Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1900)
ft 13 kI 7M iyiwrtAit s a -wen-slow Postofflce address Cody Nebraska Branded on either side horses same on left shoulder Rango 3 mi north east of Kli and south of Niobrara river 13 mi MuthwcstofCody laaIlL Postofflce address jonx Postcrrjce address Cody Nebraska On left side Also on left side A D COLE Cody Nebraska Same as on cut left side and shoulder Range east and south- and west of Cody IKMEexRESalHDi m norses J S on left shoulder Range between Cody nnd Lake Creek AmfW SHAXGRAX V w CTTXkVtABEVtLK stm3Btsmmmesmms WESTERN HEWS DEHOORA t Slew a Farm and Stock ROBESfcT GOO - Manager Valentine Nebraska CODY JSEBK ALONZO HEATH rostofflce address Cody Nebraska On left side norses Isftslioulder Range north Cutcomb Lake oi A C RIEMENSCHNEIDER Postofflce address Cody KeDraeKa On right side jalsoX on right shoulder and 2 on jaw 3 3 on left hip also 3 on jAw Range Old Poor Ranch on Niobrara CHAS E ROBERTS Postofflce address Cody Nebraska On either side some REE some EEE Range north west of Cody FRANK J JONES Postofflce address CodyNebraska hn right side hor sessame on left fihodlder Jfcingc eight miles west of Cody jfcTfrWySJhiyjjJtaB 3fcK CHARLES GARTSIDE Postofflce address Cody Neb Cattle branded on left side also C G on left hip of cattle and left shoulder on horses Ptanse on Niobrara 10 mi southwest Cody J P GARDINER Postofflce address Cody Nebraska On left side of cat tle horses O right arm Range north and south of Niobrara River12 miles south west of Cody kPRED AXD WILLIAM MA YBEE Postofflce address Cody ebi On left side horses tame left shonlder Earmark notch on underside of right ear Range east and s uth of EH FRANK feHErib MOGLE Postofflce address G H SEAGER Postotnce address Codv Neoraska Cattle branded as on cut on left side hip and shoulder horses jape Range Snake Creek Cody Nebraska On either de cattle herdmark left ear clipped and ritrht ear splithorses branded same on left shoulder SUan on Niobrara and MedicineCanyon HfeHHBikri9IH ROBERT r HTNES KmB Postofflce address Cody Nebraska Branded on left side horses same loft shoul der Range on Snake south af Codv William M Dimhar Lessee from Heine Kroeger Cody Neb DUfl Either side Also fanri i low on right Xeft ear ot cattle Split Range bead of Hay reek W 7 MM J f W t t 1 Postofflce addres ri Stotts Stetter Cody Nebraska B raided on leftside Range Tin Cttn Lake and Morgan Flats I A Y j Cody Neb 7 TU5 Amelia Young QBE CHURCH Merriman Neb On left side also right side horses o left shoulder Range north and south of Merrimau Postofflce address Merriman Neb On hip of cattle horses same left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and Niobrara River 9 mi southeast of Merriman ifijin t Cody Nebraska On right side Right ear split Range Little White river Wheeler Bros Also B on right side Range Chamberlain Flats and Snake River fil Henry Young I H YH Codv Nebraska Horse brand MY on left shoulder Cattle right ear split Range Little White river S D Newman Bros Nations Codv Nebraska On point left shoul aer Also w w on point left shoulder Also on left shoulder Same on left hip s Leffcsidfl fo I MEBBDIAK KEB Hugh Bovill Manager j6BKSifci3ES3QECPMB3 Merriman Neb Left side or hip Range north 0 Eli rostofllcG address Merriman Neb On left side horses same left shoulder Range Little White River South Dakota Merriman Neb Also All on left side or hip Range north of El Charlotte E Bovill flKs SoKsP SELDER BROTHERS Postofflce address Merriman Neb On left side of cat tle also f3 horse on left Mshold Range 1101th and south of Niobrara River9 mi southeast of Merriman GEORGE STOVER GEORGE JESSEN mSMKm Postofflce address Merriman Neb On either left side or hip horses same on left shoulder R nge East of Cot tonwood Lake n E F DEVENE rostofflce address Merriman Neb Branded on left side horses same on left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and the Niobrara riverP mi SE of Merriman CHAS S NICHOLS Louis F Richards Met rim an Neb Joseph W P O address Merrimau Nebr Right ear cropped Hole in center of left ear Range Lake creek SD WK rostofflce address JOIOr DUBRAY Merriman Neb On left side Jaw or hip Range Lako Creek South Dakota Mj MmJ ROSEBUD S B jJ VMS Postofflce address Hyannis Neb Branded on lelt side Range eighteen miles 1101 th of Hvannis mttvQSSSsacsKsss M Louis J Kichards Merriman Neb Charles Kichards uerriman Neb jccrI Louis Bordeaux Rosebud S D Horses branded m Alfred Bordeaux and Bros Rosebud S D Range between Minnechaduza and St Francis on left thigh MORRIS JANIES WmSwBFtm Postofflce address itoseoud s D Cattle branded on left side as on cut uorseBTCS1 onleftthfoh V Rrnge on Rock Creek Henry Pratt Rosebud S D Left side Horses same on left shoulder Deeihorn clip on some cattle John DeCory Rosebud S D TJXD ca Some branded ID 417 on left side HoisesJD on left hip Range in aieyer Co on Antelope Creek Charles C Tackett Rosebud S D Range head of An relODe near St Marys mission Horses branded m ST1 Peter Vlondray Rosebud SD Left side Left ear cropped Horses branded VB Range Little White River at mouth of dar Creek HYAtfKIS JHEB H A BUCK jHHEsaBrSEajH L L MORRILL 0f ti mt H C MASON rostofflce address Hvannis Neb Cn left side some same on left side and hip Some on left hip 1 1 nvCAC lYF shoulder Range Mother Lake summer Sheridan Co Postofflce address Hyannis Neb On left side also S on left hip horses Is left shoulder Range 25 milcs north of Hyannis fBgSB A J PLUMER Also have stock branded on right side and hip Horses on right hip Range Southwesl rn Cherry County Postofflce aCdress Hyannis Neb Branded on right side and h p BBS Brand ami Paper One Yeai Robert Good Talentine fteli t Postofflce address Hyannis Neb on right side ho r cs same on right shoulder nge six miles northwest of Moth er Lake pre cl net Postofflce address side Also on left hip and Jeft side horses same j g cooley brands on shoulders Range 23 ralIes orthof Hyannis G 01 don Nebraska HonHHEKjsj Postofflce address Rushville Neb On left thigh or hip horses J left thigh Range Head watet s of Gordon Creek qKjaimmw awr A HUMPHREY feTfflMMfiyltrW Hyannis Neb On left hip anc left Postofflce address Hyanmn Neb Branded anywhere on right side hor ses same on left shonlder Range -- sixteen miles northeast of Hyann W E STANSBIE AND D 0 BAUGH ilHi B E E AND H E WOODRUFF Postofflce address On left hip and left Bide Also stock branded on left side and reversed S on right S W Cbesnut Btand same as cut on lefL hip Range head of Gordon Creek forty mills soutlieast of Gordon Breeder of Hereford enttie y shoulder also right hip and left side Range Mother Lake GENTRY ABBOTT MONAHAN Postofflce address Hyannis Nehl Both on left side some stock alUI branded C left shoul der A left hip also NNN anywhere on left side also C A lelt side Range head Middle Loup A T DAVIS Postofflce address Hyannis Neb On right side horee on left shouldd also cattle O O on ritrht sld Range 16 miles north of Hannis SHERIDAN CO Ml g D N GOURLEY Postofflce address Rushville Neb On left hip also 500 on leftj side horses left shoulder niGa east ot Gordon Gordon Neb Also m on left hip Horse brand JF on left shoulder Range 10 miles northeast of Gordon George F Damon BSD FDj Cordon Nebraska Rangel4 miles north of Gordou tTOOTMlMEfff t Range Cedar Lake J W OSTRANDER AIZeivartloTdOO will be paid to anv person for information leading to the arrest and iinal conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle with above brand MOREY - HEWETT Postofflce address Gordon Neb wn iciisiue 01 cattle horses same left shoulder alsoj 5MU ann Jospph Fickel leitsid on lelt eide of some Ranse south of Snake 33 mi south- Albany Neb Cattle branded FI on left ribs or rightshoilderSI on right bin and left ribs 6 on lefthip Horses FD or SD on right shoulder Itange mi north cast of Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur Black leji Vaccine Hutt Bret hers Th ut Peder Thorsen - Gordon Nebraska On right side T on right hip c horse brand and T on right shoulder Also cattle branded Xj S on leftside Range fowl miles south of Irwin F C DuerfeWt Manager Gordon Nebraska Cattle also brandedl 00 on richt hip Horses and mules uranded same as cut on left shoulder TB r x - r aLin ii jdtuWirgqrg5 y win nmixttin Poatoffice address Allen S D On left shoulder and baron side horses same on thigh Range Bear Cieek Hr iiiflLfih nin left shouldrandfcS on left side Ear mark left ear cropd Range Bear Creek SimWiiii 11 it iTiTiVTI Postofflce address Allen S D On left aiue tnd thigh horses on thigh Iange Hear Creek S H i - t fc Pine Kittee Reservation ST D Burnside end ADSnyder Pine Ridge S D Home ranch on head of Wounded Jvneo Creek in Sheridan Co Nebr Ji lJS5fttWGmQKL Alex Marrivall I S7 MJ Cattle ri 1SS Pine Ridge S D Cattle branded as on cut and below on either side liermk swallow fork 011 let and crop right Horse brands as below on left thigh or hip Horses HHEi EDWARD BAD nATR fcJ JAMES BUSH Postofflce address Allen S On left side Also on left side MJSrJ CHARGING BEAR Horses on left hip itange Bear Creek JOHN A LOGAN Postofflce address Allen S Dj On left shoulder and some 1 on JOE ROOKS JR Postofflce address Allen S D On left side horses 6ame on teigh Sange Bear Creek feslU tttti T 11 1 nin 111 irinl irint CHARLES LONE WOLF Postofflce address Allen S D On left side of cattle Range Bear Creek rostofflce address Allen 5 D On right ide and shoulder horses Fame on right thich Raiu Benr Creek CnARLESLONG HI AN FRANK A GALLIGO Postofflce address Manderson S D Left side and on young stock OIn block ranted Jefcsine Wcpi norsps thigh Range RocK Sjirings Basin Pullman and Xcivton Xclir SWEENEY BROS Postofflce address Pullman Neb iaiue ontnaei as on cut hordes branded same as cattle except roversea s See block Range Stever and StenhenRon m Lakes and South Him wn i I CHAS S HOIT Postoflice address Pullman Neb Branded on 1 jft side aUo 00 on left side also between eyes and nose Range 15 mies west of Pullman J L ROSEBERRY Postofflce address Pullman Neb Branded on left hin horses same I mark double dew lap Range south aud east of Brush Hili DYE Posfofllceriddress Pullman Noh Branded on left side A reward of 100 will be paid for in formation leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person for killing drivincofforconceal ing any ot ni came e JOE CULBERTSOX Poitoffice address Pullman Neb Branded on leftside horses T T on right shoulder a crop and slit In lert ear of cattle Range Forks of North Loup River M3aa399E9nBl A B CAP WELL Postofflce address Pullman Neb On left side of cattle Range North Loup Pullman Neb 1 Rrandon left side and thigh EarmarK snure crop right ear Southern branded cattle have but one half diamond E on left side Native cattle have GEORGE G BOTflWELL W W ANUEHSOX 1 f KOUDd Anderson Bounds BP- Vfl I r wAa S2SE Oii left side or hip left side or tip On left side W1HV Xeilel Neb Rangoon Niubraia Brand registered No 1U55 Ilitnge -Vi miles it of Nuuel XS3 uRCMSuIni Valentine Neb liraudcl on either side Range between 1 lun Iier ami Swan Lakf Sinie ko Nebraska Cittle branded oir loft side as on cnt uiso to on left sfihr wtiu 011 it u mp or on right side Horse brand rake and I on lct shoulder or hip Home ruien on Dewev Dike Range on Niobrara River eastMV Fort Niobrara also between Srake River n Simeon known as the Felch range aJ fn Ctierrjjf County Nebraska T A Adarnsou Vsilntiip Neb jfjjlffP WILLIAM yiisoN Postoffl -e addresj Kilgoro Nelir Brandeil on left side vesmM Kmge otheast G jorKia 11 A McQuade I JR n it ssismiMsi George Hejne Hooper Neb T7 r 1 1 1 ji leit W F I 8k 1 zp Ih1 w Brand registered No 10 27 Horses branded or left shoulder Ramie north and south of Cutcomb Lake in Clierrv Co Mickel Boltz Parker on llervey liimch Two miles east of trooKstonm Cherry county Nebraska Cattle branded OC on left hip on right hip and on right side with 3 inch letter Wm Cavanaogh Mgr Crookston Neb I IB R3 di 9 IVm Ft Niobrara Neb Brand rerrirfi oft NoSTO Horses branded on left hip Range Niobrara nver n miles east ui ituune IO Address I Hr Parker Reigt Neb Bund Mima as it Also ZP Jfaaneon Niobotr -south of Crookston I T Bichardson Porch Nebr Some on left hip iSfesaSa J Ahep mm ebi Horses on left shoulder mUfif mn tS ir f fiifnfiTnniiJf jKip Postofflce address Pullman 2 Branded as on cut aoou lefthip Range south anT east of Pullman Metzger Bros throat wattle Ranee on Gordon andJSnake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thign A tietcartl of 250 will be paid to uijr for information leading to the arrest anff rial conviction of any person or persons stealf ing cattle with abovebrand Teeter Bros Newton Nebraka Cattle branded as ou cut Some ft Side or hip Ranee on Gordon Creek 7 e 1 Gorsuch Bros Newton Neb- Horses same or left shoulder Ran co between the tionhiu and iho Snke vlr m ff miscellaneous rf j Y y v-