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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1904)
j THE VALENTINE VOLUME SIX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , OCTOBER 27 , 1904. NUMBER 41 Are you going to want a Heating Stove this winter ? If you are , you want the best the best in appear JJ ance the best in quality and the best in results. If you want one that will give you the best results for all kinds of fuel , you want one of the following lines : Cole's Original Hot Blast , Peninsular Parlor Heater \ and Double Heating Base Burners , The XXth Century Laurel , f * The Retort Jewel. to TV > have the exclusive agency of the above lines , which include the best stoves made. Make us a 5) ) call before buying elsewhere and we will gladly explain to you 4 ? all the special features of the different stoves. We guarantee 0 every stove mentioned to be perfectly satisfactory in every vay or we will exchange it or refund money paid us. "W $ carry the largest and most complete line of stoves of all kinds found in Northwest Nebraska. ft * Call and Inspect these stoves. ' RED FRONT MERC. co. | to 33CS5S233CS SEE THOSE Ladies' Suits and the best on earth for $1.50. I A Six Page Noiseless Slate given with each pair of Shoes. TAILOR . AND CLOTHIER , j rs f ffg a - g ra AN * s Hardware , Furniture and Coal.fl FURNITURE , bed room suits , dressers , chiffoniers , ward robes. Iron beds strong and clean , spring couches and mattres ses , parlor stands and center tables , combination bookcases and writing desks. Latest Designs and Lowest Prices. Guns , Ammunition and Hunters' Supplies. & A full line of hardware , cutlery and stoves of best makes. A lot of useful articles that make house-keeping a ploasurc. Come and See Tliem ibs- Yoiiieli" 1 ? Frank Fischer. Chartered as a St ite Bank uhartorod as a National Bank Jun1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) of "Va-lei tln. © . ; APITAJj PAID IN " General 0. H. CoHNEUPresident. . J. T. MAT , VicB-President. j& GET AT THIS YOUR OFFFCEv TALK OF THE TOWN Lawrence Rice is sick this week with the measles. Dan Truax , of Cody , was in our city last Friday ori business. J. N. Steadman , of Ossis , was a visitor to our city last Friday. R. F , Gillaspie spent a couple of days in town the past week. Ed Richards , of Kennedy , was in town yesterday for a load of coal. Edward Lewis , foreman of the Tread way ranch , was in the city Tuesday. Miss Nellie Easley assisted in Geo. Hornby's store a few days ast weeK. Hon. Frank "Rothleutner and Mr. Wilson , of Georgiavas in the cit.v Monday on business. O. "W. Morcy is re-arranging s store , putting additional shelv- ng to display holiday goods. Mr. Elliott and J. W. Stetter shipped a car load of Wisconsin j apples in the first of the week. P. H. Young , of Simeon , was in town yesterday , looking as bright and cheerful as health makes a man. Mrs. McDonald made a business trip to Neligh Sunday , returning on the'freight Monday to Crooks- ton. Rev. Carpenter went down to his homestead south of Johnstown Monday to make some improve ments. Mrs. J. P. Rothe , of Ft. Nio- brara , called yesterday to pay for a year's subscription to THE DEM OCRAT. Born , Tuesday morning , to R. B. Thompson and wife of Simeon , a girl. This report came over the telephone. D. J. Drebert and I. M. Rice ; made a business trip to Crookston and Georgia , Friday and Saturday of last week. Thos. Huntiugton , of Gordon , was down last Thursday with elev en old soldiers who were filing on land in the. western part of this county. The Geo. L. Loomis meeting , to have been held here Wednesday , Nov. 2nd , is cancelled. We are sorry to announce this and take up the bills. K lward Ormesher was in town . Tuesday and handed the Editor a \ dollar for THE DEMOCRAT which goes to his daughter , Mrs Clark , of Englewood , S. D. D. J. Drebert spent several days the past week in our city 'with ' I. M. Rice , the local agent , in the interest of the German Mutual Fire Insurance Co. An eleven pound girl was born to W. H. Caton and wife Monday 'evening ' , Oct. 24 , 1904 , at the . home of Mrs. Caton'c parents , Judge Towne and wife of this city John Hornick , of the firm Hor- nick , Hess & More , was in the city last Friday. He is an old friend of Frank Fischor's3 they having been acquainted for over 20 years. i' ' Grant Boyer , of the firm of Tay lor & Boyer , carpenters and con tractors , went out to J. C. Mc- Nair's place Tuesday afternoon to raise the roof of his house and make it a two story. Cat your vote for Wm. Butler of Irwin precinct for county com missioner. Mr. Butler is a man of mature years and of good judg- ! ment. He is a popular man at j home and ought to get a good vote ! cverywheje in the county. Men who know him say he is the man to feleeti this yean : j Julius Schromm , of Arabia , call ed on us last Thursday while in town and says he has purchased Mr. Stinard's horses which are young work horses mostly from 1 to 6 years old. Mr. Schromm of fers to trade them for young mules or cattle. A telegram Sunday morning from Buchanan , Mich. , announced the serious illness of Jos. Sparks , the father of the Sparks brothers in this city. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sparks hastily made preparations and started Tuesday morning for Buchanan. John West , who for the past few months has been employed in the capacity of cle k in the Home 1 Bakery , has resigned his position ami is night clerk at the Chicago House. Later Mr. West has aci i ceptcd a position on the road , rep resenting and insurance company. S. J. Blakely and Miss Rita Thompson were married by Judge Towne yesterday morning. Mr. Blakely is a trusted foreman of the Diamond Bar ranch at Simeon and Miss Thompson is a daughter of C. C. Thompson on the river. THE DEMOCRAT wishes them suc cess and happiness. A. E. Barnes , of Newton , the' father of Dan , E. R.-and the Cody hardware merchant , was in our city last Friday on real estate busi ness. Mr. Barnes subscribed for THE DEMOCRAT so that he could have the county news. He is one i of Cherry county's true Democrats who believes that the principles of ouparty are. right and always up holds them. W. J. Bryan is making a tour of West Va. in Senator Davis' pri vate car , speaking to the largest audiences that ever came out to hear a citizen speak. Upon his concluding his first speech at Sen- ; ator Davis' home town , the old man arose , faced the audience and ' with a wave of his hand said , "No ' man can speak after Mr. Bryan , " | and dismissed the audience amid cheers. On Thursday evening at eight' o'clock , at the home prepared by i the groom , Rev. Clark of the Pres byterian church , joined in mar riage Clarence Sagcser of this city and Miss Chambers , of Broken Bo\v , Neb. , in the presence of relatives and a few inviterl guests. Mr. Sageser is a well known young business man of Valentine , while his bride who is a stranger here , ' is welcomed in our town. THE DEMOCRAT extends congratula tions. Al Thacher was up from the Post hospital yesterday a few hours. He has had a long siege with carbuncles and is about to triumph , though he'll have the scars of a veteran. A large car buncle was cut from the back of his neck and it takes' time for this to heal Mr. Thacher was in town week ago yesterday , since which time a large piece of skin was tak en from his leg and grafted onto his neck. He was looking cheer ful yesterday and it was a pleas ure to see him again on our streets.f O. C. Trend way , of the Chi Psi Cattle company , eallnd onusTue - da.v while in town to discuss the * political situation , Mr. Tread-1 wnv is a strong admirer of W. J. : Br.van and ut the beginning of tin ; campaign was opposed to the can- di'lney of Ji dge Parker for presi dent , but thinks now that it is a matter of supporting cither Park- : er or Rposi-velt and prefers the' ' fomer. . Mr. Bryan says that , wiere there's a difference in the two candidates , Parker is on the ri ht side , and most of our Demr- will bear this in mind , ' t i & 49 to 49 Chase & San born Coffees toto toto 49 to toto to 49 15,20,25 and 40c per pound toto to toto to w 49 to 49 49 4b Davenport & Thacher N Large stock of HamiIton = = Brown Shoes Just arrived. i All other shoes in stock sold at greatly reduced prices for next 30 days. Come and see us. We sell everything , and at prices which are right. MAX B. VIERTEL CROOKSTO2Si NEBRASKA i Groceries ! The BEST for table use and at popular prices. * * Our Stock is Always Fresh Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens Hay , Grain and Feed # * W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. W4 W J - RESM FRUIT AND GAME f JN THEIR SEASON. ; : First..las - line of S'eaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Breakfast ( 'aeon. Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. FitED WHITTKMOUE. rresident. E-s SPABKS , Casbler. > < .1. WiTKTTKR. . Vino President ORAH L. BKITTON , Asst. Cashier Inrerest paid on time I deposits. Valentine State Bank , Capital , 825.OOO Valentine , Nebraska. .Surplus , 81OOO Persons seeking a place of safety for their Offlce Flours money , will profit by investigating the I 9 \ . M.to4 P. M methods employed in our business. 125252929 I CONFECTIONERY Suited to ymir taste. Canned Goods j Lunch Counter. Are no\v at their bc.sS and | All you want to eat at our we handle the. best grade. 1 Lunch Counter ft I I Home Bakerv 3 Read the Advertisements