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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1908)
HE' ' n &s e D n a. 1 HfVlt r J. iM. RICK Editor and Proprietor. MA UK ZAUU Foreman. Entered at tut postollicc at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second Class Matter. TERMS : Cherry Co. Subscriptions : J | j'9J ! P - . . J r ( $ l.oO when not paid in i advance. SubscriptionsU ! > 9 P .Year in advance ; paper dis- Subscriptions - Foreign & * ( continued at expiration il not renewed. 15c per inch > ach issue ; h.v contract 12Ac. Transient adv 20c ] ier inch ; locals lOca line. Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , 3 months or longer 10 cents per inch , net. Local notice2 obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue 5 cents per line each insertion. THURSDAY , DECEMBER 31 , 1908. Charley Latta is a good demo crat but calls it socialist doctrine. He's all right on many great questions , perhaps most of them , i i and his ideas are democratic but i the name socialist has appealed to him as a good one to tie his wagon to. He is a democrat , not a social ist , a reform democrat , an advanc ed thinker along the lines of de mocracy or republicanism , lie's not like that hot bed of anarchy of Chicago and we believe if the other socialists of our county were as mild and sound as Charles L-itta on public questions they could be trusted as reform democrats or re form republicans and people might be glad to look up to them some time as leaders of a great party of the people , for the people and by the people , but socialist nit. Preacher Council is now roost . ing or roasting at Stuart , where , if he has no better success as a preacher and in building up a church organization than he had at Atkinston and Valentine and ev ery place where we have ever heard of his being he would bettor Plow Corn than Preach Christ. Valentine M. E. church will be a long time recovering from the ef fects of Council's having been its pastor and we hear that the same is true of other churches where he unfortunately for them was their pastor. Happy New Year. Write it 1901) ) now. "Win. Erickson spent a couple of days in town this week. Mrs. Francis Thackrey return ed to Rapid City today. Mrs. T. C. Hornby and Miss Blanche Van Orsdale are visiting in Chadron. K. M. Faddis and J. H. Quigley returned this morning from Mon tana and Wyoming. - Mrs. S. A. Rice and Mrs. De I- e. Wyke returned to their homes in Kansas Sunday morning. Miss Elsie Sherman has gone to Lincoln to visit Miss Myrtle Petti- john and attend the inauguaration of Gov. Shallenberger. Mr. and Mrs. Marsden of Ains- worth visited Mr. and Mr ? . John Slonecker the past week. Mrs. Marsden remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Scovel arc visit ing the cit.v at the home of their daughter Mr ? . Lock wood. Mr. Lockwood ha < ? about recovered from his recent illness. Judge Olson and family are home after their visit to Omaha to see a ? ick relative of Mrs. Olson. While there they were called to | Bassctt by the sudden death of I I Judge Olson's father. I RV. ! .f. Kobert Beale has an- j notnced : his resignation as pastor | ' of the Frebytprian church lure j to take effect Feb. 1 , 190 ! ) . Rev. j Bi'ale has been a fnthful ; worker in our community and \w hope he ra'i.r find a ; > pr < > oittir.n of his valu able services \\hen\cr he may t/o / locate : : Old Resident Murdered. Charles Wesley Massingale was found dead on an open lot near a school building in EIDorado , Ark. , lust Thursday morning. He had been shot Wednesday night about V o'clock , supposedly by a man who had 1 been working for him in drill- iing wells. Lee Combs was arrested iiI because of suspicious circumstances connecting him with the tragedy. He had telephoned three times to the hotel for Mr. Alassingale lo come down town and he finally went in company with a Mr. Baker who was a well driller. They mel Combs ( at the corner of the square and s'ojd talking with each other. Corahs pretended to be interested in purch ising a parish or two in Louisana or some territory in which to operate with the well device of Massingale and they started away together , going west and south to wards the place where the body of Massiugale was found next morn- About 9 o'clock Combs appeared at a livery stable and asked for a horse. A negro who brought out a horse for him said lie appeared to be very much excited. Next morn ing a pocketbook was picked up near the livery stable which proved to be jMassingale'd from the papers it contained and when Combs return ed he was arrested on suspicion. He had § 75 when searched and told different stories about where he got the money , all of which were proven to be false. Combs had rode out to his father's home , 3 or 4 miles out of town and gave a revolver to his sister. The Combs family is said to bear a good name , but that this Lee Combs was a , wayward son , having once before been accused of theft and crooked work. Lee Combs col lapsed , it is said , when he was taken the to see corpse just before ship ping it to Valentine. J. H. Mctt'illiaiHF , an undertaker and hardware dealer , accompanied the body here from El Dorado and says that everything possible will bs done to apprehend and punish the murderer and that their citizens feel much the same as Valentine citizens do over the mysterious murder committed here in October. If. is supposed that Mr. Massin- gale uas murdered for his money , which was probably the amount found in Comb's possession when arrested. The body reached Valentine Sun day night and the funeral was held in the M. E. church Monday after noon , conducted by the Odd Fellows and the sermon preached by Rev. Baker. A large number of friends and relatives , including Claude Jones and wife and W. F. Brown and family , were in attendance at the funeral. K. ( I. Asay.The Overland j j Limited Kid , " is about to publish i a book entitled ' 'Scientific Floboe- , ' containing about GO pages , comprising a brief sketch of his j j travels during a period of the past \ \ or 12 year ? . IIo has had the book copyrighted and it will bo oil' j the press about January 2L which j he will sell for . )0 cents per copy. Mr. A.S'-I.V assures IH that he has written ihi- ; bonk with tlw view of ( -ouraging wayward boys who ! should profit by reading his exj : j -pericncesv j&fi ' By R. H. WATSON Chester Well ? , who is attending Creighton college at Omaha , is j spending the holidays with his grandparents at Schuyler. George Stetter , one of our gram mar grade boys who is spending this year in the Kearney military academy is home for the holidays. Clinton Collett , who has charge of the normal training work in the I high school at Friend , is home this week renewing old friend ships. - Eve Cary writes a long letter I from Owyhee , Nev. , where she has a position as laundress in an Indian school and sends the best wishes to the pupils of the Valen tine schools. Bernice O'Kief. who has become so popular in the primary depart ment of the Fairmont schools that she seems to be permanently lo- ated there , is spending a few days with her parents at Arabia. A card from E > telle Nicholson while she was at Centre Point , la. , stated she had spent the previous week visiting schools , but had found none which she liked as well as the school in Valentine. Owing to the serious illness of her mother Miss McKercher has notified the school board that she cannot return to Valentine , and Miss Nance Conet.y of Valley has been hired to fill the vacancy. Marie Nelson of the class 1903 , V. li. S , is spending her vacation with her mother and sister in Val entine. Marie has a position in the Merriman schools this year where she is doing good work. We reirret very much to lose miss McKercher from our corps of teachers. She is a woman of superior worth. It means much to a boy or girl to spend a year with a woman of such true and noble ideas of life. In response to a telegram from Stale Supt. McBrien , Supt. Wat son went to Lincoln Dec. 20. and spent three days with Supt. Steph ens of the Lincoln schools reading the proof and discussing the new course of study for the grammar work in the high schools of Ne braska. During the past few weeks we have received postals , photo graphs , letters and Christinas cards from more than a score of the alumni of the Valentine high school , expressing good wishes and pleasant thoughts. Such things call up pleasant memories of years gone by. Tacy Collett , field matron , at the Omaha Indian reservation , attended - tended the family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Col lett on Hall stieet this week. Three of the five children of Mr. and Mrs. Collrtt are mnnbers of the alumni of the Valentine high school and the other two ought to be. Miss Conety , who comes to take . , Mis > McKercher's place , has had three year's colleire training since completing her high school course and now holds a life certificate. She comes highly recommended 1 by the superintendent of schools at Pierce where she has taught the same grade of work that she will have in Valentine. Eflie Carlson who has a position in the high school at Kimball , is spending her vacation with her parents south of Valentine. Kim- ball has the honors of having the only county high school in Nei i ! braska. The county high school 1 , law which was enacted two years ago contains so many restrictions that it was thought that there would be no schools established under it , but Kimball , the county seat of Kimball county , being pe- culiarl.v situated , has succeeded in establishing a county high school. We believe that plan his been d - fesitpcl in every county in which ii has been voted on except in Kim ball. It looked at one time as if it n t cir ! f.\ in Brown oannt.x InM when tlu vote was counted it look ed different. With a few changes in the law quite a number of counties might well take advantage of it. it.We We have just received a large ) ox of oranges and grape fruit , sent by Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Kawls from their grove in Southern Florida. This is the first time we have j tasted oranges which were allowed to ripen and fully mature on the tree. Mrs. Rawis is a member of the class of 1001 of the V. II. S. We had planned to describe the handwork which the pupils had on exhibition in the different rooms on Dec. IS , but those who failed to see the exhibition would not understand it and those who did see it need no description. How ever , if each teacher will describe the work done in her room it may appear in the school notes later. School closed on Friday , Dec. 18 , for a two week's vacation and most of the non-resident pupils went to their homes for the holi days. Of the teachers Miss Ten- nant went to her home in Iowa , Mr. Mohlman made a brief visit , in Lincoln and then went to his home at Glenvilie , and Miss Gord on went to her home in Hot Springs , S. D. Leta Stetter , who has been teaching in the McCook high school and her sister Ruth who is teach ing in Ponca , have been visiting in Valentine the past ten days. Leta has resigned her position at McCook and will go to New York where she will become Mrs. Hol- Ihigsworth about Jan. 1. Miss Stetter is a young woman of true and noble character and untiring energy. Mr. Hollingsworth is to be congratulated on his choice. Nebraska has been divided into eleven districts for the purpose of holding joint debates. O'Xeill , Atkinson and Valentine have been placed in one district and the de bate between Ainsworth and Val entine will take place some time in January. The pa'rt of' the" work in Valentine will be left entirely in the hands of Mr. Mohlman , the principal of the high school. The preliminary debate to determine who will represent Valentine will be held in the court room Friday evening , Jan. S. Of the graduates of the Valen tine schools who are in college this year , Oliver Walcottand Harrison Davenport from the state univer sity are spending their holidays in Valentine. Laura Petti John , who is also in the state university this year , is visiting her parents at Longpine. From Bellevue Fred and Herbert Jones went to Cody. Margaret Quigley is at her home in Valentine and Alberta O'Kane is with ner mother at Ithaca. Of those attending the state normal at Peru , Ennis Boyer is spending her vacation with Miss Wahlstrom , a classmate , at Wahoo , Alfa Dun ham is visiting Mrs. Hattie Stev enson at Auburn and Bessie Gas- kill and Anna Ilahn are spending their vacation at their homes near Valentine. Maggie Stetter , who is taking the course for kinder garten teachers at Peru , is also spending her vacation in Valen tine. Maggie , although she did not remain to complete the high school course at Valentine , is re ported to be doing good work at Peru. Mabel Helzer , who will complete her college course at Park college , Mo. , this year , is spending her vacation at that col lege. Mabel is fitting herself for special high school work and we prophesy she will do first class work wherever she goes. The Rushville Recorder seems to be under the impression that any newspaper who favors any candidate for governor other than George A. Sheldon two years hence , are necessarily tied up with the brewery and liquor interest ? . Does this include all the water wagon editors and their friends who succeeded last fall in electing a democratic governor ? Atkinson Graphic. R i * * y t * EOYER ; CARPENTER & BUILDER All kinds of wood work done teen or. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , IHO.V . 72 Nebraska References : My Many Customers. I j \ Go to the Stock Exchange Saloon VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER Walther F. A. Meftendorff , Propr. ( e Ship your Live Stock to 0 u SO. OMAHA OR CHICAGO No shipment too large an i none too small to receive the most careful attention. Each consignment intrusted to our care will be handled by members of the firm. Each man's stock sold on their merits and a square deal guaranted to all. Write us for the market paper and our special market letters , which we send you five of charge. AMOS SXYDEK , Hog Salesman. MATT MALOVE ) Cattle GEO. M. WOOD , Sheep Salesman. Tnos. J. DONAHUE f Salesman. New Hotel. Electric Lights. Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water. e NEAR DEPOT MRS. S. A. SEARS , Propr. , Valentine , Nebr. Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains. ery ROBERTSON & CO , PROPRS. 9s Furnishings Valentine , Xeb. , Xov. 23 , 1908. Gentlemen. We Vvrish to call your atten tion to the fact that we are going to manufacture all suits here in the fu ture and all our help has had years of experience in cutting and fitting. You need not hesitate in leaving your ord ers for they will have our prompt at tention and immediate service. Our 'cutter has had 35 yearst service cutting and fitting. Cleaning , Pressing and Repairing a Specialty. Phone 122. Valentine , Kebr. E E R TN G Done in the most satisfactory manner ! Largest prices for the seller and honest dealr.g with the bidder ! On these terms T. \ \ . Cramer solicits your patronage. Graduate \lisouri ] Auction School August term 4g T. W. C AM > - R - ' VALENTINE. NES. \