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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1904)
R. E. ( RumROGERS. . > ROGERS. J. a ( Buiw ) BLANCIIARD ) . R. ( NEWT ) BRYSON [ H ittr r § ? 10 $ si si n bummlbbiuli CAPITAL Ecoins 141-143 1st floor Exchange Bldg. Long distance 'phono 1219 References : Union Stock Yards National Bank. We buy and sell live stock on commission. Solicit your consignments and correspondence. Let us know what you have and when you expect to ship. THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M. RICE EDITOR Mutual companies pay losses in full , o discount I. M. KICE , Agent. /MS NO SUBSTlT&m Order of I2t : irlii : : on. L'etllion lor Ap pointment of Administrator. In the County Court of Cherrj County , Neb raska. STATKOF Nrr.u.\SICA. i COUNTY OK LriircituY. f To the heir aii'l l < > : ' ! p'Tfons interested in the etatc of A.uiie An JM . deceased : On reading tiie petition-if liU May P.owden praying that tite administration of said estate ne gianted to ( . barles II. Corned as administra tor. It is hereby oidered that jou and all paeons ina-rest-d in said matter , may , and do , appear at the County Court to be held in and for SH'd county , ou the oth dav of November A.D. rjU ( at 10 o'clock a. m . to show cause , it any there be , why the pniyer ot the petitioner should not bo granted , and that notice of the pendency ol said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all pei > ns interested in said matter by publishing : ! copv of ihis order in the Valentino Democrat , i we < vly newspaper print < jd in sviid county , for tint-e succobsive weeks pnor to iid day of hearing. Witness mv hand , ami .s < il of said court , this ' mil day of O Jol r A. I ) . 1004. SEAL , V.K. TOWNE , 403 County Judge. Notice to Creditors. H n KTATK or NKIKAM\A i In the Connlv GriKKKY COf > TV. f * Court. In the matter of the estate of Julia Xen/.el To the crpditor.s of said estate : You an.hereby notified , ' 1 hat I will Mt at th" Coi.ntvCoirt Room in Valentine in said county , on the t-th day of November Ii04ol ! in o'clock a m. t ipcesvb and txamine all cl-ums against said % .slateith a \ ieto their adjH.-tineiit and allou-auce Tho time lini'ted tor tlie p-e t-uta- tl < * n of claims against said esiate is ihe 12 dav of Xoveml-cr A.D.l'.tOland t he time limited for p : - ne-.tot debts is one jear Irom said 1-tn daj ol r li o-l. Witness myhamlan-1 the seal of said SEAL Couuti Court this V.ith day ot October , W04.V.R.TOVNE. . -10 4 County Judge. COA'TliST U. S. 1 and Ollicc , Valenline , Nebms a. September1,1'JUJ. . A stifflclent contest affidavit having been Tiled in tlni ollic ? by Oli\e K. IeNichoIs , contestant , against liomeMead entry No. l ± J < s , made uctoh- t-r 0 , liWo. for HI = SW'J , nhw1 ! . .swUnw'i , Section _ Township 'M. Jangc : : i. by Hridgct A. .Mollat. rontestee. in which it is alleged that said claimant has ne\er entered upon said land and established her residence thereon as required ny law ; also that said claimant has never culli- vateu said land as required by law ; also that said cl.iiiuant has wholly abandoned said land lor mon > than bimonths last p.i > t , : unl has failed to tiir-i her IU-IICB up to date : ami that said ul- l"gfd nbs-nce from the said land not due to our cnploxincut in the army , navy or marine corps of the I'nited States as u private soldier , ollieer seaman or marine dunii ! ; the war with Spain or during any other war in which the United States may be engaged. Said parties are hereby notified to appear , respond and oliVi ividonce touching smd allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on November ID , IWU. helorc the Retjister and Keceiverat the United Stales Land OlFicein I Valentine. Nelfat-ka. TJie.said coiilettaiit , liaxing. in properailiidavit tiled Sep.ember 21. l')04. ) set forth facts win * h Fhoiv that alter liuediligem-u personal service of thi iioticf can not be made , it is hereby ordered and directed that Mich notice be gia-n by one and jiroper publication. J. C. PKTTI.IOIIV. 5U 4 Itegiter. . THE NOHTH-WE Only Double Track Itnifrmnl tn'ltvcat J I irer ft nil Clilrttyo. Itifcct line to St olin. Dlrvvt line to ntnrl ; llilt.i. ) / to ncart'Mt ( tf/nif fur rntt > n > * ami time 4. r 'nt A'ortlicrn at O'neill , Sebr. ( iolne Kasf. Going West. Leaves 10:10 a. in. Arrives 0DO : p. in. Passenger , dally except Sunday , 'lonncctions with Elkhorn trains eaft and wtst-tfound Irtm all polntt Werstol O'Neill. Shortest route to s'ioiix City and Beyond. Through tfonneo' Ions fc-r Sioux Falls , Aliane- i -t'-lts , St. Paul and nl ! points.north and , t. t ) O'Neill. FEED KonKits , Q , p , A. 3Ioui City"Iowa ( INCORPORATED. ) Live Stot'lc CuiniiiiH iou I UNION STOCK VARDS , SO. OMAHA , NEB. TO SHIPPERS- will be pleased to send with our compliments our market re port or the .Journal-Stockman to all parties who contemplate shipping stock this season. Write to us and wo will be glad to keey you posted on the market. By good sales and comteous treatmen our customers have be come our best .solicitors. Shipments to us receive most careful attention. Give us a trial and become convinced , Signed : JCALMTOX & Jb'O.\'I > A , ( Incorporated. ) Special ItaicS t and to .Sr. I , WH via Via the Northwestern Line. Ex cursion tickets will be sold daily un til Nov. SOfcli , inclusive , with favor able return limits. Apply to agents Chicago & North-western E'y. 397 Kates to UsiterziatSozial ; ILive St c c Kxposit'n , CIjR'ajjjo Via the North-western Line. Ex cursion tickets will be sold Nov. 20 , 27 and 28 , limited to return until Dec. 5 , inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern E'y. 897 High grade Galloway Bulls , 2 to 5 years old , for sale. Also two Thoroughbred's. For further in formation inquire at this office. 13 Howes For S.ale. Some good work horses , saddle horses and some good young mares Terms to suit purshaser. Inquire at Bishop's livery barn. 23 \\VT. BISIIOP. Kates to Rational Irrigation Congress , HJIl'aso , Texas , Via the North-western Line. Ex cursion tickets will be sold Nov. 10 , 11 and 12 , with favorable return limits. Apply to agents Chicago & North-western E'y. 412 STBAYED on October G , from E. A. Mai-rail's pasture near the railroad bridge , 1 brown three year old saddle horse with rope marks behind ears , brand ed EPJS on left shoulder , weight UsEabout 850 pounds. 39 N. S. EOWLEY , Kennedy , 1M-P-A-N-S Tabnlc * Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The .Vccnt package s enough for usual occas s. The family bottle ( < O cents ) contains a for a year. All drutrgists se.ll them. ALOXZO UEATO Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side. Uo s 'S left shoulder. Range north Cutcomb Lake H A BUCK PostolUce addre Ilyanuis , Neb Branded ou lelt side Range eighteen miles north of Uvannis A T DAVIS Postofflce address ] tyannls. Neb On riglit side horses on loft shoulder aiso cattle on right side Range 16 miles north of Hjannisi A'len & Sons It Nin > Tira. Brand Iores ! tirarrit-tl o'i k-ft hip Kamif , Niol'rara river U : Of Bros. PostofUce address. Oasis. Nebr G. E. 8a"tv-cr has c'hai'ge of these cat- ! tlo riorsos I > < 5 on el t shoulder om slo-l PTQ left side Kange oa Hoakfe rfVt * -.ouihwcst of Mi-rriman on Niobrara river A , B.enson. Address Arabia Nebraska. Hantje North of Niobrara river. J. VT. Stetter , Valentine , Xebr. Otherbrands : Sic Horses branded : , < orf - on lett shoulder ; t O lg't thigh. Range on Boardman , Gordon. .Snake and Sand Creek. P. U. Young. simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on left side Some QYOU lift side. " " " "on left jaw of j _ V horses. Range on Gordon Creek north of Si Sandy Williams. M rriman. Xebr. Mostly on left side. Some ou right side. Horses same on leil shoulder. Itange Lake Creek , S , D. D. A. Hancock Marshall , Mo. or Simeon , Nebraska Cattle branded on leitside as oa cut ; uso 10 on left side with _ i _ ou lelt hip of some cattle ; aiso S4C on riirht side Horse brand , rake and iti 0:1 lett should * " or hip. 'ft on left jaw _ Hornranch on Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , oast of Fort Xiobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska. St. Francis Mission Postoffice address : CrooKstou. Xebr , or 7WF . _ * Kosebud , S. D. Cattle branded as in cut , Some cattle in S I ) branded only on left hip. Range : North of the Minnecha- duza , 8 milesest , ot Crookston , and on Hull Creek. Any information regarding cattle branded as above\villbethankfuUyre2elved by Wm. Skelly. Crookston , Nebr. ; or St. Francis Mission , Rose bud , S. D. J. B. Lord 'Simeon Neb Stock branded came as ut back of right shoulder and on right hip Range on the Niobrara F.V. . Jersig Valentine , Nebr Cattle b-anded as shown [ in cut on left side , loin or hip. R-.inge between the Gordon Bud Snake south of the Xiobrara river Wallin ford Keanedy.Neb , Cattle branded simo as cut ; also some branded jj | on lefthip. D. Rrav Hoseoiid S I ) Cattle branded on h'ft thigh or liii > same as cut norso I'ruijd saint * on thp 'fit shoulder G.H Seagc-r. Cod\X , O.tllc branded as on uuton left side , hip and shoulder ; I-.orses same Hauge , Snake Creek J. , T. Peck. Cody , Nebr On both sides. HoTs-Rs ir on AGO left thigh. Range Head Pass Crock. S. D Parmejee Cattle Co Rosebud. S. n 'at'le ht'in ! < ! < s cut on ie ' si'le u."i t-tnp" under left thigh. Range on Soldier creek. Garner Broth era. Cody , Nebr. Anvwhers ou cat tle. Horse ? on lelt shoulder. RangeNorth Ell. F. T. Brackett Riege. Nebr. Brand Registered CO 1190 Brand right side 3r hip Horses same oi > right shoulder Range , Niobrara I H miles south of Kilgore Seth Gary. Merrimau , Ne'ov. On both side and hip. Herd mark , dewlap , FTorses same on left shoulder. Ran jre Lake Creek and Little White River r. W. Bennett Simeon Neb BSSs * ' Stock branded with 7 on lelt hip also same as eut Range between Iortlon and Snake < .i eeks and on f IIP Xiol > rar : rh T. Lee. Brownlee , Neb. Cattlp on Ion side : horses sunn on left shouldei Itan e Font milps northeast 01 Browulee. D. M KniuteUj. Nebr Cattle branded as on eut.left side Some on loft hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Ilange Square Lake. Chi Psi Cattle Co. Kdward Lev. is. foreman. Wood Lake , Xebr. Cattle branded as in cut on ri ht side. Kanyc : fi miles east of Simeon on Cronin ranch. Roan Brothers Woodlake Xeb .John Roan's piivtae mark , slit in left ear TV. E. Haley Valentine Neb Brand re/istorert / No 200 Ran e in Sharp * Ranch and German precincts G miles south of Kiliore C. II Little. MerrSman , Nc'.i On either side IIoise.i sant' ou 'nil Also Cl . > Range Lake Creek SD WILLIAM P.KAMKR Gordon , Nebr. Cattle bnmdeO same as cut on left sMe. Horses v left shoulder suurlinf Irwiii JULIl S PETERSON ro-totllieadir ' 3s Gregorj. Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles north ot Greirorj- F. C. & M. O. Metzger. Meiriman Nebraska. Cattle branded on leftside : Horses branded on Ipft some are bractl'Jd nillCM ii ' r-uujed p ou left si ( . on Snake .TO miles so it'i o { Mrrniaan. Others ramzoS n'ilfs n rthwpsl of niprrinmn Charles Eicliards. Merriraait s ( rood fellow. fodv h ; . on f-ft jaw. Rrome Between the Niobrara and Medicine Lak . N. S. Rowlev Kennedy , Nebraska , Same as cut on 'e i side and hip , and < > n' ' Intt shoulder of hor ses. K on ii-p. hide * " 4on left r-ide. OX on leftside and on Ipft hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses. UJQ on left hip of horses. R M Fadths& Co. Postoftlce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some brnndPd 'eft thigh on right thigh or shoulder. J P GAKDINEIt Postoflice address Cody , Nebraska On left side of cat- tic ; honses O ri ht arm jCi'.n e , north and south of N iobrara Frank Uothicutuei KlIgoreNob * * " bnindt-d on as on 'iit ssic- I . ! / . . S * V * 3 Cody , Neb 55rtn ; < l r No ! i > 7 * . shoulder Ranee north and south of Cutcomb Lake in Cherry Co G. W. u , Nebr < 3T > Cattle branded as in cut on left side. side.Old Old stock 2 Y Rinse : four miles east of Fort Niobrara , north and south of Borry bridge the C. E. Wngiit. Valentine Nebr. Brand registered No. 374. Brand anywhere ou right side. C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , KD Horses uud cattle same as cut ; also CJ BE M on right hip. Ranee on Oak and Bucte creeks. A liberal reward for luformatiou YKSa leading to detection k nf rustles of - ' bearing any of these brands Morey & FTp\vftt G-rrdon. Nebr Brand reuisrered &M On left hip > ( i : tttle ttorst"- -.tme . leil > tiould er , also 940 left side. Range South of Siake 35 miles sp of Gordon Robert Quisf-nbery Tost flice address Simeon , Nebr. left hip on \ cattle. - Horses same on right shoulder. gfag g fag" ' ' ' Jos. Dristol Valentin , Nebr Kangp on N'ift- orsra ii\- -r OMIT miles east i.f - 'ot.ra.a Morcf-s stud bnuid d pft hip or side ; is 01R fill own in ent R cc Albert Whipple & Rosebud , S. D. Battle tirnndeu SOS on left side OSO on rJKhtside .Some cattle also bat e a-f-on neck Some with A on lelt shoulder and some branded with two iiaus Q"ir ! Horses branded SOS on left litu Some cattle Ji-auded AW bar i-onnerted on both sides anil off llhl nf horiot Pat Feiper Simeon Ner Ct ! { n of ! br -w U * . N ' A IS- ieft Range iOmiles south of Merri man on the N'so br.ini 'iii' on left hip. HOPM\X sain * oil shoulder. some on left shoulder Some 3 on gjleftslde- ttu'Tiiik'B southwest of Valentine on north side of I > iobrara river. PIK - BROS i. Nvb Cattle branded PE on either hip or right side. Horses PE on left shoulder. Range On Minne- chali:7.a milet east ol Crookston. SWEENEY BROS Postofiice address Pultmaii , Cutilr bnui'lfd as m > flit ; iiorsebra.uled ssuueaszittle except reversed S. FV , . Setbiu < * e $ $ & RangeH aud Steplienson Lake * and South : ? 3QO rf.virdvill be paid to any person for In- fortnaticn leading to the arrest and conviction o1anv p'-r-.on or person * e-t'os < r ' "i * ' tv uh th1 > l- ' > rp-sii FP.AN'K MOOLK PostoPie u Todj. lOi 'ither side rattle IherdinarIf ! oar < J and rii'ht ear ( : iiiie -t \f \ ] f i T ? ! ' ; * , > V-brisKa Lund and Feedmir Co. 'urtleU Ri.-li.ircs I'res Will KComstock. . V . P. Chas C lamihon Seci l'reas t Cattle branded on - ' " any part of animal ; ' ° " "wlnB . - > ? i'5f tJ2'S5 7 - . w ' Range betwees Gordon on the F.E. &M. V.R. R ant ! lyauniton 15 , S'il R. R. In Northwestern Nebraska Address , BAETT STT RicnAKD3. Ellsworth. "Vbntsks. Metzger Bros. , Gregory Cherry Co Branded ou left iide and thigh. Earmark , squura crop right ear Horses have same brand on [ left thigh. Range on Gor- don and auake Creeks , ,1 Retravti of $ 5o will be paid to any ursou for information lending to the arreit and unal conviction . . of any person or { W-WTH r ni / - * - - * - ' W BKAMKU ti'attk- on leftside . . . cut , < i-inch t > . and2' jnehir -t - , - * fx1ff ' - r'rr" ' -r''ji ! > fl . . , ' " . . . i i'lia "lii- l -'fsteren 87(5. Range-- on Niobrara river ' L KUSHKZSIIKI 51 fox'oiUoe . .Utlie'-tS 5'uIInian , Nc' Kramfed on left hio saiuo Herd- Kange south -nst o' ! i-sh f HI ! A J PL17MRI ! ! jS . - ' Also ha\e stock branded u rtirht side and hip ua right hip tange-Soi " ounty J. A. Y A RYAN Pullman. A obi Cattle branded .17 on rig'itside Ilorses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable rev.-rd for any informatfon leading to the rc- coverjof cattle strayed fromn < J.F. Swain. sparks. X8br. ft side as shown cut. Range-South Sparks on river. W - F- _