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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1908)
. . . _ . < * Historical Society riTi I. M. Hicc , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBE , THURSDAY , DECEMBER 24 , 1908. Volume 23 , No. 50 4 MY a preset ! A nice Chair or Piece of Furniture for your wife , mother , sister or sweetheart. We have the largest and best line of Rockers and IJ R Vj S JSL K in Cherry county. Aiso Nickie Plate , Copper and Silver Plated Ware , Pie Servers , Chaffing Dishes , Pudding- Dishes and Fancy Dishes of all kinds. Call and see them. r0/7 L i/8 We have just received a large line of A P all sizes and prices ; also ft 84 ? : V N ? La < Suit g Waist Qooi A A bijr reduction twice on R ff SCJ - 11 * rtS ' CM TMi' S ? P's F. ! Our winter line is complete. Call and see our sample line of Fur Overcoats. 4 4P NP ° " 7 $ a r " P fi ? * i n S a ? & § ! .H 1 I * la U si * 3 I n M V > ® @ < > @ 2 | 'F 5J * I"Vf " T" S * f * CT' c rT * 1 f"1 ? ? rT'flfrruTt'yyT , . * . ' x Livr r-O > f > L-rtX'i 3i .Su < ' < S Siv . > > ! LA K * ROBERT McQEER , Propr. h ? Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 27yearxold and Jas. E. Pepper , O , F , C , Taylor , S These whiskies in bondi were purchased : - -i and came direct from the U. S. gov- * : _ ' ' ' ; S'j eminent warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. . 'j s Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and DeKuypcr Gins , Guinnessfs Extra Stout. a Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , Valentine - = Nebraska S ; S2 $ S2SS Ad Increased Freight Rates. The allied railroads of the U. R. havr * filed formal notice with the interstate commerce commission of their purpose to make a sweep ing increase in freight rates Janu ary 1. It is to be the most com prehensive and radical raise in rates every made in the U. S , and will cover the entire country between the Atlantic seaboard and the Pacific coast. The average increase from east to west will be 10 per cent , and from west to east IS per cent. Shippers have already be < run ap pealing to the commission to pro hibit the carriers making the new rates effective , b'it have been in formed .that the commission is without authority. The only legal course of procedure under the much vaunted Hepburn act is for shippers to file formal cam plaint whereupon , when the new rates become operative , the commission will institute an ' 'investigation. " Chairman Knapp promises to "ex- pcdiate the inquiry in every pos sible way" and there ye are , as Mr. Dooley would say. The Hepburn act has been hailed as the crowning achievement of the Roosevelt administration. What has it accomplished ? The alliance of the railroads is more ironclad than ever before , and the carriers are becoming more ag gressive in their extortion. Re bates , in a measure ; have been eliminated , to the profits of the railroads , and free passes are abolished , also to the profit of the railroads. But when it come to a question of rates and rates are the sum and substance of the en tire railroad problem the--public is defenseless and the federal com mission powerless to interfere. As this newspaper has said be fore , all the relief the public has not thus far has bi-on in the way of state legislation. This has giv en 2 cent fares and reduced freight rates. But even this method of relief the national government now purposes to take from the people. In addition the Rooseveit- Taft- program is to make the rail- r ads exempt from the anti-trust law und legalize tail road combina tions under federal "control. " Who wonders that Jim Hill found it expedient to raise several hundred thousand dollars for the republican campaign fund last fail ? \Vorld-Morald. Need Game Law Change. There is an inconsistent feature of the Nebraska game law , which in the interest of the state at larire ought to remedied by the forth coming session.of the legislature. The open season on prairie chick ens ouuht to be removed altogeth- 3r for a term of years at Ipast , for the sake of saving the fowl of the plains. And the open season on quail ought to be increased. As it is at present , the open season on chickens continues thru three months ; the open season on quail lasts but fifteen days. And this in face of the fact that the prairie chicken can and is being xterminated by the hunter while ilie quail can not be exterminated oy the hunter. ' ' In New England th. . quail has oeen hunted for a hundred years and is as plentiful today as ever. The prairie chicken , wherever hunted , is rapidly exterminated. The quail can be reduced ma terially in numbers only by the hard winters ; the hunting kills so SET all a portion tint it k not noticeable. And yet the open season is reduced to fifteen days , presumably in an effort to pre serve that bird. The prairie chicken , on the oth er hand , is not affected by the weather , but can quickly be shot * - j ? - . Don't be late. Bee our offerings in Holiday merchandise. .Some of the lines we mention here may be just what you want : Ladies' and Men's Holiday Slippers Alen's HaSf Hose Good values , per pair $1.50 All grades and colors loc to oOc Men's Fancy Vests Men's Bath Robes V to please particular men. . . $1.50 to § 3.00 Suitable for Xrnas presents , extraordi- ? ® Men's Neckwear . nar-y values : v3-3 ( | ik All the newest , effects , long- open end Ladies' Holiday Kerchiefs four-in-hands and Club House Bows in a Splendid assortment . 15c to 50 myriad of shades and patterns afc the > Ladies Rusching Collars , very low price of & > c to 7oc . _ > 3 Collar and Lull Sets , fine Xmas values , . Men's Reefer Muff leas to $ o. ® . in wince , pearl and navy1.50 to § 1.75 Ladies > Elastic'Belts , Suspenders Collar Supporter ? , Fancy Pins , etc. "We Fancy and plain colors in Roli-lay boxes have an especially full/line , pf this nov es , per pair 50e to § 1.25 elty stud' . BUY EARLY- WATCH OUR CHRISTMAS WINDOW f out. And yet the state allows the prairie chicken to be shot for three months. The prairie chicken , a pictur esque feature of the prairie state , ought to be preserved and the state ought to pass a law cuU-ing out the open season altogether for a number of years. The quail , on the other han.J , which is riot affected by shooting-of even three months' duration , ought to have a ! o.ger open season in order to al low the sportsmen to get out. of doors during this fine fall and early winter weather and legally take aim upon the little brown meteors. Some scientists declare that quail are even more prolific whi n hunt ed , since the hunted covey ; ? will spread out and mix with other coveys whUe those that are not hunted will stay together and hatch but few eggs next season. Norfolk News. Breezy Summit. Remember hay is plenty. ' George Greenaugh's sister from Wyoming is visiting him. lloscoe Ward is teaching a suc cessful school at Breezy Su rnmit. Harvey IVicNarneo has returned from u roundup on the JSriobrara river. When you have a job of sport call on Clarence Groves and Wil liam lied fern. Mr. Red fern is as been bu cattle this fall und has secured ' some good milch cows. Say , when you want to hoar a bit of good music and fun go to John lied fern's , D. D , and .you will hear it. St. Nicholas Church. Services will be hold in the Catholic Church as follows. On ChrislmDec. : . 25 , in Valen tine as follow ? : Low mass at 7:30 : and S a. m , high mass and sermon at 10 a. in , Benediction with the Blessed Sacremont. riftor masR. . In Arabia on NVw 1'par's Day , Jan. 1 , 1009 , at 10 a. m sharp. 21 \lVfithor E5s33' for ivc'ek 53is < : * > 2J r - . j 2 Daily mean temperiturc'21 ° Normal 23 ° . - Highest - , lowest Q . . Precipitation 1.05 of ; : ; i inch. Total precipitation from March' ' 1st ( the crop season ) to date was IS 00 inches and the avorngo for ! same period for 20 years is 21.16. I I 'f ? ' ® txxi--vl & T & & * 3& sd' 1 rfOv * t-aZ&j \ / * 5rxst3 "f / " * ? ill i'KpiiitfllS , . * > We sell farming implements \7cllas other merchandise at reasonable prices. . . . . Gall and try us. In NEBRASKA. § E ? us a tilnio Kwn o'tit.nored as a national JBanfc ! -Jur. 1 , 1R84. U t 1 ? . 1002 , The ga sp | a rag f < ? & ? a e & & & > Valencine , Nebraska PAID IB A general Banking Exchane and G. D. COKNELL , President. T. T. I AY , Vica-Preaidant. M. V. ; : ? 5 5j : :5E332 'SSSS-SSSiSTS S35 * > s a ? e rs , 8 ? ! M Canned Goods Lunch Counter. i \ v < S ? V : Phone ome Bakery. 3 * " 1 Lj2t:2C : 3 2S2 % V K : Ji . . OL , Will I. v ? "rrr j r < : ; if Li.i.Svvi K i I ? - rrn - < % Poultry , Mors''s , Mules and - ' * iij S * ? v ' E& Srfee-'i r ss - ' ! : > x unythin < r .von have to sell. BE59 tiT H 1 i .H B B J 1 Yaleatia8 , , Nebraska , has received a complete line of new , high grade Fall and Winter Goods , . which are being oiiered at. the lowest prices posf' f' ? X sible , the margin of profit being , only personable. ij i3rices arc within the/reach of all and.laiiy markS - ! j S od on .every article. One price to even r ! l