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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1899)
7 * , v WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT IVevra , Farm and Stock KOSIEIIT GOBI ) . - Valentine , ALONZO HEATH I'Mtofllce address Cody , Nebraska On left side ; ! $ < ffj ' ' horses & & * IsftshouldorA $ $ Range7 north o Cutcomb Lale S A WINSLOW 5 address Cody. Nebraska Hrarided on either Fid AhorKcs same on eft , Hiiotilder , mgo 3-mi. north , eitxtof Kit ami south of NIobrara river , JJ- : mi sOuthwestofCody A C RIEJIENSCIINEIDER Codv. On right. sidi-al > eon \ on ritfht shoil'r ! and 2 on jaw. : l ; } on left hiiisot | ! ; on jaw ItHime Olil Poor Ranch on Niobnua A D COLE Postofllee adtlress Cody , NPhraska. Same as on cut , lell aide and .shoulder. Itanpc east and -outh- and west of Codv . CIIAS- ROBERTS Postoflice address Cody , Nebraska 1 On either side ; so ne I ! K 15 ; some 15 K H Ran eori Invest i f Cody PRANK J. JONES Postoflice CodyNebru.-ka Pi On right side ; bor- PiBi Bile xexsamc on left le f > hoillIlT ' ] ! angc. I'i'-'Iit milas ( \\rst of Cody dtN 01Rj Rj . CHARLES GARTSIDE Postoflice address Cody , Neb Cattle branded on eft side ; I.s i C O odeft hiii of cattle and left shoulder on horses Kitn < : e on'M'thrara lOinisonUiuestCodv JOHN SHAXGHAX PostofiVe nddress Cody , Nebraska On lelt side A No on lei I side I'd Horses J S on left ' ! li'ante hetx\een Cody : and Lake Creek J P GARDINER Postoflico address Cod3' , Nebraska Ou left side of cat tle : horses O right armRango Range , north and south of Niobnini west of Cody FRED AND WILLIAM MA YBEE. rostofflce address Cody N On lift side ; hoises sainteJt ! shoulder JJjinnark noU-h on unilenjlde of right ear Range east and H1IJ itith of Eli Rai .7 II STEELE I'ostoflice address Cody , Nebraska On left side ; also L.O or W L on left sule ot somecattlegMfefettf AisoKoR * $ on loft hipi gr'W' ' and horses oufcSAiSi' left shoulder Ra litre-Mouth of ; l5ear Creek JIV ! Nel G 11 SKAGER Postofflce address Codv , Neorasktt Po * CattleUnindedas on . cut on Iif I side , hip On and shoulder ; her 11 Range , Snake Creek old A FRAX1C MOGLE pen Una Postoflice address ; Cody , Nebraska On either de cattle v . _ herdmark left ear * 'ifi. " ' clipped and rlirht ear splithorses brandeil same on leftshoulder Range on Niobrara and jiledicineCanyon F.AT K , MANAGER. PostoflTi-f address - Valpuiiiip. ? " Like cut on hip a i ! U "el5 s > 1 " ilr , : * VA I-S nort " " - I"- * CIIAS S NICHOLS Postofflce address Merriman , Neb ' ) > i hip of cattle ; [ Il'.rM'K same left l .shoidder i I Range between Dear C . -ck and NIobrara. Itivcr , 9-mI southeast of Merriman SELDER BROTHERS Postofllce address Merriman , Neb On leftside of fir tlejalso fjJ2 horse.J on left p Range , north and Hontli of .Nmbrara Rivera-mis of Merriman G H FOLSOM Postofllcc address Mcrriman , Neb Branded on left side Range north of Mcrriman E F DEVIXE Postoflice address Merrinwn , Neb fir.u ded on left side ; horses si me on left shoulder Range between P.ear Creek and ihe Ni'ibrara river , ! ) mi S.E. of Merriman GEORGE STOVE 11 Postofllee address Merriman , Neb On left side ; horses .same left shoulder Rince-LIttle White River South Dakota GEORGE JESSEN Postofllee address Meiriman , Keb On aither left side or hi ] > ; horses same on lelt .shoulder B , nge-Kast of CoL tom\ood La he GENTRY. ABBOTT & MONAHAN * I'ostoillre address Hyannis. Nel J oth < mu efi sh'.e y\ \ 'ome stock hv _ _ _ randed . ' Ipfi stioiil ter A'left hip ; n'so N N anywheie n left side ; also J A left side ange head Middle .oup ( C S WILLIAMS address p. Nebraska On lelt sie ! ; jilso AV ! Ie.ll side ; also Jlefthii > : also W on side and Son hip ; horses S ° "left jaw Range-Eight m"e- > south of Gallop ALBERT XEXZEL Pi - 'o.stofllre address iS'enxel. Nebraska In 'n.Mthersido of ear e ; lii.iM's saiiH' aiiL'e northeast of icnzel Ri KM ; LAN ADAMSON Postoflicc address ' ' Chesterfield , ' - f'- sflev-.f/ IJr nded as on cut ; aSU i j 5 soinuyoii left Lip ; some just we brand like on ent on left tbiiri : u Ranee between v Bordman and rtuuke W G SAWYER ostofflce address Oasis , Nebraska tiller & Quisenbery iiveeharg'-of these I'd ittle ; hoi'M-s DM on It shoulder ; some. P r Lock branded X ho > iy\viiereoii uimii ) ; six Huge , Snake river sli IJICJIAKDS A CAJUNES CO. Cattle branded on any part of annual ; also the following brands : branded the same Raniro between Gordon on the &M. V.H. K. and k'annlson 11. & 'M.R. R. in Northwestern L-brasku. Address , BAUTUTT RICHA.IU > S . natron. N .bniska . ] W OSTRANDER sin jstoffice'"ad dress Rushville , Neb left thigh or hip ; . es J left I high Po llaime-Tleudwaters : Hn Gordon Greek HnI not nfi/t-lOO will be paid to anv for information leadli'g to tne arrest and laleonvieliou or any person or persons steal- cattle with above brand. MOREY & IIEWETT Postofllco address Oiordon , Neb On left side of i orses Siimeleft shoulder ; nlso a "d " left &i&&i _ of pome Range pouth ofSnske35-mi south- -1III < Otilun W.M Ri i' address Kennedy. N left side and hip ; rs'es l > or A oil i jaw iuiie t'AO rr-il rtliwt of Ken- \ DAWSON & BALL Postofllce address Chesterfiel-1. Neb Cattle branded on leftside as on cut : also v lelt neck andZ left bin : some V lett -leek , v left shoulder and ZlettLuhorses ! ; VZ left hip. liange Snake Itfrer,31,32.33. GEORGE G BOTH WELL Postoflice address f ullman. Neb Branded as on cut ; a n ) i lefthip Range south and eastof Pullman P FU LI-MAX Postofileeai'dress Ptilltmin. Nel Hranded as on out ; Abe p on shoul'I'T on side I' on hi- ] : lsu W side hip also I * on siuuilder , AVonsidi 1011 iii | > Ring north piong of North Loup CIIAS S HOYT PostoTiee address I'ullman , Neb Branded on leftside aljo CO on left side ; .jl-jo "between eyes and n se Raiigeir- miles weat of Pullman J L ROSEBEURY lUstofliee address Pullman. Neb Branded on left hii > ; Iiorses same d- inark-doitble dew-lap Range south and east of Brushllili S II DYE I'ostoffiee'address Pullman , Neb Branded on left side A reward of § 100 will be jiaiil for in formation leading to the arrest and final eonvfctmn of any pi-rson for .killing , driving off or conceal ing an > of my cattle If A BUCK Postofliee address IlyMims , Neb Hiandc'l ou leit side Range eighteen miles north of Hvaunis L L MORRILL Postofllce address Ilvannis , Ni-b On left side ; also S on left hip ; horses y left shoulder Range L'5-miles north of Ilyannis II C MASON 08toffl < T address H yan n is , Nel -n left Mile : Fonir aine on lott sid'"Hid iij ) Some on leit hi , _ I I : ihonlder Inline-Mother Lake iimuncr ranjre-ltiiig- iiin , Sheridan Cu. A SAULTS Postofllce address Gregory , Neb Ou left side or hip : horses same on left shoulder Range.-A rka nsa Valley a odtjnakr JOE CULBERTSOX 'ojt'-ffico addreps Ptil'iiiHii. Neb Ininded on leftside ; orse.s T T on r ght lioulder ; a crop > ml litinlettearot < ; < : ttle i Kmks of R\er C JENSEN" ostofiiee ai'dres.s Gallop , Nebraska Leftside on private fctjoek and nglit side on cattle on left side of cattle h Id. or Jeft side ] llurics ( J J on left loulder. Range-Eight miles south of Gallop JULIUS PETERSON 0 In te o-tuflirc address II Gregory. Neb IIhi randed as on cut erin erm Range two miles m irlh of Gregory in D N GOURLEY Postoflice address Rushville , Neb jOn U-fc hip ; also 3OO left side ; horses left bhoulder 1ange-CedarLak { ( OIK cnuitcii addres Merrnnan , Vet PC left fide : also Dr ihfc ' ! ; So tnge rforlh and CHARLES LONE WOLF Postofllee address Allen 3D On right side and shoulder , horses same on rightthlch .Range-Beat ; Creek MORRIS JANIES Postolflce address Rosebud. S. D. Cattle branded on left side PS on rut Itriigcon Rock Creek JOHN A LOGAN Postofiice address Allen , S. D,1 On left shoulder and hit ) ; some 1 on lelt shouldrand jjk on left side. Ear- maik-left ear crop'd Range-Bear Creek A GALLIGO Pos'ofllcc address Mandcrson , S. D. Left side and on young stoek. Ola stock Horses leit thigh Rnnge-Rock Springs liasin JA3IES BUSH PostoiHce address Allen S On leit side Also on lt > fc side KV afe- Horses on left hip Hange - Hear Creek R M FADDIS Pottofliceiddress Pass , Neb Range , Nor h Lotip River CHARLES LOKG Postoflieeaddress Allen S jOn - > On left side of cattle Range Bear Creek GEORGE N DAVIS Postofflce address Simeon , Neb Branded on right side or hip Also on left hip 'lorses on right i houlder as on cut Kangc-tiordon and : Shake CHARGING BEAR Poslolfice address Allen SI ) On left nine and thigh horses on thigh Range Bear Creek STEAD MA 24 HROS Brand on leit side Horses and C F COOPER Postoflice address Kennedy , Cattle branded on left side same a- , cut Stoek over one year olden on right side ; iiorses same on lett shoulder Range soul h & west iliickberrv Lake ami t.urlew Also some brand m eft leg JACOBSOX BROTHERS Postoflice address Gregory , Ne' On left side ; s-tme same with I on b-ft shoulder hordes lott shoulder Range Gor don and Goose Lake DAX WEBSTER Postoffice address Harlan , Nebraska Dn left side or hip ; PC lorses branded same eft sh mMer llange between Nio rarn and Snal- riv" on rtJ , south of Merri- uau a A Keirtirtfnj-tHf will he paid to any un lereon for information leading to tne arrestand om Inal conviction of any person or persons stea'- m ug cuttle or hoises with above brand. O J PostoTlce addrcst Brown'ef Nebr On eft side Range , betweer Goose Creek aad Loup A T BRACKETT 'ostoflice address os lliege Neb Iranded on left side 'aiige-Thre * miles 1 WILLIAM WILSOX Postofflce address KHjiore Nebi' ' Branded on left side / ' L vi-.i _ JP \ Itsmge-Sotitheast of Georgia II SCHULTZ Postothce address McCann Neb Stock branded'as on cut Range North and south of Georgia WFLHEL3I ANDERSON Postoffice address McCann Nel Branded on left side horses same on lelt hip Range between the xiobrara and Snake JOHN DUBRAY. -x Po > tofllcc address Merriman. Neb On left side , jaw or hip Range Lnke Creek South Dakota. A. B. CAP WELL Postolliep address Pullman Neb On left pidcof cattle I'ango North LOSIJI JOE ROOKS JK , Posiofllce address Allen S u On left side ; horses on teigh Sange IJoar Creek ilervev Hunch Two miles cast of Crookhton , in Clierry ( comuy , Nebraska Cattle branded OC on left hip. on right hip , and on i icht side with 3-inch letter Win Cnvanaugh Mgr Crookston Neb ClIAMUERLAIN & CO P < ) j-toffiee address Brownlee , Neb Branded on either side same as on cut also both jaws H V DOWNING Postofllee addrens Gregory , Nel ) On left side ; also CO L E on side Range Stevenson Lake P.KE Poscotflcc address Cmokston , Neb Braude'l on eithe sideotartmar bctne _ _ n right hip IBJJB Range On . miIes east of Crookptou E E AND II E WOODRUFF Postoffice address Hyannis. Neb On left bio and left side. Also stoek branded on left pide and reversed S on right shoulder ; also ngbt nip hud lelt side Ruuge-Moiher Lake X RICHARDSON Postoflice address i McCann Neb ; C Branded on leftside McCann It anLJ A T DAVIS 'ostofflce address liyannis , Neb On right side Isonj I left I shoaltle 1 also ! cattle o < ) ' ri-'lit si l Range IB miles north of Hjannis R A WESTOVER Postofllce address Lakeland , Xe'o Peen Branded on left hip on right side 01 er Ran e in Brown and CJierry countie * ; nr headwaters of the f Calamus river. R. HANSON. to/lice add res ? Valentine. Neb Cattle branded on eft hip ; horses the ! uig ° : n Dry Val- er lirnnil and Paper One 83.5O Robert Good , Valentine , P S KOUSCHE Postofllce address Brownlee , Xeb | On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut off ; hornes branded same on left hip.Also has stock branded II on side or shoulder , orJKoriVorO VI , orO or FZ. Also the following , the first one being on side and hip LEB'ASP SONS Poatoffloeaddrea Brownies Neb On rlsfct d . 01 LKoa ssrafl aids , ibo LEK o left side Range , north oj rownlfle , 2 to * mile * GEO IIIGGINS Postofllce address Brownlee , > Branded on left side ; some HJeft side and thighaud il on left thigh Range Duck Lake JOHN J Po tofilce address Brownlee Neb Oniishtiide Range , lion * ValJe/ CLARENCE K SMITH Postoffice address Whitman , Xel On left side ; horses same on leftshoulder on left side inywhere on animal. OuRl afc up or thigh Rffl Jaime north prong * Middle Loup river and Buffalo Lake S W Chcsnut Gordon. Xebniska lirand same as cut on left hip. Range head of Gordon Creek , forty miles southeast of Gordon. Breeder of Hereford cattle. J G COOLEY Postofllce address Ilyannis , Neb on ri htside ; bor es same on right shoulder lue six miles J\j north of Moth er Lake precinct A J PLUMER Postoffice address Hyannis , Xcb Branded on right slue and h' p Also have stock In untied on right side and hip Horses on right hip Range-Southwestern Cherry County. W E STANSBIE AND D O BAUGH Postoflice address Ilyannis , Xeb On left bin ancjeft side Also on left hip and leftside Iiorses same fc r brands on shoulders Range 23-iniles orth of Hyaiinls MASON COMPANY kPostoffice address Ilyannis , Keb On right hip ; T lj either side On right xS illp * at horses ses right ' bhonlcier e seven miles north of Ilyannis. SWEENEY BROS. Postofliee addrc-ss Pullman , Neb : ittie branded : isou' ut : horses branded lame as cattle excepts s- Jange SteverSjJ ind Stephenson .akes and South A HUMPHREY J'oslofllcc a Idress Hj-annia , Neb Branded anywhere on right side ; horses ses same on left shonlder lUmge - . sixteen miles northeast of Hyann ROBERT IIILNES ostoflice address Cody , Nebraska randed on left side ; ses same left shottl ange on Snaie south Codv. Charles Richards Merriraait , Xeb I