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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1902)
I./ / THE DEMO OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHEERY COTTNTY. NEBRASKA VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. r * JUNE 19 , 1902. Prospective Purchasers of the "Acorn Brand" clothing can certainly be congratulated on the sterling worththe style , the tone and fit of these j j garmentsOur untir- ; hig zeal and great purj j chasing power have en- j abled us to place them ij before you this season jjj at prices that will prei > elude any question of our clothing leadership The. Red Front It's not so hard to keep cool When you prepare for the hot weather from our up-to-date wearing apparel. Summer Shirts and Shirt Waists A 60c. TVri - 5 J'ust tlie thins for sweaty . feet. Mens They win cure 'em. The Lightest of Lightweight Underwear D . AND TAILOR CLOTHIER. Now is your time to buy lots in . McDonald's Addition. Prices ranging from $45.00 up. For further informa tion apply to W. E. HALEY FOR RENT 40 Acres good land south of track. Has been broken : : : : : : We are also selling A Line of General Merchandise At Bed Eock Prices at our General Store in Crookston , Nebr. E. MoDOKALP. THEDONOHER J. C , WEBB. Proprietor. Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-Dollar * a-Day JTIE8T-OLAS8 jftOUERN HOTEl In Northwestern Nebraska Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Rooms VALEHTIEE - HEBRASKA § Andersoi ) . & Fischer , -DEALERS IN - IGENERAL HARDWARE ! Agents for the Quickmeal Gasoline Stoves and Ranges. o ° WE SELL THE - O 8 Piano Mower and Hay Rakes | - TTS * - . . 090 090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909 CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAMF IN THEIR SEASON Pirgt-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon Do You Read The Democrat ? "X 99090909090909090909090909009090909090909090909090909 iTALK OF THB TOWN Dr. Lewis has added an X ray machine , one of the largest made to the equipment of his office. A.'G. Shaw has improved the appearance and comfort of his gallery by building an awning in front . Miss Margaret Robinson left for Fremont last Friday , where she intends spending the sum mer in school. Geo. W. Coleman , of Simeon , and Miss Bessie M. Hoffman , of Wood Lake , were married in Val entine , on the llth , by Rev. Hoi sclaw. Mr. Cornell has built , a "sub stantial plank sidewalk from the old to the new court house , which is a great improvement for that part of town. James Skirving returned Mon day night from his trip to the coast. He reports havm a splen did time and certainly looks re freshed. Ainsvvorth Herald. Ainsworth has some mesm peo ple who desecrate tombstones and $10 reward is offered for the capture of the offender. When caught , they should be placed six feet below a cheap stone. Cody people have raised $150 with which to celebrate the glo rious Fourth. They should blow it in for car fare and bring the entire population of that burg to Valentine so they may see the na tion's birthday properly cele brated. V ' GH. . Bake well and family are recent arrivals from Wood Lake , in Cherry county , having driven across the country. He bought a lot in the northeast part of town on which he will build a house and go to work at his trade , carpen tering. Alliance Pioneer Grip. While the people of Valentine were swearing at the zephyr that made the dust ily last Saturday , the Omahogs were hustled about by a wind that upset carriages , blew down buildings and would lave blown some of the wicked ness out of the town had it not been too deeply rooted. Miss May Dwyer , of Cherry county , went to Fremont , Mon day , accompanied by her brother Charley , who returned Tuesday and with Miss Clara Martin left for Cherry county , at which place they were guests at a dance giv en by Alf. Morris Tuesday night , Ainsworth Star-Journal. Vincent Slavik , a prosperous Bohemian farmer near Brainard , couldn't get along peaceably with lis wife , so he settled . he matter by shooting her full of holes and then jumping into a well. He has "gone before" and she is so near the New Jerusalem that she can see the hinges on the pearly gates. Dave Hanna was visiting in Ainsworth last Thursday Dave las the cinch on the nomination for representative in Cherry and Keya Paha counties and that means that he will represent those counties in the legislature this winter and no better selec tion could be made. Ainsworth Star-Journal. Win. Grooms returned with his brother John from Lincoln , f hursda/y nigit. } It is wiih siderafcle gratification to the friends of Mr. Grooms to learn of his return and the gratitude of William and his brothers , sis ters and aged mother is more deeply felt than words can ex press for the kindly assistance gwen by neighbors and friends for hijsi release. Bud Gaskill , from up the river , in town Monday with a load of hogs which brought 6 . It begins to look as though Schwaberow had no intention of returning to his old boarding place at the Hotel Layport. Francis McDermott , living one mile east of Crookston , spent last Friday evening with his friend , Will Kelly , and started home af ter the rain. He got about half way there when he was thrown from Ms horse and from that time until 8 o'clock Saturday morning , when he was found by Mr. Crtvanaugh and taken home , his mind is a blank. Dr. Furay was summoned and found that the injuries consisted of a brok en nose and right wrist , lip cut and face scratched , evidently from being dragged by his horse , which was found near by. * Much information has been placed before our readers during the past four weeks concerning the Millard , the leading hotel of Omaha , the great improvements that have b'een made through re modeling , renovating and refurn ishing throughout ; its central lo cation , first-class cuisine , high grade service , and the fact that our townspeople can stop at this first-class Omaha hotel as low as $2 per day on the American plan and $1 on the European plan- There , is still much more to be said concerning the hotel and its management that our readers are certain to be interested in. It is. a part of what is known as the Markel hotel system , and very few people of this state know of its vast extent. It comprises the Millard , in Omaha , the Lincoln , o at Lincoln , and all the hotels and o eating houses from the Transfer eating house at Council Bluffs and the Union depot at Omaha , along the Union Pacific railway to Ogden and Salt Lake , Utah ; and from Granger , along the Oregon Short Line to Huntington , Ore gon , and thence on to the Union depot at Portland , Oregon. And that is not all of it. The System through another chain of hotels and eating houses , extends south ward from Kansas City , Missou ri , along the Kansas City South ern railway to Port Arthur , Tex C2 as. Thus the name of J. E. Mar ai kel , the head of this great hotel system , is indellibly impressed upon trans-continental travel from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean and upon another c line of travel from Kansas City to the Gulf of Mexico. Nearly three thousand people are on Mr. Markel's pay roll. One item alone , out of very many , will give an idea of the vast expense con nected with the supply depart ment of the Markel hotel system. During the year 1901 , more than one hundred and fifty thousand dollars was expended for fresh meat beef , pork and mutton o only. That explains why every f one who stops at the Millard or the Lincoln , or any other of the Markel hotels or eating houses , speaks so highly of the fine cuts of fresh meat that are without exception served to them. It is always the best that can be had in the market. MPi Markel will havenQthing ] $ $ & than that served at his tables. The next time our readers visit Omaha they should stop at the Millard or if in Lin coln they should stop at the Lin coln , the only first-class hotel in that city , and most conveniently located opposite the railway de pots and the postofiice. The rate at the Lincoln is also as low as $2 per day on the Amerjc plan. Summer Goods The water in the mill dam is just ri ht. Don't you want a bathing suit ? We have them f * II , , What about uramer underwear ? rr Vllinillftr llnnOrUinflr MeuX "omen'a mines' cKUd-Of o um ni 8i uiioerwBar * - rthcm * pricc > _ - t f Our sun umbrellas are the beat for the Sun Umbrellas money in the city. ' nice and-cool and ladies' fancy Ladies' Low Slides R R hose to co with them. \ Come in and see our linen dress goods with Dress Goods applique trimming to match , ! Japanese Matting for the floor. Cool and clean. R A full stock of General Merchandise , R - , _ 8 DAVENPORT & THACHER WE CARRY A COMPBLTE LINE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AND Groceries MAX E. VIERTEL NEBRASKA CKOOKSJQN Just Received , a \ o Car of Sack Salt ! W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise , s 90909090909090909090909090909090909090909090990909 RINGS AND RINGS. I 'ou can have them plain or with sets , elaborately irved or no carving at all. Bring your finger id let us fit it up for you : : : : : : > . W , Morey , The Old Reliable Jeweler. )9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o Our stock is now complete and consists of MlilO The Ecll"PBe Fairbanks-Morse Galvanized o Steel , and Wind Motors e o Our display of Buggies is the Largest and S Finest ever brought to Cherry County John Deere riding and walking Listers , John Deere riding ind walking o and walking Cultivators and sledges. Stirring and Breaking Plows. : o Moline and Banner Wagonso , McCormick Mowers and Bakes ! o Dane Sweeps Superior Stackers I _ o 9 Our stock of Lumber and Builders' Materials is the largest and most complete ever carried here. Come and examine go our stock and let us give you our prices. LUDWIG LUMBER YARD | 0909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909 GET AT s PRINTING YOUR OFFICE * Ga SatUfj You to QuiUtv Price 4