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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1900)
id1 Vc tira J78rZ3i JrVVy Kennedy Neb1 Cattle branded on left side same as cut Stock over one year old on right side iiorses same WS9m on left shoulder tzm Itange south west Valentine Neb Cattle branded on left hip horses the same Range za Dry Val ley Hyannis on Nebraska Chadron Nebraska Snake shoulder JULIUS PETERSON 7 Postofflce address Gregory Neb Branded as ou cut - Range two miles north of Gregory J A SAULTS JfcJVfLy11k C F COOPER Postofflce address Postoffico address Gregory Neb On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder Range Arkansa Valley and Snakr ot Hackberry Lake and Curlew Also some brande on eft leg JACOBSON gKBKSBufc 1 TtfwSBm DAN Postothcf address Harlan Nebraska jOnleft side or hip horses branded same left shoulder Range between Nio brara and Snake riv ers south of Merri inan BROTHERS Postofflce address Gregory Neb On left side some same with I on left shoulder horses left shoulder If tinim donand Goose Lake WEBSTER US A Reward of 100 will be paid to any for information leading to the arrest and Eerson of any person or persons steal ing cattle or noises with above brand O J KELLAH reaeigift Postofflce address i i i i fV t p R HANSON osto o aadtet Brov n ebr On eft side Range betweei Goose Creek nf Loup EM FADDIS y 1 1 Postofflce address Pass Neb Range Norch Loup River ALBERT NENZEL Pnctnlflrs ilrtrPSJ Nenzel Nebraska On either side of cat tle horses same Range northeast of Nenzel BKhH RICHARDS CAIRNES CO Cattle branded on any part of animal also the following brands mmm GEORGE N DAVIS Postofflce address Simeon Neb Branded on right side or hip Also on left hip Horses on right Moulder as on cut Range Gordon and torses branded tne same Range between Gordon on the FE M VRR and BM RR in Northwestern Address Bahtlett Richakds jjPK m C JENSEN- ostofflcc a dress Gallon iCphraukn iTiffiTl - i an ir r Left side on private stock and right side on cattle heidnjrv alsofcjwMj on leftside of cattle npidor loft side HursesC Jon left Range Eight miles south of Gallop 21 RICHARDSON Postofflce address McCann Neb Branded on leftside Range McCann aflSpS iWWfWtfttlfcj WESTERN VOLUME XV i LEGAL NOTICES Order to Show Cause In the District Court of Cherry County Neb raska In the matter of the application of Clayton Guy Tremmel and Carey Tremmel minors for the sale of real estate This cause came on for hearing upon the pe tition of Clayton Smitn guardian of Guy Tem mel and Carey Tremmel minors praying for li cense to sell the ne4 section 24 township 33 range 32 Cherry county Nebraska for the pay ment of debts and for the support maintenance and education or said minors there being no personal property for the payment of said debts and expenses It is therefore ordered that all persons interested in said estate appear beiore me in Valentine Cherry County Nebraska on the 23d day of April lOOO at 10 oclock ani to show cause why license ishould not be granted to said guardian to sell said real estate and it is further ordered that a copy of this notice be published in the News Demockat of Valtm tine Cherry County Nebraska for four consec utive weeks Dated this 22nd day of March 1900 W H WESTOVER District Judge FMWALCOTT Attorney 9 4t Notice to Non Resident Defendants U S Grant Petty crew ard Mrs Pettycrew his wire lirst and real name unknown non-resident defendants will take notice that the under signed plaintiff has filed his petition in the Dis trict Court oi Cherry Comity Nebjmska against the said defendants the object ana prayer of which are toiiecover judgment for the sum of 27000 a balance due to the plaintiff from the defendant on two certain promissory nues dated Lead S D April 4th 1898 for the sum of 200 each and payable to the Alexander Mer cantile Co and signed and executed by the de fendant which notes have since and before maturity been endorsed and assigned to this plaintiff that the plaintiff has caused an at tachment to bj made of the real estate of the do fendant consisting of the sw4 of section 21 township 35 range 27 and Lot 13 in Block 6 of the town of Valentine Nebraska all in said Cherry County Nebraska for the satisfaction of said debt and costs and accruing costs You arc required to answer the petition of plaintiff on or before April 30tli 1900 or he said petition and demand of plaintiff will betaken to be confesed by you to be true by vour default and judgment rendered against ou WILLIAM C BKOWNING Plaintiff U G EASLEY I Attorneys for AM MoRElSSEY f Plaintiff 9 4t Order of Clearing of on Original Piobate Will STATE OF NEBRASKA Cherry Coanty ss Tn the matter if the Estate of Mlcnael Schneider decease J On reading and iiling the petition of Gottleib Quade praying that the instrument filed on the 2lst day of March 1900 and purporting to be the lasu will and testament of the said deceased may be proved approved probated allowed and recorded as the last will and testament of the said Michael Schneider deceased and that the execution of said instrument may be com mitted and the administration of said estate may be granted to Gottleib Quade as executor Ordered ThatZApril 7th AD 1900 at 10 oclock am is assigned for hearing b lid peti tion when all persons interested in said matter may auLear at a County Conrt to be held in and for said county and show cause wny the prayer of petitioner should not be granted and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the healing thereof be given to all persons inter ested in said matter by publishing a cony of this WANTED 300 head of cattle to summer in pasture Good grass and ruaning water Apply at this offioe for particulars 11 tf Strayed- or Utototi Several head of horses and cat tle sanded Amos Strong Valentine Neb IZiyh Grade B litis I have at my ranch 20 miles south of Valentine in Dewey Lake precinct 19 high grade Hereford bulls two and three years old and three head of full blood Galloways which I will sell cheap These bulls are all first class and were raised on my ranch W G BALLARD WESTERN NEBRASKA STOCK GROWERS ASSOGN ANNUAL MEETING AT ON MAY 8 1900 Inspection at all market points Charges reasonable Stockmen can join at any time Inspectors records of shipments and brands on file at Alliance Reward for Conviction of Thieves Fifteen counties covered and 80000 head of cattle now in membership Correspondence solicited d R VAN BOSK1RK SEORETAKY TREXSUREn ALLIANCE NEBRASKA i LEgmr STOCK NOTES order in the News Democrat a weekly newspaJ months lci juiuicu iu vmuu uuuiiiiy tui o ouuicsic weeks prior to said day of hearing 9 lt W R TOWNE County Judge NOTICE is hereby given that we have filed with the county commissioners of Cherry County Neor a bond duly tested and accom panied by a petition praying that we be granted a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the village of Woodlake Woodlake precinct Cherry County Nebraska Said petition will be called up before the board at their next meeting April 20 1900 GEOKGEHERSHEY JOHN G STETTER Dated this 2Sth day of March 1900 Notice to Creditors In Couuty Court within and for Cherry County Nebraska in the matter of the Estate of Thomas P JohusT deceased To the Creditors of s nd Estate You are hereby notified That 1 will sit at the County Court Room in Valentine iu said Coun ty on the 2lst day of April 1900 at 1G oclock a m to receive and examine all claims against said Estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited ior the pre sentation of clams against said estate is six months from the 21st day of October A D 1899 and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 2lst day of October 1899 Witness mv hand and the seal of said County Court this 28th day of March 1900 10 4t WR TOWNE County Judge IUVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAA 5 Associations Should Unite For a long time this paper has been advocating the union of all small stock associations in western Nebraska and it takes pleasure in reproducing the following from the Alliance Grip - The Western Nebraska Stock Growers Association with headquarters at Alliance aims to cover the whole western part of the state There is nothing whatever of a local nature in its make up its officers are chosen from widely divergent districts so that all sections may feil at home in its delib erations Its primary objects are terse ly set forth in three words viz Pro tection Inspection Detection Its name does not have a local significance the stockman of Sidney Chadron Val entine or Hyannis if a member will receive the same benefits as the stock man of Alliance Its name already is a terror to evil doers and its beneficence can be attested by all within the radius of its influence The member who has only 25 head of cattle receives the same protection and consideration as the member with 1000 head The fees are light compared with the value received The industry that is not thoroughly or ganized is behind the times The cat tle industry does not need innumerable small insignificant organizations but a few strong powerfulactive associations whTt rirh iitul poor arc on an equality and the rights of al respected Money in Cattle for Cuba C AJohnson the Woodlake bank er who recently returned from a trip to Cuba last week told this paper that lie believed a man with capital could soon make a fortune by shipping work cattle and mules to Cuba and selling them on time The Cuban farmers have but little money but their coun try is so rich that if they are only sup plied with work animals they will soon be independent again He said man could more than double his money in this business inside of six or eight having this conversa tion with Mr Johnson we have seen a report from the military commander of Matanzas which bears out his con clusions exactly Genf Wilson says I suggest supplying cattle fori working purposes on a time basis accepting regular rates of interest which should be about 1 per cent a month Cattle can be landed here at a cost of S70 a yoke which once here would bring more than 150 Large numbers of working cattle are required by reliable and hard working men who are anxious to obtain them Stockmen Rely on Uncle Sam A resolution was recently introduced in the national senate asking the agri cultural department to inquire into the parasitic diseases of sheep and to seek efiicient remedies for the diseases and means of destroying the parasites The resolution declares that the parasitic diseases of sheep are becoming more troublesome to American shepherds and instead of being confined to the re gions east of the Mississippi river they are rapidly traveling westward mak ing a more serious menace to the sheep growing industry The present knowl edge of these diseases and their reme dies is very incomplete and if more is not learned sheepmen are threatened with far greater losses than they have yet sustained In this connection it is interesting to note how rapidly the spirit of paternalism is growing among stock raisers and feeders At every turn the government is called upon for help We are glad to note this how ever hs it shows the people have faith in Uncle Sam Large Land Deals As an indication of the efforts of large companies to control the cattle business in this state the following taken from the railroad newS of one of our daily papers is interesting The Union Pacific is considering a propo sition made by a syndicate of Chicago capitalists to buy 140000 acres in Lin coln county this state extending on either side of the railroad from Gothen burg to North Platte During the past month Union Pacific land sales aggregated 107000 acres In Nebraska the largest was to the Ware Custin Cattle company 14124 acres in Keith county the Rush Creek Land and Live Stock Company a new corpor ation of Chicago capitalists bought 10680 acres in Deuel county- Emil Feuske has -bought 1000 acres in Cheyenne county iwnmiiaviil lW A rlnun crtfxr fnll oil ntrri H7wa1rt - OUVH AWl till UTU JliUAQUU last week It was wet and cold and considerable live stock perished Complaints are being made by stock men in Colorado of the delay in that state in the recording of new brands f It is reported upon apparently reli able authority that a syndicate of New Yorkers are organizing a great sheep company to be capitalized 10000 000 and operated in Montana and Wy oming Options on many bands of sheep and thousands of acres of land hifve aheady been obtained Cale Gaskill has sold his farms south east of town and last week his son George took a trip to Cherry county where he has relatives living for the purpose of buying a stock ranch if he could find anything to suit Ho got back Monday evening well pleased with the outlook iff that vicinity and will probablyjfind a ranch that will suit hinu Hav Springs Leader L C Peyton is thinking of starting a bovine museum on his ranch near La vaca On the 30th ult a calf was born on the ranch of uncertain sex and next day a still greater monstrosity ap peared in the shape of a calf without any eyes and minus even the germ of a tail Both are alive and health but will probably be sacrificed for veal be fore tnev art main mobus older The Angora goat was formerly val ued only for the hair and for that rea son raising them wasnot so profitable Within the past three or four years the packers have begun to recognize the merits of goats for their flesh The ChicagoTi ve Stock Commission Com pany recently reported the sale of fat Angora wethejs at 47o per hundred which was within 52 cents per hundred of the priceof the best muttons sold on the market the same day George M Cook of Monona county Ipwa has recently purchased a large tract of land on Ash creek and expects to engage in stock raising Mr Cook has already purchased over two hun dred head of young cattle for his ranch iand will add more to these before the time for spring grazing Mr Cook in tends to remain in Stuart and will en gage in the live stock business here buying and selling all kinds of live stock principally fatted stock for east ern packing houses Stuart Ledger m A New Disease A new disease has made its appear ance among the sheep of Northern Wyoming and the state veterinary sur geon Dr M E Kuowles has been in vestigating it The disease is said to be fatal in three or four- days and is known only by the name of ictero hae maturia The seat of the ailment is in the liver and Hdne3s and has been lit tle known of before It is said to ba contagicus and first obtained from in fected soils Dr Knowles said The disease is always fatal as far as I have heard of a case Change of range is the only sure preventive Exchange Nebraska Calf Crop A prominent stock journal reports that The Nebraska calf crop for 1900 promises to be larger than the crop for many years past About 80 per cent is the present estimate This crop is good half blood and better Very few stockmen are breeding from scrub bulls and it is being demonstrated every year that it pays to get good bulls to main tain and indrease the value of our herds Good calves last fall from full blood bulls brought around 20 per head and in some instances more those from common bulls all around 17 The profits on a bunch of calves will more than pay the additional cost of good bulls over scrubs- Will Discuss Arid Liuds On April 18th the governors of the western states will meet in Salt Lake City to take some action on the arid land question Referring to the matter Governor Pdynter says If the gov ernment should edde the lauds in Neb raska to our state I feel confident our legislature would make such laws-concerning the disposition of them as would protect the small stockmen the irriga tion farmer and be of great benefit to the entire state The revenues derived from them could be used for the devel opment of our western country and certainly be decidedly for the best in terests of our people J o xews democra iMews Farm- ana stock J ournal vJIlSNTINE NEBRASKA APBIL 12 1900 sra 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 SPRING GOODS We Always Koror w CITIZENS COMBiNF F T Brackett m US icbssesawrarSL s J 1 NUMBER 1 2 Q 3 0 mO 0 0 oft wO 3 3 A w ft I I 125 Lowest Prices DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants 3 OO V QC I ARE ARRIVING 0 Latest styles in Ladies Ties Collars Shirt Waists Etc Kcwest rjatterns in all Over Lace hh CORDETTE The best dress stiffening in the world We have some odd sizes of Mens Shoes ranging in o TiHffi tmm XV f fl fa 83 Ml Arm Of f r W VT S V S VS VS A A A ii to close out at ALL OVn WORK GUARANTEED h 2 2 Best Goods and fc h to to to to 3 - MEAT MARKET J W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keepB a supply of FRUIT - AND GAME In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry- Salt Meats Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables AtStettars Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA AT JJMr ANMUAL LEARII4LJI1E SHOES AT HALF PRICE OOTS SHOES AND GENTS FURNISHINGS PRACTICAL TAILORING D STINARD - CLOTHIER Valektike Nebraska Mothers beware of those secret rob bers of your babys quiet and health Those sleepless nights and long hours of tiresome vigil are caused by those terrible enemies of childhood worms Destroy and remove them with Whites Cream Vermifuge Price 25c Quig ley Chapman druggists Taken Up deliorned steer roan colored on left shoulder U left hip Above described ani inalwas laken up at my place 3 miles from Chesterfield T A COOPEIt 7 Ct W E Haley Valentine Neb Brand registered No 200 TJange in Fharps Banch and German precincts 6 miles south of Jiilgore C E Wright HmT fin UrS rfiilis BSKisfsaiasew Cooper Nebr Brand registered No 374 Brand anywhere 0n right siJe Kiege Near Brand Kegistered No 1490 Brand right side or hip Horse same on right shoulder Bange Niobrara G miles south of Kilgore Subscribe for the News Democrat Postofflce address McCann Neb Branded on left side horses same on left hip Range between the xiobrara and Snake KennedyNebr Same as cut on left side and hip and on left shouldprof hor ses AIsoWW on left bide WM an hip on right hip and on left side H SCBTJLTZ Postofflce address 1 McCann Neb m a W J warn mm SKT Stock branded as on cut Kange xorth and south of Georgia WILITEL3I ANDERSON Prideaux Sanfotd TjI Kennedy Neb Stock branded on left side Horses branded on left shoulder N S Rowley C on left hip of horses k TBI Marquardt Rowlus Otto Stijtjbk Manager MerrimanNeb Cattle brand OM on left shoulder Some of cattle have various older brands O S on left hip Horse brad A on left shoulder Bangfi Formerly Geo Wilonnler ranch S milps it nf SMerriraan from FE M V R R south to Leander Creek Mar quardt Bowlus ScrlbncrvNebrasKa - 1 l rills n 1 M 3 - 31 A fj