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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1908)
Historical Soclet7 r e VOLUME zxm VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 24. 1908. NUMBER : ; 7 Go to the ff\- & * \7 il c e e a We carry AND for every Sewing Machine made Try A , We have the finest line of Men's Hats , all styles and colors , in the city. Prices'from 81.00 to § 3.50. PHONE 97 , GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHONE 72 " Nebraska References : My Many Customers. $ ROBERT McGEER , Propr. j ? Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars | Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 2 7/year/old and Jas , E , Pepper , O. F. C , Taylor , These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. S. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Unexcelled - S excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Kennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , a ft Valentine Nebraska 3 Read the Advertisements , DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR , GEN ERAL LAND OFFICE Information Relative to the Opening of the Rosebud o : Tripp County Lands. Any person desiring to register for the opening of the Rosebud lands in South Dakota ( Tripp County ) under the President's re cent proclamation , and the instruc tions issued by the Secretary of the Interior , must go before a U. S. commissioner or judge or a clerk of a court of record , or a notary public in one of Hie following towns , viz : Chamberlain , Dallas , Gregory , or Presho in South Da kota , or O'Neill or Valentine in Nebraska , and there sign and swear to an application for registration which will be furnished him by the oflicer before whom he makes his oath. This application must be sworn to between October o and October IT , 19US , and after it is sworn to it must be inclosed , un folded , in an envelope , which will be furnished by the oflicer admin istering the oath , and the envelope must then be addressed and deliv ered to "James W. Witten , Su perintendent of Opening , " at eith er Dallas or Gregory , South Da kota , before 4:30 : p. m. on Octo ber 17 , and not after that , either b.y mail or in person , or otherwise , but not by registered mail , and the envelope must not have the name of the applicant written on it. Soldiers and sailors who served for ninety days during the War of the rebellion , the Spanish-Ameri can War , or Phillippine Insurrec tion , will not be required to go to ither of the aboved named towns to swear to their applications , but they may appoint agents to pre sent their applications for them , and these appointments may be made and sworn to in any State or Territory. The appointment of an agent by a soldier must be made in writing on a blank form which may be obtained by writing to James W. Witten. General Land Office , Washinton. D. C. , " prior to September 25 , 1908 or at his lead-quarters at Dallas , South Dakota , after that date , or from the officer in charge of the regis- ; ration blanks at either towns named above , after October 4. The appointment must be sworn to by the soldier , and should not i made on any form other than the one prescribed for that pur pose. The agent's name must be written into the blank form of ap pointment before soldier swear to it , as appointments can not be made out in blank and the agent's name subsequently written is to them. The agent must go to one of the towns named above and swear to an application for regis tration , which will be attached to the soldier's appointment , and he can then deliver the application and appointment to the Superin tendent of the Opening , by mailer or otherwise , at either Dallas or Gregory , South Dakota. Theagent may register both for himself and for one soldier , but the same per son can not be agent for more than one soldier , and no person is per mitted to take part in the drawing who presents more than one appli cation in his own behalf , either in person or through an agent. A soldier who files by an agent can not therefore , file in person. , Sold iers who did not serve during the wars mentioned above have no greater rights .than persons who have never served in the army at any time. A drawing will be held at Dal las , S. D. on October 19 , to de termine who of the persons regis tered will be given the right to make entryIf a person draws a number smaller than 4,001 he will be notified by mail , addressed ( o the postoffice given in his appli cation , unless he subsequently gives another , to appear at some date , probably in the montn of March , 1905) ) , when he will be per mitted to enter one-quarter section , or less , of these lands , for which he will be required to pay the usual fees and commissions and § G an acre. If the number drawn is be tween 4,000 and 6,001 , the applicant will be notified in the same manner of some date in August , 1909 , when he can make entry at $4.50 an acre , if any of the lands remain unentered at that time. The fees and commissions and one-fifth of , the purchase money must be paid when the entry is made , and the > w TSie Shoe Xo ( ) tlu > r rt i ( > 1 < --s of wear deserves as much attention and care as the selection of your footwear. STYLE , KIT and SERVICE are the three requi sites of a satisfactory shoe , and the KLOKSIIIEM , with its larg'e variety of lasts and patterns , offers you an easy solution to the problem. The fall style for 11)08 ) show many new desi n and patterns that are exclusively Florshiem and absolutely correct TIlS CSuctt Shirt a s ! rt * na aPPeals to hih Tiide dressers. Its = individual style , its ease and comfort to the wear er , its variety of patterns , are its world wide merits upon which it is sold. The Hat a-wavs stylish , always up to date , always the best quality. We guarantee satisfaction to every buyer of the Tiger hat. The Tiger hat is not a cheap article of wear but ranks with best of high class merchandise. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Carnival Dales : Sept. 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , remainder of the purchase money in five equal installments , without interest. At the time he makes final proof he will be required to pay the usual fees and commis sions required of homestead entry- men making proof. If a person enters 100 acres under a number smaller than 4.001 he must there fore pay § 192 on the purchase price and § 14 as fees and commis sions , or a total of § 200 , at the time he makes entry , and he will be required to pay § 153.00 an nually thereafter for five years. If he enters 100 acres under a number above 4,000 he must pay j § 144 purchase money and § M fees | and commissions , or a total of i § 158 , when he makes entry , and subsequently he must pay five yearly annual installments of § 115.20 each. If an entry man fails to make any annaul payment , when it be comes due , or fails to reside on and cultivate the land as' the law requires , his entry will be cancel ed , and all former payments made by him will be forfeited. After an applicant has made en try , he can obtain patent by com- plving with the requirements of j the homestead law , as to residence j and cultivation , for five years , and i making the annual payments , or , after actually residing upon and cultivating the land in good faith for the full period of fouiteen months , he can obtain title by proving the fact , and paying all the unpaid purchase money. The residence required upon these lauds means the actual , bona fide making and maintaining of a home thereon , to the entire exclusion of a home elsewhere. The reqirf ments as to residence , cultivation , and payment apply to soldiers as well as to others , except that a soldier who served , during ! any of the wars mentioned above j may , after residing on the land for ! twelve months , or longer , claim , credit for the period of his military | service during s'ich war , or , in ' other words , when a soldier's mili- j tar.y service , added to the period of j his residehce on the land , equals j five years , he will not be required ; to longer reside upon or cultivate ! the land , but he mu.t make his installment - ' stallment payments annually , unless - ( less he elects to make all of the I payments at the time he makes his ! : proof at an earlier dato. . j : Persons are not entitled to regis ter for this opening if they will be I under 21 years of age at the time ! they apply to make entry or are j married women , and not heads of families , or are not citizens of the United States and have not de clared their intentions to become. ' citizens , or are owners of morej than 160 acres of land , or have j obtained title to or are claiming j 320 acres of land under entries ! made under the homestead , des-i ert-land , or timber and stone laws ! since Aug. 30 , 1890. or have al ready made homestead entry for 100 acres , if the entry has been J patented or canceled for fraud , or | relinquished for a valuable consid eration. Any person who. prior to Fcb- ' ruary , S , 1908 , lost , forfeited , or' abandoned a homestead entry. ' made by him , may make entry of 1(50 ( acres of these lands , if his1 ( Continued on page 5. ) ' r&l AVe sell farming implements as well as other merchandise at reasonable pi-ices. Call and try us. CUOOKSTON , NEBRASKA. / \ c. DEALER IN EVERYTHING. Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a Uational Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1002 , The Fl Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) OAP TAIi PAID IN A General Hanking &C Exchange and 55,000. , Collection Business. G. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NirmftLflONT. C 3 jS / " * 4 T v TIT" * x 7 15" FT > T . T * CONFECTIONE Tobaccos and Cigars. 1 Canned Goods 3C3C Lunch Counter. I O , l3LO 6 > Phone Home Bakery. Stetter & Tobien , Props DEALKUS IN All Kinds of Fresh v | ailCi. ball ALCatS. . . . Will buy your Cattle. Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything : you have to sell. r i Valentine , Nebraska , lias now on sale for a short time only , I At Reduced Prices 8 Clothing , Straw Hats , Work Shirts , Ladies' Waists , and Odd Sizes in Shoes. This is not a Jew store. Goods are plainly marked and sold'to all alike. They are 2 offered at reduced prices to clear shelves for fall and winter stock. - n