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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1906)
- " " * - &i . y VALENTINE. NEBBASKA. JANUARY 25 , 1900. NTIMBBE 2 r rillf K P < J gA % . L 4 ? 8 ? ? TT * n * gTV ? ? CTiT * ZJS\ ry § 9 & / We shall offer for a short time ; 'y 4 ? only our entire Winter Stock of Underwear Sweaters | - Hoods " ' " 4 ? ' ' % 43 - , , - " Fascinators' . 4 ? < & - / & : Bath Eobes . * - * * , . / i' * : ' t . : " Kimonas , § iery r r'f " " " * : : -"v- ' - ' Furs j _ - > i All Wool Dress Flannels ' , ' 4 ? ' 4 ? and all Wool Dress Goods s * , ' 4 ? i - VJ- . to Call in and see cur prices and value . s v- , - * ' " < 4 * " > T tk F" ILjPi fpjr H Vk . < c. 'Cv 'O- liV are going : this month to make room for - spring goods. Lots of good things in our windows at 25 per cent discount 25 ' OLOTHIER. "Wagons and Buggies Lumber and Hardware ! Pictures Framed to Order , Established in Va'enlliie since 1885. ? JL ; Lacfimc load to arrive next month. " Special Prices for ail who order shipment to come in this car/ Tinware , Oils , Etc , Lamps , Crockery. Lime , Coal Paper ' FURNITURE and COFFINS , T JLiccuseil Umliainier Chartered as a Staf ? Bank Chartered as a national Bank June 1,1834. August 12. 1902 , Valentine , Nebraska. ' * ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID 'US' , A General Banking - Exchange 'and Collection Business. 0. H. CpBNE&L , President. J. T. MAY , , Vic9-President. ? . " ' M. Y , NICHOLSON , Cashier. D. A. Hancock and son were in town Monday. Goods being sold off regular price at " STINAED'S Albert Thacker came in from > / Simeon Tuesday for a load of coal. * Henry Schaefer came down from Nenzel last Friday on busi ness. " Robt/Webb returned this week from school and is at home for a few days. Thomas Ashburn was in town yesterday with a load of potatoes which he sold. John.W. Mann , the druggist'of Cody , has been in town several days on business. TV. S. Jackson has been 'con fined to his home the past week on account of sickness. Wesley Holsclaw has had a re lapse and is now reported danger ously ill with'erysipelas. . - Thomas Filxhenry of Chester field is in town to doctor up a little for grippe and pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sparks are rejoicing over the birth of a son Monday , Jan. 22 , 1906. A "Thoroughbred Tramp" was played at Church's opera house last Thursday night to a crowded house. Major Kelly , agent at Rosebud , Bob "Emery and Wm. Cblombe re turned from Deadwood Sunday where they had been attending court on a liriuor case. . . / - * " * ' ' ' r - * ? - X.J-- , -T o-- ' II. H. Stuart of Baltimore , Md. , has been visiting his son , Mark , since last Friday. Mr. Stuart is a brother-in-law to Mark Cyphers of the Red Gate Dairy. Gamblers are getting a touch of the law in other towns than O'Neill. * Down at Fremont the other day five of the profession were caught in the police net , three of them be ing fined $25 each and the other two § 50 each , with trimmings. O'Neill Frontier. ATm. Johnson , living 12 miles south of Valentine , was robbed last Friday night while being ac companied to the Newman place in the southeast-part of town , and charged a colored man , "Adams , " and Harry Stricklandvith rob bing and beating him up. Adams ' was arrested and Strickland had gone to Crawford to work for Frank Curry that night but was arrested and brought back yester day by Sheriff Simons. The night Mrs. Ransbotton spoke here she stayed at H. M.Cramer's and Mr. Cramer's mother went east the following morning to visit her daughter , Mrs. Mason , in St. Joseph. It was during the night that a colored soldier , who prob ably had got too much booze , camped on Mr. Cramer's doorstep. The marshal was promptly called and the colored gentlemen given a cozier berth in the county jail and next morning was charged § 7 for the attentions he received. Maggie Fern Thacker , the youngest childof Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thacker of Simeon , died Thursday night , Jan. 11 , 1906 , of whooping cough. She was just 15 months old and had been a strong healthy 'child , loved by all who knew her and was a very jpretty littlegirl. . The family had recently returned from a visit down in Missouri and they think that they must have come in con tact with whooping cough on the train. They are very deeply grieved over the death of the little one and' have the sympathy of friends and neighbors. . Joseph Nollette came down from Nenzel last Friday and expected to go out to the Kewanee neigh borhood for a few days visiting relatives. * ' , Nels Lausten , a saloonkeeper in iOmalia , was murdered , last Satur day night by four boy bandits in a hold up. The boys had held up several places Friday night and becoming bolder with success they continued Saturday night. Jay O'liearn , Raymond Nelson , Leo Angus and "Joe Warren are the bandits , the last named being a former Rushvillft boy. Warren is said to be the first child born in Val entine , which occurred in 1SS3. His father , Fitz Warren , was a county judge here in the early days and was running a saloon with Billy Carter at the time he was fraud ulently counted . in as judge and s. used to Hold court in the back part of their saloon. Some early settlers recall the times when old Fitz Warren sat in a poker game while judge and trans act business officially , between deals. Joe was said to be a very pretty boy and grew.up a worth less fellqw. The four bandits are held for murder. They were ar rested th&day following the shoot ing. A mob gathered at the cor oner's and for inquest safe-keep ing the" boys were taken to Lin coln. They will be given a speedy trial no doubt. The new passenger depot of the C. & N.3 . at this place was com- pleEed-lasfc Veek 3M"Stf ucl "sfy "was - opened for business and the gen eral inspection of the public. It was quite cold but a number of persons were present at different hours of the day to see the won derful transformation and to show their appreciation of what the C. & N. W. has done for Valentine passengers. Mr. Northrop , our genial and always obliging agent , took us through the building and to the basement under the office where the heating plant is'install ed. The depot is built on the north side of the track about 250 feet cast of the old depot , and is about 28x120 feet in size. There is a brick walk laid the length of the block from east to west , or from Hall"street to Main street in front of the depot , and thence north to the street crossing , also a brick walk laid around the depot. The men's waiting room is on the east and is 28x36 feet. Next to it is the office which is large and has a room for train men to step into at the southeast corner to receive their orders anil a room at the north for express transactions and ako serves as a passage or hall way between the men's and the wom en's waiting rooms , the latter be ing on the west side of the office and is about 28x20. The express room joins on the west of this and the baggage room is on the west end , both large enough to accom modate the business of that nature. The whole is heated by steam and lighted with electricty. It is a very beautiful depot for Valentine , and our citizens are proud of it. tor week Ending .Jan. 24. Daily mean temperature , 20 ° , 4 was 5 ° higher than the normal. Highest temeperature was 65 ° the 19th and lowest18 ° on , - , giv ing an extreme range of 83 ° . The precipitation , .21 of an inch , giving a total o .52 of an inch for the monty to date. This is very close to the normal. * The winds have been about the normal. . - ' * > * AA 3 Q < 3OO 3 ftft ft ftft ft ftft ft ftft ft 4 ? ftft W 4 4t * ms 4 * I * 4 ? 2 * I * 4 ? 4 4 ? 4 ? 4 ? ALL HANDISE. 4 ? Call in and see what we have to offer 4 ? W I * 4 ? I * * 3- 4 ? 4 ? 8 ? 4 ? I * 4 ? 4 ? * ? The J2JL JL Ifcs/H Davenport & Co. ftft ft our last year's inventory and thank our many customers for their patronage , and assure the m that we shall try our best to merit a continuance of the same in 1906 All WINTER GOODS will bz sold now at Reduced Prices I * Call us up over The North Table Telephone Line. (2 ( long rings ) / CROOKSTCXN A.X B. JSTEBEASKA n ® Y r ? You don't have to wait for us to flag a delivery. We have our own and MAKE PROMPT DELIVERIES. I W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. irtfarysws BraYyyyyarrs FRED AYiiiTrE ronE , Pros. SPARKS , Cashier. J. W. STETIER , Vice Pros. ORAIE L. BKITTOX , Ass't Cash. Valentine State Bank , o 01 ffiu g Valentine , Nebraska. I 8 * ? * o 5s - Capital Surplus $25,000. 3r r > Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the methods employed in our business. I CONFECTIONERY Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods 3C2C Lunch Counter. Phone 7. Home Bakery.