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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1900)
I t Branded on right side or hip Also on left hip Horses on right i houlder as on cut Range Gordon and Snake m WEST VOLUME XV JULIUS PETEKSON Potofflce address Gregory Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles north of Gregory Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side same as cut Stock over ono year old on right side liorses same a on left shoulder ltauge south west JACOBSON EwAEI 1 J A SAULT8 N WlilPlll Postofflce address Gregory Neb On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder Range- Arkansa C F COOPER oi HnckberryJLake and Curlew Also some brando on eft le Valley and Snakr BROTHERS Postofflce address Gregory Neb On left side some same with I on It ft shoulder horses leit shoulder Ramre Gor DAVIS RSI don and Goosr Lake DAN WEBSTER Pntofllre address Harlan Nebraska On left side or hip horses branded same leftshouMer Range between Nio braraandJSnake rlv ers south of Merri jnan A Sierra id ot 100 will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrestand llnal conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle or hotses with above brand O KFLLAH PnornfTipR address R HANSON Valentine Neb Cattle branded on left hip horses the same Range n Dry Val ley onto e add re Brow n ibr On eff side Range betweei iOose Creek ant Loup hHEh R M FADD1S Postofflce address Pass Neb Range North Loup Riyer ALBERT NENZEL Pretrfnr swIdrnSR Nenzel Nebraska On either side of cat tle horses same Range northeast of Neuzel VB RICHARDS CAIRNES CO BflKccilili i Cattle branded on any part of animal also the following brands mmm torses branded tne same Range between Gordon ou the FE M VR R and Hyannis on B M R R in Northwestern Nebraska Address Baktlktt Richakus Cbadron Nebraska GEORGE Postofflce address Simeon Neb C JENSEtf ostofflcea dress Gallon Nebraska Left side on private stock and right side on cattle heldrysN also gj on leftside of cattle Horses C J on left shoulder Range Eicht miles south of Gallop M RICHARDSON Postofflce address McCann Nob Branded on leftside Kange McCann smc i wt rtfMii wr - ERN NEW Tsrewrs Farm aLnci LEGAL NOTICES Order to Show Cause In the District Court of Cherry County Neb raska In the matter of the application of Clayton Suith guardian of Guy Tremmel and Catey Tremmel minors for the sale of real estate This eause came on for hearing upon the pe tition of Clayton Smltn guardian of Guy and Carey Tremmel minors praying for li cense to sell tho ne4 section 24 township 33 range 32 Cherry county Nebraska for the pay ment of debts and for the support maintenance and education of said minors tin re being no personal property for the payment of s id debts and expenses ft is therefore ordered that all persons interested in said estate appear belore me in Valentine Cherry County Nebraska on the 23d day of April 1000 at 10 oclock am to show cause whv license 4should not be granted to said guardian to sell said real estate and it is further ordered that a copy of this notice be published in the News Desiockat of Valn tme Cherry County Nebraska for four consec utive weeks Dated this 22nd day of March 1900 V H WESTOVER Distiict Judge F M WALCOTf Attorney 0- Notice to N on Resident Defendants U S Grant Pettycrew ard Mrs Pettycrew his wife llrst and real name unknown non-resident defendants will take notice chat the under signed plamtiffhas filed liis petitioirin the Dis trict Court oi Cherry County Nebraska against the said defendants the object ana prayer of which are totiecover judgment for the sum of S27fiOO a balance duo to tae plaintiff from the defendant on two certain promissory lutes dated Lead S D April 4th 1898 for the sum of 200 each and payable to the Alexander Mer cantile Co and signed and executedJy the de fendant which notes have since mid before maturity been endorsed and assigned to this plalutiu that the plaintiff has caused an at tachment to be made of the real estate of the de leudant consisting of the sw4 of section 21 township 35 range 27 and Lot 13 in Block C of the tow n of Valentine Nebraska all in said Cnerry County Nebraska lor the satisfaction ot said debt and costs aud accruing coats You are required to ansver the petition of plaintilf on or before April 30th 1900 or he said petition and demand of plaintilf will betaken to be cntesed bj you to be true by vtiur deiault and judgment rendeied against on WILLIAM O BROWNING Plaintiff It G EASLEY 1 Attorneys for AM MURRISSEY f Plaintlli 9 4t Order of Hearing on Original Probate of Will STATE OF NEBRASKA I Cherry County Pa Tn the matter of the Estate of Michael Schneider neceased On reading and filing the petition of Gottleib Juade praying that the Instrument tiled on the 2lst day of March liiOO and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased may be proved approved probated allowed and recorded as the last will and testament of the said Michai 1 Schneider deceased and that the execution of said instrument may be com mitted and the administration of said estate mav be granted to Gottleib Quade as executor Ordered That April 7tti A D 1900 at 10 oclock am is assigned tor hearing eiid peti tion when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Conrt to be held in and for said county and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons inter ested in said matter byublishing a copy of this order in the News- Democrat a weekly newspa per printed in said county for 3 successive weeks prior to said dav of hearing 9 lt W R TOWNE County Judge Notice to Xon Uesident Defendants To C H Tancray firstand real name unknown and Emma R Tancray his wlfj defend nts You and each of you are herebv notified that on the 15th d y of M irch 1900 Kittie Hennas plaintiff 11 ed her petition in the District Court of Cherry CountjNebras a against you im pleaded w ith The Nebraska Mortgage and In vestment Company and C K Collins Receiver of The Nebraska Mortgage and Investment Company as your co defendants the object aud prayer of which are to establish and foreclose a tax lien upon real estate as fndows Ss4 of sec 27 twp 30 r 20 in Cherry County Nebraska for the taxes assessed and levied thereon for either state county or school district purposes for the years 1895 189C 1S9T and 185s for which said lands were sold to this plaintiff for the sum of 3518 to have an accounting of the amount due hereon together with inter est from the 14th day of February 1900 at the rate of ten per centum per a num To have the said land sold for the payment and satisfaction of the ainuunt found due for such taxes interest penalties and costs and the costs of suit and the of sale to bar fore close and exclude the said defendauts and each ot them from having or claimum anj lien title interest or equity ol redemption of in or to the same or any part thereof and Tor general relief You and each of you aie requirefl to answer said petition on or before April 2 trd 1900 KITTIE BENn Plaintiff A M MORRISSEY Attorney tor f laintiff Dated March 15th 1900 8 4t Notice to Non Resident Defendants William J Watson and Jane Watson his wife defendants wi 1 take notice that on the tstli da of March 1900 Preston Atwood plaiu tilthercin filed petition in the District Court of Cherry County Nebraska against said de fendants the object aud prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mo rtgage executed by the defendant to tuc Western Farm Mortgage Trust Company and JaSsigued to plaintiff upon the following described premises Lots 1 aud 2 and e2 nw4 sec 7 twp 33 r 30 to secure the payment of a first mortgage bond dated Feby 1st 1890 for the sum of tf J0000 due and payable in live years from the date thereof together with interest evidenced by 10 coupons of same date of S10M eacli with interest from matur ity that there is now due upon said bond cou pons and mortgage together with taxea paid b plaintiff tho sum of 507000 for which sum with interest from this date plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to sat isfy the amount found due xou are required to answer said petition on or before the 23d day of April 1900 PRESTON ATWOOD riamtilf By F M ALCOTT his Attorney Datd March 15th 1900 S 4t Notice to Non Resident Defendants To Elisha Egelston Chloe Egelstou T C Cau nou and C n Tancray non resident de fendants You and each of yon are hereby notified that on the 15th day of March 1900 Pauline W Stuckey as plaintiff filed her petition in the District Court of Cherry Comity Nebraska against yon imDleaded with The Nebraska Mortgage and Investment Company and C K Collins Receiver of The Nebraska Mortgage and Investment Company as your co-defendants the object and prayer of which are to es tablish and foreclose a tax lien upon real estate as follows N2 nw4 and n2 ne4 of sec 24 twp 31 range 27 in Cherry County Nebraska tor the taxes assessed and levied thereon for either state county and school district purposes for the yean 1894 1S95 189G 1S97 and 1898 for which said lands were sold to this plaintilf for the sum of 5723 to have an accounting of the amount due llierenn toirether with interest from the 14th day of March 1900 at the rate of ten per centum per annum To have said Ian Is sold for the payment and satisfaction of the amount due for such taxesiu terest penalties and costs and the costs of suit and the costs of sale to oar foreclose titul ex clude the said defendants and each of them from having or claiming an lieu title interest or equity of redemption of in or to fthe same or any part thereof and for general relief You and each of you are required to auswer said petition on or before April 23J 1900 PAULINE W STDCKEY Plaintiff A M MORRISSEY attorney for Plaintiff Dated Mar 15th 1900 S4t i i m WwjOMwm VALSNTINE NEBRASKA AP rv fcftJVAJV wwwwww wwvwwwwwvwwwi STOCK NOTES Live Stock Census i From the dispatches of March 31 we notice that the coming census of live stock will undertake three new feat ures classification by age and partly by sex and use a count of pure blood animals and an enumeration of stock not on farms and ranges these last amounting to several million head The age classification was undertaken in response to a demand of the stock men who felt that the mere enumera tion of animals regardless of age and use was about as valueless as account ot inhabitants without distinction of age sex color and occupation They expressed a desire to secure as a basis for calculating the approximate num ber of liye stock and the productive capacity of the entire mass of cattle or sheep for any particular season and the schedules have been prepared to meet their wishes High Trice for Sheep Western grain fed sheep yesterday reached 6 for the first time this year It was significant for it marked the highest point in the sheep market since 1S93 when the top was G43 For many years previous to 1894 choice sheep sold at good prices the record price being 8 in April 1S82 April and Ia arc usual the high months of the year for the fed sheep at that season are4n their primest condition and the fleece is at its maximum growth JSow that values are high there isa bullish feeling among sheep men and instead of a mad rush to market there is a tendency to hold back everything that is fit to breed and bear good wool The highest price paid for fed western sheep last March was 505 Chicago Drovers Journal Why Not Consolidate The Western Nebraska Stock Associ ation yill meet in Alliance on May Stir and once more we wish to urge upon our readers the advisability of becom ing members of the association also to urge the advantage of consolidating all the smaller associations The Brown county and the Key a Paha organiza tions are too small to be of any great benefit to their members and they ought to get together Without in spection at m rket points but little good can be accomplished but if all these associations would combine they could employ inspectors of their own Think this over Eange Cattle allllight Secretary Frank M Stewart of the South Dakota Stock Growers associ ation was in the city Saturday He said that the range country is O K and that the cattle loss by winter will be far less than usual Cattle are in fine condition ard the prospects tire that a fine quality of b ef will be fur nished this year Recent snows in the hills were not disastrous stockmen are in good financial condition and they ex pect better prices than usual Rain is needed in the southwestern part of the state at the present time World Herald Roundup Talk There is some talk of organizing a round up for spring work The terri tory to be worked will be the country along the Platte from Blue Creek west to Camp Clark and about twenty miles back from the river into the sand hills The unusually fine weather through the winter makes this mode almost im perative Ranchmen have not been able to get a complete gather and the above plan is about to be tried Ar rangements will be completed rt the association meeting Alliance Grip V Will Raise Hares L L Bivens of this place recently received from Denver a pair of pedi greed Belgian hares and will attempt to learn by experiment whether the tales of large profits made in the hare industry are true The animals are splendid specimens of their kind and as Len is an enthusiast on the subject he will make a success of ltis venture if it is possible to do so At anjT rate his experiment will be watched with inter est V A man living east of town it is said will start a skunk farm on the Niobrara this summer If he can find a market for the odor he will get rich quickly- SlHrRAT HHHPurnai Caused Death of Last fall Missouri farmers 1 many horses from mysterious One farmer determined to fHV NUMBER ll self of the cause of the disease amining a number of the the dead horses discoyered that t CV fc v x - u Sr fc l R a jgm ft Pa ol crTninoo woo Aiinco1 ltr riccltrtri m 4 J I f 1 u satisrT d I- l I ST Z Wl mv i g carcassea fi - a per eggs which had been gathered with m the fodder Experts have not yet de cided that grasshopper eggs are realty poisonous to grazing animals like hors- Missouri farmci is satis -Miles City Journal Congressman Neville is doing good work in the interest of stockmen 25 r r iT r f c ne has introduced a bill asking for an ap propriation to enable the agricultural department to issue blackleg vaccine free to stockmen This is a commend able action in Mr Neville and one that stockmen irrespective of party will re member if Mr Neville should again ask for a re election Alliance Grip Cattle at the P F Cramblet sale on Tuesday commanded high prices tho cows selling at 45 per head and calves at 22 and 23 Only a few of the hoies were sold it being decided that better prices could be obtained for same in the eastern market Some of the farming implements and articles of furniture were sold at good prices and otheis very low Crawford Bulletin The stockmen ot Cheyenne counts effected an organization at Sidtiev rt oentlv to protect their stock interests The name of the organization is The Live Stock and Protective Association It is intended that the association shall become a member of the National Live Stock Association Kimball Ob server Denver Stockman At the instance of prominent and influential stockmen the veterinary sanitary board of Color ado at its meeting Saturday decided to admit Mexican cattle A rigid in spection will bo insisted upon A fence will be built along the reser vation line north of Merrimau aud vi cinity this summer thus shutting out side cattle off the reservation much to the sorrow of some of our stockmen Stockmen in some portions of the county are apprehensive of a dry spring and summer If it happens so the range in certain localities will be found to be overstocked John Lord this week sold four hay claims and his pasture near Simeon to John D SpalJ of north of Eli but will continue to run his herd of cattle this summer at least Cows are aborting in some sections of this county but the disease does not seem to be general WANTED SOO lTSad of cattie to summer in pasture Good grass and running water Apply at this office for particulars 11 tf Strnjtd or stalett Several head of horses and cat- S we a jueu tw C Amos Strong Valentine eb Mitih Grade Hulls I have utjiny ranch 20 miles south of Valentine in Dewey Lake precinct 19 high grade Hereford bulls two and tnree years old and three head of full blood Galloways which I will sell cheap These bulls are all first class and were raised on my ranch V G BALLARD WESTERN NEBRASKA STOCK GROWERS ASSOGN ANNUAL MEETING AT ON MAY 8 1 900 Inspection at all market points Charges reasonable Stockmen can join at any time Inspectors records of shipments and brands on file at Alliance Reward for Conviction of Thieves Fifteen counties covered and 80i00 head of cattle now in membership Correspondence solicited J R VAN BOSK1RK Secretart Treasurek ALLIANCE NEBRASKA in m - iff mi i to A 49- 2 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 3JJLJD 5i cw ARE ARRIVING I Latest stylesMsaiSS Ts Collara Shirt Waists Etc ft 9or ft We Kewest patterns in all w Lace J CORDETTE The best drcs stiffening in the volld i j Always 11 I V i I I - L J 2J2 Raffia I it off - y jK I Jin tw S3 - W E Haley n e fcartaasaZ3agia C E Wright Iijji3a8fsfiiM Vulentiue Xcb t2o Best Goodb Lowest DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants Q Cf Cf o Cf e o cv o cw o - o n ct U kJk J 7 w - - VWWWWPWWW SHOES AT HALF PRICE We have some odd sizes of 3fesCJbfeKrangin in price from 200 to 300 to close out at All go o J i Prices i 0 0 CITIZENS - MEAT - MARKET d W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keeps a supply of FRUIT -AND -CAME In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables AtStetterB Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA AL CLEARING SALE OOTS SHOES v CLOTHING AND GENTS -FURNISHINGS PRACTICAL TAILORING AIIj OUlt WOIZK GUAIZAXTKEV Valextixk Mothers beware of those secret rob bnrs of your babys quiet and health Those sleepless nights and long flours of tiresome vigil are caused by those terrible enemies of childhood Destroj and remove them with Whites Cream Vermifuge Price 2oc Quig ley Chapman druggists jfiiFcen JJp delinmed steer roan colored on Mr shoulder U left hip Above described ani iniil vi8 laken up at my placn 3 miles from Chesterfield P A COOPEIJ 7 Ct f ry D STINARD CLOTHIER Brand registered Xo200 Bange in Fharps Ranch and German preHncts C miles south of Kilgore Cooper Nebr - Brand registered No 371 Brand anywhere 0u right side F T Brackett I - S 92fflmJas Biege Nebr Brand Kegistered oiioo Bnuid right side or hip Horses same on right shoulder Kange Niobrara fi miles south of Kilgore Subscribe for the News Democrat ii scnuiiTZ Sir tt 7 OM J N Nl m i 4 a Nebraska Postoflice address McCann Neb J Stock branded as on cut Range North and south of Georgia AVimELM AKDERSOK Post office address McCann Neb Branded on left side horses same on leit hip Range between the Niobrara and Snake ran Prideaux Sanford ggH9P nnsMtaappaHf Kennedy Neb Stock branded on left side Horses branded on left shoulder N S Rowley Kennedy Nebr liame as cut on left side aud hip and on left should r of lior ses AlsoMH on leit sine fWS an hip i m ii on right hip and i f on left side C on left hip of liorses Marquardt Bowlus Otto Stuubk Slanager MerrimanNeb Cattle brand 031 on left shoulder Some of cattle have various old er bran ds O S on left hip Horse brad Aon left shouldei llance b ormerly Geo W Slonnier ranch 5 railes east of Merriman from FE i M V R E south to Leander Crcelv 31ar ukrdt 8cTibnTNebriiilus - - m A t m - - MM I ml