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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1906)
5 ' i A VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. VOU'MK VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. JANUARY 11 , 1906. NUMBER 52 fYou Can't iBuy Bargains I Every Day = 49 49 We shall offer for a short time 43 43 only our entire Winter Stock of 43 M 49 49 Underwear il 49 \ ilto 49 Sweaters toto 49 49 49 Hoods toto 49 toto 49 Fascinators toto toto 49 to 49 4 ? Bath Kobes toto 49 toto 49 Kimonas toto 49 to 49 49 Hosiery toto toto 49 toto 49 Furs toto 49 toto w All Wool DressTlannels toft 49 ft 49 4 ? and all Wool Dress Goods ftft ftft 49 ftft 49 * 49 49 49 Call in and see our prices and values 8I I RED FRONT MERC. CO > 0fc & > i > Fall and Winter School Suits for Boys , and Shoes for Boys and Girls. The best for wear in the town for the money. Suits made to order. Cleaning , pressing and repairing. D. STI RD. CLOTHIER. GEO , H. HORNBY , * Wagons and Buggies Lumber and Hardware Pictures Framed to Order , . Establishei in Valeuliue since 1885. Boys' Assortment of Tools 40c to $4.00. Large Asssortment of 5-lO-15c Goods. * Tinware , Oils , Etc , Lamps , Crockery , Lime , Coal Paper FURNITURE and COFFINS , Licensed Kmbalmcr Chartered as a Statra Bank Chartered as a National Bank Jun 1 , 1884. August 12. 1002 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) " CAPiTAL PAID IK A General Banking $25,000. Collection Exchange Business. and C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. NTO ? . Cashier. GET AT s PRINTING YOUF OFFICES ? in * - * -M 5 TALK OF THE TOWN Dan Barnes drove down from his ranch this week and transacted business in our city. John D. Eaton has purchased the Holsclaw feed store and will conduct the feed business at the same old stand. Avers Bros , have an ad in this paper in which they call attention to their business running a meat market , and inviting the public to call and see them. Miss Cora Smith of this city and Martin VanBuren of Ft. Niobrara , both colored , were married at the M. E. parsonage by Rev. Water man , Jan. 10 , 1906. Geo. Christopher and Aaron Van Winkle of Lincoln , who rec ently purchased the Federal Cattle Co. ranch near Simeon , came up this week and went out to their ranch. J.W.Ward , the Britt merchant , returned from the Jt. Joseph hos pital in Omaha recently and is growing stronger. He had been doctoring for some time but is now on the mend. 9 \ Geo. H. Hornby places an ad vertisement in THE DEMOCRAT calling attention to his business and also having a cut of his store building which is attractive and makes a good advertisement. The crop and soil special train arrived here last Thursday and several speakers told the people in the court house about horses , potatoes , alfalfa and the kind of corn to plant. Tliere was a good attendance. A. H. Metzer was in town last Wednesday week on business and called at our office to make some change in their brand advertise ment. Mr. Metzer changes his postoffice address to Rolf , JSTebr. , as a matter of convenience in get ting his mail. Mrs. W. B. Hammond was tak en to Omaha , Emanuel hospital , Sunday and was operated upon Tuesday. Mr. Hammond receiv- a telegram Wednesday morning stating that she stood the operation and was doing well. His friends are hoping now for her recovery. Jacob Klein has purchased the Lewis farm down the river , from W. A. Parker and is going to try farming and raising hogs in which Mr. Klein says there is more mon ey than in cattle at the present time for the capital invested. THE DEMOCRAT predicts success in his venture. Married At the Methodist par sonage in Valentine , Tuesday , Jan. 9 , 1905 , Miss Lena L. Bacon of Norden , and Franklin E. Todd of Sparks , Rev. Royal D. Watar- man officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Green , Miss Bessie Schitferns and John Todd were members of the bridal party. Charles Shepard and W. F. A. 1 Meltendortf were arrested by City Marshal Hilsinger for fighting Monday night and had their hear ing Tuesday before Judge Towne. Charles Shepard plead guilty and was fined § 9.50. W. F. A. Mel- tendorff asked for a continuance of his hearing , which was set for the 22nd. Elmer and Harry Ayers have purchased the Charbonneau meat market , taking charge Jan. 1st. The business will be run in the name of Ayers Bros , meat market. Harry Ayers has been engaged in the meat market 'at Merriman for some time past and his experience will be useful in conducting their business here , The Presbyterian ladies will give a chicken-pie supper in Bethel hall on Tuesday , the 23rd , beginning at 5 o'clock , the price 35c. Our citizens are always glad to patron ize these worthy efforts in behalf of the church and feel that they get double value for their money.t I Mrs. R. A. Gipple of College View , Lincoln , has been in the city the past week stopping at the home of Mrs. Shore and has solic ited some business cards to be placed on the back of letter heads together with a brief write up of Valentine. This will make a good advertisement , going out to the people in every letter written and 5000 people or more will doubtless have placed before them the ad vantages of our town and these ad- advertisements. The keepers of the sporting houses around Valentine were or dered arrested by the county com missioners and brought before Judge Towne Monday and each fined upon their plea of guilty of conducting a house of ill repute. The commissioners have also given instructions to the county attorney to continue to prosecute these keepers until houses of such char acter are closed up and done away with. It now remain'is' ' with the officers of Cherry county to do their duty as officers and as citi zens. Will they do it ? We know some that will do their duty. The tax payers who are interested in this movement will watch with in terest and note those who shirk or fail to perform a duty , and he who weakens need not further aspire to office in this county or anywhere that this knowledge exists. SCHOOL NOTES. Rv I Margarete Quigley. oy I Clara Dunham. Daviil Bristol has entered the 7th grade since vacation. Several of the 4th grade are ab sent on account of illness. George Brown , formerly of this place , has re-entered school. Emma and Edith Marks entered the 2nd primary room Monday morning. After-a pleasant vacation the children came back ready for school work. Edith Adamson has returned to school having been out of school two months being sick with ty phoid fever. The 7fch and Sth grades are busy making book cover designs. The 7th grade is also making relief maps of Europe. In the 1st Intermediate depart ment there are 28 pupils who will receive certificates for not being absent or tardy during the month of December. Mae Barnes is back in school. She has been to her home near Rolf for some time on account of sickness. Her brother , Cecil , did not return with her. Two changes have been made in teachers since the holidays. Miss Mina Blessings of Auburn , "Nebr. , has taken Miss Fannie Mutch- more's place in the primary room. Miss Mutchmore gave up her school to take up the duties of housekeeping , she being married to W. A. Petty crew of this place Jan. 3. Miss Effie Carlson of the class of ' 03 has taken Miss Kather- ine Friend's place in the 2nd inter mediate room. Miss Friend is also to take upon herself the duties of fc housekeeping being married to J Mr. Arthur Yoerg , who is day operator of this place , | January f 4 ? 4 ? ams 4 ? 4 ? I * 4 ? 4 ? 43 ft ! . 43 . 4 ? 4 ? 49 & . 4 ? ft f ? 4 * REDUCED PRICES ON ALL # I * 4 * WINTER MERCHANDISE. ift 4) . ft ! . 4 ? I * 4 ? 4 ? Call in and see what we have to offer " * - & Store. I 9 Davenport & Co. FALL AND WINTER GOODS Everything in Clothing , Drygoods , Hats and ( .Japs , ' Boots and Shoes- Come and give us a chance to prove that we are selling good goods of all kinds cheaper than anybody in this party of the country. Yours for Good Goods and Cheap Prices , MAX E. VIERTJSL Dealer in Evert/thing. y ? * * * * . * , * JtJUJt OIGK DELIVERY You don't have to wait for us to flag a delivery. "VVe have our own and MAKE PROMPT DELIVERIES. W.A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE.J ( r * * * Tg' * irra6 FRED WIHTTEMORE , Pres. CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier. J. "W. STETTBR , Vice Pres. ORAII L. BRITTOX , Ass't Cash. 01i Valentine State Bank , 1 O Valentine , Nebraska. Sz 8 . Capital Surplus r § $25,000. $2,000. a\ 3n Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by. investigating the methodsemployed y in our business. K CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. > * 3 Canned Goods Lunch Counter. Are now at their best and All you want to eat at our we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter. Home Bakery E&