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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1900)
is r A l KE5i side and thigh and on left thigh IJftSrwf WW ve El Range D uck Lake VOLUME XV PS HOTJSCHE PoBtofilce address Brownlee Nebi On left side or auy part of animal Ear mark right ear cut off liores branded same on left hlnAlso has stock branded II ouside or shoulder orJKorWorOVL oro or FZ Also wcrftafi thp following the first one being on side and hip S 11311 LEE A2JD SONB AxfUipflita Postofflce address GEO HIGGINS Brownlee Neb Branded on left side some H left P PULLMAN Postofflce address Pullman Neb Branded as on cut Also P on shoulder on side P on hip also w side P hip also P on snoulder XV on side P on hip Range north prong of North Loup Poatofflo ftddr e Brewnlee Xeb Oa rlcht dt LIS oa saste aid also LEE on tar tide Kongo eortb rowalos 2 to miles JOHN J SJ iszys r 3Kmwt Postofllco addrov Brownies Neb On light side Range Home Valley CLARENCE K SMITH PostofDce address Whitman Net On left side horses same on left shoulder on left side fcinywhern on animal Juki thigh K nh prongs river and Buffalo Like J H STEELE Postofflce address Cody Nebraska On left side also LO or W Li on left side ol somecattlejasjg AlsoS1 on left hlpragfl4 and horses onks left shoulder Ranee Mouth ot par Creek- jjipJ lb1 Eft LAN ADAMSON Postoffice address Chesterfield Neb H BflK A cattle pranaea on leftside as on cut also V leltneckandZ left hip some v lett neck v left shoulder and Z left bin jhorses VZ left hip Range Snake River813233 Br Dded as on cut some 5 on left hip some just one brand like on cut on left thigh Range between Bordman and Suake DAWSON BALL Tostoffice address Chesterfield Neb CHAMBERLAIN CO SBtefei TG OO Horses like cut ou Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Branded on either side same as on cut also both jaws WILLIAM FERDON MANAGER Postofflce address Valentine Neb Like cut on either left side or hinralso i m left hip and C leftshoulder S 250OO REWARD for sufficient evi dence to convict any o f flip alov hranrfp MASON COMPANY Postofflce addresB On n v DowvTVfi Postofflce addreas Gregory Neb On left side also C 0 L E on side Kangc Stevenson Lake Hyannis Neb On right hip 3J either side rigH sid left hip hor sei right shoulder Range seven miles north of HyannisJ 33W2 Jmt lEPS dHMUMHIMlM JULIUS PETERSON Postofflce address Gregory Neb Branded as ou cut Range two miles north of Gregory DAN Postofflce address Harlan Nebraska On left side or hip horses branded same left shoulder Range between Nio brara and Snate riv ers south of Merri man - 6 R Postofflce address Postofflce address Nenzel Nebraska On either side of cat tle horses same Itangc northeast of Nenzel JSASiie KlCyil Br bi iw vv JMBWS sf msi kS UtonidM Jiitf wi rn GEORGE Postofflce address Simeon Neb Branded on right t side or hip p Also gmJ on left hip HH Horses on right i houlder as on cut Range Gordon and Snake CfegaraJfil J A SAULTS wMjjJfc9 Stock over on right side horses same one year old v on left shoulder m Range south west Postofflce address Gregory Neb On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder C F COOPER Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side same as cut JWffi SB CAVSMiJI Vfr5isl W9XJ7M Range Arkansa Valley an dSnakr K oi Hackberry Lake and Curlew Also some brande on eft leg JACOBSON HHH0HPHt3iEfertflQff9bSSdb BROTHERS Postofflce address Gregory Neb On left side some same with I on left shoulder horses leit shoulder R HANSON - Valentine Neb Cattle branded on left hip horses the same Range en Dry Val ley N ESI don and Goose Lake WEBSTER A Iitiicftnl of 100 will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrestand final convict ion of any person or persons steal ing cattle or noises with above brand 3 O J KKlL h oto e midre Brown br On ef side Range betweei Joose Creek and Loup wm- VEKHjffbflB 3jEv R M FADDIS Postofflce address PassT Neb Range North Loup Riyer ALBERT NENZEL BmH RICHARDS CAIRNES CO Cattle branded on any part of animal siicn riiA it jv w W41VXUO VfcV lTld rF r3Sv J brands isjpffxf jSRW r wMSAWft - sAirtsi X 7 T- I VSylr -v itr v SKF T U1 UIilUUCU LUC v a nmo N Range between Gordon on the FE M VR R and Hyannison B MH II in Northwestern Nebraska Address Baktlktt Richakds Chadron Nebraska DAVIS C JENSEN ostofflce address GallonNebraskR Left side on private stock and right side on cattld heldriaJSl alsoiSasJ on left side of cattle hfldori left side UrJ3TAw H 4Zgc223ig9 Horses n 1 on left shoulder Range Eight miles south of Gallop M RICHARDSON Postofflce address atcCann Neb Branded on leftside Range McCann H i uUftS gyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvy STOCK NOTES KAAAAAAAAAlO An Earir Spring From all indications we will have an early spring at least the wish is fath er of the thought Cattle with few exceptions are looking fine and very few losses this winter have came under the writers nersonal observation Of course we will have storms before grass and possibly a blizzard which might do considerable damage but the shances are in favor of the winter sliding into the lap of spring before we are aware of it It is a good plan if it could be arranged for all stockmen to have some feed to use along about the first of April We usually have some disagree able storms about that date which are severe on cattle especially yearlings end cows dropping calves All stock men know that it is the severe spring weather that pile up the dealh losses for the year We may indulge ourselves with hopes for mild weather and early grass but nevertheless we should be prepared for the worst if it should come It is now six years since any great damage occurred by cattle drifting in a blizzard The last drifting blizzard was in the spring of 1893 It was no unusual sight m those days to see from two to half a dozen cattle sticking in the mud at the edge of some lake or pond dead from hunger and exposure In one lake in particular th writer saw forty t vo head of younj teeri and a few eov drowned in one night In 1892 the blizzards were extremely se vere and the loss to the country south and east of Alliance was very heavy In the spring of 1891 there was drowned in Swan lake about 100 three-year-old steers belonging to a man named War ner If a severe bizztrd should come now the losses would not be half o heavy as the lakes have nearly all van ished qeides the country is nearly all under fence which would retard the drifting somewhat and lately stot -men have learned by experience that it pays to keep the herd well in hand about the time of year for blizzards Pioneer Grip The Leasing Question At the recent meeting of the Nation al Live Stock Association at Fort Worthy Texas the subject of leasing the uublic grazing lauds of the west was very fully discussed in the consid eration of a resolution declaring in fa vor of leasing and a substitute offered or it declaring against leasing Upon a vote being taken the substitute was defeated by a vote of 3b0 to 227 44 not voting and the leasing resolution was adopted C F Martin secretary of the association has issued a bulletin setting forth the facts in regard to the discussion and the conclusion reached and declares the latter to be that while the association decided in fayor of leasing the public lands none of the bills now pending in congress for that purpose are satisfactory to the stock men and none of them were endorsed Instead the understanding was that legislation on the subject was to be prevented for the present until the stockmen could agree upon a measure which would be satisfactory to all in terests and which especially would protect the small stockman and home steader against the aggression of large accumulations of capitll A commit tee of sixteen representing all the states and territories wliere range con ditions prevail was appointed to pre pare a bill upon the subject The com mittee is now at work upon the bill and when it has succeeded in drafting a measure satisfactory to it it will be presented to the stockmen of the west for approval and amendment and when finally agreed upon by them will be presented to congress as represent ing the wishes of the stockmen of the west British Beef from America At the pure food convention in Wash ington last week Secretary of Agri culture Wilson stated that as a result of an investigation by an agent of his de partment he was informed that the fine beef sold in the English markets for English beef was killed m thevwest ern pait of the United States and -shipped in cold storage across the continent and then across the Atlantic This he said is the fine beef of Avhich Eng land boasts -Texas Journal New Mexico cattlemen are asking 16 for yearlings 18 for twos and 20 lfor threes jHysw s WESTERN NEWS DEMOCRAT - MeiATS Farm ana VALENTINE NEBBASKA MARCH 22 1900 The Belgian Hare Interest in the Belgian hare is in creasing in all parts of the United States and particularly in California which has taken the lead in the new industry There are more Belgians in California than in any other state in the Union and the breeding of the ani mal is more extensivelv carried on at Los Angeles than in any place in Am erica if not in the world Northern California is now taking up the business rapidly and every day one may read of arrivals of thoroughbred Belgians at various points in this part of the state The Belgian hare is wonderfully pro lific like the English rabbit which it resembles in form An ingenuous cal culator has figured out that allowing six litters a year and eight young ones to each litter the progeny of a single pair would in five years reach the enor mous total of 4305181 G82 hares- He further estimates that allowing each hare only two square yards of space this number of hares would need 278 square miles of land Texas Stock Journal Kailroad is Held Accountable The supreme court has upheld the -decision of the circuit court of Illinois giving H II Harris judgment against the Illinois Central railroad for the loss of a number of catt e shipped by him in cars which were said to have been infected with Texas feyer germs and from which the disease was com nuni cated to tin herd resulting in the death ot -several head The appellate aud su preme courts have in turn affirmed the decision of liability positive proof hav ing been adduced that diseaseUwas so communicated to the cattle Qie su preme court declares that before the compan3T used these cars for shipping cattle it should have disinfected them so as to rovide against the spreading of disease among live stock shipped on the road Having failed to take this precaution to protect innocent shippers the court holds that the company is liable for any loss that may nave ac crued to the shipper thereby Texas Stock Journal - - Hides are reported scarce and prices are firm - The German crusade against Ameri can meats has about reached the point where it is high time for Uncle Sam to begin to fling adjectives at Emperor William with a Celtic accent Texas Journal The report comes from Wyoming that glanders has broken out among the horses of the McShane outfit on the line of the Burlingtons extension The animals have been placed in quarantine Hunters fron the Laramie plains have recently been collecting bounties on pelts of dogs killed among the haunts of wolves aud coyotes as preda tory wild animals The dogs have de serted their domestic homes to mingle with the wild beasts Texas Journal At the sale of the late Duke of West minsters string of race horses which took place Thursday at Kingsclere Flying Fox winner in 199 of the Der by the 2000 guineas the Eclipse stakes and the Doncaster St Legerwas pur chaaed by Edraond Blanc for about 196000 Mules are selling about as well as any other live stock now Good big mules are comparatively scarce and buyers for the British government have taken a large number of small and medium sized animals from the market aud indications point to a sharp revival of mule breeding There isa great difference in the way in which cows for dairy use should be developed from that in which beef catble are to be treated Cows should be kept in a good healthy condition but any tendency to over fattening is to be avoided That a race horse becomes weakened by a superabundance of flesh is generally known and the same is true of a dairv cow Miyli Grade Bulls I have at my ranch miles south of Valentine in Dewey Lake precinct 19 high grade Hereford bulls two aud three yftars old und three head of full blood Galloways which I will sell cheap These bulls are all first class and were raised on my ranch W G BALLARD zhm J NUMBER 9 4 4 49 SPRING 49 GOODS 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 prif m 4jL - kiv IdS s mtw22 vlffttfflwmjiKWfa AN Taken Ifji dehorned steer roan colored f on left shoulder U left hip Above described ani mal wib taken up at my place 3 miles from Chesterfield P A COOPElt 7 Ct Liberal Reward Strayed or stolen 18 head of cat tle from our range between Tannary 21 and 23 cattle branded JRSJIon lett side and some I on er Jacobson Bros Gregory Nebr Strayed One iron gray mare 3 years old half blood Branded SF on left shoulder Please notify Max E Viertel Crookston Neb Strayed or Stolen Several head of horses and cat tle aded Amos Strong Valentine Neb C E Wright Il 1 ir SHOES AT HALF PRICE Cooper Nebr Brand retjistered No 374 Brand anywhere 0n right sMe F T Brackett E5Sk HaR las Riege Nebr Brand Registered Co 1 50 Brand rigbCside or hip Horsci same on riirht shoulder Range Niobrara c miles south of Kilgoro H SCDULTZ ------1 mm N S Rowley Kennedy Nebr Same as cut on left side and hip and on left shouiueror hor ses AIsogr5H on leit biue Vm S an hip H on right hip and J to i to to to ARE ARRIVING to to to Latest styles in Ladies Ties Collars Shirt Waists Etc K IS e west Datterns in all Over Lace o COEDETTE The best dress stiffening in the world to We have some odd sizes of Mens Shoes ranging in to price from 8200 to 3300 All go to close out at w m m m to 49 We A nOn HIT Best Goods and b 49 I 11 Sill K 1 ill I- to T Always 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 SI26S Lowest Prices f DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants to to to to to to to to4 to CI TIZENS - MEAT - MARKET d W STETTER PROPRIETOR ThiB market always keeps a supply -of FRESH FRUIT - AND GAME 9 In addition to a first class line of Steaks Eoasts Dry Salt MeEti Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables AtStetters Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA NUAL CLEARING SALE BOOTS SHOES CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHINGS PRACTICAL TAILORING ALZ OVlt WORK GUAIIANTSED Valextine Much pain and uneasiness is caused by pies sparing neither age nor sex Tablets Buckeye Pile Ointment cures the most obstinate cases Price 50 cents in bottle tubes 75c Quigley Chapman druggists D STINARD CLOTHIER Nebraska Postoflice address McCann Neb Stock branded as on cut liange orth and south of Georgia WILHEL3I ANDERSON Postofiice address McCann Neb Branded on left side horses same on leit hip Range between the Niobrara and Snake TBI X3 Prideaux Sanford W Kennedy Neb - J1 Stock branded on left side on left shoulder jp ieu siue st C on left hip of horses Marqnardt Rowlus OttoStkubk Manager OM J VA I A Vi I J J MerrimanNeb Cattle brand 031 on left shoulder Some of cattle have various nlderbrands OS on left hip Horse trVd A n left shouldm itiiigft tornierly jf Geo Y Monnier T 4rm fwmilvt nf iirerTlman from FE M V R R south to Leander Creek Mar tpjQjrdt Bowheft twitnnjrrNeimwK5 I rtk