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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1911)
The Yalenline Bemocri ' VALENTINE , NEB. f. M. RICE , Publishi NORFOLK , NEB. , BOY ALLEGE YD BE THE VICTIM OF EX TREME BRUTALITY. CHARGE MADE BY HIS AUN Thpee-Year-OId Lad's Feet , Allowed 'Freeze by Neglect , Amputated in Futile Attempt to Save His Life- Stepfather in County Jail. Norfolk , Neb. Apparently a victi of the most brutal and inhuman trer ment at the hands of his mother ai stepfather , it is alleged , the tiny bo ( of 3-year-old Kuart Stehr , covered wi bruises that tell their own pitiful sto ; Df mistreatment at home , will folio to the grave the pair of black ai rotted feet which were amputated fro Ihe baby's legs last Thursday aft they had been allowed to freeze in tl 3tehr heme and had become so i fected with gangrene before a ph sician was called that one of the fe dropped off of its own weight and tl other was about to drop off when tl surgeon's knife was applied. The child died Sunday afternoon the arms of his aunt , who tells -story that convicts both Stehr and h wife of cruelty. Mrs. Stehr failed appear -when notified that the chi was dying. The stepfather is in tl county jail pending an investigation The aunt says little Kuart was mate < to sleep in a kitchen shed where the was no stove , even in 27 below ze : weather. Bruises covering his hot are from a strap with which Stel hashed him , she says. It was Christmas evening that neig "bors noticed the child's feet were si fering. ether children danced abe a Christmas tree , but he cried. H father forced him to dance. It mu have teen before that the two fe had been frozen as he slept in tl 3dtchen shed , it is thought. A neig bor heard the child calling from E outbuilding during the New Year bli zardwhen the temperature was . ' "below zero. PASSED SPURIOUS BILLS- Two Members of a Counterfeit Gar Arrescted in Pennsylvania. Seranton , Pa , Two members of t alleged gang of counterfeiters th : government secret service men ha laeen seeking for six months we ; caught in Taylor , near here. The pri oners are Dartell Guelce and Teut ) Pietro. The men were arrested , it alleged , -while making small purchas < and tendering counterfeit$10 -bill The police found § 800 in the counte feits and § 78 of good money on tl men. Guelce and Uietro stated ths they were working on a percental basis. The counterfeit is a national bar note of a New York bank. It bea ; "the McKinley head and its series nui ber is "V-113529. " Cincinnati Man Slain by Robber. Cincinnati , O.-Hacked to shreds a parently by a knife or similar wea on and disfigured almost beyond ide : tification , the body of George Was ington Hall , a contractor , was four inside the storm door of his resident Sunday. Hall , who had been missin from his home since early last nigh was known to have carried a larg amount of money , but when his bed was found his pockets were searche and only a 5-cent piece found. Joh Murphy , who had been seen in con ; pany with Hall , is being held as a su pect Agent Awed by a Gun. Erie , Kan. While several person who i/ere waiting for trains stood i the \vaiting room of the Missouri , Kai sas and Texas depot here , a negr -walked in and drawing a revolve forced the station agent to give hir the money drawer. The robber the tamed and , looking at the others in th room for a short time walked out. N trace of the negro has been found , an railroad officials say they do. nc know how much money was in th drawer. Kills Wife and Daughter. St. Joseph , Mo. James Stratton , ' ; negro butcher , stabbed to death witl a butcher knife his wife and her daugli ter by a former marriage , Anaand ; -Tones , and fled. He was captured ii Elwood , Kan. , after a chase by officer and laughed when caught. He sail _ he acted in self defense. Sioux City Live Stock Market. Sioux City , lo. Saturday quotation : on the local live stock market were ai follows : Top beeves , $6.50. Top hogs . $7.75. Big Fire in Payson , Utah. Payson , Utah. A fire which was di covered here a little before midnigh Saturday , has destroyed five business Tiouses valued at $100,000. The fire is still burning , but it is under con Irol. Given a Light Fine. Victoria , B. C. The Japanese whc .assaulted United Consul Williamson at Dainy last month were convicted and given a light fine , according to news brought by the steamship Oaina Xrom Yokohama. , ' . & ' rtl - * * SYSTEM OFFERED BY ALDRICF FORMED BY INSTITUTIONS , WITH BRANCHES. ELASTICITY AS THE OBJEC : Would Be Principal Fiscal Agent o Government , New Financial House to Receive Savings Plan Designe : to Provide Money for Business. Washington. Senator N. W. Aid rich's "plan for the revision of th national banking legislation , " as h < -.calls it , was given publicity Tuesday It does not contemplate the estal lishment of a central bank and it i so far from what many have expectei Mr. Aldrich to propose that to thos who have not been in his confidenc it may come as a surprise. The plan was submitted to the ns tional monetary commission , but Sec ator Aldrich was not present. Hi communication was presented to th commission by the vice-chalrmar Representative Vreeland of New Yorl Far from recommending the estal lishment of a central bank , Mr. Ale rich expressly disclaims belief in i as calculated to meet the needs o the situation. In his letter of trans mittal he says : "While we have found much that i admirable in the operation of the var ous government banks of Europt none of them is applicable to ou needs here. The good results whic they obtain can , I believe , be reaehe without the creation of such a cer-tra bank. I feel that the plan which i proposed reaches those results wit ! out being open to the objection which may well be brought agains such an institution. " What Mr. Alirlch does propose i the establishment of the "Reserve As sociation of America , " representini what might be called a federation o local associations formed by nationa banks. The plan in-brief follows : Local organizations of represents tives of banks , formed by not fewe than ten banks , each bank holdini stock in the association in propositioi to its capital. Directors elected by these to th < board of "branch" associations , on < tranch for each of 15 financial dis tricts into which the United State : would b divided. Each "branch' ' board wovld include a certain propoi tion of men not bankers , but repre senting industrial , agricultural , com merctal and other interests. The association would be the prin cipal fiscal agent and depository o the government cud would fix fron time to time the rate of exchange o discount. Eventually its notes woulc replace those of the national banks Prime commercial paper , passing u ] from the banka through the local as sociations and branches , as < well ai bonds of the government , could hi used as a basis for currency issue. Two new classes ofnational _ bank ! . r departments of banks to 'be estab llshed to receive savings and mak < loans on real e.rtate and to be in ef feet national trust companies. FIVE DIE IN A WREfc * Passengers in Sleeping Car Crushec Under Locomotive at Ba- tavla , N. Y. Batavia , N. Y. Five men are dead two were probably fatally injured opl eight others seriously hurt in tin wreck of the Western Express and the Boston and Buffalo special , bott westbound , at the station uere of tbt New York Central railroad Friday The victims were all in the rear sleep er of the special. The engine of train 23 , the west ern express from New York to Chicago cage , struck the rear of 49 , the Beaten ton and Buffalo express , with such force that the last car oi Kb. 49 , a leeper , was crushed. The engine was reduced to wreck age , beneath which frur todies were found. The mutilation was so great and steam played such havoc that early identification was Impos sible. CHERRY RELIEF REPORT-MADE Miners' Widow * and Children Paid $54,594.52 9214,593.33 Still Left. Springfield , 111. Widows an * children of miners who were killed in the Cherry mine disaster of Novem ber 13 , 1909 , have received $54,594.52 from the Cherry relief fund , according to the report of Secretary Duncan Mc Donald of the Cherry relief fund com mission , following a meeting of tie body at Chicago. The report in detail shows that six children of the miners who were killed have since died , and 11 beneficiaries have gone to Europe. Six of the 142 widows who lived at Cherry just after the accident have remarried , and only L02 reside IE the village at the present time. The sum of $214,593.53 remains in the hands of the commission to be paid to the widows and children of the lead miners. Lodge Victor In Bay State. Boston. Henry Cabot Lodge was Wednesday re-elected United States senator by the Massachusetts legisla- : ure , enough members of the house shanging their votes to , give him a najority on joint ballot. Offers Reward for Lynchers. Frankfort , Ky. Governor Willson Wednesday offered a reward of $500 or the arrest and conviction of each .nd every member of the mob whicfe ynched two negroes at lunday. January 14. HIGHER EDUCATION The Scientists Think Aviation Should Be Taught in the Schools. OFFICER ASSERTS HE RETIRE ! TO AVOID SCANDAL DENIES HE IS FORCED TO QUIT. HIS CHARACTER IS ASSAILEI Suggested a Loaded Revolver B Sent to His Cabin as Way Out o Difficulty President Taft Ap proves Application. San Francisco. Rear Admiral Ed Tt-ard B. Barry was on Monday re lieved as commander in chief of th < Pacific fleet , in pursuance of orden received from the navy department a Washington , by Rear Admiral Chaun cey M. Thomas , commander of th < second squadron of the fleet , who ai rived here Monday on his flagship the California , after a hurried tri ] from Santa Barbara. Admiral Barry had requested Imme diate retirement under the rule o more than 40 years' service. The cause of Admiral Barry's sud den desire to leave the service aftei having held the post of fleet com mander for only a few months is th < subject of a great deal of gossip an < speculation in naval and club circle ! here. Stories reflecting seriously up on the character of the retiring ad miral are being circulated widely ant naval officers in port have taken cog nizance of them. There is an intima tion In these stories that the admira has been forced to retire. In speaking of these rumors , Ad miral Barry said : " . not true that I have beer forced to retire. Other men hav < asked for immediate retirement be fore. The reasons that have causec me to do this are partly public aac partly private. The man who is tri umphantly vindicated , under such cir cumstances is as much ttie loser as il the charges were proved to be true I believe that by requesting imme diate retirement I can save a nava scandal. " Washington. The application ol Rear Admiral Barry for retirement has been approved by President Tafl and he has been transferred to the retired list of the navy. This action was taken before the publication of the allegations that of fleers of the flagship West Virginia contemplated charges against the ad miral reflecting upon his moral char acter. Corn Grovaers' Convention. Champaign , 111. These are busj days at the University of Illinois , Mon day the annual convention of Con Growers' and Stockmen and the School for Housekeepers both opened there. Monday , general work In farm mechanics was given the men , and ii the afternoon there was corn and stock judging"milk testing , study ol soils and a lecture on silos and en silage. Constantine J. Erdman Dies. Allentown , Pa. Constantine J. Erdman , author of the arbitra tion labor law , which has been called into play during several important strikes in the past ten years , died at his home here. Mr. Erdman had been In failing health for the past eight years , suffering stroke after stroke of paralysis. He represented this district in congress two terms. Walter I. Smith for Judge. Washington. President Taft Tues- flay sent to the senate the nomination Df Representative Walter I. Smith of [ owa to be a United States circuit e of the Eighth circuit Smith te one of the leading supporters of Speaker Cannon in the house. Passes a $93,000,000 War Bill. Washington. The army appropri ation bill , carrying approximately $93- 000,000 , was passed by the house Tues day following an extended debate over the war readiness of the country. FLIES FROM SHORE TO SH ! ELY ALIGHTS SAFELY ON DECI OF CRUISER. Performance * Creates Great Exclti ment on Board Vessel as Well as at Aviation Field. San jTrancisco. Eugene Ely , th aviator , accomplished a new feat 1 aerial navigation here Wednesday b flying from land and alighting on th deck of a warship anchored in Sa Francisco bay. He started at once o the return flight and finished it su < cessfully. The aviator , with a biplane , starte from Salfridge field , 12 miles belo : this city , at 10:45 o'clock , and after beautiful night of 16 minutes droppe -gracefully as a bird on the deck o the cruiser Pennsylvania. SHOOTS AT PREMIER BRIAN ! Would-Be Assassin Attempts to Slat French Leader and SllghtJy Wounds Director of Relief. Paris , France. The chamber o deputies was thrown into a panic b ; an attempt upon the life of Premie Briand. Two revolver shots wen fired upon the ministerial bench fron the public gallery , but the premie was not harmed. One of the shot entered the leg of Leon Minnan , di rector of the department of public The wound Is not serious , however. The would-be assassin , who Ii named Gisolme , formerly clerk of th < courts of Bayonne , was pounced upoi by police officers and hurried froa the place. An examination of Gisolme con vinced the authorities that the prs oner is a madman. WARSHIP BUST KILLS EIGH1 Backheaders on Battleship Delawan . Blow Out One Fireman May Die From Injuries. Washington. Eight men were killei and one was injured on the Unitec States battleship Delaware , en route from Guantanamo , Cuba , to Hamptoi Roads. The following was received at th navy department from Captain Gov < describing the accident when the Dela ware reached Hampton Roads : "At 9:20 : a. m. three backheaders ol boiler O in flrerpom * No. 4 , blew oui explosively , killing eight and Injuring one , who will probably die , these be Ing all the men on duty in that fire room. A board of officers was imme diately appointed to investigate DEATH FOR 24 ANARCHISTS Japanese Court at Tokyo Sentencei Plotters , Including Woman , for Conspiracy. Tokyo , Japan. Twenty-five men and one woman * charged with conspiracy against the throne and with plotting to assassinate the crown prince and high officials of the empire were sen tenced publicly Wednesday by the Su preme court. Twenty-four of the prisoners , in cluding Denjiro Kotoku , who onca lived in America , and his wife , were condemned to death. The other two were sent to prison , one for 11 years and the other for eight years. Cabman Becomes Multimillionaire. Mason City , la. The report that Cabman Frank Shirley of Storm'Lake had fallen hei * to one-fourth of a $12- 000,000 estate was verified Wednesday. From a poor man he comes in posses sion of $3,000,000. Train Kills Parents and Bby. Marion , O. Mr. and Mrs. Bauer , each twenty-four years and their baby were killed by a Big Four train Wednesday when they were trying to cross the railroad in a. buggy near Agosta. , , . HE GETS 117 VOTES OUT OF 1 ! VOTES CAST. HOUSE AND SENATE . CHOOS House Favors New Orleans for Exp sition and Senate Refers Mat ter to a Special Commit tee for a Report. Lincoln. Gilbert M. Hitchcock ) United States senator in every sen ; of the word except the formal declar tion of the fact in the joint session the legislature at noon Wednesdi and his later swearing in at tl national capital. The vote was take Tuesday in each house of the legisl ture , each member of each house vc ing on the candidate whom he pleasi to name. Only two candidates we voted for , Mr. Hitchcock and Senat Burkett in the house , while Dan Co < of Beatrice rose to unexpected pron nence in the senate by the vote < Senator Peter Jansen for him. In tl house Mr. Hitchcock received i votes and Senator Burkett 10 vote Three republicans , Johnson of Joh son , McKelvie ol Lancaster and Nut man of Cass , were absent. In tl senate M-r. Hitchcock received 1 votes. The voting was wholly without pr liminary speechmaking , Anderson < Kearney , republican , being the fir man to name Congressman Hitchcoc Of the forty-three republicans pre ent in the house thirty-three vote for the democratic candidate withoi any evident 'hesitation. ' Cronin < Holt , republican , first offered an e planatkm of his vote , and then cai his ballot for Hitchcock. Smith i Boone , also explained his vote ar cast it for Senator Burkett. To Beat Wolf Bounty Brokers. Auditor Barton wants to forests all attempts toprofit - at the expem of persons having claims against tl state for wolf bounties. The stai has repealed the law under whk bounties are -paid for such scalps , hi persons holding claims to the amoui of $30,000 are interested In gettir these claims allowed. Mr. Bartc says that his office has been besiege for a week by persons who want i secure lists ofpersons having sue claims in order to offer a certain pi cent of the real value of such clain for the assignment thereof and tin profit when they are allowed by tl state. The "a'uditor has invoked tt aid of the chairmen of the financ and the claims committees of bet houses to push through these clain at an early date so that he can sen out warrants and forestall the intei tions of the scalpters. Removal of University. Lee of Boyd introduced a resoli tion similar to one offered in th house for an appointment of a COE mittee of four to meet with a lifc committee of the house to investigat the proposed removal of the unive sity buildings to the state farm can pus and to investigate the needed a ] propriations of the university. Th resolution was seconded by Brown ( Lancaster and was adopted. Lieutei ant Governor Hopewell said he woul announce the committee today. Th resolution of Lee calls for the a ] pointment of two members of th committee on finance and two men bers of the committee on universitie and normal schools. For Tuberculosis Hospital. Another step In handling the tube : : ulosis problem is contained in a hi introduced by Bushee of Kimball. Thi provides for an appropriation of $100 )00 for the erection of a tuberculosi hospital in the western half of th state. Provision is made for the car in the hospital of indigent persons a fected with consumption. It is M : Bushee's idea that the hospital shoul be established In one of the far wes" srn counties becav" the climate an altitude there is similar to that of Co srado and Wyoming , where consumi Lives have been given a new lease c life. ' Senators Oppose Poulson Bill. The nine or ten republican senator who met last night practically turne iown the Poulson county option bi ] when they agreed that the shorter th bill the better it would suit then fVhile no formal action was taker ; hose present expressed themselves i : 'avor of a brief amendment to th Slocumb law. A uniform system of accounting fo state institutions is designed in a res ilution submitted by Prince of Hal ind adopted by the house. It < prc rides for a committee to confer wit ] : he state auditor to arrange such ; system and provide for its installs .ion. ' * Getting Their Stamps. Forty-five cents worth of stamp : vere handed out in sealed envelope o each member of the house Tues lay afternoon , this being the ap-poi ionment for the week Just ended Sach week hereafter the clerk in th < : hief clerk's office will hand out thi imount of stamps to the members. I ; hey use that number , well and good f they use more than this amoun : hey must "dig down" into their owi rockets. If they use less they ma : 'salt them away" for use next sum ner. ill OVER NE&8ASO Jealous Man Kilts Wife. Douglas County. Stirred to mad ! ealousy by the sight 'of bis wife. .ancing with other men at the Durant , are department ball. WaTiace York. orced her to accompany him. bome 'md a few minutes later cut her .hroat from ear to ear with a butcher- .cnife and then ended his own life lit ihe same manner. Sent to the Asylum. Custer County. The board of in sanity passed on the case of Mrs- Nettle Mohatt , who confessed before- the coroner's jury to having : killed. her child by means of carbolic acid- The board examined the woman. closely as to her mental , condition , . and found her incapable of- realizing : the enormity of her crime. She wasT sent to the asylum. Nebraska Checker Tournament- Lancaster County. TJhe Nebraska * . state checker tournament will be held in Lincoln February 7. It will be conducted on the -two move re striction plan -with the usual openIngs - Ings barred. A purse has been raised by the Lincoln players and this will be divided into the different prizes. All resident players are invited to at tend and take part in the contests. . Buffalo County Poultry Show-1 * . . Buffalo County. The Buffalo County Poultry and Pet Stock associ ation closed its annual show at Kearney after a very successful exhl-1 bition. Nearly seven hundred en-i tries were made and hundreds of fine : blooded fowls were shown. Frank ! Householder of Newark won the spe cial prize for the highest scored/ bird , a rose comb White Leghorn. owned by him scoring 931-3 points. . * Mark M. Coad's Will. Dodge County. The will of the late Mark M. Goad which is on file in the * county judge's office gives a bequest. of $10,000 to the Benson orphanage. . Seventy-five thousand dollars is given to Mark O. Goad , of Denver , payable- $5,000 when he attains the age of 25 ; . ? 5,000 at 30 and the balance at 35 _ . There are bequests aggregating $45- 000 to relatives in Nebraska , Mon tana and Ireland and $25,000 to Mr. . and Mrs. J. F. Goad of Omaha. Otoe County Corn Show. Otoe County. The Otoe County- corn show , which was held IB Nebras ka City , was one of the most suc cessful ever held In the county. The- exhibits doubled those of. any year , , both as to farm and school exhibits. . The prize for the largest ear of com. was awarded to William Otten or Berlin. It measured fourteen and7 three-quarter inches. Mary Robirds ; secured the prize for the heaviest- ear , it weighing twenty-six ounces. Epidemic of Smallpox. Johnson County. At the present- time there is epidemic of smallpox : in many of the towns in southeastern Nebraska. The village of Elk Creek , in Johnson county , has several- cases. Tecumseh has had a number of cases but the disease has now dis appeared. Cases are reported at Tal- mage , Auburn and many other places. . The disease is in mild form , fre quently the patients not being obliged ? to take to their beds. Mother Kills Her Baby. Custer County. Mrs. Nellie Mohatt . living five miles north of Broken Bow , is under arrest charged with killing- ner four-weeks-old baby by adminis tering carbolic acid. Mrs. Mohatl. was taken before Coroner Penningtom and Prosecutor and confessed that : she killed the child. She gave as her- reason that she had too many chil dren and that this one was not want ed. The woman is only 23 years ol < fi and is the mother of six children. Student Plunges to Death. Buffalo County. Milton Benner , 14 rear-old student at the Kearney Mili tary academy , plunged to his death. Iown a toboggan slide. His foot- . zaught in the runners of the sled , the- aled was over-turned , the railing of " the incline gave way and he fell to - the earth , crushing his skull. Canning Company's Report. Adams County. i The Hastings Canning company closed its year's : , business January 5 and its annual ! statement shows up well. The company - - pany did a very satisfactory business : made several hundred dollars' worthi Df permanent improvements and ! paid a dividend to stockholders. Attempt to Burn Buildings. Custer County. An attempt was- made to burn the buildings belongingr to the county poor farm. Investiga tion showed a quantity of inflamma ble materials placed in secreted ! places about the main -building and ! Duthouses. The incendiary was evi dently frightened away before com pleting his work. Smothered in Cave-In. , . Red Willow County. Alfred Lof- renberg of McCcok was smothered : and crushed to death by a cave-in at the Flitcraft sand bank a few miles. Brest of town. Three Bullets in Body. Brown County. Clyde Desilva , . A.insworth's southpaw baseball pitch er , Is in bed at Osborn house in Ainsworth with three bullet holes- ln his body , and Charley Austin isv in the county jail charged with th& shooting.