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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1902)
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M RICE EDITOR 1 $1.OO fw Tear in Advance PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at the Post-office at Valentine , Cherry eounty. Nebraika. as Second-class matter. STATS OFFICERS EZUA.P. SAVAOE , Governor. C. F. STEELK. Lieut. Governor. GEO. W. MAKSH. Secretary of State. CHAB. WESTOK , Auditor Pub , Accra. WM. STEUFEB. Treasurer. FRANK N. PKOUT , Atty. General. GEOEOK FOWLER , Com , Tub. Lands and Bldj ? . f LEE HABDMAN , Librarian. U. S. SENATORS JOSKI'II II. MlLLAHD. CilAS. H. DlETltlCH. CONGRESSMEN ELMEU J. BORKETT. Rep. 1st Dist. DAVID H. MEIICEK , Rep. 2nd Dist. JOHN J. ROBINSON.FUS. 3rd Dist. , War. L. STAUK , Fus. 4th Dist. A. C. SHALLENIIEKGER. Fus.Otb Dist , WM. NEVILLE , Fus. cthDIst , COUNTY OFFICERS W. C. SHATTUCK , Treasurer. C. S. REECE , Clerk. W. R. TOWN E , Judge. L. N. LATPORT , Sheriff. A. M. MOBKISSEV , Attorney. ETTA Buowx , Superintendent. LEROV LEAcrr , Surveyor. ALVBED LEWIS. Coroner. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS W. E. HALBV , 1st Dist. ALEX BURB. 2nd Dist. L. LAUKER , 3rd Dist. Charles H. Faulhaber Brownl e Breeder of Rect'st'd Hereiords. o Hyara , No. 74,538 , at head of herd. Young bulls from 6 to 18 months old for sale. HENKY AUGUSTON Blacksmith. Brown lee , Nebr. Does general blacksmithin'gathard times prices for cash. PAT HETT Valentine , Nebr. Good , Hard Rock for sale iii any quantity. H.M. CRAMER , City Deliveryman. Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and from , the depot and all parts of the City. 12. W. A. KIMBELL Barber First class and up-to-date. Neat and attractive , every custom er has a clean towel. Valen tine State .Bank Building , LEKOY LEACH County Surveyor Valentine or Woodlake GENERAL WOBK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN PORATH Biege , Hefor- Tubular wells and Eclipse wind mills. Wells guaranteed five years. A. M. MOKKISSEY Attorney at Law Valentine , Jfcbr. A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Store. Nights The Donoher. F. M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY ABSTRACTER Valentine , ATebr. Tractlccs In District Court and U. S. Land Office. Keal Estate and Kanen Property bought and sold. Bonded Absiracler. KANGAROO RESTAURANT MEALS AT ALL HOURS 25 CENTS FRESH OYSTERS SERVED IN ANY STYLE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT MRS R. A. MAfthAU * FRED HULL ' 'S A * ' A good lookingap -js bone and poor look4 / * Ing harness IB the . = wont kind or a com- * > : > blnatlon. , ' Eureka Harness not only makes tho harness and thj 'I'l ' home look better , but makes tn , leather eofl and pliable , puts It in con. | i dition to last twice as lonf oa it ordinarily would. , I'.l. 8o4 rerr htre in eaai U1 Mlfi. 1M - M d by i " ' vuf STANDARD / ] aSaiULv OILCQ , - I Bn. % Give Your Horse & Chancel Located on Cherry St. 2nd door south of Smyser's livery , furnishes excellent board and lodging. Meals same old price 25 cents. A hearty welcome to all. MRS. M.HARRIS MILL PRICES FOR FEED * Bran , bulk. . . .1.50 per cwt 120.00 ton Shorts bulk . . .1.15 per cwt $22.00 ton Screenings 40c " $7.00 " Chop Feed . . . .1.25 " $24.00 " Corn 1.05 " $20.00" Chop corn 1.10 " $21.00" Oats 1.50 " $29.00" ETTA BROWN SUPT , PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of each month and Friday preceding. VALENTINE NEBRASKA Bulls For Sale 10 Eegistdred Herefords , 2 high grade Herefords , 1 high grade Short horn. 1 to 3 years old. jun29 II. S. SAVAGE , Simeon , Neb. Drs. Harry and Minnie Curry , the eye and ear specialists , who were so successful on their last visit will make another here at the Valentine house on Monday , June 9th. They are known to be reliable , I , A. M. Morrlssey , Villatrc Clerk of the Vil lage of Valentine , hereby certify that at a regu lar meeting of the board of trustees of baid vil lage , held on 7th day of May , 1902' the following estimate of the expenses of said village for the fiscal year , 1002 was duly made , to-wit : Repairs on water system S 500 00 Incidentals , establishing grade , etc 350 00 Salary of officer * 410 00 Lighting i 30000 Interest and sinking fund 501 00 Pumping ivater 1200 00 Total srao oo In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said village this 13th day of May , 1003 , A.M. MOKBISSEY. is4 Village Clerk. Htray Notice This is to certify that I have this day taken up at my place three miles south of Simeon , Kefor. , one red aud white spotted cow and rea roan caU. Cow has slit in left ear. Early win ter calf. Dared May 16 , 1903. A. CARR. Application for Druggist's Permit. Notice is hereby given to nil whom it may con cern that at the meeting of tho board of county commissioners of Cherry County , Neb- fttk&j on June 10th , 1902 , C. A. Manning will make appfc itiou to said board for a permit to sell liquors &rnediciaal , mechanical and chemical purposes , 10 the yJJJage ol Wood Lake , Nebraska , and that his petition bag b en duly filed with the County Clerk of said County , 3 r cording to law. at Wood Lake , Nebraska , May 21 , 1902. C , A , MANXING , Applicant. police. Taken up at my place , & lutes ast of Valen tine , on line of military reserve , c e small , red Jersey heifer with calf by her side. CoWbeiy th j. No brand visible. Owner can have same by os ? lag charges , H. A. H ARIIINGTON , 165 Valentine , Nebr. Estray Taken up at my place neat Tbacher , tme black steer three years old , without hOFflfi , a little white on belly : Swallow fork ift flight ear and branded with bar diagonally 003SS right leg below hip joint. Has beeo to ® y herd over one year. Also one red eto" , A' < $7 haired , white face , no horns , probably y&irs old , branded MM on right hip. Has been to # > y B3 herd about three months. 19-5 J , 1 $ . TUACKREY. . The Secretary's The new seecetair of the navy is re ported to have e-spr&sM surprise at the large number of naval flffiqera who are occuying pleasant aed by po means onerous assignments at Washington n4 to have intimated that he will sliGtiJ ? find occpation for them at sea. The seei'fciafjrjliould be careful. He does not appear w &grp grasped the fact that the naval offie6r.sip < $ re the politi ? aj Strength of our ocean dsua - ers. Has Jiofc Crowinshield. after a long term .of sfrcfrfag close to his desk , been sent to Englau.d .as &Q choicest flower of oar fj * pl heroism ? $ qt/ / # > suppose that cs&stul naval strategist ! has left his base undofen etf and that the social and private puljs wJ fltflt bp set to work when lie disturbs the ex isting arrangements ? Mr. Moody will find his peace of mind very much enchanced if he abandons the rash object ofoverturn - Ing the pleaeant social duties of the naval clique. PiUsbarg Pispatch. F. E.&M. V.B.R. TIME TABLE WEST BOUND No. 27 Frt. Daily 233 P. M. No. 25 " except Sunday 9:40 A. M No. 3 Passenger Daily 12:43A. M. EAST BOUND No. 28 Frt. Daily G:50 A. M. No , 20 " except Sunday 5:00 P. M. NO. 4 Passenger Daily 4:47 A. M. McCann Items Cattle are doing nice for this time of the year. ( T. Hendershot was at the county seat for a day or two. What we need is a good soaking rain. Jt would do a lot of good. KELIABLE. Down the River. John Grooms went to Valentine one day last week. Mr. Taylor and son Alfred went to town one day last week. M'bs Ethel Graddy is visiting her sister , Mrs , Dave Archer. Mrs. A. Haley and children spent Sunday with John S Grooms. Mr. Sourwme has added a sod addi tion to his residence this spring. Mrs. Geo. Bristol was ill a few days last week but is better at present. H. Dodson is farming the Emery better known as Windy's place this year. year.Mr. Mr. Whillans opened his store at Sparks , Saturday. He treated all the children to candy and nuts. The blackleg is getting around in the neighborhood again and people are vac cinating all the young stock. YOUNGSTER. Kennedy. Harry Burnham was a .Kennedy .vis itor the first of the week. J. H. Bachelor made a trip to Valen tine the first of last week. x W. Stead man made a business trip to Omaha the first of the week. The Erickson Cattle Co. are hauling supplies out to their ranch this week. James Wallingford , of Chesterfield , was a Kennedy caller a couple of days last week. Miss Clara Dunham is home again after teaching a sis months' term of school near Cody. H. A. Burnham , from Snake river , was taking in the sights of Kennedy the first of the week. Some of the Kennedy people went down to De ey lake last week for fish , with fairly good success. Art. Tennis was taking in the sights of Kennedy one day last week Art. seems to be as happy as ever. Dave McKee seeniP to be a frequent visitor at Simeon lately. He is hunt ing horses and always goes in that di rection to look for them. BROKEN-ARM. Interesting Find in Ireland A remarkable discovery has been made in County Majo , Ireland , where a wooden boat , believed to be nearly 2,000 years old , has been dug up by spnie Jaborers. The boat is beautifully carved from thp trunk of an oak" tree. It is forty eix feet Jong and shows absolutely no signs of decay. The wood was so hard that hatchets made scarcely any impression on it. Excursifl 3 are now being organized to view this relic pfCeltic / handicraft , which will shortly b.e taken tQ theDub- museum. Mange and fie 0n Bulletin No. 74 of the Nebraska E.x = r periment Station treats on "Mange in Cattle and Horses and Lice on Hogs. " Jt gives the history of cattle mange in the sia * , ivith illustrations of affected * % * cattle and the * A.i } pausing the dis ease. The bulletin describes"nusu ply the symptoms found in herds affected wtjbi mange , quoting also a number of author ftrfaft r$7 < e observed animals af fected in this ( country p jn Europe. The treatment is describ.e.d # Jb length , giyiftg $ , e methods that were , first used , when $ j $ , dfS ae djd not ' extend over sih a large ar a , whjph'Hfcu&Uy on- slsteci of hand applications pf .d&nfec- tants. It also describes some of the popular remedies thatVCG u5 ( } at that tune , and gives the most modern way of treating the disease , namely , by the co astion of dipping tanks and the use of vano ti $ tys > The bulletin gives the results o'rcffppin , yiphcoal ar preparations , which have been used xw , . jSf $ factory results on over 7,000 head .of Battle aapjjrere badly affected withflaange , JFaityqes _ aJJ ' fbgrongh dinging are explained as bejbag due either to $ glujfcipn not having been sufficiently strong op .tp r jnfftctjion after treatment. The bulletin , also states some of the advantages to be derived from dipping. The author thinks that liberal use af dips will materialy aid in lessening the loss from abortion believing that a large percentage of the abortions occurring among cattle on the range are due to a weakened condition resulting from mange. He believes also that a large percentage of the calves that die very young from what is com monly known as "calf cholera" do so owing to the fact that they are born weak and are therefore more suscepti ble to disease. The bulletin gives de scription of cattle and pig dipping tanks , together with plates showing construction ; also illustrations showing the process of dipping , etc. Memorial Services. Col. W. W. Thompson took charge of Memorial services last Friday anc had a good crowd to go down to the post in the forenoon to decorate the graves at that place. Services were held at the cemetery. Kev. Scama- horn came down from Gordon to assist with the services and helped to make the ceremonies the most impressive that haye heretofore been held here. We are thankful to Capt. Dalton foi the courtisies shown us in sending the teams to convey our people to the cem etery. At 1.30 p.m. , the Fort teams again met us at the M. E , Church anc large numbers of people went out to Mount Hope Cemetery there to decor ate graves and hold services. At 7.30 p. m. . the church being nice ly decorated for the occasion , with stacked guns and the pulpit to repre sent the camp in the evenings , the win dows hung with curtains of red , white , and blue and other decorations profuse , services were begun with a song by the choir. The old time songs as they used to sing them were sung and were apprec iated by all the old timers who hac heard them sung near 40 years ago Miss Myrtle Pettijohn then delivered a recitation. Judge Walcott enter tained the audience for awhile and then that great good man , Rev. Scama- horn , was called and made an impress ive , thoughtful talk on the soldier , the early times and the present time. Mr. Scamahorn tells that he is living in the present time and that there is enough now to interest us. The war is over the Union sav d and we meet once a year to drop a tear and a flower over the graves of the departed and decorate alike the blue and the grey. The services were impressive and many felt that it was the more so as each year marks ono or two less of the old boys who wore the blue. Democratic Congressional Convention. A delegate convention of the Demo- ciatic party of the Sixth Congression al District of the state of Nebraska , i hereby called to meet at city of Kear ney , Buffalo couuty , on Wednesday , July 9th , 1902 , at 3 o'clock , p. m. , for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate lor member of Congress , to be voted upon at the next general elec tion to be held Nov. 4th , 1902 , to repre sent the sixth congressional district of Nebraska , and to * ransapt stjeh other business as may come properly before convention. The representation of the several counties in the convention will be based upon the vote for Hon , Oldham in 1000 for attorney general , one dele gate being allowed for enph pne hupd- red votes or major fraction thereof and one at large from each county , which entitles the several counties to repre sentation ag follows ; Cherry county is entitled to eight delegates. It is recommended that no proxies be admitted to the convention and that the delegates present cast the full vote of their respective counties. E , H. MpEyoy , Chairman. W. 1 $ . McSjssj. , Secretary. Congressional Con vention A delegate convention of the Peop le's Independent Party of the Sixth Congressional District of the state of Nebraska is called to meet at Kearney. Bujffa o ftqanty on Wednesday. July 9th , 1902'at 3 p-'clpck p. p , , for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for member of Congress to be voted for at the next geperal elect ion o be hejd Xp . 4th , 18,02 tp repre sent the sixtfi Cppgr.essipnal Dj trip't pf Nebraska , and tp transac sucji pfher business as may properly ppme before the ejqnyenfign. The representation of tjp } several cour = ties in contention wjjj he based ppon the vote cast for Hon. Wia , Keville in the Congressional election of 1900 , one delegate being allowed for each one hundred votes .or major fraction there of , an one delegate at large from each county , entitles the soveral counties to : " . 'l ; I.'S 'I } . * ( ' ' < . representation as follows : Cherry'county is' entitled to seven J . i r i - 'i delegates. It' s recominended ' that no prqxies be ajlp\ved b'u/j / tlje delegates present past the full YQte gf thfijp respeptjye counties , A , F. PARSONsChairman , , HOD C. SMITH , Secretary : , An Engineering Feat. The engineers of the Pennsylvania railroad have cause to congratulate themselves over their success in mov ing a bridge nearly 1,000 feet long , in cluding a heavy draw , over the Rari- tan at New Brunswick , N. J. , without interupting the regular train service of the road. They moved the bridge to new piers fifteen feet from the old ones in just one minute and forty-three sec onds. The work was begun immediately after a train passed. En eight and one half minutes the track was ready for use. In six minutes more a freight train came along on its regular schedule and was allowed to pass without de lay. . Lihcoln Journal. Two Years in the Peniten tiary. At Chicago , E. Louis Smith , who ran establishments for making bogus postal cards that was the largest rival to the government printing office ever discovered , and who put millions of counterfeit cards on the market was sentenced to two years in the penitenti ary. The law permits a penalty of twenty years , but clemency was recommended by' the postoflice department. Aeronaut Nearly Drowned Aeronaut Windlinger , of Hartington , had a narrow escape from drowning in the Big Sioux river near Sioux City , Iowa , Sunday afternoon , after an as cension at Biverside park. The wind was high and carried the ship into the middle of the stream , where he fell ten feet into the water with a splash that filled his mouth and lungs. He called lustily for help and two boats started in his diiection but when near the drowning man they turned and left him to his fate. John Seeley and Ar thur Meade. two fishermen shoved their boat into the water and rescued him at the last moment. He was nearly dead and was unconscious for several hours after the accident. Business Notices. Notices under this heading 5 cents per line each insertion. Among reading matter , 10 cents per line each insertion. Full and complete line of candies at Bohle's. Omaha painless dentist June 16th and 17th. 20-2 Fine stock of cigars always carried at Bohle's. Buy your bread , cakes and pies at Bohle's. Fresh every day. Dr. Withers , Omaha painless dentist , at Donoher hotel June 16th and 17th. 20-2 All kinds of heavy hardware and wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf Highest market price paid for Chickens , Game and Fish at the Don oher. 9 tf A 10x12 letter press , good as new and a large lawn mower for sale. Inquire at this office. 16 For up-to'date dental work at Omaha prices see Dr. Withers , who does first- class dental work. g2 years exper ience. 20-2 I want 200 or 800 black mul- ey cows and calves. "Address , giving full description and price , 20-4 F. W. JERSIG , Valentine. you will have to hurry if you want to wjn the big prise on 3-Star Coffee. A 30c value for 20c a pound. For sale by all merchants. 20-4 FOR SALE : Several fine Game Cocks. These birds are finely bred and are of good weight and color. Inquire ot Hospital Steward , Ft. Niobrara Nebr. 11 tf Calcinio. Don't crack or peel off and is mixed in cold water. 12 CHRISTENSEN'S Wallpaper. At from oc per roll and up at , 12 CHRJSTENSENS. Climax Bnggy Paint. Will brighten up your buggy and will last. 12 CHRISTENSEN'S Paint Your Honse. l With Heath & Milligan's prepared paint. Best in the market at , ' ' 12 " CJIRISTENSEN'S. Satsnma Enamel , Will paipt up your old furniture and | } ric--brac | n brilliant and lasting CHRJSTENSEN'S. RanpU for Sale or Lease ! ! 16 quarter sections , good range , hay water and timber. Will run 300 head of stockFor information address , box no. Ia4 , Gordon Nebror I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr. 42-tf [ Estray Notice ) Taken up at my place 12 miles east of Valentine , on the Niobrara river , May 19 , one iron-gray stallion 4 years bid'No visible marks or brands. Is ( ' lame iti' "ifc-51 . Vr "l WM. J. ALLEX. t 7 > i i > peingorat OHJob Job Work , 1 n . , . - --Jt" I 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. a Bketch anddescription nisy nnlcBrascertain our opinion free whether an & & SS S S SS S& " & 5S ffin * Sft W T. tptclnl notice , without chnr c. la tho Scientific jftterican. ' illustrated weekly. I-nreest cir- MUNN & Co.361Broadway' New York Branch Office. C23 F 8U Washington. D. U The Democrat FOR Job Work SWEENEY BROS Postofflce address Pullman , Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed See block Range Steve and Stephenoon Lakes and South S300 reward will be paid to any person for in. formation leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with the above brand. DS00B * a * i D. A. Hancock Blackburn , Mo. or Simeon , Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as on cut ; also 16 on left side with on left hip of some cattle ; also 818 on right side. Horse brand , rake and 18 on left shoulder or hip Home ranch on Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east of Fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska. DAWSON & BALL Postofflce address Chesterfield. Cattle i branded on leftside as on cut ; also V lelt neck andZ left hip : some V left neck , v left shoulder and Z left bin ; h orses VZ left hip. Range Snake River.81,32.33. PS ROUSCHE Postoffice address Brownlee , Neb , On left side or any I part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut oil' ; horses branded- I same on left hip. Also has stock branded H ion side or shoulder , lor'JKorWorO.'Vl ' , lorO or Jb'Z. 'Also the-following , the first one being on side and hip M. P. HALEY'S ' HOME MADE LINIMENT. This is a Spanish Herb Liniment. , Cures Rheumatism , Swellings , Sprains , Bruises , Aches and Pains. Cures numbness in the limbs , restores muscles to healthy and vigorous ac tivity. It is the great remedy for Paralysis , Lame Bi ck and Lumbago , NOTICE : This Liniment has been tested and proved to be a cure for the above described aliments. M. P. HALEY , VALENTINE , NEB. Directions for using : Shake well and turn the mouth of the bottle onto a sponge or flannel cloth and apply upon the soreness or afflicted parts. Do not apply upon cuts or ppen sores. SJiake. " the bottle wel before" SEQUAH (3267) ) Dark brown , Foaled Nov. 24th , LSS9. Sire "Nimrod" (10GG ( ) , by fOoraet" (151) ( ) , by "Eclipse" (191) ( ) iy "St. Giles5' ( CS7)by "Wildfire" 8GT ) . Seqnah's dam 289 Lady- ird F. S. Yol. 7 by Eestless T. B. Seqnali's G. dam by Larrywheat T. J3. ) Kptice later or Avhere > ' , he .to will , .t stand for season of 1902. J. W. STETTER. Owner. WELCH Mgr , , I "M < v J V f