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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1906)
BMW VALENTINE fe VULUAJK XXI VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. JANUARY 18 , 1906. NUMBER 1 I , 4 ? ? I You Can't I Buy Bargains | Every Bay We shall offer for a she ft time only our entire Winter Stock of 4 ? Under wear fi. Sweaters Hoods & * $ ' ' > " - . . . ' 3/r t " > " Fascinators ra'11 'rv * . . ; .fv > - ; . - - , . - . Bath Robes v ; : , - , . - . . . -.8 - f Kimonas 8 - ' * e- - Hosiery ftfr 4 ? * ' Furs * * * i < ? ' All Wool Dress Flannels . : - r ; . and all Wool Dress Goods ? &t 4 ? 49 , , 4 Call in and see our prices and values 4i 49 .4 ? 8 RED FRONT MERC. CO i J * > All Our Heavy Weights are going : this month to make room for spring goods. Lots of good things in our windows at 25 per cent discount 25 D. STI Rn , CLOTHIER. GEO. H. HORNBY , Wagons and Buggies Lumber and Hardware Pictures Framed to Order , . . Established In Va'.entiue since 1885. f ' Boys' Assortment of Tools 40c to $4.00. ; . . , , L9rge Asssortment of 5-lO-15c Goods. " ' -Tinware , Oils , Etc , Lamps , Crockery , Lime , Coal Paper FURNITURE and COFFINS , Licensed. Embalnicr - Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) . C2APITAL.FAID IK A General BankiDg Exchange and Collootion Business. 0. E. CoBNEiiL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-president. M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier. PRINTING YOUR OFFICE * Goods being sold i off regular price at STINARD'S L. C. Sparks went down to Omaha Sunday on business , re turning Wednesday morning. Levi Anderson returned Tues day night from a visit to his fath er in Iowa , who , he says , is grow ing old and feeble. . yN i Col. C. J. Holt has been nomi nated for the legislature in his own district , but this will not interfere with his work in Nebraska in the spring. W. H. Hooper , of North Table , was a caller at this office while in town last Saturday' , and " paid his subscription in advance for. Tire DEMOCRAT. George and Miss Ella DeWyke of Kandolph , JCan. , - nephew and niece ofthe editor of this paper , are attending , the Grand Island Business College.- - . - ' _ John MartySr. . , will be in VaK entine next week with a view of changing his main real estate office. from Plainview , Neb. , to this- place. The firm name 'will be Marty Land Co. ? in A. D. Pettycrew and wife de parted Tuesday for Dubuque , Ia. > where they will visit Mrs. Petty- crew's people and expect to go from there to Somerset , Pa. , on an extended visit. - . Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Young | in f ronouSimeon last Friday started to Mr. Young's former borne in good old Missouri where they will visit his parents until about the 1st of March. Herman Riege of Riege brought in a load of hogs last Saturday which he sold to a localdealer at .25 per cwt. Mr. Riege called at our office while in town to pay H father's subscription in ad vance for THE DEMOCRAT. C. M. VanMeter was in town last Saturday from North Table and informed us that the telephone company had taken a fresh boom and they had just sent in an order for 20 phones. This makes 52 phones for their North Table Tele phone Co. We read in the Chadron Journal last week that Dr. F. M. Blake , the dentist , who a year ago opened up parlors in that city , is reported as being found dead in his bed in a Minnesota town. Well , there goes another six dollars. This is the same man who came to Valen tine .a couple of years ago , patron ized everybody that would trust him , spent his money atthe sa loons and finally left town without paying his room rent or his printer bill. We tried to collect from him after he went to Chadron and when he was in Rushville but he was no good. He'll probably go to a hot ter place than Minnesota. Henry Murphy 'and Barney Mc- Nitt of Banner , 12 miles west of Brownlee , . came up to Valentine last Thursday on business and be cause they generally visit here once a year and they hadn't been up for a long time. We enjoyed' a pleasant visit with them. Mr. Murphy is getting up in years but still converses with the ambition of a more youthful man and his "years" do not seem to have stol en fire from his mind , though his ! limbs may be less vigorous than | they were 40 years ago. We are always glad to meet the good old men and hold conversation with them. They are wises than most of us if they have given a part of their time to study and we always learn from them. Dr. A. J. Plumer , a prominent stockman of Efyannis was in our city Tuesday and discussed the land and grazing situation to some extent with prominent Valentine citizens. He expressed himself as being in favor of C. H. Cornell's lease bill as the best thing he had seen , and with some modifications thought it would be a practical so lution of the range question. When shown an article in Mon day's State Journal , by Wm. M. Walters of Thedford , he replied to some of the statements made which we give to our readers and invite a further discussion of this question. These are Mr. Plumer's remarks : "Proposition 1. That the sand hill land , such as is now available for settlement , will pasture five cows and a horse on twenty acres , must on the face of it be mislead ing. It is not the experience of the bulk : of ranchmen as evidenced by = the fact that no where in the sandhills are cattle so numerous as1 to use less than twenty acres per head , and this amount includes not only the pasture ; land but the hay land as well. These are facts easily proven by the census divid ed by the area. It is also a fact that generally ranges are over stocked because cattle nowadays grow much smaller than they did when there were less cattle and more range. | "Proposition 2. That the Kin- kaid ! au is discredited by cattle- i men , is fase { and this sorehead's own statement proves it. He shows that the bulk of the home steads taken were fraudulent , which is a fact I admit. The ob ject of which was not that the land is worth the cost of proving up on it , but in order to retain fences and fence lines. Does not this show , if anything at all , that the 640-acre homesteads are insuffi cient to support a man or his fam ily ? The fact that this man Walt ers , who came here over 16 years ago and secured a piece of land which he could farm and has made a living on , does not prove that the same quality of land is now available. If so , why has not more bona fide settlers availed themselves of these claims ? Four- fifths or more of the public area is still va'cant , aiid as free as water to anyone who wishes it. " SCHOOL NOTES. By ) t'Marearete Qu'gley. ' I Clara D.unham. This week ends the first half of " the school year. Stella Spratt Visited the high school Monday morning. Examination this Friday. A fair warning ought to give good grades. There has been 'no decreae in tardies since the holidays , as had been hoped. AlvaTodd is again in school , hav ing been absent a week on account of a severe cold. Bertha'Helzer was absent Monday with a bad cold. Ifc was the first time Bertha had been absent during the school year. The Euphonium Glee Club , the feature of the lecture course , gave their entertainment Tuesday evening to a larpe and attentive audience. The members of this club are young , but showed excel lent training. Catholic Church Announce ment. On Sunday next , mass will be said here at 10:30 : a.m. Catechism class at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. 4 ? January ams 4 ? f * REDUCED PRICES ON ALL WINTER MERCHANDISE. Call in and see what we have to offer w w * fcfr Si Corner Store. 1 Davenport & Co. Have Just Completed our last year's inventory and thank our many customers for their patronage , and assure them that we shall try our best to merit a continuance of the same in 1906 Ail WINTER GOODS will be sold now at Reduced Trices Call us up over The North Table Telephone Line. (2 ( long rings ) MAX E. VIBRTBL CROOKSTCXN NEBRASKA Dealer in Everything. y 4tMfJKJUSJULtJltJtJtJt ! jtjtSA QUICK DELIVERY You don't have to wait for us to-flag a delivery. We have our 'own - and MAKE PROMPT DELIVERIES. W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL ; M08E. rysYyyyiryiriririTiYi ri ryayy FRED WHITTEMORE , Pres. CIIA-RLES SPARKS , CashieXi - . t- J. W. STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAILL. BRITTON , Asst Cash. 2 Valentine State Bank , 3 0 tto Valentine , Nebraska. o ttIs Is Capital Surplus $25,000. $2,090 , , 3o c\ o Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the methods employed jnour : business. - . - > . NR CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. . . ' . Canned Goods Lunch. , . * * i j- - " * - * Are now at their best and , All you want to eat at our we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter Home Bakery y K jtf K'