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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1902)
' * J . . , f , .tf * - W c" ' ' jn * " . J.l % . * . Sf * ; .j ; VALENTINE -/A THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA iS ! VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. MAY 29 , 1902. NTTMBEK 1'9 MILITARY-SACK Every Dollar ft * You Spend * & * * for clothing this Spring outside of this store is honestly from 20 to 40 per cent wasted and i > our values will prove it. 2 If you respect your time fa and money } Tou will at ? ? once acquaint yourself fa with our superior val- ° * ucs for the Spring and fa Summer of 1902 : : : fo v- # The- Red Front We're Too Busy Waiting On our customers this week to write an advertisement Summer Shirts Ties The Latest Just in Style Light Weight The Newest Light Weight Pants and Suits with Shoes to Match 'Em. { Experienced Tailors TAILOK AND CLOTHIEE. I ? f4 | Now is your time to buy lots in McDonald's Addition. Prices ranging . from $45.00 up. For further informa- tion apply to W. E. HALEY FOR BENT 40 Acres good land south of track. Has been' broken : i We are also selling A Line of General Merchandise > At Bed Rock Prices at our General Store in ? i Crookston , Nebr. E. MCDONALD. i S SKKE3SE2SS : S2KE ESSaSR : THEDONOHER J , C , WJEBI5. Proprietor. Is the Bast Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-Dollars a-Day jfTRST-nLASS MODERN HOTEL In Northwestern Nebraska Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Kooins . tfALEHTIEE - NEBRASKA | Anti-rust Tinware | § Gasoline Stoves * o Self-Generating Gasoline Banges Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stoves o oo Garden Seeds that Will Grow ' o oI Millet , Cane and Kaffir Corn f I ANDERSON & FISCHER , oe G &G23.2 ? < a.l IVEeiroXiftiats , , o \ o oft ft CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAMF IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon Do You Read The Democrat ? . * . - > oftoftoftoftoftoftoftoftoftoftoftoftoftoftbftoftoftoftofto toftoftoftoftoftofto * TALK OF THE TOWN M. J. Jordon of Arabia is in town this week. D. A. Hancock was in Omaha the first of the week. Judge Towne reports a lull in the marriage license business. Geo W. Beamer called on us while attending court this week as a juror. . .Joseph P. Krejcik was arnon the Arabia visitors to Valentine this week. Wm. Heelanj a young stockman of Arabia is attending court this"week as a juror. Jas. H. Day , of Wood Lake , was in town yesterday and called at these headquarters. Oom Paul Kruger has not lived in vain. A saloon in O'Neill has been named after him , Ira Johnson , of Gordon , was in town Tuesday and was a welcome caller at these headquarters. The business men of Valentine re port this the-dullest court week in the history of the town. Master Harold Dnnn went up to Cody Wednesday morning to see his father who is working there. Floyd Pettycrew is assisting us with typographical work in this office dur ing the past two weeks. Miss Cora Waiters , of the Valen tine bank force , is spending a couple of weeks at her home in Grand Isl and. Miss Alice Cronin , a sister of the editor of the O'Neill Frontier , was buried last week. This paper extends its sympathy. Dr. T. F. Campbell , of Cody , was in our town yesterday and did the prop i er thing by ordering this paper sent to his address until 11)03. ) Through an oversight we neglected to report a bouncing ten pound baby bov born to Rev. J. A. MacLean and wife on Friday evening May 16 , 1902. The Newport Eagle wants its ex changes to notice that that town wants a lunch counter , a bakery and a washerwoman and wants them bad ly- A tornado made the people of the vicinity of Scribner and Hooper hunt their holes last Saturday. Several barns and orchards suffered from the wind but no one was hurt. Clarence Sagessei came up to Val entine with his brother of Newport ast week and is shaking hands with old friends. His brother returned to Newport but Clarence will remain for a few days. The Knights of Pythias of Valen tine will hold a sociable next Tues day. Their former smoker was a most enjoyable affair. The coming event will be in the nature of of a awn social and will be the last of the season A clairvoyant struck town this week in search of suckers. She ad vertises that she can read a man Mice an open book She has the opportun- ty of her life to go down to Lihcoln and read a few pages of Joe Bartley and if she can do all she advertises , icrhaps she can locate some of the r state's missing wealth. i The members of the Junior League 6 met at the M. E. Church last Satur day morning at 9 a. m. , to join in a jicnic at the G. A , R. grounds. A greater portion of Mrs. Moon's class oined them and we are assured of the crowds having a good time. As you would expect , the older young people took a particular fancy to the big swing and the dinner table , also the ar of lemonade. Yesterday morning ye editor in com pany with J. Jordan of Gordon. Dr. T. F. Campbell of Cody and Pr. Jus ' tus of Springview , drove down to Ft. Niobrara , four and one half miles east of town to take in the sights. Lieut. Shock ley and Parshall took us in hand and a very pleasant hour was spent with them in looking over some of the buildings which were found in com plete repair and were very neatly kept Dr. Shockley showed us their garden which is being carefully planted , cul tivated and irrigated. Some fine stalks of Bheubarb are growing just outside the yard of the hospital. Mr. Shock- . ley tells us that they saved over three liundred dollars m making their own garden last year. Our party was very nicely entertained and they felt well reaid for their Miss Fannie VanBuskirk went up'to Cody Saturday evening to spend Sun day. She has now moved to the Brif. tol house where she is now doing dress-making. t Mrs. Caton and sons , Cecil s.nd Ver- I j non , have gone out to her son , Will Caton's ranch at Stearns , S , D. to spend the summer. They were ac companied by Miss Mabel Towne who will yisit a few week ? . Mrs. Nelson of Cody came down to Valentine Friday to attend the com mencement exercises. She returned Saturday accompanied by her daughter Marie who has been attend ing the high-school this winter. The linemen have been busy for a vveek or moreputting up lines and ir- stalling phones in town. We have had one of the critters in this office for a week or more and not a word have we beea able to get out of it yet. The Donoher Sisters have purchased the Elden Sparks property on Cherrv St. south of Pettijohn's residence and will take possession immediately. Mr. and Mrs. Elden Sparks have moved to Cody ana will make that their future home. J. L. Esterbrook , ex Co. surveyor , has decided to move westward and Monday of this week started in a prairie schooner with his family ex pecting to travel overland most of the summer expecting to locate in some western state if he finds a suit able loccation. Jos. Fincher , living south of Georg ia , is charged with stabbing Wm. Decker , and is under $500 bonds to ap pear at this term of district court , He appeared before Judge Towne Saturday and waived a hearing. Both parties live in the vicinity of Georgia and it is probably a neighborhood row. J. C. Jordon , the Gordon hardware merchant , spent a couple of days in our city this week attending court as a witness in the Schwaberow case. Mr. Jordan , accompanied by Jlidge Harrington , Col. John Maher and ye editor took a drive over our city Tues day evening to note the improve ments and see the electric light plant , the telephone system and the city water works pumping station. All were unanimously of the opinion that Valentine has more natural ad vantages than any town along this line of Rail Road , Our Hotels are as usual over crowd ed and our town is lull of people at tending court. Business with , our merchants is not as brisk as if each was here to trade though a goodly number of those in attendance at court will no doubt avail themselves of the oppurtunity of purchasing a bill of goods before they leave town. There are bargains toybe secured of our merchants both in quality of goods and low prices which defy com petition and their itnmense'stocks of goods afford a better selection than can be had elsewhe/e. The special attention of our towns people who visit Omaha is directed to the prominence of The Millard Hotel and to the first-class service and rea sonable rates that are offered by the management to their patrons. The Nebraska Grain Dealers Association selected The Millard as the place for holding their annual meeting. April 30 , and the attendance was very large. S The Nebraska State Medical Society held the 1902 annual meeting The Millard May 6 , 7 and 8 , and there was a very lanre attendance at this high ly important medical mteting. The annual State Encampment of the o Grand Army of the Republic and the S associate meeting of the Womens Relief corps , were held in Omaha , May 22 and 23 , and The Millard was selected as head quarters for that o 'great occasion. Several hundred members were present. The Millard has also been selected as headquart ers for the June races at Omaha , June 24-27 , the opening race meeting of the Nebraska circuit. When it is remem bered that The Millard rates areas low as $2.00 per day on the American plan and 81.00 on the European plan that the hotel has been newly fur nished , that the cuisine and service is ffrst-cJass iu every particular , and that the location of the hotel is the most central of any in .Omaha , convenient for all street car lines , wholesale and retail districts , banks , car line to South Omaha , etc. , it is easily understood why The Mill ard secured " all the above named State Kansas w . .j AAAAAA . * M . holp to the\iS 583535aS.5J. ; Iliver. which was * -n- dians. | Consult scouts had made I , /r tlie darkness uif' . y-r ' safe from purvu ; . 4 ? plala 4 ? With us in regard to your Summer 49 49' purchases. We have a good line of 49 Ladies' Gloves , Ladies' Lace Frame 49 49 Lisle Gloves in black and'white , 49 49 Ladies' Kid Gloves warranted. La : 49 dies' Mocha Driving Gloves : : : 49 The Dressiest of All Shoes * ? Is the Colonial Oxford Tie. We 49 have them. New Linen Summer jj Wash Goods with trimmings to 49 match ; A full line of Suu and Rain & > 49 Umbrellas 8- 49 - - - - - - - 49 49 Everything Fresh and New. 49 49 49 DAVENPORT & THACHER 49 49 General Merchants. 49WE WE CARRY A COMPBLTE LINE OP GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AKD Groceries MAX E. VIERTEL XEBilASKA CKOOKSTCXN 9Just Received , a I Car of Sack Salt ! " O. S W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise , g See our $10 Eljin Watch Also other grades that are guaranteed in price and quality : : : O. W. MOBBY RELIABLE Hear the Improved Disk Talking Machine Our stock is now complete and consists of o oo The Eclipse , Fairbanks-Morse Galvanized iWind Mills o Steel , and Wind Motors : : : : : : o o Our display of Buggies is the Largest and S Finest ever brought to Oherry County § - John Deere riding and walking Listers , John Deere riding and walking and walking Cultivators and sledges. Stirring and Breaking Plows. . - - fMoline and Banner Wagons ? - o iMcGormick Mowers and Bakes ! o o Dane Sweeps Superior Stackers I o o ft Our stock of Lumber and Builders' Materials is the largest and most complete ever carried here. Come aud examine 2 2o o 2ft fto our stock aud let us give you our prices. ftft. . ft. i LUDWIG LUMBER YARD GET PPTMTTMP AT THIS rJKliN 1 AINVEAT