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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1900)
i r C F Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side same as cut Stock over one year old on right side liorses same X Tl on left shoulder Range south west VOLUME XV JULIUS PETERSON Postofflce address Gregory Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles north of Gregory JhmJR J A SAULTS Postofllco address Gregory Neb On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder Range Arkansa Valley and Snakr COOPER I JACOBSON g ol Hackberry Lake and Curlew Also some brando ZI on eft leg BROTHERS Postofflce address Gregory Neb On left side some same with I on left shoulder KHI horses KvVj left shoulderPiilri Rango HH don and Goose Lake DAN WEBSTER Postofflce address Harlnn Nebraska On left side or hip horses branded same leftshJuMer Range between Nio brara and Snake riv ers south of Merri man Valentine Xeb Cattle branded on left hip horses the same Range en Dry Val ley nKMnaaKJlBnHiBUBdsR A Rvtcavtl of 100 will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrestand final conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle or horses with above brand O J K ELL Ail Postofflce addresc R HANSON oto o HQdre Brow n tbr 0 On eft side Range betweei loose Creek ant Loup fife R M FADDIS Postofflce address Pass Neb Range North Loup River ALBERT NENZEL TVietsifflcp iri dress Nenzel Nebraska Oneithersideof cat tle horses same Range northeast of Nenzel WaH RICHARDS CAIIiNES CO -St flarex - IBuKXA - Cattle branded on any pa t of animal also the following brands mmm torses branded the same Range between Gordon on the FE 7VI VR R and Hyannis on B M R R in Northwestern Nebraska Address Baktlktt Richakds Chadron Nebraska I GEORGE Postofflce address Simeon Neb Branded on rlgnti side or hip MR Also gt I en left hip HHll Horses on right Nhouider as on cut Range Gordon and Snake sas N DAVIS BK BaH C JENSEtf ostofflce a dress Gallop Nebraska Left side on private stock and right side on cattle beldftys also waj on left side of cattle noldori left side Horses C J on left shoulder Range Eight miles south of Gallop M RICHARDSON Postofflce address McCann Neb Branded on leftside Range McCann H -- t - i LEGAL NOTICES BIrX5aiMaSESS i Order to Show Cause In the District Coiirt of Cherry County Neb raska In the matter of the applicatlan of Clayton Suith guardian of Guy Tremniel and Carey Tremniel minors for the sale of real estate This cause came on for hearing upon the pe tition of Clayton Smitn guardian of Guy T em ine and Carey Tremniel minors praying for li cense to sell the ne4 section 24 township 33 range 32 Cherry county Nebraska for the pay ment of debts and for the support maintenance and education of said minors tlit re being no pergonal property for the payment of sid debts and expenses 11 is therefore ordered that all persons interested in said estate appear before me in Valentine Cherry County Nebraska on the 23d day of April 1900 at 10 oclock am to sliow cause why license jshould not be granted to said guardian to sell said real estate and it is further ordered that a copy of this notice be published in the Nkws Demociiat of Valnn tine Cherry County Nebraska for four consec uti vti weeks Dated this 22nd day of March 1900 W 11 WE6TOVER District Judge F M WALCOTT Attorney 9 4t Notice to Non Resident Defendants U S Grant Pcttycrew ard Mrs Fettycrew his wife first and real name unknown non-resident defendants will take notice that the under signed plaintill has filed his petition in the Dis trict Court of Clit rry County Nebraska against the said defendants the object ana prayer of which are to grecowr judgment for the sum of 827000 a balance duo to the plaintiff from the defendant on two certain promissory naes dated Lead S D April 4th 1898 for the sum of S200 each and payable to the Alexander Mer cantile Co and signed and executed by the de fendant which notes have since and before maturity been endorsed and assigned to this plaiutift that the plaintiff has caused an at tachment to be made of the real estate of the de feudant causisttng of the sw4 of section 21 township 35 range 27 and Lot 13 In Block C of the town of Valentine Nebraska all in said Cherry County Nebraska for the satisfaction of said debt and costs and accruing costs You are required to answer the petition of plaintill on or before April 30th 1900 or he said petition and demand of plaintill will betaken to be confessed by you to be true by vour default and judgment rendered against on WILLIAM C BROWNING Plaintiff R G EASLEY J Attorneys for A M MORRISSEY j Plaintiff 9 4t Order of Hearing on Original Probate of Will STATE OF NEBRASKA I Cherry County fs Tn the matter of the Estate of Mlcnael Schneider oeceased On reading and filing the petition of Gottleib Quade praying that the instrument filed on the 2lst day of March 1900 and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased may be proved approved probated allowed and recorded as the last will and testament of the said Michael Schneider deceased and that the execution of said instrument may be com mitted and the administration of said estate may be granted to Gottleib Quade as executor Ordered That April 7th A D 1900 at 10 oclock am is assigned for hearing giid peti tion when all persons Interested in said matter may appear at a County Conrt to be held in and for said county and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons inter ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the News Democrat a weekly newspa per printed in said county for 3 successive weeks prior to said day of hearing 9 lt W R TO WN E County Judge Notice to Xon Eesident Defendants To C H Tancray first and real name unknown and Emma R Tancray his wifj non-resident defend nts You and each of you are herebv notified that on the 15th d y of March 1900 Kittie Henn as plaintiff li ed her petition in the District Court of Cherry Count j Nebras a against you im pleaded with The Nebraska Mortgage and In vestment Compauy and C K Collins Receiver of The Nebraska Mortgage and Investment Company as your co defendants the object and prayer of which are to establish and foreclose a tax lien upon real estate as follows Sol of sec 27 twp 30 r 20 in Cherry County Nebraska for the taxes assessed and levied thereon for either state county or school district purposes for the years 1895 1890 1S97 and 1898 for which said lands were sold to this plaintiff for the sum of 3518 to have an accounting of the amount due hereon together with interest from the 14th day of February 1900 at the rate of ten per centum per a num To have the said land sold for the payment and satisfaction of the amount found due for such taxes interest penalties aud costs and the costs ot suit and the costs of sale to bar fore close and exclude the said defendants and each ot them from having or claiming any lien title interestor equity ot redemption of in or to the same or any part thereof and for general relief You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before April Mrd 1900 K1TT1E BENN Plaintiff A M MORRISSEY Attorney for Plaintiff Dated March 15th 1900 8 4t Notice to Non Resident Defendants William J Watson and Jane Watson his wife defendants wi 1 take notice that on the 15th day of March 1900 Preston Atwood plain tiff herein filed hi petition in the District Court of Cherry County Nebraska against said de fendants the object aud prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defendant to tne Western Farm Mortgage Trust Company and gaSsigued to plaintiff upon the following described premises Lots 1 aud a and e2 nv4 sec 7 twp 33 r 30 to secure the pavmeut of a first mortgage bond dated Feby 1st 1890 for the sum of 30000 due aud payable in five years from the date thereof together with interest evidenced ny 10 coupons of same date of 51050 each with interest from matur ity that there is now due upon said bond cou pons and mortgage together with taxes paid b plainliff the sum of SC7000 for which sum with interest from tnis date plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to sat isfy the amount found due You are required to answer said petition on or before the 2ad day of April 1900 PRESTON ATWOOD Plaintiff By F M WALCOTT his Attorney Dated March 15th 1900 8 4t Notice to Non Resident Defendants To Klisha Egelston Chloe Egelston T C Can non and C to Tancray non resident de fendants You and each of yon are hereby notified that on the 15th day of March 1900 Pauline W Stuckey as plaintiff filed her petition in the District Court of Cherry County Nebraska against you impleaded with The Nebraska Mortgage and Investment Company and- C K Collins Receiver of The Nebraska Mortgage aud Investment- Company as your co-defendants the object and prayer of which are to es tablish aud foreclose a tax lien upon real estate as follows N2 nw4 and n2 ne4 of sec 24 twp 31 range 27 in Ch rrv County Nebraska lor the taxes assessed and levied thereon for either state county and school district purposes for the years 1894 1895 1895 1897 and 1898 tor which said lands were sold to this plaintiff for the sum of S5723 to have an accounting of the amount due thereon together Avith interest from the 14th day of March 1900 at the rate of ten per centum per annum To have said lands sold for the payment and satisfaction of the amount due for such taxesiu terest penalties and costs and the costs of suit and the costs of sale to bar foreclose and ex clude the said defendants and each of them from having or claiming an lien title interest or equity of redemption of in or to Ithe same or any part thereof and for general relief You aud each of you are required to answer said petition on or before April 23d lDOfl PAULINE W STUCKEY Plaintiff A M MOKKIS5EY attorney for Plaintiff Dated Marsh 15th 1900 8 it n pyywvwwwvwwwvwwwwwwwwvvi STOCK NOTES Forty Hour Law Killed Live stock breeders and shippers says the Drovers Journalwlll be inter ested in knowing that the senate inter state commerce committee has decided to take action which will haye the ef fect of killing the bill intended to per mit live stock in transit to remain in the cars forty hours instead of twenty eight as at present The measure was introduced at the instance of leading live stoc associations of the country who claimed cattle in transit were sub jected to cruel treatment by unloading for the purpose of giving them water and rest This course necessitated a great deal of punching as the cattle are usually in an excited condition after be ing on the cars for some time The shippers -ranted the law changed so as to let the cattle remain in the cars forty hours as live stock coming from the ranges and distant feed lots could reach the markets in that time without change It was claimed it was in the interest of humane treatment that the extension of time asked The societies lor the prevention of cruelty to animals did not agree with the cattlemen how ever and have bombarded the senate with protests against the measure For these re sons the committee on interstate commerce has decided to ask the senate to recommit the bill upon which a favorable report has been made to the committee It will be in definitely postponed which means it will not be heard of again this season Thus it seems to be assumed that the Humane society people know more about live stock than do the intelligent live stock men of the country New Industry Nebraska is coming to the front with a new inanufaotured product called baled stover It is turned out by the Standard Company at Ames and is nothing more nor less than corn fodder In the corn field the cutting is done with a machine thatbinds the stalks at the same time Then when thoroughly dried out the whole mess is run through a shredder which shells and separates the corn and cobs The stalks aud blades are shredded up into little bits said to be just the right stuff for cattle and sheep very nutritious and digestible for the juices of the stalks are in them yet For shipping how ever the Ames people are baling the stover in the form of cylinders 30 inches long and 18 inches in diameter In this space is compressed 300 pounds of corn stalks and leaves It is said that the stover is being manufactured for shipment to cattle and sheep glowers in the eastern part of this country and in Europe Export of liorses The report of the treasury depart ment shows a remarkable increase in the horse and mule export trade of the United States during the past few months The total export of horses for the month of January 1900 aggregated 4972 against 3327 head for January 1899 The total exportation of Ameri can horses for seven months ending January 1900 comprise 27286 head against 21436 horses for the same period in 1899 and 25021 head for the corresponding seven months in 189S A feature of the export trade is the wonderful increase of the exports to Africa which m January reached the enormous volume of 4972horsesagainst 24 head for January 1899 For Janu ary 1900 there were exported 5759 mules against 538 head in January last year The export of mules for the seven mouths ending January 1900 comprise a total of 22264 head against 4834 mules for the corresponding period in 1898 New Sales Yard The stock sales yard at Chadron seems to be an assured fact and from the Chadron Journal we learn that Mr McGannon Has a force of men busily engaged getting out lumber for the yards of which he states it will re quire 350000 feet to complete with suit able shedding the yards he now has in contemplation of erection Among other statements Mr McGannon says his original investment will require 14000 to start it this includes first shipment of stock At a public sale near Amswnrth last week fifteen heifers sold for 35 per head This is a pretty stiff price rrsastrr 5 radsmtS rMews Farm ana stocR VALENTINE NEBRASKA MARCH 29 1900 Mr Cornelius Hedges secretary of the Montana Board of Sheep Commis sioners in his annual report to the gov ernor says among other things Though Montana imy be regarded as a healthy country for sheep ho general disease having made its appearance since the introduction in 1870 and no such destructive droughts have been experienced as in Australia yet with the best care attention and shelter with feed for seasons of storm there is considerable loss occurring Wolves and coyotes levy continual tribute many die from poisonous weeds and many more in untimely storms and sudden floods from piling up and smotheiing in cold storms In a re cent October storm in a single county it is estimated that as many as 5000 perished and in this case many of the herders perished as Well That storm was however unusually severe for the time of year Observers have noticed that compar atively few cattle deals are being closed just now and the fact is attributed to the cattle raisers1 independence He is satisfied that cattle are good property now and has great faith in the future The demand for bepf is increasing far more rapidly than the supply and thousands now want to get into the cat tle business who a few j ears ago wanted to get out The largest number of cattle ever credited to Texas was 8000000 head which number was reached in 1890 Now the number is placed at only 5000000 Owing to better outlets and smaller supplies all over the country but mainly to improved breeding the five million are worth probably as many dollars as were the eight millions of a decade ago W H Carter shipped two cars of horses from Cody Tuesday morning Cherry county is full of good horses which will bring their owners good re turns this year if they are put upon the market Grass is beginning to start in some of tlilow valleys and canyons but stock men are not yet safe from the fearqf a cold and wet storm One bad storm now could undo all the sood of the open winter just ending During the last two weeks rains have fallen over a good share of the western cattle country and stockmen are jubil ant over the prospects for an early spring with plenty of grass Through the efforts of Congressman Neville it has been decided that the government will continue to furnish blackleg vaccine to stockmen free of charge Cherry county has been remarkablA free from disease among her stock this winter but we hear that a number of cows are aborting this spring A man who can make money by raising horses would go broke by racing them You can be cheerful and happy only when you are well If you feel out of sorts take Her bine it will brace you up Price 50 cents Quig ley Chapman druggists JBLiyli Grade But Is I have at my ranch 20 miles south of Valentine in Deuvey Lake precinct 19 high grade Hereford bulls two and three years old and three head of full blood Galloways which I will sell cheap These bulls are all first elass and were raised on my ranch W G BALLARD WESTtRN NEBRASKA STOCK GROWERS ASSOCN ANNUAL MEETING AT ON MAY 8 1900 Inspection at all market points Charges reasonable Stockmen can join at any time Inspectors records of shipments and brands on file at Alliance Reward for Conviction of Thieves Fifte counties covered and 80100 he of cattle noAv in membership Correspondence solicited J R VAN BOSKIRK Secretary Treasurer ALLIANCE NEBRASKA TT IHjllIJM MOCRAT journal vXMO000OWO00OW30000to00 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 We 49 49 49 49 49 4 49 49 PRING OODS m mf s r ba e E3aK2HSc 6s 3T NUMBER 1 0 A A AAA A AAA J 0000000Q000 DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants Much pain and uneasiness is caused by pies sparing neither age nor sex Tublers Buckeye Pile Ointment cures the most obstinate cases Price 50 cents in bottle tubes 7uc Quigley Chapman druggists Tit ken Up delinrned steer roan colored f on lefr shoulder U left liip Above described ani mal wsiB taken up at my place 3 miles Irom Chesterfield P A COOPElt 7 Ct Strttyeil or Stolen neVtJIUl lltTclU l UiOCO U U14 ttLWJ tlejded jy Amos jNtrnnjr vaiPimne inpd W E Haley Valentine Neb Brand registered No 200 Range in Sharps Ranch and German precincts C miles south of Kilgore C E Wright Cooper Nebr Brand registered No 374 Brand anywhere 0n right side T T Brackett r r mimmvB Riege Nebr Brand Registered jo t4DO Brand right side or hip Horses same on right shoulder Range Niobrara G miles south of Kilgore rnw irrynrji p - ilium jpiuj H SCOTJLTZ McCann Neb Branded on left side horses same on left hip Range between the Niobrara and Snake Tm Kennedy Nebr Same as cut on left side and hip and on left shoulder of hor ses AIsoVH on leic biue v na an hip i a 3 on right hip and on left side OM I wi rTir PSlifefea ARE ARRIVING Latest styles in Ladies Ties Collars Shirt Waists Etc fewest patterns in all Over Lace COEDETTE The best dross stiffening in the world f We have some odd sizes of Mens Shoes ranging in cj price from 200 to 300 All go to close out at Always 125 1 Best Goods and o Lowest Prices 0 0 2 ri II li A f 5 J W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keepa a supply of mrprt In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meat Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Viirjruhlef AtSteUer8 Old Stand on Mam Street VALE W TIN 1 NFBASKA JHUM CLAWING SHOES AT HALF PRICE BOOTS s SIIOES CLOTHING AND gents furnishings practical tailoring ASjJL UVR WORK GV AIL ANT JED Valentine D STINARD CLOTHIER Nebraska Postoflice address MuCann Ne Stock branded as on cut Kange North and south of Georgia WILHELSr A2IDEBSON Postofflce address enfl Prideaux Sanford 1 Kennedy Neb Stock branded on left side Horses branded on left shoulder s N S Kowley TBI C on left hip of horses Marquardt Rowlus OttoStkube Manager 3rerrimanNeb Cattle brand OM on left shoulder Some of cattle have various older brands O S on left hip Horse brad A on left shouldei lance Formerly Geo W Monnier ranch 5 miles east of lirerrlman from FE M V R R south to Leander Creek Mar tpiurdt Fowlus KcrlbUBr Nebraska rSS 4 -- ir 41 m