In the matter at this time WILL RETURN TO PEKING Chinese Court Decide to Leave Slan Fu May 7 London Apllr 12 According to the Shanghai correspondent of the Times the Chinese assert that the court baa decided to leave Slan Fu for Peking vin the province of Ho Nan Mny 7 PATRICK HEARING CLOSES luttlrn Iiitiinn ltiir DrrUlou Until Noxl Monday New Yorl April 12 -The hearing In the case nt Albert T Patrick charged with the murder of the aged million aire William Marsh Rice closed yes terday and Justice Jerome announced thnt he reserved his decision but hoped to make It known by uoxt Mon day It rests with Justice Jerome whether or not Patrick will be held for the grand Jury Meanwhile Pat rick will slay In the Tombs In sum ming up fo rl he prisoner Ids counsel Mr Moore presented several reasons why he thought Patrick should be freed PARIS IS WELL PLEASED fsfflTCirtssanMWiaawMa O The mm Weekly News Journal SlaloIllsorJC6ocJoiv i ei I NORFOLK NEBRASKA FRIDAY APRIL 12 1001 Peking April 11 A meeting of tho ministers of tho powers will be held today to consider ton report of the generals upon the articles VIII and Til of the point note referring respect ively to the destruction of tho forts which might obstruct free communi cation between Peking nnd the sea nnd tho military occupation of certain points In order to maintain communi cation between Toklng and the sen The Belgians who havo missions in the disturbed district of Mongolia say they do not believe tho rebellion will make much headway Wife of rrcKldent Lynns Suicides Monmouth Ills April 12 Mrs S It Lyons wife of the president of Mon mouth college committed suicide yes terday by hanging herself In the attic of her home Her body was found by tho oldest of her three children Friends of Mrs Lyons declare that she had been on the verge of nervous pros tration for several days on account of worrying about her husbands posi tion at the college There has been a contest In the board of trustees for some time over President Lyons a faction claiming ho Is not the man for the head of the cpllego They havo attempted to secure his removal but so far tho friends of the president have forestalled nlll such attempts Monument to Commodore Perry Des Moines April 12 Governor Shaw yesterday received n letter from Baron Kentnro Kancko of Toklo Ja pan president of the Amerlcnn society of Japan soliciting subscriptions to a monument to Commodore Perry to be unveiled nt Kurlhnma Japan July 14 next the 40th anniversary of the land ing of Perry at that point Tho letter states that Rear Admiral Beardsloe last fall hunted up the spot where Perry landed which wns almost for gotten nnd Inaugurated the movement for a monument to mark the place Found Dead In a Ilatliroom Now York April 12 Edward Stev ens aged 47 was found dead In a hath room at tho Hotel Dore on Twenty eighth street yesterday afternoon Ho wob a graduate of West Point and served for several years under General Miles on tho western frontier rising to the rank of captain In the regular army About 15 years ago he resigned to go Into the real estate and Insurance business with his father In this city no had been suffering from heart trouble nnd It Is supposed this wns the cnuso of his death Kelley Goes to Karlham Collpze Richmond Ind April 12 Professor Robert L Kelley acting president of Penn college Iown will become vice president of Earlhnm college and pro fessor of philosophy In thnt Institu tion next year Professor Kelley will fill the vacancy caused by tho resigna tion of Dr J F Brown tho present vice president Victim of Knockout Drops St Louis April 12 Johu P Smith former mayor of Fort Worth Tex died yesterday the victim of kuocU out drops administered several days ego by unknown persons lu a saloon I near the Uulou station Coiirltioliiii of Iriiuco Knlliin lion nl ToiilonIiiildenl louhol Htarl for Ills Home Paris April 12 At the conclusion of tlic festivities nt Toulon last night President Loubet started for Ills homo at Moiitellmar to visit his aged mouther and take a few ilaya reposo alter tho fatigues of the many func tions of the week which havo kept him occupied from early morning until bite at night The satisfactory man ner In which the whole affair has been carried out has been a personal suc cess for M Loubet Nothing but praise Is beard even from his op ponents as to the it bin manner In which he conducted the fete The harmony nnd the tact displayed on all sides from President Loubet the duke of Genoa and Admiral Blr llcff to the minor participants In tho events was a noeworthy feature As to the political side of the Franco Italian demonstration the Temps now thnt the speech making Is over puts the situation in a clear light with tho following remarks Tho words pro nounced by M Loubet and tho duke of Tenon and especially the telegrams between M Loubet and tho king of Italy stamp the proceedings at Tou lon with their true diplomatic signifi cance Franco nnd Italy yesterday gave one another officially tho title of flrends which accords so well with the fraternity of their genius nnd blood This Is an event which must not be distorted nor wrongly Inter preted But there is little risk of exaggerating Its Importance which taking everything Into consideration Is considerable Both Italy and Franco hnve greatly changed since the time of Bismarck and Crispl We cannot yet say want fruits yesterday will bring forth but we argue much thorc from Saints Listen to Reports Kansns City April 12 The confer ence of the reorganized church of Lat ter Days Saints in session at Inde pendence Mo listened to reports of committees nnd other routlno busi ness yesterday Tho regular prayor services and preaching were hold morning and evening Large audi ences attended all of the sessions of the conference Hunk Itobbers Too Zrnlnim Sioux City April 12 The Marion State bank at Marion Junction S D was wrecked by robbers yesterday Owing to an overcharge of powder the money chest was wedged and the robbers secured nothing The bank was fully Insured Smukbes Saloon Where Husband Worked Knoxvllle Tenn April 12 After tho fashion of Mrs Carrie Nation Mrs John Pnyne smashed a saloon In which her husband Is employed nnd threatened to stand nt tho door and prevent any customer from entering as long as Payne worked therein Tin proprietor dismissed Payne where upon Pnyne entered suit for divorce from his wife Tho court enjoined Mrs Payne from further smashing nnd her husbnnd hns returned to work Found Guilty of Hribery Lansing Mich April 12 D Judsou Hammond who wus u state repremii tatlve lu the legislature from Oakland county in IS and who has been un dergoing a trial In the circuit court here on the chnrgo of having solicited a bribe of 500 In connection with the Snyre anti trust bill wus found guilty by the Jury last night He gave notice of nn appeal to the supremo court and was released on bail Loving Cup for Mitlklt Jnlin Washington April 12 Former As sistant Secretary of War Oorge D Mclklejohn was presented Inst night with a big silver loving cup by his former associates In tho department tho contributors Including Lieutenant Oenernl Miles Adjutunt General Cor bin and others Woman U Killed by Oaf Omaha April 12 Mrs Christina Overmeyer of Heaver Crossing Neb oged about 0r years was found dead In bed In a room nt the Union hotel 1023 Mason street The gas Jet was turned on full force and death wns duo to asphyxiation Hunting CJ11 11 Kllli Hoy LoMars la April 12 IIarry Ed wards n farmer living south of town wndsr n farmer living south of town died Inst night A gun which he was using burst nnd the stock struck him on the head Indicting fatal wounds Tho remains of Abraham Lincoln which hnve been resting In a tempo rary vault during the reconstruction of tho Lincoln monument at Spring Held will be removed to the now mon ument within a few days The re moval will be prlvute tiZXM ij ii rKtia J3 LB 1 r 1SW JL lly i Ti ML m mm I MHI lt CM MM II MHPB1H WE HAVE JUST UNLOADED A CAR Of lino common boards of all lengths and widths Wo thought youd bo wanting more or less of this kind of HtutV for fixing up nbuut tho pluoo so wuvo got ready for yon Before making nny repairs drop in nnd got our prices It doesnt niako any dltloronco what you want If its anything In lumber or build ing material weve got it nnd tho price is right too L C MITTELSTADT LllMBERmAN f I IMHH iil8lit Norfolk W H IUTIIOI Proilitont AIKXANDKIl llliAK Vlco Prosldsal K V in Cashlur National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys nnd Rolls Exchange lnt -rest Paid on Tlmo Deposits i Drafts nnd flit my Orders Hold on any Point In Europe A General Steamship and Foroigi i ugc I islnei Tranflaotod y DIBBOTOKS A BBAH F P HANLON V J MALE W H BUCMCHS WM ZDT NA BAINBOLT B 8 COTTON BABIES TminnTT TMft CRY FOR nnLHIUMJ AND BREAD MADE FROM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary rts nrr ihTt JXettcvrW DR RICHARDS NORMAL VISION TREATMENT No Operntlonp No Dark Rooms No Dootor Bills No Detention from Business No Headnche from Kye Dofects All cureable diseases ns well aa refraotivo orrors of tho eyes succumb to this treatment such ns Unripe Cataracts Olycoma in recent Btngos Muscle Defects Gross Eyes Sore Eyes Weak Eyes and Weak Sight Granulated Lids Any one using this treatment for Defective Viniru according to directions and not receiving benefit beyoud tho necessity of using glasses tho refractive error will be corrected bv Dr Richards nnd glatses given freo to the amount in value of the Normal Vision Treatment In debilitated conditions of the system from any cause a constitutional treatment will be included with the treatment re6 DR RICHARDS will bo at Christophs Drug Store April 15 and 16 Examination of tho eyes free and to patrons and patients changed free within one year if necessary A