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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1908)
V > -2 Tcnslall. Bishop of Durh-im , priutod the first v.ork on arithmetic in Ei-glaml. Jsmjuos * Cartier discovered the English I'ilgrims sailed from 1'l.v mouth in the Mavllowcr. + R * * * " 'IGol Cromwell defeated Charles II. at Wor. t stcr. 107. The Indans under King Philip at tacked the town of Ucerfield , Mas- * . . 3(582 ] > ila\\ne was granJod to William ' by the Duke of York. 1700 The French defeated by Prince Eugenf at 'Turin. ' .72I Sir Guy Carleton. who was com- mander-in-chicf of the British forces in Ameriwi , born in Ireland. Died in England , Xov. 10 , 1SOS. 3720 Hcanharnois appointed governor of Canada. J. 5 > 2 First play performed in America by a regular company of players , at Williams-burgh , Va. 17ft5 British defeated the French and Indians in batllc of Lake George _ Sir Charles Hardy arrived at Xcw ITork to succeed DC Lanccy as gov ernor of Uie province _ Public an- nouncenvent was made of the exile of the Acadians from Nova Scotia. 17Go Indian battle at Bloody Ridge , ? The subject of medicine first taught in America at the College of Philadelphia. * 1707 Charles Townshend , the British statesman whose bill taxing tea and other commodities brought about the .ainerkaii Revolution , died in Eng land. 177-i First Continental Congress assembled - bled in Carpenter's hall , PJiiladel- " 1777 Washington completed the do- of his army at Wilmington , Del. 17S1 Washington and Rochambeau re ceived in Philadelphia Americans vietoiious in battle of Eutaw Springs. H7So Peace made brtwoon Great Britain and the I "if ted States b the treaty of Versailles. " 1702 Fromh republicans .slaughtered 1GO persons' in fjc military prison of " Albaye , near Paris. L Nineteen Dominican missions es tablished along the California coast fiom San Francisco to San Diego. American squadron under Com- jmodore Treble made its sixth attach on Tripoli The American ship In trepid blown up in the harbor of Tripoli. 1\S12 United States troops repulsed the Indians in battle at Fort Harrison. 181-J The British sloop of war Avon sunk by the American sloop Wasp. 1S20 A grand fete given in Lyons , France , in honor of Gen. Lafayette. HS37 An extra session of the United States Congress convened to devise measures to relieve the financial em barrassments of the country. .18.34 Grand opera fiist produced in Cas tle Garden , New York. ISoo The first Hebrew temple in the Mississippi valley consecrated in St. Louis. "ISG'J Forts Wagner and Gregg , near Charleston , bombarded by Gen. Gilind more. t 2LSG1 President Lincoln issued a proc lamation of thanksgiving because of Lei the successes of Farragut at Mobile Ma and Sherman at Atlanta. Mai Ma IS S "No Popery" riots in Manchester , Mic England Steamer Hippocampus Mis Mil foundered in Lake Michigan , with Mis * loss of thirry-eijiht lives. Mo Nel jLSS'5 Last .spike dn\on in the Northern Ncv Pacific railroad , near Gold Creek , Nev Ncv " 1SJ ! ) One hundred and thirty-four uni- Nc\ dpritilied dead , victimof the forest N. fir ' , buried at ilinkloy , Minn. ' QJJ ISO-j Labor day obsorxod for the first 2KI time as a legal holiday throughout Ore I'en the United States. R. Telegraphic signals -ent around the R.S. \\ honor of th < > opening of the Ton S. International Geographical Congress in Washington. Uta Ver ' . ) ( } ( ' President Koosou > lt ordered re VI formed spelling to bo given a thor Wa ough test by tlie public printer. . . . Senator Heybuin attacko/l the forestry - estry policy of Pro -idont Roosevelt in the irrigation congress at Boise , CllK Idaho. law " 21)07 ) Anti-Japanese riots occurred in 104 Vancouver , B. C - Seven persons , . ' killed and many injured in a Cana : he dian 'Pacific ) railway accident , near Caledon , Ontario. JIU'J lets LITTLE ABOUT EVERYTHING. To-day Germany furnishes five-sixths } of Hie dyes used in the world. chn Japan is building in her own sbip- orn .yird < forty vessels , including two bat tleships. 000 ) > Clerks in diy goods and grocery stores in Now Zealand earn from $6 to hen 3i7.r 0 aeck. . st. The United States imported $1,284- ation SSo worth cf lace in 1003 from Netting- tie o- : ) WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH SEPTEMBER ? OPRY HOI ; JxiMhn - s OPE U * @r/J SEP-- Vi S < 1 , . # - E/SX - > JW. " \ THE BASEBALL RACE TIGHTENS THE THEATRICAL SEASON 35 ON HAVE OY5TERS SCHOOL BEGINS OUR OU ) FRIEND IS BACK CROP3 COP1E M , POLITICS WARMS DEATH TOLL 01 ? JULY 4. _ Day's Fatalities Now Number 163 , with 5,623 Persons Injured. The death and iujury toll of July 4 throughout the United States is listed in the current issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. which for six years has tabulated the yearly tribute exacted by the toy pis- toi. the cannon cracker aiul their kind. The greatest number of deaths and in- Junes yet recorded occurred in 3 DOS , despite the widespread effort toward a "sane Fourth. " The most common cause of injury was the blank cartridge and the hand was the member most frequently injurl ed. While the medical fraternity con gratulates itself upon the decreasing fatal percentage of tetanus , the grim figures of 7. per cent still stand as the death toll o ( cases. The almost hopeless efforts of physicians in advanced - vanced cases of the disease make it one of the diseases most to be dreaded by them. byrj The total deaths and accidents by states , collected by the medical association tioi for six years , follows : Aa ! Ari Ail Cal Col Cor Del Dls TIe GPC Ida jjjj ind Io" KOI : : ; \ i rj ; r eluding GO killed and 3 cases of lock- . Of the total number thus injured were struck by stray bullets from u reckless handling of firearms by thers. Toy cannons caused CflO in juries , including 7 killed and 4 cases of .etami1 ? . " of PACTS FOE FARMEBS. Members of the Manitoba Grain ExT hange estimate the \vhoat crop of Westre Canada at and not more than IfKV it XlO.Vn ) bushels , and the oat cron at S < V o.00n. Hot weather is blamed for the ( j. shrinkage. At a conference between the Minnesota li lenlth oulcor = . dairymen and cattlemen in pi Paul , it was agreed to ask for legis- prohibiting the sale of breeding cat- that have not boon tested for tubercu- oj CI oStockmen insisted that thr tu- t ; ovciIiu should also be tested. j } Telephone Mirvel. A German imentor , GustaGramri , has ' been astounding London with demon strations of his device for .sending hand writing simultaneously with the voi.-e over an ordinary wire for considerable distances. He uses a low tension current of twelve volts and his apparatus can be made an auxiliary to any telephone. Asi .w from its sentimental value , this invention is expected to prove of great importance commercially. Thus , an engineer , in or dering , part- ? for a snucture in a li irry. can send along a diagram. A newspaper repoiter send his account at the same time that an artist over the same wire is i : sending a sketch of the scene. This marvel is accomplished by of a light 1 ; ray passing over a sensitized papor. the l transmitter using a lead pencil with two electrical contacts , one for horizontal and the other for rtical lines.As soon as the pencil i- lifted a bulb glows and \ its } ray is so reflected on tiny mirrors in the receiving box as to reproduce the movements of the point on'a spool of pre pared paper. When the message or pic ture is finished the paper is automatically run through a bath so as to develop the photographed line- > . In ton seconds the writing is visible. At the s ine time an other film is placed in position to iccohe another Zeppelin's Xevr Air-.liii > Recnril. Although again 'failing in his attempt to make a continuous twenty-four-hour flight in his great air-hip. Count Zeppe lin did break all records by the air jour ney which he took ftom Fricdrichslugen on Lake Constance. Oxer the lake and many cities and towns the bisr aerostat sped , while guns were fired in salute and thousands of people gatheicd to gaze and cheer. Do\\n the Rhine to Mayence it > \ent at .1 speed of about twenty-nine miles an hour on the average , and then turned homeward. Soon , however , the ship was brought to the cm-face of the rher.hilo repairs A\ero made in the mechanism , after \\liich it proceeded. ITis continuous fi'glias 201 miles. ( The Iowa cvciitiv council has issued a certificate of nomination for Congress man J. A. T. Hull. The Typographical Union of Lincoln. Xeb. , has elected W. .T. ' Bryan , the Demo R cratic candidate , to honorary member ship. ship.B. B. F. Nelson , president of the Minnesota seta Agricultural Society. lias presented W. .T. Bryan with a trick mule as a mascot. , . John Temple Graves , candidate of the Independence party for Vice President , It underwent : a slight operation in a pri ItY vate hospital in New York recently. nc The Illinois Independence party State ac convention was held in Chicago and a ni slate named with George W. McCaskrin bti . btiTl Rock Island nominee for Goveinor. Tl In the Oklahoma Democratic primaries Thomas P. Gore , the blind Senator , was renominated by sin overn helming major ta ity , and this is equivalent to an election. liil Eugene V. Debs , the Socialist candi or date , is quoted at his Indiana home as sil saying that the Independence party is not on likely ] to be an appreciable factor in the At present campaign. In a letter to the ! secretary of the Sofe ciaiist party in Boston , Supt. Plimpton Of Tremont Temple refuses Vhe applicaS ( . tion , for the use of the hall to hold a sc' Debs meeting on Oct. 5 ac E. P. SARGENT IS DEAD. Co iinissiouer oi Immigration Yields to Disease. Frank I' . Sargent. Commissioner Gen eral of Immigration , died in Washing ton Friday from stomach trouble and ' a 'ompicntion ! of diseases. Frank Pierce Sargent was born in East Orange. Vt. , Nov. IS , ISoi. He attended itre tended the village school of his native " ' " ' town and then became a locomotivi fireman. Becoming an enthusiastic la bor union advocate , he uas elected chief of the Brotherhood of Locomotive . Firemen , and held the office for sev enteen years , his headquarters being at | Peoria. . 111. He married Georgie M. Mc- . 'ullough. In 1S9S President McKinley appointfh ed Mr. Sargent a member of the Indus trial Commission , but he soon resigned fi that body , which made its final re in 1902. and in 10UO declined the I position of chief of the bureau of print ing and engraving , offered him by Pros- iuent McKinley. July 1 , ] Di)2. ) President Roosevelt appointed Mr. Sargent Com missioner General of Immigration , and lu has since held the office. Competition for Beef Trmt. Chicago heaib that a company has beer formed to operate independent stock yards on a large cale , beginning Oct. 1 will be known as the Chicago Srocl Yards ; and Transit Company , with SJ. 00,000 capital stock. Alroadj t\vent\ ncres have been purchased at Tliirf ninth street and Forty-eighth axenu-1. am' buildings are in process of construction of The new concern is expected to cut price * A ri sv school for children is to IIP established tablished ftt Fort SnolIInu : this fail. Then Ifas ahva.\M boon a lack of Miitab ! roih rs among the command at the for' . nt i o < ? sitating .si-nding the children of office , , ite nlist "l men and employes to riio pubi' schools in St. Paul for their education a recnnt inefting of the St. Par. ' school board a measure was adopted of faring to furnish the roqu's'to n- i'io He public school teachers to planti't for school on an equal footing with the p'lbh- had schools in the ciiy. The offer has beer iccepted by the , * ort authorities. n Toronto ( Canada ) shoe clerks Qiave or ganized a union. AH the 110 lamplig-litors in Boston. Mass. , belong to the Lamplighters' Union. The Drug Clerks' Union of San Fran cis o. Cal. . has opened an employment bureau for clerks. The Trades Unionist of Washington , D. C. , has been taken out of the receiver's hands. L.\nn ( Mass. ) building trade unions are getting together for one central council that will include all. The recent Scottish trade union congress - gross parsed resolutions in favor of old- ngo pensions and in favor of compulsory iiltencntion in labor disputes. The coopers' local unions will vote on a proposition to do away with conventions and adopt the initiathe and referendum bystem in conducting the affairs of the organisation. Machinists of San Francisco. Cal. , and those of Oakland have under consideration a proposition to form a district council of lodges of machinists of the bay coun- ties. At a meeting of the United Hebrew Trades Union of New York City , it was decided to affiliate with the Workmen's Circle , the national Hebrew labor fed eration. The Journeymen tailors' general execu tive board lias interpreted the lav/ relating - ing to sick benefits to mean that no such benefits can be paid to any member while outside the United States or Can ada. As a result of complaints made by the Vallejo ( Cal. ) trades council orders have been issued by the Navy Department to observe the provisions of the California child labor law in employing boys at the Mare Island navy-yard. An agreement , which it is said will end the differences existing between the Boston ( Mass. ) roofers and shoot metal workers' unions for many jears v. as sitrnod by represeutives of both organ izations. By a referendum vote the Poster Ar tists' Association of America has decided - cidod to affiliate with the American Federation - oration of Labor. The union has passed its tenth anniversary , and there are lo cals in every important labor center of the 'country. Outside of the American Federation of Labor , the largest labor organization in this country are the great railroad brotherhoods , six in number , wich in clude something like a million workers , divided up into thousands of local unions. A period of twenty years in France and Belgium has not materially changed t.i > e tonnage output a miner employed , but the German miners have reduced their output by twenty-one tons in that term , and the British minors by no less than j thirty-frur tons shue 1SS7. i In the matter of factory inspection and the health and safety of employes , legis lative action was taken in thirty-nine States and Territories last year. These include all States in which mining or manufacturing employs a considerable number of persons. In fourteen States now enactments touching upon this sub ject wore written into the statutes. Sixteen British trade unions , with a membership of 1)00,000. arc supporting a movement to establish a 1-cent eight-page dail.\ newspaper in the interest of labor. title will be the Morning Herald. The parliamentary committee of the trade u union congress will manage tihe venture. The suggested capital is $ .300,000. The law in Spain \\hich already fi.xod the maximum working hours for children bot\\eon the ages of ton and fourteen joars , limiting them to six hours in mills and other industrial establishments , and to ois-ht hours in shops and oflices. and \\hirli further prohibited thorn from being employed on nitrht work , has until now made no regulations against the employ ment of women and children in certain harmful branches of industry. ' < & ( T Lr U " am A. movement has boon inaugurated for "lc the holding of a big shooting tournament in Sioux Falls. sev Spanish Queen captured the $10,000 Burdick hotel purse at Kalamazoo in op Coi position to eight ; other entries. nee dec , Charley Griffin , the feather-weight champion of Australia , is still trying to , wo arrange a match with Abe Attell. The defeat of .Tack Leyburn by Steram ling McKinney in the 2:00 trot was the feature of the opening day of Kalainazoo's first meeting as a member of the Grand ' circuit. tion After about one minute and a half of fighting in the second round Stanley a Ketchel of Grand Rapids Mich. , knocked out Joe Thomas of San Francisco with a shower of punches to the jaw and body. The cleverest filly owned by James R. Keene was uncovered at Saratoga when held Mas-kette carried the blue spotted jacket hud the veteran horseman to victory in with the most sensational finish of this meetin . Racing magnates in New York are de termined to keep up the gambling end of of the game. They are using every device that can be invented to circumvent the authorities , but handbooks are the favor because they enable the bettors to of place their bets early and quietly. At the Empire City track Jack Atkin , carrying 132 pounds , won the Mount Ver- handicap , one mile , affvr a hard drivo. the was under a strong pull to the stretch , into where Xotter gave him his head , but he to be ridden out to win. The time of very slow , for the mile was run ip 1:404-5. : F ft t 9 " 1 ! * S\ n ifHiT 55 ? rnmy M RH ifiUMi ft iLIUiiE m niJib ] L. OrilicVrijrht Stays in Air at Fort r 57 Minutes and ji Seconds. HIGH SPEED IS MAINTAINED. Aviator Has Perfect Control of His Machine and Says Ho Could Have Continued Plying. A now world record In neroplnna flights was established at Fort Myer , Va. . early Wednesday , when Or\illo Wright circled above the broad parada grounds there fifty-three times and re mained in the air fifty-seven minutes and thirty-one seconds , official time. Mr. Wright's smashing of all pre vious records carried out his promises , after his two remarkable ascents , when , at the maximum height of sixty feet. . going ten and three-quarter miles ia all and averaging ; thirty-six miles an hour , lie spent eleven minutes In ona flight and eight minutes in the other. The achievement was accomplished under ideal weather conditions and in the presence of about twenty-five spec tators aside from the soldiers. The ascent was made at S:15 : o'clock in thg .morning. It was an easy ride in the air , the machine was under perfect control and the aviator traveled at a speed tipproxiuinting thirty-six to thir ty-eight miles an hour. "WrSaflit I/s / Iligrhly P Mr. Wright e.pre-s-Pd himself ax highly pleaded o t-r what had been accomplished by his machine , and de clared that had he known ho was so close to being in the air an hour ho would have remained a little longer. lie said that he came down because h'm motor slippfd once or twice , and- that he thought lie had been in the air only halt"an hour. Except for the slipping of th motor no trouble was experienced in the work In 5of the aeroplane. Everything went as smoothly as the most perfectly adjusted clock , and the man who es sayed to beat all records in this branch of aeronautics handled his invention with as perfect ease as a trained en gineer would handle the throttle of hia locomotive. Record XeurJy in Tiro. By his wonderful flight at Fort Myer ; Wednesday morning Orilia Wright almost broke in two the b st . o/Hcial , { record ever before made I.y a heavier-rh.'in-air ma * liiue. It was only the previous Sunday Loon Del i- grange , president of the Aviation Club or France , established a new uorld record by remaining in the air 20 min utes and 34 seconds. Tie circled tha field at Issy. near Paris , fifteen and a half times and covered fifteen and a quarter miles. Monday Dolagrange , after installing a fuel tank of increased capacity on his machine , made a flight of thiri\--one minutes , but the record was not allowed to stand , three min utes being deducted because the aero plane t'Micliecl the around while mak ing its first round of the field. American shippers in Mukden hav niado formal complaint to their consul of the fact that the Japanese railroad in Manchuria is discriminating against thorn. This discrimination is carried on by means of a rebate system in which for eign shippers are excluded from using ths lines under the minimum cargo regulation , and that they are not allowed to combine their cargoes as are the Japanese. In London the business session of tha seventeenth universal peace conference wa inaugurated with a speech by Lord Courtney , vvho emphasized the close con nection between justice and peace. Ha declared that there would be no more wars if injustice were driven out of the world , and that the first step in this di rection was to develop the strength , scop purity of international law. The conviction of Tilak , leader of tin anti-British forces in India , by the high court at Bombay , on the charge of sedi , and his sentence to six years * ban ishment and a heavy fine , has brought ou fresh icrisis. As a demonstration of sympathy , 20,000 mill hands in Bombay went on a strike. Rioting ensued , and Europeans were stoned and jeered , a mag istrate's house attacked and a mail train up. The troops were called out and to fire solid shots into ihe crowd , fatal effect , before order was re stored. The heirs of Antoine Siger , the Mayor Fort de France , Martinique , who wag assassinated April 29 during a political encounter , have entered a civil suit for damages in Paris against the government Martinique , M. Lepreux. The new patent law , which allows any foreign patents to be revoked unless the article so protected is manufactured .or process operated in England , went effect the other day , and in consequence quence the government estimates a rush , industrial establishments from foreign concerns to the amount of $12o,000OOQ capital the first of the year.