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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1901)
I U 3 1 ft i v 1 t I A J Jl 4k 8 ft 4 n J 9 w i a if i I - H F H ml lie -VI 25ft C J - V - 7 - vmiuwjsLmsarsaBHim ym V l 1 i A - t - r - VOLUME XV We ate after a RecorcMt will Pay you to Help us - We are not ashamed to take you into in fact are glad of this opportunity to own up just what we are trying to do Its just this way January as a rule is a dull month- Every year we en deavor to make it a busy month by attractive sales in all departments Never since wehave been in the business have we failed to show an increase of January sales eash year We dont want to fail now and that accounts for such prices as these If you see a thing here that you need there isnt the least doubt thai we an save you money on it- 100 lb Grauulated Sugar SO lb of Prunes 1 gallon can Peaches i iS Syrup Shemfca National Hank New York 4 R S DENNIS i9 Valentine Nebraska 49 P 49 4 GET 660 100 40 THE RED FRONT I i I - m r For Ladies Misses J - 1WMW and Children 1 iPvfmW - W III PRACTICAL TAILORING j i I 1 H et5 ATjJj OVM WOJ21Z GVAHANTEED 8 -D STiNARD CLOTHIER n C II COR1H31I President l DANK OF J n J 1 J Correspondents BOOTS SHOES CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHINGS VALENTINE NEBR JJI V ftTICHISH Cashier VALENTIN Valentine Nebraska A A General liankisig Business Transacted Itny and Sells Domestic and IForeign Exchange First National Rank Omaha Neb 3 ft M A 1 ii if C I l M -4 rnln 1 1 3 PAPER HANGING CALOIMINING v hA All work well done Apples and Oranges Cranberries Sorghum and Syrup Cider for Mince Pies Preserved Raspberries Cherries and Plums Buckwheat -Flour and Mable Syrup Nuts and Caudj Fresh New Stock AViii take Rooil Cattle Same as Cash A T b HA r AT THIS PRINTING YOUR OFFICE nMntnawmnMnscn We Can Satisfy You in Quality Price and Workmanship THE PALACE SALOO Jj HBABQUARTEES FOR WTNES LIQUORS AND CIGARS Of the Choicest Brands 2 8 il lffiffimffiffimm SOMETH - -4 I T Al i H VALENTINE NEBRASKA g -VT VALENTINE NEBRASKA JANUARY 10 1901 wvw vvvvvyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvvvvvwvvvvvyvvvvvvvvvvvv ywwwvww fwwwww www I TALK OF THE TOWN L - j i XSX Rice writes insurance E E Sparks is at home this week Dr Holsclawhas moyedis office to Merriman t Dave Hanna of Monday in town J G Stetter spent Sunday in town with his family W G Ballard was in the city Mon day on business Good horse and sajfldle for sale Robert McQuade tf C P Jordan was in town from Rosebud Tuesday Claud Reece is once more out among the people Several fresh milk cows for sale Inquire at this office oltf Pettycrew has the biggest and best line of mittens and gloves Gus Gunderson came in from Cody on business Tuesday morning Inez Pettycrew went to Georgia Monday morning to teach school Charley Rider of Rosebud spent a couple of days in town this week C L Nicklin the Cody merchant visited the county seat Tuesday E J DeBell Rosebuds popular merchant spent Tuesday in town Jim Ray has commenced harvest ing ice and is employing about a doz en men Bob Bruce and Manly Wynian were up from Woodlake on business last Friday Andrew Schatzthauer becomes a patron of our advertising columns this week We will club this paper with the Twentieth Century Farmer for 150 a year in advance W A Bonser came over from Rose bud Tuesday afternoon to attend the Masonic lodge Frank Hook came down from Cody Monday evening and spent a day or two with the boys in town Three good rooms to rent over The Democrat office Suitable for small family Inquire I M Rice W E Brown returned from Gordon where he had been doing a job of painting Tuesday morning This paper and the weekly edition of the World Herald will be sent to any address one year for 816a S K Hull c Hot Springs who had been visiting with his sister -Mrs R A Marroll returned home Tuesday night Have you seen those fine pictures and frames in R Andersons window They go at 200 each during holiday trade 48 Ed Shackelton formerly of Sparks who went to Canada with the crowd last spring returned to Cherry county Tuesday morning Jesse Reubideoux drank a lot of wood alcohol New Years night on the reservation and died from the effect thereof shortly after Bryans paper The Commoner will appear about January 20th The Commoner and this paper will be sent to an address one year for 175 Fred Vincent the affable young extra agent of the E came down from Gordon Tuesday morning to visit with his parents for a week or two There have been at least five cases ot smallpox in Crawford but the papers published in that burg say these are all nearly well and no new cases have developed In order to keep out of trouble sportsmen should remember that it is prairie chicken the open seasor having come to a close on Januarv Gene Thompson and Tune Eassett of Norden were married at Spring view on Friday Nov 27th Both are well known here the bride being the daughter of Rev Bassett who at one time filled the pulpit of the Presby terian church in this place Pete DeCory the widely known horse man from Rosebud came over on a business trip Monday evening Pete is gradually closing out- his bunch of horses having sold over 400 head duringthe last eighteen months Be says the range is cut up too much Better pay your taxes now because disress warrants will be served again aQut the first of February i3uy a Woodmanse windmill guar anteed for five years all repairs fur- spent hished free of charge For sale by iR Anderson 35 tf Conductor J B Leader lost his fine bird dog Tuesday night theYesult of an air gun in the hands of a careless boy Chadron Journal I now against the law to shoot quail or tine im Hudson and Newt Grooms were visitors from Sparks Tuesday Newt has trimmed his whiskers in such shape that he makes a fair imitation of Uncle Sam J H Quiglej returned Friday night from Lincoln where he had been on business as state brand commissioner Gov Dietrich will not make appoint ments to succeed the present commiss ion for some time to come We offer space on last page of The Democrat among stock brands to our advertisers 6 inch double col umnor more will be given exclusive right among stock brands if desired Also space on 5th page for sale J A Sparks returned last Thurs day night from Omaha Mrs Sparks has practically recovered from the effects of the operation which she un derwent in Omaha and is now visit ing with her relatives in St Joe Mo Ed Parry accompanied bv his wife and sister-in-law came down from Gordon Sunday morning Ed return ed on the midnight passenger and the ladies will visit relatives and friends in Valentine and vicinity this week G W Roan who is establishing a nice ranch southwest of Woodlake paid this office a friendh call the first of the week He went to Pierce county Tuesday morning - to see about some property he owns down there County Treasurer Thackrcv has re arranged the rnterior of -his office so that he now has more room and at the same time gives his visitors space in which to turn around The en trance is now one door west of the old entrance Wm Yancey the young man who has charge of the financial end and is chief l ustler for the Cody Cow Boy spent Friday and Saturday in town He is a very enterprising young man and the Cow Boy is fortunate in hav ing secured his services E J Davenport returned Sunday night from Lincoln where he hall been assisting in the inauguration of Gov Dietrich He describes the re ception and attendant ball as being very gorgeous affairs well befitting the inauguration of a governor wich military and imperialistic ideas Dave George appeared before the county -judge on Monday charged with assault upon Frank Janies with intent to kill waived examination and was bound over to the district in the sum Of 1000 which bend he furnished Janies is rapidly recovering from his wound Dan Hand returned Sunday mornJ ing from Lead where he had been all week attending a trial in which his brother Al sued a physician for mal practice which resulted in the partial loss of his sense of sight The suit was brought for 10090 damages and a verdict secured for 1900 Through one of those unaccount able lapses of memory which some times occur to a newspaper man we neglected last week to mention the fct that E E Thorn had sold his blacksmith shop to E Breuklander in order to give his attention more fully to selling the Great American Gate - The small pox has abated at Every quarantine has been lor his business and will henceforth J animosities will be buried for the time give more attention to other lines being Gordon Journal - snF - TWiwyr - THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT StTiMBER Eft 49 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49- 49 49 49 49 49 49 WE A INVOICING THIS Sf dfCfcforcf c il A Ihl Look out for our Ad Next Week eve itm N RE WEEK AAA DAVENPORT d THACHER General Merchants S22S2333SIS2SaSS3SSSSSSS2KSS LIVERY BARN WALCOTT LUD WIG Props AAA o LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE2 WO iO Successors to vVALOOTT STEVENSQJT iragjyyh Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables 2 ftfr i 0 i l 2 2 if 2 2 -- To say much--we are invoicing You will hear from us next v eek Look out for it CROOKSTON NEBR MAX E VIERTEL J W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keep a supply of In addition to a first class lino of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams atSteWers Old Btaud on Main Streot VALENTINE NEBRASKA PSEafSZ2Sg5 We Handle All Kiijds - - Leave orders vithFrank Fischer or call at Lud wigs old stand raised and neoDle now come and tq PT ff2ra2Sra with nnfpnr rt f tTio rllcoicn il absolutely no danger in Valentine now unless the newspapers break out again and necessitate being re vaccinated The indications now are that the last dose of virus took We have -always maintained that next to Gordon Valentine was the best town on the line and her people the most generous and liberal heart ed and it was for that reason that the town was honoied by being given a second meeting of the E V E A next June when all the boys will be there and participate in the love feast All our petty bickerings and The DONOHEH r yof r t - - Is continually adding improvements and it is now tlio best equipped and most comfortable lflRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA - Hot and Cold Wafer Excellent Bkth Room Two Sampte Fcorns A 2 asA55SS 3 0 Ci J P WWV WW W VfVVfV I