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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1911)
* K8S3 * wt"J ! iii . * . u > - yX -.4 \ * \ 1. M. Bice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBR. , THUKSJ3AY , JANUARY 19 , 1911. Volume 26 , No. 2 sSC& & the name LET tail- * o r i n g be photographed upon your mind. n It is a good thing t o remember , when you want a ' \ & suit or overcoat of style and dis tinction.Just now is a good time to look over the complete line of all wool fab rics and to see the new Ideas wjiich are going to be popular for the Spring. Tay- Iqr tailoring is thoroughly in sured against dis satisfaction. A guaranty goes. with every garment .that makes it quite impossible for anything to be wrong. And most important of all , the prices we .qyote are the very lowest for high grade made-to- measure Clothes. Polite service at All kinds of Merchandise. I can afford to sell as low as anybody , ! buy pro = duce and pay market price for hides. i jKVALENTiNE , iEBRASKA * l ZPfegaiEg KgS fcy B -s McQEER & CARROLL , Froprs. . * 'Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , . Spring Hill , and 29 year/old 3 * and Jas. E , Pepper , O , F. C , Taylor , ' - * - - These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the J. § . government - - ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. Tbree'Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies * Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout , Bass Ale , " Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , Valentine Nebraska -Go to the Stock Exchange Saloon VALENTINE'S r URE LIQUOR CENTER -e' Walther F. ArMeltendorff , Propr. Cigars , Tobaccos , Confectionery ] Hot and Cold Lunches Short Order Meals. Bakery Goods % / TELEPHONE NO. 7 1911 JANUARY 1911 S AVl TjW 5 i i ; 16 Talk of the Town Two four-room houses for renl one with cellar. I. M. RICE. t For sanitary plumbing or heat ing call H. I. Weinzimmer , th only licensed plumber in town. 4 Just received a car of clean sound corn. Inquire of Frank Ash burn at Checker Front .Barn. 2- ! Miss V. M. Kellar and Mrs Schosser of Crookston were trans acting business in Valentine Tues day. Miss Carrie Harris arrived las week from Manhattan , Kan. , anc will keep house for her aunt , Misi Cora Thackrey. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hudson vis ited in town a couple of clays this week. Mrs. Hudson is ex-county superintendent. Furnished rooms to rent b or week. Hot and cold watei bat s included. Valentine House John D. Eaton , Propr. 32ti 'Attorney C. A. Ruby returned last week from a two week's busi- n'S ? and pleasure trip to Denver , wlie're'he visited his sister. ' v We noticed A. E. Barnes oi Lake on our streets one day last week , but he seemed to be in a rush and we didn't have a chance to hail him. The city dam is nearing com pletion and work is being done on the power house.The city ought to be using its own plant by March 1st or sooner. Dave Dunn of North Table call ed yesterday while in town. He has a slight cold that he says he brought back with him which he overtook on a slow accommoda tion train back in Illinois while on his visit there recently , but is about to overcome it in this good , wholesome atmosphere. We wish our correspondents would send in the news of their localities. Everybody. Every place. Send in promptly and try to get in Monday or Tuesday. We have to have some time to get it into the paper , so send early in the week. We are often crowded with other matter on Wednesdays and Thursdays. r The joint installation of officers of the Workman and Degree of Honor lodges was held Monday night in the fraternal hall , after which they had something to eat. It was only supposed to. be a lunch but ham sand wiches ? coffee and cake and pickles makes a pretty good meal if you eat enough of them and they had a plenty and lots to spare. This was prepared by the ladjes , and the Workmen had agreed to get a piano and have some music for the occasion. After the supper the boys began to roll up the carpets and we knew then a little celebration was on. Mr. Shaul brought out his violin and began to thumb the strings to get in tune and soon started the music of the kind that makes the feet restless. Herman Reigle rattled the bones and Oscar Buechle manipulated the piano for awhile and then gave way to Miss Pearl McNeal. A jolly good time for all and that's only once a year. Where'a the harm ? It made ev- feel younger * Rock Springs coal at Fischer' Hardware. 5 Hon. Frank Rothleutner of Kil gore'was transacting business ii Valentine the first of the week. O. W. Halm was down to tht joint installation of the Workmei and Degree of Honor Monday an < seemed to enjoy being with crowd The ice harvest is progressing finely. The railroad company ii shipping out a train load a day o : ice 20 inches thick or better , clea : as crystal. Frank Rdby of Springview call ed on us yesterday while in towi on business. He went from here to Chadron and said he woulc probably make an extended visit and might go down on the othei road to Whitney. We enjoyed i pleasant chat over the recent po litical campaign and the signs oi the times at present. Edward Satferlee , the Nenzei merchant , vas in town yesterday on business and found time to run up to our office to hand in a sub scription "for Joe Lorenz who will read the doings of this county this year in TJTE DEMOCRAT. " Mr. Sat- terlee is a splendid man to meet , and converse with and this prob ably in part explains why he holds a good liberal patronage for his store in Nenzei. Shipley Qokey. Frank M. Gokey and Mrs. Em ma Shipley were married Pec. 31 , by Judge Quigley at the Union Hotel in Valentine They expect to make their home on the reser vation. lEhisHtera like many .others was not told to the newspapers. If we have to hunt for items they comei out so much more of a surprise , but wed appreciate a clue if they cannot tell us anything more. No crime to tell it. St. Nichols Church. Services will be held at the Catholic church as follows : In Crookston on Sunday , Jan.22. In Valentine , on Sunday Jan. 29. 1st mass at S a. ra. 2nd mass at 10 a. m. Benediction ot the Blessed Sac rament after mass. Instruction for the children at 3 p. in. Leo M. BLAERE , Rector. Pleasant Valley. MJS. Theodore Hoefs has had a severe cold but is recovering. A. E. Morris and wife are on the sick list with an attack of the grip. Sames A. Morris and wife attend ed the funeral of Otto Schleuter's baby. Martina , daughter of A. E. Mor ris , has been confined to her bed with , the grip. C. T. Miller has certainly had his troubles since New Years , having lost two horses. Mrs. Herman Breitinger returned home with her baby Tuesday. The baby is doin nicely. ' u It is rumored that the Kramperfc fcUck ranch has changed hands , § 10 per acre being the price. Mrs. Albert Schleuter received the news of the death of her uncle at Norfolk , but was unable to at tend the funeral on account of sick ness at her own home. On Saturday , Januaty 14. 1911 , occurred the death of the infant son of Otto Schleuter and wife of pneu monia. Thafuneial services were [ Conducted by Rev. Cumbow Sunday morning at the home and inter ment at Aiusworth * I Below Zero Way below freezing that's the weather you expect most any day from now on , It's high time for you to select your \yinter clothes. While you are at it why not get the Icind which will give not only comfort but make you glad to wear them. We think we have the right sort of SUITS AND OVERCOATS for men and boys. Strictly high grade from start to' finish the best of Friend Made Garments and the- prices spell economy. Will fit you out with one of these ideal , stylish , perfect fitting garments. Featuring Friend Made and Alii ? ° , M-ter Student . Style - _ ns eye is , o. 0Tved in thefieadV ritics. On the witneh , iyjriuietly but very of the " , tw * . DLarteral as n Stole . Bank y4ajll his art to ask SJ'ank June 1 , J884. nd 1 The BAKii ( Successor to Bank of Valentine. ) Yalenfcinef * * - Nebraska. - . , . , SURPLUS JAPITAL - - $25.000 25,000 A Greneral Banking- , Exchange ' Judivided Profits 4,000 and Collection Business : : : : 2. H. OOKXKI/L , President. M. V. NICHOT.SOX , Cashier. r. T. May , Vice President . Miss GIKX JIoKNio , Ass't Cashier. ro m FRIENDS With the close of my most successful business year , I wish to thank you one and all for your kind patronage. Hoping that T , ] i have merited a continuance of same and wishing you all a Merry Christinas and a prosperous and Happy New Year , I am yours respectfully , -ft JROOKSTON. NEBRASKA MAX E VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. = DRS. DALLAL & BARAKAT , = GENERAL PRACTICE and SURGERY EYES TESTED and GLASSES FITTED SCIENTIFICALLY. We compound and dispense our own medicines. Office on 2nd floor ot T. C. Hornby's. Phone 161. Valentine , Nebraska GRANT BOYER _ . ; , . CARPENTER & BUILDER.v Ul kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska References : My Many Customers. llli S tetter & Tobien , Props. DEALERS IX All Kinds of Fresh and Fait Meats. . . . /Vill / buy your Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and i i nything you have to Bell.