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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1899)
WOOD BROTHERS Live - Stock - Commission - Merchants South Omaha and Chicago < & < & * > WALTER E. WOOD , Cattle Salesman IIENRY LEFLER , nog Salesman We furnish Market .Reports free of expense. "Write to us. C. H. CORXJE5L. : President. 31. V. NIC1IOJL3O3 , Cashier flANK OF VALENTINE Valentine , Nebraska. . A General Ranking lousiness Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic aiid Foreign Exchange Chemical National Bank , New York. CorrcnpondentH ; First National Bank , Omaha Neb | The DONOHER < ft XXX 43 IB continually adding improvements and it is now the 43 best equipped , and most comfortable * FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NOKTHWEST NEBRASKA Jj | Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Room * ? 999999999 9999999 9999999 9999 * CHERRY QOUNTY RANK \ * r L- Valentine , Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold. Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable rates. County depository. E. SPARKS. President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier GENERAL Everything fresh and. clean , and prices that are right. Special attention given to pumps , tanks , and ranch supplies. J. - STEADMAN & CO- t Kennedy , Nebraska , The OWL SALOON Golden Sheaf I'ure White Rye , Susquehanna Ryeand Cedar CreeK Louisville , Kentucky , Bourbon Whisky. Pure Grape & Cognac Brandy's TokaAugeIlicaPortSherry and Black beriyin wood , claret , Riesling , Sauternes. Cooks Imperial ; Gasts and Clicquot in bet tles. Damiana and oth er Cordials. Also Agent for Fred Krugs Celebrated Fix- ra , Pale Bear for fimily USD , aai Pabsis Expwt Basr C. H. THOMPSON , C , M. SAGESER , TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving. HOT AND GOLD BATHS , FIRST CLASS MILL I have ebtnblished a Feed and Saw Mill n miles smith of Cody , at the mouth of Medicine Canyon , and am now prepared to jirind Fei-d.Corn Meal and Graham , turnout all kinds of Lumher and dimension - , mension sniff , and Native Shingles t Give us a trial order. J. F. HOOK Estrayed Two hordes ; one lirmvii horse /Branded O on left bhoulder. one l-l.icic horse branded IX on left shoulder. SS loft hip. Iwill ive the first de.cribe l horse t' tin' man who Hnds ami returns - turns the black described abow. Kyle , S. J ) . Taken up by the undersigned. 7 miles eat of Herrimau. one sorrel horse with front leg bro ken , bianded T on right shouMcr. Also one buckskin mare branded on left shoulder- Turtles can have same by roiiig property and p tying costs. . ai f G. w. Monuier , Merrnnan , Xeb. Strayed Two cows , about G years old , one dark red. one roan wieh horns tipped. Branded TC on right hip. J. A. Adamson. .Subscribe for : THE BcMCCirAT$1.00V Wanted 300 men to harvest sugar beets and for general farm work. Apply to Standard Cattle Company , Ames , Nebraska. 42 Taken up , at my place ten miles southwest of Cody , one 2-year old heif- er. speckled red and white , white face , branded left side , right ear clip'ped , with white ij IA/ face calf by her side M W Arthur Heath Louis Bordeaux Kosebud. S. D. Horses branded Alfred Bordeaux and Bros Kosebud , S D Prideaux Sanford Kennedy , Neb Stock branded on left side Horses branded on left shoulder Teeter ? Bros. Newton , Neb. Horses same on left shoulder Eance between the Gordon and the Snake He not too late with your Winter Vegetables "We are row ready for Winter Orders Tr\yuu want < oed vegetables , then Uunseu's is the phuc. Any kind of first class vegetables can' he secured by giving order to JENS TH OMSEN C. ELLING Manager ' Salesman B , HANSEN WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT EGBERT GOOD , Editor and Publisher I rise to protest agianst the laxity of our divorce laws. As they now are a judge who is so minded can grant a divorce upon the very flimsiest of grounds. For instance , we attended a divorce case recently .which took about fifteen minutas to hear and decide , and the plaintiff secured his decree upon the ground of "incompatability , " the most unreasonable excuse in the world. The couple were married only a few months , and no evidence was adduced to show that anything hsd been done to reconcile the differences of tempera ment. In another case a woman en tirely unknown to court , attorneys or spectators obtained her coveted freedom by merely saying she had been deserted. When the marriage vow is treated so lightly , is it any wonder that the number of unhappy marriages is increasing so rapidly ? I have always been taught , "What God : * ath joined together , let no man put asunder , " yet our courts violate the injunction every dav. Why do not our religious organizations take more interest in this matter':1 COURT News and Notes Some Visitors at the Bar of Justice. District court convened here Monday - day with Judge Kinkaid upon the bench. This is the judge's last term of court-in this countv , and he made seveial breaks regarding what he would allow at the next termand , had to retract them. The first jury case was that of State vs. Charles Bailey , and was tried Tuesday , occupying the entire da- . According to the evidence , the de fendant while riding tne range with G. W. Ladely , living in the southwest part of the countyassisted in cutting out an unbranded calf , which later was sold to Bob Gillaspie , then to a man named Zimmerman , and was later discovered and claimed by D. C. Nelson , the owner , and found to have on it that gentleman's brand. Bailey , who is a negro , claims that Ladely gave him the calf , but that worthy was not in court to substantiate the story , although subpoenaed as a wit ness. Taken all in all , the testimony showed that Ladely was as guilty if not more so than the prisoner. The case was worked up by Ed Blakeyand it is said that this is only a beginning. In his argument , John Tucker , attor ney for the defense , said the negro was but a catspaw. LATER Bailey pleads guilty to the charge against himand will probably receive a short term in the peniten tiary. Yesterday morning the case of State vs. Reese was calledand the de fendant pleaded guilty to having raped Hanna Peterson , a fourteen year old girl living on the Niobrara , south of town. Accordsng to the evidence the defendant , Frank G. Reese , committed the crime a couple of months ago , and at the preliminary he pleaded not guiltv. It is the con sensus of opinion that Reese saved himself about five years hard labor by his plea , the judge sentencing him to five years in the pen. . E. C. Cole is down from Cody , court ing. ing.H. H. G. Danks and E. B. Growden , of Brownlee , came up to attend court this week. Ed Blakey , inspector for the South Dakota stock association , is in town this week , attending court. A. Thompson , Louisa Seidfaden , Thos. McClean and Jos. Zerfas were among those who became full fledged American citizens at this term of court. Pat Piper , of Cody , is in town this week , as a member of the jury. In the language of Artemus Ward , Pat is "an amoosin' cuss'5 and the boys around town will all be sorry' when he goes home. N. D. Jackson of Neligh , J. W. Morris of Johnstown , L. K. Alder and A. W. Scattergood of Ainsworth , were among the attorneys who were present at the opening of district court. Monday morning. Teachers' Association. The Valentine Teachers' Associa tion will meet in the High School building , Dec. 9 , at 1.30 p. m. All who are interested in school work are invited to meet with us. The follow ing is the program : Chapters VIII , IX , X , Shoup's History and Science of Education. Articles from school jouruals by each teacher. LIZZIE CRAWFORD , Sec. Infant mortality is something frightful. Nearly one-quarter die before they reach one year , one-third before they are five , and one-half be fore they are fifteen ! The timely use of White's Cream Vermifuge would save a majority of these precious lives. Price 2T cents. L H Quigley , PRECINCT OFFICERS OF CHERRY COUNTY Elected for the Biennium Beginning January 7,1900 , 'at the Election / tion held November 7,1899 , ADDITIONAL LOCAL. At the Epworth League convention held in Atkinson last week it was decided I cided to hold the next convention in Valentine in June or July of next year. The Rev. Cumbow was elected president : Chas. Reece , secretaryand , lya Ef ner , treasurer. Valentine was further honored by haviny the papers of Mrs. Hornby and Miss Efner crder- ed published , these two being- the only ones accorded that distinction. If you are suffering from drowsiness in the day time , irratubility of temper , sleepless nights , general debility , head ache , and general want of tone of the system , use Ilorbine. You will get re lief and finally a cure. Price f ( > cents. J. II. Quigley WVJ I X COUNTY X \ CORRESPONDENCE. Weather fine. Health in this locality is especially good. Mrs. Lesserd , of Valentine , visited with Mrs. Adamson. John Onnesher and Fred Marsh started for the Black Hills , Friday , their friends wish them success on their journey. Last Monday morning several men assembled at the building recently pur chased by R. Grooms and by evening the same was on wheels ready to start Tuesday. Still more men came , fifteen in all , and started homeward. When about a half mile from the start an ac cident occurred which finished the pro gress for that day. Wednesday morn ing at daylight the same number began the work for the third day , and about 3 o'clock in the afternoon the building was landed in its place amid the cheers of all present. Work of unloading was begun and the building was soon on blocks. A little after sundown C.C. Thompson arrived on the scene with an organ and two violins , and later the ladies j of the neighborhood began to ar rive and soon all were engaged in a merry dance. Atmidnight supper was served by the hostess , assisted by Mrs j C. C. Thompson , Mrs. J. A. Adamson and Miss Eda Marks. At daylight the merrymaking subsided and all went to their respective homes. Mr. Grooms will now finish his new home by adding a'kitchen 12x12 , and will plaster and move in as soon as possible. UAD BOY. Eli Frecisict. Jnne weather for the time of year. P. Sullivan has put up an addition to his barn. Win. Dunbar and family spent last week up west. i I. B. Nichols shipped his sheep the first of last week. Mrs. O. C. Goodrich and son Charles arc visitin in Illinois. George and James Pruden were on the river the first of the week after timber. L. C. Star and wife , of Valentine , came up last week to visit with their children. Mrs. Gardiner was on the sick list the latter part of last week , as was also James Uennison. liev. Hunt was called to Cody last Wednesday , the loth inst. , to perform a marriage ceremony. We have for gotten the parties' names ; but what we wanted to say was , there was not a man , woman or child in the sleepy old town of Cody that knew anything about it except those at the house where the ceremony was performed. The groom was from Valentine and the bride was a Cody lady. SANDY. Mrs. Angie Ford gave an entertain ment at the school house in Distnct 49 last Saturday night. Her scholars car ried their parts well and showed care ful training. After the entertainment was over the people brought in baskets , boxes and jugs : the former filled with averything go d to eat and the latter filled with milk and water. Twenty- live cents a couple was charged for sup per , the proceeds going toward furnish ing a Christmas tree. We may be mis taken , . .but we believe 13. Hunt , O. Star and Jess Gorner can eat more than any other three men in Cherry county. WVVWV3 CHURCH NOTES , , The Rev. Bates will hold regular services at the Episcopal church next Sunday morning and evening. The union services of the young pee ple's societies at the Methodist church last Sunday evening were very largely attended , and it did one's soul good to see the earnestness and enthusiasm manifested by the members in their work. At the Presbyterian Sunday School each week at the close of services the leader places a fancy glass globe on the desk and requests all who have had a birthday during the week to come for ward and place therein a penny for each year of their age. The little tots seem to enjoy this exercise immensely. Communion service will be held at the Presbyterian church one week from next Sunday. Thousands of men and women suffer from piles , especially women with fe male Aveakness have this suffering to contend with in addition to their other / pains. Tabler's Buckeye Pile Oint-j mentvill quickly effect a cure. Price , 50 centsin bottles , tubes T.J cents. J. H. Quigley. f The following is a report of the j Georgia school for month ending Nov. J24th. Those who were neither tardy nor absent. Alvin Hoffman , Gertrude Coleman. Those not absent but tardy once or twice : Seward and Vera Wil son , Emma Anderson , Myrtle Richard son , Jessie Iloffman , Rollie Hoffman , Lizzie and Minnie Grabe. Those not missing over one or two days : Eddie Hoffman , Ferdinand , Ernest and Alma Ostermau , Chester Iloffman and Carrie Wilson. Those not absent : Celia Rothleutner. Number enrolled , 27. Average attendance , IS. MARGARET KIBLER , Teacher. Following is the report of the Crook- stou School for the month ending Nov. 24th , 1899 : Number enrolled , 17. Av erage attendance , 1C 1-2. Those neith er tardy nor absent are Helena , Viola , Gladys and Rudolph Viertel , Blanche , Myrtle , Royal and Elva Searby , Wil liam , Zeta and Blanche Rhine , Marion Gee and Wallace McDonald. Those absent but 1-2 day and not tardy , are : Alma and Mabel Johnson. MRS. CARRIE A. GEE. Teacher. If you have sore throat , soreness across the back or side , or your lungs feel sore or tender , or you are threat ened with diphtheria or pneumonmaD- ply Bollard's now Liniment external ly and use Bollard's Uorehound Syrup. Order to Show Cause In the District Court of Cherry County. Nebr. In the matter of the application of Mary A- Carson and Alfred Lewis. Executors of the will of William G. Carson , deceased , for the sale of real estate. And now on this 13th day of November , 1899 , this cause came on for hearing before W. H. Westover. one of the judges of the District court of Cherry county , Nebraska upon the petition of Mary A. Carson and Alfred Leu is. executors of said estate , praying for a license to sell tliu following described real estate , rr-wit : The se \ \ sec. 9 and n 'i nw U nnd s\v Jt n\v U and nw 4 sw \ \ , * ee 15. twp 31 , r 2H. Cherry County. NebrasKa.for the payment of the legacies named in the will of the aid William G. CarMHi. de ceased , and for the support and maintenance of The widow and minor Heirs , there being no per sonal estate for that purpose. Tt is therefore ordered that all persons inter ested in said estate , appear before me at Rush- ville , Nebraska , on the -'Gth day of December. 1805) . at 10 o'clock a. in. to show cause why li cense should not be granted to said executors to sell said real estate , and it is further ordered that a cony of this notice be published four con secutive weeks in Western News-Democrat in Cherry County , Nebraska. Dated this 13th day of November , 1809. at Rushville , Nebr. 43 W II. WESTOVER , Juage. 3IUI Prices for Feed. Bran , bulk 55c per cwt $10.00 ton Shorts bulk 65c per cwt $12.00 ton Screenings 40c " $7.00 " Chop Feed 55c " $16.00 " Corn 70c " $1300 " Oats 85c " $1600" C. A. WELLS J. B. WELLS WELLS BROS. ENTISTS ! Office over Cherry Comity Hank -I Will Open the- X VALENTINE STEAM LAUNDRY' , YES ! 'Figure the cost of washing at home and then see usOur prices are reasonable and work done to suit you. So many people have the mistaken idea that the Steam Laundry is hard on clothes. Xo ! The Steam Lundry of today can do your work better und make your clothes-last longer than can possibly be dr ne at home. GIVE US A TRIAL. " R MARTIN " , Manager , ?