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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1902)
r E VALENTINE THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , JUNE 12 , 1902. NUMBER 21 w Prospective ftft ftft Purchasers ftft ftft ft of the "Acorn Brand" clothing can certainly be congratulated on the sterling worththe style , the tone and fit of these garments. Our untir ing zeal and great pur chasing power have en abled us to place them before you this season jj at prices that will proif elude any question of ? ? our clothing leadership ft The Red Front 0 It's not so hard to keep cool When you prepare for tlie hot weather from our up-to-date wearing apparel. Summer Shirts and Shirt Waists A 60o. " \/T * * .1 TT i 41 1 4.3 Just the thine for sweaty . feet. Men's ventilated They wm cure 'em. The Lightest of Lightweight Underwear D. STINARD. ANDCLOTHIEK. . * 11-- * - " * " " * - * - - - * - v L f f fm r B-XT Thr-- 11iCnT - - - i Now is your time to buy lots in g McDonald's Addition. Prices ranging from $45.00 up. For further informa tion apply to W. E. HALEY Talentilie FOE , BENT 40 Acres good land south of track. Has been broken : : : : : : We are also selling A Line of General Merchandise At Bed Bock Prices at 'our General Store in Crookston , Nebr. E. MCDONALD. THEPQNQHER J , , WEBB. Proprietor , IB the Bost Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-Dollars a-Day jfTBST-OLASS MODERN HOTEL In Northwestern Nebraska Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Rooms tfALEHTIEE - NEBRASKA Anti-rust Tinware g Gasoline Stoves § O 0 o Self-Generating Gasoline Banges Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stoves g o Garden Seeds that Will Grow o Billet ; , Cane and gaffif Cprn. ANDERSON & FISCHER , , . r 90909090909090909090909090 90909090909090909090909090 CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND CAMf IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon You Head The Democrat ? TALK OF THE TOWN Cody will celebrate the glorious Fourth. Cooling drinks are becoming very popular. D. A. Hancock had business in Omaha last week. F. H. Baumgartel was down from Crookston , Monday. Peter Wantz and Alf Morris of Wood Lake were in town last week. Mat Hoffman is moving into the Borman property on Cherry Street. Miss Orah Britton went out to her claim near Arabia , Monday morning. A. J. Folks and daughter , Miss Maud , drove down from Crooks- ton , Tuesday. J. E. Pettycrew of the north table was in town on business last Saturday. The Sparks flew Monday but they were not fly enough and Valentine won. W. A. Wilson was down from Georgia to attend the funeral of Hon. John Shores. The Bridges instruction in vo cal music is good. They have our recommendation. The Salvation Army bands make a horrible imitation of mu sic but there are things that are worse. For security in keeping pris oners , the Cherry county jail is about as secure as a summer kitchen. Our devil is of the opinion that base ball poetry is becoming ep idemic and the poets should be quarantined. C. A. Manning , the Wood Lake druggist , WHS in town Tuesday and was a welcome caller at these headquarters. Master Cloyd Quigley , who is working for his father on the re servation , spent Saturday and Sunday in Valentine. A four-foot fence has been built around the rear of the court house. It may serve to keep the prisoners in the Afftrmernear Eustis nearly killed himself the other day while killing cats. He got off , easy , though ; only lost one eye. Geo. A. Johnson , of Crookston , was in town last Saturday and dropped a § in the slo and will get this household gem until 1903. . Monday night would have been had time for the fire alarm to have sounded , as there was less than two feet of water in the tank early in the evening. Charlie Breuklander has re signed his position with Quigley & Chapman. Jay Morey. wifl nq\ t e gqdft fqantain a.n.d stu.3y the.cfciig business. Mrs. W. A. Pettycrew and daughter left Valentine last Sat urday morning for the east where they will spend the vacat ion visiting friends and relatives. D. B. Sherman and wife start ed Thursday evening | or. , $ r- qf health. Mi ? § Sara Thaorey will assist with the postoffice during his absence. The fact that "a rich man can not enter heaven" don't appear to stop very many people in the. scramble for wealth. Bey. T. Ije ttTalm ft died wit li § 300- , " GOO to his "credit , Wonder if he what tte On the 7th , Judge Towne is sued a marriage license to Sam uel J. Bfeth , and Miss Hannah M. Pederson , both of Valentine , and then tied the knot that made them one. Frank Brayton is limping around tovvn with some rheuma tism concealed about his person. He threatens to go to Hot Springs as soon as he can get away from his business , and get rid of it. The great American eagle has been corraled for use in Valen tine on the Fourth and wo will have a celebration that will out do eyerything in this neck of the woods. Put Valentine on your visiting list on that date and you had better come the day before so you won't miss any of the fun. * One of the most disappointed individuals on earth is the one who becomes disgruntled at something that appears in the columns of the paper and at onco proceeds to "stop the paper" and then anxiously waits for the aforesaid paper to starve to death without his munificent patron * age of eight and one-third cents per month , Arthur Heath , living ten miles south of Cody on a ranch , camo doWn Monday morning to trans act business with our Valentino people. Mr. Heath didn 't forge t to call at headquarters and reg ister. We are glad to have our friends call on us from the coun try and surrounding towns and we wish you to make our office your headquarters while in town. The Y. WC. . T. U. observed Flower Mission day , Sunday , June 8th , by rendering an ap propriate program in the M. E. Church in the afternoon and dis tributing bouquets tied with a knot of white ribbon and scrip ture text cards attached , among the sick and shut-ins of the town. The trains were also visited by a commitee of the Y's and the train men presented with but ton-hole bouquets tied in. the same way. The Bridges , who spent the last week in our city instructing a class in vocal music , gave a con cert and class drill Friday even ing which was attended by our best people and found to be high ly entertaining , instructive , and was appreciated. If Bridges Bros , come again to our city they will find a royal welcome and a larger class waiting for their in struction. They are to be coni- mejideci taal ) communities where good singing is appreciated. jThe Western League 1902 pen- ant race is well under way. All of the clubs in the league when visiting Omaha will stop at the Millard hotel , which wiU be base ball headcj uartor-s for the season. JVanftger [ B , E , MoEabben , of the St , Joseph , Moj club , stopped at the Millard with his players dur ing the exhibition games , on the suggestion of Manager Rourke , of the Omaha club. In a letter to James H. Manning , manager of the Kansas City club , he said : "We are all so well pleasgcl with our treatment here that I have clqsgdi a eemtraet with the Millard fgrthe eutU'Q season of 1902. Ev erything promised to us by Mr. Rourke and in the hotel corres pondence has been amply fulfilled and faithfully carried out. " T\\ $ rates at the Millard & &s jovr as § 2 per da 'o $ # ib American plan an 3 $ i and up , European plan. The Lincoln , the only first-class hQtel in , Lincoln , opposite depots , offers a rate of $2 per day to its patrons * 1 Summer Goods Vf . g ' The water in the mill dam is just right. Don't you 49 49 want a bathing suit ? We have them : : : : : 49 49 What about summer underwear ? 49 j Men's. Nvomeri's misses' chid- ) 49 nren's. . We have them at prices wa 49 that are ri ut 49 59 Our sun umbrellas are the best for the iSiinOniijrel | s | money in the city. 49 49 491 AfJinft' nice and cool and ladies' fancy ofc iaO8S ! hose to go with them. 08 * 49 49 59 Come in and see our linen dress goods with 49 Ores ; applique trimming to match , 49 ft 49 S Japanese Matting for the floor. Cool and clean. J ? T i 05 * 5 A full stock of General Merchandise. > 49 DAVENPORT & THACHER I A COMPBLTE LINE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AISTD Groceries B. VIERTEL CKOOKSTON . XE13II ASK A § Just Received , a Io I O I Car of Sack Salt. Io I o o e G o o | W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise , g o o 909090 090 090909090909090 09090909090909090909090909 RINGS AND RINGS. You can have them plain or w sets elaborately carved or no carving at a - J3ring your linger and let us fit it up for you : : : : : : O , W , Morey , The Old Reliable Jeweler. o Our stock is now complete and consists of o The Eclipse , Fairbanks-Morse C4alvaiiized 9m Steel , and Wind Motors : : : : : : 9o o o Our display of Buggies is the Largest and ? . Finest ever brought- Ohefry County * O o C John Deere ridiug and walking Listers , John jJeere riding and walking o and walking Cultivators and sledges. Stirring and Breaking Plows. * Moline and Banner Wagons so iMoGormick Mowers and Bakes I o o I Dane Sweeps Superior Stackers § * e o o 6 Our stock of Lumber and Builders' Materials is the largest and o o o o most complete ever carried here. Come and examine 9o our stoc-.k and let us give you our prices. o 1 LTJBWXG LUMBER YARD f , o o 9090909090809090909090909090909090909090909090909090 GET PPTTVPTTTVrO AT THIS YOUR rJKiiN A ilNvj OFFICE * Qan Satisfy You in Qualitv Price an4 Workoaaship