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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1911)
> < * t r , T * * < * * - V p ; > * fliitorical Sooitty ' - 1. M. Kice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBR. , THURSDAY , JANUARY 26 , 1911. Volume 26 , No. 3 U are cordially invited to examine the big array of YO all wool Taylor fabrics whether you intend to buyer or not. ALL we want is an opportunity to show i * you'theii-beauty and to some -idea of. the master C ly way in which Taylor Olothe's are modelled. We would likealso , to show you how popular the prices are and how 'it is possible for the most fastidious man to dress ideally at small cost. Accept our invitation , \'t \ please , and see for yourself what Taylor tailoring stands for. T SB3 All kinds of Merchandise. I can.afford to sell as low as anybody , I buy pro = duce and pay market price for hides. LVALENTINE , NEBRASKA. McQEER & CARROLL , Proprs. i Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars - * Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , Sherwood , , Hermitage , 4 . " Guchenheimer , - Cedar Brook , - ' ' * i , _ .vl. , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , , and 29/year/old- andjas , E , Pepper , O , F , C. Taylor- These whiskies were purchased in bond "and came direct from the U. S. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed ptfre and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. * j Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. Bass Ale , Storz Bj ie Ribbon and Budweiser Beer. Valentine Nebraska g ! [ tfo When you have a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will soon fix you up all right and will ware off any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contains no opium or other j narcotic and may be given as Confidently to a toby as to' an&ault J Sold by Ghap j "Lf XT' ' * fr-to tiS * When your feet are \vet and cold , and your body chilled through and through from exposure , take a big dose of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy , bathe youi feet in hot water before going to bed , and you are almost certain to ward off a severe cold * For salfe by Chbfcmfefcf thfe 191 ! JANUARY 1911 S 4 8 17 2n 11 Talk of the Town. Two four-room houses for rent , one with cellar , I. M. BICE. tf P. H. Young and 0. W. Halm went down to Omaha to see the land show last week. For sanitary plumbing or heat ing call H. I. "Weinzimmer , the only licensed plumber in town. 49 Just received a car of clean , sound corn. Inquire of Frank Ash- burn at Checker Front Barn. 2-2 Furnished rooms to rent by day or week , Hot. and cold water baths included. Valentine House , John D. Eaton , Propr. 32tf C. S. Reece aud wife of Simeon are rejoicing oyer the arrival of another daughter in their home , born Thursday , Jan. 19. Dr. F. M. Meer , dentist , of Val entine , will be a Wood Lake first Monday and Tuesday of every m null. Office at Wood Lake hotel. o The county commissioners have resumed I heir work this week and will finish checking up the county officers and other duties of the January > rneeting. Miss Myrtle Saunders of York came up Tuesday of last week to accept a position in the Valentine State Bank , but owing to a cold was confined to her room for sev eral days after arriving. The U. S. land office will , adopt 16 new rules of procedure after Feb. 1 , mostly relating to contests. Only persons desiring to file on land may file contest under the new rules and such person ? must show that they are qualified to en ter land. Ask to have your con test notice published in THE VAL ENTINE DEMOCRAT. Elias Stillwell returned Tuesday night from Omaha where he has spent the winter. From here he will go up to J. C. Rounds' in South Dakota and get his wife who has been visiting there with their daughter , and return in a few weeks to theinhome on Hackberry - berry lake in time for duck season. J. 0. Salmon came up from Brunswick Tuesday on some land business. He tells us that his stepfather , E. E. Hollenbeck , died in Howard county , Iowa , near Cresco , about a week after New Year of heart trouble. Mr. Hol lenbeck and wife and Charley Salmon had gone there to dispose of a hundred acres of land that they owned , and having done so Charley returned to Brunswick , when he received a message an nouncing his stepfather's death. Notice the big advertisement of S. A. Mock , special agent of the Chicago Conservatory of Music , assisted by J. S , Howard , who have organized classes of music at towns along the line westward "to Hay Springs and expect to teach music in this part of the west for the next few months. They teach on any kind of an instrument and have large classes at some of the towns. At Kilgore they are start ing a brass band beside some who will take piano lessons. Also Crookston is talking of starting a band. At Nenzel , Cody , Merri- maji , Gordon and Rushville are also classes' ; Rock Springs coal at Fischer's Hardware. 51 J. C. Brown has been in town a couple of weeks working with the ice men. W. D. Clarkson resumed his ice work last Saturday loading cars , using ; the railroad ice chute for contracted ice , and also filling his ice * * i > " house near the mill , and finish- * edlast night unless he receives further orders. John Bullis and daughter , Ines Maurine , cand downfrom , Sturgis yesterday morning and his wife ' . ' * \ comes from Mt. Vernon , N. Y. , tonight meeting here for a visit with old friends be ford returning to Sturgis , where John is in the hardware business. A failure of crops up there last season has been a draw back in business. John notes several changes in Valentine since leaving here and the old town looks good to him. | S. E , Smith was in town Mon day and dropped in for a few games of checkers at this office. He and Col. Harrison played about even but ye editor got trimmed a coupls of games in a six game bout. Mr. Smith plays a fair game and tolls us that he recently returned from Southern Missouri where he went the first of the month on a real pstate d-eal and sold a farm to Robt. McNamee. He played a successful game with with a wealthy land owner at Willow Springs , Mo. , who after wards listed 2500 acres of his land for "sale" , with-Mr. Smith. Tuesday Hammond & Bullis re ceived a Standard Oil tank wagon for 'delivering oil around town to tl e-ditferentstores. . li is a fine looking wagon and holds about ten barrels of oil with three compart ments for oil , * a case 'for axle grease attacked to the back end and brackets on the side for car rying cans. The driver's seat is covered by a brown duck covered top. Running gears red and tank green. The Standard Oil Co. has two large storage tanks east of the depot which will be erected on a foundation and a building built to keep other supplies and a sto'rage room for the wagon when not in use. James O'Bannon died of pneu monia and heart trouble last Thurs day night , Jan 19 , while in town taking care of his little boy who had shot a hole through his foot the first of the year. He was brought here and is stopping with his mother , Mrs. Lawless. James O'Bannou was born in Massachu setts in 1S57 and came to this part of the country about 13 years ago. He was a large , fleshy man and looked stout and healthy. He owned some land down in Keya Paha county. Several children survive him. His funeral was held Saturday afternoon at the M. E. church , and the remains laid to rest in Mt. Hope cemetery. Tuesday afternoon was tried a case in the county court in which Edmund Gerber had sued Frank * Higgin for damage to corn fodder by the defendant's hogs and some hay in the shock by defendant's cattle. Mr. Higgin offered on offset of thisclain by hay sold to plaintiff for which he had received no compensation and also some hay eaten and destroyed by plain tiff's stock. The trial was by jury and a number of witnesses were examined , atttorneys C. A. Ruby representing the complainant and A. M. Morrissey the defendant. The trial occupied nearly the whole afternoon , after which the attorneys briefly reviewed the case before the jury. , A verdict was reached about an hour later awarding the defendant one del lar. This , necessitated the assess ing of the costs of the-suit against the plaintiff ; Way below freezing -that's the weather you can expect most any day from now on. It's high time for you to select your winter clothes. While you are at it why not get the kind which will give not only comfort but make you glad to wear them. We think we have the right sort of AND for men and boys. Strictly high grade from start to - finish the 'best of Friend Made Garments and the" . : * " * prices spell economy. , ' . Will fit you out with one of these ideal , stylish , perfect fitting garments. Featuring Friend Made and Clothes. Quartered ns u St te B Ohnrtcrcrl as n Kutloiial Bank Junej , itfcl. August 12 , iww. FTfeCIII TIT f3 Tiffr ? & T TI THFW-'t llo i'JM A 1 lufyui JMIHL Valentine , Nebraska. , SURPLUS CAPITAL - - $25.000 25.000 A Greneral Banking. Exchange Undivided Profits 4,000 and Collection Business : : tt : . . . . , , . . . , . C. H. OOKNKT..I President. 51. V. NICHOLSON Gnsliior. J. T. May , Vice President. Miss fJLKX HOIN'IG , .Ass't ( Juhhior. ENDS AND CUSTOMERS : With the close of my most successful// * 7 ' business year , I wish to thank you one and - , all for your kind patronage. Hoping that I have merited a continuance of same and - - - - wishing you all a Merry Christinas and a/J - ' ! " ; prosperous and Happy New Year , I am yours respectfully , CUOOKSTON NEBRASKA , MAX E VI Eft t EL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. = DRS. DALLAL & 8ARAKAT = = GENERAL PRACTICE and SURGERY EYES TESTED and GLASSES FITTED SCIENTIFICALLY. We compound and * dispense our own medicines. Office on 2nd floor ot T. C. Hornby's. Phone 161. Valentine , Nebraska - GRANT BOYER CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order : Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska References : My Many Customers. Stetter & Tobien , Props. ffl DEALERS IN _ m All Kinds of resh. | | and Fait Meats. . . . Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and Anything you have to sell.