Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1901)
P ifc ifi y V L i r If Woman at Dakota City At tempts His Life WAS REFUSED MONEY ORDER Mr Stella WurtmnliiirRor Kutnra Hli Of IIcp Anaortu Tlmt County Own Her mid Attempt to Collect by lorcu ufAruii Her Arrest Follow Sioux City Mnroli JO Mrs Stolln walked la the olllcc of County Clerk Coolie C HUle at Da kota City Neb yesterday and de manded that lie give her an order for money she alleged the county owes her lie refused and she whipped out a gun and lired The bull tote olt a suspender button and Just grazed Bllles Hush The woman was over powered by County Attorney J J Mc Allister and placed under arrest County Judge Dlmers held her to the grand jury under bonds oi 2000 and she Is In jail The Dakota county authorities have been trying to get rid of her for some time They got her as far as Omaha a few days ago but she returned WOMAN ATTEMPTS SUICIDE Mr Lllllc Knox or Itonton Shoots Herself With Itovolvcr Benton Neb March 20 Mrs Lllllc Knox wife of J T Knox of this place attempted suicide by shooting herself at thu home of Mr Orrln Galbralth two and one half miles south of this place yesterday The act was com mitted with a revolver the bull pass ing between the heart and lungs and will probably prove fatal Mr and Mrs Knox have been residents of this place for two years A month ago Mrs Knox said she was going to re tire and went to her room then bun dled up part of her wearing apparel divided their savings left Mr Knoxs hare on the dresser with a note say ing she had left him and took her de parture through a window Since that time she has been making her home at Mr Galbraiths JB Reducing Federal Kxpcnse Des Moines March 20 The collector of Internal revenue for the southern Iowa district has received an order to reduce expenses on and after April 1 to the amount of 5000 a year and to effect this saving he has dismissed the traveling deputy one local deputy In the collectors office and the stamp sellers it Ottumwa Creston Keokuk and Muscatine The starap doptitied at Des Moines and Burlington remain for the present Complaint has bqen made frequently that the servlco was crippled because of Insufficient help and this reduction makes the situation still worse A similar reduction is to take place in the northern district Hmnuno Society Plan Des Moines March 20 The annual meeting of the Iowa Humane society was held last evening In Des Moines and the old officers re elected B P OHanlon of Milwaukee the national organizer was present He has been engaged In organizing branches In va rious cities of Iowa and reports much progress and general interest in the work The society Is planning to se cure new legislation which will ex tend the authority of the society over the entire state and enable it to ac complish much greater good Life Convict Commits Sulcldn Leavenworth March 20 Taylor Cook a life prisoner from Osborne county committed suicide in his cell in the penltentinry at Lansing yester day Taylor used the wire employed to tie up his bed and a sheet fasten ing them to a hook in the celling arid kicking a stool from under him Since Ills incarceration In 1809 Cook has Im portuned every governor to sign his death warrant but all refused At one time he was an Inmate of the in sane asylum North Carolina Jurists Acquitted Raleigh N C March 20 Chief Justice Furches and Associate Justice Douglass of the supreme court of North Carolina who after being pre sented for Impeachment by the house of representatives on Feb 25 have been on trial at the bar of the senate elnce March 14 were yesterday ac quitted on the live counts In the ar ticles of Impeachment by a vote of 27 for conviction and 23 for acquittal Thirty four votes were necessary to convict Rnnlan Refuse to Remove Flap London March 20 The Dally Mafl has received the following from Tien Tsln dated yesterday Colonel Mc Donald has politely asked the Russians to remove their flags from the British portion of the disputed territory whore they were placed after a mutual evacu ation had been agreed upon The Bus Blans flatly declined It Is understood that tho question of an arbitration to the title of concession has uot been Bottled Altgeld Helps Iluuecy Chicago March 20 In the presence of 3000 who filled every pause in his speech with cheering John P Altgeld last night from tho Auditorium stage fervidly denounced tho administration of Mayor Carter II Harrison Altgeld pleaded with the Independent Demo crats and his other hearers to support Judge Hanecy and the entire Repub lican ticket In the city eleciton next week Noli SIpIo In orlcil soclctv The Norfolk Weekly News Journal MILITARY RULE IN JOLO Condition Not lnorulili for Civil ioMiru iiient In Mulil Irotip lolo Sulu March 21 The Philip pines commission sailed lust night for Isabel Island of Hazllan ltefore leav ing the commission hud a long consul tation with Major Sweet the American commander at Unto and Dhul Kar achi the strongest chief or the Stilus who usually opposes the sultan Any measure of civil government In Sulu appears Impossible at present The customs of vassalage servitude and polygamy prevail There Is no law except the Koran and that Is not always followed The Macros and Chinese desire a cessation of military rule In loin but the conglomerate char acter of the population and the uncer tainty as to those without the waits render this Inadvisable Military of lleecs consider the treaty unnecessary and an Impediment to progress The news of the capture of Aguln aldo was received here with great gratification by the members of the commission and the Tutted States troops The rejoicing was Increased by a report of the surrender of Capls trano In northern Mindanuo Kltuntlon lit Miirnelllen Marseilles March 2 The Improve ment In the strike situation continues The city is resuming In some respects Its ordinary nspect About 11000 men are at work on the quays Wen l Sclli Aikoii Slur Gcdar Ilnplds In March 2 George K Wenig has sold Aegon Star 211 to W M Fisher of West Liberty Tor 0000 ca sli The horse will be entered in the Grand Circuit GRANTED HEW TRIALS Men Sentenced In Couuertlon Willi Ooubcl Assaislnntlnii to Ito Allouid Another Hearing Frankfort Ky March 20 The court of apoals yesterday rendered deci sions granting new trials in the case of ex Secretary of State Caleb Powers sentenced to life imprisonment and James Howard sentenced to hang as alleged accessory and principal re spectively in the assassination of Will iam Goebel In the decision on the Powers case the court was divided on political lines The four Republican judges united In an opinion which was written by Judge Durelle and the three Democratic judges In a dissent by Judge White All of tho opinions concurred In holding the indictments sufficient and also in holding void the pardon issued to Powers by former Governor Taylor after the latter had been ousted from office MORGAN MEETS PHILLIPS Declines to Sleet Mitchell Rut Will Try to Prevent Strike New York March 20 A delegation composed of live men represontating trade Interests In the Pcnsylvnnln anthracite coal region with the Rev B S Phillips of Ilnzeltou acting as chairman held a conference yesterday with J P Morgan In his private of fice The conditions of unrest In the coal region were set forth In tho briefest passible form by Father Phillips who represented the delega tion to Mr Morgan anil to whom Mr Morgan expressed his Interest In their errand and his willingness to make personal effort to prevent a strike though lie declined to hold a public conference with John Mitchell president of the mine workers You may rest nssured that I be lieve there will be no strike re marked Mr Morgan Sarah Keruhardt III rittsburg March 2 Mine Sarah Bernhardt who was to have opened an engagement at the Alvln theater last night was taken suddenly 111 nfter the performance nt Cleveland nnd is not sufficiently recovered to ap pear Given Ilfo Sentence Buffalo Wy March 20 CharIcs B Holllbaugh and Eric Btinton have been sentenced to the penitentiary for life for the murder of A S Brown a wealthy stockman They confessed that they shot Brown and burned his body Rocrs Suiter n Reverse Capo Town March 20 The British Inflicted a repulse March 20 on tho commandoes of General Malan nnd Commandant Schecper on Sundays river The Boers fled having lost 10 killed TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Eight thousand people died of the plague last week In Bengal nlone in cluding Calcutta Whole towns are being deserted A benefit for Billy Rice tho vet eran minstrel who is ill in Chicago will be gtyen at the Grand opera house Thursday Rivers and lesser strenms In the Gen esee valley New York are greatly swollen and considerable damage by overflows Is reported A dispatch from Salonica announces that nine men were scalded to death by tho bursting of a steam pipe on the Turkish torpedo boat Shehub While the German agrarians are vlowlug with alarm tho adoption of American food products in tho empire and tiro striving for an increase In tho turlff on American grain there Is a strong feeling In favor of the cheapening of food prcduvts through out Germauy NORFOLK NEBRASKA FUIDAY MAUCII 12J 1101 iib 11 i Nebraska Republicans Elect Two United States Senators FORMER LEADERS DROP OUT On Announreincnt of Tliitntpnu With drawn AntU loin tho Vitiitlliiliil Ne Inn Contlrini leh tlut Short Term ami Millard Long Lincoln March 2 The deadlock over the Nebraska senatorshlps was broken yesterday and Governor Charles 11 Dietrich was elected sen ator to till the short term of the lute lion M L Ilayward and Hon Joseph 11 Millard of Oniiiha was chosen for fie long term In succession of John M Thurston This was brought about by the with drawal of It 10 Thompson W Hose water and all those who have previous ly been candidates except Lorenzo Crounse Crounse with the aid of the nntls who came Into the cau cus yesterday morning when Thomp son withdrew made a light foe the nomination but the tide set In toward Millard so strong that It was appar ent he would win This was made cor tuln when Cuccle swung In line foe falm Crounse withdrew and the nom ination of Dietrich and Millard was made unanimous The election of Dietrich nnd Mlllocd was accomplished In Joint session by the solid vote or all Republican mem bers who were physically able to be present In the Joint session Marshall being sick Lieutenant Governor Savage nn nnuncod tho election with much feel- lug the vote being as follows Dietrich short term 70 Millard long term 70 Allen short term rS Hitchcock long teem S W IT Thompson long term 52 Berge short term 2 Thursday was the day agreed upon for the conclusion of the legislative session but It Is doubtful If final ad journment comes before Saturday night The docks in the two houses were stopped last night and the mem bers simply recessed Instead of nd Journlng Tho long senatorial dead lock delayed necessary legislation and much work remains unfinished Knil Camo Unexpectedly The end of the deadlock In reality came unexpectedly two hours before the last Joint ballot of tho session was to be taken Seventy Republicans In person or by proxy assembled in tho caucus room of the Lindell hotel to make what was believed by nearly all to be a final vain effort to find a solu tion of the three months bitter strug gle Seven ballots had been taken without result on the long term when the first sensation of the day came with the appearance of D B Thompson the short term caucus nom inee who formally announced his withdrawal from tho race and sug gested the name of Governor Dietrich as his successor Reasonable assur ance was given that his suggestion would be rati lied Meanwhile the North Platte light continued and Lo renzo Crounse jumped to a prominent place threatening a nomination at one time by securing 35 votes The next sensation was tho announcement of Bdwnrd Rosewaters withdrawal In fa vor of George W LInlnger of Omaha Meanwhile J II Millard had ap peared as a now North Platte candi date and ho immediately became a hot opponent of Crounse for the place Mr Millards name was prominently linked with that of Mr Dietrich as a running mate and from then on the caucus complexion seemed to Indicate the speedy nomination of the two The ten bolting Republicans had en tered the caucus before Thompsons withdrawal and It was then a com plete caucus of the majority party members Balloting was continued when Mr Meiklejohn contributed his mlto to the general upheaval by with drawing He announced no preference as to his successor in the fight but It was understood that Ills action was In favor of Mr Millard M II Illnshaw then announced his retirement Francis Martin followed and nil tho former candidates were then out of the way save Crcunse and Harlan Nominations Are Made Unanimous Four ballots were speedily taken On tho first Governor Dietrich was nominated almost by acclamation Harlan receiving a few votes Two more disclosed a closo light between Millard and Crounse the second ballot showing 32 to 34 In the formers fa vor Then the third was taken and Millard had gained a considerable fur ther lead It was then moved to name him by acclamation and this was done on tho fourth ballot Mr Thompson determined upon Ids withdrawal yesterday Tho Repub licans who have opposed him had some time ago offered to lot Jilm name both Bonutors if ho would stop out of the way Dietrich was his choice The Thompson men nlso were tho ones who voted for Millard Both Thompson and Roscwnter made addresses to tho caucus in withdraw ing their names The caucus adjourned nt 1030 and an hour and a half later Its action was ratlfled at tho joint convention of the legislature Nows of the caucus action hud become generally known and there was tremendous crowd In the hall of tho house when the ballot was taken J The proceedings however were do- void of great excitement Follow ing I he formal election of I he two nom inees committees were appointed to apprise thoin of the action of the legis latum Mr Mlllurd being In Omaha tJovecnoc Dlelclch alone appeared and thanked the members for the honor conferred paying tribute to wl at he K jld was the parly loyally of D W Thompson Who the Senator Ave Jexeph II M II In t tl wni hum In lliiinllloti Ctiiiiidii In Itftil nail iii mi to NehriiNlii nt tlio tiu of U yearn since whhli lime IiiIiiIhIiimmi ii Itwldrnt of Onmlin lie Ik nt he heml of he liniiliii Niitliinnl hiiliU which It one of the tuiKesl tlnuiiiliil liiitltullnim In the Mute uf Nchriiskn He win appointed Mnlilcr of the hunk In Jiiniimy isil nml lias heen with It ever nluer He tins n yearly Income of 1iMi0 lis president of the concern Ills wealth Is rated lit over half a million ilollnis Mr Mlllardu ae nualiitiinco I cciihIvc all over the went find from the fact that that he has always heen cut pi Islni he lull valued a popular ity that Is a credit to him riithteen yean nio Mr Millard was a candidate for Pulled States senator hut lifter n hard fought contest was defeated hy ieneral Iliailes I Mniiilemnn lie was one of Hie di rectors of the rnlnii Iaclllo before Ita renr KMiibnl Inn Monitor Italics Henry Dlelilch was hum nt Aurora Ills lie will he tH years of nc Nov UH net lie begun hard work at the age of II and nt the ace of left the public schools Ills education was learned chlellv In the school of experience In the winter of IS with Mill In his pocket he started for the lllack Hills Two years later he located tho fiimnus Aurora mine In another year he sold his Interest to Hrowii Tlinuih Donilwond banker This irnve lilin the money to start huslness life with He returned to Aurora wns mar lied ami then cniue to Hastings Nidi where he has hecen cniaieil In Inistuccs enter pilses ever luce Wlirp he received the nomination for coventor last Cll he was president of the Herman National linnk of HiisIIiiks He Is reported to he worth 0 IhIO or JllOmif Tin senator Is n will ower with hut one child n daughter 0 years of aie Ciilll last fall Mr Dietrich had never lieen a candidate for any public olllce CUBANS DIFFER WIDELY livery Member of Coinmlll en on Ititlallnm With the Culled States Submit a Kcpoit of Ills Own Havana Match 12 The meeting held yesterday by the committee on re lations of the Cuban constitutional convention wns not harmonious lach of tin five members offered a different copoct Senor Juan Gual betio rniucz who was appointed a fortnight ago to prepare one submit ted a report of great length rejecting the I Mutt unioiiilnienf particularly clauses III VI VII and VII I Senor Silvela reported In favor of leaving the question of relations to the future government but afterward voted In favor of the report submitted by Senor Gomez Senor Vllluendas reported in oppo rilini to any further action regarding the matter by the convention Senor DeQuesada In his report accepted the Ilatt amendment with the proviso that the establishing of coaling sta tions should not interfere with the Internal government of Cuba nnd that the United States should be given a right to Intervene according to the treaty of Paris only when the Cuban government should be unable to pro tect life nnd properly Senor Tam ayos report wns In line with the Piatt amendment allowing the United States to nia e Cuba a base of opera tions in case of war In return for which the United States should guar antee he permanent Independence of Cuba but should not Intervene except nt the request of the Cuban congress Members of the convention said that they would report next Monday FRENCH PUNISH NATIVES Camp of Foil Kalllhas Captured After a Sharp Fiifht Bathurst Gambia West Africa March 2 Tho camp nt Manduni In Gambia of Fodl Kallibas the old slave raider who recently attacked a French post killing several French soldiers after a sharp fight In which Fodl Kallibas himself wns wounded and l0 of his followers wore killed or wounded Fifty prisoners were taken The French had 112 soldiers killed nnd seven wounded The camp at MandanI was strongly barricaded with a stockade three feet thick The French shells exploded the powder magazine Inside the stockade ShorliiBo In Iarnnll Imttolllne Iowa City la March 20 Dr L K Stewart United States postofllce In spector of this city reports a discov ery of 12000 unaccounted for In the money order department of the Parnell la postofllce in his visit to that of fice The postmaster went to some of his friends and secured the amount needed to make up the cash In the showing on the books IamiciiKur Train Collide McLnln Ills Marcji 120 Iu a colli sion between two Chicago and Alton passenger trains Kngluecr Temploton of Bloomlngton was Instantly killed Tho passengers and other trainmen escaped with a severe shaking up Both engines wore partially demol ished nnd travel wns delayed about throo hours TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Tho president still lacks one name of completing the St Louis exposition committee The marine hospital service has ad vices from Vera Cruz Mexico saying thnt yellow fever Is reported on the Isthmus of Tchunntcpec It Is olllclally announced that nt a secret consistory to bo held in Rome April 15 Archbishop Martinelll will be raised to tho cardlunlate The number of congressional callers nt tho white house Is dwindling each day showing thut the statesmen are leaving Washington for their homes fwm m JSLVr m OTC Norfolk National Bank NVWkl tf rm When Your Plowing is All Done Youll wnnt a good dry plnrso to store your plows for tho senROii together with all other high priced machinery Hay I Whats tho mill tor with building a now sited Wu havo just what you nued Its choan too n lot of nice common boards Thoyro not the best in tllo world Thoyro plenty good enough though and mulct up In cheapness whatever they lack in quality L C MITTELSTADT NORFOLKS LUMUHRA1AN Ichii I mi Ii aiMitraiu V II IIPCHOIZ ronlilnnt AlKXANDKIt IIKAK Vlco Ironldoal Ii W VTA Uimlilor OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKIN6 BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Soils Exohango Interest Paid on Tlmo DoposltB SLIi ati Money Ordors Sold on any Point in Raropa A General Steamship jind ForolKn Passage Business Transacted DIBHOTOHB Amuit F I HANLON KJ HALK WHHDOHOLZ WM ZOT3 NA RAINHOLT BH COTTON I C W BRAA3CH DEALER IN ill CQm JL I GKR JOSr co Exclusive aent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the best In the market Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONES 61 BABIES CRY 5f5r WHEATLING AND BREAD MADE FROM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD SHAVE or BATH fiO TO WOHalls Barter Shop MAIN rtT THlltn DOOR KAHT OF FOURTH For llmnliiDg Steam Filling Pumps Tanks Wind Mills And all work In this lino call an W H RISH HhtlsfnctlonOunrantoori First door South of Tub Dailt Nbwb Ofllcs B W JONAS FINE TAILORING Suits mndo to order and in tlis latest style Rs palriuK neatlyjilono Shop on South FourUi St lonthnf Iluum Droh M E SPAULDING l BALE It IN FLOUR - FEED TELEPHONE NO 33 James Richards M D tfPB5 OCULIST And Expert i tionist Kznminntion ofUtooyu imiek to patients nnd customers Ofllca liOi la ni am St Omaha opposlto Iaxton Hotol MRS H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Baths Telephone Ko 417 Rooms on North Ninth Street L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for the Mrcrs Force and Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work First door West of Post Office CRSEILER Sale and i Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold on Commission Bratuch Avenue ad Third St PHONE 44 Wl M 1