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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1902)
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT 1 JM. KICK , Pub TALENTINI3 , NEBRASKA tPhe merger's the thing , and Pierp. he the merging. The money paid to the Bulgarian bandits may be charged to the adver- erpensc account. It fe probably safe to say that no titled European will be able to marry "Hetty Green for her money. "One of the poets announces that "Our > Mt thoughts are In words we never Mjr.w The poet Is not a lady. The Congressional Record is to be 11- aistrated. Later it may add a colored supplement and give a paint box with pach copy. Andrew Carnegie says wealth does -pot bring happiness or satisfaction. there's nothing left for Andrew to try bat heaven. Bnssell Sage still eats 10-cent lunch es , and smiles when spoken to about big lessee In real estate. Russell loses nothing not even sleep. A correspondent wants to know If a man can be a Christian on $ o a week. TJiat would depend largely on how much money his wife had. The death of Dr. Talmage deprives the world of one of its most cheerful Bptlmists. An optimist is a blessing both to himself and to mankind. A New York chess player laughed so hard at a funny story that he died. Chess players should always be careful to avoid anything as violent as hiugh- Jng. The rich old man AVUO had only $10 ta his pocket when he was married al- * ways thinks his daughter deserves omething much better than her moth er got. The collar-buying fiend , who usually buys one shirt collar at a time , and .soils Tialf a dozen others with his dirty hands In the operation. Is coining in at -last for his share of public denuncia tion. A man who used to be King of Spain ias jecently died , reminding the world of the fact that it is very easy even for one who has been a king to be forgotten when he's gone from the throne a few years. Martha Washington , who enjoys the distinction of being the one wife in all the world to whom a husband never told a He , is about to be made still anore famous by having her picture on e postage stamp. Professor Beggs , the Denvec public school official who said he believed that .hell in the hereafter will burn more fiercely for the sinning women than for the sinning man went out of his way to look for trouble. He found it. President Schwab of the Steel Trust , * bought a paper from a blind newsboy Jn New York the other day and gave him a $5 bill for it. We will venture 11 to say that Mr. Schwab never had ii more real fun for $ r in his life. "Wliat to do with the surplus is likely to perplex the politicians once more. Treasury officials say that it will prob ably amount to one hundred million dollars during the pi'esent fiscal year. Jt would puzzle most of us to decide iow to spend that sum of money , so we should be patient with any Con gressmen who may make foolish prop ositions about it. We might not do much better than they. A small matter , but one which will .prove a convenience and which shows consideration , is the order issued by -the. Postolfice Departmentdirecting tlint all mail-matter for officers and civws of United States vessels shall lie carried at'domestic rates of postage. Xo matter where the ships may be. whether in China or Europe or Samoa or South America , 2 cents will carry any letter weighing less than an ounce. Although feuds .still prevail in certain regions , nnd some family hatreds aug ment with generations , yet the enmi ties of modern civilization tend on the whole to die out An American dining rffenrty in an English house was at- trartt'd by a dialogue between two TOung men on the early history of 5oul Africa. It concerned the case of a jrorc rior ! of that province who had iK'pn recalled by the Colonial Secretary of the day. The discussion was con- - ducted with , great ability and knowl- < -dge on each side. At last one said to Hie other. "May I ask how you come to know so much of an ohscure incident ? " \Vhy. " replied the other , "the governor Teas my grandfather ! " "He was ? " I'jaciilaled his opponent "The Colonial "Svrretary was mine ! " The two Dakotas are having a boom * of tiie healthiest kind. North Dakota's Imputation increased " t per cent in the * Ja. < C ten years. Last year 150,000 iiu- ' j-.KiTrants fouiul homes there , and this 'I jf = r it ts estimated 200,000 more will JTJ tlTcre. South Dakota Is faring al- i' well. The productiveness at wl iw a great attraction for fariu- Tlio Dakotas are not only the * jrrnit wheat fields of the world , bat y arr suitable for diversified farm- iT. The corn crop is large. The flax sjbrgfitlian Ihe crop of the en- ; : < -d > 't : lcs has been , hi recent aud ivill be more than half the country's crap this season. North Da kota has a grass area of forty million acres , and'over this whole area the average rainfall is seventeen Inches The farmers'of the Dakotas have paid off their mortgages and are accumu lating money. As a rule two seasons will clear off iucuinbrances and pay all running expenses and the purchase price. This is the reason why there is such a rush of farmers from Iowa , Illi nois , Wisconsin , Indiana and the Mid die West , just as years ago there was a' rush of Eastern farmers to the then " Western States. The Middle West may yet have its old home festivals as the East Is now having them. An Eastern newspaper has discover ed that the parlor has all but disappear ed from the average American home. Come to think of it , that is so , and it can well be spared. The parlor that ii passing was about as cheerful as a cemetery on a rainy day , and attached to it was a faint odor can be found In no other place except a prison. The blinds were kept closed so tightly that no curious ray of sunshine could lay - . golden bar on the stiff furniture , or take the color out of the carpet. There was mosquitto netting over the pictures of grandfather and grandmother , and the few books on the table were cer tainly never meant to be read. Nobody entered this parlor except when com pany came. To the children , closed it was a mystery. Open , it meant the wearing of Sunday clothes that scratch ed and tickled , aud the donning of com pany manners , which are seldom natu ral. You sat in agony , wishing thatj shoes had never been iuveuted , and out side the sun and wind , the birds aud the trees wore all singing "Come out ) and play , " while you. miserable parlor prihoner , were saying : "Yes. uia'aui. I like 1113' school , " and stumbling and stuttering till "mother" said : " 1 can't ) see what ails Willie to-day. lie is gen erally so bright and natural. " And com pany was trying to appear interested and thinking : "If I had a freckled boy who didn't know any more than this one , I'd be tempted to drown him. " Re member all that ? Of course you do , and the scene of that tragedy is fading away. The parlor of thirty years ag < J will .soon join the dodo and the great auk and other prehistoric things. It is because people are learning how to live. The rich have their drawing-rooms. The poor and those with small incomes have discovered that home means ; i place to live in. to enjoy life in. Just enough rooms and no inoi'e. Light ! Peo ple can't net too much of it. It ranks next to pure air in its health-giving qualities. Rooms are to use. not to look at. There are co/y corners , curtains pictures , books , easy chairs , a piano perhaps. d < z < M > s of little articles that mutely say : "The children are welconm to this house. " aud an atmosphere o pleasure and home enjoyment that is good to see. So. ood-by to the parlor of olden times and greeting to. the practical homes that are made with a sole view to the comfort and cheerfm- less of those who live in them ! Let us lope that when the carpenter irets through there will be enough of them tv < ro around. NOVEL GOLF CLUB. A novel head for a golf club is on the market Whether expert golf play ers will approve of it or not remains to be seen. In the head of the club is a slot , and in the slot K a weight which is so adapted that i.t will move toward and a\vay from the striking face of tin head. As a result , when the ball is struck the weight conies inoutact with the wall of ihe slot next to the strikinir face , and thus an additional impetus is imparted to the ball. It is i-lalined that a player usin a club of this kind would have an advantage1 over another player UMUJ ? an ordinary L-Iub. AVroiijj Kind of Turk. At a meeting of a society , the mem- ler * of which are exceedingly loyal to heir native country sind to each other. > ne of the after-dinner speakers told a tory of something which happened in me of ( Jreat Britain's Eastern posses- Ail English soldier saw a bis : . raw- Turk on his hands and knees. Irinking from a brook. The'soldier , in Hire wantonness , gave him a kick. The I'urk jumped to his feet , and without .1 vord struck the English soldier .square in the fae. . felling him to the ground. Three other English soldiers made for he silent Turk and prepared to take a land ; but two IrLshinen came up , and eeiug that the fight was uneven in * d on fair play. The Turk whipped two f the Englishmen , and , i > he nave the hSrd one a fiiiNliing touch , exclaimed : "Now. ye villains , whin yj ? tackle a I'lirk ajain. be sure he Moe n't conn. ' roni Tipperaryl" The Knobs Were There. "I've got to get myself a pair of ilioes. " said Miss Bunyou. "aml I'm de- ermined to have a real nohby pair. " "Why. my dear. " sweetly replied her est friend. "I'm sure any pair of show on would wear would have to b y. " Philadelphia Press. "I think , " said a feeble old man of f 0 to-day , "that I have a touch of the ; rip. " Death Is knocking at his door , et he says , "I think I have a touch of r < AN ACROBATIC BOARD x State Board of Equalization First Declares it Refused to Assess Franchises ; Now Says it Performed Its Full Duty in the Manner Provided \ by Law PROUT AS RINGMASTER--WESTON A'S CLOWN Two Snap Shots Showing the Flying Leap Over Rosey , and the Double Back Summersault THE FLYING LEAP. THE BACK SUMMERSAULT. "Respondents further answering "And said board did then and aver that . . . Edward Rosewater there enter upon the consideration made demand . . . that the said of the valuation of the properties board assess , in addition to the . . . and thereafter . . . did assess tangible property of said . . . com the value of all the properties of panies , which had by said board said railroad . . . companies in the already been assessed , the FRAN MANNER PROVIDED BY LAW. CHISES of said corporations , . . . That in arriving at the valua which the respondents . . . RE tion . . . said board considered FUSED TO DO for the reason that said companies . . . were act that under the statutes . . . it ually engaged in using and oper doubted its right to do so. " ating all their properties in the Prayer. performance of the duties incum "Wherefore , the respondents ask bent upon them . . . by law to per this Honorable Court to place a form . . . and each of the prop construction upon the constitu erties . . . waa valued AS A UNIT tional provision above quoted and for said purposes of assessmem the sections of the statute herein and taxation. Said respondents did cited and instruct the respondents not believe . . . the board had au as such board whether or not it thority to value and assess EX has the power . . . to VALUE and TRA CORPORATE FRANCHISES ASSESS the FRANCHISES of the . . . separately and apart from corporations named in the affidavit their tangible property. " of relator , and if so , to announce Prayer. some equitable rule by which the Wherefore , these respondents value of such franchises may be Bubmit to this Honorable Court ascertained.FRANK that said state board of equaliza FRANK N. PROUT , tion performed its full duty in the Attorney General. Bearing , consideration and assess- Verified and sworn to by ent of the different properties of CHARLES WESTON , A * -he several companies , railroad , Auditor. telegraph , and sleeping car , doing business in the state of Nebraska. F. N. PROUT , Attorney General. Verified and sworn to by CHARLES WESTON , Auditor. * When the people of Nebraska elected the present republican state officers , they did so with full knowledge that every man jack was a full-fledged cor poration tool. So when the attorney general threw away his opportunity to put the finishing touches on the Standard Oil suit which had already been won by Attorney General Smyth , except securing the final judgment the people of Nebraska had no cause to complain ; or , at any rate , those who voted for him had not. That the present state board of equalization would not make any ma terial raise in the railroad assessment was a foregone conclusion. The ques tion of assessing lailroad franchises was presented to the board in a letter from M. F. Harrington , and orally by Edward Simeral ; and the board had a very clear idea of what is meant by assessing franchises and how to de termine their value. The law on this subject is not clear , although the con stitution says in no uncertain lan guage that "the legislature shall pro vide such revenue as may be needful , by levying a tax by valuation , so that every person and corporation shall pay a tax in proportion to the value of his , her or its PROPERTY and FRANCHISES , the value to be AS CERTAINED in such manner as the legislature shall direct. " The legis lature evidently did not understand ' the matter as well as it is understood today or was under the usual railroad hypnotic influence so common in ra- publican legislatures and the stature law for ascertaining the value of fran chises is very vague and. prior to the decision in the Omaha tax cases , was contradictory and unconstitutional. But since the Omaha tax cases were decided , the law is sufficiently plain to justify the state board in assossu railroad franchises. This the board absolutely refused to do , notwith- , standing the arguments of-Messrs. ! Harrington and Simeral. On the 20th day of May , 1902 , at the instance of Edward Rosewater , Mr. Sirr.pral filed' in the office of th-- ulerk of the supreme court affidavit and motion for a writ of mandamus , setting up the facts and praying for i writ to compel the board to reconvenj ind reassess the railroads , etc. , de termining the fair value of the "prop- ? rty including franchises. " An alter native writ was issued at once , but jovernor Savage , Treasurer Stuefer , ind Auditor Weston had fled from the nty and service and officer's return , vere not made and filed until May 2S. 3n the same day the board made an swer to the writ , quotation from which ippears in the first parallel coiumu ibove. At that time the board zn- jwered the court tne same as it mswered Messrs. Harrington. KOSP- vater , Simeral and others : that it vould not assess franchises because t believed it had no right to do so mder the statutes in force. That an- iwer evidently was made without con- iiilting with the railroads : it was a ruthful auswei. but a tactical mis- ake from a railroad point of view. On the 3rd of June , M. F. Harnng- on asked and obtained leave to file r > lotice and application to intervene n the case as one , of the relators .long with Rosewater and the Bee Juildiug Co. This was a shrewd movo m Harrington's part , because It ren- > red Rosewater powerless to dismiss he case after the republican conveu- ior is over .something he might hav one if the political situation seemed o demand it. The barefacedness of the board's ruckling to the railroads is well il- ustrated jn its action last Fridny June 6) ) . Even the State Journal adn't the nerve to make any excuses nd told the story in the following inguage : "Following a meeting of railroad at- 3-s with members of the state oard of equalization. Attorney F. N. 'rout ' filed an amended answer in the upreme court yesterday in the case f the Bee Publishing Co. against the oard. A writ of mandamus is asked ir to compel the board to , assess rail- sad franchises. The board filed an nswer May 28 admitting that it had tfused to assess franchises , giving as reason that the law does not confer : ich power on the board. The amend- 1 answer contains a new statement f facts as to what the board did do hen it n\et as a board of equalization. This statement indicates that fran chises or intangible property and the earnings of the railroad companies have already been assessed by the board. The amended answer contin ues by asserting that the board did not believe that under the law defin ing its powers it had authority to as sess "extra corporate franchises' sep arately and apart from their tangible property. The board insists that it did its full duty under the law. "The meeting of board members and attorneys was held at the office of Governor Savage. J. E. Kelby of Omaha for the Burlington road , J. N. Baldwin of Council Bluffs for the Union Pacific , Ben White of Omaha lor the Elkhorn road and Attorney Frank Ransom of Omaha were pres ent. The board members are Governor Savage , State Treasurer Stuefer and Auditor Charles Weston. These were also in attendance. Attorney General Prout was the last to come into the consultation. Beginning at 11 o'clock the conference lasted two hours. , Attorney Kelby is quoted as assur ing the uoaid that the defense ouc- lined could not embarrass the l.oaid as he thought no one not even a mem ber 01 the board , couid say that the board had not considered franchises when the assessment was made. That he believed was the chief ground upon which the application for a writ was t based. " The amended answer is intended to . tie the hands of the court so that the writ will be denied ; it affirms that tiie board did all things required of it by law and that it assessed the railroads "in the manner provided by law. " If this is true , of course , there is no ground for a writ. But this is a mat ter of fact to be determined by com petent evidence the same as any otner fact. It really looks as though the amended answer would necessitate the appointment of a referee to hear testi- I < rnony and report findings of fact , if it should turn out that way. The Incle- Q pendent hopes the court will be more fortunate in its selection of a referee than it was in the Standard Oil case. It would seem that a gleam of light ought to strike through the aching vacuum in the head of the dullest of n mullet heads. The board answered at first in a truthful way , and defer : dt-1 its failure to assess franchises by doubting its right to do so and asking the court for information. That didn't suit the railroads , for it meant a rais" in the railroad assessment. So a co- terie of railroad attorneys called upon the state officers and read the riot act to them. A special meeting of the board was hurriedly called , and the three members , Governor Savage , , Treasurer Stuefer , and Auditor "Wes- ( ton , together with four railroad at A torneys. and "Necessity" Prout , talker1 Lwo long , weary hours over the mat ter. Then came the filing of the amended answer which in eifeet says : bi 'We did our full duty now do your fc \v-o-r-r-s-t. " but mullet fcw \ - - - - - Nobody a w iiead could fail to see that the board ind attorney general are owned , body iscl ioul and breeches , by the corpoiations. a. _ a 4 ta "Extra corporate franchises. " tl : Whooh ! That's fully up to the "full linner pail" and "let well enough bi done. " The people of Nebraska'will to > e mighty lucky if the railroads pay as i fair tax upon their plain , every- ca lay franchises , and allow the "extra caw : orporate" kind escape altogether , tt " /allied as a unit. " That's good. The d ndependent has been urging all along ' tii hat a railroad'should be valued as an it mtirety and not as a scrap-heap of ails , ties , and section tool houses. Evidently the railroad attorney who [ rew the amended answer has been eading The Independent to some pui- lose. But the "unit" business ccr- de ainly didn't apply to the Burlington de : nd C. , St. P. . 1. & 0. , for these roads nade no report of their earnings , etc. . Jn s did the others. The board couldn't th : now whether these two roads had ar .ny "extra corporate franchises" or us ommon , old-fashioned ones. The people of Nebraska are wateh- Se ng the outcome of this suit with much 30 nterest. It is the first skirmish in a cr ; attle royal between the public ser- cc ice corporations and the public itself th s to which shall rule. da -C. Q. De France , in Nebraska Inde sti pendent , Lincoln. da . The Harriman Railroads < Readers of The Independent Inter ested in the subject of taxation ami wEo is not ? may find some food lor thought in a study of the Harriman railroads. In 1901 the Union Paclflc secured possession of a strong work ing control of the capital stock of the Southern Pacific , says the Brooklyn Eagle. But the latter is now and will continue to be worked as a separate company. The Southern Pacific had previously secured control of the Cen tral Pacific , 'extending'from Ogden to San Francisco. In November , 1900 , a majority 'of the stock of the Pacific Mail Steamship company was acquired by the Southern Pacific. The Union Pacific , in addition to its own line , owns 99 per cent of the stock of the Oregon Short Line railroad. The Ore gon Short line .controls by ownership of stock the Oregon Railroad anil Navigation company. These lines , with the Kansas City Southern and the Chicago & Alton , furnish a complete system from Chi cago to the Pacific coast , giving a choice of three route's. The entire mileage is 16,376 miles , capitalized at $1,558,819,399 , or nearly ? 97,000 per mile. A short statement of statistical information regarding the different constituent parts of the Harriman sys tern follows : Union Pacific Miles of road 3.033 Common stock $104,051,400 Preferred stock 99.537,800 Bonds 191,508,003 Net earnings , 1901 * 22.172,001 Surplus on hand * 13,597,709 including earnings and surplus of Oregon Short Line. Ine market price of Union Pacific stocks and bonds on June 3 , 1902 , was as follows : Bonds ( at N. Y. ) 4s 1061-8 Bonds ( at N. Y. ) conv. 4s 1075-8 Common stock ( London ) 107 7-S Preferred stock ( London ) 901-2 At these figures the value of the Union Pacific on that date was : , Common stock $112,245,447 Preferred stock 94,560,910 Bonds ( at lowest ) 203,237,805 Total $410,004,222 This would make the value of the Union Pacific at the rate of S135.190 for every mile of its line. The road , in fact , was selling on the New York and London markets at that price ; yet of the 944 miles of Union Pacific In Nebraska , 467 was assessed at the rate Df $9,800 per mile and the remainder at $3,000 to $3,500 per mile. The main line was assessed at a trifle over 7 per cent of its actual value ( including property and franchises ) while the branch lines , which are a constituent part of the system and covered by the capitalization which is selling at 135,000 per mile in the markets , es cape by paying taxes upon about 2 1-2 3er cent of actual 'value about one- "ortieth. A PECULIAR SITUATION 3alroifls ! of Nebiaska Driven Into Baying- Space in Their Own 1'apers for the Purpose of Discussing th Tax Onestion Last Friday morning the State Jour- lal had on its editorial page a scare- iead article , "Nothing To Hide Ne- > raska RailroadsVill Turn On the Searchlight Tax Matters to lie Drobed Statistics-Compiled to Show [ "rue " State of Affairs Correct Figures 'rove Home Roads Are Xot Escaping taxation , But Paying Full Share. " A areful reading of the . .icle shows it o have been prepared by some lail- oad man ; it sounded much like the iulcet tones of J. H. Ager lobbying tor . stricter game law or against some ailroad Dill. The next day the Stace ournal announced that the article ; as a , paid advertisement ; that tlia ailroads expect to continue the wori : f "educating" the people on this tabc uestiou through the public press , pa - ng regular rates for the piivilege of ULing to the dear people , etc. Now , that's decidedly rich. Has tie State Journal slipped the railroad . sash ? The Independent will be glad r 3 publish the railroad articles free f charge , if manuscript is fuinished ; in plenty of time so that the fi- res may be verified and a reply given 3 each article as it appears. It has ever asked , and does not now ask , lat the railroads shall pay a cent lore than their share of the taxes , it ould much prefer that there was no iich thing as railroad taxes in other ords , that the railroads were public roperty , operated by the government , ad , of course , exempt from taxation , t ! ut until this shall come to pass , icy must in future pay their snare. ; has no patience , however , with any rivel about railroad "philanthropy" nd the great public benefit they are , ad so on , ad lib. No business , un- iss it be absolutely vicious in cnar- iter , can help being a public benefit , clothing store is a public benefit ; at the owner runs it for the private K rofit of himself. A newspaper is a .iblic benefit if it isn't absolutely id but its owner runs it primarily his own benefit. It is the same ir ith a railroad ; the public could hard- ' get along without railroads , and othing stores , and newspapers , and thousand , other things ; but if bein < ; public benefit is the foundation for tl x shirking , and a justification of it , tl : en most of us will escape taxation. tr It shan't cost the railroads of Ne- trdi aska a red cent to tell their story sc readers of The Independent. All we ; k is a chance to reply to what we nnot agree with. If the railroads int their story to be read among lieTi e farmers of Nebraska. The Indepen- Ti nt will guarantee twice the circula- ec ) n of the State Journal and print Is without money and without price. st flr The Fourth District fe n Eric Johnson , editor of the Saun- rs County New Era , writes The In- pendent as follows : "On Board Train , June 10 , 1902.tvi st returning from the meeting of e congressional committee at Sew- d today. The democrats outvoted by one vote , and set the congres- > nal convention for the 23rd inst. at ward. We populists voted for the th inst. The object of the demo- its is to forestall action of the state avention by nominating Stark and n = reby remove him from the candilu cy for governor the populists' ongest and most available candi- . ' 01 te. " ic ; L i3 ! DETECTIVE PHOTOGRAPHY , Has Como Cases in Whicn the Camera to the Aid of Justice. Photography is every year proving of justice its usefulness as a Wend writer in Tit- and enemy of crime. A Bits describes a case of diamond theft in Calcutta , in which no evidenca Vainst the arrested person could be with the found. A policeman familiar artifices of the native criminals sug gested that an X-ray photograph be taken of the man's throat. The test revealed the hidden diamond. By a 'trick which Hindu jewel thieves learn after severe practice , the fellow had "side-swallowed" the stone. A little more than n year ago some evidence that smugglers In Buenos Ayres were receiving geins thrqugh the mails put the authorities on the watch. Postal matter in transit could not be legally opened , but on suspicion sixty- six registered letters and parcels were examined by the X-ray , and found to contain twenty thousand dollars' worth of precious stonds. The dishonest traf- ; fic was stopped , and a large sum was Saved to the customs revenue. A person taking long-distance views from one ofi. the upper windows of a tall building in Rochester , N. Y. , caught the picture of a passing mar ket-wagon with a man behind in the act of lifting a tub of butter from the load. The thief got away with his booty unnoticed by the driver or any one on the street , but the photograph , when sufficiently enlarged , identified : and convicted him. A marine view taken by a passengojj- an a foreign steamer in the harbor of Rio de Janeiro included a small yacht. Two men , Graysou and Linares , had gone out in the yaeht that morning. Only Gray son returned alive. He said his companion had fallen from the mast and been killed ; but his story was not believed , and he was tried and sen tenced as a murderer. The trial had been pretty fully reported in the pa pers , and one day it occurred to the photographer to apply a powerful glass to his picture , in order to discover the- character of a small dark mark on the sail. Under the magnifier the spot on the sail proved to be the figure of a falling man. He reported his discov ery , and as soon as it had been offi cially verified Gray son was released. A similar timely discovery was made after the village tragedy known as "The Cooper Murder. " in Lancashire , England. Cooper , apprentice to Mc- [ venna , a blacksmith , was found dead > ii the floor of the hitter's shop , and the coroner's jury brought in a verdict > f suicide. An amateur photographer ivho had been through the village tak- ng "snap-shots" on the day of Cooper's loath , developed his films , and one of : hem showed the smithy with a par- : ial view of the interior throuirh the > pen door , revealing evidence which laused McKenna's arrest and his final ionfession of the murder. Complaints jire heard against the 'amera ' as a nuisance , and undoubtedly he owners sometimes abuse their privi- pge , but eases multiply in whifh its ise is beneficent , and even its accl- ' lental work proves valuable. Dogs are to be used as river police n the Seine in Paris. Twenty New- oundlands , warranted to save the ap- arently drowning , are allotted to as iany gendarmes , and it is hoped that a consequence the i ite of suicide will ecrease in the French capital. Giraffes in zoological gardens seera 3 be aware of their pecuniary value nd ready to take advantage of It. Fail- ig their natural diet of leaves , which icy strip from the trees with th'eir mg , black prehensile tongues , thev eat uly the finest clover hay. Moreover , icy are lazy , wasteful brutes , spilling e hay on the floor of their paddock nd rarely troubling to recover it. For lis reluctance , however , their prover- ial fastidiousness may be partly re- xmsible. Only an occasional onion , pple or lump of sugar pleases them part from their hay and there is eveW belief tin-it , fond as a giraffe is ol'a hole apple , nothing will induce it to it one from which its keeper first kes a bite. An instance of the possibility of liv- iir under a snowdrift is recorded dur- ? severe storms in England. On Dec a large flock of sheep belonging to a ittle dealer of Garsdale were out on ie open moor. The shepherds with eir dogs collected the sheep and drove em to a more sheltered locality , eading a threatening storm wh , on followed : One sheep , however , caped and made its way back to the isture where it was overtaken by the- avy fall of snow and imbedded "in it iere it remained until the snow melfr , when the shepherds were aston- Hed to find it alive and well. It had ayed under the snow for twenty-two ys. On its release it was found per- ctly able to walk home , a distance of mile and a half , it te curlous to uot& at this same animal had undergone a nllar burial in November " , wnen it is "snpwed up" for ten days. Defense ol Mosquitoes. defender of-the - mosquito savs the- pS f ° f mos ! toes 'never te e ther human blood or that of y Animal not having the opportun . They live upon vegetable juice i decomposing animal and vegetable- itter , found in the localities wber > y are most numerous , and thus per- m a valuable service ' as nature' * .vengers.