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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1911)
.J HAS NO SUBSTITUTE r * Absolutely Pure The only baking msK/Q from iSoya Cream off Tartan * NO ALW LIME PHOSPHATE * 1 Toilet We .are overstocked Toilet Soaps and are" . .selling' all ten-cent soaps" ( excepting Har mony Rose Glycerine ) i at-seven cents the cake. I By the way , you should try Harmony Rose Glycerine. It is the best ten-cent soap made , delightfully per fumed. Large cakes (8 ( oz. ) at 10 cents the cake. VALENTINE. NtO I A Safe , Simple System The system of paying _ by check was devised "by all men- for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , eithei\ large or small. It'makes no' difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking accojrnt will serve your needs. Pay by .check , the method puts system in to your business and gives'you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. Fine Rooted Trees * That Grow. Acclimated and varieties adapted to Northwestern Nebraska. Prospects-.are for good fruit crop next .year. Trees are full of fruit buds now. Buds are formed in August of .this year for , next year's crop. If ground is dry now give your young trees bucket water each. Catalog upon request. . * . - T. W. CRAMER ; Local Agent , i Valentine , Nebr. Boyd Nurseries and Fruil Farm. Ainsworth , Mebrsskc . < ' . Big base burner coal stove foi sale , § 12 , cheap. Worth more " need it. I. M. R&E. t * Dr. A. N. Compton has a new Buick autOi Joe Weisner , the Wood Lake hotel man , is in town. Good residence property for sale. I. M. RICE. tf Miss Maud Van Orsdoll was visiting in town Saturday and ! i Sunday. ' ( Robert McLaMyra , a new citi zen of near the Big Creek Ranch , was in to\vn today. ff udge Quigley went up to Nen- /al Tuesday on a land deal and from there went to Rushville as a witness in a murder case that is being tried this week. Mat Boltz and sisters , Misses Anna and Maggie , were down 'from Nenzel Tuesday visiting friends. Miss Anna went to Oma ha from here , the others returning home. Yesterday Robert E. Gropms , who was injured recently while working on the ice gang for the C. & N. W. , effected a settlement with the company for $100 through his attorney , C. A. Ruby. If you enjoy a hearty laugh , good singing and dancing and a funny Swede play see CARL M. DALTON'S big company pre senting "TILLY OLSON" at Quigley's Opera House , Thurs day , F6b. 9th. Evart Harvey left here some time ago , going to Ft. Worth , Texas , and from there to Bridge port with Mr. Foster , the mu sician tuning pianos , and was there employed as clerk by an army officer to go with him to Mare Island , Cal..and from there to Honolulu dbout Jan. 5. L. C. Sparks starts Sunday on a trip with the Nebraska Lumber Dealers. They meet at Lincoln and go to Galveston , thence to Brownsville , cross the Rio Grande and go to Mexico City. They re turn through Louisiana , Missis sippi and Arkansas , , visiting the yellow pine mills , and then came up into Kansas to view the cement m-lls. They expect to be gone on this trip about a month and will be on trains twenty-two days. Wish you was a lumber dealer ? W811 , we'd like to take such a trip with Levi. Good time all 1 right. i Welcome In Every Home j Because it keeps the house , [ from cellar to attic , in spick and span condition , and saves - , es the housewife labor , time , trouble and expense. , Just you try it ! Washing Wishes yU&ihotstQmiitsQJY Place dishes in pan orwaiin water , sprinkle a littk Old Dutch Cleanser on disi-cloth ( don't put the cleanser i water ) and wash , each piece , prtinsec end pan to drain , rinse ii dean water and wipe dry. Easier , quicker and hygienic ; 10 cans- tic or acids ( not a soap ponder ) . Old Dutch Cleanser rill re move the hardest "burnt iri' crust from pots and pans , withrat the old time scalding and serf ing. \ i Scrubs * * Scours- * Polishes Make This Test How to Tell If Your Hair Is Diseased , Even if you hare a luxuriant head of hair you may want to know whether it is in a healthy condition or not. 98 per cent of the people need a hair tonic. Pull a hair out of your head ; if the bulb at the end of the root is white and shrunken , it proves that the dair is deceased , and requires prompt treatment if its loss would be avoided. If the bulb is pink and full , the hair is healthy. We want every one whose hair requires treatment to try Rexall " 93' ' Hair Tonic. We promise , hat it shall not cost anything if it does not give satisfactory results. It is designed to overcome dand ruff , relieye scalp irritation , to stimulate the hair roots , tighten the hair already in the head , grow bair and cure baldness. It is because of what Rexal ! " 93" Hair Tonic has done and our sincere faith in its goodness that we want you to try it our risk. Two sizes , 50c and Si.OO. Sold only at our store The Kexall Store. Chapman , The Druggist. Presbyterian Church. J. M. CALDWELL , D. D. , PASTOR Morning subject : "Progress ive Piety or Perfecting Holiness. " Evening "The Christian En deavor Society and 1 Is Work , it being the 30th anniversary of this organization. Representatives of the Society will assist in the ser vice. Sabbath School , Junior and Christian Endeavor as usual. All cordially invited. Mexican Troops Goopad'Up'bi Ojinaga and GoetElio Panaiio , MREB HEN AFE ; KILLED , Detachment of Colonel Cprante , Which Was Trying to Escape From Cayoms , Cut to Pieces in Defile Federal Forces Are Divided. Preside , Tex. , Feb. 1. Outgeneraled and defeated with a less of more than one hundred soldiers killed , the fed eral forces of General Laque are di vided and cooped up in the towns ol Ojinaga and Cuchillio Parrado. General Luque , with less than one hundred men , occupies Ojinaga and Colonel Dorante , with about two hun dred cavalry , is at Cuchillio Parrado. The insurrectos occupy every road leading into both towns and will not permit provisions nor forage to be car ried in. The campfires of the insurrectos are visible from Preside and ths reb els can be seen patrolling the road3 within five miles of Ojinaga. Follow Ing the rebel ambuscade , into which he was driven at Coyame last week , where he lost more than one hundret killed , Colonel Borante on Sunday led his men from their place of refuge with the evident intention of avoid ing the mountain trails where chances of another ambush by the insurrectoa were plentiful. The rebels , undo Jose de la Cruz Sanchez and T Orega , quickly divined Dorante's pu. pcse. The result was that the leadei of the federal soldiers was flanked , and when his file atempted to pass J through a canyon at Boquillita , a mur derous fire met them. The command rushed from the canyon and a detach ment of insurrectos charged them. fierce fight ensued. Slowly the fe .erals were forced back in the dire. , Uon of Cuchillio Parrado. The insur rectos are hurrying reinforcements to Sanchez. The insurrectos declare that Dorante never will be permitted to return to town , but will be cut to pieces in th foothills. A correspondent inter * viewed JOSP de la Cruz Sanchez , th insurrecto leader. "We could take Ojinaga at any time , " he said. "The wives and fam ilies of many of our man are shut up in the town. They probably will be killed by the soldiers if we make an attack. " Man's Body Is Cut in Two. Sheridan , Wyo. , Feb. 1. William H. Robbins , county commissioner of -Johnson county , a prominent stock man and rancher , met a terrible death in a sawmill-on Rock creek , when he slipped on t'fie icy floor , his coat caught in the clutch of the log car riage and he was drawn onto the rap idly revolving .saw , which cleft liis boOy in tvrain- Old Crow , All Leading Hermitage Brands and Bottled _ . ; Gruchen- Under the heimer Supervision . > < fiye of the * Whiskeys. IT. S. Gov. I We also handle the Budweiser Beer. PALACE SALOON , HENRY STETTER , Propr. Notice. * Bids will be received by the school board of district No. 25 , Fairview , for removing the old. school building to new site , distance - j ' tance about 500 feet. Size of the building 20x24 = ft. To be leveled up and set on rock about 12 inches high ready for foundation. The board reserves the right to reject ] any or all bids. Proposals will be j received on or before the 10th day of February , 1911. Br THE SCHOOL BOATID OF DISTRICT No. 25. Mike Kennealy , Director , 3-2 Valentine , Nebr. Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , ! C. H. FAULHAEER & SONS , EROWNLEE , NEB. Herd headed by S. 0. Columbus 17 , No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289-1 822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , re-j , Bulls for Sale at All Times , W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUR & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. C. A. RUBY Attorney-at- Law Office front room , second story , over T. C. Hornby's store , Main street entrance. _ Vaj e rat i n eNeb.ra s ka. U. S. Weather Bureau Report WEEK ENDING .TA N.Ofi , 1911. Dully mean temperature 333. Normal temperature 18 ° Highest temperature 05s. Lowest temperature s = . Range of temperature 57 ° . Precipitation for week 00.03 of an inch. Average for 22 years 0.07 of an inch. Precipitation March 1st to date ir.36 inches Average for 22 years 21.74 of an inches. JOHN J. MCLEAN. Observer. Dr. M. T. Meer , DENTIST Rooms over Red Front store Valentine - Nebr , JOHN F. PORATH BUBGE , Tubular Wells and Windmills Call roe up by phone L. M. AYRES Importer and Breeder of PERCHERON HORSES AND MARES Shenandoah , Iowa C. C. RATLIFF , Gen. Mgr. of Sales , PURDUM , NEBR. ! Mr. Ayres lias beeu for the past J TA 4 iA..y * \ * * f m mrwv * - - - 35 years an importer and breeder of Percheron Horses and Mares 0and has a fine selection on hand which he is offering : for sale. i" If any one is thinking of buying | a horse , it would pay to see these. Mr. Ayres guarantees every horse ihe puts out. He is one of the old- est and most reliable importers and breeders in the state of Towa. Mr. C. C. Ratliff , a son-in-law of Mr. Ayres , as general manager of sales , represents the business in this northwest country. Mr. Kat- liff lives -S miles northwest of Purdura on what is known as British Valley. He has some of these fine horses there for sale on reasonable terms und pricps. Refer to : Thedford Bank , Thed- ford , Nebraska ; ITirst National Bank , Shenandoah , Iowa. A MUSICIAN The opportunity is open to you to every am bitious young- person in the vicinity of Valentine. Be sure and see the wonderful invention called the Harmonic Tone Revealer , which enables any one to play the piano and organ without knowing one note from another , with a few minutes study. This opportunity is offered by the International Conservatory of Music of St. Louis , Mo. We Teach by Correspondence- Home Study = = = 0ur Pupils Learn. They recommend us and our method of teach ing. We furnish all up to date Sheet Music and guarantee to teach our pupils to play or refund the tuition. We are the only conservatory in the world that print our own sheet music , so can furnish each individual pupil just the sheet music they should have. Courses are as follows : Piano , organ , violin , , guitar , mandolin and all military band instruments. \ Sixty thousand pupils have enrolled with us and all more than pleased. Facts and Advantages You study at home. You have no books or music to buy. You get special assistance whenever needed. We give you a reason "why" for each step taken. We "show" you as well as tell you. Written recitations YOU KNOW it before you write it. You get the "Boiled down" results of the study and research ot centuries. Our wonder Tone Eevealer is free to all pupils. We bring a modern Conservatory into your parlor. | We have more pupils than any other Conservatory in America. i Write any of the following bnnks. They will tell you v.-lietlirr our gunrnntpo Is . KpcxI : Central Bank and Trust Corporation , Atlanta , ( la. ; American Kxrlmnuu .National Bank , Dullas , Texas ; Commonwealth National Rank , Dallas , IVxns ; Vanduvi'iiler Trust Co. , St. Louis , Mo. ; Lumberman's National Banlc , Portland , Oregon ; or ask your . local banker to look up our standing in Bradstreefs Com mercial Agencies. The International Conservatory of Music For particulars write S. A. MOCK. Sp'l Agt. , Bx. 389 , Valentine , Neb. J. S. HOWARD , Ass't. DRY GOODS AND SHOES During the next two weeks we will close out at COST all our Dry Goods and Shoes. These will b busy days at our store. Come early and make your se lections from our stock. We handle Groceries and buy Produce. PH The .Chicago House JIM FELCH , Propr. Call on , me for rooms and lodging. / _ * * v Valentine - Nebraska JOHN D. EATON : Drayman : Heavy Draying < < Furniture and pianos handled in a careful manner. Coal hauled and trunks and grips v a specialty. Phone No. 48. 3 i