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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1899)
BITS B- SUMMARY OF LATflB NE IMPRISONS WIFE THREE D WITHOUT FOOD. Polip4e Broke Into the Place Ju /'Time lo Save Her Ijile Tivc Six Men Injured in a Knlli "Wreck in Iowa. * St. Louis : In Hie grasp of her ir hunsband , Mrs. Ralh Relf of 2830 ' fornia Avenue bat'lled for her life fr \ p. m. last Salurday night lill 2 a. in. day morning. When help finally i Mis. Relf was so weak that she e scarcely speak. She had been k < prisoner by her husband in their thin \ for three days , for two days of this she was without food. When she attem to leave Ihe room her husband would her and brin her back. A tenant on the floor below , hearing disturbance , finally called on a pa ; policeman , who summoned help and hastened to the woman's relief. Mi sounds anel a woman's moans cotil heard as Ihe party reached the third i Forcing open the door , Mrs. Relf wasf < lying on Ihe bed with her husband's h clutching her throat. She was strugj : feebly , but was unable to offer imicl sislance. Her husband retained his until he was pulled away. Relf was ii to the police station and thence to the hospital , where he was placed in oneol cells of Ihe observation wards. lie been confined in the insane asylum for eral months. Three weeks ago he was leased at the request of his wife , as it thought that he was cured. Last sp Relf fell from a building and receivct injury to his brain. HE THREW UP HIS HANDS 15ut "When He Did the Telejjrt Operator Had a Gun. Chicago : Frank Giles , a police I graph operator , was attacked by two f < pads on the evening of the llth inst. killed one , wounded the second , am third bullet from his revolver strucl pedestrian in the calf of the leg infiici a slight wound. Giles had been t theater with a young lady , andaftersee her home was passing the corner of D sion and Astor streets , a fashionable ref of the Xorth Side , when he was c fronted by two men , who told 1 lo throw up his hands. Giles refute to obey the command , and one the men fired at him at close range , ball cutting his right cheek , which A also scorched by the flash. Giles had own revolver out by this time , and at first shot killed one of his assailants. ' : other started to run , but Giles brought 1 down with a bullet , inflicting , howev only a slight wound , as the man sprang and continued his flight. One of bullets from his revolver inflicted a slij wound on a man nearly a block elista TWENTY-SIX WERE INJURED , Collision on the Xcw Liine of t Illinois Central Near Denison. Denison , Iowa : Twenty-six workm * including Headmaster Gilleas , were i jured by a collision between a work tr ; and a gravel train about nine miles noi of Denison on the llth inst. on the new li of the Illinois Central. The trains met a sharp curve. The men were crowded box cars and had little chance for escai A special engine took Headmaster Gille to his home at Cherokee. The other m were brought to Denison and are beii cared for at various places. The women the cit } ' contributed in every possible w ; to the relief of the injured. There were 1 men on the train. Xo blame is attached the crew of the gravel train. BATTLE WITH THE POLICE. One Robber Killed in a Fight wil Pennsylvania OJlicers. Titusville. PH. : Three masked robbe entered a disorderly house on the evenii of the 12th inst. and held up the inmat for $1,500 in money and jewelry. Chief i Police McGrath , , vith Officer'sheehy , a tempted to arrest them , and a battle ei sued. McGrath was wounded three time probably fatally. Sheehy wasdangerousl hurt. The robbers escaped , but one of the ; was afterwards found dead , and it is n ported another was badly wounded. THURSTON TO MARRY. Nebraska Senator AVill Weel ? ili.s Ijola Pcariiian. Omaha : Tlie Omaha Bee on the 321 Inst. published an item of the forthcomin nuptials of Senator John M. Thurston c [ Xebraska , and Miss Lola Fearman , o Washington , D. C. , within ten days. Mis Pearman , is the daughter of man Pearman. Mollineux and Cornish the Same. New York : The World publishes ai affidavit by Joseph Koch , manage of a Broad \ \ ay private lettc agency , positively identifying Ro land B. Mollineux as the man who engagcc a letter box on Dec. 21 , ] 8' ' 3 , under tin name of II. Cornish. Koch further sweare that a sample box of Kulnow powder , a. well as other pieces of arrived , ad dressed to II. Cornish. Meat Forty Cents a Pound. Havana : The local papers are again ex ercised about the/price of meat. Many oi the poor cannot buy meat at all , as a good deal of the meal isWld at 40 cents a pound , while all kinds couPl be sold at 15 cents a jiound. \ Brings $ lOOpO in Gold. San Francisco ; The Steamer Homer has 'arrived here from St. 'Michael , Dutch Harbor and Cape .Nome. The vessel brought 170 passengers and about $100,000 in gold. BATTLE OF BAILC IOWA , NEBRASKA AND SO DAKOTA RETURNS. Former and JLuttcr States Cai by the Republicans , While in braska the Fusionist Ticket Cc Out Victorious. Des Moines , Iowa , Xov. 10 : The re licans will have 115 out of the 150 raer of the general assembly on joint 1 next -winter. This is a gain of fil The republicans , including holdovers have six members of the senate , and have elected seventy-nine members o house. The legislative contests wei markably close in a number'of coui and some of the results were surpri In half a dozen districts the oi count is apt to make a chi According to the unofficial fij one republican , Thienan , is elite to the house from Scott by a plurali 1 vote. II. W. Bycrs , republican , speaker of the house , is , on the face o returns , elected to the house again Shelby County by 5 votes. Hinkle , re lican , was elected to the house from W County by but 15 votes , the county { ; republican by 400. F. E. Ayres , re lican , was elected to the house in Chi saw , although the county went 30C White , and in Carroll County Benneli publican , was elected to the house by although White carried the county by C. S. Ranck , who was a democratic n ber of the last senate , and accepted nomination from the repuhlicans of [ owa-Johnson district , was snowed ui running far behind his ticket , altlu the Warren-Clark senatorial districtT strongly republican. Senator Berry publica.i.vas defeated for re-elei through local influences. M. L. Tei ivas once more elected to the house i Olark county. Two years ago he was feated by a democrat after making a 'or the famous "Temple amendmc Dlaude R. Porter , democratic candi "or secretary of state last year , ran mough ahead of his ticket to secure Section as senator in the Davis-Appan listrict. Returns from ninety of the ninety- jounties of the state , with estimates or ) thers , show that the republican claii > 0,000 plurality for Gov. Shaw is a naintained and may go slightly above igure. His majority over all candid or governor is estimated at 48,000 , w s the largest in the history of ( he sta .he gubernatorial vote. Based on the ) f 1898 , the vote this year shows a rei ican increase of about 3 per cent , for epublicans and 10 per cent , for the de irats , which would make the total rep ican vote in the neighborhood of 24J md the total democratic vote about 190 , Jut this is a falling off from the vote s.97 of about G to 10 per cent , respectiv L'he legislature will stan i : Senate 85 mblicans and 15 democrats ; house , 83 mblicans and 17 democrats , a gain oi otes on joint ballot for the republic ; Joth the Gear and Cummins forces clai uajority of the republican votes for Inited States senator-ship. Carroll : Carroll County goes democr y 250 majority , a icpublican gain of 40 LeMars : Fuller returns show that f5i arried this county by 82 votes. Cherokee : Eesults in Cherokee Cou re as follows : Shaw 3,734 ; White , 1 , : publican plurality of (513. ( Fort Dodge : Returns from the twen iue precincts in Webster County g haw for governor a majority of 1,112. Onawa : Monona County goes deraocr ; tr governor by 24 majority. Ilarlan : Byers carries Shelby Cou ya safe majority , probably 200.rj ate republican ticket will carry mnty by at least 150. Ha warden : Shaw , 195 ; White , ] he county ticket received nearly the 1 ) te received by the head of the ticket. Ida Grove : Complete returns from ] mnty give Shaw 93 majority. Dubuque : Almost complete retui iow democrats swept the county by n rities as follows : White , governor , 1,6 olan , senator , 487 ; Saner , representati )02 ) ; McAleer , representative , 1,372. Boone : Boone county is republican large majority. Cedar Rapids : Full unofficial retui ow every man on the republican ticl Linn county has been elected. Shi 3eived 5,731 and White 3,965 , a den itio gain over two years ago of abc / Pnmghar : O'Brien County compli res Shaw 1,843 , White 1,380. Turlington : Des Moines County gi\ hite , democrat for governor , 217 major ! 3r Shaw , republican. Storm Lake : Returns from seventeen s eighteen precincts of Buena Vis unty give Shaw 1,764 votes , and Whi iioux Center : All returns are in ai nx County has gone Republican. Shau , jority over White is 797. Jockwell City : Calhoun County h ie republican by 1,200 majority. libley : Osceola County complete giv iw 904 , White 822. tock Rapids : Complete unoflicial r us in Lyou County give Shaw 1,25 ute 1,313. ac City : Sac County complete giv < LW 2,161 , White 1,155 , Atwood 126. ouncil Bluffs : Returns indicate Poth i-tamie has gone republican by aboi majority. Itumwa : Shaw's majority in Wapell nty is estimated at over 503. The ei republican county ticket will I ted. [ arshalltown : Returns indicate Shaw ; rality will exceed 1,500 in this count } the senatorial and legislative ticke y as much. avenport : Scott County gives Shaw rality of about 300. ranee City : Sioux Bounty : Shaw 5 ; White , 1,538 , a reduction of about 15 i the republican majority of two year > encer : Clay County has given Shav 1,000 majority. Igona : Shaw has 750 majority in Kos . The remainder of the republicai it is elected with the exception o iff. arion : Ten precincts out of twenty give Shaw 1,073 , White 292. The en republican county ticket is elected. rroll : Carroll County gave Shaw 1,933 te 2,241. jnison : Complete returns of Crawfore ity give Shaw 1,963 , White 2,252. nssley : Garlleld Township gave Shav. While 306. vaCity : Eight precincts in Johnson ty give Shaw a gain of 3. ebolt : Sac County has gen < ? republi can by over 900 majority. The entir publican county ticket is elected. Keokuk : The city of Keokuk Shaw 1,316 , White 1,459. Ilavelock : Pocahontas County Shaw 1,686 ; White , 1,213. First Reports. Des Moines , Iowa , Nov. 8 : Returns 117 precincts , or about one-fifth of the show that Gov. Shaw , republican , rec 53,587 ; White , democrat , 38,512. The ratio , if kept up , will give Shaw a pi ity of about 60,000. Chairman W claims Shaw's election by 65,000. . 3'clock last night Gen. Weaver of tl [ mblican state central committee cla : he stale by more than 50,000 maj < naking this as his most conservative nate. Chairman Huffman of the d iratic committee , conceded the state a ; ame hour to be 40,000 republican. Dickinson. Spirit Lake : Entire Dickinson cc icket is elected. Myers , republica ilected representative in the Eighty listrict by a large majority. Jjyon. Rock Rapids : Incomplete returns 0 precinpts give Shaw 578 , White jister 881 , Bonuert 474 , Schee 376 , At on 487. The indications are that tin ire democratic county ticket witli ixception of superintendent is ele Hie republicans will have a small ma y on the state ticket. Sutherland : Waterman township < Jhaw 149 , White 101 ; Lister 155 , Bai 01 , Schee 156 , Anderson 97. Floyd. Charles City : Floyd County giv ; ain of 800 republican over two years Charles City gives Shaw 188"majc 'owner , republican , is elected repre ative. Hamilton. Webster City : Hamilton County one republican by 1,300 majority , very republican on the ticket is electi Sac. Sac City : Jackson township gives S i8 , White 182. The county gives Sha jast 800 plurality. Stallcop , republi < 1 elected representative by a large ) rity. Monona. Onawa : Returns from eleven towns 'iili the balance estimated indicate [ onona County has gone republica : ) ahead of the ticket. The republ Duuty officers are elected , except she hich is in doubt. Black Hawk. Waterloo : Black Hawk County , < lated , gives Shaw 3,132 , White 1,676. Y\ \ jpublican , is elected to the legislat 'he ' full republican ticket is elected. Crawford. Denison : Eight precincts in Craw ounty show : Denison , First ward , SI 7 , White 41 ; Second ward , Shaw rhite 86 ; Third ward , Shaw 155 , W i ; Westside , Shaw 68 , White 00 ; Clin ak , Shaw 153 , White 161 ; Willow , SI i , White 40 ; Union , Shaw 153 , White ishnabotna , Shaw 200 , White 136. At resent rate Shaw will carry Crawi ounty. The election of McWilliam e legislature is still in doubt. Allaniakec. Dubuque : Shaw's plurality in A akee county is 400. Senator Trew < the same district is 1,200. Des Moines. Burlington : Very slow and meager rns in Des Moines county point t smocratic victory in the county. Osceola. Sibley : Osceola county has gone iblican for Shaw and the remain the state ticket about 70 majority. ' . unty gave Redmond , republican , ijority for superintendent and the ] the county went democratic on jislative and county tickets with ab majority. Biiena Vista. Sioux Rapids : Shaw 179 , White lliman 180 , Bevis 21. Represeutati ilson , republican , 185 ; Smith , unty ticket about the same as tlie st ket. ilia : The vote of Xokomis towns es Shaw 205 , White 74 ; Atwood ayd 15 , a republican gain. Palo Alto. Smmetsburg : Palo Alto County 1 ie republican on state and legislate kets by about 300. 300.Scott. Scott. ) avenport : Scott County gives Win nocrat , 500 plurality. O'Brien. iheldon : Shaw carries the three wai Sheldon and Floyel township by : rality. Schee , for representative , rar es behind the head of the ticket. 'aullina : Paullina was carried by t uhlicans by the usual majorities. Slu ; White , 99 ; for representative , Scht ublican , 122 ; Anderson , democrat , i : fimghar : Eight precincts in O'Bri mty give Shaw 897 , White , 604. Sin representative , will have 500 majori is certainly elected , anborn : Shaw 233 , White 118 ; 3151 i 234 , Bestis 111. Balance of tick ight republican. Sion.v. oux Center : West Branch Townsh ; 26S votes ; republican 178 , elemocr nixed 67. Welcome Township cast 1 iblican and 24 democratic votes , eton : Sixteen out of twenty-thn iincts in Sioux County give Shaw 1,94 ite 1,272. The entire republican couul et is elected. > ck Valley : This precinct gives Sha White 122 ; for state senator , List < Bangcrt 116 : for representative , Cart ( Sepma 99 ; official. nil : Lincoln Township , a precinct < x County : For governor , Shaw 12 : te 93 ; for representative , Carter an : er 122 , Sepona 85 ; total vote cast 319. > ck Rapids : The vote of Rock town , Sioux county , is as follows : Repub i , 176 ; democratic , 122. Lister , fetor tor , gets a majority of 62. C. " \ \ or ran ahead 10L Reports just i ; Capet township show a republica of 94 ; democratic , 24. Welcome her country township , is republica : )7 to 19 democratic. Boone. one : Boone County will give up Is of 1,000 majority for Shaw and elec hole republican county ticket. Buchanan. lependence : Estimated resultofelec in Buchanan County gives Shaw' : rity as 600 votes. Plymouth. ron : Portland township complet < 100 majority for Shaw. The entirt jlicau ticket is elected by good ma- es except superintendent. Mars : Lemars city gives Shaw 487 e419 ; Gibson , republican , 'for repre- live , 479 ; Cottrell , democrat , 431 , t township gives Shaw 54 , White 67 ; in 60 , Cottrell 63. Plymouth town- jives Shaw 114 , White S2'Gibsou ; 116 , Cottrell 81. Indications are that tli tire republican county ticket is e with the possible exception of c superintendent. Ida County. Ida Grove : Ida County has gone i lican by about 110. Carroll. Carroll : White will carry this cour , 230 , a democratic loss of 420. Benne [ ) ublicau , elected to succeed a demo representative. Ijinn. Cedar Rapids : Fifteen out of thirtj precincts , Linn County , give Shaw White 1,193. Two years ago Linn Shaw 5,408 , White , 3,889. "Wapello. Ottumwa : Wapello County gives > 00 majority , against 297 two years The entire republican ticket was el > y same majority. "Woodbury. Sioux City : This county gave th hue republican majorities. SOUTH DAKOTA. ileturns Seem to Indicate a Re lican Victory. Sioux Falls : The latest returns ine hat the state has gone republican. C nan Bowley of the democratic state nittee concedes the election of the re ican judges by 2,000 majority. Xat /ommitleeman Kittredge claims the ion of the republican judges by a maj f 10,000. Secretary Wright of the i eform campaign committee , claims lection of Bennett and concedes thed f Kennedy and Smith by a majori 00. From figures at hand the republ laintain their ticket is elected by ] lajority , and there is some inclinati < a raise this estimate to 12,000. Rail lommissioner LaFollette , in behalf o usion managers , states that they lected Bennet , of their nominees. Aberdeen : Two hundred and twe mr precincts give republicans 8.69C ionists 5,176. Chairman Ilerried pre iat the republicans will carry the sta ,000. , Brown County is close. The re cans claim it by 200 majority. Deadwood : It is conceded by the fu < its that Lawrence County will give m a majority of 500 , and all of the ( lack Hills counties excepting Pennin re believed to have gone republican )0 ) to 200 majority. Botli parties c ennington County , and there will iai-gin of only a few votes either ' he vote of the Hills Avas about half of : the last election. It is believed the 1 : is gone republican by 1,100. Huron : Returns from but six preci . this ( Beadle ) county give Corson , re ] san , 301 over Smith , fusion , with lit id Fuller , botli republicans , only a > les behind Corson. Only 60 per cen ie registered vote was polled in thecou .e result showing a republican gain. Elk Point : The result of the electio e county is as follows , unofficial : Si 2 , Kennedy 752 , Bennett 746 ; Co 8 , Haney 650 , Fuller 637. Little r an half the vote of the county was < lie average majority for fusion candid about 105. This is a loss to fusio out 50 as compared with former e ) ns. Lynch , republican , was elected ssor ; Smythe , republican , justice ; Fl ing , fusion , justice ; Eslick and Dyer , ) n , constables. Springfield : Springfielel's vote was Hews : For judges , Corson , 123 ; Hai 3 ; Fuller , 120 , all republicans. ' lion reform party vote was , for Sin ; Kennedy , 53 ; Bennett , 49. For cou mmissioner Mclntosh , republican , ived 143 votes , while his dei * tie opponent received but 32. in Homrne precinct , the former hem < 3 republican candidate , the vote stoo < 5 in his favor , thus assuring his elect : Scotland : The vote in Scotland i ; ict was light , only 180 votes polled , jse Corson received 105 , Haney iller 99 ; Smith 24 , Kennedy 27 , Beni Returns from ten i recincts in I > mme County give the republican c lates for judges of the supreme co i majority. Armour : Unofficial returns from n icinctsgive Smith 294 , Kennedy i nnett 294 ; Corson 297 , Haney 296 , Ful . Five precincts to hear from will g i republican judges a small majority. Chamberlain : Twenty-five out of tw < seven precincts in Brule County g i following. Fusion , Smith 427 , K ( iy 430 , Bennett i24 ; republican , COK , flaney 342 , Fuller 338. litchell : Returns from fourteen p cts in this ( Davison ) county give C < .489 , Haney 501 , Fuller 473 ; Smith 3 anedy 373 , Bennett 390. A light vi 3 cast in this county. Haney's major 28 , a republican gain of 213. ettysburg : Complete returns of Pot' ' mty give the republican judges jority , a net republican gain of 188 o\ vote on governor last year. Tatertown : Complete returns of Co ton County give Corson 550 , Han Fuller 466 ; Smith 495 , Kennedy 41 mett 684. Warren Page , republican , ilected commissioner , lanelreau : Complete returns of Moot ' nty give republicans , Corson , 32 icy , 327 ; Fuller , 326 ; populists , Smit Kennedy , 271 ; Bennett , 268. - rmour : Douglas County gives tl on candidates for supreme judge ority. ermillion : Complete returns in Ch nty give Corson 70i , Haney 701 , Full Smith 552 , Kennedy 564 , Bennett 558. iller : All but seven precincts give n licans 332 , fusionists 200. The republ majority in Hand County will be ju it 100. iidison : Twelve precincts in Lak nty and Madison give the republica ; es 70 majority. The remaining pr < is will not change the result in tl ity. Less than one-third of the voi cast. srre : Fourteen out of eighteen pn : s in Hughes County give Corson 33 ; ey 868 , Fuller 339 , Smith 117 , Kenned Bennett 135. iree precincts in Stanley County , in ing Fort Pierre , give Corson 31 , llane Fuller 35 , Smith 36 , Kennedy 3 ! ictt 86. nkton : All precincts heard fron pting two small ones , give the repub s 150 majority for judges of th iine court. Corrected returns fror econd commissioner ( listrict give Me or , fusion , S3 mojority. First Reports. erdeenr Returns from 214 precincts ii unities J ive a republican majority o and indicate that the state has g on < jlicau by 10,000. Aberdeen city give mblican majority of 197. Return : country precincts coming in slow , bu ite .Brown County vote very close sides claiming a victory. 3Iinnehuha. ix Falls : The city oKsioux Falls complete returns give a republican n ity of 2SS ; net republican gain , 195. Davis. Mitchell : The election was quiet s full vote was notpolled. Republican : ried the city. Hanson County. Alexandria : Hanson County , five clncis complete , give republican c dates 60 majority. The vote was light. Republicans cast a much gi per cent , of their vote than the fusio The same ratio throughout the county give republicans 50 to 100 majority. Hutchinson. Menno : Less than half the vote cast here. Menno , republican 115 , f 7 ; Olivet , republican 55 , fusion , 14. Hughes. Sioux Falls : Hughes County : I City : For supreme court , Corson , re lican , 274 ; Hai-ey , republican , 262 ; Fi republican , 251 ; Smith , fusion , 54 ; aedy , fusion , 55 ; Barrett , fusion , 30. Moody. Flandreau : Moody county is 1 republican. Precincts heard fron Flandreau give republican judges populist 55 ; Egan , republican 42 , poj M ; Grovcna , republican 18. populis dolman , republican 34 , populist 22. Brule. Chamberlain : Five precincts , inclti Chamberlain and Pukwana , give fi 154 , republican 146. Lowe , fusioi jlected county commissioner over ST epublican , by a majority of 66. Campbell. Mound City : Mound City pre ; ives republican judges 50 ; fusion vith less than one-third of the vote po Campbell county will give a repub ! najority of 150. Douglas. Armour : Complete returns from s > recmcts give repuhlican judg-es 217 v inion reform judges 242. -Luke. Madison : Madison , with half the nit , gives the republican judges 90 mi ty. The country vote is very light. Hanel. Miller : Five precincts , including Mi it. Lawrence and Ree Heights , givi epublican ; 52 fusion. Chairman Ch ; 'hompson , of the republican commi stimates a republican majority in 1 ] bounty on this vote at 20. For dis ommissioner Thomas Trythall , ineifp < nt republican , is probably elected lie straight republican candidate. Beadle. Huron : Beadle County gives a rej can majority of at least 230. Less tht or cent , of the total vote was polled , lough early indications were that ne ie entire vote would be cast. Brookiiigs. Brookings : Eight precincts out of 2- ; rookings County give Bennett , fus 50 majority over Fuller , republican , robable majority of Bennett jn mnty will be 200 , a heavy tailing eli ipublican votes. Yanktoii. Tankton : A little-over a half a i as polled in this city and county. ' ty , with four outside precincts , gives ipublican supreme judges 100 major he second commissioner district , wh eludes two of the largest wards in ty , gives McGregor , union , 100 major er Wyman. republican. Meade. Sturgis : Meade County gave a popu ajority. For supreme jiulge Smith ha ujority of 50 over Corson. Lawrence. Deadwood : Republicans carry the Biz ills by a majority of two to one. Spink. Fteelfield : Returns indicate a major r the republican ticket of about S iports from Frankfort and Doland sh e vote is two to one in favor of i publican ticket. ticket.Fall Fall River. [ lot Springs : Hot Springs , Edgeim d Oelrichs give a republican majority L. The county precincts will reduce out one third. Day. Webster : Thirteen precincts in D unty gave the republican ticket 8 ( ; ion , 244. Kingsbury. ) eSmet : Kingsbury county has go ( ublican by a small majority. Bon Horn me. Icotland : The republican candidat the supreme court carry Scotland i majorityA light vote was polled. Hyde. lighmore : Four precincts in Hy mty , including this town , give the "r alican state ticket 54 majority. Clay. rermillion : Clay County has probab te republican by 125 majority. Coelington. fatertown : Xine precincts of Codinj County out of twenty-two give Corse Haney 376 , Fuller 814 , Smith 304 , Kei y 302 , Bennett 416. Bennett probab : ries the county by 150 majority. It home county. Sauborn. 'oonsocket : Eight precincts , includhi onsocket , Artesian and Letcher an : e county townships , give the republic 77 majority. Aurora. lankinton : Eleven precincts out e nty-four in Aurora County go repuL n. The entire county wal probably ° < > n reform. Imicoln. mton : The republican candidates fc erne judges get 200 majority in 10 pre ts of Lincoln County with ten more t from. The fusion candidate for com ; ioner in the First District is elected b lajority. NEBRASKA GOES FUSION. comb Carries the State by Good 3Iajority. ncoln : The fusion majority in ka will not be less than 12,000 am reach 16,0o'0. The republicans mak < llort to explain the causes , throifh ; ber of leaders differ with Mr. Brvai s statement that it is a rebuke to "th , > nal administration. They maintaii fusion gains arc over last year , wher usionists fell far short of their nor strength , and they point out the faci liolcomb , when he ran for governor las ! , carried the state by 21,000. . J. Bryan gave out this statement- i campaign in Nebraska wasfou liton > nal issues , and the result is a protest ist the policy of the administration/ ' . Bryan said he had no comment tc i on results in other states , laha : Holcomb , fusion candidate for Lipreme bench , carries Omaha. Sixty- i precincts , not including South : ia , and seven county precincts -ive jmb a majority of o'J7. Cornty will give Holcomb at least 1,000. , Nebraska Iteturns from 210 precincts in outride of Doutilas County civc liolcomb , Reese , republican , 21,741. fusion , 21,452 ; in Omaha inve precincts Forty-six Reese , republican , 4,316 ; Holcomb , 4,538. Two hundred and twenty-seven precincts in Nebraska outside of Douglas County Sive liolcomb 23ltt , Reese 22,893. / Knox County. Niobrara : Knox County complete gives- Reese 1,070 ; Allen , ellg- Qolcomb 1,608 ; , , Lrict judge , 1,720 ; Wells , 1,174. All tht Tusion county officers were elected. Dakota County. Dakota City : The Dakota county re- imblican citizens' ticket carried the county \ \ i > y 200 to 400. Judge Evans likely lost the- result is- jounty by 50 votes , although the it carried rery close. Four years ago he of the fusion state- jy 800. The head icket carried the county by 93. Detailed returns by townships follow : Pigeon Creek Supreme judge , Reese 83 , [ lolcomb 84 ; district judge , Evans 29 , 3raves 30 ; county clerk , Billee 40 , bnuley ! 0 ; treasurer , Boer ! 28 , Gribble 31 ; sheriff , sides 34 , Kelly 33 ; county judge , Enners 18 , Beacom 30 , Mansfield 7 ; district court ilerk , McBeath 29 , Ford 83 ; surveyor , lemnger 82 , Foltz 32 ; coroner , Barnes 21. Omadi Reese 128 , liolcomb 111 ; Evans 26 , Graves 156 ; Billee 216 , Smiley 01 ; Bolez - 55 , Gribble 125 ; Sides iM , Kelly 8U ; Ei- ners 135 , Beacom 81 , Mansfield 116 : Mc- Jeath 1S3 , Ford 96. St. Johns Reese 40 , IlolcomblOS ; Evana 3 , Graves 112 ; Billee 107 , Smiley 05 ; Boler 29 , Gribble 47 ; Sides 04 , Kelly 112 ; Eimers 1 , Beacom 101 , Mansfield 14 ; HapiMiian , 38 ; McBeatl > 74 , Ford 92 ; Reminder 103 , ' 'oltz 62 : Barnes 48. Sawyer 120. Summit Reese IS , Ho'lcomb 86 ; Evans 8 , Graves 62 ; Billee 68 , SmHey41 ; Buler 6 , Gribble Oi ) ; Sides 42 , Kelly 77 ; Enners 6 , Beacom 59 ; Mt-Boath 85 , Ford 79. Emerson Kcese 41 , liolcomb 74 ; B.llee 5 , Smiley 46 ; Botur CS , Gribble 73 ; .Sides 7 , ! Kelly 56 ; Enners 68 , Beacom 51 , M..ns- eld 12 ; McBeath 02 , Ford OS. Dakota City Reese 155 , Holcomb NO ; Ivans 111 , Graves Si ; Billee 218. Smiley 2 ; Boler 111 , Gnbblo 143 ; Sides 150. Kelly 3 ; Eimers 100 , Beacom 39 ; Mzinsllel't 40 ; lapeman 215 ; McBeath 215 , Ford 38. South Sioux City Reese 183 , Hok-omb 3 ; Evans 186 , Graves 129 : BMI - 172 , rnileylOS , Boler 121 , Gribble 1C4 ; Sides J5 , Kelly 155 ; Eimers 19 ! ) , Bcvicom 71 , [ anslield 13 ; McBeath 168 , Ford 100. Ilubbard Reese 26 , Holcomb 96 : Evans , Graves 92 : Billee 70 , Smiley 66 ; Bolei ' . , Gribble 76 ; Sides 46 , Kelly 93 ; Ennera ) , Beacom 81 , Mansfield 13 ; McBeath 35 , ord 97. Covington ami St. Johns precincts. < om- rising commissioner district Xo. 1. fleeted ouis Blanchard over Thomas Sullivan , . , by a majority of 15 votes. Sullivan haa 2ld the office for Hie past live ycarb. First Ileturns. Lincoln-'Xeb. , Xov. S : It is evident tc ) th parties in yesterday's fight that Xe- aska has repledged her allegiance to the sion standard. While republicans are > t yet willing to admit defeat , the figures ) int that way. There has been a steady lling off of tht * vote of both parties , bui hile the fusionists have suffered but little * e republican loss has been more than ree to a precinct. If the present ratio Is aintained ex-Gov. liolcomb and tha sion state ticket will be elected by uoJ ; s than 10,000. The fusionists claim much are. Omaha , Xeb. , Xov. 8 : A telegram from ncoln states the returns received there / 3 very discouraging to the republican mmittee , showing gains for Holcorab , 3 fusion candidate , over the vote of lasl ar. Chairman Edmisten of the populist mmittee says that Holcomb is elected by least 12,000 votes , and his majority may more. Jineoln , Xov. 8 : Returns up to mid- ; ht last night continue to show the same lion gain as earlier reports , and there is longer the least doubt of the fusion ket's election. Chairman Edmisten , of the populist state itral committee , said : We have carried the state by 15,000 and ; e made gains in county offices. " lhairman Tefft , of the republican com- .lee , declined lo make a statement , but nyof his associates admitted defeat * ugh not conceding it by as large a ma- ity as claimed by the fusionists. Askeet nidnight for a statement. W. J. Bryan lied , with laughter : "I concede "the : e of Xebraska to the fusionists by 15- , " This ( Lancaster ) county elects tha ire republican county ticket , with the sible exception of sheriff. Burt County. yens , Xov. 8 : Lyons , Oakland , Craig , : amah .and Decatur give Reese 342 ority. The balance of the republican et is elected , with the exception of nty clerk. Dixon County. 'akefield , Xov. 8 : Wakefield township is Holcomb 29 majority. SpringbankT se , 21 majority. Logan , Reese , 19 ma ty. Indications are that Ekeroth and mpson , republican , were elected ity clerk and treasurer respectively. ? e Evans will carry the county district judge , running ahead his ticket in all precincts. _ / * \Vaync County. ay ne , Xov. 8 : Twelve precincts out of nteen give Reese 060 , Holcomb 6CG. kins Precinct goes 20 majority for > e. Republicans elect county clerk , ity judge , county superintendent , ity surveyor , and Coroner Welch c-ar- the county by about 20. Thurston County. nder , Xov. S : JJpven out of nine pre- ts in Thurston County give Hol'-mb Reese 336. Indications are that u- sts have elected all county ofil'ersr the possible exception of treasurer. Dixon County. nca : Everything in Dixon County ts to a good republican majority , e is a republican majority on Mute Bounty tickets. The outlyingpre - s indicate a repubilicun gain and have republican. Dakota County. ikson : Judge supreme court , Reese olcomb 105. Rejientsstateuniversiiy , , McGilfin 33 , Geedern 90 , Ri" s 89 ii2 , Fitch 1. lerson : Total vote cast , 13S. Sue - e judge , Reese 40 , Holcomb 74. Antelope County. ligh : The city of Xeligh complete Reese , republican , 150 ; Holcomo , n , 92. Had Observed It. es , " remarked Mr. Ferguson , TTDO had his cycling suit on , "the rain : up when I was about half way anel I can tell you I streaked it ome. " ? s , " responded Mrs. Ferguson. "I eel the streak up and down your -as soon as vou came iu " r i