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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1911)
miitorlcri Sooitty / 11 < ; : ) - " . * * ' rn T ALENTINE DEMOCRAT ; * 1. M. Eice , Editor and Proprietor f VALENTINE , NEBK. , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 9 , 1911. " Volume 26 , No. 5 U are cordially invited examine the big array of YO all wool Taylor fabrics whether you intend to buyer or not. ALL we want is an opportunity to show you their beauty and to give , you some idea of the master ly way in - which Taylor Clothes are modelled. We would like also to show you how popular the prices- are and how it is possible for the most fastidious man to dress ideally at sma.ll cost. Accept -.invitation , please , and see for yourself what Taylor tailoring stands for. for.TH ONT All kinds of Merchandise. I can afford to sell as low as anybody , I buy pro duce and pay market price for hides. I VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. a g . Bur V McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs. Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 29 < y-ear/old andjas. E , Pepper. O , F. C , Taylor , 1 These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the II. S. government - ernment warehouse. They are guaranteed - / - / anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , Valentine.Nebraska . When you have a colcl get a "bottle ci Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will soon fix you up all right and -will ware off any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contains no opium ortother narcotic and may be given as confidently to a baby as to aigpdult.- Sold by Chap When your feet are wet and cold , and y < ur body chilled through and through from take dose of-Cham exposure , a big - berlain's Cough Remedy , bathe yotir feet in hot water before going to bed , and you are almost certain to ward off a severe cold.- For sate by Chapmanj-tbe 911 FEBRUARY Talk of the Town. Spa ! ! vs. Smith. A case was tried in the county court this week in which A. E. Spall was plaintiff and Charles E. Smith was the defendant. Both live , at Simeon. Spall brought suit for 5i days' work , with men and teams and machinery , jji potting up hay in 1907 , the year Smith bought the Spall ranch , and charged two months' board to Smith at § 10 per , month. Smith claims as a set off , or counter claim , several days' work in re turn that hg did for Spall ; that he had sold Spall 30 tons of hay and that he sustained 8112 damages by failure of Spall to turn over relinquishment - linquishment to homestead at time he had secured party to file upon it and that he had paid Spall Bros. $32'50 for a cow and calf which was not delivered , in his purchase of the Spall cattle. Also , that he had pastured horses for Spall and hid paid in two checks the sum of' § 40.00. Smith also claimed that Spall had asked only § 3 50 per day in three former statements for the 54 days' work with team. The trial was before Judge Quigley and a jury of six men and occupied Tuesday afternoon and nearly all day Wednesday. Judge Walcott was attorney for Spall and C. A. Ruby for Smith. There were many clashes in the legal battle and the case appeared to be-a series of neglected accounts \ f in which recollection in part ap peared to be faulty and each side contending for the best of iC or balance in his favor. Several witnesses from that vicinity were present to tell what they knew of the case , and the general credibilty of all concerned made it an interesting trial. The jury was composed of How ard Jay cox , Charles Green , Har ry Landon , John Eaton , \C. \ P. Hamar and-'RcrSert Wells : Ine jury found a balance in fav or of the defendant for § 41 , and the cogts were thrown onto the plaintiff. Mike Mone came .down from Cody Tuesday evening on a little business and * found lime to visit with ye scribe a bjt.s Mike lives out 12 miles south of Cody , and , the country being sparsely settled , they find support of a school dif ficult in his district , while the schools along the railroad are able to hire a teacher at a big salary and have money to burn. Mr. Mone thinks it time to stop - talking ing about * playing fair and get tfasy with an equalization scheme. He reasons that the railroads should belong to the whole county alike and that should be apportion ed to the several districts alike according . to the number of chil dren of school age and that a gen eral levy be made , for school pur poses in the county the same , as for county general , road or bridge fund. . Rock Springs coal at Fischer's Hardware. ' \ 51 Two four-room houses for rent , one with cellar. I. M. RICE. tf Furnished rooms to rent by day or week. Hot and cold water baths included. Valentine House , John D.oEaton ; Propr. . - 32tf School Notes. - , . Virgil Hobson of the 8th grade is out of sckool on account of sick ness. Grace Clark missed school Mon day and Tuesday because of a bad cold. Miss Grace Joyce of Atkinson is the new teacher in the 8th grade room , r f The primary pupils have been very much interested in a study of the Eskimo. Christel Palmer of the 8th grade .is out of school this week on ac count of illness. % Melvina Carlson and Nellie Coggswell are out of the X3rd room on account of sickness. * . Miss Driscoll gave the .doll house to the primary room. The first grade pupils are interested in planning to refurnish it. James Cowan of the state ex periment station gave an interest ing and instructive talk to the class in agriculture last Friday. The' third grade has chosen sides forVthe week for their review in spelliog. The first division is leading but the prospects afe good for the second djvision. * Miss Maud VanOrsdoll resigned her p'osition as principle of the Kilgore schools to accept the po sition as teacher of the 4th and 5th grade room in our schools. - jf Cora Hobson , Hick man Kincaid , Alma Batchelor , Harriett Clark , Howard Shaul and Helen Hammond mend are out of the primary room this week on account of sickness. After a siege with the grip the following returned to the 3rd room last Monday : Robert Veac h , George Lamoreaux , John Joseph , Willie Stetter , Mabel Spain and GeneVive Christensen. Emma Hershey , Geo. Jennings , Freddie Marshall , Margie Reagle , Carl Anderson , Eddie Gassan , May Joseph , Rosa Klein , Emma Peters , Gaskill Veach , Everett Burge and Anna Hoes were per fect in attendance for January. a the preliminary debate held last Saturday evening in the court room. Maude Rowley , Lawrence Rice and Clarence Haley were chosen for the debating team and Fay McClelland to b& substitute. Supt. Thackrey , Mr. Cowan and Mr. Morrissey acted as judges.x Resolutions. Whereas it has pleased Almighty God in his infinite wisdom to take from our midst the son of Brother Charles Polen , bp it Resolved , That we , the mem bers of Valentine lodge , No. 70 , A. O. U. W. , extend to the be reaved the deepest sympathy in their hour of sorrow , and direct them foxlookto the Grand Master of the Universe for succor and help. ' \ * " A. F. WEBBV E. BREUKLANDER , E. W. FLYXN , Committee. Presbyterian Church. J. M. CALDWELL , D. D. , PASTOR t Preaching morning and evening. Morning subject : "A Great But Common Sin. " Evening sub ject : "Christian Endeavor. " Many of the young people will take part in the evening exercises , which were delayed from last Sab bath because of the storm. All cordially invited. Robert F. G. Davis of Barge and iiss Joan I. Anderson of McCann were married by Rev. Caldwell at the Presbyterian manse , Tuesday , Feb. 7 , 1911. For sanitary plumbing or hating - ing call H. I. Weinzimmer , the only licensed plumber in town ; 49 Below Zero " ' V Way rbelow freezing that's the weather m you'can expect most any day from now on. It's high time for yoli to select your winter clothes. While you are. at it why not get the kind wlitch will give not only comfort but make you , glad to wear them. We think we have the right sort , of GOOD SUITS AND OVERCOATS for men and boys. Strictly high ' grade from start to finish the best of Friend Made Garments and the prices spell economy. to . Will fit you out with one of these ideal , stylish , perfect fitting garments. Featuring Friend Made and Alma Mater Student .Style Clothes. Chartered as a'Stiite Bu-nk Chartered as a National Eanlc June 1,1884. August 12 , FIRST NATIONAL BANE ( Successor to Bank of Valentine. ) Valentine , - Nebraska. SURPLUS CAPITAL - - $25.000 25.000 A General Banking , Exchange Uudivided Profits 4,000 and Collection Business : : : : 0. H. CORNELL , President. M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier. J. T. May , Vice President. Miss GLKX HOENI.G , Ass't Cashier. rs i i Bflr r ft RAL MERG ! 8E AT REASONABLE PRICES When in need ofanything GIYE us A TRIAL' MAX E. VIERTEL DEALER EVERYTHING _ Crookston Nebraska = DRSVDALLAL & BARAKAT , = GENERAL PRACTICE and SURGERY ' EYES TESTED and GLASSES FITTED SCIENTIFICALLY. We * compound and dispense ' our own medicines. Office on 2nd flopr ot T. C. Hornby's. Phone 161. Valentine , Nebraska GRANT CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of oed work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , . MOHE 72 Nebraska ' References : My. Many Customers. Stetter & Tobien , Props. DEALERS IN All Kinds of Fresh and Fait Meats. . . . Will buy your Cuttle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell. r /