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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1900)
i 1 i 3i0BBKi - v PS 1 M a r A sifli address ntrl tew iO ou nt ifc Ume kHiuZ ff i e N If eWiU ImUturMf hip Range Sbfji Klvr8lr 382ft - J wr v J VtSiu WEST VOLUME XV tcs S T s 1 r - I C - - Borseh tike cut ou UOUSCHi Iosudllce UddmiN Brownlee Nt 0 On left side or any part of animal Ear mark riuht ear cut off horses branded arae on left hip Also has stock branded H on side or shouldeh a - or j iv or w oruvii oro or PZ Also tlu following tlie first nm EgagaSl - ITrmvnlee i Branded on left sidf H ei ld wti V i tMc uuit Ei iMick like t 1 t jaaiB 45 K WILLIAM PosUiIh addreus uleniiue Neb Ltkecut mi itber ten ifii r hipals 1 m m WSM TG OO p T HHIV WJtMTOtrm5BfS Jjwm bring nit side ana lit 5SfE2tra Wr l PM fhi address WnitmauNeL On left side horses same on leftshoulder in left side vwherf on I II il u Fm r thtgh RjiiurpiMitlufonci Middle Lup river nr Buffalo like CLARENCE K SMITH P ftjP25 ij2Sfc 2aSrfc 1rsldSHni RMiDeui m LJr also jasff im III N -UT N - J5 left hip and C leftshoulder S 250OO RKWARD for sufficient evi dence to convict any of f ho fttwivo hranrto MASON COMPANY Postofflce address WKnStW Hvannis Neb On right hip TL either side On right I side left hip Mi hor ses right shonlaer Range seven miles north of HyannlsV II V DOWNING Postofflce addreas Gregory Neb On left side also C 0 L E on side Eange Stevenson Lake 4r - imBliiWiMijiiriTBirf jfc I hHQHEShBBIHHHP aim rinindeu on iett side surae as cut Stock over one year old on right side horses sunie on left shoulder Range south west V Wiakii i rhminiu lfi m shoulder nersnn for inforiuatiou lc t JfcM t fr 1 t 5tr w rv 1 - t 3S8aHgsfc B M Xiltllx rusk GEORGE Postofflce address Simeon Neb Branded on right side or hip MR Also BMj on left hip HH Horses on right 1 boulder as on cut Range Gordon and Snake T C - KSSCSjr5nStesKCag y saBartsrMVrw f JULIUS PKTEItSON Postofflce address Gregory Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles north of Gregory N shoulder horses leit shoulder RitULe G J -I H J H STEELE C a Postofflce address K Cody Nebraska m - t VlttHHTHfi On left side also LO V - i I HKIorWLcmleftside yM0Mi Vtcl ol some cattleaBp fi3 3aBJ mh1 Aisoiig zMm DAVIS M RICHARDSON Postofflce address HtcCann Neb Branded on leftside Range JlcCann ix JLnJB J A SAULTS C F COOPER friil uUh i1 riddrcss f t Kfiinedy NebHJ Postofflce address Gregory Neb On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder Range Arkansa Vallev and Snakr Hakberrv Lake and Uurlew lsosomebrande en eft leg JACOBSON Kft CKWtt 4s aii S WSmk IHvJIHh nm BROTHERS Postofflce address Gregorv Neb i Iffi side s line lamf with I on h ft mi f hi hiiiI J sf Lake DAN WEBSTER i Mirtlre address ilarlmi Nebraska i left side or hip imrMS branded same Itftt sh ul ier Range between Nlo brara and SnaVe riv era south of Merri ii ii n A Kt irard of SlOU will be paid to any leading to the arrestand final nmivirtimi of any person or persons steal big cattle or noises with above brand oto e ddres Brow n fbr On ef side Range betweet wHHHifon Ieft niP4 Sie IS nose Creek anc ElFl and horses onkSSZSli 1 W 1 5 ouu W W Wfts nnlder Sk Ri V CT B e - R HANSON P PULLMAN f M1 m 6b v PV Pullman WsM ValentiucNeb 4 W Js Brnndeilas on cut KmXPW battle branded on m Ml S8W Alo p on slmuld r H SimeiP h0rS6S BMHk J j W 00msmm - RM FADDIS 5w - - laKffi PostoiUce a tfV WirfiK MBrl w JCT P Neb SSftF - 4MBPqBlRiai Rnige Norh Loup I N V ALBERT NTNZEL J u - aits PHIHi Jvdbftl On atht iof jHflMH w irel 1 J ff 1 v H ft V 9 HKHbBny - CHAJMBERLAIN - RICHARDS CAIRNES CO - a PAttl liri liiltH nn -A-1 any part or nimat T3 jjgJw following - Brownie e rfWW hm mmem Bnuidi d jf mmlwmHJmM vMH R as S IfHfl t orses branded tne same Range between Uordon ol the FE M Vt It H and K in Northwestern iTI 1 Ru H 4IMS C JENSEN os t office a dress Gallon Nebrask k9f 1 ijiawwawwr Left side on private stock and nghside on cattle heldKjyH alsoff on lefl bide of cattle hfldorRao left sfdeg Hones CJn lfcft Bange EIcht miles south of Gallop V Jin y JL Does NEWS DEMOCRAT iNfers Farm dna stocR Journal VALENTINE NEBRASKA MARCH 1 5 1900 WVWWWVJ STOCK NOTES 5 J AAAAAAAAAM The humble mule is in reality the aristocrat of farm animals During the past year he was worth an average of 9 more than a hurse 22 more than a milch cow and S28 more than a beef The Niobrara Land and Sheep Co publish their flrst annual report this week which slid s that corporation to be in a most healthy condition Their assets now reach the snug sum of 45- 0U0 and stock in this company is at a premium Gordon Journal One Ha to liul off the wire trust is nottouse their wire any more rii n possible It is pure robbery to advance the price of wire like it has been in the past year If barb wire could be made and sold for 2 25 per hundred what must be the profits now when it is sel ling for 5 35 Outside of politics this is a question for the American stock man and farmer to ponder over Alli ance Grip I icago Drovei Journal of March 8 notes that exporters paid 490 and 550 for cattle during the week Hogs closed a shade higher than Wednesday of last week Native cows ond heifers closed 10 and 15 cents higher than a week ago Native beef cattle advanced 10 and 15 cents during the week under review There was an advance of 10 and 15 cents in the general run of sheep and lambs during the week Joseph Koach a cattleman of Minot N L is in Oregon preparing to pur chase several thousand head of young cattle with which to re stock his ranges on the lower Yellowstone and on the Missouri He is buying yearlings and two-year-olds in various parts of Ore gon and paying from 20 to 26 per head He has also purchased 2500 head of yearlings and two-year-olds tile stock to be delivered in May and which will be shipped by rail to the Yellowstone files Ufty Journal Bulls aud Contagious Abortion A bull used on a herd m which there is contagious abortion will communi cate the disease to other herds For how long the infectiou will be com municable none of the authorities haye collected data enough to be certain It is known howeyer that cows will car ry the germs until after three or four years they become fortified against thein themselves aud no longer abort although they will still continue to sommunicate the disease The proba bilitv therefore is that in like manner thr bull will also eoutinue to carry the ertns of the disease perhaps indefin itely - Homestead Moiguiiig ep aud Wool a mortgage on sheep include th wool 5iNkii a eoVreoncJent of the actitc Rutai iri Its answei is a tollos A uiau gave a cliattel mort gage on a herd olsheep in Kern coun ty the mortgage to cover the increase thereof The mortgager sheared the sheep and the mortgagee claimed the wool Suit was brought for its recov ery but the lower court ruled against the mortgagee The court in affirming the judgment has laid down the law the increase of a herd of sheep or cattle or other domestic animals means the young of such animals and cannot apui to the wool in question any more than the chattel mortgage of a dairy would coyer the butter and cheese to be hereafter produced Kills all Land Lease Legislation The following dispatch to the World Herald tvill greatly please a large num ber of our readers who have feared legislation on the lease question Washington D C March 10 As some uneasiness had been caused by various propositions to revise the pub lic land laws the house committee on public lands today adopted the follow ing resolution offered by Mr Mondell of Wyoming -Resolved 1 hat in order to dispone of legislative suggestions which at the present time the committee or the congress js - not prepared to act upon and to facilitate the consideration of other important matters before the committee all bills having for their ob ject the general cession of the pubLc domain to the states and territories or the general leasing of the public graz ing lands be disposed of by laying same upon the table KlSSES3SS3HesS8P83s The citizens of Hooker county met at Mullen on the 3d inst and adopted resolutions against the passage of any bill providing for the leasing of public lands Nothing new was contained in the resolutions beyond what has been published heretofore except the follow ing And we pledge ourselves not to support any man for public office that will work or vote for said bill A number of our subscribers have said they wished Ave could publish the land office notices but the hard hearted officials will not consent that we may have some of the pie so we concluded to do the next best thing and publish the particulars at any rate and in another column will be found the re sult This paper goes farther than any other and gives the essential facts for all the district not this locality alone To the best of our knowledge no other paper in the Union publishes stich a tableand we hope it will prove of bene fit to all our readers Y A Reply to Fairhead Gallop Nebr March 13 1900 Editor News Democrat I saw in our last weeks issuejt letter from my friend and neighbor Mr Fairhead on cattle stealing and how to stop it I will agree with Mr Fairhead that cat tle stealing must bex stopped but how to stop it is the question We can hardly blame a man when he sees the penitentiary before him for a term of from five to ten years if he uses any means td escape for self preserv tion is the first law of nature but how would it be to look after our county officials When a man is elected to an office of public trust by the electors of a county and is paid a liberal salary for his ser vices if he sells out and lets a prisoner escape or fails to prosecute to the best of his ability such an officer is in my opinion far worse than the thief and if some of these cases were severely dealt with by the people there would be les3 jail breaking and fewer criminals go free on technical points A vigorous enforcement of the law and the punishment of- public offences as well as private ones will do much to remedy the trouble Lets here from others Dan Webster High Grade Bull I have at my ranch 20 miles south of Valentine in Dewey Lake precinct 19 high grade Hereford bulls two and tliree years old and three head offull blood Gallowavs which I will sell cheap These bulls are all first class and were raised on my ranch - W G BALLARD Eli Precinct Rey Hunt went to Lavaca hist Fri day Wm Dahlgriu aud family were visit ing east of Eli the first of last week G B Nichols made a trip to Gordon the rst of last week Mrs W L Nichols is teaching a tjliree mopths term of school in Dist 55 Mrs J E Selder and Mrs E E Oraie were on the sick list last week Miss Etta Jirown county superin tendent was visiting schools in this part of the county week before last Rev Conell held a very successful meeting at the Garner school house Twelve or fourteen of the young peo ple united with the church Sandy Sparks A successful term of school closed in Sparks last Friday evening with a lit erary program Chas Lowry has quit teaming for the TJ S has rented John Whillans fine faim and will be his own boss Felix Nollette bas bought the old Sterling farm of 320 acres and has now a good home of his own Felix is do ing well Cap Archer goes to Valentine almost every Sunday Ray Jones is getting to be a broncho buster Archer and Bowden are wintering 255 head of cattle Jake Homar is back from the east He says he knows of lots of men word ing on farms for their board and he has been working for 0 a month The county bridge at the Widup ford has gone out and ice was thrown upon the floor of the new iron bridge at Ber rys ford It stood the strain but it is four feet too low The Ashburn boys -will run a herd this summer Mrs Hardy Sears went to Valentine for medical treatment last Saturday Katy Sjjgis NUMBER S S A 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 PRING OOD - FRUIT AND -GA Valentine Much pain and uneasiness is caused by pijes sparing neither age nor sex TableVs Buckeye Pile Ointment cures the most obstinate cases Price 50 cents in bottle tubes 7uc Quigley Chapman druggists Taken Up 4-Year-old dehorned steer roan colored on left shoulder U left hip Above described ani mal w ia laken up at my place 3 miles from Chesterfields PA COOPEU 7 Gt Liberal Reward Strayed or stolen 18 head of cat tle from our range between January 21 and 23 cattle bfandedRglon lett side and some I on leftgjshould er Jacobson Bros Gregory Nebr Strayed One iron gray mare 3 years old half blood Branded SF on leftshoulder Please notify Max E Viertel Crookston Neb Strayed ov Stolen several neau 01 nurse uuu tab- mm ueaaueu W Amos Strong Valentine reD 0 E Wright -at 1 fljafefcP jU F T Urackett I il tWWXXlVttrMFfWU Riege Nebr Brand Registered No M90 Brand right side or hip Horses same on right shoulder Range Niobrara G miles south of Kilgore Postofflce address n scnuirz TiEl 1 r Sirf M McCann Neb Branded on left side horses same on leit hip Kauge between the xiobrara and Snake KsnnedyNebr Same as cut on lefl side aud hip and on left shoulder of hor ses AIsopH on ietc blue rH an hip on right hip and F ou left side A 4b 2 0 0 ARE ARRIVING 2 Latest styles in Ladies Ties Collars Shirt Waists Etc Newest Datterns in all OvenLaee i CORDETTE The best dress stiffening in the world We have some odd sizes of Mens Slioos ranging in so nn 51 nn ah fn c r 0 J 1WU1 - Vvvu 1LJ to close out at 49 49 We 49 JA Always 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 COMBINE 9 1 120 Best Goods and h Lowest Prices b bb DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants 0 l TIZEN8 - MEAT - MARKET U W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keepri a supply of ME 5 In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meati Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables AtStetters Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA Lyff I n mi Jm ANNUAL CLEARING SALE SHOES AT HALF PRICE BOOTS SHOES AND GENTS FURNISHINGS PRACTICAL TAILORING AIjTj OVIt WOHK GUARANTEED B STINARD CLOTHIER Nebraska Postofflce address McCann Neb Stock branded as on cut Range ortIi and south of Georgia WILHEL3I ANDERSON Prideaux Sanford mmmam iiTMTffniii 1 Cooper Nebr Brand registered No U74 Brand anywhere 0u right side il wmjww H I l Kennedy Neb stock branded on leftside Horses branded on left shoulder N S Rowley Marquardt Rowlus OttoStuube Manager QM I KI C on left hip of horses iia 1 MerrimanNeb Cattle brand OM on leftshoulder Some ol cattle have various older brands us on left hip Horse brad A on left shuuldei Ranee Formerly GeoWMonnier irauch 5 miIes east of SSATflrHmnn f rnm V V - a M V R R south to Leander Creek Mar quardt BowlusrScribnerNebraska j r t r W If V Vj J